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    File : 1319761678.jpg-(123 KB, 960x635, 122345233452..jpg)
    123 KB Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:27:58 No.360648277  
    The truth, finally.. Fuck the 99%

    Dont even try to tl;dr this shit... you NEED to read this /b/ and the other candy-assgots who are going and occupying wallstreet.

    Pic VERY fucking related

    I am a part of the 1% and this shit is so fucking true... What did my parents do when they lost their jobs on wall street? They went and got local jobs, easy-as-pie jobs, a job a fucking tard could do. My dad Is working as a high school assistant principle, and my mom is working as a Yoga instructor. Jobs neither of them should be doing, jobs the 99% should be doing. but since you guys fucked them out of their jobs, they're fucking you out of yours, and trust us, you need it a HELL of a lot more than we do... My parents combined pulled in about 398k/yr working with stocks, bonds, and handling private banking accounts. Now they are pulling in about 105k/yr. So what? our house is paid off, our cars are paid off, my college is paid for, my brothers college is paid for, and they have a trust fund set up for both of us, they could retire if they felt like it, but since they are the 1% and they are used to making/spending money for YOU to spend they took your sorry ass jobs. Y'all are FUCKED FUCKED FUCKED FUCKED FUCKED! keep bitching about us taking your money and we will rape your lives. You will not survive this, you will not survive obama
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:29:47 No.360648474
    Summed it up:
    >"We are the 1%"
    >"Oh, we have 99% loser jobs"
    >"But we're still 1%! FUCKED FUCKED FUCKED"
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:30:50 No.360648605

    Typical liberal stunt...
    Take words out of context to make is sound completely different
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:32:25 No.360648812
    1% - money + average jobs = 99%
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:33:11 No.360648919
    And this explains corporations use of bailout money
    to throw massive parties how?

    BTW if we are an open 'open market' why do we even
    have bailouts for companies
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:33:36 No.360648966

    You're fucking dumb.... 1% - money = no money for 99% to spend... READ THE FUCKING THREAD/IMAGE
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:34:40 No.360649079
    I'm really happy to have seen that. Although I am sure the message will be wholly ignored, if not outright blindly mocked.

    >Technically 99%er here.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:34:41 No.360649081

    No, you're fucking dumb. So some candy-assgot with a BS in Finance is gonna do his own lawnwork and take over my child's little league team? Oh no, he's not gonna tip anymore. Wow.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:34:42 No.360649083
    Their money isn't my money.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:35:09 No.360649145
    The thing I don't understand about these protests is how these people can stay there for so long without getting fired.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:36:19 No.360649283
    You are outnumbered candy-assgot - we are going to kill you, rape your daughters, burn your house down and dance like drunk fucking monkeys in the street. If you keep pushing the middle class to poverty we push back - simple as that. Things won't be magically fixed by your blood, maybe we'll be worse off afterwards, but at least we'll feel better knowing that you aren't making 500,000 dollars a year while we can't afford to take our kids to the doctor or keep our family's home.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:36:45 No.360649339
    Typical conservative stunt...
    Get mad when you sound like a 'tard' yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:37:07 No.360649384

    When did the OWS movement become abolish wall street anyway?

    1) Lose job on Wall Street

    2) Use BS in Finance to get job as a 3rd grade teacher starting at 80k/year

    3) Spend summers hitting ground balls to earn another 5k

    4) Use all that extra free time, because being a teacher is like, what, 4-5 hours a day of work, to do landscaping, plumbing, painting, etc.

    Good plan, buddy!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:37:18 No.360649412
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    >mfw you think 1% of the populace can take all the jobs and send us into 99% unemployment.
    >> sage sage 10/27/11(Thu)20:37:39 No.360649447
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    "Typical ____ [behavior]"

    >> sage 10/27/11(Thu)20:38:38 No.360649577


    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:38:58 No.360649626


    You guys are so ignorant to the fact that when the 1% spends money (which we like to quite a bit) it trickles down to you candy-assgots. When I used to go out to eat I would, no matter what, leave a 30% tip. If the meal was 5$, shit I would leave a 10$ bill sometimes for shits and giggles. When my parents bought me my first car, they bought me a land Rover sport. a 95k car. why? because they could. The car salesman made commission off of that, the people in the Land Rover plant got paid to make another car to replace the one I bought, the car dealership stayed in business to keep selling cars... EVERYTHING COMES FROM US. If we dont have money to spend frivolously then you want have money to survive
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:39:27 No.360649686
    TL:DR let me sum up
    >got money, I'll do anything for you
    >got money, just tell me what you want me to
    >got money, lets go dancing on the backs of the bruised
    >got money, he's not one to choose
    No you can't take it
    >NO you can't take it
    No you can't take that away from me
    >No you can't TAKE it
    No you can't Take it.
    >No you can't take that away from me
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:40:07 No.360649753
    hey op, you are a flaming candy-assgot, listen to what you type

    parents parent my my my parents parents parents trust fund trust fund

    you didnt do shit, you didnt earn shit, your fucking parents are going to coast you through life off their hardwork, not yours

    eat a fucking dick and choke on it bitch.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:40:10 No.360649762
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    >keep bitching about us taking your money
    implies he is a billionaire

    Hmm, more bullshit propaganda. I wonder who is paying you to post this crap.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:40:24 No.360649802

    So that means that when the 1% goes out of jobs, all the money suddenly disappears?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:40:55 No.360649881

    Trickle down economics works in the sense that it keeps all the wealth right at the top, which is exactly where the people who invented trickle down economics wanted it.

    Try again candy-assgot
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:41:28 No.360649961

    No shit we dont want you to TAKE our money, we will gladly spend it on things you benefit from. like buying a huge fucking TV and letting you keep your job a walmart.

    Would you like it if I took your money? no. I dont care how much money you make NO ONE wants it to be taken from them for no good reason...
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:42:29 No.360650074
    The problem is that there's a bunch of bullshit floating around just to make the money. Selling off things they knew were piles of shit, but told investors were perfectly fine, and making money off of it is crap.

    I don't give a shit about the whole 99% argument, whatever it may be, but committing fraud to make a buck is dirty.

    And no...wall street investors aren't going to stop buying expensive cars and they aren't going to one day decide to start landscaping their yards. Whoever made that up is an idiot. That will not happen, hell it won't happen for the average person who can afford a luxury car or a well landscaped yard because their time is better spent earning money than it would be raking leaves.

    And people with money aren't going to start cramming it into smart cars or taking a bicycle to work.

