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  • /mu/'s favorite bro deadmau5 is hanging out here:

    Two of three migrations down, one to go. Expect some short downtime tomorrow afternoon or evening. Site should be much faster already.
    Feedback welcome on AIM at SN "MOOTCHAT"

    Server migration complete. New hardware brought online should make things noticeably faster. Enjoy!
    PS: Some more goodies coming later this week.
    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320935091.jpg-(94 KB, 600x600, Amon Amarth - 2011 - Surtur Rising.jpg)
    94 KB Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:24:51 No.362764664  

    pic related,what i'm listening.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:25:30 No.362764704
    Ids, go to bed.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:27:07 No.362764810
         File1320935227.jpg-(12 KB, 218x224, cd[1].jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:32:09 No.362765122
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:33:15 No.362765188

    I miss Herrera. Yeah,he's a dipshit,but FF is not the same without him.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:34:42 No.362765280
         File1320935682.jpg-(22 KB, 320x320, Carach Angren - Lammendam.jpg)
    22 KB
    Woo! Metal!

    ...currently playing this album. T'is rather good.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:34:46 No.362765284
    Listening to Wolves in the Throne Room - Celestial Lineage
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:34:56 No.362765302
         File1320935696.jpg-(21 KB, 300x300, BGDDC310.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:37:02 No.362765452
         File1320935822.jpg-(101 KB, 329x288, cannibal_corpse_small.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:37:28 No.362765487
         File1320935848.jpg-(107 KB, 500x500, dygfhgk.jpg)
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    seein cannibal corpse in a month. SO FUCKING STOKED.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:37:50 No.362765523
    how can you fuck death metal?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:37:54 No.362765529
         File1320935874.jpg-(17 KB, 375x250, Enochian.jpg)
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    Fucken black metal!!
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:38:22 No.362765568

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:39:21 No.362765633
         File1320935961.jpg-(176 KB, 600x600, 38334288.jpg)
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    I raise you Madball.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:39:39 No.362765656
    skull fucking, cumming blood, fucked with a knife etc..
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:39:39 No.362765657
    Metal as fuck;
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:40:22 No.362765712
    I would like to start listening to black metal,since it's the only genre of metal I've never given much attention. Want some recommendations,some bands that fucking kick ass to start.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:40:30 No.362765726
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:40:52 No.362765752
    fuck you lucky sonoffabitch, im an Auscandy-ass so Cannibal arent allowed to tour here cos our country is run my candy-assgots
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:41:02 No.362765763
    Who put Madball on a metal thread?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:41:35 No.362765811
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:42:08 No.362765854
    Bro they have toured here
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:42:20 No.362765867
    You don't rock the flute?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:42:30 No.362765887

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:42:43 No.362765903
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:42:45 No.362765908
    Dimmu Borgir (skeptical to call it black metal though)
    Cradle of filth
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:43:03 No.362765930
         File1320936183.jpg-(20 KB, 300x300, 3330_kalmah_the_black_waltz.jpg)
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    you know nothing of my swamp metal
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:43:14 No.362765942
         File1320936194.jpg-(48 KB, 500x500, 158.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:43:21 No.362765949
    awesome indeed
    myGRAIN - A Clockwork Apocalypse
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:43:21 No.362765950
    I believe it was 2009
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:44:24 No.362766032
    wow, i did not know that, learn something new everyday.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:44:35 No.362766044
         File1320936275.jpg-(73 KB, 450x446, Kalmah%20-%2012%20Gauge%201.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:44:41 No.362766052

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:45:01 No.362766079
    Sceptical to call COF black metal also
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:45:14 No.362766090
    This <3
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:45:19 No.362766103
         File1320936319.jpg-(9 KB, 300x300, Lead and Aether(cover).jpg)
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    Bitch please
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:46:14 No.362766179
         File1320936374.jpg-(19 KB, 250x250, Ritual.jpg)
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    lucky me? im from fucking uruguay,not a single fucking decent band comes here,only powermetal candy-asss such as hellocandy-assgotween stratocandy-assgus epiccandy-ass (twice,are you fucking kidding me?) and apparently apocandy-asslyptica is coming in a few months. ill set those motherfuckers afire.

    in fact,im not seein cc here,ill have to go to argentina. also seein the black dahlia murder and suicide silence with them. also absolutely fucking stoked for the black dahlia murder.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:46:43 No.362766227
         File1320936403.jpg-(48 KB, 500x500, strapping-young-lad-the-new-bl(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:47:01 No.362766246

