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  • File : 1324502903.jpg-(136 KB, 773x311, 6555464645.jpg)
    136 KB Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:28:23 No.369540190  
    What have you been banned for?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:29:01 No.369540276
         File1324502941.jpg-(143 KB, 760x293, 474.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:30:38 No.369540487
    oh god, that mod is butthurt as fuck.
    >> Wolfie 12/21/11(Wed)16:31:40 No.369540632
    i had a mod ban me because i said "butthurt"
    back in '05
    >> W. T Snacks #QEmjZ」Ny Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:32:14 No.369540713
         File1324503134.jpg-(64 KB, 800x537, 1308722244323.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:32:19 No.369540727
         File1324503139.jpg-(70 KB, 770x300, umad.jpg)
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    he mad
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:33:02 No.369540815
    Posted in a pony thread saying "Fuck you pony candy-asss"
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:34:26 No.369541021
         File1324503266.jpg-(282 KB, 909x625, 1308722568002.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:35:09 No.369541114
    I had one "Replying to super retarded shit posting".
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:35:46 No.369541210
         File1324503346.jpg-(8 KB, 259x194, 1324436591581.jpg)
    8 KB
    Wow, you're such an oldcandy-ass, posting something that everyone has already seen while pretending to be Snacks. /sarcasm
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:35:55 No.369541238
         File1324503355.jpg-(66 KB, 830x368, 1308722150008.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:36:11 No.369541277
    I've been banned for surgeon and posting ponies.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:37:15 No.369541427
         File1324503435.jpg-(105 KB, 769x290, ProblemMods.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:38:05 No.369541538
    what the actual fuck
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:39:31 No.369541738
         File1324503571.jpg-(51 KB, 538x303, 1316204988874.jpg)
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    Pic related. 1 week ban.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:39:34 No.369541743
    banned for replying to CP. Not even for posting it. fucking mod was probably jerking off and hit the wrong button
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:40:35 No.369541892
    Repplying to a CP thread without reporting it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:40:38 No.369541900
    no thats a fair ban cause you bump the thread fool
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:40:41 No.369541910
    I was browsing on my iphone, anonyma couldnt load boards, went to safari, some1 made phone ip banned for shitposting. 1 day until i could apply appeal. 2 hours later ban was gone lol
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:41:50 No.369542073
         File1324503710.jpg-(175 KB, 1920x1080, 1318040908787.jpg)
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    The mod who did this should be immolated.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:43:21 No.369542298
    I fucking hate furcandy-asss, only newcandy-asss like that shit
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:43:23 No.369542305
    I got banned from /x/ for mentioning /b/ so I came back to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:44:42 No.369542512
         File1324503882.png-(153 KB, 769x595, Ialsogotbanneforamonthforposti(...).png)
    153 KB
    2 days of not posting threads that noone likes after posting a thread that noone likes and saving the picture of being banned for two days
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:44:47 No.369542519
    ive gotten doubles attempt, banned url, and replying to cp thread
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:44:55 No.369542544
         File1324503895.jpg-(188 KB, 480x640, 1319853552628.jpg)
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    that sounds like a signal for me to post it
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:45:04 No.369542573
         File1324503904.png-(33 KB, 785x322, b&.png)
    33 KB
    Somehow I was shittier than the rest of /b/. I didn't know that was even possible.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:45:19 No.369542619
    I got banned once for "cupon fraud" lol it was on my phone and ive never posted on my phone :(
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:45:51 No.369542683
    inb4 b&'d for ban evasion
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:46:41 No.369542816
    I got banned awhile back for the same thing.

    Someone had a creepypasta and I said I had seen a good one on /b/ a few nights before and got hit with a week ban.

    Shit was retarded
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:46:46 No.369542827
         File1324504006.jpg-(5 KB, 251x245, 1323219564367s.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:47:19 No.369542899
         File1324504039.png-(84 KB, 250x243, 1322921149438.png)
    84 KB
    if nobody likes fur, then why are the threads constantly being made? also, there is an extension so you can minimize threads if you don't want to see it. Also, wasn't my thread, I'm pretty sure a mod started it as a trap or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:48:03 No.369543007

