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    File : 1320257322.jpg-(22 KB, 306x423, Judge-William-Adams.jpg)
    22 KB noko Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:08:42 No.361538643  
    "Aransas County Court at Law Judge William Adams has spoken to our Andy Liscano about a video the judge's daughter posted on Youtube showing a beating in 2004.
    Judge Adams told us, "It happened years ago.. I apologized."
    When asked if he thought the conduct in the video was excessive, Judge Adams said, "It's not as bad as it looks on tape."
    Judge Adams also informed us he has already contacted the Judicial Review in Austin and "more will come out" during the investigation."

    To all other anons who were abused by their parents like I was, we all know this is bullshit. This judge is obviously showing no remorse by his choice of words. "Not as bad as it looks"? Then wtf does a man beating his daughter for 7 minutes SUPPOSED to look like? Shit. At least my parents beat me senseless for behaving like a little shit and I deserved it sometimes, but FUCK. I wasnt a disabled helpless girl either. This makes me rage
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:13:57 No.361539166
    He apologized? Thats an admission of guilt
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:15:48 No.361539379
    people still care about this.

    this is over 6 years old
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:16:32 No.361539467
    JUDGE WILLIAM ADAMS (Child abuser and Internetz hater) HOME: 717 Magnolia Street Rockport, TX 78382 Home: (361) 729-3452 Cell phone: (361) 729-3452 WORK: Aransas County Sheriff’s Office: Sheriff William “Bill” Mills 301 N. Live Oak St.Rockport, TX 78382 Phone numbers: (361) 729-2222 (361) 790-0100 (361) 790-0138
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:16:41 No.361539489

    >I wasnt a disabled helpless girl either

    You believe anything that a random girl (who is a 25 year old furry) on the internet would tell you, don't you?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:17:54 No.361539633
    i like how /b/ goes crazy when a kid is punished by her father, but laugh when a 2 year old girl gets ran over and killed.

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:20:26 No.361539951
    an attention whore of this magnitude is sure to have some naught webcam videos on her HD.

    /b/ros help us out here.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:22:32 No.361540214
    the fact that it's all taped shows the girl at fault. She expected to be punished and knowingly did something wrong. She played it up for the camera and gets sympathy from newcandy-ass white knights over here.

    felt "safe" enough to post it only now? bs it was a calm and calculated plan from a manipulating bitch out for revenge. The father is the real victim here. His method of parenting is neither better nor worse that any of yours. After all he raised a helpless little girl to frame and publicly humiliate him. I'd say she turned out like any other typical girl
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:25:09 No.361540532
    if i caught my kid flashing its naughty parts on the interwebs i'd beat the shit out of it too.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:26:21 No.361540666
    I'd say I'm raging just over the fact that punishment was for "using da interwebz"

    I dont give a fuck about every other detail
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:27:13 No.361540777

    GTFO moralf­­ag
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:32:05 No.361541373
    > youjustwentfullretard.jpg
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:33:13 No.361541499

    /b/ros with Actual experience with females know the deal

    the rest of you blueballedbastards keep WKing it up.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:35:49 No.361541813
    This fucker should do a slow roast in hell, over a few centuries. I don't care what your kid has done, you don't beat him/her with a belt. What a fucking coward.

    And if you think that she set him up, then you're more stupid than your comment suggests. You think that she pissed him off because she knew that he'd beat her, and so the fact that he beat her is her fault? Really? How fucked up do you have to be to turn this on her?

    If the beating is that predictable, then it really is abuse. Use more than one brain cell at a time, and maybe this will make some sense to you.
    >> ­­ 11/02/11(Wed)14:39:51 No.361542303

    I hope you get raped.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:40:14 No.361542353

    u and every other f@ggot in these threads remind me Of myself about 10 years ago. Back when i thought parents were mean for yelling at their kids getting mad at them for their behavior etc. BUT THEN I FUCKING RAISED SOME KIDS.

    Now i fucking know this shit is PAR for the fucking course
    and woe be Unto you if you have a fucking Daughter to raise. Sh'es lucky she got off with just this much. I would of had her crying for real none of that fake ass hollywood tears.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:43:10 No.361542722
    >too stupid to out-wit his own kids
    >beats them
    >brags about it on /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:43:18 No.361542740
    >And if you think that she set him up, then you're more stupid than your comment suggests. You think that she pissed him off because she knew that he'd beat her, and so the fact that he beat her is her fault? Really? How fucked up do you have to be to turn this on her?
    Yeah, I'm sure she just happened to be taping some empty space there.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:44:06 No.361542853
    I just hope we get to see the video where judge Adams' cell mate orders him to get on his stomach or get...ahem..."beat in the face."
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:44:15 No.361542888

    >I support him too.
    >> ­­­­ 11/02/11(Wed)14:44:16 No.361542893
    Wow, you Amerif­ags are against capital punishment?

    Did your mommy beat your balls to hard?

