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    File : 1322564454.jpg-(114 KB, 600x800, wtf.jpg)
    114 KB I have a problem. SOciety hates me. Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:00:54 No.365331680  
    Everywhere around me in the U.S., in my own town, on the news, people are "sick pedos" for thinking sexually of females 14+.

    I admit I am attracted to 14+, but I would only feel comfortable with 15+.

    Pic related. It is attractive to me. why do females have to get tits and facial features that are attractive before the legal age of consent?

    In my state its 18. I know that in spain its 13 and in germany its 15, but maybe that because they believe no female over there will find older guys attractive.

    I'm 28. Not attracted only to them. But I find them highly desirable along with lower 20's and mid 20's. I also find some 30s chicks extremely hot.

    But when I think of the idea of being sexually attracted to females 14+, I feel ashamed and sick. Am I just sick in the head?

    Society would kill me if I were to say this in a public place around people who know me. thats how I feel.

    again, pic related, I do get aroused from this..
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:02:00 No.365331764
    every /b/tard loves jailbait.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:02:41 No.365331819

    you didnt answer the question, heathen!
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:03:01 No.365331851
    well dude, in many european countries it's okay to do it with 14+ and in all of them it is a 16+ soo you know that's just one of these shitty conservative american things.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:03:46 No.365331911
    Copypasta is copypasta, this shit was hur a wak go bruh! yu be i ndat hur der cancer shit bored roody-poo
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:04:51 No.365331993
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    I would give anything to fuck on of OPs girls, and I'm thirty. As soon as women hit 20 they start to degrade imo.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:05:47 No.365332076
    You're not alone.. I find girls 14+ attractive as well, however I wouldn't be comfortable in a sexual situation with any girl not 16+. I'm only 20. There are just things that aren't ok.. You have to consider more than sexual attraction.. A 14 year old girl is a CHILD and has no business engaging in any kind of sexual activity and if you honestly think that it's ok for a near-30 year old man to be into children of any age. Then you have a problem and you need to seriously consider seeking psychiatric help or a bullet through the brain.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:06:10 No.365332103

    b candy-ass doesnt even know what copypasta is
    >> Sterling 11/29/11(Tue)06:06:21 No.365332122
    I'm attracted to women between puberty and women in their 30's. Am I a freak /b/?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:06:26 No.365332137
    In medieval times, it was normal for an adult guy to have a 14 year old wife >.> Just saying...
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:07:01 No.365332185
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    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:07:53 No.365332263

    Pussy whipped by the feminists and he doesn't even realize it.

    Where did you learn these "facts"? Actual examination of facts of hearsay from people who want you to believe and you just idly going "meh, I guess I'll believe it with no proof".

    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:08:15 No.365332286
    move to Spain.

    age of consent is 13.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:08:44 No.365332334
    18, and like 14-17 y/os Problem? only for the ones younger by three years
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:09:06 No.365332367
    hell they get less horny in their older age.

    some 16 year old wants my dick bad. I'm 22. I know if I get with an older chick she wont be as DTF like this 16 year old.

    what do
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:09:17 No.365332382

    A tl;dr version. But yes, society will brand you as a freak who needs a bullet between the eyes. read up for that very sentiment.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:09:30 No.365332404
    this is fuckin hot
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:09:52 No.365332436
    Let her "RAPE" you ;)
    >> anon 11/29/11(Tue)06:10:44 No.365332481
    cuz girls are able to reproduce at 13 generally so your body and mind know its the right time.

    for hundreds of years you would have 13 year old marrying 20 year old. thats just how it was

    there are scientific studys that show if there is a 10 year difference in age of partners breeding is better.

    the thing is in the pasdt 50 years everyone has gotten so christan and mentally handy capped they forget the facts and the past 100 years of evelution.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:11:16 No.365332536
    It's not their body that's illegal, it's their brain that you are too old for....thats why society hates you, coz you need to be equal to the person in terms of understanding what is going on....if you where atracted to retards society would equaly hate you...get it?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:11:30 No.365332556
    aoc is 14 in Germany
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:11:36 No.365332564
    I'm 21, but when I was 16 I was doing all kinds of stuff to a 14 year old. (nearly legal in france)
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:12:53 No.365332669
    oh common, as soon as the girl is sexually attractive - its ok to have sex with her. forcing her to it physically or mentally is another issue. every one who say some thing different is a fucking hypocrite. grow the fuck up - the world has no boundaries, ppl make them up in their own minds.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:13:28 No.365332714
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    you are not abnormal. I know that feel brah. basically once there is a developed chest and a decent waist to hip ratio I am turned on. cant help it. I am fucking male and I am naturally attracted to this. its fucking science mang.

