click "attending" to troll, cause that's what should happen when she didn't claime her party as "private".pic unrelated
for the lulz
Done.This has potential...
Bamp for OP.
This has potential..
25 guests cmon /b/ we can do it better.
Attending for potential
OP is not a candy-assgot
Don't post on wall. Just click attending you fucktards
Clicked it. Bumping too.
Christian Perkins = Newcandy-ass
clicked it :D
Bumpity bump!
>>360580888True story bro
AttendingAlso lolling my ass off.
bumping for over 9000 guests, do eet
clarke stop it NOW
epic bump for epicnesscaptha: also wtechnoTECHNO SLUMBERPARTY
Bump!We need more pplz. This is gonna be epic party!!
Clarke is a roody-poo
Clarke JonesChristian PerkinsColossal newcandy-asss who don't know how these things work.