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01/21/12(Sat)15:01:37 No.375668666 File1327176097.jpg-(68 KB, 720x540, 1327158864724.jpg)
 >Did you have to fuck your way to the top? No, but im sure a few of my conquests may have helped me along the way a little bit but only when i was at the top of my game. >Why
are you posting here on /b/? Have you not heard of how this shitty
website is shitty? Have you not heard how this is the asshole of the
internet? Do you realize that posting here on /b/ ruins any creditability you might have as being a decent human being??? I love /b/, don't be so pessimistic >Did you fuck Paris Hilton? No, but I so totally would hatefuck her into a coma. >What are your benefits working in the film industry?? Plenty,
good pay (although i generally have to put it straight back into my
next project) lots of travelling, get to meet all the people you've
always wondered are like in real life. fuck interesting women, putting
all your ideas out there and watching people watch them and think, "I
made that, i did this!!!!" it's better to be a single man in this
game though, i have plenty of mates who have wives or second wives or
third wives, relationships dont last long. |