    Give me a break.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:42:54 No.360650118
    Step one
    >Open History Book
    Step Two
    >break to fap
    Step Three
    >read the fucking history book
    Step Four
    >Learn what happens when the elite of a society try to force the masses to lower their standard of living.
    Step Five
    >No longer seem like such a retard on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:43:02 No.360650138
    It's your job to allocate capital. You are doing in a way that is not advantageous to a vast majority of the country's citizens.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:43:32 No.360650201
    No, that's wrong.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:44:16 No.360650286
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    Sure thing guy. Isn't Glenn Beck coming on soon. Why are you even here?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:44:17 No.360650290
    I believe you OP

    if someone from Wall Street wrote this it would actually explain why the economy is so fucked up
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:44:20 No.360650297

    Never said I was a billionaire, or millionaire... Just stating facts Faggot... I cant believe how ignorant people are... I love /b/ have been here for long enough to know how it works, but when it comes to this, it just makes me so mad to see how ignorant people can be. You guys are blinded by ignorance, I was raised by 1%er's and I see the economy the way everyone should... but ignorant Niggers who want wellfare and want to live and get paid to live are fucking it all up
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:44:21 No.360650301

    This post was on /pol/ less than an hour ago.
    If you want an actual discussion of the matter go there. Otherwise you may suck my dick.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:44:43 No.360650340
    Yes, yes OP. We all know the 'occupy' movement is full of candy-assgots. They're getting the crackdown in lots of countries now, or they're growing bored with their teenage views and packing up on their own. They're retards, yes, but as we all know, they're also not ambitious.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:45:13 No.360650423
    nice troll attempt, almost worked...
    >> Simon 10/27/11(Thu)20:46:11 No.360650554
    Same for pick
    I saw full-capped words, and I gave up.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:46:23 No.360650582
    Smells like summer here.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:46:27 No.360650590
    Hello top 1%ers!

    Anyone with above average IQ could make a lot of money if all he wants is to make a lot of money. You're not special. You're just fucked up enough to go for it no matter what.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:47:10 No.360650693
    Your style of sense and logic is not welcome here op! For the sake of the /b/tards fragile little minds, please abandon your mission and leave!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:47:16 No.360650708
    Troll or stupid. the OP sucks.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:47:40 No.360650754
    my grandparents are in the 1%. even they have lost hundreds of thousands thanks to the recession and are still being taxed to hell. liberal candy-asss need to be grateful they have what they do and actually work toward getting more. socialism is a fairy tale where everyone should have the same things - you have to earn it
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:48:18 No.360650830
    >I'm part of the 1%
    >top 1% earns over $2.5 million/year
    >1%'er EVER posting on /b/

    Yeah, I call bullshit
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:48:31 No.360650855
    an even greater point that this guy refuses to mention is what the rich REALLY do with their money - they invest it. they put it into stocks and bonds which act as liquid cash to growing businesses, that then expand and hire. the rich are the driving force in this country's economy. everyone who says the rich dont need tax cuts is a moron that cant see beyond the surface - of course a rich guy isnt going to use extra money from tax cuts to buy more shit he doesnt need. if a guy has a yacht and a fancy house and all his car and kid's colleges are paid off, what do you think he is going to do? he is going to invest it, make more money on that investment, like the smart man that he is, using the brain that got him rich to begin with. and the biggest gains from that investment goes to who? businesses that expand, and hire more poorfucks who sit around and complain the rich dont do enough. stfu poorfuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:48:34 No.360650866
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:48:51 No.360650910
    you were never in the top 1% to be in the top 1% your parents would have to make 542k EACH you were in the top 10% so you have always been part of the 99%
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:49:24 No.360650983
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    >mfw of coure /b/ is full of 'occupy' candy-asss. /b/ consists of 13-17 year olds that want to get paid to stay in their parents basement forever and never have to work
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:49:50 No.360651050
    >waaah my mommy and daddy are only making $5 million a year instead of 7! you underclasses should be thankful for what you have!
    Eat a bowl of dicks.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:49:51 No.360651053

    why dont you actually check to see if thats true...oh wait youre a newcandy-ass and dont know how
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:50:09 No.360651095
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    Sure smells like bullshit up in this bitch.

    >tip $10
    LOL that's like almost 20k/year if that happens once a month

    >trickle down
    LOL that's not money!

    Ah, I love political candy-assgotry and all the lies that those who can't think for themselves eat up (like shit).

    For the record, gambling is a poor man's game built to keep the poor... poor. I never gambled. So why should I be included in that little message? I'm also not an illegal - so the landscaping bullshit doesn't affect me.

    Let me sum up that message
    >I make $500k+ /yr
    >Give $5 to neighbor kids every now and again

    Hurr fucking durr retards.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:50:41 No.360651177
    Samecandy-ass strikes again.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:50:44 No.360651183
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:50:50 No.360651198
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:51:39 No.360651294
    You won't survive when we come and murder you in your sleep you worthless piece of shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:51:53 No.360651330

    If you can print the protest back to what it originally was, protesting against corporate influence over government and bank bailouts, then we will join you. If you continue this redistribution of wealth socialist bullshit then you will continue to be ridiculed. The choice is yours.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:52:06 No.360651350

    This was posted on reddit a day ago......
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:53:22 No.360651518
    >Would you like it if I took your money? no. I dont care how much money you make NO ONE wants it to be taken from them for no good reason...

    Congratulations! This is the first reasonable point I've seen an anti-OWS poster make on 4chan!

    Yes, the Appeal to Justice. Do not do to others something you wouldn't want done to you. Great argument!

    Now, let's get it to work both ways, eh?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:53:23 No.360651524
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    >Implying I need a job
    >Implying I can't just sign on to the dole while I laugh at you

    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:53:31 No.360651544
    >Job is to make money.
    By buying stocks you know are going to fail and then issuing loans with money you don't have?

    Fuck you, sir.
    >> Anon 10/27/11(Thu)20:53:35 No.360651555
    Working as a banker or a financial advisor doesn't require any intellect or qualification, it requires
    1. A rich daddy
    2. A high level of amoralism or criminality
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:53:56 No.360651600
    what black people think of fight club:
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:55:14 No.360651746
    it's been done before it will happen again

    the top will stay on top

    the cull will happen to all ends

    op is a fag, bitching like the 99% and thus not worthy of his position, if he has it
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:55:37 No.360651790
    hey retard, your parents got those shit jobs because they have degrees that show they are qualified as workers, unlike the young generation X, whos jobs are being taken by their overqualified parents

    your hardly even upper middle class

    deregulating the market has fucked our generation, fuck you assholes for fucking up our god damn future.

    and the answer people are looking at is more deregulation with ron paul.

