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  • /mu/'s favorite bro deadmau5 is hanging out here:

    Two of three migrations down, one to go. Expect some short downtime tomorrow afternoon or evening. Site should be much faster already.
    Feedback welcome on AIM at SN "MOOTCHAT"

    Server migration complete. New hardware brought online should make things noticeably faster. Enjoy!
    PS: Some more goodies coming later this week.
    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320849443.jpg-(34 KB, 567x720, Tasty.jpg)
    34 KB Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:37:23 No.362604028  
    Bon appétit sheeples...
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:45:02 No.362604667
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:46:07 No.362604752
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:47:00 No.362604829
    >being with Yoko Ono
    >think he is smart
    >now he's ded

    who's smart now Ringo?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:47:43 No.362604900
    It's like the Human Centipede! Except we actually as the citizens get to move around and do shit!
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:48:07 No.362604925
    Corporations: Jews
    Politicians: Jews or Pro-Israel
    Media: 100% Jews

    it all makes sense now
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:48:39 No.362604967
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:48:46 No.362604975
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:49:18 No.362605010
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:49:21 No.362605015
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:50:07 No.362605082
    >implying I'm not a copraphiliac
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:50:23 No.362605110
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    got how I hate this botnet spam fa­g
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:50:56 No.362605163
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:51:12 No.362605188
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    >implying your not a shithead.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:51:30 No.362605209
    >2: Bilderbergers
    >Base: secret societies
    >Shit tier: Illuminati
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:51:52 No.362605239
    >implying I have a head with which to shit
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:52:11 No.362605266
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:53:16 No.362605356
    >implying taking a catchphrase literally proves anything

    shit in, shit out, see
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:53:56 No.362605414
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:53:59 No.362605420
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:54:55 No.362605506
    >implying I've caught the phrase that you speak of
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:55:02 No.362605516

    obviously the answer is to sit in the street like retards until someone does something about it
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:55:04 No.362605521
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    Will solve itself. Shit'll hit the fan.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:55:45 No.362605583
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:57:22 No.362605716
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:58:14 No.362605791

    and that is why i dont watch news, dont give a shit what most politicians say, dont work for a coorporation and lastly - brush my teeth after eating their pre-packaged factory prepared plastic sealed shit.

    also ; support the zeitgeist movement, k thnx, bye
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)09:58:24 No.362605812
    I still think the customer is the most powerful tool to destroy any economical system
    if people stop thinking that they don't matter and do something together, every wall street will fall
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:00:09 No.362605942
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    Have no TV since a half decade

    Cutomer haz powers? Power you're not aware off is weakness.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:01:04 No.362606024
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:03:24 No.362606223
    which weakness?
    the stupidity of the mass?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:03:24 No.362606224
    dat filename...
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:06:13 No.362606441
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:07:12 No.362606514
    The weakness to allow media to confuse us so much that we cannot act as one.

    In ancient rome there where 3 times more slaves than citicen. They would have easily been able to free themselfes.

    Now we've got 99% slaves. Still we don't rise up. We just want our peace.

    vidya related
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:08:31 No.362606618
    this is so good. saved.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:13:17 No.362607023
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    don't wake me up /b/ro
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:13:50 No.362607069
    we're on /b/
    we made the madness fashionable
    and no, slaves would'nt have been able to free themselves, broken individuals, half of them died withing few months from hard labor and malnutrition
    slaves back then were cattle, but cheaper
    human flesh was cheaper than pork, so many butchers just changed from the suppliers of pig to slavetraders
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:17:37 No.362607380
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    Screw your Orwellian conspiracy theories, kiddies. This is what's really wrong with our world.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:18:27 No.362607445
    >broken individuals

    well if you call it a spiritual/intellectual malnutritions, we're in a similar situation now.

    Also the ppl today are equal unable to free themselves.

    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:20:35 No.362607653
    Yeah we're more drifting into "brave nwe world", thats right.

