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    File : 1323480030.jpg-(8 KB, 201x251, 1323341341594.jpg)
    8 KB NEW THREAD. Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:20:30 No.367213989  
    For the trolling on that dude's page.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:23:21 No.367214487
    in. this has been pretty lulz so far.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:23:29 No.367214517
    post a link to ur dick OP. let isreal see what he is fucking with
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:23:41 No.367214555
    OP, you should ask them why they refuse to learn english. You should ask them why they respond so well to such tribal level activities but are so reluctant to work in school or have a job, and then get mad when we call them dirty roody-poos.

    When they ask why point out all the retarded shit they've done.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:23:44 No.367214564
    More like fail.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:23:53 No.367214592
    Wasn't here for the old thread, am interested. Someone fill me in.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:24:10 No.367214625
    inb4 shitstorm
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:24:14 No.367214640
    Trips means you have to
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:24:16 No.367214646

    trolling mexicans on facebook. fucking win.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:24:17 No.367214651
    i want the pics after that swag guys first post
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:24:24 No.367214676
    That dude is awful!
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:24:29 No.367214691
         File1323480269.jpg-(73 KB, 500x708, Stare-Dad-Captain-Obvious-500x(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:24:30 No.367214700
         File1323480270.jpg-(41 KB, 263x317, 1302377251972.jpg)
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    Keep it coming OP
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:24:38 No.367214718
    Sure , prepare your anus i m going in dry
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:24:42 No.367214734

    old thread here
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:24:48 No.367214758

    looks like its over
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:00 No.367214787
    Is the the one the unfunny shit dick OP ruined what could have been a mediocre troll at best?

    Go fuck yourselves.
    >> noko Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:03 No.367214791
         File1323480303.jpg-(114 KB, 713x763, 1290211245173.jpg)
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    winning winning
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:09 No.367214803
         File1323480309.gif-(683 KB, 640x633, 1322202441869.gif)
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    This thread was unnecessary
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:16 No.367214817
    go here before the 404:
    tl;dr: OP is hitting on Mexicunt "Pinky." Her hubby is jelly. Lotsa roody-poo speak. Lulz coming.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:27 No.367214847
    the girl deleted the status or blocked him so this is over
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:27 No.367214849
    >says win

    How's being 15?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:36 No.367214871
    he fucked it up, check other thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:44 No.367214897
    None of them will accept my friend request. ITs fake
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:55 No.367214920
    op got defriended or something. funs over guise
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:58 No.367214936
         File1323480358.jpg-(55 KB, 1155x591, SadNwess.jpg)
    55 KB
    She deleted me, rofl.
    >> ­ 12/09/11(Fri)20:25:58 No.367214937
    That thread was better than anything you'll ever do in your entire life, stop being jelly and deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:26:11 No.367214964
    i bet that roody-poo is on the phone right now yelling at
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:26:15 No.367214974
    Apparently OP has lost connection with the trollee.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:26:22 No.367214994

    pretty good. free food, school is ez, fap a lot. jelly cuz you're old with responbilities and shit? can barely pay your bills? sucks man.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:26:47 No.367215066
    pinky looks really brain-dead
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:26:54 No.367215085
         File1323480414.png-(42 KB, 413x354, 1282869861341.png)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:27:04 No.367215112
    Message her, OP, and ask why she is trippin and deleted you
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:27:16 No.367215154
    What a great thread. Thank you OP, I lol'd heartily.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:27:19 No.367215161
    ad stay high or israel
    and post the bitch is loving me
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:27:35 No.367215204
    no shit she dates n iggers
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:27:39 No.367215215
    report them all for fake names
    then laugh
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:27:46 No.367215233
    we should all contact her
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:27:50 No.367215239

    Yea time to start messaging her.

    "I'm really sorry Pinky, I didn't mean to make your husband jealous. I just really want to get to know you. I think you deserve better."
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:27:56 No.367215255
    OP, want to find a new target? A stupid one.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:28:08 No.367215293
    but he was kinda right , op could have done better
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:28:16 No.367215321
    Stay High seems like a pretty O.K. guy.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:28:17 No.367215325

    b should massively add her. Imply sexual advantages had on wall.