    im moving to sweeden goodbye retards
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:55:43 No.360651805
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    right... because there are soooo many ppl who lost their jobs on wall street, now the job market is flooded with stock brokers. whatever will we do
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:56:10 No.360651863
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:56:13 No.360651872
    OP is exactly right, this is how professionals act, i.e., like professionals. They work hard, they don't rely on silly demands like unions, whatever they're doing they do 100%, so yeah if it's more efficient to do their own yardwork they will. If they lose their high-paying jobs, they will take the jobs of the OWS idiots and do them better. Will they force all the middle class out of work? No, but proportionately more 99%ers are going to be out of work than 1%ers. The more the protestors accomplish in screwing over the rich, the more the rich are going to make decent livings.
    You can't make the weak stronger by making the strong weaker.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:56:29 No.360651908
    OP speaks the truth, i come from a family that made its money by trading stocks in developing nations, my grandpa and dad are smart and hard workers, they can work all night if they need to so if they stop making money in the equity and bond markets, they will take other jobs and they're ruthless fuckers when it comes to making money.

    also, i'm studying finances in a top tier uni following the family tradition.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:57:05 No.360651988

    >OP believes all social programs do is help lazy roody-poos live without attempting to get jobs


    tried too hard
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:57:24 No.360652030
    its spelled Sweetin, dumbass
    >> hush 10/27/11(Thu)20:57:31 No.360652047
    When roody-poos got no money: "We's gon sit on ow poach and git dat welfaya!"

    When crackas got no money: "The rich ppl are evil! They should give us money because we're entitled to everything in life! Fuck hard work! I'd rather waste time protesting in the street than do an honest day's work!"
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:57:42 No.360652073
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    Your argument against Occupy Wallstreet is that it would stop you from taking jobs from the poor?

    If you agree with this guy, and aren't trolling, you are the epitome of human stupidity.
    This is the first time I've ever been dumbstruck by this sites idiocy, and that's really saying something.
    I don't think I've ever been this disappointed in my life.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:57:51 No.360652095
    >ITT: People who don't understand that the 1% employs the 99%.
    The wealth would not go to the 99% if the 1% made less money. It would go over seas.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:57:55 No.360652101
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:58:17 No.360652146
    1% is $350,000 or more.
    Jesus Christ you're retarded. There's maybe 500 billionaires in the entire U.S.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:59:18 No.360652282
    no its not, and try disputing an actual subject of my post you fucking fallacious retard
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:59:28 No.360652302
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    Dude I'm a illiterate candy-ass and even tho I took ESL classes I know you missespeled "principal". Pendejo
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)20:59:50 No.360652348
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:00:06 No.360652366
    398k? Is that even top 10%?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:00:42 No.360652454
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    This is the cycle history goes through over and over.

    Eventually "the haves" will literally have everything, and "the have nots" will literally have nothing, and a breaking point is reached where the system either collapses, or its so weak it becomes prone to outside forces and that causes it to collapse.

    Unless we evolve to truly better ourselves as a species this will keep happening over and over.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:00:53 No.360652481
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    Those doctors better watch out! Wallstreet Brokers are going to take their jobs!

    English teachers better watch out! Qualified Wallstreet Brokers are going to take their job!

    Car Mechanics watch out! Qualified Wallstreet Brokers are going to take their job!

    Trash Men watch out! Qualified Wallstreet Brokers are going to take their job!

    Engineers, Architects, and Counselors better watch out! Qualified Wallstreet Brokers are going to take their jobs!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:01:25 No.360652554
    Sarcasm detector broken, in addition to being an idiot with no understanding of economics. Swears every sentence.

    Go to bed, you have school tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:01:26 No.360652556
    OP, when Zuckerberg made all his money did you take him into your 1% club, or he couldn't get in because he wasn't a ruthless money grubbing coke sniffing motherfucker?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:01:30 No.360652563
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    >implying everyone on /b/ isn't even more fucked up
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:02:24 No.360652670

    Trading stock and working hard don't belong in the same sentence.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:02:25 No.360652671
    Here, let good ole' Ron Paul explain it to you
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:02:38 No.360652700
    >350k+ = 1%
    >mfw OP is a cock-sucking wannabe Republican, just like all other Republicans are actually cock suckers and are actually wannabes because they work "hard" at an average job and hate blacks and think about mechwarrior all day long
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:02:45 No.360652718
    it may be stupid or just blatantly out there, but you do know why obama is doing this right? by doing this he is solidifying his position in the upcoming elections. so what if the 1% wont vote for him? the other 99% will.

    He dosen't give a fuck about any of you, only that he keeps his place for the next couple years. He KNOWS that he's fucking up the economics of the country, every other country is like that too. EVERY SINGLE FUCKING COUNTRY has a 1% and a 99%. Because that's just how it works. If you mess up the system, 1 of 2 things will happen; either the country devolves into a giant mess, or the equilibrium will reestablish itself again over a period, in which economic growth will just stop.

    How's that 1.8 trillion dollar debt lookin btw?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:02:46 No.360652721
    Yup, I wouldn't be surprised if was also people in their 20's who never even worked a job and are now mad because they're seeing hard working peers have the nice things of life.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:02:59 No.360652748
    pretty much all highschool teachers can be replaced by wall streeters.

    architects are already unemployed

    mechanics and all those middle class jobs are easy to learn and any trader can learn the job and work twice as harder.
    >> Circle Jerk 10/27/11(Thu)21:03:05 No.360652757
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    You must be a candy-ass, thats cool though without money our world would attain descent logic and ethics, less crime, war, hunger, no need for ethnocentricity, no neo-colonialism....etc
    But yeah fuck those 99% we make money right...
    >mfw a molitov cocktail sets you on fire
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:03:37 No.360652829

    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:04:13 No.360652902
    When I read OP's diatribe I started to picture him as Georgie from Crayon Shinchan
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:04:45 No.360652986
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:04:47 No.360652990
    "Fuck the Wall Street brokers. Self-styled masters of the universe. Michael Douglas, Gordon Gecko wannabe mother fuckers, figuring out new ways to rob hard working people blind. Send those Enron assholes to jail for fucking life! You think Bush and Cheney didn't know about that shit? Give me a fucking break! Tyco! Imclone! Adelphia! Worldcom!"
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:04:57 No.360653019
    top 10% is $250,000, look it up dummy.
    And that's households, so a husband and wife making 6 figures can easily be top 10%.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:05:00 No.360653024
    ITT: Peons.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:05:05 No.360653027

    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:05:47 No.360653134
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:06:06 No.360653166

    stop shitposting yo
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:06:07 No.360653171
    Try again candy-assness. You know nothing about those jobs other than they are "jobs". Go back to licking your favorite CEO's ass while he "trickles down" on you. Also, get a fucking education retard.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:06:12 No.360653188
    You know who used trickle down economics? HERBERT FUCKING HOOVER when trying to get us out of the depression. That went really well
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:06:42 No.360653257

    This motherfucker. The fucking party's over for the rich bastards raping and pillaging every fucking society they come across.