    But why do you have to post this shitty "Conspiracy Theory" phrase, boy? We went on 25 posts without it...
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:21:07 No.362607695
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:22:13 No.362607793
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    also: Battletoads.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:22:16 No.362607801
    haven't we talked about this half a year ago?
    I have the strangest deja'vù
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:24:47 No.362608033
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    Well, did the situation change since then? Also we all - no matter where we started - come to the same conclusions. Maybe because they are at least near the truth.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:24:53 No.362608042
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:25:13 No.362608077
    >implying one thing and the total opposite aren't the same
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:26:23 No.362608199

    But he didn't achieve anything, tanks still rolled onto Tianamen and most young Chinese do not even know of his existence.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:27:10 No.362608257
    tankman was killed
    and yes, maybe some day the whole same conclusions can be understood from one person

    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:28:30 No.362608381
    Watching the world collapse. Watching the apocalypse of the global capitalistic civilisation while we laugh in true /b/tardness.

    >"In the world I see - you are stalking elk through
    >the damp canyon forests around the ruins of
    >Rockefeller Center. You'll wear leather clothes
    >that will last you the rest of your life. You'll climb
    >the wrist-thick kudzu vines that wrap the Sears
    >Tower. And when you look down, you'll see tiny
    >figures pounding corn, laying strips of venison on
    >the empty car pool lane of some abandoned
    >superhighway." - T.D.

    Quote related
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:29:25 No.362608458

    No one knows what happened to tankman. And he achieved a lot as a symbol. A very very powerful symbol.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:30:56 No.362608578
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    when has being a whinny bitch gotten anything done? go back to wall street and get sick from sleeping in hippie shit
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:32:33 No.362608754
    For whom? You and me? Certainly not for Chinese. Even if everyone in China suddenly found out about what happened there, that wouldn't change anything - they already got what they wanted (or, rather - China's state policy adapted to that). It had it's value back then, now it's just something Western culture is trying to portrait as "Heroic act of an individual in the struggle against Communism".
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:34:25 No.362608922
    against Communism? I think its more recieved as struggle angainst the power of the state.

    Suggenstions are welcome, Tank you kind sir.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:35:12 No.362608988
    Strong trees can only live, when wrap their roots around strong stones and hard soil

    the Military got him, I guess you can figure out what happened

    your pic is not fitting
    I don't think anybody ITT is protesting
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:36:54 No.362609156
    And wasn't Communism made to look like a omnipotent entity that suppressed all human freedoms in Western media (TV, movies, cartoons, comic books, all that)?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:37:35 No.362609219
    Don't know where you heard military got him. He was pulled away by some ppl in civil clothes. And they seemed to be nice to him.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:39:57 No.362609452
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:40:18 No.362609470
    well capitalism and communism are equal bullshit. We're living in the 21st century. we need new ideologies.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:42:48 No.362609691
    We don't need new ideologies, just as we don't need new religions or any other ways of making people believe in a certain way to thinking.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:43:36 No.362609764
    it's still inconclusive
    some say he was arrested and killed by policemen
    some say he was rescued by civs
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:45:03 No.362609898
    classic mode:
    1. Thesis
    2. Anti-Thesis
    3. Synthesis = Thesis II
    4. Anti-Thesis
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:45:10 No.362609907
    You're right. The term "ideology" was bullshit.Sorry about that.

    How to call it?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:45:20 No.362609922
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    lol, op really just said sheeples. go back to watching your glenn beck box set.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:47:19 No.362610094
    thems say conspiracy theorists, tinfoil hats
    other onces say sheeples, cattle etc.
    Jsut words, my friend, just words.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:47:42 No.362610122
    I don't know... just fucking be nice to each other and like try to be honest and stuff-ism? I think it's not a difficult concept to teach to our children.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:48:57 No.362610238
    right, but saying sheeple is like saying, "hurr durr, i love glenn beck and have no real grasp on politics because the only sources i trust are glenn beck and fox news."
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:49:27 No.362610282
    "stuffism". Count me in.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:51:12 No.362610427
    being nice and having mercy will make us all to cripples
    let the companies grease their machines with our blood and look at us growing stronger
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:51:23 No.362610452
    I have no TV since many years, so I'm afraid I don't know what a "Glenn Beck" is. Also Fox is, as I understand it, something like a satire on TV News, no?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:52:32 No.362610545
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:56:14 No.362610870
    ALl I ever see is THE MACHINE getting stronger, not humans. A burst from an M-4 aimed at an Iraqi family is not exactly manhood. A pilot of a NATO bomber pulling trigger and killing hundreds of Albanians in a refugee file is not really strong, doncha think? An ICBM obliterating a 150 000 strong town? Where's human strength there? Now do you get it?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:59:09 No.362611100
    >implying people who run corporations are not citizens

    they are magical fairy people that live in another dimension
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:59:12 No.362611109
    We don't have to tell the people. 90% of them actually ARE nice. Nobody wants war (okay maybe in USA the situation s a bit diffrent).