    I remember getting a fist to the face, my dad, if he were still alive, would've belted me daily, and punched me with all his might.

    I was beaten by my step-dad too, he was in the military and was ripped beyond belief.

    She got belted, oh boo hoo she has a condition, let's baby up to her and hope she posts nudes.

    Fucking pathetic, all of you deserve a belting.

    2600 kids starve every day OR MORE. Pay attention to that, not some white trash bitch who disobeyed the law, and he parents, and got punished. THEY TRUSTED HER TO DO THE RIGHT THING, IT WAS A JUDGE, HE COULD LOSE HIS JOB OVER A SCANDAL SUCH IS THAT.

    She was sneaky and video-taped it, stupid cunt.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:45:24 No.361543042
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:46:35 No.361543200

    >implying i'd waste time trying to trick my kids into not doing stupid shit.

    Beatings save time!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:47:02 No.361543259
    >Improper use of the words "outwit" and "brags", needs to get the fuck back to school.
    >Has not even hit puberty yet.
    >"I'm 12 and what is raising children?"
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:47:35 No.361543338
    >X is worse than Y
    >Therefore Y should no longer be considered bad

    Can't into logic
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:49:20 No.361543584
    this guys obviously got off on spanking his 16yo's ass. Because hitting her legs body and arms didn't satisfy him. I think his hard cock held up this pants when he removed his pants.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:49:28 No.361543601
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    Internet tough guy here.
    I would like to tie that fucker down to a bed and beat him with a belt for 7 minutes...i'll show him what excessive is.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:50:14 No.361543694
    wtf am I reading?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:50:56 No.361543792
    i don't know but i like it
    >> ­­­­ 11/02/11(Wed)14:52:22 No.361543956
    No capital punishment is bad.

    I'm from Eastern Europe, where people beat their kids out of anger, strangle them, belt them, leave them out in the cold, and more.

    This is punishment, this makes you REGRET your situation. "Oh time-out" does not make you regret shit. I'm going to beat my kids, and hell if the government says anything about it. I'll be living in Russia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Bulgaria, or Czech Republic in the future.

    You think I care that a little girl got belted?


    Yeah so does accidentally stabbing myself, pain is temporary, but it looms over you that you're going to get hit for the stupid shit you do.

    You fear physical pain, most people do, except sadists, I'm a sadist so w/e.

    If all these hipster fa­ggots were whipped and belted as a kid, they wouldn't be out protested.

    Learn to greatest period of American history, 1950.

    You fucking kids on /b/ have probably never had to tear a switch off a fucking tree and let someone whip you with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:53:41 No.361544121

    5 star vidya. I came buckets.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:53:47 No.361544133


    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:53:51 No.361544145
    I'm very proud of this girl. She endured a horrific childhood of abuse but even at the age of 16 and with a medical disorder, she orchestrated her revenge, bided her time until it was perfect, and systematically destroyed the perpetrator of her abuse. Ah delicious vengeance served ice cold.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:53:56 No.361544156
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:54:41 No.361544240

    One day you developing worlds will catch up. Enjoy the caves for now.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:55:04 No.361544280

    and it better fucking be big enough because if they have to send you back out for one....


    those were the days
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:55:23 No.361544322
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:55:28 No.361544332
    Reddit already has this shit handled. Little late to the game brother.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:56:13 No.361544418
    then how about you take your ass back there
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:56:43 No.361544492
    link to original video plz
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:57:10 No.361544552
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:57:16 No.361544558
    You live in a backwards shit hole which encourages people to solve their problems with violence rather than develop an intellect. Enjoy your low-IQ country.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:57:31 No.361544595
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    >> ­­­­ 11/02/11(Wed)14:59:08 No.361544814
    I'm lol'ing, your, "Developed worlds" are being flooded with immigrants. Enjoy your new Palestine. How's crime for you? Your snot nose little shits? Every day I've lived in America I've encounted a little shit who should've been beaten long ago. Talking smack, provoking people, stealing, yelling and screaming, fighting people.

    Yeah that's pretty backwards. Crime has only gone up in the U.S. because your stupid generation.

    Y'know this generation is the worst, nobody got punished as a kid, everyones a hipster douche scene kid who doesn't know how to function in society.

    Just look at how many stoners you have. Those people's ENTIRE lives are drugs.

    All of you are just liberal candy-assgots who've never been punished properly. Oh I tortured a kitten, don't do it again son. Oh I stabbed my friend? Don't do it again son.

    Then me.
    Hey dad I got a B on my paper.