    We're coming...

    + are you getting paid to astroturf this shit?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:06:47 No.360653272

    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:06:59 No.360653292
    Bring on the revolution 99%ers.

    Can't wait to watch you all burn.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:08:13 No.360653430
    lmao when you think owning some random stock puts you in 1%
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:08:23 No.360653451
    >complains about regulation of the market
    >moves to Sweden, everything is socialized
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:08:33 No.360653472
    ..except the REAL elite had this all planned, and global socialism is coming anyway.. so kill your egos, open your eyes, and try to find out who is really behind everything.

    or just go along with the propaganda. either way you're still playing their game.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:08:56 No.360653529
    wawawa i have so much money
    wawawa i have no money

    i think people just find reasons to bitch,
    its the way people are.... except for people who...actually fight to survive everyday
    thats a different mentality altogether

    but by all means continue bitching
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:09:18 No.360653576

    wat is this
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:09:26 No.360653603
    agreed, also add most doctors are at least 10% if not higher, esp if married to other doctors, and most have secure jobs anyway.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:09:38 No.360653632

    great troll concept. wack execution you stupid cracker
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:09:53 No.360653662
    Fucking BOOYAH!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:10:11 No.360653695
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:10:13 No.360653699
    also this....theres alot of us, when we riot (and this isnt a complaint just a fact)
    when and if all of america riots, your fucked join or your fucked or get the fuck out
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:10:27 No.360653732
    also, we're in the matrix designed by the robots from the future... or aliens... whatever
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:10:34 No.360653749
    How's that gonna work? You have no one left working for you and since you haven't done manual labor since... forever, you're pretty much fucked.

    A knife across the neck does the same to the 1% as the 99%. Since all Wallstreet people are "gambling men", you should know that 1:99 odds are... well, not in your favor.

    Enjoy your last moments :)

    PS. Please have your wife and daughter buy lube for what I will do to them after you are dead

    PPS. Scratch that, I think it'd be better if I didn't use lube.

    PPPS. I'm going to anally rape them.

    PPPPS. I'll let you live long enough to see it.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:10:46 No.360653778
    Top 1%: $380,354

    Top 5%: $159,619

    Top 10%: $113,799

    Top 25%: $67,280

    Top 50%: >$33,048\

    ill give you that, but social stratification is widening, the rich are getting richer while the poor are getting poorer. The number of millionaires in america reached 10 million soon after the recession happened.

    the rich profit from recessions.

    but let this go on, eventually a large percentage of americans wont be able to buy basic necessities and thats when the rioting will begin, and youl be lucky to not find your parents heads on sticks

    also inflation is getting worse because of quantitative easing because of bailouts, and that only really effects the poor because they are the ones who wont be able to buy things they need to live.

    id like to be here to join in the murder of ignorant retards like OP but id rather save my family and leave this country first
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:10:56 No.360653798

    He only gets a minute to dumb down one of the most important messages of our time. You would do way fucking worse.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:11:02 No.360653813
    You seriously lack critical thinking skills if you think your chart shows anything. I'm sick of bullshit like this being posted.
    >Cherry picked dates.
    >No differentiation between real and nominal wages.
    Also, it shows growth in all sections - meaning the poor is not getting less - they are getting less growth, which makes perfect fucking sense with technological advances. They push buttons. Technological advancements make those buttons do more for less. They're still pushing buttons. Why should they be paid more? Technology has increased productivity. It's not average Joe doing jack shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:11:13 No.360653833
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    mfw troll successful, Yes I'm OP :)
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:11:15 No.360653841
    Wall streeters are just smart enough to notice the government is run by retards... they saw the chance to make money from the government and they're playing that card.

    When the government is fucked, they'll make money too.

    Wall street just profits from your stupidity.

    Derp derp big government will solve everything.. lol big government is the best shot for wall street to get even richer.

    Traders gonna trade... candy-assgots!
    >> Anon 10/27/11(Thu)21:11:15 No.360653842
    Could you be any more retarded? As the wealth has been concentrated, the labour market has become much tighter. When there was a corner store on every street, more people were employed.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:11:28 No.360653864
    What do you mean
    >>try again
    That's all exactly right.
    unsupported try again is the argument you see when people run out of things to say and just get angry
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:11:39 No.360653887
    bringing in 105k a year doesnt make you part of the 1%. The 1% rake in 506k a year. Your argument is invalid.

    Op is a candy-ass blah blah blah
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:11:48 No.360653904

    Ron Paul 2012
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:11:51 No.360653906
    One night. It only takes one night for a system to break. The sun will set on a quiet day and dawn will see bodies hanging upside from the power-lines. When it happens, it happens fast. It happens everywhere at the same time. It only takes one night to divide your life in two halves... before it happend, and after it happened. And no one every believes it will happen - not even when they are staring down at a puddle of their own blood and the world fades to black. No believes it will ever happen. It could never happen...

    could it?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:11:53 No.360653912
    >Taken literally, the top 1 percent of American households had a minimum income of $516,633 in 2010 — a figure that includes wages, government transfers and money from capital gains, dividends and other investment income.

    >That number is down from peak of $646,195 in 2007, before the economic crisis hit, all adjusted to 2011 dollars, according to calculations by the Tax Policy Center. By contrast, the bottom 60 percent earned a maximum of $59,154 in 2010, the bottom 40 percent earned a max of $33,870, while the bottom 20 percent earned just $16,961 at maximum. As Annie Lowrey points out, that gap has grown wider over time: “The top 1 percent of households took a bigger share of overall income in 2007 than they did at any time since 1928.” (And in New York City, it’s even more skewed: the top 1 percent have an average of $3.7 million in income

    OP was poor trash from the start.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:12:10 No.360653943

    By all means, start rioting.

    Knowing this crowd, you'll all run and hide at the first sign of a real fight.

    Should have spent the past century learning to shoot instead of reading Marx and sucking each others cocks.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:12:13 No.360653947
    >I have a lot of money
    >What the fuck? Other people without money are demanding a fair corporate environment that will give them a better chance at making money?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:12:29 No.360653977

    Poor people dont realize that rich people take care of themselves.
    you are all mad, keep your hippy bumps a rolling
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:13:07 No.360654062
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:13:10 No.360654070
    direct quote from the post (not pic) in order:
    "I parents...lost their dad is...a yoga instructor...they...felt...ass...rape"
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:13:15 No.360654081
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:13:27 No.360654109
    They are easy jobs, any wallstreeter can learn middle class jobs.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:13:48 No.360654153
    it dosen't matter, ur all gonna get invaded by china in ~10 years.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:13:56 No.360654168
    you dont realize, the tvs and the tips is all scratchings from the table of were the real money is.....if your really rich which i doubt since your hear, wed all know your last name and that money, and that power is the real one percent they talk about delwere is OWNED by a corporation thats why you dont pay income tax its french named and it dates back to the revolution, making gun powder and selling it to both sides.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:14:09 No.360654191
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    Spiderman...there I said it
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:14:16 No.360654209

    This right here
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:14:24 No.360654228
    Moral of the story is that winners go out and do what they have to. Losers go have a hippy picnic on wall st. and stink up the joint.