    personally I find women 75% of the time are highly desirable 16+ HOWEVER my experience in talking with them shoots them down to like 5% desirable... Most are not very bright and cannot relate to me in any way. I find them visually stimulating as any hot blooded male would but mentally... eh. I need a woman 20+

    btw I am 30.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:15:05 No.365332839
    No matter how old you are if you're attracted to young girls 13-18 you're a normal male, same as 19 and up. The only issue is your age difference between the girl when you are actually dating her. Though once they're 20+ it really doesn't matter how old you are as long as they're cool with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:15:07 No.365332846

    people who are actually retarded, below 65 IQ I beleive it is, are far less capable than most teenagers. even when the retard is 40. So your argument is pure ignorance and horshit. please come up with a better one.

    Other arguments I laugh at are "When you were 15 she was a fetus, that make it more attractive?".

    Yeah, would be a great liner to tell to a 65 year old with a 50 year old.

    People with their flawed analogies and poor comparisons are so full of shit it makes me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:16:06 No.365332929
    you, sir, are living my dream. im not a pedophile, i just find girls my age unattractive as persons. some one said earlier that girls degrade after certain age, i agree with that. fellsbadman.jpg
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:16:43 No.365333005

    this is kind of Normal where I live. a 29 year old went out with a 16 year old (illegal my state) because her parents plain didnt care. they'e been together 3 years. A 24 year old went out with a histrionic 16 year old because she basically stalked him and wanted his cock and then turned around and acted like a bitch for 3 years they were together.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:17:03 No.365333027

    How did you manage to meet a high school girl, If I was her parents I would disaprove so hard
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:17:49 No.365333094
    So long as there's grass to mow, I'm down ;O
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:18:56 No.365333176
    OP is a sick fuck and deserves to die.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:18:56 No.365333177
    Any heterosexual male is going to be attracted to a post-puberty female with a hot body. It's how nature intended it to be, moralcandy-asss.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:19:08 No.365333198
    Personally I am super attracted to young girls but I would never date one because they're so immature most times. Whats awesome is when you find a super petite older girl who looks really young :D
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:19:14 No.365333207
    "Let your haters be your motivators!"
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:19:19 No.365333214
    you need to smoke weed for a minute and chill out for an hour lol
    fucking kids is just wrong. taking advantage of a child that hasnt developed fully mentally is wrong. plain and simple.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:19:26 No.365333225

    Soo you believe that a 15 year old has as much knowledge as a 30 year old and can therefore equaly make decisions based on that?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:20:43 No.365333349

    I have a 30 year old friend who's facebook is 60% 16 year old girls from local high schools.

    Guess. He also uses the "in the olden days" line and feels perfectly fine with it but tells everyone who agrees with him to not tell anyone else this, cause of the social stigma.

    Its kind of like gays back in old days and how people killed and destroyed their lives for being gay. And yet, this was normal before... so odd.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:20:52 No.365333366
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    behold all the 3's in my post
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:21:31 No.365333427
    ITT: perverts convincing perverts they're not perverts
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:23:08 No.365333579
    I agree it's easy to be attracted to the BODY of a 14+ girl, but it's impossible to be attracted to their MIND. They are just not mentally capable of such a thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:23:48 No.365333649
    I definitely look, but have no intention to touch.

    But if a 14 year old cutie were to initiate the touch... it would be a really difficult thing to resist.

    There are some secrets that I'll take to the grave.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:23:55 No.365333661
    But seriously, post some jb allready
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:24:09 No.365333675
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    In Finland, people are at legal age at the age of 16. Feel free to visit us!
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:24:45 No.365333734
    first fucking "kids" - is ok, taking advantage of them, as like as anybody else - is not.
    second in age of like 14 or so i was way more mentally developed then you ever will be. so my point is mental development stops at like 9 or 10 in our society, afterwards its just new content coming in.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:24:56 No.365333751

    I believe that people are stupid no matter their age, and if someone makes the "bad decision" of being with a 15 year old, then they are clearly as immature as a 15 year old. So They are equal minds, really.

    Lets say we're basing all this uproar and legal precedent on mentality. a 30 year old who's very immature will find youngers hot and want to be with them. They will in fact have the mentality and ego of a 15-20 year old. So then, if we say that its based on a mental difference, there is none here. You'd be surprised.