    the problem are the minions of the machine. We cannot destroy the machine, but we could re-program it somehow to work for the benefit of humanity AND more important, for the benefit of the planet.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)10:59:37 No.362611149
    there are humans behind this
    maybe we need a few thousand deaths more
    what are a few thousands worth? For them it's nothing.
    Machines can only be as strong as they're built
    Humanity can evolve
    the greatest progresses are those you can't see
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:01:04 No.362611264
    you kill a few thousands but still hundret thousands standing behind em waiting to take their place. This isn't about people, its not about the wetware. We have to change the software of the Machine.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:01:37 No.362611302
    NO this won't make any profit
    don't you see it? my slaying hundreds of thousands, others can live, have a happy life, the whole economy profits from CHANGE
    YOU must be happy for the World War 2, otherwise you wouldn't be born
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:03:11 No.362611422
    Yes, you are right, the humans are behind it. And we will evolve, because the machine can't think for itself for it's merely a tool in the hands of the wrong people.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:03:36 No.362611446
    I for my sake am not happy about WW II because I'm from germany and it fucked my coutry over and gave us in the hands of american style capitalism wich is in no way better then nacional socialism. Thank you
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:04:39 No.362611531
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    stfu ows hipster candy-assgt. hope you die.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:05:30 No.362611615
    the machine gained its own internal dynamics. It actually can't think in a way we see it, but also it cannot be controlled by men anymore.

    we've crossed the point of no return long ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:07:08 No.362611766
    countersage just because you don't understand it

    geht dir das nicht auch auf den sack?

    I don't get the metaphorical machine
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:07:18 No.362611777
    I don't give a shit about the economy or living a happy, yet unfulfilled life. I don't want to sit around all day doing nothing, feeling empty but nonetheless amused. That's not what I've been evolutionarily programmed to do. As a species, we will die. Our genes have a tendency to deteriorate over generations. So let's live our life the nature expected us to live it, and leave the future for a more advanced species.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:08:14 No.362611862
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    please, proceed.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:10:40 No.362612088
    You make me think of the kid on the loosing team who starts trying to be cool by giving up first.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:12:33 No.362612256
    you're missing the fact that we have to evolve
    and no, humanity will not die, never
    we're in the winning team, just because we're the only team left
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:14:07 No.362612390
    you got the order of politicians and media mixed up, OP. but otherwise, pretty fucking accurate picture.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:14:14 No.362612397
    I think, life is not about to be happy. thats one of the main mistakes. One can easily be happy by taking drugs, so whats the point of that. We die. Its futile. But it would make some sense to try to rise above what you where yesterday. If everyone does that, the whole level of humanity would rise.
    It seems that its our job to create this advanced species by techological means. After that we can go, true.

    one could say that you could see the global system of politics, economic and social structures as a complex machine. wich runs with a very silly program
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:15:06 No.362612479
    hmmm, you're right.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:18:17 No.362612755
    the machine never changes
    nothing got out of hand, just out of sight for some

    I never heard that any politician did anything just because he was forced by the media
    maybe some whitewash
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:18:53 No.362612812
    No, I just like doing things the hard way.
    We will evolve, but when the system becomes unsustainable, only those of us who didn't evolve will be able to start again, because the ones who did adapted to depend on the system that's no more.
    True dat. But the majority, the critical mass will not do that. It will slowly sink down to be an obese, stupid, content bunch of lazy fucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:20:28 No.362612949
    Guys, we're fucked up.
    Just appreciate that.
    We can't do shit.
    Humanity had promising capabilities,
    But we decided not to be the crown,
    but the crown of thorns of creation.

