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  • File : 1323642397.jpg-(1.14 MB, 2241x1202, BLUE RIBBON_Front Perspective.jpg)
    1.14 MB Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:26:37 No.367580818  
    ask an architect anything.

    pic related, it's what i make most of my money from, architectural renderings.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:29:29 No.367581310
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:30:11 No.367581421
    are architects mostly commies or fascists?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:31:30 No.367581664
    capitalists. (or rather, in the US, our version of capitalists).
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:32:55 No.367581923
    most architecture stuff i see is super philosophy heidegger deconstruction stuff.

    do ppl read this? does it influence their work? do they understand any or is it like art students who are taught philosophy cult theory words but not what they mean?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:33:35 No.367582031
         File1323642815.png-(210 KB, 287x304, 1296280678669.png)
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    have you ever been caught masturbating in a closet?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:34:31 No.367582206
    2-1/4 story on a basement, garage with living above
    Plenty of windows...
    Very rough estimate of value, 750 for the house.
    Without knowing the neighborhood or the lot size, that's the best I can do.

    That's a nice house, OP. You should post instead what you get stuck drawing every month.
    >> BK 12/11/11(Sun)17:35:02 No.367582290
    Op how much do you get paid? I am thinking about getting into architecture.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:35:37 No.367582399

    I've been looking at alot of house plans, but the ones i like i cant for the life of me find a real built one to actually see what it looks like. Any suggestions?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:37:17 No.367582716
    actually the majority of architectural designs that end up being constructed are very traditional buildings. the most talked about buildings are the ones published in magazines (I.E. the ones you're talking about, although I wouldn't say the majority are deconstructivist).

    this is a huge problem within architectural education . . . curriculum are not designed around real-world projects that students will end up working on.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:37:48 No.367582807
    Why are modern McMansions such muddled pieces of shit from a styling standpoint?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:37:56 No.367582827
    but yes, what you're talking about does actually influence design decisions.
    >> luckless 12/11/11(Sun)17:38:42 No.367582967
         File1323643122.jpg-(14 KB, 405x447, boohoo.jpg)
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    im no expert but that is one fugly house
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:39:16 No.367583078
         File1323643156.jpg-(1.3 MB, 2500x1267, PROSPECT_Front Perspective.jpg)
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    i'll only post my personal work, (architectural renderings). i won't post the work that i do for with my design firm.

    pic related, more of my rendering work.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:41:53 No.367583581
    i just recently just got my license, but i get $75,000 per year, plus another $20,000 with my rendering business.

    hire a renderer, like myself to see what they look like in 3D.

    because that's what clients ask for. unless you're a very famous and successful architect, you're bound to what your clients request.

    well thats just like . . . your opinion man.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:43:24 No.367583862
    nice renders
    shitty designs
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:43:44 No.367583920
         File1323643424.jpg-(110 KB, 877x662, DCA Home A 1.jpg)
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    how bout this guy?
    what is your taste? i've done a lot of different styles.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:44:15 No.367584000
    what style do you like
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:45:33 No.367584227
    I need a builder on my minecraft server, if you are interested
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:46:41 No.367584428
         File1323643601.jpg-(74 KB, 482x337, modern9.jpg)
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    nice trips
    Architecture student myself
    Pic related
    It's the style I like
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:46:43 No.367584437
    love to. for work that doesn't result in a single image (a 3d model for instance) i charge $60 p/h.

    does that sound worth it for your gaming purposes?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:47:39 No.367584608
    Will you help me design a house I wish to build?
    >> luckless 12/11/11(Sun)17:47:41 No.367584614

    why do you work for a firm. why not go solo?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:48:00 No.367584674
         File1323643680.jpg-(129 KB, 800x538, PTA Home A 1.jpg)
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    haven't had any modernist projects yet. this is probably the most modernist project i've rendered to date.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:48:50 No.367584818
    ITT: OP has sketchup; thinks that means he's an Architectural Illustrator
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:49:03 No.367584857
         File1323643743.jpg-(117 KB, 499x500, ted.jpg)
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    Are you Ted Mosby?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:49:56 No.367585031
    I know you're an architect but you probably have met a lot of urban planners in your time. Is there the same amount of creativity in urban planning that there is in architecture?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:51:21 No.367585302
    yeah, but i'm pretty sure you don't want to spend that kind of money yet. what you should do is look at floor plans online, get one that you like, then bring it to an architect with your site plan and discuss what you want to do.

