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    Your pal, —mootykins

    File : 1321112372.jpg-(9 KB, 264x241, why.jpg)
    9 KB Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:39:32 No.363084488  
    >not acting like a jerk
    >bullied everyday
    >hit the bullies back and then got my nose broken and a lot of punches in my face and chest
    >told the teachers
    >they still bully me
    >told the highschool principal
    >they still bully me
    >told the police
    >they still bully me
    >fighting them is no option, they are in groups and I am not

    What would you do /b/?
    I stopped going to high school for a month, I'm not sure if I should go back. They will punch me again and there's nothing I can do.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:40:07 No.363084525
    Home Schooling until Finals, go to college.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:41:00 No.363084595
    introduce your shoes to their testicles
    multiple times so the friendship can blossom
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:41:44 No.363084663
    Try to have a conversation with them just before they start hitting you.

    Say stuff like, "What do you get out of this?"

    But keep your cool and just look like you're confused rather than scared.

    Or work out / start showering and stop being the fat smelly kid.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:42:45 No.363084734
    Ambush their leader with a lead pipe to his back, knock him out, cut off his thumbs, and call 911.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:42:47 No.363084737
    don't be such a candy-assgot. go back to school and fight them if you have to. no matter how many times you get your ass kicked, keep getting up and don't let them win.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:43:22 No.363084789
    Yeah OP, find an alternative like home schooling. Some districts allow you to take intro classes at a local college for high school credit.

    Get out of that shit and go to college where everything is hot girls and weed and where nobody gives a fuck who you were in high school.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:43:51 No.363084829
    lol, you don't know bullies very well do you? this isn't some animu where you can talk sense into them, they simply enjoy fucking with people, and now he made it worse by punching them
    ohwait, none of this happened because the police take bullying and cyber bullying very seriously and OP is a candy-assgot and full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:44:24 No.363084868

    like this idea, except don't cut off their thumbs. that's terrible advice/
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:44:30 No.363084874
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    Do the following;

    1) key their cars. do as much damage as you can, its easy to get away with it in a high school parkling lot.

    2) Do they spaces in their lockers? if so, poor a viscous liquid (coffee is a good one) in it and ruin their papers.

    3) Do you have the opportunity to destroy their assignments / steal or destroy any of their property? If so, do it, I am certain one of them will leave something open.

    When you confront an enemy you cannot beat in one aspect, combat them in a field you can control.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:44:57 No.363084906
    Tell your local news station that your pleas for help are being ignored.

    What school is it? I'm a teacher; I'll call and raise hell.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:45:05 No.363084911
    Get a gun, time for payback
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:45:53 No.363084965
    Learn to fight.

    Basically, there's no other option without losing face.

    Kick them in the balls when they don't expect it, candy-assgot.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:46:08 No.363084981
    1) Get a gun
    2a) Shoot those fucks
    2b) Shoot yourself
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:46:11 No.363084990
    make an example of one by ripping out throat while they are alseep. The rest will follow suit, and leave you alone.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:46:14 No.363084998
    don't deffend yourself with your fists or shoes. take something more effective. when they have a knife in their stomach, you on.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:46:35 No.363085021
    school shoot out commences.

    don't be a candy-ass, make sure it's a one shot one kill.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:46:45 No.363085031
    probly good advice. if no one wants to help you confront them in your own way. be a vandal.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:47:04 No.363085056
    How is it terrible advice? I guarantee the message will be driven home!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:47:28 No.363085093
    And then I would get my balls mauled by more than 10 jocks. Not a good idea.

    Do you think they are that smart, I already tried talking to them. They are mindless people.

    I asked them the exact same thing and they laughed and kept hitting me. But I don't need to ask them this question a thousand times, I know why they bully me, because they want to feel superior, and I am different than them.

    I am an atheist, I don't like pop songs and all that they listen, I don't like violence, I don't want to make fun of other people. This is why they pick on me, of course the only thing to do is to start acting like them, but I don't want to do that. I won't abandon my personality to join a bunch of sheep, and I keep asking myself, what can I do to stop this thing.

    Every time I go to school I am looking in all directions to be sure no one punches me from the back again, I need to watch out my every step or some jocks come and laugh at me and push me around. I don't cry or something like that but I can't take it anymore. I want to go to school to learn not to be afraid every second.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:47:43 No.363085116
    >start working out
    >bulk the fuck up
    >take them on like a BAWS!
    >> Paranous 11/12/11(Sat)10:47:52 No.363085125
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    I was bullied in school but not to this extent. What you need is power of mind. Like what another one of these tards talked about. Stay strong willed. Never give up.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:48:22 No.363085165
    let God handle it, and turn the other cheek.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:48:59 No.363085214
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    challenge them to bowling.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:49:06 No.363085222
    Get a gun and kill them all OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:49:50 No.363085272
    1. aquire trenchcoat
    2. find another insane friend
    3. get a bunch of guns
    4. ambush school
    5. make all those jocks pay
    6. shoot yourself before the cops get there
    7. ????
    8. PROFIT!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:49:55 No.363085281
    work out work out work out, have cold showers and start breaking boards with ur fists, ull look and feel hard as rock
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:49:59 No.363085286
    Not much longer to go now, man. Just hold out until you get to college.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:50:09 No.363085301
    >Ignore them

    No seriously. They thrive off of attention. Just ignore them. They're like trolls, by reacting you feed them attention. Try to study away from school wherever possible. Just IGNORE them. Poker face and keep walking. worked for me.

    If that doesn't work, phase two. Be nice to them. Confuses the fuck out of them. It's the opposite reaction they expect. Try to have a friendly chat when they come over. Offer to carry their books. Ask them how they're going. It'll weird them out.

    If all fails. Then know this. Hobbes believed that men were equally capable of killing one another. whether it be through strength, community, or cunning. Use your cunning. Do shit as this anon suggests. But only as a last resort.>>363084874
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:50:15 No.363085311
    >OP is a candy-assgot and full of shit.

    I'm not lying, I went to the police and three of those got a 300$ fine... that's it.

    The first thing that happened when I came back from the police is people laughing at me because I went to the police, and even the bullies who were fines they laughed again.

    What can I do more? I'm not fat and I don't do crazy things in school, I just want to be left alone.