    Grow old with me! The best is yet to be. ~Robert Browning

    Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life. ~Herbert Asquith

    Old age is fifteen years older than I am. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

    Men do not quit playing because they grow old; they grow old because they quit playing. ~Oliver Wendell Holmes

    Grandchildren don't make a man feel old; it's the knowledge that he's married to a grandmother. ~G. Norman Collie

    You can't hide your true colours as you approach the autumn of your life. ~Author Unknown

    I don't believe one grows older. I think that what happens early on in life is that at a certain age one stands still and stagnates. ~T.S. Eliot
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:25:15 No.365333776
    I used to date a chinese girl who was 14 turning 15. We fucked hard for many years until she turned 20, then her bald pussy started to grow hair on it so I dumped her.
    I was always 6 years older than her
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:26:37 No.365333905
    please don't use the phrase "psychiatric help" on /b/ you fucking TRAITOROUS FAGGOT. gtfo off the internet and go lodge a fucking bullet in your brain. obviously the columbine kids missed someone
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:27:09 No.365333950
    if it was ...333777 i would beleve you. but so... forget it.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:27:18 No.365333977
    in queensland it's 16 for vaginal and 18 for anal
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:27:19 No.365333980
    Since we are on the subject, lol.

    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:27:57 No.365334033

    Being honest, IQ and social pressures factor heavily into how mature someone becomes. Genetics also can grant people superior maturity and self willed understanding and sexuality younger.

    I was a 13 year old male doing 13 yr old girls. because I naturally understood it and wanted it, bad
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:27:57 No.365334035
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:28:32 No.365334094
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    if you don't find this hot there is something wrong with you
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:29:04 No.365334135
    >I was always 6 years older than her
    >always 6 years older
    you must have birthday on the same date, either you are talking about formal of factional age.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:29:43 No.365334202
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:30:07 No.365334226

    But wait, if a 30 year old is so inmature that he's basically like a 15 year old, then isn't he pretty much retarded to some degree? Is that whats wrong with "you" people?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:30:20 No.365334255

    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:30:32 No.365334270
    you must be a fucking fa­ggot or a huge fa­ggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:30:44 No.365334282
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:30:48 No.365334291
    Move to mexico, legal age of consent is 12
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:31:04 No.365334314

    maybe. everyone's retarded in some way. especially the very apparent aspie.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:31:44 No.365334372
    Great body. Want to share more?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:31:51 No.365334392
    wat, they are wearing clothes n shit and that is disgusting
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:32:06 No.365334412

    just for a year maybe, but I wouldn't go for anything under 15. I like it when they can desire it and want it for sexual pleasure fun.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:32:46 No.365334475
    Yeah shut up OP if you only like little girls then stfu.
    There are plenty of good women and you should pick one that isn't 14.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:34:07 No.365334579
    eeeehh.. yeah, i think so.but i rather concider the "grown ups" sick - at some point of life their world perception freezes and they become boring, there are "sick" girls my age that im attracted to.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:34:19 No.365334601
    fucking white knights gtfo
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:34:29 No.365334617

    read OP again you bitter old hag. you clearly didn't. enjoy knowing your tits sag and are second rate?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:34:33 No.365334624
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    >mfw ive had sex with a 14 yo
    >mfw she was a freak
    >mfw it was the best and craziest sex ive ever had
    i miss that girl
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:34:43 No.365334641
    >I know that in spain its 13 and in germany its 15

    Well here you "know" wrong, because liek >>365332556 said it's 14, but it's a little bit more complicated. To make things easier, let's say you are 28. It's okay fou you to fuck any 16+ if she's not a pupil of you or anything, and even 14+ if you don't take advantage of her lack of experience. This point's a little bit grayish but most of the time people get away with fucking a nice tight 14 yo pussy.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:34:51 No.365334653
    No it's the truth dumbcandy-ass.
    Seriously some women kick ass.

    Of course they're hard to find.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:35:41 No.365334730
    fapping to cp i got from

    check it
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:37:02 No.365334845
    Im a completely normal person, nonviolent, social, completely capable of talking to anyone, and ive had a relationship with a 13 year old when i was 18. It was completely consensual, she even brought it on, and im still attracted to her, i am also attracted to girls my own age, it doesnt really bother me. Is this normal?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:37:03 No.365334847
    you just live in the wrong country
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:37:28 No.365334887

    hurr durr

    >"they forget the facts and the past 100 years of evelution."
    >"past 100 years of evelution."
    >"100 years of evelution."
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:37:38 No.365334896
    Tl;dr we're programmed as a species to have the drive to spread our seed into anything over puberty.

