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  • File : 1323691743.jpg-(76 KB, 960x480, nigger.jpg)
    76 KB Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:09:03 No.367708709  
    Someone just posted this on facebook

    Let me get /b/'s opinion
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:11:57 No.367708938
    /b/ loves roody-poos
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:13:43 No.367709070
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    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:31:03 No.367710515
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    I hope nig-gers starve to death. I would pay to hunt nig-gers in Africa.

    Fuck off, foreigner.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:42:56 No.367711532
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    Necessity is relative. Some black people might like their humble life style of eating only corn paste in a starving village. Who are we to pass judgment on them just because our culture frowns upon anyone who isn't obese, and participating in a mass consumerist economy. Liberals are just as bad as conservatives with all this mentoring, politically correct, bullshit. Just leave people alone and let nature take its course. If that means a few thousand less people on this earth through extinctions, so be it. Neanderthal died out that way, who are we to think we can prevent future people from dying out. There are two sides to every coin. A yin to every yang.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:46:46 No.367711888

    In the first picture, sterilisation of third world scum is necessary. A gastric band is necessary in the second picture.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:50:46 No.367712247

    Are you an American?

    if so LOLOLOL leave people alone? let nature take its course? but wouldn't it be safe to say that you have altered the natural course of Africans? Slavery/ introduction to different viruses/etc the list goes on.

    The natives of Australia/New Zealand/Africa/America can no longer travel their natural course because it has been altered.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)07:54:22 No.367712554
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    Those plastic entertainment contraptions are really going to provide sustenance for a starving child.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:17:10 No.367714425
    Will all these dying roody-poos survive if I don't buy Skyrim ? No. So it's not a necessity for them.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:22:01 No.367714802
    roody-poos lives are not a necessity

    xbox 360s are
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:24:31 No.367715026
    it needs a pic of those black looters from new orleans
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:25:29 No.367715110
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    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:26:54 No.367715229

    This is a you laugh you loose thread right?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:31:51 No.367715685
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    Don't worry everyone
    Everything is going to be fine
    In sixty years we'll have solar powers flying cars and food growing off walls.
    >> sage  sage 12/12/11(Mon)08:32:26 No.367715738
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:32:54 No.367715782

    And roody-poos will still bitch about how the white man is keeping them down.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:35:10 No.367715996
    No one in that picture is necessary.

    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:36:23 No.367716120
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    Eh! they'll be underwater hopefully
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:37:33 No.367716259
    birth control in africa.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:40:01 No.367716497
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    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:41:17 No.367716626
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    the strong survive, fuck the weak
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:43:20 No.367716804
    Fucking roody-poos just stop being lazy bum fucks go to work stop being whiny bitches
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:45:04 No.367716920
    It is necessary for the Africans to die.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:46:20 No.367717026
    This sort of shit would bring tears to the eys of anyone with a fucking soul. Wait until you schoolage fuckheads have kids and know what it's like, and you will see all children differently.

    It's a bald fact of life that some people are poor cunts who will have a shit and short life, and it's fucking tragic. That said, shit is what it is and I won't lose sleep over it tonight, Also, I don't feel guilty for my western lifestyle, which is insanely wasteful and insipid. I spent three hours checking out Foo Fighters info tonight, having seen them in concert recently for an amount of money that would feed a family of six for a week.

    But you cunts being callous about this should go and shoot yourselves if you can't grow out of it.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:47:35 No.367717140
    Soft multi-layered toilet paper.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:48:19 No.367717211
    I know this is a horrible question to ask. But does anyone know why starving african kids always seem to have those weird round bellies?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:49:07 No.367717293
    I completely agree with the picture, OP. I think a great deal of our modern neurosis is based on the disconnect we feel with our own identity. Human connection has been replaced by human consumption.

    I went through the check-out at Toys R' Us and bought $50 worth of toys. Went to donate them at the Toys For Tots drop box (which is a program to give gifts to children of families in need). Turns out the thing was empty and my toys were the only ones in there. Kind of sucked :/
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:50:26 No.367717398
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    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:51:49 No.367717522
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    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:52:17 No.367717555
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    Not my art
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:53:13 No.367717632
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    something about weak muscles not being able to keep the intestine together
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:53:17 No.367717638
    kwashiakor (sp?) - protein deficiency
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:53:50 No.367717687
    Every time a ni­gger dies the world gets a little better.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:54:09 No.367717708
    Maybe they should learn to fair over there and stop having 10+ kids per family.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:54:14 No.367717715
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    I half agree and half disagree
    Yes, it's a shit hand these nigras get dealt in life, and hey, if you're so concerned, fly there and help.