    If I go to the police again they might come and beat me after school.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:50:15 No.363085313
    >I know why they bully me
    >because they want to feel superior

    Now, look here candy-assgot. This is where you're wrong.
    This is the shit that school teaches you about bullying.
    Fuck that shit, forget about it.
    You don't need to know why they bully you.

    You just need to get them, one on one.
    I'd recommend you to learn Krav Maga, it's probably the best weapon against High schoolers, as it's fucking brutal, and unexpected for a bunch of kids.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:50:22 No.363085317
    They in gym? Couple of razor blades in their shoes should keep em down for a bit.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:51:49 No.363085426
    Learn mma. Get them one on one. Armbar. Success.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:51:54 No.363085431

    This bro is right. You have 4 grading periods left until June. Never give up.

    And you can take it to the district or the local news and get some spotlight on the situation. Do not suffer in silence.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:52:24 No.363085466
    lear how to fight
    start working out
    and take some steroids
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:52:39 No.363085492
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:52:40 No.363085495
    start working out, really hard. Learn how to fight (MMA, boxing, whatever). These two things are worth doing even if you're not being bullied. Besides that, I don't know - try to find one from the group when he's alone and beat the shit out of him? If you're bullied it means you're physically or psychologically weak (or both). Work on it. Change school maybe?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:52:46 No.363085506
    > I'd recommend you to learn Krav Maga, it's probably the best weapon against High schoolers
    > best weapon against High schoolers

    idk why I just lol'd so hard

    but yeah, krav maga should probably do the trick.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:52:47 No.363085509
    in what kind of fucking third world country do you live? in my city something like that would have ended up on fuckin newspaper and caused a shitstorm.
    You came as far as involving the police and no one is doing shit?? Don't you have at least a father that will come to school with a baseball bat and beat the fucker? What the fuck is wrong with you people
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:52:49 No.363085511
    1. Get a vial of all their semen
    2. Shove a metal tube up your asshole
    3. Now that your anus has been greatly expanded, poor the semen in your asshole
    4. Take a knife to your arms, legs, a couple to the face, and your back.
    5. Punch yourself and give yourself bruises.
    6. Go to police station and say they raped you
    7. ??????
    8. Profit

    Don't ask me how you're going to get their semen. That's your problem.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:52:50 No.363085513
    take some of painkillers or valium, when they start hitting you just start laughing like a maniac, this will cause them to think wtf is going on. At this point just take out a spoon from your pocket, but do it as if you were taking out a pistol. They'll obviously laugh at your face, but you dont care just target 1 of them (preferably leader) and gauge his eye out with the spoon.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:53:09 No.363085545
    you could just man up and fight them next time they fuck with you; and like be really really hostile when you do it. Even tho you get your ass beat, they'll know not to fuck with you
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:53:25 No.363085563
    im almost sure ure a candy-assgot

    bring a knife at school tell them the first one to come at u will get stabbed
    >stab the first one
    they wont bully u anymore

    or they will kill you, idk, but i'd stab them all
    here in south america thats how we solve things, with punches and cuts
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:53:33 No.363085577
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    Pic related. Do it candy-assgot.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:54:07 No.363085617

    Here's an idea.

    Hand your phone / small camera to a friend and walk past them, when they start beating on you, you'll have evidence against them. Take them and their fucktard families to the cleaners and sue the shit out of them.

    Might not end the violence, but at least you get PAIIIID.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:54:22 No.363085645
    lol'd hard

    please tell me you are not serious
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:54:30 No.363085662
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    work out, get bigger and wen defending ur self always focus on the one, eventually ull break him down cause he'll think his the target in the group. he'll leave the group and then u move on to the next guy, this could take a week or so but it works
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:54:36 No.363085667

    Lol, reading that again, I just laughed too ..
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:54:45 No.363085678
    Kill them.
    No, really. Bullying is such a mental stress that if you shoot them, you probably get a couple years with a counsler instead of jail.
    Just dont kill yourself after shooting them.
    Trust me, you will be bullyed no more. ^^
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:55:07 No.363085696
    But I can't fight a bunch of people, they are many, if I hit anyone from there they all have friends, I mean big friends and brothers and all.

    I have no chance and it would take too much time to learn, they are in groups... They would beat me when I am in the bus or something or on my way home.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:55:28 No.363085721
    DO NOT fucking start a shootout.

    Do you play video games? Are you an atheist? Guess what Fox news are going to blame this all on.

    Hint: Not bullying.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:56:09 No.363085773
    I would had done that but I plan to live right now, I don't really want to die now.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:56:25 No.363085798
    >I'd recommend you to learn Krav Maga, it's probably the best weapon against High schoolers
    i love people that think krav maga is some mystic shit that gives you the power to become ken shiro. those fucking kikes really brainwash people.
    Op, do some real martial arts like muay thai, not that mcdojo's crap
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:56:42 No.363085824
    Take them out one by one. Eliminate the strength in numbers thing.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:57:00 No.363085852
    You have so many options in situations like this.

    You need to figure out what you want and how far you are willing to go to get it before considering any options at all
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:57:29 No.363085892
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    post their details up and let us take care of it
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:57:30 No.363085895

    By the way, this place is full of gypsies.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:58:19 No.363085964
    Start working out. But that going To take months for even to helpt you. In the meantime just fuck their shit up. If you know where they live fuck with there houses
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:58:27 No.363085977
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    I would love to troll some bullies. DO IT
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:58:45 No.363086008

    You retard.
    That's not what I meant.
    Krav Maga gets straight to the point.
    No fucking jumping around and shit, you basically take their arm and fuck it up in as many ways as possible.

    Also, I trained Krav Maga for 1 year.
    I prefer Wing Chun, which I've trained for 5 years, but I've only got Ninjitsu/Karate as an option in this shitty city.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:59:09 No.363086043
    OP You better get some fucking balls! If somebody kept bullying me i wouldn't step down i would keep fighting them day after fucking day til they know i wont give in to this bullshit. Listen here's what you need to do next time you see one of them don't even try to ignore him or them just walk up to him and break his fucking nose just fucking lose it. They will beat you up for it but it will feel so much better i promise. And the next time you see one of them alone or in a small group just keep jumping them don't fucking give up make it hurt!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:59:43 No.363086098
    >> Columbine their asses. HOMO.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)10:59:52 No.363086109
    Fuck, after reading OP's responses now I want to beat the shit out of him.