    i'm not a huge fan of post modern . . . but to answer your question, i'm just starting out, and having job security is huge right now. i'm also not experienced enough to have my own firm. for now having my own rendering business (which is doing quite well) is good enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:51:59 No.367585426
    Is it worth it after you finish school or did you lose interest as you begin to see it as work ?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:52:27 No.367585511
    If a client were to ask for a secret chamber with soundproofing, would you plan it for him, knowing that you could have aided Fritzl Mark II?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:54:32 No.367585900

    same amount of creativity, definitely, but it's a completely different kind of creativity. urban planning can have a huge impact on everything having to do with the related area, so i'd bet it's much more satisfying if it's successful . . . but i've never worked with or been associated with exclusively urban planners.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:56:40 No.367586301
    So this is sort of elaborate troll, where you post the shittiest renderings you can find?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:57:40 No.367586481
    definitely did not lose interest, i like working on actual projects significantly more than working on hypothetical ones.

    i've designed "secret" rooms and spaces for clients before. they all seem pretty shady, but i can assure you i've never designed one for an altar boy rapist.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:58:11 No.367586568
    My plan was to dig a 5 foot deep circular hole, concrete base and waterproof sandbags for walls, then a cone shaped roof supported in the center.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:58:24 No.367586612
    no. what type of renderings do you admire?
    >> luckless 12/11/11(Sun)17:58:28 No.367586624
         File1323644308.png-(4 KB, 210x229, 1322768567231.png)
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    this i like
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:59:11 No.367586777
         File1323644351.jpg-(97 KB, 568x566, woontorens1.jpg)
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    Why can't you design awesome towers like these?
    Dutch design at its finest.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)17:59:47 No.367586887
    that doesn't sound like a house.

    it also doesn't sound like you need an architect, just a structural engineer.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:01:47 No.367587266
    i'm not saying i can't, but projects like those are left to vastly experienced designers and engineers.

    actually, i probably couldn't. large scale projects like those usually go through several design competitions, and my designs probably wouldn't get through the first stage.

    I'm relatively inexperienced.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:03:54 No.367587638
    So you're saying its extremely difficult to design skyscrapers like that?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:03:54 No.367587643
         File1323644634.jpg-(460 KB, 2200x1101, Breezeway Perspective.jpg)
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    posting more rendering while waiting for serious questions.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:04:45 No.367587803
    what grades did you get in high school?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:05:42 No.367587991

    I thought a true /b/tard would appreciate the design.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:06:35 No.367588148
    just looking at a single picture tells me nothing about the objectives of the architect's design.

    if you're asking if i could design an aesthetically pleasing skyscraper, then yes i could. what i can't tell you is if my design would be as successful as that architect's pertaining to the specific needs of the project.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:06:39 No.367588157
         File1323644799.jpg-(97 KB, 800x602, 1322342906085.jpg)
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    wheres the nígger defense systems ??
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:08:38 No.367588526
    >if you're asking if i could design an aesthetically pleasing skyscraper, then yes i could.

    You've shown us nothing so far to indicate that's actually true.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:09:19 No.367588649
    i graduated 12th out of 450.

    i have no idea what /b/'s standards are on architectural design, but i can tell you that even the most celebrated buildings are not appreciated by all architects.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:09:32 No.367588698

    But could you design a skyscraper that looks like it has been hit by two planes?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:10:47 No.367588917
    like i said, i'm not posting anything that i've worked on with my design firm, so you won't see anything that i've designed, only images that i've rendered that were designed by other architects.

    i'm only answering questions that /b/ros have about myself and my thoughts on architecture.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:13:26 No.367589399
         File1323645206.jpg-(168 KB, 1198x905, DCA St. Andrews 3.jpg)
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    meanwhile . . .
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:14:38 No.367589606
    My hobby is building geodesic domes.
    I like even frequency icosahedra because they yield a clean hemisphere.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:17:46 No.367590137
         File1323645466.jpg-(277 KB, 875x660, DCA Retail B 3.jpg)
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    have you found any real-world situations where they would be practical in small-scale production?

    also have you read about Buckminster Fuller?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:17:54 No.367590168
    Jesus. That's less a rendering and more a "I'll just screen cap my program and be done with it". Renderings are supposed to express sense of space, lighting, materiality, and overall experience of the built environment. Also, do you guys really use sketchup in any serious way? If so, how do you effectively collaborate with one another in terms of digital work?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:18:07 No.367590194
    Do you ever design houses for the fun of it?
    I mean have you ever designed your dream home.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:19:41 No.367590456

    I'm dreaming about building a 99K simple ecological smart house.