    Wonder why I got all A's in school?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)14:59:45 No.361544901
    First off, i hope the fucker loses his job and goes to jail. she is fucking cold vengeance girl from hell. She's 23 and the dude told her he was going to take away her car, which he'd been paying for with her "school money." My guess is that was a result of a divorce settlement, and as she is 23 and works at gamestop and going to anime-cons full-time, she is no longer a student. So sirbeltsalot tells her he is taking back the car. She says, if you do, ill post a video of you beating the shit out if me. He either thought she was bluffing, or was too proud to fold. Anyway, fucking well played Hillary.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:01:35 No.361545132
    Lol are you actually bragging about your own father beating the shit out of you while cussing you out? Oh man I'm so glad I had the parents I had. Mine actually love me.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:02:20 No.361545213
    so write me a letter when you're in gaol for raping your kids for not eating their greens
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:02:55 No.361545287

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:03:19 No.361545350
    >hitting your kids with a belt

    pick one
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:03:30 No.361545374

    LOL that was pricless

    the answer is no bitch get in the fucking car.

    Why can't girls follow simple instructions?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:06:12 No.361545681
    i see no problem with that video, he obviously isnt hitting her hard
    >> ­­­­ 11/02/11(Wed)15:06:17 No.361545694

    And yet my mother provided for me, got me what I wanted, gave me home-work help, took me camping, fishing, hiking, yep, I had a good childhood.

    Yet I'm not a little snot-nose shit like you people probably are. I was taught early how to function in society, with a fucking beating.

    I bet you never got smacked once, this is what the U.S. has come to?


    Oh well, at least America will probably collapse within 30 years, then you can't be such politically correct idiots when forming a new nation. Maybe you won't be so anti-gun and anti-punishment, maybe you'll be anti-drug because a clear mind is better when working.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:06:21 No.361545701
    Unlike the Judge video, I was okay with that one. I lol'd too. Little shit was probably acting like a total snot in the store making a scene and embarrassing the parents. I wish more parents would beat their children like that WHILE LEAVING the store. I see one too many little shits bratting it up in the aisles and their dumbass parents letting it slide
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:07:29 No.361545855
    the best part about this video

    the guys filming are laughing their asses off.
    their clearly about 15.
    they know nothing about raising kids.
    but still somehow think it's abuse.

    That video pretty much shows you the thought process of every white knight in these threads.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:07:47 No.361545893
    That wasn't even that fucking bad. Just some spoiled teenaged little fucking brat getting the wip...on her legs.

    Move along.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:09:14 No.361546071
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    agreed. The Judge beating video obviously was him beating way too hard for way too long. That little snot in the video was obviously misbehaving in the store and causing a scene. Ainteven mad


    Nigga you just went full retard. pic related
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:09:34 No.361546111

    another important point
    She didn't know she was on camera so she showed herself to be the whiny little brat she was.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:09:41 No.361546131
    What the hell does the fact that your father beat you and never loved you have to do with america collapsing. Also did you just say america is anti-gun? fullretard.jpg
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:17:50 No.361547049
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:21:37 No.361547542
    What? You wouldn't want a grenade to throw at the enemy if you somehow didnt manage to kill them with 5.56 NATO, .308, or all the 12g buckshot shown?
    Hell if they were still coming after that, I'd gladly throw the glocknade at them
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:23:19 No.361547774
    Interview with Judge William Adams!!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:23:54 No.361547859
    if you wanna tweet at him!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:24:54 No.361547985
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:25:14 No.361548028
    anyone have a recent photo of the daughter?
    it's not what you think
    i want to masturbate to it
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:28:49 No.361548504
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:28:53 No.361548517
    And what is the problem here exactly?

    The man disciplined his disobedient, disrespectful 16-year-old child with a few taps on the leg. She continued to disobey throughout the incident, obviously trying to anger him further for the benefit of the video.

    This was a contrived situation of female logic and deceit. Being whipped with a wide belt is hardly even painful. Of course, people here will not be able to see that, being mostly 16-yr-old children themselves.

    Nothing to see here, move on and don't deliberately disobey your parents and download illegal materials to their computer, if you want to avoid punishment.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:31:54 No.361548914
    >a few taps on the leg
    >video showed over 20 lashes at FULL FORCE

    OBVIOUSLY you've never been beaten when you were younger. That shit hurt, motherfucker. Also, I got beat for drinking underage or doing stupid shit... not for playing computer games and using a computer. The Judge apperently looks down on computer games and downloading, which can be easily disciplined by grounding or taking away computer for months. Yet he resorted to a 7 minute long beating

    You sir, are an idiot
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:33:05 No.361549068
    Not sure if troll or stupid
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:34:21 No.361549223
    Listen fa­ggots, saying this is okay or "I had it worse" doesn't make you tough or "cool", it makes you likely to repeat this abusive knuckle dragging behavior. If you want to pretend you're tough go fight someone your own size, not a 16 year old girl with cerebral palsy.

    Can't wait til judge fuckface gets his asshole ripped apart in prison
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:34:39 No.361549267
    She was 16 fucking years old. She should A) have known better and B) have been able to take the beating like an adult.