    That is not to say that Wall st. aren't a bunch of murderous rapacious cunts, but sitting around and smelling like shit isn't gonna do anything to hurt them.

    I mean ffs, even their "solutions" are lame.

    I'd have more respect for these commies if they went out there and split some skulls.

    Instead they sing and play bongos while whining like candy-assgots.

    Fuck that shit jack.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:15:14 No.360654346
    your probably upper middle class? slightly rich? big house a couple maids?

    im talking 6 houses 5 kids, 3 kids no one knows about cause there retarded a hundred maids and more money then both your parents can count in a year....(rockerfeller)
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:15:20 No.360654361
    except your to retarded to understand what inflation is.

    after thats factored in the middle class hasnt grown at all.

    oh yeah, and that inflation is caused by giving money to the people who caused the recession
    rich fuck people over, gov't gives rich people more money, extra money decreases value of all money, makes poor poorer

    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:15:25 No.360654368
    What's funny is that most stock brokers and people working on the floor (like this idiot with the paper) is ALSO part of the 99% lol

    I'd call the OP a troll, but he was too dumb to realize how stupid he looked to have meant it to be intentional.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:15:48 No.360654413

    If you can bring the protest back to what it originally was, protesting against corporate influence over government and bank bailouts, then we will join you. If you continue this redistribution of wealth socialist bullshit then you will continue to be ridiculed. The choice is yours.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:16:10 No.360654465
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    >mfw people on /b/ pretend to know anything about anything
    >mfw they don't
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:16:18 No.360654483
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:16:25 No.360654504

    > we are going to kill you, rape your daughters, burn your house down and dance like drunk fucking monkeys in the street.

    You dumb cunts do that shit already. I used to work as a system administrator & network engineer. A few years ago after losing that job because there's jack shit for IT work in this area, I went to work at a call center to make ends meet. And I'd hear the constant stories from dumb fucks like yourself, moaning about being warned by their supervisor that they'd get fired if they had another no-call no-show day. Laughing it up about how fucking wasted they got last weekend, or this excellent bud that they just scored, how late they were out after the game on Tuesday, etc. Then freaking out about how they don't know how they're going to make their rent and loan payment on their sweet ass truck because we they've already burned through a paycheck and it's 2 more weeks until the next.

    Meanwhile I actually bother to show up for my work, be very good at my job, get paid, put money in the bank, carefully manage my investments. And just shake my head when they ask how I could afford to pay cash up front when I needed a really nice used car to replace my old junker when it finally broke down.

    Fuck you entitled sons-a-bitches
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:16:33 No.360654525


    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:17:10 No.360654601
    The top 2% control 40% of the wealth. That's far off from an ideal distribution under capitalism. Seriously, you can't expect people who went to college to work shitty fast food jobs all their life because the economy is trashed or because their job was outsourced. No one is asking for 300k a year, we all just want a chance to be well off and be middle class.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:17:35 No.360654657
    Thanks for contributing from another country.
    When you try to screw over "the wealthy" and businesses, you taking money out of the hands of employers, and thus out of payroll. This hurts workers, because there is less money to pay them.
    The rich and poor classs in the US are unstable, in that more people move out of each of these classes than stay in them over any given time period. There are new rich and new poor all the time, and there are actually significantly fewer billionaires in the US than there were 5 years ago.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:17:35 No.360654659
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    this is all so fucking stupid, just like all the threads on /pol/
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:17:52 No.360654702
    In every debate I've watched, Ron Paul looks like a scared old man up on the stage. He comes off as agitated and trips over his words. The man has no class, I don't know what makes him so attractive to weirdos and flunkies...
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:18:28 No.360654783
    >Could you be any more retarded? As the wealth has been concentrated, the labour market has become much tighter. When there was a corner store on every street, more people were employed.
    First, correlation =/= causation.

    Second, how does the top 1% getting less money put more shops on the streets?

    Third, more people were employed? More like there was less unemployment. There's a difference there. Unemployed people are people without jobs who are also looking for jobs. In the past, women did not work. Now, women are expected to work. This greatly increases labour supply. The labour market is tight because of minimum wages and increased labour supply in combination with a recession.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:18:32 No.360654790

    He's the only one telling the truth. That's why people like him.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:18:44 No.360654821
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    Millions and Millions of the masses have become veterans of combat thanks to the 1%'ers using them to invade oil rich countries. Millions more are former law enforcement or security, etc. We all use to make a good living when there was a middle class. Now we are being faced with a choice
    >The former middle class can except it and learn to have a lower standard of living. (Some are okay with this.)
    >The former middle class is faced with a falling standard of living and decides that they are not okay with it.
    Which do you really think is going to happen? I'm not asking which is a the more logical path, or which is a better idea, or which is fair. I am asking - what do you really think people are going to do when they know how to fight and kill, are put in a corner with their backs to the wall, and have families to provide for. What do you really think is going to happen?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:19:09 No.360654878
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    why is any one feeding trolls, The movement is far beyond this stage.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:19:18 No.360654898
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:19:27 No.360654919

    This is what the people that are against this do not understand
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:19:30 No.360654926

    Well then go Galt.

    You will not be missed.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:19:46 No.360654973
    haven't seen trolling this good in months in /b/ finally showing the americandy-asss some good fucking shit
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:20:06 No.360655014
    400k aint shit. that doesn't make you 1% that makes you like 40%ish. the point is, that if the 1% were sharing, that 400k they were making would have been 1.5 mil, and they'd still be making it, because the 1% wouldn't have laid them off to cut their own losses and keep making money when the rest of the country was dying.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:20:17 No.360655046
    The people who support him act like he's god
    Even if you agree with his positions you can't tell me he would be competent at running the country
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:20:51 No.360655124
    Except if that graph didn't factor in inflation, it would be even less convincing.
    Take, for example, your average Joe. Makes $50,000 a year let's say.
    Now you've got your hedge fund manager. Pulls in an even 1 billion.
    We'll call the inflation rate 50%

    $50,000 x 1.5 = $75000
    1,000,000 x 1.5 = 1,500,000

    Of course your hedge fund manager is going to increase a lot more than your average Joe, that's basic math.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:20:54 No.360655133
    haha! finally decent trolling on b take that americandy-asss
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:21:16 No.360655181
    >smokes weed
    >owns a really nice truck, go see sports games


    stoners arent retards, ive known considerably more smart stoners than smart non-stoners through my life.

    hallucinogens give you creativity, you look at things from another perspective. something i know youve never done because your too caught up in the rat race
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:21:21 No.360655189

    He would do a better job than any other candidate. That's the point. It's not that he's a god, it's that he's the best choice he have to choose from for anyone that understands what is happening.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:21:25 No.360655197
    When they talk about the American Revolution, years from now - it won't be 1776 they are referring to.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:21:37 No.360655228
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:21:58 No.360655272

    Fuck off you whiny cunt.