    Is it true that would be possible with prefab techniques?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:20:11 No.367590520
    reminds of house from paranormal activity 3
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:22:16 No.367590849
         File1323645736.png-(44 KB, 533x400, pioneer10_1.png)
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    OP, you're an architect, right?

    Let's make the /b/ master bunker.. let's make the EXACTE Gize Pyramid for all /b/ros..

    Then, only /b/tards will survive to World War 3.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:22:46 No.367590938
         File1323645766.jpg-(98 KB, 680x816, render_a.jpg)
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    Exactly, OP is not actually Architect
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:23:26 No.367591029
    ITT: faux architect shows pictures of cute models he did in sketchup and calls them "renderings"
    >> Zach 12/11/11(Sun)18:24:31 No.367591198
         File1323645871.jpg-(98 KB, 600x476, Corkellis-House-00-1.jpg)
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    high school senior here looking to go to school for architecture:

    >what school did you go to?
    >did you get your MArch?
    >what was the workload like?
    >what type of classes did you have to take?
    >what,(if anything) would you have done differently in your education?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:26:15 No.367591477
         File1323645975.gif-(14 KB, 300x280, Gil-Simpsons-300x280.gif)
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    Suspects OP has not taken ARE's or even knows what they are...
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:28:22 No.367591839
    I'd say the worst part of the ARE's is the shitty little program that they make you use for drawings. It doesn't fucking let you input precise dimensions.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:33:01 No.367592629
         File1323646381.jpg-(703 KB, 1844x1052, WYRICK Memorial Garden 2.jpg)
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    that was one of the first one's i did (for free, for my parents church, before i graduated). i agree with what you said about renderings being an expression of what the how the building will react to it's environment and vice versa.

    and yes, i use sketchup in collaboration with architects, designers, engineers, etc. Actually, Robert Stern Architects uses SketchUp exclusively. and we can effectively collaborate with other firms because SketchUp is highly compatible with almost all other software that is widely used today.

    here is a rendering that's more along the lines of what a rendering should look like.

    no, because it would take up too much time. i will some day.

    like i said, i'm posting renderings that i do for my rendering business. i am a licensed architect.

    1. Northeastern University
    2. Yes
    3. extremely intense, but you get used to it
    4. look it up, they're all similar because NCAARB makes it that way.
    5. i would have gone to a different school that isn't so focused on urban design
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:34:10 No.367592831
    Not OP but

    School - this depends, NCARB does put out a list of schools. In general it's more important to find a program that fits with your ethos.

    Degree - Get the professional degree, it's very hard to get licensed without an MArch or a BArch

    Workload - plan on living in the Architecture School. Avg at our Uni was 40-60hr a week beyond classes. All nighters are a tradition (although there is controversy about this practice)

    Classes - There is a very specific program, expect a majority of design studios with technical courses mixed in (Structures, Environmental Systems, etc)

    Differences - Architecture (especially in school) is really a mix of art and philosophy. Preparing for that in HS will give you a leg up.
    Ultimately if you hope to get licensed and run your own firm, you'll really wish you had taken more business classes.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:34:17 No.367592848
    like i said, i'm a licensed architect.

    i took and passed them all, first try on every one.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:36:00 No.367593142
    >Ultimately if you hope to get licensed and run your own firm, you'll really wish you had taken more business classes.

    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:36:45 No.367593260
         File1323646605.jpg-(93 KB, 468x516, secret-rooms-hidden-doors.jpg)
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    if you built a secret room into someones house, how much would it cost to buy your silence?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:37:24 No.367593364
    depends on your lawyer.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:39:03 No.367593615
    That, and it's 16bit. Seriously, WTF NCARB.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:40:29 No.367593866
         File1323646829.jpg-(432 KB, 910x621, DCA Home B 3.jpg)
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    posting more renderings.

