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  • New [old] boards: /r9k/ /pol/ /hc/, and introducing /diy/~

    In other news, posting issues should be resolved now. Some extra goodies arriving in a few weeks, so look for more improvements in early November!


    File : 1319723277.png-(167 KB, 800x992, 1319555558369.png)
    167 KB ihavenoface 10/27/11(Thu)09:47:57 No.360578005  
    >> Prof. 10/27/11(Thu)09:48:24 No.360578046
         File1319723304.png-(34 KB, 118x146, Well, well, well, (...).png)
    34 KB
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)09:48:38 No.360578059
         File1319723318.jpg-(23 KB, 200x200, among059.jpg)
    23 KB
    >> Scootalooo This Is How We Dance 10/27/11(Thu)09:48:38 No.360578060
         File1319723318.png-(288 KB, 800x530, 1306877513480.png)
    288 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)09:49:13 No.360578095
         File1319723353.jpg-(26 KB, 356x356, Scraaaaaaaaatch.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Steve 10/27/11(Thu)09:49:25 No.360578116
         File1319723365.jpg-(11 KB, 320x480, view012.jpg)
    11 KB
    I wish I had a snuggie.
    >> Prof. 10/27/11(Thu)09:49:49 No.360578148
         File1319723389.png-(34 KB, 125x163, Blah blah blah.png)
    34 KB
    And then not giving a fuck and lezzing her anyway.
    >> Mordecai 10/27/11(Thu)09:49:50 No.360578150
         File1319723390.png-(518 KB, 1366x768, 131689699091.png)
    518 KB
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)09:50:15 No.360578188
         File1319723415.jpg-(64 KB, 357x356, bucket367.jpg)
    64 KB
    But they're stupid ...
    >> Bronew 10/27/11(Thu)09:50:21 No.360578193
         File1319723421.jpg-(15 KB, 320x320, tumblr_lsub3pk7Qg1qjvmdao1_400.jpg)
    15 KB
    As much as I love this threads, we're not talking about anything so tell me guys, what are you up to today?
    >> Steve 10/27/11(Thu)09:50:30 No.360578197
         File1319723430.jpg-(10 KB, 320x480, certain929.jpg)
    10 KB
    Oh, how I want a snuggie.
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)09:50:52 No.360578231
         File1319723452.jpg-(161 KB, 844x757, 74269 - artist gsphere plot tw(...).jpg)
    161 KB
    mod­s already tired of swinging the ban-hammer?
    How surprising...
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)09:50:53 No.360578235
         File1319723453.jpg-(99 KB, 768x1024, Scratch - profile.jpg)
    99 KB
    ...But 'she's' a transexual.

    I just woke up. Late for me. Slept in till 8am.
    >> Pulse 10/27/11(Thu)09:50:57 No.360578239
         File1319723457.png-(306 KB, 1021x600, 1301115833347.png)
    306 KB
    >> Scootalooo This Is How We Dance 10/27/11(Thu)09:51:08 No.360578249
         File1319723468.gif-(277 KB, 400x300, 1298824628304.gif)
    277 KB
    stuff and things
    >> Mordecai 10/27/11(Thu)09:51:22 No.360578269
         File1319723482.png-(367 KB, 705x896, 131680032592.png)
    367 KB
    <mfw I have one
    >> Prof. 10/27/11(Thu)09:51:25 No.360578275
         File1319723485.png-(106 KB, 292x243, Actually, both of my hands(...).png)
    106 KB
    A truckload of nothing, it's so very fun.
    I need something to fill my time.
    >> Steve 10/27/11(Thu)09:51:28 No.360578280
         File1319723488.jpg-(17 KB, 320x480, hour209.jpg)
    17 KB
    But I'm sick..
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)09:51:45 No.360578302
         File1319723505.jpg-(52 KB, 609x609, Scratch - smile.jpg)
    52 KB
    >and your anus
    >> Prof. 10/27/11(Thu)09:52:22 No.360578354
         File1319723542.png-(29 KB, 121x123, Why wub woo.png)
    29 KB
    Well that goes without saying.
    >> Bronew 10/27/11(Thu)09:52:23 No.360578359
    wow, that's a lot for one day, u sure u can handle it?
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)09:52:25 No.360578362
         File1319723545.jpg-(61 KB, 400x400, over387.jpg)
    61 KB
    You may proceed then
    >> Smock 10/27/11(Thu)09:53:05 No.360578406
         File1319723585.jpg-(35 KB, 611x548, bouncybounce.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Pulse 10/27/11(Thu)09:53:19 No.360578426
         File1319723599.png-(674 KB, 932x957, 131964918681.png)
    674 KB
    So how goes it everyone?
    >> Bronew 10/27/11(Thu)09:53:25 No.360578432
    late for wut?
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)09:53:46 No.360578455
         File1319723626.jpg-(46 KB, 600x375, AJ - GTFO.jpg)
    46 KB
    Ponies GTFO my /b/!
    >> Scootalooo This Is How We Dance 10/27/11(Thu)09:53:54 No.360578467
         File1319723634.png-(103 KB, 320x314, 1298824777673.png)
    103 KB
    im not sure if all will be done by nd of the day but one can dream
    >> Bronew 10/27/11(Thu)09:53:57 No.360578473
    just here, hanging, how u doing?
    >> The Wastelander 10/27/11(Thu)09:54:08 No.360578492
    Finally got ice cream sandwich running on my phone. How is everyone?
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)09:54:14 No.360578504
         File1319723654.png-(699 KB, 800x628, 1308669612513.png)
    699 KB
    Good enough.
    Just enjoying some coffee.
    How are you?
    >> Prof. 10/27/11(Thu)09:54:18 No.360578511
         File1319723658.png-(52 KB, 141x227, Do eet faget.png)
    52 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)09:54:20 No.360578516
    Yay more assburger patients, hidden, saged, reported.