    I too have children, 2 actually. But i have no remorse whatsoever for these Africans. Seriously, whitey managed to evolve just fine. WTF is their excuse? War? Poverty? ALL CAUSED AND SUSTAINED BY AFRICANS.

    Shit, we can throw cash at the problem, and it won't do shit. Want proof? Try googling the subject. Solution? Let the fuckers die off. Seriously, the world could use some spring cleaning every now and again.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:56:07 No.367717863
    I can't understand just why we let other human beings suffer this much

    Inb4 nigs aint human
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:57:43 No.367718003
    the best thing we can do for africa is to murder half of them, less people less food demand and then they can start to get their own damn government going and we will be fine. if we keep handing them food they will never become self reliant and the problem will on escalate when they have more and more kids.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:57:51 No.367718017

    becausewe got 3 diferent layers of abs , and our abs keep our organ in "1 spot"

    their abs are too weak to keep the organs form "falling" toward the bottom of their body, if you see what i mean , so their intestine just obey the law of gravity
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:58:23 No.367718073
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)08:58:33 No.367718091
    A lot of people in this thread seem genuinely ignorant. Must be underage/feel their privilege threatened.

    Africa's problems aren't overpopulation or laziness, it's the fact that the interest on their debts to first world banks each year is higher than their GDP. We've built a system where we basically loot all their money in the name of finance, just like we did 200 years ago. I think that's the point of the picture.

    The white man, he is crafty... so crafty he doesn't even allow his own population to understand what is going on.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:03:02 No.367718463
    mhm, and 911 was an inside job too right?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:04:08 No.367718547
    maybe some people just doesnt deserve to live? duh?shit /b/ since now you are full of reddit homosexuals you have grown soft man, you used to laugh at this shit and come with liberal and socialist propaganda. pityful
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:04:29 No.367718576
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    So you're a hypocrite and you're proud of it. Congratulations on that.

    I don't give a fuck about famine in Africa.
    1) it's their fault in the first place
    2) they wouldn't give a fuck about my suffering if we were to swap our lives.
    3) i only care about myself and a few close relatives and friends.

    u mad?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:05:44 No.367718670
    oh no, it doesnt have ANYTHING to do with the fact that they have dickheads as leaders and warlords who just buy weapons and let africa die while they eat nice and run gang wars for fun and diamons. no nothing like that. those people dont exit right? idiot
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:06:55 No.367718758
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    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:07:43 No.367718812
    i dont see a problem here, someone has to be poor.
    my ancestors developed their society, they didnt develop theirs, and dont gimme that imperialism bullshit that was late in the game and they were still living in mud huts.

    i mean look at OP picture, the africans are asking for handouts, the other side is of people who have earned money in some way to get what they want. its a lazyness/lack of ambition
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:08:31 No.367718871
    No need to try making sense of the world, because it doesn't make any.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:10:44 No.367719056
    its more than just laziness you stupid fuck, i want to see you try and make your own business or look for opportunities in a country that doesnt have them when you are nothing but skin and bones.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:12:21 No.367719186
    I personally think this is THE biggest problem with Africa. Not white men, not CEO of rape-the-living inc and not even fucking slavs.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:12:23 No.367719191
    and tell me who the fuck put a gun on the parents forehead and forced them to procreate? no one? then it's their own fukin problem and those people deserve to be burned alive
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:12:34 No.367719203
    well.. is N I G G E R S a necessity? do they make anything useful? Let's face the facts. N I G G E R S make it shitty everywhere they go.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:13:57 No.367719325
    Define necessity: Kill skinny roody-poos and fat bitches.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:15:00 No.367719418
    we live in a horribly close-minded ignorant shit world. get used to it shits never going to change.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:15:10 No.367719438
    gtfo back to facebook bitch.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:15:27 No.367719459
    51 year old here. I've been donating to 'starving african' type charities since I was 15 and my parents were donating for about 10 years before I was born and what's changed? fuck all.