    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:28:39 No.367215383

    Hindsight is 20/20

    At least he did something, and it was pretty fucking lulzy
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:28:46 No.367215397
         File1323480526.jpg-(39 KB, 783x425, WorkingOnIt.jpg)
    39 KB
    Oh, i'm also waiting on other girls, rofl.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:28:56 No.367215435
    Wait a minute...

    old thread 404d... what happened?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:29:00 No.367215445
    Stay High is pretty awesome. Probably already a /b/tard
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:29:01 No.367215449

    I agree. OP should message him and try to smoke with him. It could result in a pretty good spin-off.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:29:19 No.367215493
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:29:35 No.367215533
    OP failed to maintain a decent troll.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:29:37 No.367215540
         File1323480577.jpg-(5 KB, 160x120, 3467511.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:29:48 No.367215561
    pinkys fb
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:29:49 No.367215565
    >mfw OP's legacy
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:30:10 No.367215618

    the results of this will determine how i use facebook for the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:30:18 No.367215644
    What is with the please respond? You look like a loser.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:30:20 No.367215650
    OP,son make friends with the fellows and get a gang bang rolling... other bitches
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:30:24 No.367215661
    OP's theory: volume volume volume
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:30:25 No.367215663
    OP failed at choosing his own adventure. He got eated by the dragon.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:31:41 No.367215881
    that's the point
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:31:43 No.367215895

    thats the fucking point you fаg
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:31:48 No.367215910
         File1323480708.png-(115 KB, 800x800, 1292705190606.png)
    115 KB
    holy shit this must be the greatest thing for a beta can ask for.

    > that reward for trolling the fuck out of them. Women all over you. my nigga, i do say
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:31:50 No.367215916

    Yeah, OP, try and become best friends with Stay High
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:31:54 No.367215936
    stay highs fb
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:32:13 No.367215995
         File1323480733.jpg-(110 KB, 762x1042, 1323451286325..jpg)
    110 KB

    the good old shooting at the air, OP...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:32:20 No.367216012
         File1323480740.jpg-(157 KB, 1024x600, forthelulzandalsothegame.jpg)
    157 KB
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:32:27 No.367216035
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:33:10 No.367216173
    oh fuck that picture.....
    i seen it on my facebook today...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:33:14 No.367216184
    invite dude here
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:33:20 No.367216209
         File1323480800.png-(300 KB, 464x360, 1296089413824.png)
    300 KB
    Dude, she has over 2300 friends, that's an army!
    Imagine all of them talking like her, Stayy and Israel at the same time ...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:33:21 No.367216214
    You fuck.
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:33:36 No.367216257
    Hahaha, good on you, mate.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:33:50 No.367216304
    I say we all get on our troll FB accounts and go fuck with that Isreal guy, he seems to get angered easily, should make for some good lulz
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:34:26 No.367216389
    >aero theme
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:34:36 No.367216419
    lulz 4 isreal... I am in
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:34:53 No.367216483
         File1323480893.jpg-(5 KB, 160x120, 1267021.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:34:58 No.367216499
    mybrotherisdu (6:28:38 PM): What's up, this is Nick from trig class.
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:30:02 PM): oh heyy nick!
    mybrotherisdu (6:30:11 PM): Need any help with math?
    mybrotherisdu (6:30:19 PM): Or anything else?
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:30:54 PM): nah i get it now
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:30:59 PM): thx to you
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:31:02 PM): =)
    mybrotherisdu (6:31:20 PM): I do what I can.
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:32:15 PM): haha
    mybrotherisdu (6:32:26 PM): So, what's up?
    mybrotherisdu (6:33:09 PM): How was your day?
    mybrotherisdu (6:35:47 PM):?Please respond.
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:35:56 PM): it was good
    mybrotherisdu (6:36:56 PM): Is your internet lagging?
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:37:00 PM): for a monday atl east
    mybrotherisdu (6:37:02 PM): I can help you fix that.
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:37:39 PM): no im just a lil busy atm
    mybrotherisdu (6:37:50 PM): Oh, sorry.
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:38:12 PM): lol nah its ok
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:38:18 PM): nothing major
    mybrotherisdu (6:38:26 PM): Oh.
    mybrotherisdu (6:45:03 PM): Hey, well btw I passed my driving test today and I'm going to get a car this weekend.
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:45:13 PM): heyy i gtg
    mybrotherisdu (6:45:14 PM): In case you ever need a ride somewhere.
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:45:21 PM): nice talking to you
    mybrotherisdu (6:45:23 PM): Oh.
    XXXXXXXXXX (6:45:26 PM): bye
    mybrotherisdu (6:45:34 PM): Well I'll see you 7th period tomorrow!
    XXXXXXXXXX signed off at 6:45:36 PM
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:35:09 No.367216526
         File1323480909.jpg-(18 KB, 479x423, thejourneyneverends.jpg)
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    >mfw operation stay high
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:35:17 No.367216557
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:35:21 No.367216566
    pics of the conversation?