    Its realy desireable that we vanish
    as fast as possible so nature can start over.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:21:45 No.362613087
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    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:21:57 No.362613106
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    0p3n y0ur m1nd
    fr33d0m 0r d34th
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:22:18 No.362613137
    you know what? fuck that
    if nature wants to kill humanity, the whore should come and try
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:22:38 No.362613166
    the media consistently controls and manipulates politicians, just as it does the common man. they are, after all, just people. this is a far more cost-effective solution than direct manipulation (which does exist of course), and has the added benefit that it is completely without legal recourse.

    Dont believe it? Just listen to how many idiot politicians parrot major media talking points during and directly after major crisis. They get it from the news, just like me and you.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:23:28 No.362613256
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:23:52 No.362613300

    You raf,
    you lose
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:24:33 No.362613358
    politicians and governments control every major media station to some degree
    of course everybody with money do that
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:26:06 No.362613493
    Is not nature itself, its human nature that will kill us, no worries bro.

    Also its a bit megalomaniac to think we could compte with nature,
    she survied bigger disasters then we are. Also, naughty boy,
    if you call your "mother" a whore, what are you then?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:26:51 No.362613574
    the media, in fact, IS the corporations. it is the speech organ, by which they broadcast their message, their directives, and ultimately, their control.

    while politicians are manipulated, compromised, and even bought-and-paid for, the political sphere will never be as directly and intimately a part of the corporate sphere as the media CORPORATIONS are.

    at least, not until the republic fails completely, and america (and humanity for the most part) fall into tyranny.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:27:06 No.362613603
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    john lennon was a beautiful man
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:27:42 No.362613663
    I can agree that politicians adapt to the pubic opinion, but there is the issue of lobbying by the wealthy fuckers that want to get even wealthier. Oh, and also, those same fuckers also spend billions on promoting their shit (I watched a movie about how Freud's nephew changed the paradigm of marketing but I didn't favorite it because I was high) and making you believe you need something and then providing you with a product that satisfies that need. That's not a fucking conspiracy theory as lots of people like to call it - it's the only way the current system could ever work.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:27:53 No.362613685
    dat filename
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:28:32 No.362613750
    I am a bastard of evolution
    the one who killed millions and billions of creatures
    digging out the earth
    polluting the surface
    eating the flesh of our elders and infants
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:29:38 No.362613851
    Corporate Sphere ---> Media ---> Public
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:30:17 No.362613900
    oh god here comes the implying
    >america and humanity for the most part

    the government is a company which can make its own rules
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:30:37 No.362613928
    yes, there are direct connections between corporate power and politicians, as i did admit. lobbying is one of these. fraud, bribery, and blackmail are another. but the amount spent on all of these activities together pales in comparison to the amount spent on controlling the media. there simply is no comparison.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:32:42 No.362614125
    the whole point is, if you want to boil the graphic down to the simplest terms, you should switch the politicians with the media. this is losing information of course, the real graph is a complex network of connections and spheres of influence. but its not as fun to post, is it?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:33:21 No.362614194
    Human centipede???
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:33:34 No.362614211
    why dont we get up and kill those fucking politicians, like in the good old fashioned revolutions?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:34:11 No.362614264
    one day there was a major pen-pusher from the EU at our school claiming the following
    >"We can do absolutely nothing about bribes from lobbyists because they will all be free in 1 second anyway
    >we only run against time, the economy WILL destroy itself one day, our job is to prevent it as long as possible
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:34:23 No.362614279
    Its no problem to control the media.
    If you work in media business, you will get it line by yourselve in order to keep your job.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:34:58 No.362614343
    the implication is that america is one of the more important lynch pins in the process of removing western style freedom from the people, in order to impose a global power structure. this is not because americans are better by any metric, it is because A) they are a key western democratic country with B) superpower military status.

    if you have a problem with the implications, then you simply do not understand the concepts involved.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:35:16 No.362614362
    kill politicians - banking system still in place.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:35:23 No.362614369
    Fuck this useless thread!
    Download some CP instead!!

