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    Thanks and Happy Thanksgiving!
    Love, mootykins

    File : 1322265292.jpg-(242 KB, 897x647, have-a-nice-day.jpg)
    242 KB maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)18:54:52 No.364725148  
    Hey Anonymous, I just wanted to make sure you had a great day!
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)18:55:24 No.364725218
    fuck you fat neckbeard weaboo candy-assget
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)18:55:36 No.364725235
    I won't now.

    Just to spite you.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)18:55:37 No.364725243
    Thank you fellow Linux user.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)18:56:10 No.364725304
         File1322265370.jpg-(10 KB, 320x240, 401581.1.orig.jpg)
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    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)18:58:10 No.364725534
         File1322265490.jpg-(94 KB, 1440x810, happy.jpg)
    94 KB
    It's okay, I still like you Anon!
    If that's the case, I hope you have a shitty day, Anonymous!
    You're welcome!
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)18:58:18 No.364725553
    Tits or auschwitz!
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)18:59:22 No.364725684
    This day started off terribly, but then I got a fortune cookie from my favorite chinese food place that said, "Everything will now come your way." So I went and bought a lottery ticket for the Megamillions which is tonight and I remain hopeful.
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:00:14 No.364725786
         File1322265614.jpg-(30 KB, 300x375, 1310844714554.jpg)
    30 KB
    Max! Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:00:28 No.364725814

    Am I having a great day? I don't really, been sick this morning, combined with a major hangover from partying all night last night.

    also, I have your wall scroll right behind me, horo!
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:00:34 No.364725828
         File1322265634.gif-(283 KB, 151x250, ..gif)
    283 KB
    Hello... I'm supposed to be doing art but stuck here on 4hcan..!
    >> ‮srewolf .s nhoj‪‪‪‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:01:15 No.364725911
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:01:41 No.364725981
    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:05:29 No.364726454
         File1322265929.jpg-(213 KB, 427x600, 1294727688562.jpg)
    213 KB
    But anon, Auschwitz is not in use anymore!
    I hope it turns out great!
    Good choice!
    Just take a bunch of Vitamin C and hope it turns out better!

    Wait, my wallpaper? Cool!
    Wait, do you normally post Lucky Star?
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:07:34 No.364726704
         File1322266054.png-(186 KB, 315x309, 1315901903921.png)
    186 KB
    Not really, I post most stuff. I used to be known as Blanky, hence my blankname.
    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:08:53 No.364726866
         File1322266133.jpg-(58 KB, 514x650, brocoli.jpg)
    58 KB
    So you aren't the person who posts Lucky Star pictures with witty filenames?
    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:09:18 No.364726910
         File1322266158.png-(77 KB, 500x500, 1273074218374.png)
    77 KB
    >> ‮srewolf .s nhoj‪‪‪‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:10:27 No.364727068
    the ghosts have all come and gone today. i can't decide on a domicile for my moniker.
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:10:29 No.364727071
         File1322266229.jpg-(41 KB, 804x844, 1308736477424.jpg)
    41 KB
    Nope, you mean Kon maybe.
    >> The Captain Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:10:46 No.364727116
         File1322266246.jpg-(33 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    33 KB
    oh what's goin on in here? Awww shit, how's everyone doin tonight?
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:11:22 No.364727184
         File1322266282.jpg-(11 KB, 300x431, 1308903764827.jpg)
    11 KB
    Sup dude?
    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:11:25 No.364727192
         File1322266285.jpg-(378 KB, 1439x809, iloveyou-andthatswhyineedtodri(...).jpg)
    378 KB
    Yttrium! How are you today?
    Hey Captain!
    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:12:05 No.364727237
    did you keep last night's thread open when you went to sleep?
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:12:06 No.364727240
    You are an awesome change of pace. This thread made me feel just that much better. It soothes my soul to know that there are still some genuinely kind people in the world. I hope nice things come to you.
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:12:31 No.364727305
         File1322266351.jpg-(85 KB, 625x373, 2011-07-01.jpg)
    85 KB
    This thread needs some MC and Church.
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:12:36 No.364727309
         File1322266356.jpg-(84 KB, 250x350, horo.jpg)
    84 KB
    tis this one
    >>  john s. flowers 11/25/11(Fri)19:12:57 No.364727352
    does the yellow suit work?
    >> The Captain Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:13:29 No.364727419
         File1322266409.jpg-(677 KB, 900x1182, 287719 - Hans_Gunsche Hellsing(...).jpg)
    677 KB
    maximum how's it goin?
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:13:53 No.364727478
         File1322266433.jpg-(19 KB, 183x151, 13432.jpg)
    19 KB
    I remember you. Hello there traveler.
    >> ‮srewolf .s nhoj‫‫‫‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:14:17 No.364727508
    Maybe orange?
    >> ‮srewolf .s nhoj‫‫‫‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:14:56 No.364727577
    Oh, you know, working on tricks that do nothing.
    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:15:33 No.364727659
         File1322266533.jpg-(762 KB, 1431x803, this?itsjustanotherbondingexpe(...).jpg)
    762 KB
    I did, but Firefox crashed..