    Battle Beast morherfuckers!
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:47:03 No.362766248
         File1320936423.jpg-(58 KB, 400x398, misogi2010.jpg)
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    Misogi, japanese prog black metal
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:47:03 No.362766249
    latest two albums are not that far from black metal. would call it power metal, but hey, still awesome
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:47:08 No.362766253
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:47:34 No.362766287
    Oh fuck, Devin townsend. Have you heard Ziltoid the Omniscient? I saw it live. Orgasmic.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:47:37 No.362766293
         File1320936457.jpg-(1.41 MB, 1305x1305, flies&lies_big.jpg)
    1.41 MB
    I second this man! good band.
    you may actualy like this band Raintime, give em a try

    OP isnt a candy-assgot. Amon Ftw
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:47:43 No.362766302

    Anything from France is god tier.

    Deathspell Omega
    Blut Aus Nord
    Peste Noire
    Glorior Belli
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:48:11 No.362766336
         File1320936491.jpg-(19 KB, 508x597, splash_0510_dio.jpg)
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    DIO, The King of Metal
    Goodnight Great King;
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:48:17 No.362766349
         File1320936497.jpg-(37 KB, 420x420, R05.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:48:21 No.362766354
         File1320936501.jpg-(50 KB, 450x457, septicflesh2011cd.jpg)
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    This makes me moist.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:49:22 No.362766428
    Dimmu Borgir - 2 first albums
    Mayhem - 2 first albums
    Gorgoroth - 4 First
    Ihsahn - No.
    Cradle of filth - 2 First albums

    Anything after that is just unlistenable for me.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:49:42 No.362766450
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:50:08 No.362766480
         File1320936608.jpg-(43 KB, 399x600, aeet.jpg)
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    Considering the utter crap being posted, most of you morons are probably too dumb to even understand the references on the covers
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:50:59 No.362766537
         File1320936659.jpg-(57 KB, 500x500, album-archetype.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:51:07 No.362766554
         File1320936667.jpg-(44 KB, 750x600, 1320805869066.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:51:13 No.362766560
         File1320936673.jpg-(28 KB, 400x267, bio_dickinson_4.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:51:13 No.362766561
    Elitist fucktard detected

    Captcha: musical uagesvi
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:51:26 No.362766585

    >Septic Flesh

    A man with good taste it seems.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:51:47 No.362766612
    Seconded, Metallica Sucks
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:52:05 No.362766630
    ITT: entry level garbage
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:52:06 No.362766634
    Dark Funeral
    Burzum (a convicted murder is the vocalist)
    Troll (yes it is a black metal band. sings about killing christians lol)
    Behemoth (saw them live in 07. so awesome)
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:52:55 No.362766699
         File1320936775.jpg-(12 KB, 225x225, images-17..jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:53:08 No.362766718
    fuck yeah \m/ just saw amon amarth live in germany rammstein in december an next year going wo WACKEN OPEN AIR
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:53:20 No.362766737
         File1320936800.jpg-(12 KB, 220x220, 220px-Ziltoidtheomniscientcove(...).jpg)
    12 KB
    Favorite, at the moment. Also Ghost is fantastic
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:53:44 No.362766765

    >Ihsahn - No.

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:54:21 No.362766814
    just saw them live fuckin awesome
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:54:44 No.362766845
         File1320936884.jpg-(51 KB, 465x294, pope_facepalm.jpg)
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    >The vocalist is a convicted murderer.

    Wow, real metal expert we have here.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:55:24 No.362766896
         File1320936924.jpg-(25 KB, 350x233, between-the-buried-and-me-live.jpg)
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    Whatchu know about dem kings of prog metal
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:55:26 No.362766898
         File1320936926.jpg-(49 KB, 400x402, Norther - 2004 - Death Unlimit(...).jpg)
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    Bitches go crazy for some Norther.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:55:39 No.362766914
    tard. just because the music is ssigourneyher to listen to, does not make it bad. you should try burzum. he still hate jews
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:55:48 No.362766932
         File1320936948.jpg-(215 KB, 500x500, Solstafir-Svartir-Sandar.jpg)
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    This. Because it is fucking AWESOME.
    >pic very much related.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:56:00 No.362766949
         File1320936960.jpg-(55 KB, 500x500, sorryforpartyrocking.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:56:10 No.362766960

    Well technically he is the vocalist, even if the guy omitted the fact that he is the band.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:56:12 No.362766964
    No Priest?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:56:19 No.362766971
    Doesn't varg do all the work in the band? I thought he did.