    Even the poor in this country has far more wealth than the average asshole in the rest of the world.

    Capitalism made that possible - abundance of resources and options, more than enough food to eat, safety, free time.

    Before capitalism the world was dark and violent and shit.

    You spoiled children have no fucking sense of how far we've come because of freedom, both social AND economic.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:21:58 No.360655273

    So fucking true
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:22:35 No.360655339

    I wouldn't trust him to run a school raffle.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:22:37 No.360655345
    >except your to retarded to understand what inflation is.
    Except you're too retarded to know that I asked for a differentiation between real and nominal wages. I couldn't make a comment about inflation before that.

    >oh yeah, and that inflation is caused by giving money to the people who caused the recession
    No it's not. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. If you want to see a pseudo-inflation, distribute the wealth evenly. Then all the products that lower-class people buy would shoot up in price and pretty much do very little to help them.
    >rich fuck people over, gov't gives rich people more money, extra money decreases value of all money, makes poor poorer
    You're remarkably fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:22:52 No.360655369
    Part of the problem is too many people going to college. You were promised jobs based on your education. These jobs don't exist, and there never will exist enough level-appropriate jobs for all college graduates. The reason you paid so much for college is that so much of the student loan market is federally controlled. Virtually everybody who wants a loan for school can get it, thanks to the liberal "go to college" agenda. This eliminates competition for the schools in terms of pricing, which is why tuition inflation can outstrip national inflation by 5x.
    tldr; too many students for too much money = McJobs
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:23:02 No.360655386
    Babbys first troll
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:23:06 No.360655397
    so riddle me this
    how could they work stocks if the economy is so shit? No average person could make a profit from that. And i would like to know where you got that statistic. Because it seems bullshit. even the "easy as pie" jobs are hard to get with teenagers, college kids, AND adults who lost their jobs
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:23:13 No.360655421
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    To be honest, I have my passport and I am getting the fuck out of here for a few years till it becomes a little more clear how things are going to play out. If you think this is over-reacting, you don't know the angry that is out there. I can feel the air charging... 18-25 year old males are facing 50%+ unemployment... and that is just a simple fact you have to understand. IF things don't jump off - it will be the first time in human fucking history that they haven't under these circumstances. And we are the most entitled society that has ever existed so I am not thinking that is likely.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:23:26 No.360655450
    No he wouldn't do a better job than the other candidates, thats what i'm saying. Imagine that clumsy loser staring down putin or debating Merkel. Ron Paul is a man out of his league
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:23:30 No.360655458
    Protip: Have 500k/year or more to be part of the 1%.

    You and your parents have always been poorcandy-asss op.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:23:39 No.360655484
    >Jobs neither of them should be doing, jobs the 99% should be doing.
    Your elitism is showing, tantamount to
    >I have more/make money than you, therefore I am better than you.

    My fav part is the attacks on Obama, as if he gives a shit, he and all his friends are in the 1%. Retarded political ideology, "I'm republican, therefore I must hate obama because he wants to destory me".
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:23:49 No.360655509
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    What about the greens
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:24:06 No.360655543

    Name one candidate that would do a better job
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:24:30 No.360655603

    > you can't expect people who went to college to work shitty fast food jobs all their life because the economy is trashed or because their job was outsourced

    Just "going to college" isn't a guarantee that you'll get a good job. You can go to West Bumfuck state, and spend 6 years getting your degree in hand crafting artisanal wagon wheels. They might be the damned finest wagon wheels seen on this side of the Pecos, but there's no demand for them aside from a very niche market that you and the rest of your artisan wheel making class are competing for. So you either work your dream job for less, or make yourself useful to society somehow. Your choice, just don't expect the world to prostrate itself at your feet because of your piece of sheepskin.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:24:33 No.360655612
    When America is growing at its average rate of 4% then the standard of living is estimated to double with every generation. We have not been growing at that rate because of a recession. We are crawling out of a recession and start to grow again because that is how an economy works. It doesn't stay good for 1000 straight. America has one of the highest standards of living in the world. Just bitching just because we go through a bad few years, instead fucking deal with it and work to improve the country so we get out of it quicker. Protesting the people that actually are smart, understand the economy, and whos skills are a necessary does not fix things.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:24:37 No.360655619
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    i dunno what % i am.

    i go to work 8 to 11 hours a day, 5 or 6 days a week (my choice)
    dont know when payday is, direct deposit ftw.

    if i want something, i go buy it

    i have no clue how much is in my bank account. got all my bills automated

    feels good, man.
    living the american dream, worry free.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:24:47 No.360655641
    Mitt Romney or Barack Obama
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:24:49 No.360655643

    You're both full of piss and wind. If the shooting starts, you'll wet yourself and curl up on the ground in surrender.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:25:12 No.360655686
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:25:56 No.360655774
    10% is $250,000, therefore 400k cannot be 40%. The percents are counting from richer to poorer. I'm sorry you didn't understand that, fucktard.
    >> Anon 10/27/11(Thu)21:26:06 No.360655788
    I agree with those factors you posit (even though they could just be co-relative than causative factors). However there is no evidence that shovelling money toward the rich, Reaganomics style, improves the economy or raises employment levels one iota. A more reasonable tax system, with less loopholes, would be better for the economy and thus improve the employment situation. Disproportionately benefitting the rich drones has all sorts of distorting effects on the economy, including asset bubbles, inflation, and general instability etc. For the long term wealth of the rich, a better distribution of wealth is necessary. Because even the rich suffer from downturns.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:26:36 No.360655845
    capitalism is good if the capitalists have skill and arent inbred retards
    i.e now

    how hard is it to make good investments? even with all that printed money the govs are printing out
    ffs they cant even do that right

    trust the baby boomer gerneration to fuck up something so simple and easy like capitalism

    theres an old saying ''it takes money to male money''....well, hmm, these people running the world have really fucked it up
    aaahh hahaha
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:27:14 No.360655921
    We don't want you to lose your jobs you stupid fucks, we just want you to make less for doing the stupid bullshit you people do.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:27:33 No.360655962
    Dude I've seen Two Broke Girls, so I know exactly what you're talking about.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:27:58 No.360656018

    They are bought off. They're just spewing what they think people want to hear to get votes. They might as well literally be considered puppets. Look at the majority of their donations and where they come from. I'll let you look that one up for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:28:36 No.360656087
    Your comment is both cliche` as it is misapplied. I did not say anything about me leading a charge, or picking up a gun and heading off to war. I am not some Repubo candy-asshat who's seen Red Dawn one too many times and plans on shouting WOLVERINES while getting my ass shot off by an Abrahms.