    If she were male, nobody would give a fuck. Everyone would be laughing. Fuck you white knight sexist candy-assgots, stop treating women like they are fragile pieces of glass.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:34:56 No.361549297

    I have been beaten as a kid, that's why I know it's bullshit. He asked her to turn on her belly and she refused for 5 minutes, that's called disobedience. If she was in fear, she would have done whatever she was told.

    So, he could have taken the computer away instead, why should he? She already knew the mode of punishment to expect before she disobeyed. Boo hoo, it stings, so does cigarette smoke in your eyes. Nonetheless, enjoy helping the Liberal state remove even more power from the nuclear family, don't blame me when you're being home-invaded by a pack of feral teenagers whose parents were too afraid to discipline them, don't ask me to untangle your intestines from the lampshade.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:35:58 No.361549440
    Spare the rod...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:36:33 No.361549503

    >Not sure if troll or stupid

    Not sure if child or adult retarded enough to make false dichotomy fallacy and actually hit return.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:36:59 No.361549560
    Confirmed for stupid and not a troll
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:37:58 No.361549684

    >Spare the rod...

    Exactly. If he had used a rod instead of a sissy belt which makes more crack sound than actual pain, I bet she would never have dared to disobey.

    She was given a chance with words, like an adult, she was asked or told not to do what she did. She ignored those words, at that point WORDS HAVE FAILED DUE TO HER IMMATURITY and it's time to resort to the rod.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:38:58 No.361549798
    If you have to beat your kid for anything other than something that they did that threatens their immediate safety (i.e. kid runs away from you in a crowded parking lot) then you have failed as a parent. When you beat your kid it is only to deal with an issue that should have long ago been dealt with before the situation got to a point where it comes down to "Do what I say or I will cause you pain."
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:39:36 No.361549890
    There are more than a handful of trolls pretending to be supporting the actions of soon to be mur, I mean, soon to be forced into resignation, Judge Williams Adams, but within this thread there is still the sad pathetic few who have their lips wrapped around authority's cock.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:39:59 No.361549923
    Did anybody else get hard watching this?
    Loved her whimpers of pain, her mum saying "turn over and take it like a 16 year old should!" helped.

    "I'm gonna take you in here and wear your fucking ass out"

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:40:24 No.361549964
    You're obviously a primitive savage who has no grasp of concept of appropriate discipline for the severity of the crime

    If my kid disobeys me and gets on the computer without my permission, I take it away, his TV privelages, videogames, his phone, and ground him for a month. It's a helluva lot more effective than beating him since I'm taking away everything he loves and he knows I'll do it EVERYTIME so he obeys.

    When he fucks up royally like swears at me or does some stupid shit at school then yeah I give him 5 or so good licks with my belt or fists, NOT FUCKING 20 NON-STOP

    fucking retarded savage. You dont beat someone senselessly for a minor crime...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:40:48 No.361550021
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:42:52 No.361550265
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:43:01 No.361550281
    and to clarify, I mean if he swears in FRONT of me
    God, the day he swears AT me ...thats a different story. Little shits being disrespectful like THAT deserve 20 lashes. Not for playing computer games
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:43:34 No.361550359
    But it's much easier to just beat the kids, because they are the one acting out, rather than look inward at ones own short comings.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:43:51 No.361550404

    So what is he supposed to do at this point? What would you do if you had a 16-year-old furry daughter? Enable her and let her become the next Chris-chan? Disown her and try to forget about her?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:44:08 No.361550437

    >There are more than a handful of trolls pretending to be supporting the actions

    It's sad when someone's mind is so closed that they take any opposing view as trolling.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:45:55 No.361550666
    exactly. It's EASIER to just resort to violence rather than sit down, talk to them and figure out how to solve the issue altogether instead of masking it with threats of pain and fear. All thats going to create is one sneaky sonuvabitch who will find ways to do his thing without you finding out. Believe me, I went through it as a child.


    bitch couldnt stop me from catching them all. Shit, I got mine
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:46:45 No.361550778
    i fukin lol'd
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:46:54 No.361550805
    If it wasnt in texas I'd say this guy would be fucked, but I'd imagine most people in that state abuse their children like this in between executing retarded people.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:47:07 No.361550841

    She needed the computer for schoolwork, you unobservant moron. Did you even watch the video? So you're saying that they should have simply taken away a tool required for school? Have fun creating undereducated, retarded children who could not complete their homework.

    It's not your place to decide if another parent's method of discipline, which caused no harm, is appropriate or not. Spare the rod and spoil the child.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:47:29 No.361550880

    You jelly you weren't the girl in the video?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:47:33 No.361550896
    >having kids

    kill yourselves
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:47:59 No.361550961
    instead of abusing her and causing her some sort of fucking trauma, take all her shit away. Take the computer, her fucking weeaboo posters and DVDs and shit. Leave her with just a bed until she is 18 and can make her own damn decisions. While under my house and rules you will NOT weeaboocandy-ass it up in here

    thats a lot easier than beating her...because yanno, that OBVIOUSLY worked /sarcasm
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:49:05 No.361551134

    Enabling children by pretending that they are adults, "sitting down" and "discussing" will only bolster their will to disobey. Whip the insolence out of them, it's simple, it's effective and it's easy.

