What the fuck, 4chan? How am I supposed to write in this?
i dont fucking know?
Fuck that script, bro.Get 4chan Plus. Don't get the one that's recommended at the top.I don't understand why sigourney doesn't support 4chan Plus and this shitty one instead.I'm guessing it's probably because Plus blocks auto-play media when the page gets changed to play songs.
>>363089475well yea I already had plus installed and now I've installed this shitty thing over plus...wtfisgoingon.jpg
>not using 4chan x
4chan x is better
Well, I like 4chan plus.
>>363089689you cant be that stupid but if you are click on wrench, options, extensions
>>363089886yea im stupid, thanks for your help
>>363089689Click the little monkey wrench at the topthen toolsthen extensionsAlso..>>363089618What the fuck is X?
>>363089618What does X do that + doesn't?
You use the hidden window thing
>>363090122>>363089886 already told that, dipshit.
>>363089689chrome://extensions>this script is superior>nope.avi
>>363090171it does pretty much the same shit but the feature that I like is that it shows the replies within the post, also you can combine it with others scripts
>>363090571Does it also include a 'pre-load images' function?