    Maybe the bullies have a point. You're a real fucking kneebiter, OP. Perhaps you just deserve to be picked on and dehumanized every day for the rest of your life. This is simply your fate.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:00:40 No.363086160
    > real martial arts like muay thai

    this nigga serious?

    learn some kind of japanese karate if you are going to learn a martial art. those styles were developed over hundreds of years and were used to fight well armed armys with hands and feet alone. Some kids tried to fuck with me once in school. I laid there tough guy leader out with one punch, and no one fucked with me again. Plus, real Karate teaches you mental discipline that will be invaluable in your life.

    1st Dan (black belt) Shotokan student here.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:01:04 No.363086199
    ok here's what you do because I've been in this situation and this is the only thing that will work. When the biggest one or the leader of the gang or whatever is by himself psyche yourself up hard and sprint at him and go FUCKING BATSHIT INSANE punching kicking biting kneeing everything, BUT make sure you're snarling and growling like a dog and twitching like a tweaked out crackhead, wide eyed as fuck and put EVERYTHING into attacking him like as if you don't kill him you're family will die. Don't stop until you're either knocked out by him or someone physically forcing you off.

    After this if you haven't been charged with assault stare at them like they've gang raped your sister or something like you're just itching to kill them and if any of them approach you just start attacking them unprovoked. You have to act like you've just completely snapped and become an unstable violent psycho.

    If you're too much of a pussy though then just shoot roids and shave your head, should make them uneasy.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:01:34 No.363086237
    >Maybe the bullies have a point.
    >able to think

    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:01:41 No.363086249
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    post em details boy
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:01:41 No.363086250
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    Either this or >>363084906 or....

    Op, where the fuck are your parents?

    Just curious, do they even know?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:01:46 No.363086264
    Hit the gym and a boxing teacher, and repeatedly fight them regardless if you know you'll lose or not. What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:01:51 No.363086269
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    this guy used to get bullied. in fact they used to kick his ass take his shoes and send him home bare foot.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:02:08 No.363086290

    No, OP sounds like he's a member of a rare species of human. A type of human that doesn't want to piss anyone off, and just wants to be left alone. While the rest of the human race a trying to dominate and manipulate one another, OP just wants to fucking eat his goddam sammich and do his damn studying.

    I know your feel bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:02:16 No.363086312
    your dads gun!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:02:28 No.363086341

    tell them your grandmother is a witch, and if they don't stop she'll do voodoo on them
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:02:58 No.363086379
    if u dont post details then ur a puss and u deserve the ass kicking
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:03:11 No.363086396
    >that feel..
    >> namefag 11/12/11(Sat)11:03:16 No.363086402
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    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:03:21 No.363086409
    My father left me and there's only my mother, and yes she knows, she told me to go to the police.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:03:31 No.363086421
    I'm the same way, but in order to achieve my goals of being left alone, I've had to kick a couple of asses.

    Just cause you enjoy being by yourself doesn't mean you have to be a pussy.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:05:02 No.363086534
    do a strip of cocaine, listen to some battle-preparing music, get psyched up about fucking them up, do another strip of cocaine right before you meet them

    act completely crazy and just use whatever you can find as a weapon (if theres a rock there, smash someones face with it), punch throats, kick balls, scratch eyes, scream (not like waaaaah! but like WWRRROOAAAAGHHHHH!) and just go completely apeshit basically. this will make them fear your unpredictable nature. it doesn't matter if they end up smashing your face in and "winning" the fight. if you damage them hard enough, the job is done. they'll see the "school shooter" in you and leave you alone. you will definitely not make new friends with this approach - except maybe some other bullied people - but they'll leave you alone. if they ever start testing the waters again to see if youve calmed down enough to be fucked with anew, react aggressively way out of proportion to their advance, and do it instantly.

    in the initial beating you give them, be sure to make them act violent first though. call one of em a candy-ass or whatever makes them tick. a violent push is enough for you to later call self defense. say you was scared completely to death and describe an intense adrenaline rush. this makes the batshit insane violence part look like an instinctual defense mechanism instead of the revenge-rage bully-stopper thing it really is.

    this is basically how all potentially violent confrontations need to be handled. unless you know martial arts (a useful kind like muey thai or some shit, not fucking karate or wrestling) and is hardcore alpha, you only ever have two options:
    1. run away (best solution 90% of the time)
    2. complete and chaotic unpredictable violence, instantly and out of proportions
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:05:04 No.363086541
    hail to the king
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:05:08 No.363086544
    Thank you, I didn't thought someone here could relate to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:06:24 No.363086631
    this. google tumbera & expedient homemade shotgun ammunition. you only need one shell if hyou get them grouped together, remember to use rusty metal items as shot and smear it in shit so they get infected die slowly & painfully, you can also use nicotine as a poison, google that too.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:06:44 No.363086652
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    Fighting is always an option. Do it Leonidas style. Call them out and then rush the biggest, toughest guy in the group and beat the shit out of him before anyone can react. When someone tries to pull you off, break his jaw. The others will get the picture and back off. Problem solved
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:07:01 No.363086673
    > I didn't thought someone here could relate to me.

    seriously? You know that 95% of the people on 4chan can relate to you. they are just too busy pretending to be racist misogynist tough guys.
    >> Random Smurf 11/12/11(Sat)11:07:07 No.363086683
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    shit, send me some Romanian girls, and I'll handle your problem.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:07:23 No.363086700
    Thank you, I didn't thought someone here could relate to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:07:36 No.363086715
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    give us their details NERD!
    >> Broken 11/12/11(Sat)11:07:55 No.363086736
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    Fag way to deal with problem: Get pepperspray and use it on them in the name of self defense.
    Average way to deal with problem: Use brass knuckles on them and learn how to use your body weight to quadruple the damage.
    Pro way: Pay a hitman to do the work for you
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:08:15 No.363086758
    March in there and shoot them in the head.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:09:11 No.363086838
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    Well, once again I say do this >>363085617 and show to your mom. Hopefully she gives enough shits to start spreading it around. Hell, put it on YouTube and enough moralcandy-asss and white knights could come to the rescue.