    Pavlovian conditioning is a proven and effective method of controlling behaviour, or don't you believe in science?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:49:15 No.361551165
    >People whining about whether or not this is abuse
    Who the fuck cares?
    The important thing is that we ruin this man's life. For the lulz. Nothing else matters.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:49:39 No.361551221

    The computer was needed for schoolwork, taking it away was not an option. Didn't you watch the video?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:50:26 No.361551336
    joking aside, you'd be surprised. I'm in Texas and all my texas friends on facebook are talking about this. They all think it went "too far"
    Though most of them think 20 lashes like this is appropriate if you found out your daughter was sleeping with a roody-poo or etc
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:51:11 No.361551461
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:52:07 No.361551580

    She was being lashed for disobeying when told to lie face down. Direct disobedience is serious and needs to be dealt with swiftly.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:52:10 No.361551596

    Fair enough. I'm making a mental note now to never let my kids play furry weeaboo games. Just what the fuck is it with modern Sonic fans.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:52:17 No.361551610
    I watched the video and there was no mention of anything school related
    Besides, it's called a motherfucking library, motherfucker. God you conservative knuckledraggers are retarded
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:53:46 No.361551859

    Then watch it again. The parents talk about the computer being for schoolwork only.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:54:08 No.361551900
    Never even watched the vid. Don't need to. The concept is above any individual incident. If it was my daughter I'd be connected to her emotionally, and would know why she is doing what she is doing and what would be the best method of dealing with the issue. I can't say specifically for this case because 1. Every child and situation is different, and 2. I never watched the vid. Don't need to.
    >> ­­­­­­­­Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:54:35 No.361551955
    Last I remember it was for pirating.

    >Breaks law
    >Gets whipped
    >Here comes white knights.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:55:18 No.361552073
    regardless, there are always an alternative to abuse and violence
    If youre not smart enough to figure it out then you shouldnt have kids.

    >keep computer in parent's bedroom
    >monitor computer usage

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:55:50 No.361552150
    ITT: Whiteknights don't realize they're being trolled by a 16-yr-old.

    1. Why was the video running?
    2. Why did she keep the video for years without releasing it?

    Worst part is, you probably think that by defending her she will reward you with sex.

    Lol. As already noted, if it was a boy, none of you (except the candy-asss maybe) would care.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:56:33 No.361552252
    Windows 7 also has excellent parental tools. You can limit just about everything.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:56:45 No.361552283

    But why should he use an alternative? What is wrong with corporal punishment? You're seeing things purely from the point of view of your own morals and beliefs.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:57:01 No.361552317
    Femanon here. I got hit often with a belt when i did something wrong and trust me, it's not abuse. a lot of kids play it up like it's as bad as being locked in a basement and made to drink bleach or you know, something that is actually abuse. punishing your kid for doing something wrong is what you're supposed to do because how the fuck do you reason with an obstinate child?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:57:06 No.361552328
    Cops should lash you 20 times everytime you go over the speed limit, even if its by 5 or 1 mph

    >its the law, right?
    >youre breaking it
    >there obviously isnt such a thing as "fitting punishment according to the severity of the crime"

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:57:10 No.361552336
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:58:30 No.361552517
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)15:59:21 No.361552624

    The USA doesn't have corporal punishment for speeding, nor is it an option.

    It is an option for parents who deal with disobedient children however.

    Your point is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:00:06 No.361552722
    laws are based on the majority of society's morals and beliefs. Didnt you know? MOST people see this type of discipline, ESPECIALLY considering the "crime" as EXTREMELY excessive. Like I said before in this thread, I got beat like this for lying to my parents and going to a party and getting into a drunken fight.
    Thats quite a bit more ILLEGAL and wrong than downloading computer games

    get with the program, you wouldnt throw someone in jail for running a red light
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:00:38 No.361552800
    Wrong. Actually spanking is a topic of discussion in Canada (well not as big a topic as how much Harper is fucking us over, but still) and this video shows exactly why we have laws such as only with the hand, only on the buttocks. The reason is because some parents are incompetent and due to some retards the rest must suffer.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:00:44 No.361552820
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    Tao Te Ching, Chapter 17
    "The highest type of ruler is one of whose existence the people are barely aware.
    Next comes one whom they love and praise.
    Next comes one whom they fear.
    Next comes one whom they despise and defy."

    Tao Teh Ching, ch 17, translated by John C. H. Wu
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:01:24 No.361552915
    its the same concept, you HAVE to punish someone ACCORDINGLY to their crime

    and yes the US does have laws about it.
    >Child Protective Services

    nigga you super retard
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:02:37 No.361553064
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:02:50 No.361553096
    It's not about reasoning with them. Neither is about intimidating them through violence.