    Last year I stopped donating. Now I'll only donate to reforestation charities. It still hurts like hell when i see a kid dying for want of food but nothing will change until they chuck out the corrupt shits running their country.

    Sorry but no more. And we should stop accepting asylum seekers and refugees as well. They come here, cause trouble, steal and so on. Fuck off back home and sort your own country out.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:15:38 No.367719470

    All I can think of is this, my wife and I are still debating over having or not 1, just ONE miserable kid because we are aware of our situation and we both have jobs and a mortgage to pay, but them nig­gers just think the world NEEDS more of them.
    I can almost see them talking
    >Hey Jamal, lets have 10 more kids
    >But Shaniqua, why 10? Let's have 15!
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:16:18 No.367719529
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    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:16:37 No.367719560
    People are getting really fucking butthurt that someone dared question whether Americandy-asss deserve everything they have. I bet you're all fat and covered in cheetos. I bet most of you don't have a job and contribute NOTHING to your societies.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:17:49 No.367719664
    Why dont they eat lion? I know there are plenty in afrika. Problem solved :3
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:18:22 No.367719717
    fuck you, I love chocolate (biggest coco beans exports come from Niggland)
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:19:40 No.367719846

    You think your money gets through?

    If it wasn't for modernism these people would be living normal lives. But with modernism comes medicine etc, and they live and breed more.

    Add to the corrupt governments, stupidity, and ignorance, and you have a wonderful combination.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:19:56 No.367719868
    why dont they start to create farms with their own kind as cattle..fatten the little ones
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:20:59 No.367719984
    You really think that's even remotely close to chocolate what you are eating in your daily life? Shit nig­ger chocolate is becoming a luxury item these days. Try to read the envelope of what you eat from time to time
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:21:47 No.367720071
    More than $50 billion of foreign aid is given to African countries every year to address poverty on the continent.

    What do they contribute back to the world?Breaking distance running records. That is all.

    Fuck Africans.

    If you gave any other group on earth 50 billion every year, they would do something so they don't need outside support any more.

    They have never done anything to help themselves. All they do is breed. They fuck like rabbits and steal from each other.

    Take them away from there shitty environment which they created and people like to blame for their problems and they create the exact same situation in a new area.

    There is no helping them. They are dead weight. Stop raising their children for them so they can't blame you for not giving them enough.

    I raise my own children and work hard for them. Why the fuck should I have to raise some n­iggers children for him?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:22:24 No.367720122
    actually this is a good fuckin idea. why dont they capture lions and domesticate them? circus can do it why can't they? lazy fucks. what are you gonna tell me lion meat is poisonous? fuck u
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:22:55 No.367720167
    100% agree /b/ro
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:23:45 No.367720247
    They can't.
    If any nigglet creates ANYTHING worthwhile then corrupt goverment or some of the billion warlords take it away.

    A cleansing is needed to help Africa (and Mexico too actually)
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:24:03 No.367720268
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    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:24:30 No.367720305
    so we're the ones responsible for this after all, right? we send them billions of dollars, we give them food and meds and they are too stupid to use it to any good. fuck yeah!

    my ancestors back in medieval times didn't have any meds, nor international help and guess why. because there were no UN, World Bank or IMF.

    if nig­gers are too stupid to survive then they are meant do die as an inferior race.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:24:32 No.367720312

    I guarantee you that the Chinese can produce coco in greater quantity and higher quality than any N igger can
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:25:30 No.367720390
    Yeah. I also find it interesting how christcandy-asss can thank their "god" for all they have, while their compassionate, loving creator allows those children to starve.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:26:01 No.367720439
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:26:11 No.367720453
    Yeah, sure can.
    Loaded with melamine :)
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:27:03 No.367720511
    Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa – rich beyond the dream of poet’s fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet and yet he never picked one up from the dust until a white man showed to him its glittering light.

    His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled.

    A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour.

    In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.