    I made an observation - it is coming and it will be the defining moment for this country. Whether or not I become a statistic of that event, or how willingly I do so, has no baring on the statement.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:28:37 No.360656088
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    All the republicans suck equally as much. The greens are first year in the presidential election. Look to other countries like japan. A 2 party system is retarded. Things are changing we know what we want its not about the corporations, Like paul wants, its about us.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:28:46 No.360656112
    if it was profitable to riot, wall streeters would be there rioting... but occupy wall street hippies are too stupid to realize that.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:29:04 No.360656154
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    Several problems with your point OP, let me take a moment to lay them out:

    1. You are the current scapegoats, because you GREEDY CUNTS caused the fucking problem. If some punk punches me in the face, I don't turn to another punk and blow his brains out, I shoot the sorry fuck that cocked me. Seems like common sense to me, I guess you banker candy-assgots, with your superior intellects, top notch education, etc., didnt learn common sense. Its ok, because soon you will learn, because YOU are going to be hanging by your fat, self-important necks from the nearest tree.

    2. You are not going to be taking our jobs, because you simply do not have the ability to do so. Shuffling other peoples money around and sucking the life out of society does not qualify you to fly a plane, design a critical electrical circuit, build a house, or... pretty much anything of real value, but go ahead, give it a try, we will all be standing there watching you cock up any attempt at actually creating something useful.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:29:47 No.360656230

    If they started off rioting it would have failed immediately. The riots will come, but it will be because of police force. This is what I see in the near future and that's where shit's really going to start changing.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:29:53 No.360656245
    3. LOL at the 4 months vacation and retiring when you are 50... as opposed to retiring whenever you are done leeching your fill off society??? Funny thing about greed, you never seem to get enough. Most parasites in high finance could retire in their 30's or even late 20's... but they don't, because no matter how much blood they suck out of our country, it never seems to be enough; whereas with your typical union worker, he has to dedicate 30-40 years of his life just to be able to retire and live easy for a few years, on what you Wall Street parasites piss away on coffee and croissants in a month. Oh and I have 15 years of dedicated, loyal (you might wanna look that word up) service, and in 2 more years I get a whole 3 WEEKS of vacation a year.... WOOOOO and I am one of the lucky ones.

    4. You blowing or not blowing your considerable expendable incomes on stupid shit has an impact on very very few of us 99%. Illegal aliens mow your lawn, and wash your stable of cars, because nobody else is willing to kiss your sorry asses for the pathetic chump change that you pay. Fuck your money. If I want your fucking money, I will walk up, put a bullet in your head, and take your shit. Again, fuck your bitch ass money.

    5. Smart is questionable, vicious is certain, as well as ruthless, but what you don't have is toughness (try living in the mountains on cat food and bugs because you are broke and homeless) and NUMBERS. Thats what you dumbassed rich cunts always forget- there are MANY more of US than YOU. Overwhelming numbers. BASIC ARITHMETIC MOTHERFUCKER, CAN YOU LEARN IT???

    She said, "Let them eat cake". Then she got her arrogant fucking HEAD cut off. You rich parasites are soon going to find yourselves in the same situation. You can only get away with fucking so many people over... once you reach critical mass, when practically EVERYBODY is getting fucked over, its ON motherfuckers!!!

    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:30:37 No.360656322
    or maybe they're classy enough to know they have to play the game to succeed and make a real difference

    Ron Paul will loose the next election and die before the one after

    I AM GOD
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:31:11 No.360656386
    That may be true, but it might balance out if we could get rid of all this outsourcing. That way factory and engineering jobs open up that don't need degrees, and the whole everyone go to college because it's near impossible to get a job without a degree these days would die down.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:31:23 No.360656418
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:31:42 No.360656458
    >5. Smart is questionable, vicious is certain, as well as ruthless, but what you don't have is toughness (try living in the mountains on cat food and bugs because you are broke and homeless) and NUMBERS. Thats what you dumbassed rich cunts always forget- there are MANY more of US than YOU. Overwhelming numbers. BASIC ARITHMETIC MOTHERFUCKER, CAN YOU LEARN IT???

    go do it then candy-assgot... hurr trading is just buying stocks and sell them when the price is higher durr
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:32:09 No.360656507
    Repubos have been terrified of a communist revolution in this country for 100 years. Its ironic though because they are formulating one through their actions.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:32:27 No.360656550

    This sounds like sour grapes. You seem to have them all figured out yet you can't figure out how to make a living. Instead of devoting your time to being jealous, why don't you focus on doing something productive and create value?

    Then you won't be poor anymore.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:32:42 No.360656584
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    uncle dolan is running the world now, bro

    forget it, we're all fucked
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:32:45 No.360656589
    I don't see a problem here with the rich, though. The rich are already in a higher tax bracket and therefore pay a higher percent tax. America gets a shitload of tax money. The way it's spent is the problem. You're too afraid of "socialism", so you don't put that money towards road, healthcare, education, etc. but you're blowing money off in wars that probably make your country even less safe (acquiring enemies). Shit's tough now because of recession. I don't think this requires a change in the tax system and I really think that the top 1% bullshit is just a scapegoat, kind of like what OP said.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:32:54 No.360656605

    i hope to god you're all trolls

    if not, you people are fucking disgustingly retarded

    this is worse than reading a religious debate

    One of obamas job plans was expected to create over a million jobs, guess how many it has created? 11.

    fuck you all.

    fuck obama, fuck ron paul (yes he appears to be the best in every way except his economic policies)

    the answer to corporations fucking us all is to get rid of social programs, the only thing left keeping some of the poor alive?

    good idea guys, you think these riots are bad? just wait till we cant afford food
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:33:18 No.360656651

    By that you mean to continue the way we've been going. Ron Paul is the only one with real proposals. People are aware of his message and the country is protesting just that. He will be our next president.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:33:33 No.360656688

    Just like the violence at every major economic summit has grown into a coherent movement and caused change.