    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:09:13 No.363086839
    >I am an atheist, I don't like pop songs and all that they listen, I don't like violence, I don't want to make fun of other people. This is why they pick on me

    No. No this is wrong. That is not at all correct.

    I'll give you an example. I have a friend of a friend who is the nerdiest mother fucker you could imagine. Complete with pasty white skin, glasses, nasally voice, the whole nine yards.

    Occasionally I'll end up in a skype conversation in which someone I know has added him. It normally devolves into talking about how he has no friends other than the people he talks to on skype and that no one likes him.

    AND THEN after pointing out his apparent social inadequacies he proceeds to mock everything others say, spouts off on some uneducated opinion only somewhat related to the conversation, talks loudly and annoyingly as if he is trying to hard too include himself, and just generally acts like a tard.

    He doesn't understand that the problem with his social life is his own damn fault.

    I get the vibe you are a lot like this person.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:10:10 No.363086910
    Shota-con? orly?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:10:42 No.363086967
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    If you want to be heard... You have to do something extraordinary
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:11:24 No.363087016
    >I learned a shitty martial art so I will pretend it is the best there is

    any Muay Thai master could crush your skull, and I dont even fight muay thai
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:11:24 No.363087025
    buy a gun, Faggot.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:12:28 No.363087105
    >alks loudly and annoyingly as if he is trying to hard too include himself, and just generally acts like a tard.

    Too bad I'm not that kind of a person, you need to act like a jerk to bkewl here. I just want to go in peace, study and go home. I don't want to be friends with the people who hit me. Don't worry, I know how to socialize, but I just don't want to do it with those people, which is most of my school.

    I think you should stop applying the loud and angry neckbeard stereotype to me.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:12:29 No.363087108
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    Ignoring all the school shooter wannabe candy-assgots,

    These bullies are harrassing you because you react to them in opposite extremes. You may give in, cry, and assume a defensive posture that encourages them to do more damage. BUT as you also said, you react by trying to hit back; in this situation, a powerful bully needs to retain his status by beating the shit out of you if you retaliate, making your situation worse.

    Do things that change your self opinion and learn ways of responding that do not reinforce their bullying. Talk to a school counselor (if you have one) about inproving your self esteme. Also, make friends, they help improve your socialization skills.

    What you SHOULDN'T do is sit on 4chan all day like a social-phobic little bitch. If YOU want this bullying to stop, then YOU have to do something about it besides bitch and moan. /b/ will back you up.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:12:52 No.363087134
    Do what I did OP.

    I was in a similar situation, also started missing school etc. I spent an entire weekend watching motivational videos, fighting videos etc and listening to mike tyson attempting to form a coherent sentence but instead blurting shit about how he wants to eat peoples hearts and praise to allah.

    I walked in to school after the weekend, found one of the main bullies fairly alone walked up and punched the living hell out of him. just lay in to his face and do not stop. just have it in your head 'this cunt is getting knocked the fuck out' dont think about failure.

    they never touched me again, several years after high school i ended up friends with some of them
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:13:08 No.363087158
    Find a fucking crazy motherfucker who everyone else is afraid of and become his bitch/friend. Proceed to fuck with them in every possible way and turn their lives into a living hell, with your psychotic acquaintance to fall back on.

    Seriously, I did this in school. Kid owned five unlicensed firearms and got expelled from another school for skinning, cooking, and eating a cat on school property. Absolute bro, though. Played ssb on n64 with him on a regular basis.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:13:13 No.363087167
    oh, and I forgot to say muay thai got developed over hundred of years too

    get your shit straight, candy-assgot
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:13:40 No.363087204
    Booby trap their lockers.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:13:42 No.363087207
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    crickey fellas even i wanna smash OP
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:14:17 No.363087249
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:15:18 No.363087323
    Dear OP,

    For a couple of months i was bullied too at my school. These 5 guys kept looking for me, puching me around, practicing their WWF moves with me, etc. Until one day, before sleeping, i thought that maybe, if I didn't do anything, something really bad could happen to ME, by accident, maybe, they could break my spine or kick me in the throat, and that would be bad for ME.

    So, the day after, i was just chillin' having lunch when they came looking for me. I stood up and quickly jumped on the tallest and supposedly strongest of the "team" ALTAIR STYLE (it was 90's tho) and land a precise ELBOW BLOW to his ribs, breaking 2 of them (I started practicing martial arts that year). The guy fell down crying and coughin as i stood up and quickly kicked his face. The guy stopped moving and i just turned around and walked to mi sit. Nothing happened.

    Teachers called me for a talk and i just said that "even thought you, teachers, knew about this, YOU didnt do anything about it, that's why i defended myself, not because i wanted to fight, not because i wanted to damage other lives, but to protect mine and now, with my knowledge and fearless attitude i would search the whole school and look for weak people in my situation and protect them too... a thing that you can't do because you are too busy correcting math exams."

    And also, to not get expelled, i said that i'd go to the media if they suspended me and stuff because obviously i had witneses and they all supported me, because i kicked the pussy's ass in front of everybody.

    I hope my story inspires you. Good luck.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:15:20 No.363087325
    I know the guy bro, the most annoying fuck to have ever been born. And there's always a good friend that is cool that grew up with this shitstinking candy-assgot and always has to bring his broke ass to parties where he begs for alcohol or start hitting on girls until they leave or just passes out. Here in Sweden we just call them pulli.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:15:21 No.363087327

    That's not the point I am conveying.
    Read it again, and draw parallels.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:15:25 No.363087332
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    Kill them, kill them all!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:16:55 No.363087438
    all of you amuricans dont know how things work in romania. people get killed there and hardly anyone notices
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:17:26 No.363087474

    This is good advice
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:18:10 No.363087512

    Here's how this is gonna end

    1) You let the bully get to you and you cave, home school, changed school, whatever...

    2) They escalate until they put you in a hospital and then you get them kicked out of school or jailed and fuck up their life for good.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:18:27 No.363087528
    1) if possible sneak a knife onto campus. Next time stab the lead bully in the stomach and as many minions as possible. Be prepared to go to jail but use "battered wife syndrome" as a defense.