    All I saw is that you started posting after I went to sleep.
    It's going good.
    I don't remember that image.. I'll save it anyway.
    >> The Captain Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:16:41 No.364727790
         File1322266601.jpg-(153 KB, 448x332, 420834-hansclub.jpg)
    153 KB
    good good. I'm just loving me some red delicious apples. :3 yum
    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:16:55 No.364727817
         File1322266615.png-(52 KB, 760x324, RocketDock_2011-11-25_19-16-23.png)
    52 KB
    >> A humble servant of the Queen 11/25/11(Fri)19:18:26 No.364728002
         File1322266706.jpg-(156 KB, 640x480, 1285446650389.jpg)
    156 KB
    Why thank you! And same to you.
    >> ‫john s. flowers  ‮‪‪‪‪‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:21:06 No.364728353
    Take your time, don't worry.
    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:21:29 No.364728403
         File1322266889.png-(13 KB, 492x171, Downloads_2011-11-25_18-43-09.png)
    13 KB
    >> ‫john s. flowers  ‮‪‪‪‪‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:21:45 No.364728444
    Finally, some room to breath.
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:24:17 No.364728741
    I am a sheep.
    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:24:40 No.364728803
         File1322267080.jpg-(724 KB, 1433x804, ithoughtyoulovedmethemost-yttr(...).jpg)
    724 KB
    Basically, you came in at a bad time.

    I was tired, and you weren't there when I closed my laptops lid.

    Did you on purposely not talk to me, Yttrium?
    Honeycrisp, motherfucker!
    I'm sorry GNASH didn't work... ;_;
    Thank you Anonymous!
    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:27:15 No.364729123
         File1322267235.png-(7 KB, 1024x37, yttriumtyclief on Justin2.png)
    7 KB
    i was just lurking ;_;

    that's bullshit, something is wrong.

    gnash works on it says.


    no more freedom restricting software. vh is entirely FOSS. there is no FOSS equivalent for FMLE, so i'm forced to use that.

    but... my stream is beautiful, horohun. figure out why you're incompatible and get the fuck over here.
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:27:26 No.364729149
         File1322267246.jpg-(33 KB, 200x189, 1317150228974.jpg)
    33 KB
    >> The Captain Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:27:37 No.364729172
         File1322267257.jpg-(125 KB, 600x747, 403564-captainwolf.jpg)
    125 KB
    Red Delicious masterrace biatch!
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:28:06 No.364729226
         File1322267286.gif-(4 KB, 299x276, 1310996278877.gif)
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    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:28:12 No.364729248

    SLAP ME.

    and then come over here.
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:29:15 No.364729373
         File1322267355.png-(9 KB, 707x228, 1308414045620.png)
    9 KB
    Well... See you around.
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‪‪‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:29:25 No.364729398
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:30:48 No.364729585
    electric landmass.
    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:31:37 No.364729712
         File1322267497.jpg-(629 KB, 1435x806, itsforyourowngood.jpg)
    629 KB
    Maybe it was a problem with NoScript ( has like 200 scripts on it).