    Enjoy b&s.
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)09:54:22 No.360578521
         File1319723662.jpg-(78 KB, 774x1032, AJ - Applecrat Aristojack.jpg)
    78 KB
    Nothing - it's my day off.
    >> ihavenoface 10/27/11(Thu)09:54:27 No.360578530
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)09:54:57 No.360578558
         File1319723697.png-(112 KB, 302x376, AJ - guffaw b 2.png)
    112 KB
    Just like I've enjoyed the last 50 bans.
    >> Prof. 10/27/11(Thu)09:54:58 No.360578561
         File1319723698.jpg-(31 KB, 270x366, All of my wub.jpg)
    31 KB
    I will!
    Loves to you!
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)09:55:39 No.360578600
         File1319723739.jpg-(24 KB, 299x276, attempt921.jpg)
    24 KB
    I think aeris snapped at me and is going to try and Internet yell at me next time she sees me

    Other than that, tired and stuff

    >what you up to?
    >> Cat Anon 10/27/11(Thu)09:55:53 No.360578621
         File1319723753.png-(1.16 MB, 682x1024, bePnVMf8NTGguwE.png)
    1.16 MB
    With tigers.
    A lot happens in a week, apparently.
    Anything in particular I should know of or is this a free-for-all?
    >> Bronew 10/27/11(Thu)09:55:56 No.360578628
         File1319723756.jpg-(47 KB, 899x662, 130285454307-1.jpg)
    47 KB
    u should try multitasking. For example: divide the stuff into smaller stuffeses that u can make in a rather small time
    >> Blazer 10/27/11(Thu)09:55:58 No.360578630
         File1319723758.png-(168 KB, 900x817, rarity_is_diamonds_by_takua770(...).png)
    168 KB
    So I've started a pony pic collection for my laptop. I have two folders, Rarity, and Other Ponies.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)09:56:10 No.360578639

    >Autism patient doesn't know all his IP's will get banned eventually

    As I said, get fucked hipsters.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)09:56:26 No.360578657
    >> Pulse 10/27/11(Thu)09:56:35 No.360578679
         File1319723795.jpg-(59 KB, 683x621, 1301159989035.jpg)
    59 KB
    Not bad, mate. Got back from work an hour ago, I did a fucking awesome job tonight as well.

    Couldn't be better! See above.

    What did you do?
    Also, not much, just chilling.
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)09:56:45 No.360578690
    It was always kind of a free for all.
    That's why it's one of the last decent threads on /b/.
    Check the front page. Show me a decent thread (or two, if possible.)
    >> Bronew 10/27/11(Thu)09:56:59 No.360578714
    say what?
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)09:57:08 No.360578724
         File1319723828.jpg-(19 KB, 225x225, thunder920.jpg)
    19 KB
    >waste's here
    >> Blazer 10/27/11(Thu)09:57:11 No.360578727
         File1319723831.jpg-(153 KB, 900x713, rarity_as_jack_skellington_by_(...).jpg)
    153 KB
    that's not multitasking, that's micromanaging.
    Multitasking is taking your bath while the pizza rolls cool off.
    >> Scootalooo This Is How We Dance 10/27/11(Thu)09:57:29 No.360578756
         File1319723849.jpg-(68 KB, 655x574, 1298756152491.jpg)
    68 KB
    this is a really good idea.. i shall try and do this to optimize my output
    >> Pulse 10/27/11(Thu)09:57:36 No.360578762
    I'm off for a bit guys.
    >> Bronew 10/27/11(Thu)09:57:47 No.360578780
    cool, wut u do 4 a living?
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)09:57:56 No.360578795
    >and the blood drains from the murder victim
    >the tools sterilize in the oven
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)09:58:09 No.360578809
    Well, you know how aeris has this thing she does?