    Societal values is what deems as wrong. No, you aren't sick in the head.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:37:55 No.365334920

    they're hard to find because they're idiots, doing the same shit they did at 14, which is going for the jocks or guys with loads of cash, and getting used for sex and arm candy and then dumped. Then they get bitter and go onto /b to bitch at normal males for having sexual attraction.

    IF its wrong, why is it hard coded in genetics? Are you saying god/nature/whatever fucked up? 1/4th of adults are pedos. thats male and female. Im quite sure 3/4 of the population likes 16+.

    40 year old woman marries 16 year old "boy". youtube it.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:40:29 No.365335101
    Moar pics
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:40:31 No.365335104

    holy shit! jackpot!
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:42:06 No.365335239

    FUCK you candy-ass. REAL pedophilism is wrong. die in a hole.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:42:17 No.365335255
    I didn't even know there were law restrictions against these kind of things, as long its consensual. Just the moral stigma, but even that is quite mild in my country. Eurocandy-ass here btw
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:43:06 No.365335310
    just because an underaged girl looks cute or is cute doesn't mean you actually have to fuck her, just like a dog, just cause it's cute i wouldn't fuck it, priority's, discipline and even respect towards females, you lack it all, i'm not judging, but i don't aprove of fucking minors and i'm 25.
    I mean if you hold together a list of girls who loose their virginity under a young age, this group is more likely to become the group of underachievers, teenagemothers (young mothers) etc. they'll become very liberal towards sex and that's not necesarily a good thing, you can imagine what would happen if you do find such a girl, she'll become a experimenting roody lover, you'll get dumped anyway, so better find someone who is mature and sex is a commitmend so don't use girls for that.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:43:10 No.365335314
    A teenage girl can murder someone, be potentially tried as an adult and spend life in prison.

    But if a guy has sex with her? Oh no, she was raped! She couldn't have possibly understood the consequences of her actions. Her brain isn't fully developed.

    Yep, makes perfect sense.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:43:34 No.365335337

    ever heard the song "15 gets you 20" by Jay-Z or Snoop Dog?

    yeah. in the U.S. do a 15 year old, get 20 years in prison.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:44:16 No.365335381

    well we're just animals...then rape is ok too? How about killing earch other? We have a brain, and for a good reason --- so that we can make use of each other to help us as a specie to prosper...thats what the awful society is there for, believe it or not
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:45:14 No.365335458

    This -^
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:45:34 No.365335481

    exactly. Theres been 11-13 year olds tried as adults for supreme planning in execution style murders of their parents. google and youtube that shit.

    the world is insane. They surely know the consequences of completely negative and horrible actions like murder, but they cant even comprehend the completely non-negative action of the pleasurable thing called sex. something that is natural and not in any way wrong in of itself, unlike murder.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:46:45 No.365335567
    And the problem with younger/ smaller girls is that you can really damage a girl from the inside during sex, one of the consequences from thios is not being able to produce children and most of you here are elder men and young kids so i say, stop that shit with saying i'll be carefull, it's not an excuse, but some of you candy-assgot have to experience how it is to gain such a loss, because you don't know the serioussnes of this matter
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:48:07 No.365335657
    >> very liberal towards sex.
    >> not a good thing.

    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:48:43 No.365335699
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:49:42 No.365335767
    I never said it was "okay". I said he wasn't crazy for being attracted to that which his biological makeup says he is attracted to.

    What determines right or wrong depends on where it goes from there and the country of residence's laws concerning it.

    I don't condone pedophilia. I only said he was not crazy. Don't put words in my mouth.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:50:07 No.365335790
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    I did a 15 year old 4 years ago, and shes still my girlfriend,and we both go to a major university (different subjects though) in Europe :)
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:50:19 No.365335812
    mfw u imply 14 year olds arent sluts i kno plenty of girl as young as 12 that fuck on a weekly baisis....but to take a 14 year olds v card when ur 18 plus is a lil fucked up
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:50:24 No.365335819

    Okay so how do euro countries get away with it? Because over there sex is considered a neutral act, or even positive. And nothing is bad about it. SO when they act with peers or older people, they take nothing negative from it. no shame or social stigma. So then it doesn't hurt them whatsoever.

    your morality and sense of right is based on your society, and this in turn has a recursive effect on how people react when they believe into it, so when in your society, a younger person has sex, they feel shame, and this can blow up into long standing issues. its your fault and your society's fault for telling them its such a bad thing and convincing them of that.