    2) Sue the shit out of the school for failure to provide a safe environment for learning.

    3) Use guerrilla tactics. Don't wait to be attacked, split the group, pick them off one by one. Make sure they are not in a position to retaliate.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:18:43 No.363087552
    how about starting vote for the far right and exterminate all these gypsies and scumbags of the balkans?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:19:34 No.363087635
    Violence is the mark of an amateur. You use violence, you sink to their level.

    You obviously can't ignore them. They'll just keep hitting you.

    You can't be nice, you've tried that.

    So do this V style. Record them in the act. Then send the footage everywhere. Tell the teachers and principle that if they don't help you, the school will get a bad reputation. Go to the news.

    Information is power.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:20:10 No.363087670
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    >Buy a cheap vest at a thrift store.
    >Buy a bunch of tacks, nails and razor blades
    >Hot glue them to the vests with the sharp ends out
    >Wear a hoodie over it all
    >Get punched
    Let your vest fight for you. If all else fails, take of the vest and swing it like a medieval flail.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:20:10 No.363087671
    I did read what you said, you think that all I do there is complain about people and try to hard to be in the center of attention.

    I just told you, I don't want to be friends with people who are so aggressive, who enjoy mocking me for being different (while not hurting anybody), who act stupid in general.

    I know some "i'm such a nerd XD" people won't be bullied but that's because they are either females or they are just jocks who think they are nerds for reading a book.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:20:52 No.363087718
    ITT: Massive pussies.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:21:22 No.363087749
    I don't remember saying it didn't. Its true though that it doesn't have the history of japanese styles that were used to fight against huge armies of samurai and shit.

    I've beat people using Muay Thai as well as Wang Chung, Tae Kwan Do, Jiujitsu and more, tons of times in inter mural tournaments.

    Also, I'm an Army 18C and I've used that shit quite a few times in the real world. My training saved my life.
    >> May I offer my perspective... Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:21:34 No.363087769
    I was a bull all through middle school and half of high school. I had terrible parents that fortunately for me, died. I was taken in by relative who turned everything around for me by just being good parents.

    Anyhow, the point is that I know bullies.

    A real bully fears very little, and one thing he certainly does not fear is authority. That cuts out going to the teachers/parents/brothers/etc. You get him in trouble, he's just going to get back on you.

    No, you have to make him afraid of you. You're going to have to really hurt him. Broken teeth. Broken bone(s) will be neccessary. And don't play fair. Never subscribe to an "honorable" fight. In 7th grade I was 6 foot 2, 180 pounds of muscle. How fucking fair was it for a kid that big to go after some 4'5'' 6th grader? Not at all. So even the odds with whatever is at hand.

    Oh, and be sure it is witnessed and be sure you get in some trouble over it. Though, in this day and age you might find yourself with legal troubles. If so, make sure you made it worth the fines.

    You said these ones are in groups. I never did that, but I did deal with groups after I settled down. Realise this: THEY AREN'T TOGETHER ALL THE TIME. Find them alone. As I said above, don't play fair. They certainly haven't been. The hard part is finding them alone but still having the beating get witnessed.

    tl;dr: Get proactive. Whatever you do, don't be a passive-aggressive bitch.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:21:42 No.363087778

    V killed them all with knives. You fail at life epically.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:21:46 No.363087781
    You realise most of us are telling him to
    A) Beat the shit out of them.
    B) Have someone else beat the shit out of them.
    C) Shoot them along with half the school.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:22:38 No.363087857
    dear OP

    Keep your head up kid, fuck those guys just always know that your going to amount to something more than they will. I would start getting in shape and start standing up to your ground slowly. Trust me OP. It might not be overnight but what you will gain now will help you throughout your life
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:22:40 No.363087860
    pull a dexter morgan on their leader lol
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:22:41 No.363087862
    > Find The Rock
    > Friends with the rock
    > Teach you to fight, while getting big
    > go to school and sho w your biceps + moves
    > kill their nuts
    > The Rock will finally be proud, and you're no longer beta.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:23:15 No.363087920
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    1. "To become the enemy, you must be the enemy of your enemy." - Musashi

    2. Convince them you are crazy, and will do anything.

    3. Find out who the weakest, most vulnerable group of jocks is. This will be the jock who the other jocks tend to talk shit to the most in a joking jock manner. Find out what irks your new target. There must be something that inspires his fear, it could be anything. Maybe its venomous spiders. But as soon as you see the faintest flash of anxiety him as a result of an idea, stick to that one idea and develop it as much as you can. This will become the essential core of your psychological terrorism.

    3. When you find the one thing that worries your enemy, develop it and develop it. Make a line around it, whenever you see him say that line. Leave notes in places he wouldn't expect that repeat that line. What you want him to do is always think about your threat, so that he becomes demoralised. Culminate this psychological attack with something symbolic that can't be traced back to you, like killing his prized pet, or using pesticide to burn a message into his lawn in the middle of the night.

    4. When one of your enemies, whom you've focused on, is completely demoralised, he'll start to be joked on more on by his friends, because of his weakness to you. This will anger him and make him feel like a victim, thus creating conflict between them.

    5. Eavesdrop on how his friends' tease him, and whenever you see him reiterate those lines. When he's provoked to attack you, just pull out a knife for self defense and tell him to back away.

    6. Their friendship group will be destabilised, now is the time to strike. Hire a professional, to just beat the shit out of them, and take a picture of each one once they're bloodied up.

    7. Keep these pictures, send them to their girlfriends.

    8. Yeah the last two steps are uninspired, but I got bored writing this. Just get creative for the end of your revenge mission.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:23:27 No.363087941
    Since OP is a candy-ass,maybe he should just offer to suck their dicks?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:23:27 No.363087944
    >Used to be in the same situation
    >Atack front of the neck and also groin and nose (use palm of the hand on nose)
    >In worst situations use Brass knuckles or iron pipe
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:23:39 No.363087960
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    >buy ounce of marijuana/some other easily available drug.
    >plant said drugs in locker (if possible) or bag of the 'leader'
    >anonymously alert a teacher that you think this person may be using drugs or have drugs in their locker
    >teacher finds drugs, police involved, bully fucked

    Wear gloves while handling the bag of drugs so they have no way to trace it back to you.