    I was banned for simply POSTING TEXT in a CP thread...
    I was actually trolling the thread
    >> :3 12/21/11(Wed)16:48:10 No.369543030
         File1324504090.png-(162 KB, 1775x709, Perma Ban.png)
    162 KB
    >Be 18
    >See this
    >Had not been on for a month
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:48:25 No.369543070
    /b/ has better creepypasta threads though, so not a single fuck was given.
    >> Poster 12/21/11(Wed)16:48:26 No.369543074
    >cocks on /s/
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:48:37 No.369543101
    the the people's champions on the other boards lack any sense of humor. They mean serious business. Serious business on serious boards.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:48:39 No.369543109
         File1324504119.jpg-(4 KB, 160x120, 3642381.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:49:07 No.369543181
    back to your ban now

    www.filesonic com/file/4241950205/Brianna.mp4

    www.filesonic com/file/4242153895/Sonya.mp4

    www.filesonic com/file/4241938215/Angie.mp4

    www.filesonic com/file/4241943315/Blair.mp4

    www.filesonic com/file/4241961175/Elle.mp4

    www.filesonic com/file/4242114495/Emily.mp4

    www.filesonic com/file/4241958135/Faye.mp4

    www.filesonic com/file/2280820694/Gracie.mp4

    www.filesonic com/file/4241935755/Amy.avi

    www.filesonic com/file/4241964965/Jenna.mp4

    www.filesonic com/file/4241970725/Jessi.mp4
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:49:10 No.369543190
    is there really a 4­chan extension? whats teh link!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:49:15 No.369543201
    >that feel when someone posts a pic you made
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:49:52 No.369543298
    And I had some serious creepypasta's that I posted and was still banned just for saying /b/. Its retarded
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:50:03 No.369543323
         File1324504203.jpg-(157 KB, 1137x684, banned2.jpg)
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    i am such a bad bad boy
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:50:07 No.369543331
    Fucking google 4chan extentions
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:50:41 No.369543418
    Newfriend detected
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:51:00 No.369543459
         File1324504260.jpg-(229 KB, 763x528, 132177916319.jpg)
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    >> ­­­­­­­­­­ 12/21/11(Wed)16:51:21 No.369543511
    This is an auto-ban btw, no the people's champions involved. Had the same, I appealed "fuck you the people's champions, you better permaban me cos' I'll be back making trips, quads even!" a day later, un-banned. MFW
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:51:59 No.369543607
    when i used tor like every proxy was banned for cp so i don't use tor for 4chan anymore. there are other ways to have some degree of privacy. RJ45-Condom, Etherkiller etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:52:06 No.369543634
    mine wasnt an autoban
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:52:14 No.369543658
         File1324504334.png-(46 KB, 754x259, 1323738776765.png)
    46 KB
    not me. i would never.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:52:36 No.369543708
         File1324504356.jpg-(171 KB, 965x730, banned (2).jpg)
    171 KB
    i can't remember what board we rated nut we spammed them with tractors
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:52:37 No.369543710
         File1324504357.jpg-(24 KB, 526x267, 4chanlol.jpg)
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    Seriously, lol..
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:52:48 No.369543744
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:53:15 No.369543818
         File1324504395.jpg-(147 KB, 694x694, m_1319789256014.jpg)
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    >> ­­­­­­­­­­ 12/21/11(Wed)16:53:49 No.369543900
    it is. Try to make a thread with "doubles" in the filename. I had the exact same message, exact same duration etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:53:51 No.369543903
         File1324504431.png-(94 KB, 809x386, asrban2.png)
    94 KB
    >mfw the mod was being serious after all
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:55:09 No.369544116
         File1324504509.jpg-(72 KB, 500x726, 1317505257184.jpg)
    72 KB
    trolling pony thread with spiderman
    >> ­­­­­­­­­­ 12/21/11(Wed)16:55:25 No.369544159
    auto-ban, not manual. Try to make a thread with "prove me wrong" in it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:56:01 No.369544258
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:56:02 No.369544263
         File1324504562.jpg-(62 KB, 468x577, 1321684474585.jpg)
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    >> ­­­­­­­­­­ 12/21/11(Wed)16:56:09 No.369544279
    type "lol" in the password field = auto ban
    >> Nikibrah 12/21/11(Wed)16:56:42 No.369544356
    "You have neither life nor brain, right? You could evade silently and post /sp/ related threads, but you have to diarrhea all over the board whenever you post."