    euro-candy-ass here.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:51:00 No.365335859
    There's a way kids learn the positive feeling sex brings it's called MASTURBATION
    This guy must be 40
    >> ‮rebmeM dloG ‪‪‪‬ 11/29/11(Tue)06:51:06 No.365335868
    Had the chance to do a 15 year old.. Missed it due to some crazy bullshit/whiskey.. the time we spent together before shit got fucked up was really pleasant though and she was sexy.
    >At concert group of 13~15 yr olds and their 18 yr old sister watching them
    >all smoking weed and smoking me out many times
    >young girls all over me, not sure what to do.. sister doesn't seem to care.
    >pinch one of the girls hard in the ass to give them the picture
    >avoid being a pedo for another day lol
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:52:06 No.365335947

    I guess thats why there's all those teenage pregnancies. Owait. also, damage comes frm prepubescents having sex. which is not what anyone here is talking about. noone here is talking about pedophilism.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:52:53 No.365336009
    >>   11/29/11(Tue)06:53:27 No.365336043
    Let's test that.

    IQ=[(mental age)*100]/(chronological age)
    65=[(mental age)*100]/(40)
    65*40=(mental age)*100
    65*40/100=(mental age)
    65*4/10=(mental age)
    260/10=(mental age)
    26=(mental age)
    >> Age of consent Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:53:28 No.365336044
    in vatican city is 12,
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:53:29 No.365336045

    pedo is 13 or less even in US standards. Or go to mexico or middle eastern countries where they have no standards.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:54:18 No.365336106

    I know I'm going to date myself horribly with this but...

    "Back in my day, we called that 'being a man'."

    Being attracted to somewhat under age girls is PERFECTLY NATURAL! FFS!!

    Acting on it is another thing, but there's a lotta gray zone in there, depending on just how old you are.

    There used to be an unspoken law, "You can look, but don't touch." - granted, I'm not sure if that's really true anymore. World's just batshit insane - but what else is new.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:55:56 No.365336227
    I'm dutch pricks, this the real arian here, but anyway, you have no sense of morality, so if society agrees not to fuck teens, like we have and then i say no, i want to fuck op's 6 year sis.
    does this mean society is wrong or am i wrong?
    because this is what you all say. and sluts? really? where do must sluts end up? do you want that? do you think that is the ending females in general deserve?
    And us guys are pricks man, don't act like you don't know man mfw
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:56:12 No.365336253
    Males become attracted to females as soon as they get tits and their period starts. Thats how it works with every animal, its nature.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:56:26 No.365336267

    mfw troll logic.

    IQ drops throughout people's age and levels out when you reach maturity.

    a 1 year old who's 65-70 iq will be around 65 IQ from 20 years through death.

    all those division numbers make you look stupid.
    >> ‮rebmeM dloG ‪‪‪‬ 11/29/11(Tue)06:56:28 No.365336271
    Its just sad that I'm 20 and a lot of younger girls I meet are DTF or easy and girls my age are prudes/virgins/religious waiting for marriage
    No joke I think I'm going to the wrong Uni..
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:57:41 No.365336358
    PDA here, how is that different from ANY woman? Most of the attractive ones never develop their minds and are just as immature and unintelligent as many 14-yr-olds and I rarely meet a woman anywhere near as intelligent as I am. I know a 33-yr-old right now who is as unintelligent and nearly as immature as she was at 14-when I met her.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:58:15 No.365336397
    hahahahahha or maybe its time for you to realize your a beta candy-assgot who cant get laid
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)06:59:18 No.365336483
    not only prebescend, because adult females have ovarees too and they are breakable, so sorry bear, you loose
    Haha you mean when you was a kid yourself, just like gay's were sissy's and we were scared of homo's, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:01:30 No.365336666
    Even though a 14 year old may look mature enough and has all the right stuff to have sex, most of the time the body is still developing..many girls wonder why they can't achieve an orgasm? One really good reason could be having sex at a younger age, it kills off vital nerve endings to get maximum pleasure when they're older. Just some facts for you creeps.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:01:51 No.365336698

    and that right there is another hole in people's theory of mental age.

    if someone is mentally immature at 30 like they are 14, is it legally wrong to have sex with them too? No wait, their BODY is of age so its ok.

    If Someone 14 is mentally mature like a 22 year old, is it ok? No wait, their BODY is NOT of age.

    And yet when discussed, its not an issue of BODY but of MIND.

    the whole age of consent thing is based on troll logic. Guess who started age of consent? Feminisits.

    guess who's against it?

    Philosophers, gay rights activits, actors, etc. All male. Actual people with talents and thinking ability vs crusty old women with signs.

    Also, if anyone remembers the 60-70's with "Free love" noone there cared. Everyone did as they liked and everyone agreed, and noone got hurt out of that. because it was belief that sustained goodness or badness of acts throughout he mental lifespan of a person.
    >>   11/29/11(Tue)07:02:37 No.365336759
    Eh, no. Making steps obvious is part of the process of communication in this crowd.