    more q's? sounds like we have multiple people either under or post-grad architecture in here, would be an interesting discussion.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:41:44 No.367594060
    Did you go to the architecture school of Waterloo in cambridge?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:41:57 No.367594099
    Very nice; reminds me of Mashpee Commons on Cape Cod.
    Besides building sturdy stuff for my sons & nephews to climb upon, I've completed two 2-freq icosahedra with paper-tube struts & tyvek faces where r = 5 feet.
    The first one has an exoskin resting on the struts; the second has an endoskin suspended from the vertices.
    I'm now working on a r = 10 feet, 4 freq icosahedron with sched 20 PVC struts.
    One of my prized possessions is a 1st edition of "The Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller" which I read when I was a boy.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:41:59 No.367594108
         File1323646919.jpg-(410 KB, 1600x1200, PTA Doherty_Living Room.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:42:06 No.367594111

    What does OP think of Passivhaus?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:42:15 No.367594140
    no seriously, i mean, if some russian oligarch pays you to design a secret room in his house, and its secrecy is the key, you cant go and talk about it or blab on 4chan about it. What happens?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:42:38 No.367594207
    have you ever designed a school?
    >> Zach 12/11/11(Sun)18:43:57 No.367594431
         File1323647037.jpg-(51 KB, 600x398, House-6-07-750x498.jpg)
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    two more

    >when applying for a job or internship, what is more important, the school you come from, or your own personal portfolio?

    >would you recommend that someone pursue a career in architecture in this economy, and if so, what should they do to better themselves for the current job market?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:44:22 No.367594490
    It's called an NDA. You sign it, you design it, you don't talk about it.

    /Worked at a Starchitect for several years and this was the standard order of things for all sorts of rich and famous clients.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:44:46 No.367594548
         File1323647086.png-(661 KB, 1366x706, 2011-12-05_20.06.11.png)
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    how much you make on a years adverage??
    How many hours a day you work??
    Pic semi related only architect experience i have
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:45:21 No.367594645
         File1323647121.jpg-(194 KB, 800x538, PTA Community Grill 1.jpg)
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    that's pretty awesome, i've never spoken with anyone who's done anything like that as a hobby. sounds like you know what you're doing, too. do you have any pictures?


    vital to the well-being of our planet. all these idiots screaming about making everything green don't understand that the vast majority of energy is used up in heating and cooling the buildings we occupy.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:48:40 No.367595210
    For a student entering college, how difficult is it/how long until they can/begin to build houses, skyscrapers, start a business, etc. Do you need a masters for more advanced designing.

    Is it hard to move your way up and make a name for yourself? Or are most jobs working for THE MAN.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:48:57 No.367595254
    Not OP

    Portfolio vs. Pedigree - Portfolio trumps everything, your school can open doors, in some cases even get you an interview but what you've done and what you're capable of is much more important. We've hired interns from both Ivy League and state schools.

    Become an Architect in this Economy - Not if you're looking to make a bunch of money. Architecture has always been a career that doesn't pay well in comparison to the cost of education. Things have picked up in our industry since 2007 (when projects started disappearing), by the time you've graduated Architecture school (5 years at the minimum.) the economy will be in a completely different place.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:49:21 No.367595325
    Is there a high level of creativity involved? Or does it suck dick doing what people tell you to do?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:50:22 No.367595487
    do they cover computer wiring needs etc for buildings in architecture school? The archs I've worked with have absolutely no clue on size needs for a wiring closet or distance limitations on copper wiring. They act like a small janitors closet every 2 floors is sufficient for a modern building.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:50:25 No.367595492
         File1323647425.jpg-(215 KB, 1276x609, WYRICK Blitzer 2.jpg)
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    i dont know, i've never designed anything that would require that level of discretion. most of the time clients just trust the architect because most of us have money and depend on word of mouth for future clients.

    that's a nice rendering, do you know what software it was made with? to answer your question, i can't say because i've only worked at 4 firms. but the firm i worked for valued the school more, because they understand that the work that you do in school really has nothing to do with what you will be designing in the real world.

    i would definitely say get into architecture now, because by the time that you get out of school, the economy will probably have rebounded by a few years, and the development economy will have caught up. to better yourself for the job market, kick ass in school and get into a better one to get your masters.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:54:11 No.367596117

    Time until you're licensed.
    5+ years to get a Master's Degree (that means Graduate School)
    after school (or concurrently depend on your state's laws) you need 3 years of internship with very specific hours logged submitted to NCARB.
    At that point you can take the AREs, there are 7 divisions.
    If you pass all those you'll do some other requisite paperwork, pay a fee and finally be licensed.