    Also he's out on parole right now... he ALSO burned down church(s?) too.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:56:19 No.362766973
         File1320936979.jpg-(29 KB, 400x400, 06_the_price_of_existence.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:56:52 No.362767019
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:57:03 No.362767032

    this album sucked like shit
    i loved that band and every other disc is geat but this was shit
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:57:04 No.362767036
         File1320937024.jpg-(98 KB, 500x500, 20100610095752!Iron_Maiden_-_F(...).jpg)
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    This album fucked me in the ears with an iron bar. I'm just reliving some old albums right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:57:34 No.362767073
    Yes, it's a one man project.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:57:35 No.362767077
    >anything from France
    >no Gojira
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:57:44 No.362767088

    Depends on if you want real black metal, or just bands who think they are.

    These are good starters.
    Kvist - For Kunsten Maa vi evig vike
    Troll - Drep De Kristne
    Ulver - Bergtatt
    In the Woods... - Heart of the Ages
    Gorgoroth - Antichrist
    Dawn - Sorgh på Svarte Vingar Fløgh
    Urgehal - Through Thick Fog till Death

    Never cared for the Gaahl/King era, I`m glad I kept that thought in the end.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:58:07 No.362767126
    Oi metal expert candy-assgot, Ronnie Radke is a was sent to jail for killing a kid, big fucking woopy..i dont listen to his shit though coz of that, infact i hate his band.

    So fuck you poser
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:58:11 No.362767131
    favourite band of all time is Kalmah, melodic death metal until the day I die.
    Anyone has any bands that are similar to them ? And I am not talking about ensiferum, norther, equilibrium because I hate the clean vocals and gay ass lyrics.
    I want pure screams, deep growls in my metal. Not "aaaaaahhhhhh angel lalalal" shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:58:21 No.362767151
         File1320937101.jpg-(243 KB, 1024x576, 3945609913_35f7d517a2_b.jpg)
    243 KB
    Good choice
    (I grow, I sell, I ship ANYWHERE, Great bud, Even better prices,
    Picture related, My product, Grade A Medical Quality
    Holiday season sales! Next couple weeks are my Black Friday!
    Email me, Or add me on MSN/Live,
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:58:56 No.362767192

    it's not as good as some of the previous ones,but some songs just fucking rip shit up. war of the gods makes me want to slay some ice giants with my bare hands.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:58:56 No.362767193
    Motherfucking Neurosis
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:59:27 No.362767226
    There is something about this song. So weird, but i love it.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:59:33 No.362767229

    The guy was looking for black metal, though.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:59:45 No.362767252
         File1320937185.jpg-(10 KB, 281x210, Gojira Logo 2005.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:59:50 No.362767267

    great album
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:00:19 No.362767294
    Melodeth is my absolute favorite subgenre <3.

    Carcass :D
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:00:43 No.362767329
         File1320937243.jpg-(108 KB, 580x490, fffffff.jpg)
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    Right now i've started listening alot to German thrash again, but just at the moment i'm blasting Exumer!
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:00:54 No.362767341
         File1320937254.jpg-(69 KB, 268x265, 1307961477506.jpg)
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    I am feeling these vibes
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:01:03 No.362767355
         File1320937263.jpg-(37 KB, 555x448, nice-things-cat.jpg)
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    Fucking DEA/FBI, whatever, go away, people are discussing metal here.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:01:29 No.362767387

    yeah ok thats true but most of the songs are just dissapointing
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:01:40 No.362767405
         File1320937300.jpg-(126 KB, 500x500, dttm.jpg)
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    /b/- Fucking Casuals
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:01:58 No.362767429
    Potentially stupid question

    How do I directly post videos on here?
    >> Noko 11/10/11(Thu)10:02:10 No.362767443

    Wacken next year? I think so.

    Also, little contributing from the Danish metal Scene. Dawn Of Demise, Hatesphere, Illdisposed, Svartsot, Crocell, PanzerChrist.

    Just some I could think of real quick. Maybe i'll post moar later.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:02:17 No.362767453

    IMO the only good album they made was Reek of putrefaction, and the 1986 demo is good, when they called themself Disattack
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:02:19 No.362767457
    Well clearly you got it wrong.