    It's about love and respect. My kids do what I ask when I ask it because of those, and I never have to yell, or hit, or threaten.

    If you have to yell, or hit, or threaten, to get your kids to obey you and not misbehave, you have failed in other areas of parenting and perhaps you should look into that....
    >> wee van der sar 11/02/11(Wed)16:03:40 No.361553213
    who is this dude ? please click the ad on this vid and stay on the ad for 1 minute thanks
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:05:07 No.361553395
    The problem is not the part where he hit her. The problem is him making a point through the use of fear based on his own ignorance. He punished a child because he was a retard.

    Also - at the very beginning, his wife says she already spanked her, and then he says I gonna spank her too, as if spanking was a game, which leads to believe that it was sexually motivated.

    Then, it is obviously done in anger and in an intimidating way instead of a punitive way. When done in that way it ceases to be discipline, it becomes criminal.

    Captcha related: psychou spoke
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:05:33 No.361553458
    This. Though I have on the rare occassion hit my daughter with a belt (and not TWENTYFUCKING times like that judge) for when I failed as a parent in resolving something that turned into a major issue. Its not often, but I admit physical discipline is a last resort for when a parent has failed to act or their responses have failed.

    Not at least TRYING to fix something without violence at first is pure failure
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:06:17 No.361553555
    Does /b realize the girl is metally handicapped and is not always in control of her own actions. The fucker just beat the shit out of an innocent girl and /b is to chickenshit to do anything about it because he's a judge. I may be an oldcandy-ass. But I remember the time when /b had some balls...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:06:44 No.361553618

    >MOST people see this type of discipline, ESPECIALLY considering the "crime" as EXTREMELY excessive.

    Prove it. Where is your survey? /b/ != most people /b/ = mostly kids in the age group to be punished by their parents.

    After she did what she was told (turn to face the bed) she was only struck once. The whole drama was due to her (apparently invisible to you) repeated defiance to her father.

    Comparing this to punishments under law is disingenuous, especially considering the level of whipping was rather tame, there was plenty of scope for more serious punishment, for a more serious disobedience.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:07:09 No.361553679
    ITT, people who will never see a vagina in person let alone have children they have custody over rage over how other people treat their own kids.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:07:57 No.361553795
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    >Reddit save the day yet again.

    "The video was also posted to the site Reddit with the request "please spread." The poster who identified herself as Hillary Adams, wrote that she had been "holding onto the video until the right time" only posting it after being harassed by her father over the phone. She then "snapped" and uploaded the graphic video.
    For those unfamiliar with the popular social news site and its ethics, the Reddit community can be very protective. In fact, few things move faster than a Redditor exacting justice. After seeing the gut-wrenching video, posters to the site leaped into action calling the courthouse, researching the judge and his family court rulings, the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services, and overloading the courthouse's website."

    Read more:
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:08:50 No.361553905

    >Does /b realize the girl is metally handicapped and is not always in control of her own actions.

    Not true at all.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:09:09 No.361553940

    She loved and praised until she got bitter over her little sister stealing all the attention. Then she turned into an annoying little cunt. She said as much in her little SA post.

    As usual she can't get a real man cuz she spent too much time playing vidya games so now daddy has to pay for everything.

    She should of just sucked daddy off and kept the car note then everyone would be happy. BUT NOPE she had to try to be hardcore. Now you have the entire internet evaluting and digging up everything you've ever posted ever. And if she ever did have a boyfriend (not just over the internet) with Nudes. AHAHAHAHAH Well

    i for one am waiting with intense excitment.
    Well played Hilary. Well played.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:11:00 No.361554169
    Whats this Reddit I keep hearing so much about in the newspapers? I hear it's all the rage.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:11:02 No.361554175
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    >Prove it
    >Video has gone viral
    >Full blown investigation started by Aransas Sheriffs/Police Department and the Judicial Review
    >All over the news
    >Massive public outrage

    Is dis nigga serious?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:11:41 No.361554266
    axatic cerebral palsy
    addicted to technology. Nigga you blind AND stupid?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:12:33 No.361554363
    /b seems to miss the point that this girl has brain paralysis and isn't able to reason like a normal person would be able to. If I lived near that guy I would smash his teeth out with a crowbar... judge or not. I would be brutal...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:13:22 No.361554475

    "Cerebral palsy (CP) is an umbrella term encompassing a group of non-progressive,[1][2] non-contagious motor conditions that cause physical disability in human development, chiefly in the various areas of body movement."

    Try again. It only affects physical ability. She was barely affected, that's obvious. Using this to increase sympathy for her is dishonest.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:14:53 No.361554689

    All of which can be caused by a vocal minority. Like I said, prove that the majority of the population view this as excessive or inappropriate.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:15:07 No.361554730

    except for the part where she plays piano well and secretly filmed and gouged her father into abusing her on film.

    the flaws you see in her thinking are the result of her Gender not her condition.