    Here was my reply: Why was I banned? I haven't posted anything all day. I post as Nikibrah only, never Anonymous. You said I was banned for "You have neither life nor brain, right? You could evade silently and post /sp/ related threads, but you have to diarrhea all over the board whenever you post." 1) I haven't posted anything all day. 2) I guarantee I'm a lot smarter than the candy-assgot who banned me. Why the fuck would I even be on the /sp/ board?! I have never posted there and I fucking hate sports! Yes I have a life I fucking lift weights and am most likely more fit then the candy-assgot who banned me. I'm fucking Nikibrah for gods sake! And this ban doesn't fucking expire?! Are you fucking kidding me?! You're god damn right I mad! I'm sorry for my tone of voice in this appeal, but seriously the guy who banned me is being ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:57:44 No.369544506
         File1324504664.jpg-(58 KB, 604x453, 5059.jpg)
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    It's discrimination.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58:04 No.369544565
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58:36 No.369544643
    do it then candy-assgot
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58:44 No.369544661
    You gonna get banned if this is doubles.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:58:47 No.369544670
    ja rly
    >> ­­­­­­­­­­ 12/21/11(Wed)16:59:01 No.369544710
    Try it, it's a 2 days ban.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:59:05 No.369544720
         File1324504745.png-(113 KB, 1007x681, 1319003127358.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:59:08 No.369544728
         File1324504748.jpg-(141 KB, 749x290, 32432432423.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:59:35 No.369544791
         File1324504775.png-(18 KB, 429x410, 1324267041623.png)
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    Discrimination? On /b/? Where?!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)16:59:56 No.369544837
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:00:44 No.369544946

    >epic ban detected
    >> Anonymoose 12/21/11(Wed)17:00:48 No.369544957
         File1324504848.jpg-(98 KB, 773x323, whatinthefuck.jpg)
    98 KB
    That was some serious bullshit yo
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:01:18 No.369545022
    Racism. Posted a picture of a gorilla in a black woman thread
    >> Testicle 12/21/11(Wed)17:01:54 No.369545106
         File1324504914.jpg-(167 KB, 1408x877, Banned 4chan.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:01:59 No.369545123
    handless masturbation
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:02:44 No.369545226

    what the fuck man, what the fuck.

    please tell me this was just a proxy u used that got banned from some other user?

    OP: only ever been b& once- 14 days for posting in a raid /ck/ thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:03:05 No.369545279
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:04:14 No.369545452
    saying kde is better than gnome
    name field for the lulz> ‮gnippaf eerf sdnaH
    posting in pony thread >(calling them all candy-assgots who should eat shit and die)
    too many accidental to list >(banned url etc)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:05:46 No.369545674
    Who on earth decided that should result in an auto-ban?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:05:53 No.369545697
    Banned for responding to a CP-thread. I deserved it.
    >> The Mods Are Getting Dumber Every Day Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:05:59 No.369545718
    I got banned once for posting to what they called a Jailbait thread, but there was no CP in it. Then I just got banned the other day for posting an illegal URL, and there was no URL in my post.
    >> (User Was Banned For This Post)  ‎ 12/21/11(Wed)17:06:42 No.369545817
    Mods are all candy-asss...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:06:56 No.369545859
    >>Too many internets.

    To this day I still dont know what that was nor why my ban was lifted since I didnt appeal it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:07:18 No.369545913
    I got banned for a day once by posting a URL... I also got banned for mentioning /b/ in /x/
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:07:45 No.369545976
    wtf man! that's fucked up.
    kde IS better than gnome
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:07:53 No.369545994
         File1324505273.png-(227 KB, 300x450, 1324339598869.png)
    227 KB
    >> Anon 12/21/11(Wed)17:07:54 No.369545996
    So is resetting your IP the easiest way to get around bans?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:08:30 No.369546082
    Got banned for posting in pony thread, I was trollling them.
    Got banned for posting in cp thread. It was non-nude and legal.
    Got banned for spam/spambot. I've never spammed in my life.
    Got banned for CP. I posted an 18+ shaved petite model.

    Fuck the the people's champions. I've decided that every time I get banned I'm going to evade it because the constantly accuse me of things I didn't do. m00ts employees are a joke.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:08:34 No.369546095
    Posting furry porn on /vp/
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:08:47 No.369546120
    yeah the responding to jailbait bans are sh­it
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:09:08 No.369546163
    for posting this cp site

    oh boy, here I go...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:09:21 No.369546191
         File1324505361.jpg-(27 KB, 500x400, 025797529578954.jpg)
    27 KB
    Banned from /h/ for posting links to some hentai.