    Both Norther and Ensiferum dont use clean vocals...its all screams. And not to mention Norther only have really like 5 songs that are clean, and thats all in the new album with the new singer. And Ensiferum now has Northers old singer, and also no rarely use clean vocals.

    How every interms of bands you may like, Try Lost Dreams and Insomnium
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:02:26 No.362767464
    Meshuggah: Glint Collide

    no pic
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:02:27 No.362767468
         File1320937347.jpg-(105 KB, 800x800, municipalwaste-massiveagressiv(...).jpg)
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    motherfucking crossover!
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:03:00 No.362767522
    Doesnt Dark Funeral have a new vocalist now?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:03:01 No.362767523
    I saw Judas Priest play in seattle recently, was fucking amazing.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:03:15 No.362767541
    going to see them next week with MH

    nice one
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:03:50 No.362767593
    The Birth of Metal;
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:03:54 No.362767595
    Amon, perfect example of musical talent being ruined by terrible vocals (if you can even call it that)
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:04:14 No.362767618
         File1320937454.jpg-(62 KB, 416x422, 1217601461009.jpg)
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    he is out. making new solo albums. and yes, be was convicted for burning churches, even though he never claimed to have done that. It was mostly retards (friends of varg) going around doing satanic rituals and burning churches in the end. he did however, kill a guy by stabbing him in the head with a pocket knife.

    mayhem is bat shit insane though. someone in the band committed suicide, and they took a picture of it and used it on the next cover.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:05:18 No.362767698
         File1320937518.jpg-(9 KB, 263x256, folder.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:05:18 No.362767699
         File1320937518.jpg-(14 KB, 400x400, skyfire-spectral.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:06:06 No.362767747
    motherfucking /b/rofist
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:06:12 No.362767754
         File1320937572.jpg-(33 KB, 500x521, Witchfinder+General.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:06:14 No.362767756
    Fuck yeah, a Black Metal band than can play, sing AND write lyrics.
    All to many just default to extra loud double pedal and growling so bad noone will know the lyrics anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:06:28 No.362767778
         File1320937588.jpg-(74 KB, 500x496, folder.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:06:49 No.362767810

    That SOMEONE is the allmighty Dead! A Swedish dude who had a band before he joined Mayhem called Morbid, and they kick so much ass. Really ahead of their time.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:07:04 No.362767836
         File1320937624.jpg-(23 KB, 300x300, 514FnLMr5vL._SL500_AA300_.jpg)
    23 KB
    I fucking love metal
    Pic related, it's my favourite metal band
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:07:33 No.362767874
         File1320937653.jpg-(70 KB, 400x398, The_Laws_of_Scourge.jpg)
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    old school death metal
    wish all sarcocandy-asso was like this album.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:08:08 No.362767928
         File1320937688.jpg-(60 KB, 500x500, meat-loaf-bat-out-of-hell1.jpg)
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    Great ballads by this guy;
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:08:13 No.362767934
    well, he lived up to his name.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:09:06 No.362768015
    Dev Heads
    Black Metal fanboys
    Scandinavian metal enthusiasts
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:09:25 No.362768041

    You can`t seriously mean this is black metal?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:09:38 No.362768064

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:09:55 No.362768088
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:10:19 No.362768126
    conclusion: Norwegian black metal is most insane, and the best.

    Now lets go out and burn some churches. yay

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:10:39 No.362768159
         File1320937839.jpg-(79 KB, 850x476, BLACK_VEIL_BRIDES_by_Ashe_08.jpg)
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    This is my favourite Metal band, They play real music that speaks to the heart, unlike all these other poser bands like Gorgaroth and Katakalysm etc those bands are for idiots and posers, this is real metal!1! :D

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:11:20 No.362768226
         File1320937880.jpg-(381 KB, 468x468, Mastodon-Crack-the-Skye.jpg)
    381 KB
    c'mon guys.
    no MASTODON?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:12:06 No.362768283
    you're the kind of candy-ass that would like psycomusic liek Dir en Grey

    watch Dir en Grey - Obscure
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:12:09 No.362768291
         File1320937929.jpg-(34 KB, 400x400, equilibrium rekreatur cover.jpg)
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    this. motherfucking german epic metal
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:12:47 No.362768360
    Any fans of melodic death metal should check out Dawn of Tears.

    They aren't a pansy metalcore band so don't worry. They recently got signed too. But you can still download their albums for free and they are pretty good.