    If you dealt with women more you'd know this.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:15:44 No.361554831
    >that feel when for a bit you can't spell goaded
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:16:57 No.361555023
    You just don't beat the shit out of your child for any reason. Besides it doesn't have any positieve effect on their behaviour, on the contrary. It alse only alienates your children from you. If you had any fucking brain, you would know that /b
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:17:53 No.361555164
    i know that feel bro
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:18:08 No.361555192
    damn u. i miss my windows 7 desktop.
    >> intothetrollzone 11/02/11(Wed)16:20:44 No.361555580
    A's ha ha ha candy-assgot i wipe my arse with A's i was brought up with a loving family breezed through school with A*'s took 5 MOTHERFUCKING A-levels got into oxford TOP OF MY MOTHER FUCKING CLASS IN PHYSICS

    oh btw CERN's awesome this time of year
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:21:08 No.361555639

    "Until researchers, clinicians, and parents can definitively demonstrate the presence of positive effects of corporal punishment, including effectiveness in halting future misbehavior, not just the absence of negative effects, we as psychologists can not responsibly recommend its use," -an expert in the subject (unlike you)

    However, I can agree that a majority of Americans agree on corporal punishment as a viable form of discipline, most people agree that the Judge video was excessive
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:23:01 No.361555955
    Academics don't have time for /b/
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:25:01 No.361556332
    Beating the living crap out of your child has nothing to do with corporal punishment you dumb fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:26:05 No.361556518
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:26:07 No.361556529
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:27:01 No.361556671
    I'm okay with spanking a kid when they do something that seriously deserves it. However once they reach a certain age spanking no longer has a place, at 16 thats way to old for a spanking, that just becomes assault at that point. Secondly a few whacks with a belt or a hand is one thing, 8 minutes of being beaten with a belt is another.

    The fact that this had happened so many times that the girl felt that she had to record it needs to be taken into account as well. this guy should be disbarred.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:27:38 No.361556777
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:30:28 No.361557187

    probably wasnt the immortal legacy he was hoping for...
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:31:44 No.361557376
    saw this on /b/ before lunch, when I got home from classes today it was already on the main page of cnn. this guy is fucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:36:20 No.361557979

    Troll harder, Dirty Dick Mudfuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:38:18 No.361558203
    I was beaten severely as a child, usually for no other reason than my fathers anger. When I watched that video I was brought to tears, that's a whole new for my relationship with the internet.

    I honestly thought I'd gotten over my past until today.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:38:50 No.361558273
    >Be from Eastern Europe
    >Have liberal parents
    >Can't remember being smacked witch a belt or some shit
    >Can't remember doing something that bad that me and my parents couldn't talk it out like normal human beings

    The point is if you raise your child properly, without any bullshit discipline, beatings (I mean there should be discipline, but not this fucking retarted "if you do this i will beat you up, because i'm stronger and smarter, and you are just a little piece of shit) then he won't do any stupid shit, and he will understand if he does something bad by communicating.
    >I don't know, maybe my family is just more intelligent than all of you stupid redneck fucks.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:42:19 No.361558710
    Epic bullshit... Anyone who has been abused as a child knows how intense and shattering the fear can be... it's just horrible, because you aren't even developed enough to protect yourself or get out of there.... all my rage.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:44:14 No.361558951
    oh lawds its on Forbes now, this guy is seriously going to get f'd in the a.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:45:28 No.361559082
    this video is a whiteknight vs pedo test.
    if you got a boner your too pedo. go watch MLP.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:54:21 No.361560260
    Fucking raging... I have avoided watching the actual video till now.... These people are everything that is wrong with the world.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:57:22 No.361560685
    encyclopedia dramatica has a page dedicated to this scumbag with all of his lovely dox:
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)16:59:00 No.361560910
    I love the fact that he's up for re-election next week. I guess he should start filling out that unemployment paperwork.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:01:31 No.361561310
    See how she started replying with "yes sir" after the spanking?

    this is the result of the liberal pussy way of raising kids everyone in this thread is advocating.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:01:34 No.361561325
    video link please because I certainly can't find it in this wall of wailing and gnashing of teeth...

    video link plox, can i haz it?
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:07:10 No.361562083
    This brings back some memories for me... and this piece of shit lives about 12 miles from me.

    My dad was like that when I was young. It changed when I was 12 and told him that if he hit me again for no reason, I would kill him in his sleep. I was serious and he knew it. About 2 hours later, he tried to reclaim his manhood by walking up to me and telling me that I would regret it if I ever threatened him again. I told him it was his first and last warning and he couldn't touch me once he was burning in hell. He never hit me again. He would scream at me and verbally abuse me, but I would stare at him intently and then put a small grin on my face. He knew what it meant.