    This depends on you. Some look at architecture as a job (they generally spend their lives working for someone else) others see it as a passion. You have to give a shit in order to make a name for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:54:20 No.367596142
    Besides an architect, are there any other jobs you can pursue with a degree in architecture? Things like art, design, maybe industrial design?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:56:50 No.367596564
    Depends on where you work. In general, yes a very high level of creativity.
    Architecture is a political act, you have to learn how to manipulate your clients in a way that makes them feel appreciated and also meets their goals without sacrificing your own values.
    >> Zach 12/11/11(Sun)18:57:55 No.367596725
    I believe that it is a photo, not a rendering.

    I have already been accepted into Iowa State University's School of Design, but it's my backup school if I don't get into Cal Poly SLO.

    I am nervous about it though. I i feel that I absolutely have a passion for design (especially of houses) but everyone I talk to says how impossible the school is.

    I'm only in high school, and i'm currently in the one architecture class that my school has to offer. I'll stay up some nights till 3 or 4 working on models in my room, making sketches for impossible buildings, or just doodling small ideas for projects unrelated to class.

    Ill see if i can take a pic or too of a sketch for some critique...keep in mind, i have barely a semester of high school architecture class. It is all pretty rough, but i really love doing it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:58:07 No.367596744
    It's skimmed, in general a smart Arch will have a EE or similar consultant involved who does know those things.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)18:59:39 No.367597008
    I have a couple of former classmates that are now art directors in Hollywood. Joesph Kosinki directed Tron and he has an MArch I believe.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:01:09 No.367597269
    High school Graphic Design might be just as useful.
    Your first semester will likely be primarily graphics.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:02:11 No.367597431
    Finally, would you recommend minoring in something complimentary like engineering?

    Or something different as a backup?

    Thanks a lot OP
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:04:28 No.367597808
    Not OP again (I've answered last 5 Q's)

    Architecture has a high washout rate, it's very difficult to minor in anything else. Trust me, by the end of the first year you'll know if you want to continue or not.
    Engineering, Construction, Business all would be useful minors if you're set on it.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:04:59 No.367597891
         File1323648299.jpg-(417 KB, 1276x806, WYRICK Plagemann 1.jpg)
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    takes a long time for everything, and you won't be working on high-end projects like that unless you're real badass.

    there's definitely a high level of creativity involved, and sometimes it sucks being told what to design, and it really sucks if you have a dickhead client who thinks they know what they want but really dont.

    i don't really understand what you're asking . . . when i was in school i did most of my work in the studio, where they more than met students technical needs.

    theres plenty. most of my classmates who didn't go directly into architecture actually went back to law school instead of getting the MArch.

    lol. thanks for the compliment, that is a rendering, done with SketchUP and Vray. it is not a photo.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:07:14 No.367598278
    definitely don't do a minor your first year, i wouldn't recommend ever doing it, but that's just me.

    this guy:
    knows what he/she is talking about.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:11:14 No.367598956
         File1323648674.jpg-(1.45 MB, 2500x1267, KEENES_Front Perspecitve.jpg)
    1.45 MB
    OP here, where did you go to school? and are you still there, or are you out working already?

    and have you done any internships yet? if so what kind of firms were they at?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:11:45 No.367599047
    Thanks OP

    For those looking to get into Architecture here's my advice:
    Take EVERY single art class your high school has, take every drafting (or Architecture) class your high school has. If you have the opportunity during high school or college to work construction during the summer, DO, all of these will give you a massive advantage.

    When you're in college remember that Architects are expected to know a little about virtually everything, take a diverse course load and make sure at least one of them is an intro to business if you plan to strike out on your own.
    >> Zach 12/11/11(Sun)19:14:07 No.367599430
    how important is calculus to architecture?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:15:13 No.367599623
    Got my MArch in 05 from Montana State.
    Worked for a few Starchitects mostly doing single family residential (fun, glamorous, but ultimately it takes too long to get responsibility at those offices), now a PA at a small firm that doing awesome little modern houses.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:17:08 No.367599944
    Not at all.
    I think minimum Math req. by NCARB is Pre-Calc/Trig. (check with the schools you are eyeing)
    Calculus will be useful in Structures class but it's not a necessity.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:19:24 No.367600354
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    Im going to school for design right now and when im finished with this degree ill be going to Georgia Tech for architectural studies there, what im wanting to ask you is what should i expect from classes in terms of what i will need to know the most of/study the most of. And also is the job market good or bad for beginners? Im hoping to enter commercial, but is it also true that most of the time you have to start off in residential?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:21:19 No.367600739
    oh reeaaarryyy?

    what starchitects? are you using that term loosely? either way, i'd like to know
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:24:47 No.367601380
    Bad for interns? At the moment, yes, in general you'll be competing with jobless who have more experience.