    Where she be's a really huge bitch .....

    I think that's what I might have done
    >> ihavenoface 10/27/11(Thu)09:58:21 No.360578826
         File1319723901.jpg-(24 KB, 247x362, 1319665089312.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)09:58:42 No.360578860
         File1319723922.jpg-(43 KB, 417x481, AJ - ApplePISSED.jpg)
    43 KB
    But... you don't care about the community. =/
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)09:58:42 No.360578861
         File1319723922.jpg-(87 KB, 500x375, WWFImgFullitem4689.jpg)
    87 KB
    You have my sword.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)09:58:49 No.360578865
    Fuck off hipsters, please sage this in the name of sigourney.
    >> Bronew 10/27/11(Thu)09:58:59 No.360578881
         File1319723939.jpg-(7 KB, 210x240, Twilight_Sparkle.jpg)
    7 KB
    also get urself a daily agenda, it improves time efficiency
    >> The Wastelander 10/27/11(Thu)09:59:05 No.360578883
    En route to work, about an hour early from a friends house. Very tired. ICS has issues posting files for now, but this is a beta sdk I found. Not complaining.
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)09:59:16 No.360578897
         File1319723956.jpg-(147 KB, 900x705, 1307218408252.jpg)
    147 KB
    Ice cream sandwiches are for eating, not putting them on your phone.
    How high are you today?
    >> Prof. 10/27/11(Thu)09:59:36 No.360578919
         File1319723976.png-(29 KB, 125x131, Eh.png)
    29 KB
    Moot's a candy-ass.
    At least I hope so.
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)09:59:53 No.360578938
         File1319723993.jpg-(25 KB, 428x279, kettle539.jpg)
    25 KB
    >that must be why I spend so much time here ...
    >it all makes sense now ...
    >> Cat Anon 10/27/11(Thu)09:59:55 No.360578942
         File1319723995.png-(630 KB, 729x486, aHEc6zZyLzJtG6W.png)
    630 KB
    You don't need any others.
    I thought you would know that by now.
    By that logic the internet will run out of IP's too.
    Which would make sense, but the internet's a big place and it seems you've missed your nap time.
    Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
    Apparently shit went down the drain in roughly six days.
    This sucks harder than a collapsed star.

    I should start a cat thread and then say, there's a good thread just to spite you.
    You just got here.
    And my.....
    >> Bronew 10/27/11(Thu)10:00:08 No.360578957
    yeah I know, I just got my definitions mixed up.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:00:22 No.360578978
         File1319724022.jpg-(133 KB, 1024x768, bathing_tiger.jpg)
    133 KB
    And my axe
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:01:43 No.360579079
    and mah tiger peen
    >> Blazer 10/27/11(Thu)10:01:46 No.360579083
         File1319724106.png-(320 KB, 838x903, pinkie_cupcake_pie_by_sugaryra(...).png)
    320 KB
    there's just not enough Rarity pics. Well, good ones anyway.

    Also this pic gave me a diabetic heart attack
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:01:54 No.360579096
    sigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourney sigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourney sigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourney sigourney sigourney sigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourneysigourney
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:02:42 No.360579154
         File1319724162.png-(17 KB, 1190x298, 1319648311501.png)
    17 KB
    So how about that sage, huh.
    >> Blazer 10/27/11(Thu)10:03:30 No.360579220
         File1319724210.jpg-(78 KB, 941x849, dastardly_duo_by_neodarkwing-d(...).jpg)
    78 KB
    why so dead?
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)10:03:32 No.360579223
         File1319724212.jpg-(33 KB, 422x428, polish598.jpg)
    33 KB
    And my pony
    >> Cat Anon 10/27/11(Thu)10:03:39 No.360579234
         File1319724219.png-(579 KB, 729x581, wbWTYGyaXZQDY9E.png)
    579 KB
    I would interrupt my tiger posting to post something I believe to be of roughly equal adorableness, but that would be blasphemy.
    I've still got at least 24 fresh.
    And that image is adorable
    >> KipperShy 10/27/11(Thu)10:03:59 No.360579258
         File1319724239.png-(121 KB, 574x551, 1315898327652.png)
    121 KB
    Good afternoon ponies!