    He's since had testicular cancer (had one nut removed) and a heart attack, so... yeah, karma.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:09:39 No.361562443
    I've got it guys

    We'll send belts

    To his office
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:12:08 No.361562839
    reddit saves the day :)
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:12:41 No.361562938
    After I watched that video I couldnt help but think that the only way she could get out of that situation would be to have killed her parents in self defense and I after seeing that video I seriously doubt if she would be convicted.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:13:35 No.361563080
    "Family judge"

    I love the irony.

    I hope he get seven shades of shit kicked out of him in prison.

    "Fucking bend over, judge!"
    Maximum lulz.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:14:17 No.361563175

    yes!!! I am doing it... Walmart here I come....

    Oh and I don't plan on putting em in a box, oh no... just a belt with postage attached... straight to office, dozens of em'.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:14:17 No.361563177
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:15:24 No.361563335
    Here is the video link:
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:20:50 No.361564164
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    "Meanwhile, Domino's Pizza in Rockport said it had received more than 20 online orders and nine phone orders for pizza to be delivered to the judge's home address.
    "We actually made and delivered two pizzas before we caught on last night," said store manager Sean Hunt. "No one was answering the door or the phone calls at that address... I've worked here for a little over a year, and I've never seen anything like this happen."

    I love you /b/.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:23:18 No.361564528
    I'm disappointed /b/, this shit hit last night, and we still don't have nudes of the girl. Shit, if you are going to give the attention whore what she wants you should at least get some fapping out of it (not to say the vid isn't fap-worthy).
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:26:53 No.361565058
    > father is the victim
    > his method of parenting is neither better nor worse than any of yours
    > If I hear so much as you raising your fucking voice to me or your mother with the wrong tone or do one little thing or you look at me fucking wrong, I'm going to wear your fucking a** out with this belt.

    > parenting not terrible
    > child is now a furry and hates her parents so much that she releases this video to ruin her father
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:30:20 No.361565540
    Comon' be lets fuck this guy up!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:31:23 No.361565716
    "We would want to talk to her," he said of Hillary Adams.
    Jayroe said his department has asked the Texas Department of Public Safety for assistance with an investigator. "It's the first time in 22 years we've asked for assistance," he said.

    >Come on /b/, time to find this girl! They need help locating her!
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:34:56 No.361566204
    Well, let's hope he loses his job against this
    oh btw it corporal punishment, capital punishment is the death penalty
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:35:51 No.361566327
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    disabled kids deserve it
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:37:12 No.361566507

    thanks /bro!

    wow, poor girl, ima pretty hardened /btard but that was kinda gut wrenching

    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:40:57 No.361567024
    Lets fuck this guy up /b
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:45:31 No.361567653
    I'm so glad I live in Europe, where shit like this can land you in jail, maybe we have a few more kids who disobey the laws, but thats because their parents suck, shit parents will always exist, if you did that to an animal or to a random person, you'd be in trouble, if you beat one of your firends because thye disobyed the law even if you ABSOLUTELY BELIVED that you were helping them, you still go to prison, because you don't have the right to do that to another person, you have more rights over your own children, but they aren't infinite, if it was a simple spanking or whatever, fine, but the constant verbal abuse at the same time is disgusting and completely unessesary, and yes, i am a lib candy-assgot, and no, I wasn't beaten by my parents, I think that I've done okay so far, and I don't really see what being beaten with a belt would bring to my childhood
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:47:50 No.361567974
    here's a quote from the daily mail article
    > The video footage of Judge William Adams physically abusing his daughter has brought under scrutiny child protection cases he has worked on in the past.
    Witnesses who attended a courtroom trial of Judge Adams on October 11 last year claimed that the judge agreed with a lawyer who had argued that 'a child's statements amounted to no evidence' and they are 'fantasizers'.
    The case involved the custody of a six-year-old child who is said to have suffered 'horrific abuse'.
    According to the blog, A Child's Voice, despite the child's statements being confirmed by independent third party witnesses and the young person being interviewed by a child psychologist, Judge Adams concluded that children's testimony should be ignored.

    I lol'd at the irony
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:51:28 No.361568478
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    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)17:58:11 No.361569405
    The video footage of Judge William Adams physically abusing his daughter has brought under scrutiny child protection cases he has worked on in the past.

    Witnesses who attended a courtroom trial of Judge Adams on October 11 last year claimed that the judge agreed with a lawyer who had argued that 'a child's statements amounted to no evidence' and they are 'fantasizers'.

    The case involved the custody of a six-year-old child who is said to have suffered 'horrific abuse'.

    According to the blog, A Child's Voice, despite the child's statements being confirmed by independent third party witnesses and the young person being interviewed by a child psychologist, Judge Adams concluded that children's testimony should be ignored.
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:02:10 No.361569940
    oh my god you people are the biggest fuking idiots ive ever met


    no it doesnt work like that youre all a bunch of terribrolls and i wish you would all die
    >> Anonymous 11/02/11(Wed)18:07:30 No.361570575
    you dident get a's in school...

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