    If it works for the LAPD and might work for you...
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:23:46 No.363087976
    Hunt every one of them down one by one. Make sure no one sees it's you. Use a tool like a baseball bat. Make the candy-assgots pay.
    I'm a social outcast, but I'm physically strong. I had a different kind of problem. They used to bully me on a verbal level, they called me names and teased me. Every time I did something to them, the whole fucking class would snitch me out. I always got in trouble.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:24:10 No.363088004
    If the guy's got a $300 fine, why not continue video-ing and reporting it to the police. Even if mommy and daddy are rich, they're going to be awfully pissed sooner or later about their dipshit mongoloid son racking up massive fines, much less from the police...and one time the kid might be able to convince his parents it's actually you lying maliciously, but if it keeps happening they will get involved and find out what's really going on.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:24:11 No.363088005
    fighting is always an option.

    lern how to fight, work out, beat the fuck out of one of the bullies
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:24:12 No.363088009
    >I did read what you said, you think that all I do there is complain about people and try to hard to be in the center of attention.

    1. You've posted your situation on /b/.
    2. You are not looking for attention.

    A juicy contradiction.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:24:36 No.363088042
    goto /fit/ get in cocoon mode then blossom in college
    you can drop out of high school then goto community college get your ged and college credits for associates for 2 years then transfer to a 4 year college for another 2 years
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:24:42 No.363088052
    No. What he means is that there are some people who are blind to their own faults but are extremely free with any and all criticism about others. This has nothing to do with how loud you are. People can tell when you sneer at them behind their backs, regardless of whether you're quiet as a dormouse when you do it.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:24:47 No.363088058
    Stab one of them then kick the shit out of him screaming like a loon, make sure his blood is all over you, put knife to his neck and shout so everyone can hear, if anyone hurts me again, in any way, this will happen again, but next time I will be taking a mother fucking head... do you counts understand? Take ten steps backward, drop the knife and wait.... you'll be in a lot of trouble but out the other side, it will be better, everyone will leave you alone... make sure you don't kill anyone though.

    Tldr fuck someone up so bad people think your willing and capable of killing.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:24:56 No.363088068
    i wish i went to your school op
    i would personally beat the fuck out of each one of them
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:25:05 No.363088079
    1. Work
    2. Make $500
    3. Buy Glock
    4. Shoot bullies
    5. ?????
    6. Profit
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:25:14 No.363088089

    my weabo-o-meter is whirring...

    Sounds like a weaboo wet dream fantasy
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:25:39 No.363088119
    Just don't go back. If you don't have the ability or spirit to fight effectively - you're just going to continue to get your ass handed to you. Get homeschooled then go to a university and enjoy not having to deal with bullies anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:25:44 No.363088126
    petend your gay and dominatrix, when they beat you get turned on and moan with pleasure, theyll fucking run like the pussies they are.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:25:57 No.363088139

    Columbine 2.0!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:26:16 No.363088155
    OP do this!!!!!

    A 12 yld old was getting picked on in middle school and no one would help he called the news station and had a press conference and after it aired the school was in some deep shit! Also some UFC fighters heard about this and came to visit the 12yld. I hate bullies
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:26:21 No.363088162
    That's the worst advice anyone can give another person for any situation.

    OP, stand up to them man. Use a non lethal weapon and just savagely beat the living shit out of the biggest one with it. A pipe, brass knuckles, anything you can get your hands on. If you can catch them by surprise and just use your fists it'll be just as effective. I've been bullied and have seen other kids go through with it and come out on top.

    I shit you not I saw a kid get harassed for almost an entire school year and when these douches started punching him during lunch period he took a pen and flung it like a ninja star and it stuck in one of the kid's eyes. Needless to say, they left him the fuck alone after that.

    Don't let these assholes walk all over you, you're better than that. Being controlled by these kids is hell and when you overcome them it's the best feeling in the world. They deserve to die but not at the cost of ruining your life. Stand up to one and they will fear you. You can do this OP, I believe in you.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:27:07 No.363088224
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:27:59 No.363088305
    fuck that weeabo shit. I don't really admire anything about the japanese culture, except for their abilities in war/fighting. Well, I like their food too. Thats about it. I fucking HATE anime.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:28:08 No.363088311
    > the police take bullying and cyber bullying very seriously

    Like fuck. Depends on your area. I got jumped by a gang and called the police and he said I deserved it for being out late. It's interesting how people can say things that instantly make it so that you would be happy if they died in a car crash.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:28:14 No.363088317
    Why dont you think about the reason youre being bullied in the first place?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:28:18 No.363088324
    dox em

    we'll take care of the rest, candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:28:20 No.363088329
    Go to the police again, they should take repeated offenders much more seriously. Video evidence should help. Talk to school staff or parents.

    If that does not help, get a knife or a gun and defend yourself next time.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:28:26 No.363088338
    Egg them on. It is all about power. They enjoy bullying you because it is about them terrifying you and being more powerful than you. If you egg them on, like "come on hit me you fucking pussy", even after they hit you, keep egging them on. This works for women to prevent rape it is a psycological thing I guess
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:28:32 No.363088352
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    Get some pepper spray and use it.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:28:39 No.363088358

    my advice quit being a candy-assgot and beat the shit out of them
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:29:00 No.363088388
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    Get their phonenumbers. Start calling them in the middle of the night. Don't say anything, just make them listen to the sound of your hammer drill, then hang up. Do this for a couple of weeks. Not every night ofc. But every once in a while. Make them wonder wtf is goign on. And one day, break in to their house in the middle of the night, wearing a skimask, tie them up with ducttape and fuck up their knees.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:29:17 No.363088418
    I am looking for advice not attention and yes I am posting on /b/. I am anonymous and you will probably forget me tomorrow.

    I am also looking for people that relate to me, please don't try to think bullies always have a good reason for being jerks.