    How is everyponi today?
    >> Prof. 10/27/11(Thu)10:04:14 No.360579278
         File1319724254.png-(73 KB, 174x187, AND NOW THE CLEANSING BEGINS.png)
    73 KB
    And my cat!
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:04:29 No.360579302
         File1319724269.jpg-(360 KB, 1500x1080, M6 - cardiac arrest.jpg)
    360 KB
    Speaking of coronaries...

    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:04:46 No.360579323
         File1319724286.png-(15 KB, 667x600, 1303106702740.png)
    15 KB
    I disagree wholeheartedly.
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:04:52 No.360579332
    It only prevents your post from bumping the thread. In other words; Nothing
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)10:05:01 No.360579340
         File1319724301.jpg-(42 KB, 500x500, from351.jpg)
    42 KB
    Ouch, that's gotta suck ... Work and crappy phone
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:05:36 No.360579387
         File1319724336.jpg-(100 KB, 1193x670, 1315587885252.jpg)
    100 KB
    What did you say again?
    >> Blazer 10/27/11(Thu)10:06:17 No.360579432
         File1319724377.jpg-(193 KB, 850x808, mlp_fim___athewm_15_by_fadri-d(...).jpg)
    193 KB
    there's not enough good Rarity pics.
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:06:26 No.360579445
         File1319724386.png-(512 KB, 1600x1200, M6 - cuties.png)
    512 KB
    >> Cat Anon 10/27/11(Thu)10:06:32 No.360579455
         File1319724392.png-(743 KB, 729x486, qLmt3V4EQztR6Pq.png)
    743 KB
    You know, the more I read that the more I think he was being literal in that it does nothing.
    Because for once we have nothing to talk about.
    The horror!
    What the fuck am I supposed to say when it's midnight?
    Holy shit I loved that
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:07:07 No.360579516
         File1319724427.jpg-(120 KB, 855x500, 130718280664.jpg)
    120 KB
    >Rarity pic
    Pick one.
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:07:21 No.360579532
         File1319724441.jpg-(211 KB, 768x990, 1311550256383.jpg)
    211 KB
    There are even less of AJ actually
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)10:07:40 No.360579564
    >clutches chest
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:07:43 No.360579568
         File1319724463.jpg-(22 KB, 249x320, AJ - bunneh.jpg)
    22 KB
    Pinkie's face in the cookie jar seals it.

    I will cut you.
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:08:28 No.360579625
         File1319724508.png-(708 KB, 800x762, rarity_in_a_dress_by_ponyspons(...).png)
    708 KB
    It's true though.
    There aren't many good images of AJ out there
    >> KipperShy 10/27/11(Thu)10:08:55 No.360579662
         File1319724535.png-(348 KB, 1280x720, 1312749420218.png)
    348 KB
    good question.
    good night, maybe? though that implies sleep.