    I like them more than Kalmahs newest album.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:13:14 No.362768405

    Haha, I love that song.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:13:16 No.362768408
    Norther 1:25 "ohhhhhh im gay, my frozen angel"
    Thanks for your response, I will check those bands out. But norther and ensiferum do have alot of clean vocals.
    Tho death unlimited is one of my favourite songs of all time. of all time
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:13:53 No.362768456

    Go listen your Cradle of Filth and slitting your wrists, adults are trying to discuss here
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:14:17 No.362768487
    Oblivious trolls are oblivious.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:15:56 No.362768625
         File1320938156.jpg-(31 KB, 228x243, 1320287508587.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:16:07 No.362768635
    WTF is this emo bullshit
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:16:38 No.362768683
    They why do you need to point them out and direct attention to their drivel?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:17:50 No.362768778
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:18:39 No.362768836
    Go kill a person and fuck the corpse. Oh no thats right, your music is just talk.

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:18:57 No.362768870
         File1320938337.jpg-(36 KB, 400x560, Satanic-Warmaster.jpg)
    36 KB
    Satanic Warmaster
    Drowning the Light
    Shining (sweden)
    Peste Noire
    Wolves in the Throne Room
    Ash Borer

    all great BM bands. Lifelover isn't really black metal though, but it's still very good. Shining's later albums really aren't considered black metal either, but personally I think they are much better then the first 3.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:19:06 No.362768885
         File1320938346.jpg-(19 KB, 280x280, Unexpectflesh.jpg)
    19 KB
    Unexpect ftw

    Avant garde is teh shit.
    I also love the jazzy experimental stuff of Mr Bungle, Nuclear Rabbit and stuff. Dog Fashion Disco and Polkadot Cadaver too.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:19:53 No.362768939
    God, /b/ loves black metal.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:21:12 No.362769055
         File1320938472.jpg-(1.48 MB, 1500x1500, powerwolf-blood-of-the-saints.jpg)
    1.48 MB
    Powerwolf. Power Metal at it's best!
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:21:41 No.362769092
    Not really a fan of BM but honestly haven't listened to much.
    I guess Unexepect's first album can count as melodic black metal, but I did like Emperor's first album and that is supposed to be a BM classic.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:22:28 No.362769146
         File1320938548.jpg-(60 KB, 360x540, tumblr_lsrojm7edV1qa7awxo1_400.jpg)
    60 KB
    first decent post, you forgot MÜTIILATION though

    also, worst metal thread on here, ever

    pic related
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:22:47 No.362769175
         File1320938567.jpg-(1.09 MB, 2560x1920, 12312312.jpg)
    1.09 MB
    ofc we do. black metal is brutal! we love brutal shit
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:22:51 No.362769181
         File1320938571.jpg-(162 KB, 800x533, TUSKA2005_HV8O6902_01.jpg)
    162 KB
    From Finland
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:23:28 No.362769218
    Interesting list, I see most of them are depressiv bm, hehe.
    Yeah I get a lot of shit about Lifelover, I just explain "yes this isnt bm and that im AVARE about that, and if you think they are so talentless, then go make something better and impress me."
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:23:34 No.362769227
    Some real Heavy Metal here;
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:24:10 No.362769271

    Not the guy you're having a hissy fit to, but these guys aint really black metal. They just sound like fairly standard new wave symphonic/death metal.

    Also, CoF isn't black metal. Watain is black metal.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:24:16 No.362769280

    yayayaya some good ugly death metal. Doom of the Occult is one of my top 10 albums this year.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:25:03 No.362769337
         File1320938703.jpg-(176 KB, 600x600, khaos.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:25:19 No.362769355
    I didn't even realize AA came out with a new album since twilight of the thunder god. Thanks OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:25:52 No.362769406

    you forgot russian black metal like topeth, vapnatak
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:26:15 No.362769435
    Watain is the best ripoff band ever. Its not bad but when I listen to it I always get a different bm band in my head
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:27:18 No.362769521
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:27:50 No.362769571

    Exactly, they're a pretty good introduction to exactly what BM is in that way.