    was in the last thread but thought it's shit and op won't deliver
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:35:35 No.367216599
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:35:59 No.367216677

    what the dick?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:36:07 No.367216694
    Agreed, Israel is da shyte.
    Someone has his profile? I can't even remember his whole name
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:36:17 No.367216737
    I'll try to reupload all of them, hold on.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:36:24 No.367216761
    i bought it and it had win7 starter so i got the code to upgrade but it was found out and i havent seen the need to find another code yet since i only upgraded so i could connect it to my ps3 to share internet.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:36:54 No.367216849

    What is with all these doubles??
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:37:05 No.367216879
    Not op, but still have tabs with pics up, F5 in a little while, I'll post 'em up.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:37:07 No.367216883

    yesss I can continue translating
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:38:06 No.367217025
    keep them coming /b/ro
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:38:20 No.367217074
    How do i troll him if i cant msg him to get him fired up or anything?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:38:56 No.367217196

    OP you have 7 mutual friends. Use them to contact her.
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:39:19 No.367217255
         File1323481159.jpg-(50 KB, 551x639, AhFuckItLol.jpg)
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    I can't be bothered with putting them in order.
    Fuck me, sorry guys.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:39:24 No.367217265
    Hack Israel's account.
    Post his info in this thread and the ones that follow.
    His account is /b/'s now.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:39:27 No.367217276

    all images for download, in whatever order I saved them
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:39:31 No.367217286
    wait some time and then send him a friend request, or the bitch, with 2k firends she likely accepts everybody. Then begin soft trolling
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:39:34 No.367217295
    friend request and wait
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:40:08 No.367217384
    get a pic of isreal, start new threat, hack FB
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:40:10 No.367217398
         File1323481210.jpg-(40 KB, 546x517, MessingWithMexicans.jpg)
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    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:40:44 No.367217512
    Thanks, bro!

    You saved me some time.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:40:50 No.367217529

    lol.. candy-assgots
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:42:06 No.367217737
    add me, candy-assgots ill add you back
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:42:14 No.367217769

    Add me, it's been a while.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:42:50 No.367217883
    why the blk it's his fakebook?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:42:54 No.367217889
    I suppose it's about time for me to make a troll facebook account.
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:44:11 No.367218089
    Nah, was gonna try to keep my fake account a secret but it doesn't really matter.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:44:41 No.367218187
    Alright lemme get in on this
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:45:12 No.367218290
         File1323481512.png-(341 KB, 1003x890, LookWhatIFound.png)
    341 KB
    Rick McDick is ready to serve.
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:45:44 No.367218378
         File1323481544.jpg-(24 KB, 519x332, MessingAround(1).jpg)
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    Got bored.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:45:52 No.367218403
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:46:24 No.367218496
    fuck it whatever
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:46:33 No.367218534
         File1323481593.jpg-(77 KB, 720x540, rih.jpg)
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    srsly we are tangling with a mean bunch
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:46:58 No.367218619
    lolbro do it up man I've got nothing else to do