    I am not doing anything bad to them, they just want to laugh at me for being different and not being stupid like them, and by that I mean loud, unpolite, stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:30:18 No.363088490
    >fuck up their knees
    Using a drill, I hope?
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:30:31 No.363088506

    Christ, I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:31:12 No.363088560
    No, fuck up their knees with kindness.... ofc with the drill you moron..
    >> InMyLife 11/12/11(Sat)11:31:38 No.363088594
    Go to a different school
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:31:45 No.363088609

    ive got a similar story excepy my guy didnt eat a cat.
    He came to my school as the new kid and I was his first friend, we both sensed each others insecurities i think. This kid had a rougher childhood than me though and knew he had to prove himself. I was sort of friends with this other loner who always managed to get himself in to shit way above his head. the biggest black kid in the school said he was gonna bash him at lunch break so we were all waiting in the trees out of view of teachers. I didnt know what he was planning but as soon as the kid showed up with his posse my new friend rushed him and wiped the floor with him. his nose was pissing blood and my friend started stomping on him until some other kids pulled him off. none of us were ever fucked with again..crazy times high school was
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:32:15 No.363088641
    go and masturbate furiously till you die
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:32:22 No.363088649
    I dunno about you, but I get turned on when women egg me on while I'm penetrating them.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:32:24 No.363088651
    Best advice, since you have no intentions of fighting back:

    Stay gone, either homeschool or get your GED.
    Enroll at a different school.

    That's pretty much it. There is no other solution which you have the balls to pull off. If you did - you wouldn't be here asking what to do.

    Life outside of HS is much easier, stay away from there and you won't have to deal with the bullies anymore. It's that simple. Don't let it turn you off of going to college though - entirely different experience.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:32:21 No.363088653
    Had a similar problem in high school when I was the new kid, group of guys kept kicking my ass, i'd fight back but there's 6 of them. Finally I called any of them out, said "Any one of you man enough to fight 1 on 1 or are you all a bunch of pussy gangbangers?" somethings to that extent.

    They were all silent for awhile. "Didn't think so" I said, and then one guy decided to man up. This guy ended up in the hospital, i ended up with a broken hand. Worth it.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:33:14 No.363088707
    I'm assuming you have some trait and/or persona which catalyzes the bullying.

    Ergo, fix the following:
    1) Don't whine like a bitch when they hit you or do whatever. Show no emotion
    2) Ignore them
    3) Don't be fat, ugly, socially awkward, etc
    4) Dress normally

    Meanwhile, do the following:
    1) Run everyday (5 miles)
    2) Lift. A lot.
    3) Get ripped. You should be fit anyways.

    In the meantime report the bullying, document it ALL via pictures, third-party conformations, etc. Build your case. Also fuck with them in other ways, as others have discussed.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:33:38 No.363088737
    I don't go around and swear at them or talk bad things about them to other people. When I joined highschool they just picked on me because I was alone in there and quiet and they kept doing that.

    I am not perfect sure, but that doesn't mean I am asking to be beaten.

    Just understand, I am a calm guy, I want to go on with my life and people to leave me alone that's all, but I can't, because they laugh at me and they hit me.

    It's just sad.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:33:43 No.363088742
    +1 interwebz for you
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:34:10 No.363088782
    Take them out one by one.

    That's what I did.

    I tracked them down, followed them to their houses, waited until they left then BANG.

    Baseball bat to the back of their legs, after that it was elementary. I just kicked the shit out of them all, one by one.

    The police got involved, I got a telling off after I explained they were doing the same to me. End of the matter.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:34:41 No.363088836
    watch "in a better world"
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:34:43 No.363088838
    OP I've been in a situation like this before. I'm not exactly your 'alpha 25yo powerlifter' but I walked up to the biggest of them and I hit his jaw so hard it broke. Then I went batshit insane and rammed my heels in his teeth multiple times. They had to take me off the bully with three adult people. Looking back on this I'd rather had a knife on me just to do more damage. Facing the trouble really weighs up against being seen as a weak pussy by EVERYONE (this includes your parents, relatives and friends).

    Luckily, the rest got really scared and left me the fuck alone. If the rest doesn't get scared, you'll be fighting for death or ETERNAL GLORY.

    Just do something and don't whine about it on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:35:20 No.363088895
    No, they are bullying you because you are weak, because hurting you is socially acceptable, and they want to feel strong by preying on the weak.

    It's not because you are smart. It's not because you are quiet. It's not because you are polite. All of these things are missing the central point of why they bully you. They bully you because it improves their social standing and because they can get away with it.

    You can do three things here. You can make yourself SO weak that they can't bully you without looking like massive cunts. Nobody beats a kid in a wheelchair up and gets away with it. You can become physically strong, and fuck them up, meaning they can no longer get away with it. Last but not least, you can get some friends, and ensure that anyone who fucks with you will have a good ten or twenty people to fuck with as well.
    >> Playboy 11/12/11(Sat)11:35:28 No.363088909
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    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:35:36 No.363088919
    Maybe not so much with shitty hot glue. All the pointy things would have fallen off by the time he needed it. Use some industrial super-glue.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:35:40 No.363088922

    Hey OP, here's something a little different.


    Not kidding. What are they're going to do to you? Push you around, beat you up, destroy your shit? Pain will go away. Tell your parents and they'll be happy to replace anything those douche broke, you get days off if you're hurt enough and if it ever escalates to the point where you're hospitalized then call the police on them, the charge will stick then.

    This moment, whatever this bullshit it is that life's giving you, sucks, but it'll like everything else in this life passes. This few years will be less than 5 percent of your life. Soon it'll be over and then you'll go your merry way.

    Who knows, maybe they'll get bored and stop/
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:36:40 No.363089011

    I have nothing more to say to you, other than to offer a suggestion to look at your own writing style, it's a decent indication of what I am trying to bring to your attention.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:37:26 No.363089071
    OP, write a formal letter (print it out) to the school administration. Include the date, of course, and keep a copy. Document what has happened to you that day. Insist that they do something effective to make it stop. cc: a local government representative if you feel that would be helpful.

    The next day you are bothered, write another. Submit it. Keep doing it.

    Bureaucratic types fucking dislike written records of their fuckups. A written letter firmly drops the problem in their hands. They know that if something goes wrong in future, i.e., you are hurt or flip out, the letter(s) will reveal their fault in the matter.

    Once there's a written complaint, people become less flippant about dealing with it, because they know it is their ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:37:51 No.363089111
    3 guys once tried to "punch" me... I raged... they left me in a pool of blood, but the rage made it not hurt.