    Utter bullshit, just like all the times before. The movement is chaotic and weak.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:34:10 No.360656767

    I am going to post this every where
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:34:16 No.360656786
    >whining cause his parents have to work now
    boo hoo for you, having to live like the rest of us
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:34:44 No.360656836
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:34:53 No.360656855
    That's really out of context. People are flooding degrees such as architecture or biology because there are now lower level jobs(ie factory workers) available, so you pretty much need a degree. This whole notion that everyone without a job protesting wall street is someone with a degree in women's studies or some kind of art major is absolute bull shit and nothing but right wing rhetoric to keep their rich friends on top.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:35:03 No.360656875
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    go to wiki and read about japan politics, Its very different than america, it appears that its always changing and growing and people can form partys when they are needed, america is a slave country.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:35:56 No.360656984
    This is all getting to be too much.

    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:36:10 No.360656999
    Did you reply to the wrong post?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:36:39 No.360657063

    Obama's failed administration is about as close as the commies are ever gonna get. Most of the country is made up of free market conservatives and if a civil war started up, I'd put my money on those types to know how to shoot, drive tanks and drop bombs.

    The proletariat would get slaughtered.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:36:50 No.360657084

    No, it's not. Consciousness is rising and the planet is becoming a 4th density planet. This is the only reason this is happening and the end result is not war, trust me.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:37:03 No.360657120
    You know, I wrote off all of the critics of the occupy movement as defensive idiots, until I looked into the movement. It seems like a bunch of idiots who don't have a unified goal, and some are shitting on doorsteps, being belligerent (and sometimes violent) towards dissenters, and being a basic public health hazard. Are they college students who don't know what a loan is? Are they idiots who think standing outside wall street will accomplish a damn thing? Fuck if anyone knows... All I know that its a stupid cause with a lot of dipshits involved with it, like a the drunken mob that gets out after a baseball game and just follows the leader on what to do next.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:37:38 No.360657192
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    wow whoever wrote that letter is a fuckin retard. He probably thinks that he actually makes a difference in the fiscal world, i can sense the ignorance. You corporate fuckers who think oh I just gonna take a shitty restaurant job or a HS teacher job just remember that when shit hits the ceiling its mainly your fault along with a little help from our gov't and you wont be able to find a job... because regular tax paying jobs wont exist, money will be completely useless and youll be sitting there to fend for yourself just like the rest of the population. I know people like you just cant stand to not love the smell of your own farts but karma will find you and you will find that your utter selfishness of profit over humanitarianism, or just pure ethics and empathy of your fellow brothers who share this earth with you, will shatter your miniscule life when you realize that no college degree, no amount of life savings or any of your useless possessions can put food in your child's mouth and your stuck there waiting for someone to do something for you, because you are incapable of surviving without your brothers.
    >> North Central Positronics 10/27/11(Thu)21:37:46 No.360657208
    You are not part of the 1%

    You know what a burgerking is.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:38:00 No.360657232
    Shit like this increases the potential for things to turn violent; the 1% thing is a misnomer, but there are still many more poor/lower middle class people than their are super-rich, and money will only buy so much force/protection.

    Anyways, with 50% of people paying no income tax, we're pretty close to them realizing that they can just vote to take shit from the rich without needing to worry about consequences (and nobody will worry about long-term consequences because if they did they'd be making enough to pay income taxes in the first place).

    Class warfare is on the way, chaps. Get your popcorn ready, and invest in ammunition and a reliable shotgun.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:38:07 No.360657239
    I don't know about you, but I've had that impression from day 1 when I looked at the little twats protesting before the media was even willing to talk about it.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:38:11 No.360657249

    Fucking liar. You've always been against it. You're just trying to prove your point. We aren't that stupid, jesus.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:38:20 No.360657269

    Dude, Japan's political corruption makes US politics look like two babies giggling at each other.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:38:36 No.360657303
    That's what they thought in Paris in the 1800's, and what they thought in Moscow in 1917.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:38:56 No.360657346
    ITT: People that think bitching about the protests are going to stop them from happening
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:38:59 No.360657352
    I'm just frustrated is all. I'm a High School senior and while I'm smart in Enlgish, I'm very new to politics and finance. I'm in a Finance class and because of that I'm realizing how screwed I am.

    Tell me folks, I have 40,000 to receive when I'm 21. What should I do? I've been told to invest 20k and save the other. But I would still need to take out a loan for college, as waiting to enroll is apparently a really bad choice.

    Also, what is the end result if not war, or maybe civil war?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:40:08 No.360657493
    shut up you fucking 2012 Armageddon retard.

    what the fuck does the density of the planet have to do with our fucking consciousness

    holy fucking christ i hope your either schizophrenic or you are terminally ill, because if your not insane your a fucking retard who should rid themselves of this world right fucking now

    explain your retarded statements with reason or you should never post on this website again
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:40:24 No.360657529
    Good job America, you're finally doing something for once. Now people will start to take you seriously.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:40:58 No.360657604
    My lulz for the day:

    Occupy Wall Street kitchen staff protesting fixing food for freeloaders

    > The Occupy Wall Street volunteer kitchen staff launched a “counter” revolution
    > yesterday -- because they’re angry about working 18-hour days to provide
    > food for “professional homeless” people and ex-cons masquerading as protesters.
    > For three days beginning tomorrow, the cooks will serve only brown rice and
    > other spartan grub instead of the usual menu of organic chicken and vegetables,
    > spaghetti bolognese, and roasted beet and sheep’s-milk-cheese salad.

    Can't wait for OWS to totally crumble from their own internal troubles. Then when they lose check on the black bloc and things get all rioty nobody will care when the skulls get cracked.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:41:06 No.360657621
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    thers this

    Also if your so smart join in. You sound like your trying to secure your job and leaving everyone else in the dirt. Thats not going to work.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:41:16 No.360657639
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    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:41:41 No.360657697

    Anyone who supports the Occupy movement needs to go get this video off the fucking internet. Some idiot in my class made it.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:41:57 No.360657737
    I'm not lying, I analyzed the initial reaction to the occupy wall street movement as a bizarro reaction to the tea party when the left called the tea parties racist and astroturf. After my analysis, the occupy crowd does look fucking retarded to me.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:42:07 No.360657755

    Yeah, cuz overthrowing a wildly prosperous free republic is in the same league as overthrowing a monarchy.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:42:27 No.360657800

    You have to have a certain level of conscious to be capable of operating on a 4th density planet. Did you really ever think something like this would happen out of no where and grow to this extent in a matter of weeks? No fucking way. This all apart of the plan and it's funny that people think it's not going to affect anything.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)21:43:58 No.360657989
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    Well im sure your head of your class with great information for us. If you cant help shut the fuck up.

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