    Also, why does noone ever mention Naglfar? I love those chaps, even if Harvest sounded a bit wussy at times.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:28:44 No.362769634
         File1320938924.jpg-(390 KB, 1399x1404, AmongTheLiving.jpg)
    390 KB
    One of the best Thrash Metal albums ever...
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:28:48 No.362769637
    you guys have anything good for when I'm on drugs? softer shit man,
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:28:58 No.362769651

    Now this is some good fucking stuff. Pay extra attention to 2:28
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:29:06 No.362769663

    Isnt that the band singing about... very stupid things i dare not utter here?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:30:26 No.362769774
         File1320939026.jpg-(43 KB, 500x500, Hordes Of The Brave.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:30:37 No.362769792
         File1320939037.png-(446 KB, 640x480, tumblr_ls35ibGzPW1qahvrc.png)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:30:44 No.362769803
         File1320939044.jpg-(131 KB, 709x709, Minotaur - Power of Darkness.jpg)
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    German Thrash like Minotaur!!!
    ah and fuck amon amarsch
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:31:30 No.362769865

    Enjoy ;)
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:32:13 No.362769924
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:32:48 No.362769961

    What? What's off limits on /b/? They're just standard satanic worship lyrically, with a measure of nihilism thrown in for good measure...
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:34:32 No.362770112
         File1320939272.jpg-(9 KB, 251x233, 1318012602467.jpg)
    9 KB
    Fucking this:
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:34:50 No.362770148
         File1320939290.jpg-(38 KB, 500x500, Gorgoroth_twilightoftheidols.jpg)
    38 KB
    motherfucking Gorgoroth.
    Procreating Satan
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:34:59 No.362770163
    Oh I`m so sorry, I mixed it with that "black metal ist krieg" band
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:35:11 No.362770178

    I lol'd a little. This was like from some deathcore-generator, including lyrics
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:35:21 No.362770195
         File1320939321.jpg-(39 KB, 600x600, album.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:35:29 No.362770211
         File1320939329.jpg-(25 KB, 437x500, Heavy-Metal-Science-Fiction-Th(...).jpg)
    25 KB
    I'm sorry I can't hear you
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:35:49 No.362770242
    Thats what I'm talking about, thanks man
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:36:34 No.362770294
         File1320939394.jpg-(80 KB, 600x600, 267311_10150289023045210_13436(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:37:18 No.362770355
         File1320939438.jpg-(18 KB, 500x368, behexen.jpg)
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    no behexen?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:38:06 No.362770421
         File1320939486.jpg-(56 KB, 417x308, fwfwfwfwf.jpg)
    56 KB
    ITT babbys first metal
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:38:09 No.362770430
    Red Fang
    Seven Sisters of Sleep
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:38:14 No.362770435
         File1320939494.jpg-(50 KB, 250x250, 430.jpg)
    50 KB

    ah, fair enough, nae worries.

    Postin' (imo) god tier folk/viking metal to stay relevant.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:39:36 No.362770571
         File1320939576.jpg-(153 KB, 1600x1348, detail.jpg)
    153 KB
    Anything like Savage Circus, early Blind Guardian, Luca Turilli, Rhapsody or Persuader out there?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:40:08 No.362770608
         File1320939608.jpg-(62 KB, 709x709, deathacademy.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:40:39 No.362770657
         File1320939639.jpg-(202 KB, 300x300, Beneath_The_Sky_-_The_Day_The_(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:40:54 No.362770679
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:41:01 No.362770697
         File1320939661.jpg-(28 KB, 300x300, 6281.jpg)
    28 KB
    Feck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:41:05 No.362770704
    I love you, Carach Angren so fucking badass. They're making a new album, too!
    >> lars 11/10/11(Thu)10:41:11 No.362770710
         File1320939671.jpg-(332 KB, 1000x885, dissection1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:41:43 No.362770761
         File1320939703.jpg-(22 KB, 352x329, 1308726605290.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:43:11 No.362770874
    wait... i think i might be in the wrong thread...
    is this a "death metal" thread? or a "epic metal" thread?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:43:28 No.362770900
         File1320939808.jpg-(31 KB, 400x400, 215512[1].jpg)
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    Some old school sounds
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:44:27 No.362770993

    Yes. Forgot I had the cd!
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:45:01 No.362771048
         File1320939901.jpg-(85 KB, 475x475, LAMB_OF_GOD_Resolution_news.jpg)
    85 KB
    this is going to be epic
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:45:43 No.362771107
    Motherfucking metal thread from the title.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:45:47 No.362771116
         File1320939947.jpg-(53 KB, 500x279, 14428.jpg)
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    Had you read the OP you would know it's a motherfucking metal-thread
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:46:48 No.362771205
    If by epic you mean big flaming turd yeah it's going to be the most epic thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:47:44 No.362771305

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