    With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:27:11 No.367720523
    and also you are fukin wrong, the best cacao (chocolate raw material) in the world comes from south america- Peru. That shit chocolate from nigland goes to nestle's "finner" products, but the chocolate from Peru is fuckin premium and chances are you will never eat one
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:27:59 No.367720579
    Why don't they eat roody-poos? Plenty of those in Africa. Problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:28:50 No.367720647
    who said this? martin luther king i think?
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:29:37 No.367720708
    Oh... then I was lied too.
    In that case, fuck Africa
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:29:38 No.367720710
    i don't particularly give a shit. stop giving them handouts, and teach them how to farm. give them farms. a minor dose of capitilizing on local fauna and flora.

    we need to stop giving them money, and start guiding them how to use it. or you can leave them to breed and die like animals.

    but i wouldn't mind converting these nig­gers into respectable black people
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:29:41 No.367720714
    we are the 99%
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:33:05 No.367720998
    >Live in nation with more diamonds than any place on earth
    >Massive supplies of other minerals and oils
    >Abandon your own children and leave them to starve to death
    Yeah no sympathy here.

    I don't see successful african people going back to africa to fix shit.
    Do you think P-diddy, Beyonce and Jay Z give a shit about starving africans?

    >White people care more about african children than africans
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:34:16 No.367721081
    I bet those white women donated more to feeding those niglets than their own parents ever did.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:34:21 No.367721090
    Protein deficiency
    Kwashiorkor, yes!

    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:35:14 No.367721145

    but why stop there, why don't we finish the job and just cleanse the whole world of scum (muslims, blacks, jews, asians (except Japs) etc).
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:35:53 No.367721184
    >he thinks americans did slavery
    oh lol.
    keep eating that white guilt.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:36:31 No.367721229
    Because our tribe (the whites) has disbanded due to years of kike propaganda and lies.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:36:59 No.367721275
    That might make sense if it wasn't so idiotically disconnected from reality. We don't need to teach these people how to farm, they're well acquainted with agriculture. In most cases people are starving because of a failure in agriculture, usually because of tribal warfare and corrupt or collapsed local governments, and sometimes prolonged droughts or crop blights. But whatever, keep basing your entire understanding of the world on Rush Limbaugh's insane rants if it makes you feel better.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:37:28 No.367721322
    >>367720710 give them farms

    They already tried that ( well not giving them farms more like taking it from white farmers) the end result was blacks being black. meaning they did jack shit on said farm, grew nothing, and let everything die off and rust to shit.

    I mean I am not hardcore racist and always think its a bit over the top to stereotype an entire race as lazy. But holy shit black people you are not helping me out here.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:39:35 No.367721493
    Necessity, could you use it in a sentence?

    When your a Nigger that has AIDS, no food, and live under a tarp, it is a necessity that you stop having children.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:43:14 No.367721788
    When white men first stepped foot in africa, white men had developed a rich culture, wondrous technologies, great works of literature, techniques for producing food in large quantities.

    The blacks didn't even have the wheel.
    They were still living in mud-huts and attacking each-other with spears. They never domesticated a single animal.

    I guess that is the white man's fault for not teaching them better earlier?

    Every other people on earth is capable of sustaining themselves. I mean look at the arabs for example, they live in a climate just as harsh if not harsher than africa. Why can arabs look after themselves when all they have is sand but africans in one of the richest continents on earth fail to do anything for themselves?

    Do you really think it's all because the white man held them back??
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:43:30 No.367721811
    I gave up all hope for Africa when I read they were smoking their AIDS medicine because they found out it got them a little high. Way to prioritize Africa.

    They should just kill off everything there and leave it as one giant safari park. Maybe keep some of the tribes for immersion.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:43:33 No.367721818
    You know what, civilization has advanced constantly past where those in villages are. You don't deserve to bitch about being needy if:

    A) You live where there's no fucking food
    B) You choose to continue living without any cultural advancements
    C) You continue to take the aid given from all over the world and do nothing to better your conditions

    Back in the early 1900s when technology and advancements weren't spreading as commonly, I'd probably be able to understand it more, but when we're in a wonderful age of enlightenment and information, they have no excuse any more. We build them homes, we give them tools, we feed them, and look at how far it's gotten them. I'd rather be greedy by comparison and able to afford to be because I've done what I need to and have earned that right instead of being needy because no one in thousands of years has decided to advance pass the 9th century.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:43:59 No.367721864

    Dear OP. These little kids aren't hungry, they have a disease. No matter how much they eat, they'll be like that.
    Proof: look different photos where the parents are holding the kids. Why aren't the parents looking like their kids? Because they're not hungry, kids are not hungry, but ill.

    These companies asks you for money to buy food, that' a LIE.

    They want money to keep with their poverty and getmore and more money.