    They might beat me up. :(
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:47:10 No.367218654
    ... better be a /b/ro or i will flip tables
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:48:27 No.367218893
         File1323481707.jpg-(45 KB, 788x585, 12463515772267.jpg)
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    beaner on beaner
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:49:26 No.367219092
    You inform him of this situation. No one upsets my college.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:49:52 No.367219175

    Here is me /b/ros add
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:49:53 No.367219178
         File1323481793.jpg-(30 KB, 495x391, MessingAround(2).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:50:32 No.367219276
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:51:02 No.367219365

    reposting pinky...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:51:29 No.367219435
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:51:40 No.367219466
    i fucking lol's hard
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:52:10 No.367219565
         File1323481930.jpg-(18 KB, 385x383, babby.jpg)
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    mfw OP has started another fb infestation
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:53:02 No.367219716
         File1323481982.jpg-(4 KB, 160x120, 3514081.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:53:06 No.367219726
    no adds for my candy-ass little trolling bitch eh?
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:53:07 No.367219730
         File1323481987.jpg-(37 KB, 573x466, MessingAround(3).jpg)
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    Dubs gets to tell me what to say to her.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:53:22 No.367219789
    Op still alive, or nigga just ripped him?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:53:56 No.367219880
    I dont even know how to read that shit :(
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:53:58 No.367219890
    Dubs get
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:54:11 No.367219932
         File1323482051.png-(589 KB, 1261x893, LookWhatIFound2.png)
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    Rick here, The school these beaners go to is Susan E. Wagner which is about 15 minutes from my house. This is where all the spics who can't make it into the regular high school go
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:54:27 No.367219966
    Hes here obviously
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:54:36 No.367219986
    you a bitch nigga with a dick ok?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:54:48 No.367220019
    Dude, Pinky isn't Stayy's gf, it's the other guy, Israel
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:54:54 No.367220039
    "For Chile (or some shit), don't put stupid shit because it ain't true"
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:55:15 No.367220108
    Say this

    "please just let me come over i bet you smell really nice like tacos fresh from taco bell"
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:55:42 No.367220176
    first it was roody-poo english, now ghetto spanish?
    for fucks sake these people need a boot to the head
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:56:08 No.367220243
    Responded with this.
    Waiting on her.
    >> Cyberpoliceman David Davidson 12/09/11(Fri)20:56:21 No.367220283
         File1323482181.jpg-(36 KB, 500x345, 1282576641195.jpg)
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    We here at the cyberpolice have been asked by the spic community to backtrace op, but unfortunately our tubes are currently clogged.
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:56:39 No.367220354
    I'm from Spain.
    I'll translate.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:57:37 No.367220526
    oh god, OP; THEY KNOW
    that's why they use their spicspeak, so we can't possibly translate it by way of software.
    fucking hell, they must be intelligent if they're capable of such cooperation
    do not underestimate them
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)20:58:14 No.367220608
    Haha, you think i'd mess with people that speak like this I didn't know the language?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:58:22 No.367220629

    ... dat feel when you call a spic a spic.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:58:37 No.367220669
    I bet they're monitoring this thread waiting to catch OP like they do on that dateline NBC show with Chris Hanson.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:59:07 No.367220758

