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    File : 1319724828.jpg-(28 KB, 700x466, 1319726309.jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:13:48 No.360580040

    just click "attending" to troll, cause that's what should happen when she didn't claime her party as "private".

    pic unrelated
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:16:37 No.360580263
         File1319724997.jpg-(135 KB, 900x723, amelie_poulain_byd31bm6e.jpg)
    135 KB
    for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:17:57 No.360580381

    This has potential...
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:19:45 No.360580543
    Bamp for OP.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:20:27 No.360580603
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:21:00 No.360580643
    This has potential..
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:21:27 No.360580685
         File1319725287.png-(218 KB, 976x1024, 1298022958357.png)
    218 KB
    25 guests cmon /b/ we can do it better.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:21:58 No.360580739
    Attending for potential
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:22:30 No.360580777
    OP is not a candy-assgot
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:22:39 No.360580791
    Don't post on wall. Just click attending you fucktards
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:22:46 No.360580804
    Clicked it. Bumping too.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:23:38 No.360580888
    Christian Perkins = Newcandy-ass
    >> yeah Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:23:58 No.360580924
    clicked it :D
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:24:06 No.360580926
    Bumpity bump!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:24:07 No.360580928
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:24:14 No.360580943
    True story bro
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:24:23 No.360580956

    Also lolling my ass off.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:24:31 No.360580969
    bumping for over 9000 guests, do eet
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:24:31 No.360580973
         File1319725471.jpg-(805 KB, 1500x1228, 1297443556760.jpg)
    805 KB
    clarke stop it NOW
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:25:27 No.360581064
    epic bump for epicness

    captha: also wtechno

    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:25:29 No.360581069

    We need more pplz. This is gonna be epic party!!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:25:30 No.360581070
    Clarke is a roody-poo
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:25:50 No.360581101
    Clarke Jones
    Christian Perkins

    Colossal newcandy-asss who don't know how these things work.

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