    We have invested billions and billions of money for poverty. Where did al the money go? Why is there still poverty? Why haven't they learned to make their own food after over 100 years? How did they survive more than 2.000 years without us? With, let's say, 100 bucks, we can teach them how to cultivate and make farms in their contry. Why, after more than 100 billions of dollars, they don't even know how to get water?
    I will NEVER give money to these useless "companies". They're laughing at you, and destroying lifes.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:44:20 No.367721911
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    Welcome to natural selection. I have no guilt for my people and my race having bled and sweated. It is our nature to strive.

    Liberalism is the cause of this guilt.

    "Liberal institutions cease to be liberal as soon as they are attained: later on, there are no worse and no more thorough injurers of freedom than liberal institutions. One knows, indeed, what their ways bring: they undermine the will to power; they level mountain and valley, and call that morality; they make men small, cowardly, and hedonistic — every time it is the herd animal that triumphs with them. Liberalism: in other words, herd-animalization"
    Friedrich Nietzsche

    The Negros are now moving into Europe, the heart of our civilisation. Liberals compromise our identity and pride to appease them. 80% of rapes in Sweden are by non-whites. ~80% of victims are white Ethnic Swedes. In Oslo from 2008 to today EVERY rape has been committed by non-whites.

    Make no mistake, we have to fight this liberal cowardice and cleanse our homelands of this filth.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:45:12 No.367721991
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    >define wtf roody-poo type people.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:45:57 No.367722072
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    Let's assume the intelligence difference between africans and europeans is 100% genetic.
    How does this justify letting them starve?
    You can't say "they had the chance to make something of themselves" because they didn't.
    To make something of yourself involves being smarter than other people, and opportunity most people, let alone most africans don't have.

    inb4 natural selection.
    We're supposed to be a civilised society not a darwinistic dystopia. Embryonic selection is inevitable and we could easily use it to give those genetically less fortunate a chance to have children who stand a fighting chance.

    tl,dr: there is NO excuse for racial hatred, or allowing horrible suffering upon others because of their race.
    Grow the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:46:30 No.367722115

    1/10 til

    then 0/10
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:48:27 No.367722309
    >Why aren't the parents looking like their kids?
    Bullshit about the disease.

    The parents look well fed compared to the kids because that is the ­ni­gger way. Feed yourself first and fuck everyone around you.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:49:18 No.367722386

    Humanity aid only gives food and doesn't teach them. After more than 100 years they achieved nothing but keeping PAIN and SUFFERING.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:50:29 No.367722499

    >You can't say "they had the chance to make something of themselves" because they didn't.

    After thousands of years, if they're still centuries behind the development of other countries, that IS them choosing not to advance. They don't have to keep up with everyone else but god damn, atleast TRY.

    >there is NO excuse for racial hatred, or allowing horrible suffering upon others because of their race.

    They just happen to be black, that doesn't mean that's why they're in their position. However, horrible suffering? The UK and US have provided countless resources, tools, food, homes, and so much more and they appear to have made no advancements since they sold their own people into slavery.

    And how the fuck is it that hard to learn to grow your own food? Hey, if the land isn't fertile, MOVE. Do as the settlers did, pick up your shit, and move. TADA! No more PAIN and SUFFERING
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:51:36 No.367722591

    You can't even understand, because you can't reach my intelligence.

    Also, you seem upset because I have reason.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:54:56 No.367722906
         File1323701696.jpg-(32 KB, 416x286, 4.jpg)
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    They are moving. Here, to our countries. To bring their problems to our native homelands.

    The land IS fertile. Africa has more fertile land than anywhere else in the world. The problem is they have quadrupled their population since 1960 because we gave them medicines. We gave them great power but they can't handle the responsibility.

    Now they have to die. They're breeding pain and suffering. There's nothing wrong with the land, they're just an inferior people, who lack the ability to develop. We must isolate them, allow them to die, run out of ammo and revert back to tribalism. It's the only way.

    We've got to learn from past mistakes such as colonialism, and know what they're really like.
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:55:35 No.367722990
    lack of b12 vitamins
    >> Anonymous 12/12/11(Mon)09:56:01 No.367723037
         File1323701761.jpg-(44 KB, 555x832, i have eliminated all the juic(...).jpg)
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    The necesity to exterminate roody poos
    >pic semirilated

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