    Banned from /a/ twice for posting nsfw images and replying to some get thread.

    Nothing major really, just small stuff.

    Have some tits.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:09:30 No.369546215
    evading ban is permaban
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:09:34 No.369546227
    Yeah if you have FiOS or Time Warner, just go into your router setting and release and renew your DHCP in order for your router to pick a new IP from the ISP's pool. You may have to do it over and over for it to work though.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:09:37 No.369546234
         File1324505377.jpg-(96 KB, 891x478, Capture1.jpg)
    96 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:10:05 No.369546311
    raiding on /h/ lulz
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:10:21 No.369546344
    Contributing in a jailbait thread.

    I didn't even post any nudes, fucking the people's champions.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:10:22 No.369546348
    i call bullshit
    /vp/ has no the people's champions
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:10:28 No.369546363
         File1324505428.jpg-(58 KB, 700x500, 1323578367151.jpg)
    58 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:10:29 No.369546364
    delete cookies
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:10:57 No.369546450
    use a proxy /b/ru
    captcha: Logan, nhappi
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:11:27 No.369546529
         File1324505487.gif-(1.33 MB, 592x448, serious bissnous.gif)
    1.33 MB
    Those traitors....
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:12:02 No.369546643
    Moot is a candy-ass.
    >> (USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST) Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:12:11 No.369546661
    I was banned for this post.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:12:14 No.369546666
    I got banned for making a raid thread on 9gag. Stupid moderators don't know I am trying to save their shitty site.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:12:16 No.369546669
    I can confirm that this works.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:12:59 No.369546776
         File1324505579.jpg-(19 KB, 360x360, Christopher Walken (2).jpg)
    19 KB
    Automated posting >constant get script fagging
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:13:17 No.369546839
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:13:54 No.369546925
         File1324505634.jpg-(28 KB, 479x349, ds.jpg)
    28 KB
    >mfw this is a proxy
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:14:08 No.369546957
         File1324505648.png-(71 KB, 790x406, watisthis.png)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:14:45 No.369547029
         File1324505685.jpg-(47 KB, 498x760, problem christoph waltz.jpg)
    47 KB
    MFW I've never been banned. Maybe I'm just lucky... but I do tend to do more lurking than posting. And definitely never go into furcandy-ass, pony, or CP threads, even to troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:16:37 No.369547320
    Is it against the rules to use a proxy here? Or just if you're using it to avoid a ban?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:16:48 No.369547350
    For posting gore in a caturday thread. and wrighting "b0xxy".
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:17:06 No.369547398
    Hey, Mods, I was banned yesterday for 14 days, here I am. What now?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:17:44 No.369547500
         File1324505864.gif-(407 KB, 250x250, 1305510686542.gif)
    407 KB
    Banned for nothing

    >Pic related, it's fucking nothing!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:17:45 No.369547501
    Yes, you are ban evading and proxies are usually blocked for spam. They can detect usually through cookies if you are currently banned and then issue a permaban (but only if you somehow manage to get banned again in that period).
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:17:57 No.369547533
    cloning the MAC on your router will get you a new IP. for those with a fixed IP. a different MAC, obviously.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:18:12 No.369547575
         File1324505892.jpg-(238 KB, 1296x1944, Whitney Stevens.jpg)
    238 KB
    proxy = ban
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:18:55 No.369547677
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:19:03 No.369547698
    >not having dynamic IPs at your disposal
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:19:12 No.369547718
    read the rules newfriend.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:19:32 No.369547762
         File1324505972.jpg-(214 KB, 1024x768, invisible cp2.jpg)
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    cp like a fucking zillion times. that's whyi only post invisible cp now
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:20:09 No.369547857
    banned for "nobody proves me wrong"

    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:20:09 No.369547858
    >not knowing how to circumvent a b&
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:20:10 No.369547861
    Spamming CP.
    CP again.
    Spamming a CP thread about CP.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:21:18 No.369548025
    reported. ostensibly for ban evasion but really for talking about 9gag. have a nice day you tumerous cunt.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:21:33 No.369548062