    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:35:50 No.362614412
    So America is a...Human Centipede?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:36:12 No.362614435
    Well, yeah, exactly like that.
    >but the amount spent on all of these activities together pales in comparison to the amount spent on controlling the media.
    I agree. But politicians have more power than media. It has to keep telling the same things over and over in order to shape public opinion the way 'it' wants. But the politican can simply act according to his (or hers, lol) jurisdictions. And yet, you have to cover both. Te politicians are much easier to sway because they're the same buch of greedy filthy fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:36:23 No.362614452
    it took both decades and billions and billions of dollars for the media to come under the kind of control it takes to enforce exactly the situation you describe, anon.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:37:43 No.362614558
    oh you US-americans.
    This applies tothe whole globalized world.

    Also america is very big. In north america allone there are 23 countrys.
    Please stop insulting the others by equating them to US-citicens
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:37:54 No.362614570
    It's like an inhuman centipede!
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:38:07 No.362614579
    The whole World is. America (her people not included, of course) is just closer to the beginning of the chain.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:39:00 No.362614649
    one of the most pivotal ways that they sway the politicians is thru the media. sure, the greedy bastards can always be bought. and the morally corrupt can always be blackmailed. but believe it or not, the big problem is all the people who continually rise up thru the system who are not greedy swine. they MUST be dealt with, and the best way is to manipulate their idiologies from the ground level, to own the "truth".

    want a truly god-fearing family man to bomb the shit out of Iran? better own his television set, his newspapers, indeed his entire culture.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:39:57 No.362614743
    the only reason this "key western democratic" still exists is, because the have a overpowered military status while they hinder other countries they don't like and help their "allies", which are mostly 3rd world states or the old Yurop where Americans have military bases
    Economically, America certainly will be dead within 30 years and killing most of the world economy with the blow of a dying colossus
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:40:13 No.362614771
    There's nothing wrong with the New World Order, bro.

    New World Order means that you can go to any country without a passport and use the same money everywhere.

    Who wouldn't want that?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:41:35 No.362614877
    Incorrect. The politicians are the ones with monopoly on violence, they are the central cause of the problem and they authorize corporations. Stop the government and society will immediately make a turn for the better.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:42:06 No.362614923
    >implying thats how it will actually pan out
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:42:08 No.362614930
    erm, me for example.
    A evolving system needs diversity so that an error in one part of the system does not corrupt the whole.
    see global banking crisis.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:42:11 No.362614935
    well hitler only had 7 years and he was more effective than any other
    America would have the same spirit, but must maintain a facade of democrazy
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:43:06 No.362615020
    And Mussolini made the trains run on time. Who wouldn't want that?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:43:58 No.362615090
    that killing blow is the whole point behind the reason that america is being targetted so heavily now. yes, the world will be taken down. the question is, what will replace the status quo?

    hence the true reason that america is so key for the rest of humanity.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:44:17 No.362615114
    Akso, hitler freed germany from opression of the allies
    and made it europes strongest economy and ilitary force within a decade
    who woulnt want that?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:45:48 No.362615261
    I think we should learn to eat with chop sticks. nuff said.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:46:35 No.362615337
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:46:53 No.362615370
    to all the spooks monitoring this thread: you should think long and hard about the reasons you do what you do. do you trust the hand that feeds you? what kind of world do you want to give to your children?

    and please stop the pathetic derail attempts with CP and pro-NWO rhetoric. its embarrassing for you, really.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:47:07 No.362615388
    the world will change, but we don't know yet if it leads to destruction or rebirth or both

    I think Russians, Europe and Arabia will make an Alliance against the Aussie-Chines
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:48:18 No.362615478
    that image is wrong. you are never forced to eat the shit of the media.

    maybe politicians, and corporations a little bit.
    but media, no.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:48:38 No.362615506
    Nordic Walking Organization?
    look at other forums, they shitpost without intention
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:48:51 No.362615535
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    So "The Human Centipede" was a political satire?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:48:54 No.362615545
    OP here. I think we have a disturbing low amout of trolling in here.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:49:09 No.362615570
    Thought i would mention this is untrue

    Trains started running on time well before mussoli came in to power
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:50:43 No.362615722
    Mussolini was an elemental school teacher
    Hitler was a painter
    Who wouldn't want that?
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:51:37 No.362615808
    Damn, that was one of my favourite sayings. I guess I'll have to talk about Hitler rebuilding the economy of Germany or something.
    >> Anonymous 11/09/11(Wed)11:52:07 No.362615855
    >you are never forced to eat the shit of the media.
    Yeah right.

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