    I had enough adrenalin to leave them in a pool of their blood too, and they were the ones to leave, not me.
    Never had problems with them again.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:38:35 No.363089167
    OP sound like I might need to make a road trip to your school and fuck some guys up
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:38:53 No.363089194
    If OP is serious then I truly feel for him. I hate shit like this and I truly do wish there was something I could do.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:39:14 No.363089235
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    4 guys 1 pool
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:39:30 No.363089262
    Ok guys, here's what I decided after reading this thread:

    I'm going to continue going to highschool and if they keep hitting me I'm going to show no emotion at all, and by that I mean if someone punches me in the head hard I won't even look at him.

    If this continues for a week I will try my best and throw myself with my fists at them and punch as hard as I can and don't stop.

    They will get their friends and beat me up after that badly so I think I can stop going to school then if calling the police again doesn't help.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:40:50 No.363089361
    Don't listen to all these karate kid candy-assgots buy yourself some brass knuckles and beat them within an inch of their lives
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:41:22 No.363089415
    Shit yes. My bro eventually got expelled. By that time, though, I was well over six foot and had a good mate that was fairly heavily involved in drug dealing, so having the crazy bastard around wasn't as necessary. It was still sad to see him go, though.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:41:49 No.363089460
    To all of you suggesting he mess with them via vindictive shit like keying cars and such, stop it. That WON'T stop them from bulling him. Sure it will make him feel better for getting back at them, but at no point will his aggressor think "Damnit a flat tire. Guess I'd better not beat up Daniel tomorrow!". You get it?

    It has to be HIM and it has to be KNOWN. He has to make it so that the people who are fucking with him become afraid to fuck with him any more. And there is really only one true way to do that. He's got to physically hurt one. At school. With witnesses.

    As I said above, you'll want the staff to punish you for it. That simply spreads the noteriety of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:42:32 No.363089513
    don't let it degrade you
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:42:42 No.363089531
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    WTF. You gotta do something.

    Like this:
    Or atleast this:
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:42:47 No.363089541

    sometimes we ARE a personal army you know
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:43:27 No.363089585
    >>363089262 Ohshitroody-poowhatareyoudoing.jpg Go Tell the media,newspappers,Any Fucking newsource that your getting bullied and no ones doing anything about it. The school will be forced to do something because of the publicity.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:43:43 No.363089608
    Take a camera or recorder with you next time to school and record them beating on you, then turn that in to the police. Seriously.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:43:59 No.363089633
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    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:44:19 No.363089663
    Was in prison once. A buch of Niggers wouldnt let me alone. One of them, the black leader of the pen, was always trying to rape me. They'd hit me and beat me unconscious.

    I wasnt in any gang, because I was mostly the only white guy here. So I decided it was enough. I was going to make myself respected. So heres what I did: I got through speacial ways a sharp piec of plastic that felt like some kind of knife if you put on your skin. I went to the black guy I talked about earlier. He was playing cards with his Niiggers buddies. I rushed onto him, pushed him down (he was on a chair) and I put the piece of plastic on his throat. He hadnt seen the plastic, so he was terrified, only feeling a sharp thing on his throat's skin.

    I yelled at him, threatening to drink his blood if he didnt stop. I was acting all crazy. I guess I was, prison turn lambs into wolves. He stopped bullying eventually, after I left him laying on the floor, crying and sobbing.

    So. OP. Target the leader. Beat him or scare him senseless. If it doest stop, bring a gun to school and do away with troubles.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:44:21 No.363089669
    People are cunts..
    I'm 21 now and whenever I go out at night, it has to be in a group and we all carry knives.. violence never stops, and is therefore the only answer. So become used to it, and take hold of it. (Unless you live in candy-assgotsville, then your lucky and can go on with your life as normal)
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:44:21 No.363089671
    get a paper trail of people you talked to (authorities). demand a signature of a paper that says essentially "i'm not doing shit about these bullies"

    file assault and battery charges
    fuck the police in regards to going thought them, call it in and obtain witnesses.

    obtain a protective order, you'll need a gaurdian to do so.

    yes, theese links are to different states; i don't know where the fuck you are; so your instance of these laws will differ.

    also, with the 300 dollar fine on the previous instances; they may be able to rack up a felony, and a protective order may be more likely to happen.

    establish a paper trail
    and if it doesn't work (the people don't do shit, its on paper)
    take care of it yourself,

    file incompitence charges, negligence charges, et cetera
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:44:41 No.363089694
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:44:54 No.363089707
    There are authorities that are obligated to stop this.

    Don't hesitate to remind them that this is their problem. Don't whine. Just explain that the bullying has not stopped, and it is interfering with your schooling. Do so in writing. Complain to the admin. Complain to the cops.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:45:03 No.363089718
    People bully and people get bullied. If u want it to stop then stop allowing it to happen, otherwise get over it.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:45:11 No.363089726
    You fucking retard candy-assgot.

    Do this shit RIGHT FUCKING HERE.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:45:43 No.363089778
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:46:16 No.363089816

    STOP BEING A FAGGOT. gETt a Pipe and HaMmer it in His back
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:46:18 No.363089821

    WTF. Only your fists? At least bring a knife. They already disrespect you now, they won't all of a sudden respect you if you wave some fists.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:46:48 No.363089865
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    buy them cookies
    and flowers
    and cakes
    and other delicious entities
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:47:00 No.363089882
    op is gonna be the next vtech shooter!
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:47:03 No.363089887

    get them one at a time
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:47:09 No.363089900

    I thought that since the fine did not help at all and they all laughed like it was nothing it won't help now.

    I guess I have to try contacting the police again or like you said the media if that doesn't help.

    because I live in Romania.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:47:20 No.363089922
    Public Humiliation, don't ask how, just do it. They'll probably mega rage though, and that'ts when you hit them with a brick.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:47:35 No.363089940
    Grow some balls, candy-assgot.
    If I were you, Id grab some brass knuckles, find one of those candy-assgots who are bullying you when hes alone and fuck his shit up.
    Sure theyll beat your ass like fuck afterwards but at least youll have some dignity.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:47:40 No.363089947
    Look poor and be built like a concrete slab. Always works for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/12/11(Sat)11:47:51 No.363089966
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