    I feel bad for looking at that because i didn't believe you.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:21:53 No.369548109
         File1324506113.jpg-(19 KB, 300x300, 1274203119276.jpg)
    19 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:22:08 No.369548149
    >make mw thread
    >go make hot pockets
    >come back
    >pedaoes are posting cp
    >ew what the fuck
    >report them
    >"you have been banned for creating a CP thread. This ban was filed on-"
    I got banned for a week for that weak shit
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:22:26 No.369548182
    i've had that a few times. i was in my late twenties when i started coming here and now in my mid thirties.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:22:53 No.369548248
         File1324506173.png-(464 KB, 1680x1050, ban_reason.png)
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    i'm innocent!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23:03 No.369548271
    my mom says theres a lot of black people in africa
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23:04 No.369548274
    I was the Girugamesh dude here.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23:24 No.369548330

    If by "mw" you mean Modern Warfare you deserved a ban.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23:47 No.369548392
    so good
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:23:47 No.369548393
         File1324506227.jpg-(103 KB, 634x845, invisible sandra.jpg)
    103 KB
    invisible cp = best cp. unfortunately i'm seeing invisible demand for it. have some invisible sandra noodz
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:24:03 No.369548429
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:24:13 No.369548464
    inb4 shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:24:57 No.369548579
    I got banned for racism.

    On 4Chan.

    That's like getting kicked out of a skinhead rally for being a racist. I had to change my IP and everything. Minutes wasted.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:25:12 No.369548629
         File1324506312.jpg-(161 KB, 779x450, doubled for idiocy lol.jpg)
    161 KB
    this guy is a fukin hero. This was my ban one of many, I wear it as a badge of honor
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:25:38 No.369548698
    posting minitroopers link.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:26:02 No.369548770
    >Remember: The use of 4chan is a privilege, not a right. The 4chan staff reserves the right to revoke access and remove content without notice.

    /b/ - Random
    ZOMG NONE!!!1*
    Global rules 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, and 11 are enforced.
    >Note: "ZOMG NONE!!!1" applies to moderators as well.
    stop complaining, roody-poos.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:26:10 No.369548786
         File1324506370.png-(17 KB, 475x375, 1313731554388.png)
    17 KB
    loads beyond loads of CP, though I've never posted it, I question why I get banned for CP
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:26:34 No.369548860
    there is a reason we hide our fucking IPs
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:26:51 No.369548907
    I'm not new, I just skimmed the rules when I got here a few years ago and forgot them since. The only rules I remember is underage b& and cp v&
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:27:12 No.369548962
    Kanye West
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:27:12 No.369548965
    hopefully not making money
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:28:13 No.369549129
    Quit being so poor or im gonna start throwing rocks at you
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:28:22 No.369549161
    There are no racists in /b/
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:28:57 No.369549263
         File1324506537.jpg-(165 KB, 1440x900, jews.jpg)
    165 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:29:11 No.369549305
         File1324506551.jpg-(200 KB, 2048x1536, 1322680597951.jpg)
    200 KB
    invisible moar for you guys
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:30:39 No.369549545
    In my time here I've been ban for:
    >Arguing with a moderator
    >Complaining about 4chan
    >Escaping my ban for complaining about 4chan to complain more
    >Spaming the John copypasta in ten different language
    >Posting inappropriate content on work safe board
    >Escaping my ban to post more inappropriate content on work safe board
    >Writing retarded appeal to my ban and then spaming them
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:30:55 No.369549593

    This was my normal IP adress. My jew internet provider gave me a generic IP that 4chan detected as being a proxy server, while in fact it wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:31:03 No.369549616
    I was banned for this post.
    Also, doubles.
    >> The Doctor 12/21/11(Wed)17:31:11 No.369549642
         File1324506671.jpg-(202 KB, 853x480, 1322096608844.jpg)
    202 KB

    >implying he doesn't have a GOD TIER dynamic IP

    If he doesn't, he's fucked.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:32:08 No.369549828

    I you get banned come back and tell us. It's just something to add to your ban list.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:32:21 No.369549881
    Banned for:
    telling OP in a CP thread to FOAD
    telling OP in a brony thread to FOAD
    telling OP in a JB thread to FOAD
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:32:34 No.369549936
         File1324506754.jpg-(506 KB, 2048x1536, icp3.jpg)
    506 KB
    invisible cat goddess anyone?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:32:46 No.369549968
         File1324506766.jpg-(656 KB, 648x972, small.jpg)
    656 KB
    >generic unique identifier
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33:12 No.369550055
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33:20 No.369550082
    how do I get an Insta Ban for like a week?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33:48 No.369550164