    >a 1 year old who's 65-70 iq will be around 65 IQ from 20 years through death.
    You don't know the difference between "who's" and "whose"? You also don't account for hard work? Oh, so it's now apparent why you think people will "remain the same through the ages."

    Nothing you wrote made proper sense. People's IQ varies with age. It's literally the definition of IQ.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:03:32 No.365336830
    I'm attracted to girls 4-40, is there something wrong with me? It's like I have no reservations.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:04:29 No.365336909
    omfg creepy quads...last time i even posts in one of these stupid ass discussions
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:04:32 No.365336916

    retard. The argument was that there'd be a higher rate of dsetruction of vaginal walls and other parts of her from sex at 14-18. Its proven the only higher rate is for prepubescent, i.e., non-developed.

    This is another bait and switch argument that has no ground to stand on, but its being voiced as if its a valid concern, which it isnt. Your own admission proves this by stating at all ages this can happen.

    Well only at 12 or less can this actually happen with higher frequency to non -developed types.

    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:04:33 No.365336917
    > yfw puberty is natures way of saying her body is ready
    > also implying when they turn 18 a switch turns on and suddenly she makes rational descisions
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:04:58 No.365336958
    I hit puberty when I was 10, so naturally I'm still attracted to girls around that age. I even like women 70+. It doesn't mean I'm going to do anything to them. Unconsentual sex is wrong in today's modern age.

    I love it when other men freak out in reaction to others being pedos. Those who make the most fuss are most likely covering up for themselves. I'd wager that the majority of today's men in the modern world are considered pedos when it comes down to it.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:05:24 No.365336987
    They problem is that you guys (pedo's) are the reason we can't let our daughters walk free anymore, not on school, not in the weekend never, think about it, what would you do if it's your daughter? we pedofiles going for incest, dads and uncles, we have the internetpedo's on chatsites, we have the teachers, sportclubs, churchpedo's and if that's not enough we have you guys advocating that it's perfe3ctly normal.
    you're either with us or against, grayzones are for wannabe's.
    Me? i wouldn't fuck that chick if she climbed naked in my bed ask my friends Thatz What Being A MAN is about mah nigras
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:05:34 No.365337004
    Everyone loves jailbait. It's sheer evolution. Acting on it is where people go wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:06:38 No.365337084
    Girls are at their peak of hotness and fertility between like 12 and 17. It's literally right when they're finally "legal", they lose those tight 90 pound bodies like the girls in OP's picture and go off to college and gain about 50 pounds and a beer gut. I can't stress how much this pisses me off.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:07:02 No.365337113

    Stop letting your daughters dress like sluts, might just help.

    inb4 victim complex
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:08:24 No.365337217
    YOU ARE IN MASSIVE DENIAL OR YOU ARE GAY. Given the right circumstances, you would fuck that hot underage girl till you got bored of it.
    >> ‮rebmeM dloG ‪‪‪‬ 11/29/11(Tue)07:08:49 No.365337251
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    This guy thinks hes trolling. pffhaha
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:09:02 No.365337270
    ugh ugh if a 30 year old wants to it's ok, because of the and haste to produce kids, it can.
    But offering sex to a 14 year old? are you out of your goddamn mind? if you can't see the difference you are the retarded one here.
    and like mentioned before, the body of a 14 year old is less ready for sex, that's why we don't call em mature or ripe, we don't even look at em
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:09:03 No.365337271

    anything under 13, you should go see someone for this.


    yeah, at 18 a magical switch makes them able to make decisions like an adult. personally I think that if society tells them they are supposed to be immature and 'children" until 18, youre building up a lot of habit of thought and action of immaturity, and that cant just go away at 18 magically. In essence, telling people to remain children is how you create generatios of slackers and losers. you see all the out of work 20's people lately, who have no goal in life and are going nowhere? This would be why.

    but yeah, at 18 (or 16 in many US states), a switch in their brain makes them capable of consenting and understanding. right.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:11:16 No.365337427
    quads ftw
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:11:28 No.365337450
    That's preference dude...or rather the age when you first were exposed to or started noticing sexuality...lay off, but yeah 4 is a bit young for me :P but hey it's just attraction for him....let's hope :P
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:11:35 No.365337459
    When I was 18 I fucked a 15 year old. Now wev been together for 4.5 years. problem?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:11:42 No.365337471
    I have no attraction at all to underage girls. I like hips and curves and pubic hair on my women. And I find most young women to be too stupid to be at all attractive.