    As far as courses that are applicable to the real world? They ALL are at different points in your career, Studios will become important later on when you start design your own stuff, ECS/Structures become important as you start managing projects and working with clients etc etc.

    Initially most firms are looking at their interns as production staff, they're going to expect you to have familiarity with software they use, etc. It's an awful position to be in and not every firm operates that way but in general you need to be able to show you have the CAD/BIM chops to jump into the work.

    Actually, IMHO residential is harder to get a job in, commercial firms generally have larger staffs and more interns.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:25:52 No.367601577
    Do women generally really like what you tell them you do for a living?

    I imagine "I'm an architect" is a pretty big pussy getter.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:25:57 No.367601590
    Have you ever considered a Moat or Portcullis?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:26:30 No.367601709
    I'm using the term somewhat loosely, one of them would be Olson Kundig
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:27:57 No.367601963
    So... Milton, Georgia?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:28:58 No.367602162
    Why do people build above land? Surely there's more room underground. Or is it a swindling tactic from architects the value of the house in relation to land worth?
    >> Anonymous Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:29:28 No.367602258
    Can you renovate my parents' basement for me?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:29:34 No.367602279
    Can you make me a house project to do in Minecraft?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:29:42 No.367602305
    that's pretty badass meng.

    did you feel out of your league when you were there? and did you get to design more than just bathrooms here and there? and what software were they using?

    OP asking
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:30:39 No.367602469
    is that a serious question?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:31:38 No.367602663
    no, it's not a location, it's a company.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:31:40 No.367602672
    If I cut a 1.279528" long thread at 1/2 unf what should the greater diameter be?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:33:50 No.367603068
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:35:19 No.367603335
    Not at all, then again my ego is sky high.

    No, younger interns actually get to play to their strengths, in general that means lots of Photoshop, Rendering, Models etc.

    It really was a great place to work, but you can get pigeon holed into doing that one thing you are really awesome at and not move on to learning other things. I've been able to handle every facet of a project at the smaller firm I'm at now. In general I left because I don't want to work for TK, I want to BE TK.

    Software, they used ACAD, Sketchup, 3DSMax etc. (interns used something like 30 diff. modeling programs) when I was there. They've finally started adopting BIM recently, even if it is Revit...
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:37:22 No.367603714
    It is, right up until they see your bank account...
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:37:41 No.367603779
    i don't mean do sound demeaning, but you obviously don't understand how buildings work.

    there are plenty of buildings that exist entirely underground, but at an incredibly higher price. you have to consider excavation, constructing walls that won't cave in, ventilation, circulation, etc. Really, the only price benefit would be climate control.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:37:52 No.367603816
    Do you enjoy lego?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:39:06 No.367604032
    Not OP Here:
    Lego AND Minecraft
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:39:45 No.367604159
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    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:40:53 No.367604374
    It is. That's why all Architects carry our mustache wax at all times.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:48:59 No.367605978
    when you 3d render buildings do you prefer to use sketchup or autocad? What is the industry standard?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:52:00 No.367606548
    Not OP Here:
    I never ever use sketchup, but plenty of Firms do because of it's affordability and ease of use.

    I use software called ArchiCAD and render straight out of there using Maxwell.

    In general if I'm just going to model something and make an image, I like using 3DSmax, Rhino or Maya in combination with iRay or Maxwell and then photoshop to finish.

    In my mind, AutoCAD is a antiquated dying hunk of crap
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:55:30 No.367607158

    I'm not that great with computers, in terms of downloading stuff and all that. Did you buy your programs? Is there an easy way or place to get them for free?
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:57:51 No.367607561
    If you are in school most of those programs have 100% free versions available to students with valid ID.

    Sketchup is free already and Maxwell has a free plugin (size limited) to sketchup now available.

    There are, of course, other ways to get all those as well. If you found your way here you can easily find your way to any BT site.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)19:59:45 No.367607930
    aight. fair enough.
    >> Anonymous 12/11/11(Sun)20:10:51 No.367610044
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