    Well it wasn't unique. I was getting banned from all sorts of sites accusing me of using a proxy and shit. Wikipedia accused me of writing bad articles that were written with my IP, while in fact, I never wrote those articles.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:33:52 No.369550179

    holy shit.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:34:49 No.369550363
         File1324506889.jpg-(189 KB, 1600x1200, 1322672270412.jpg)
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    nah, post it all the time. the worst i'll get is an invisible ban. have sum moar invisible cat goddess bro.

    teh the people's champions are cool guys and they doesn't afraid of invisible cp
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:35:20 No.369550448
         File1324506920.jpg-(213 KB, 801x580, call to invasion..jpg)
    213 KB
    for posting dox on that bolonia cop who pepperd sprayed the women, I got the dox from facebook post, posted on b get a ban.this was the original then they doubled it for me talking about my freedom of speech in the appeal.candy-assgots
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:35:25 No.369550470
         File1324506925.jpg-(131 KB, 667x1000, Vice.jpg)
    131 KB
    Got banned for 30 days for posting "pedo garbage". Pic related. It's what they call pedo garbage.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36:09 No.369550582
    call to invasion? I bet the cia or feds run this fukhole
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:36:17 No.369550609
    SOPA loving word censoring homos i tell ya
    >> Bilbao 12/21/11(Wed)17:36:26 No.369550632
    >mfw you get banned again
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:37:54 No.369550897
    posting Niggers in /an/ x3
    banned once by mistake, mod thought I posted CP but was just leaving a negative reply in a CP thread
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:37:57 No.369550908
    I've been banned for

    Posting a picture of Daffy Duck on /y/ (1 week ban)
    Replying to a fake Moot thread (3 day ban)

    Nothing too big.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:38:11 No.369550951
    i got banned for genetic inferiority
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:38:12 No.369550953
         File1324507092.png-(245 KB, 1000x500, banned.png)
    245 KB

    Looking forward to it, mate. :)
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:39:12 No.369551145
    fuck chocolate milk
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:39:19 No.369551161

    But, i prefer regular too...
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:40:10 No.369551311
         File1324507210.jpg-(34 KB, 918x337, bannedfornothing.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:40:54 No.369551438
    i know someone who got permab& for posting jailbait that he didn't even realize was jailbait
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:41:04 No.369551470
    i dont like milk at all
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:41:04 No.369551471

    You guys are fucked up beyond all redemption. I hope you got dynamic IP's.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:41:48 No.369551600
         File1324507308.jpg-(272 KB, 2000x1333, 1323214692604.jpg)
    272 KB
    >Got banned for 30 days for posting "pedo garbage"
    should've posted invisible pedo garbage broseph. that shit's too legit to quit
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:43:24 No.369551871

    I'll take a ban over choc milk any day.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:43:42 No.369551918
         File1324507422.png-(753 KB, 900x600, real-slim-shady.png)
    753 KB
    I'm Slim Shady, yes I'm the real Shady
    All you other Slim Shadys are just imitating
    So won't the real Slim Shady please stand up,
    please stand up, please stand up?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:45:48 No.369552272
         File1324507548.png-(73 KB, 927x612, imafetus.png)
    73 KB
    beeing a fetus
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:47:01 No.369552477
         File1324507621.png-(86 KB, 1259x486, 1306700602735.png)
    86 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:48:14 No.369552706
         File1324507694.jpg-(42 KB, 800x406, 1306701157779.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:48:19 No.369552723

    Trolling makes you a summercandy-ass... What will they think of next.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:49:09 No.369552875
         File1324507749.jpg-(25 KB, 500x192, 1306702161081.jpg)
    25 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:49:14 No.369552889
    post it again
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:49:38 No.369552950
         File1324507778.jpg-(4 KB, 160x120, 3567331.jpg)
    4 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:50:19 No.369553075
         File1324507819.jpg-(82 KB, 800x533, 1322609786821.jpg)
    82 KB
    invisible summercandy-ass'? lets hope so
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:50:19 No.369553076

    Start a milf thread, the image must exist somewhere on the internet.