    Let me *sigh* allow them one by one.
    Ish okay, I forgive you.
    Nigger, Honeycrisp master race.
    >> Калашников TBA по-русски Prince of madness 11/25/11(Fri)19:31:44 No.364729731
    The world is ending cant you feel it?
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:32:50 No.364729855
    I am the end. I am he who's holy name is DATURA!! and who has come to destroy.
    Who writes this shit?
    >> The Captain Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:32:59 No.364729879
         File1322267579.jpg-(69 KB, 462x658, 48025-captain_from_hellsing_co(...).jpg)
    69 KB
    have you ever tried a red delicious? They are amazing.
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:33:44 No.364729972
    "Granny Smith".
    >> Калашников TBA по-русски Prince of madness 11/25/11(Fri)19:34:26 No.364730064

    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:34:59 No.364730125
         File1322267699.jpg-(72 KB, 500x500, 126902463361.jpg)
    72 KB
    well, try that, then.
    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:35:03 No.364730132
         File1322267703.png-(142 KB, 1306x714, goddammitgnash.png)
    142 KB
    Okay, this is not working.

    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:35:16 No.364730161
    I liked that song. Boris is always fun.
    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:36:44 No.364730318
         File1322267804.png-(175 KB, 500x500, grrr-yb.png)
    175 KB
    If you keep saying that Johnny, I won't like you anymore.
    ;_; I'm sorry, my Yttrium..
    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:37:42 No.364730426
    did you install the gnash plugin for firefox?
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:38:21 No.364730517
    "I thought we were already enemies anyways?".
    Johnny looks over his shoulder casually through the sides of his eyes.
    >> Калашников TBA по-русски Prince of madness 11/25/11(Fri)19:38:31 No.364730542
    >> Rose 11/25/11(Fri)19:38:32 No.364730545
         File1322267912.jpg-(3 KB, 110x120, 63.jpg)
    3 KB
    Oh Look!
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:40:06 No.364730737
    Johnny spits.
    >> Покорный слуга королевы 11/25/11(Fri)19:40:20 No.364730772
         File1322268020.jpg-(63 KB, 320x319, 1303029220419.jpg)
    63 KB
    Королева Неба
    Королева Малого Царство / б /

    Королева моего сердца
    >> The Captain Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:41:44 No.364730926
         File1322268104.png-(33 KB, 140x199, 17-10.png)
    33 KB
    I will end you sir.
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:42:15 No.364730990
    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:42:34 No.364731027
    here, horo, try this.

    go to advanced options under the setup. you can pick gnash from there.
    >> Покорный слуга королевы 11/25/11(Fri)19:42:37 No.364731034
         File1322268157.jpg-(77 KB, 369x425, 1303027731619.jpg)
    77 KB
    Ты не является забавой.
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:42:49 No.364731060
         File1322268169.jpg-(77 KB, 449x509, 1308916704211.jpg)
    77 KB
    Is that... the real one? Rose?
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:43:49 No.364731168
    Its the bitter sweet aspect that really reveals the superior taste, which is much more suited for the cultured taste.
    "You're welcome to try".
    Johnny casually jabs his switch blade into his stomach and wrenches his intestines out.
    >> Калашников TBA по-русски Prince of madness 11/25/11(Fri)19:44:28 No.364731247
    Нет русски
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:45:14 No.364731335
    >> Rose 11/25/11(Fri)19:45:19 No.364731341
         File1322268319.jpg-(25 KB, 386x361, 85.jpg)
    25 KB
    Is there a fake one?
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:46:54 No.364731519
         File1322268414.jpg-(42 KB, 1168x615, 1308734688478.jpg)
    42 KB
    I don't know, but I haven't seen you in what feels like eternity. Holy christ, how are you?
    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:47:34 No.364731595
         File1322268454.png-(72 KB, 500x500, 126880800969.png)
    72 KB

    especially since trips don't exist currently.
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:48:31 No.364731732
    Addict Addict Addict.
    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:49:38 No.364731873
         File1322268578.jpg-(134 KB, 625x900, 1288821261736.jpg)
    134 KB
    I didn't have it installed, and my internet died...
    >> Калашников TBA по-русски Prince of madness 11/25/11(Fri)19:50:19 No.364731931
    True sad isnt it