    But I really can't fault or blame men who profess attraction to underage girls. That these girls are considered 'untouchable minors' is purely a social imposition, but everyone has biological calls, and that for men goes along the lines of younger women, and girls.

    Therefore, to me, it's okay for a guy to be sexually attracted to an underage girl, so long as he doesn't actually do anything to her -- because it's not him who's attracted, it's his biological whims.

    However, I draw the line at puberty. Any girls who haven't touched puberty yet are OUT.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:11:44 No.365337474
    Hah lol and your comment sais it's most likely to happen in the younger ages
    so i'm not providing false information, it is indeed a very serious problem
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:11:44 No.365337475


    I don't know how many times I see girls 10 and up wearing thongs sticking out of their jeans and spaghetti string shirts with low cut for their tits to peek out and say hello.

    You don't want people to sexualize your sexually ready daughter? Dress her in clothes you want her to wear. you ARE her parent right? Cant you tell her what to do? Isnt that what, by law, you have right to do?

    Blame yourself, you lazy nanny-state lover.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:11:59 No.365337497
    13 if you are underage too
    16 if you are 18+
    im from spain and i know
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:12:36 No.365337535
    In general all males are going to be attracted to females 14+ if they are beginning to develop, some won't admit it and others go to into it. All anyone needs to do is find out whether that person feels the same way about you and then engage however you feel is appropriate and what she understands
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:12:40 No.365337543
    I think that if you put priests in the list too you'll see how retarded this is
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:13:27 No.365337601
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:14:00 No.365337642
    fucking people get brainwashed by this shit and spout how pedophilia is wrong and shit with no real, substantial arguments

    i don't give two fucks about cp or child sexual abuse, but pedophilia is not a problem at all and it pisses me off how the second it is mentioned a blanket over unrelated things goes off in peoples minds blocking any sense of logic
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:14:06 No.365337645
    Age of consent is this:

    It prohibits successful and kinder males from being with younger females.

    younger females now seek the attention of older guys who don't care about breaking laws. These guys have nothing to live for, and if they don't mind breaking laws, are probably doing other illegal things too.

    In essence, it creates a state where girls going for older males are going to end up with males who will endanger them and abuse them, much more so than if it was legal. that dopefiend male? He'll do your children and wont care. The upstanding citizen? He won't be there to help them learn and grow in a safe environment.

    In essence, you're killing your own children.

    you like?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:14:13 No.365337657
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    It's normal. Girls start developing their facial features and bodies at 14+, being attracted to a teenage girl is not unnatrual. I think AoC being 18 is plain silly, 15 is pretty good.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:14:42 No.365337703

    Well its mostly when I'm not seeing another girl. When I have a GF I don't think about younger girls at all. I'm an attractive young guy too and fairly fun and social. I just have this budding desire and fantastys about underage girls under 13.

    I think its the fact i was sheltered when i was younger so instead of having sex for the first time when i was 14 I didn't until the end of high school.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:14:49 No.365337714
    Or maybe you're in a midlife crisis and never had a girl when you was 14 and now you feel left behind and are not strong enough to leave the past?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:15:12 No.365337749
    When did you hit puberty dude? Just curious, I'd like to know,
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:15:35 No.365337787
    That's why I love high school girls. I get older, they stay the same age.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:17:01 No.365337915

    agreed. It needs t obe lowered to 15.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:17:02 No.365337917
    These random beliefs are all constrictive, binding, fundamental conservative beliefs. It all comes from Christianity and well religion in general bent on suppressing anyone's free will. If you can control what people think by using god as the excuse then you can control what people think, what people believe, what people think is just or unjust or wrong or right. Its just how it is, America is fucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:17:40 No.365337968
    so in your eyes it's like God, because you can't prove why it's right and in your eyes we can't prove why it's wrong? damn..then pass the bong along with your lil sis son
    >> ‮rebmeM dloG ‪‪‪‬ 11/29/11(Tue)07:17:52 No.365337987
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    I see what you did there
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:18:37 No.365338044
    sexual attraction does not change for some of us. but we can control how we act on it later in life. You are in denial that if under NO circumstances ever would you do anything to an underage girl. (what if the world was going to end?)
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:19:12 No.365338091
    Dont worry OP we all feel like this, if you say you dont you obvously lying...

    Its evolution, 200,000 years of it has made us want to mate with the best femail there is, the youngest, the most healthy ect.

    In the 1700s you would be married with kids by the time you are 14.