    Biggest douche ever.
    Man the harpoons men.
    >> Rick 12/09/11(Fri)20:59:15 No.367220773
         File1323482355.jpg-(8 KB, 248x251, 1322605165183.jpg)
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    Sent all of them friend requests. None accepted yet. No love for Rick McDick
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)20:59:40 No.367220846
         File1323482380.jpg-(30 KB, 640x480, 354420.1.orig.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:00:26 No.367220944
    yeaaaaah wite boi sit dere ya dig!!?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:00:32 No.367220962
    sure you might understand but think of the millions of roody-poos and spic speaking like that to avoid translation, organization of that scale is unheard of, even with asians. you would do well not to underestimating their backtracing skills, i don't want to see another man gone done goofed
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:00:47 No.367220991
    OMG Look who i found!!! Lets hardcore troll this fa g
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)21:00:48 No.367220994
         File1323482448.jpg-(15 KB, 411x418, MehDoNotWantLol.jpg)
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    Oh, simmer down son.
    Here's my picture if it makes you feel any better.
    >> Rick 12/09/11(Fri)21:00:48 No.367220996
         File1323482448.jpg-(10 KB, 183x248, 1322604034057.jpg)
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    Susan E. Wagner HS is located in Staten Island, NY.
    aka, the land of spics and guidos
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:01:45 No.367221137
         File1323482505.gif-(75 KB, 200x186, 1318362467037.gif)
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    > look at music
    > mfw
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)21:02:08 No.367221182
         File1323482528.jpg-(21 KB, 459x268, MessingAround(4).jpg)
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    How reply?
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)21:03:40 No.367221413
    They took it as a joke though.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:03:43 No.367221419
    Sent him a message.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:03:57 No.367221460
    shes playing hard to get! tell her she can come over and help you with your yardwork.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:03:59 No.367221471
    you could bring some /b/ros
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:04:07 No.367221475
    i got some sweet salsa for your tacos mommacita
    >> Check em' 12/09/11(Fri)21:04:10 No.367221490
    Say you want to heat her spicy taco even if it does give you diarrhea of the mouth
    >> OP here 12/09/11(Fri)21:04:18 No.367221513
    My troll acount:

    add me bro's
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:04:24 No.367221530

    idk op
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:04:54 No.367221602

    "hoe, i know you are new to this but if you talk to me like that again I'ma have to tample your face, nalright?"
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:05:02 No.367221621
         File1323482702.jpg-(40 KB, 716x423, prettygay.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:05:09 No.367221643

    also not real op, was from earlier
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:05:43 No.367221728
         File1323482743.jpg-(66 KB, 300x300, mfw.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:05:46 No.367221741
         File1323482746.jpg-(3 KB, 160x120, 2923671.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:09:22 No.367222290
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)21:09:31 No.367222318
         File1323482971.jpg-(22 KB, 516x283, MessingAround(5).jpg)
    22 KB
    Let the fun begin?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:09:38 No.367222328
    Rate my troll account?
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:10:12 No.367222407
    dead thread? wtf? get your shit together /b/ros
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:10:21 No.367222441
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:10:54 No.367222534
         File1323483054.jpg-(8 KB, 218x180, 1316904991642.jpg)
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    >smell like tacos

    well played OP
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:11:10 No.367222569
    no no no rate my real account....
    dis candy-assgot is for real
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:11:16 No.367222602
    Holy fuck that looks real.
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)21:11:20 No.367222611
    She deleted me.

    Fuck girls.
    They never want me...
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:13:13 No.367222900
         File1323483193.jpg-(14 KB, 279x267, 1278445107382[1].jpg)
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    Yeah, Rick McDick? You don't have, by any chance, a meme picture as your profile pic? Because it's hard to be taken seriously if you call yourself Lord Trollington and have facebook frog as pic.
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)21:13:36 No.367222950
    Someone post replies from Israel or Stay High.

    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:14:09 No.367223028

    Add me candy-assgots
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:14:18 No.367223052
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    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:14:28 No.367223078

    Thank you kind sir or madame.
    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:14:50 No.367223139

    They arent responding to me

    >> Anonymous 12/09/11(Fri)21:14:59 No.367223155
    Dwayne Johnson
    Do you smell what The Rock is cooking?
    >> OP 12/09/11(Fri)21:15:02 No.367223170

    Troll this guy, ask him how dropping out of high school feels like. Ask him how his ex Ashley Tisdale broke up with him.


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