    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:50:29 No.364731957
    and did you install the one i suggested now? ;_;
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)19:50:31 No.364731960
         File1322268631.png-(125 KB, 600x857, That VirgiNEETy.png)
    125 KB
    I'm 23. I am completely alone and I've just ate 3 quarter pounders, one left to go. My heart just shriveled and ached. I will probably die a virgin in a pool of my own vomit.
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:50:47 No.364731987
    Enemies, you know.
    >> Rose 11/25/11(Fri)19:52:00 No.364732146
         File1322268720.jpg-(25 KB, 530x680, 240.jpg)
    25 KB
    It has been a while! I rarely come on here any more.
    Slightly stressed but it will pass but other than that all is well, how's things on your side?

    I lost my trip anyways, I don't think anyone knows me to fake me anyhow.
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:53:21 No.364732306
    I had a dream about you last night, my friend.
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:53:52 No.364732367
         File1322268832.jpg-(21 KB, 324x340, 1308317497202.jpg)
    21 KB
    Pretty much the same, except the stress. I'm never stressed for some reason. I'm chill.
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:54:36 No.364732461
    I just want to find out what your nice to me foor.
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:55:10 No.364732542
    No more patience to peel off old scars.
    >> johnny ‮srewolf‪‫‫‬‪‪‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)19:55:42 No.364732596
    It'd be cool in theory, you know.
    >> Rose 11/25/11(Fri)19:58:53 No.364732967
         File1322269133.jpg-(20 KB, 447x586, 193.jpg)
    20 KB
    I'm usually relaxed too but college has been busy, Family has been annoying and 2 unexpected friends falling in love with me giving me and guilt trip because I don't return the feelings.

    Get's rather annoying ha.
    >> ­­­­­­­ 11/25/11(Fri)19:59:10 No.364733000
         File1322269150.jpg-(10 KB, 394x93, See you around.jpg)
    10 KB
    Whoop, It's 2am and I have a train to catch tomorrow at 12pm, so I'm out.
    It was nice seeing you again Rose, hope life will treat you good and give you money.
    See you guys around.
    >> Калашников TBA по-русски Prince of madness 11/25/11(Fri)20:00:08 No.364733134
    Lets be freinds!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)20:00:19 No.364733159
         File1322269219.jpg-(84 KB, 711x594, 11d3fa21a1d290957d19cbc9c1039e(...).jpg)
    84 KB
    Is this the new Alice? What the fuck is this?
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)20:00:34 No.364733197
    >> Rose 11/25/11(Fri)20:00:47 No.364733225
         File1322269247.jpg-(32 KB, 200x200, 31.jpg)
    32 KB
    Nice to see you too! Until next time

    I'm off to play LoL
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)20:01:06 No.364733264
    Plenty of people have been anxious to jump in her grave.
    >> Калашников TBA по-русски Prince of madness 11/25/11(Fri)20:02:50 No.364733482
    Я КАЛАШНИКОВ давайте дружить
    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)20:03:14 No.364733527

    >> maximumrfan‮floW namootne/g/ esiW ehT ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)20:06:45 No.364733925
         File1322269605.jpg-(21 KB, 300x335, horo-is-sad.jpg)
    21 KB
    Internet problems...

    And yes, I did. It's not working. ;_;
    >> Калашников та по-русски принц безумия 11/25/11(Fri)20:07:48 No.364734045
    >> Anonymous 11/25/11(Fri)20:09:35 No.364734263
    Wow, well this is the perfect time to use this quote.
    "Fuck you."
    >> ‮muirtty ‭‪‮‪‫‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 11/25/11(Fri)20:10:07 No.364734337

    but... but...

    pwease install normal flash temporarily? ;_;
    >> Axel 11/25/11(Fri)20:15:09 No.364734961
    Sup guys,

    I'm so Awesome!

    >At a Friend's house Atm...his pc doesn't have my image sets...peace out.

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