    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:50:30 No.369553106
         File1324507830.jpg-(99 KB, 777x509, 1306707387591.jpg)
    99 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:51:28 No.369553266
         File1324507888.jpg-(47 KB, 763x301, 1306708645152.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:51:42 No.369553295
    pic or didnt happen
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:51:58 No.369553341
    posting cp, yet here I am
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:52:22 No.369553413
         File1324507942.png-(91 KB, 960x413, 1306708992224.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:52:32 No.369553437
    never got banned, this thread makes it sound like the thing to do
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:52:33 No.369553439

    I prefer regular milk.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:53:25 No.369553593
         File1324508005.jpg-(52 KB, 1006x589, 1306709920533.jpg)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:53:34 No.369553613
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:54:23 No.369553753
         File1324508063.jpg-(134 KB, 1920x1080, 1306713094059.jpg)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:54:27 No.369553765
    banned link.
    why the hell is xkcd banned?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:54:30 No.369553776
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:54:48 No.369553824
    >never got banned
    ur doin it wrong
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:54:49 No.369553832

    That is awesome, bro. You are my hero.
    >> Beavis 12/21/11(Wed)17:55:37 No.369553973
         File1324508137.png-(29 KB, 829x214, B&.png)
    29 KB
    worst two weeks
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:55:37 No.369553976
         File1324508137.jpg-(143 KB, 860x737, ban (gmask).jpg)
    143 KB
    was no CP, was not even a picture, I simply posted in there
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:55:37 No.369553978
         File1324508137.png-(148 KB, 750x541, 1318267597255.png)
    148 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:55:52 No.369554016
    I was banned for posting in a CP thread.
    Technically it was a thread that was derailed by CP assholes and I was just trying to explain to the assholes that there's nothing wrong with pedophilia but there is something wrong with with doing sexual things with kids and supporting & spreading CP.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:56:03 No.369554052
    >pedophile ponycandy-ass
    >what a suprise
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:56:30 No.369554121
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:56:33 No.369554134
    Anyone else smell win?
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:56:48 No.369554175
    they mad
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:57:59 No.369554376
    >not getting around b&
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:58:19 No.369554437
         File1324508299.jpg-(342 KB, 953x758, Moot_is_a_god.jpg)
    342 KB
    Glorious day was glorious.
    >> Kalash To be alpha is to be a gentleman Official prince of /b/ 12/21/11(Wed)17:58:32 No.369554472
    Failing to type Наnds frее fаррing
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)17:59:15 No.369554581

    looking for sigourneys mom came across this and lol'd
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:00:15 No.369554753
    I don't mind sick fucks fappin over lolicon or child models but hardcore cp makes me rage big time.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:01:35 No.369554981

    Nice find. Keep in mind it might have been a mod that banned the guy for posting his mom.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:01:38 No.369554988
    An ASR thread in TV! Come contribute!

    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:01:43 No.369555005
         File1324508503.png-(73 KB, 832x442, Capture.png)
    73 KB
    hardly worth it.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:02:57 No.369555202
         File1324508577.jpg-(55 KB, 856x544, ban120711.jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:02:57 No.369555203
         File1324508577.jpg-(44 KB, 351x440, 1323622655130.jpg)
    44 KB
    so much win in one photo +2 internetz
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:03:18 No.369555263
         File1324508598.jpg-(142 KB, 760x597, ban'd.jpg)
    142 KB
    He mad lol
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:03:34 No.369555302
    Got banned for posting in a CP thread, lol'd cuz the thread was up for 20 minutes and I just posted "mfw the people's champions do nothing" apparently they didn't take too kind to that.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:04:02 No.369555360
    it should be

    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:04:05 No.369555369
         File1324508645.jpg-(5 KB, 160x120, 3302961.jpg)
    5 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:04:07 No.369555374
    i impersonated sigourney.

    the people's champions = candy-assgots
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:04:28 No.369555421
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:04:51 No.369555497
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:05:37 No.369555633
         File1324508737.png-(854 KB, 1600x900, 1302540037437.png)
    854 KB

    >watched that as it happened
    >was so impressed he watched a pony episode
    >love and tolerance ever since
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:05:49 No.369555661
         File1324508749.jpg-(30 KB, 460x462, 1324386824851.jpg)
    30 KB
    >mfw no one will get b& ITT
    >mfw I have no face
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:06:43 No.369555814
    Protip: Don't bump a cp thread. If you are going to flame pedos do it while saging.
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:07:15 No.369555886
    >poor, poor attempt at trolling
    >mfw I expected more from ponycandy-asss.
    >> ­Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:07:45 No.369555966
    >> Anonymous 12/21/11(Wed)18:07:49 No.369555981
    Does anyone have that one pic where someone was banned for a whole list of really odd out-there reasons?

    I don't remember anything specific, but it was friggin hilarious.

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