    Its only because closed minded people belive and do exactly what their govenment tells them. That girls of this age are not mature enough to cope with having children. (whether they are or not, i know i was pretty stupid at 14-18)
    >>   11/29/11(Tue)07:19:51 No.365338139
    I would. Especially with
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:21:33 No.365338276
    My friend pedofilia isn't mentioned in the bible or the qua'ran or thora whatever religious book you open it isn't mentioned in it, only that sex before marriage is prohibited, but the age from wich one can marry isn't written in the bible, why do you think you hear about childbrides in the middle east? so know you can't say it's a fundamentalistic religious idea anymore ok? review your standingpoint pls
    >> anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:21:48 No.365338294
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    >>365331680 tits or gtfo!!
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:22:19 No.365338339
    Its funny because maybe like 50 years ago this wasn't such a fundamental belief that everyone had, don't you think its strange at all?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:22:59 No.365338387

    I fucking love you newcandy-ass
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:22:58 No.365338391
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    >19 chillin at a party in college town
    >when a wild 14yo appears
    >someone told her i had some white widow
    >basically begged me to smoke her out
    >find out shes 14, idgaf
    >smoke her out in my jeep, shes starin at me so i kiss her
    >ask her if shes a virgin and she says no
    >leave party and get hotel room
    >show up two hours later like nothing happen

    felt good man
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:23:57 No.365338453
    Less words more pics? How about that?
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:25:11 No.365338540
    I know it isn't mentioned. I mean how America conservatives have warped Christianity for their own ability to suppress ideas they don't like. It happens all the time religions are simply catalysts to slavery, if you knew anything of our history you would see that in plain sight.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:25:26 No.365338562
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    If any of you say you wouldn't plow all of these girls, you're either gay or lying. It's completely normal. End of discussion.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:25:39 No.365338575
    you're trying to turn me or trap in a pedotrap? no facts at all, but me, i don't fuck kids. period. i don't want to. if the world would end i would be in the frontlines protecting it offcourse shees candy-assgot like this --> if the law would make it legal and the gouvernment would encourage it..i wouldn't do it, that's 1st and 2nd i would never make kids and cause a mass columbine in the parlement when they gather and i would not be allone, in other words nothing would change friend.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:26:23 No.365338624
    i did a 15 year old today, Holy shit she had the best ass i've ever seen
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:26:49 No.365338657
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    sweet, let's go!
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:26:58 No.365338669
    in germany it's 16, but only if both are okay with it
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:28:30 No.365338778
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    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:29:09 No.365338825

    you know, ifts funny when people say the worlds going to hell. Theen sometimes they cite this as the one clue it is happening. And yet this went on for 1000's of years perfectly fine and the world never went to hell. Seems like one of those thigns where people don't believe its bad, and then suddenly start ot believe it, and then cite it as the degredation of society when its always been around.

    the world is going to hell. going to hell with more laws and more hate and more negativity about natural life. Confucius son. "The more laws you make, the more criminals there will be".

    Theworld only needs the big 10 as laws. They can also be condensed into 2 or 3 by george carlin. 14 yr olds having sex with older males isnt one of them.

    PS for all you in the thread who are honest with tyouyrself. There will alwasy be a never ending parade of 14+ year old females looking to get it on with older men. SO don't worry about that. Just be social. they will come to you.
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:29:24 No.365338838
    First off nowhere did I claim anything as being factual, however if you believe that a 14 year old girl has the same though capacity and decision making ability as a 16 or 18 year old then you're a fucking moron. I'm a psychology masters student.. So please debate this with me. LOL
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:29:56 No.365338874
    Well society changes and mostly for the better 1700 was our christiantime after we separated church from state and pedofillia became illegal, i believe we had our fair share of pedo's in those time (since it wasn't mentioned in the constitution) but prohibited later, so it didn't produce good results cause if it did it would still be legal and i do believe that in most cases the victims press charges, because pedo's don't stop they continue to make more victims or sexual partners as they would like to call em
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:30:37 No.365338934
    It's 16 in Australia, but you can't eat her shit until she's 17
    >> anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:31:34 No.365338995
    candy-assggggg. bumping for tits
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:31:43 No.365339001
    even sex before marriage isn't explicitly condemned in the bible, seem it happens in song of songs and book of Ruth, new testament references to "fornication" are only talking about pagan sex practice. only came to include pre-martial sex after commentary by Thomas Aquinas
    >> Anonymous 11/29/11(Tue)07:31:50 No.365339006
    Thread has been won. +1 internet to you.
    in germany its 14+. if below 16, there needs to be no coercion or manipulation and no "adult in power over her" issue. like a teacher or parent or parent's friend. I even have the chart, in original german.

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