    I got my copy of BF3 today - 1 day early.
    ...Someone at the packing plant used my god damn pre-order code.
    Was. Not. Happy. not at all.
    >> Cat Anon 10/27/11(Thu)10:08:59 No.360579669
         File1319724539.png-(447 KB, 729x486, EACRmez3wWrzGTX.png)
    447 KB
    I lol'd
    You should have realised that by now.
    That is only slightly creepier than shutterfly
    Speaking of biscuits I feel in the mood for one.
    >> Blazer 10/27/11(Thu)10:09:15 No.360579689
         File1319724555.png-(193 KB, 733x1091, the_scarepony_by_brony91-d4dp1(...).png)
    193 KB
    I've seen a lot of human AJ.
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)10:09:41 No.360579726
         File1319724581.jpg-(92 KB, 640x960, dust668.jpg)
    92 KB
    I agree ...
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:09:44 No.360579729
         File1319724584.png-(119 KB, 320x307, AJ - sleepy.png)
    119 KB
    Keep talking so I can follow the sound of your voice.
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:10:11 No.360579760
    How to BF3
    >1: Install BF3
    >2: Install plugins
    >3: 5 plugins installed
    >4: ???
    >5: Welcome to the botnet. Enjoy your gayme
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:10:31 No.360579789
         File1319724631.png-(71 KB, 403x597, Derpy - derpyheart.png)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:10:35 No.360579794
         File1319724635.jpg-(200 KB, 1000x835, 1301793288798.jpg)
    200 KB
    >Best picture of Applejack
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:10:48 No.360579813
         File1319724648.jpg-(34 KB, 500x451, 1311151295257.jpg)
    34 KB
    You wouldn't dare
    >> lightning mane is a fag 10/27/11(Thu)10:10:59 No.360579835
         File1319724659.png-(824 KB, 908x677, lyra cocaine.png)
    824 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:11:32 No.360579872
         File1319724692.png-(367 KB, 900x900, AJ - dash plushie.png)
    367 KB
    I must disagree.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:11:34 No.360579876
    I had a good steak.
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:11:34 No.360579879
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:11:47 No.360579891
         File1319724707.jpg-(107 KB, 1400x1080, dude what.jpg)
    107 KB
    >Used to post 3 pictures of Applejack
    >Denies there's only a few good Applejack pictures
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:12:29 No.360579945
         File1319724749.jpg-(435 KB, 1600x1200, 278803_198541240198909_1622583(...).jpg)
    435 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:12:34 No.360579953
         File1319724754.png-(125 KB, 510x438, AJ - tease.png)
    125 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:13:10 No.360579997
         File1319724790.png-(129 KB, 1275x715, AJ - Applescratch.png)
    129 KB
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)10:13:26 No.360580015
         File1319724806.jpg-(156 KB, 357x356, bone254.jpg)
    156 KB
    How to play bf3, an advanced guide.

    >select marksman
    >stand near jet and helicopter spawn points
    >once acquired, kill a solitary ground soldier by crashing your chopper/jet into them
    >make sure it's a teammate
    >congratulations! You're now a pro!
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:13:43 No.360580035
         File1319724823.jpg-(85 KB, 800x800, Anthony gives GOMAD a chance.jpg)
    85 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:13:47 No.360580038
         File1319724827.jpg-(169 KB, 700x700, AJ - dawwwww.jpg)
    169 KB
    >> Cat Anon 10/27/11(Thu)10:13:51 No.360580044
         File1319724831.png-(555 KB, 729x486, fvUStzfuxqXaTtP.png)
    555 KB
    Demand a refund, get angry, call the company, tell them you don't want their damn game!
    What am I supposed to do with this?!
    Adorable? Yes
    Best? No
    Surely you could do better.
    I had a nice biscuit.
    How did you have it? Rare? Well-done(you fat prissy cock)?
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:14:14 No.360580077

    Wow. Those look uncomfortable.
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:14:30 No.360580097
         File1319724870.png-(65 KB, 279x275, AJ - grungeponi.png)
    65 KB
    >> Blazer 10/27/11(Thu)10:14:42 No.360580113
         File1319724882.png-(147 KB, 1047x763, draw_me____by_sierraex-d4dkshd.png)
    147 KB
    apple juice
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)10:14:42 No.360580114
         File1319724882.jpg-(300 KB, 640x960, new374.jpg)
    300 KB
    See if this works better
    >> KipperShy 10/27/11(Thu)10:14:47 No.360580121
    assumes I use PC

    I use 360.
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:15:08 No.360580149
         File1319724908.png-(163 KB, 450x500, AJ - flannel.png)
    163 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:15:41 No.360580188
         File1319724941.png-(37 KB, 550x400, AJ - all dressed up.png)
    37 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:16:24 No.360580239
         File1319724984.jpg-(359 KB, 999x999, AJ - guitar hero.jpg)
    359 KB
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:16:29 No.360580245
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:16:35 No.360580256
    >> lightning mane is a fag 10/27/11(Thu)10:16:38 No.360580264
         File1319724998.jpg-(56 KB, 722x549, farting 1.jpg)
    56 KB
    >> Blazer 10/27/11(Thu)10:16:42 No.360580270
         File1319725002.jpg-(85 KB, 877x911, lyra_knows_by_tygerbug-d4dn3ic.jpg)
    85 KB
    agh, why must my desktop be dead. I had an AJ folder damnit.
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:16:59 No.360580288
         File1319725019.png-(78 KB, 425x285, AJ - a roll in the hay.png)
    78 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:17:25 No.360580325
         File1319725045.jpg-(217 KB, 951x680, 1314931733480.jpg)
    217 KB
    Why restrict yourself to console peasantry when you don't have to?
    >> Cat Anon 10/27/11(Thu)10:17:27 No.360580334
         File1319725047.png-(303 KB, 729x486, Cq4hr8BHDWFup75.png)
    303 KB
    Makes you wonder why there are women with similarly sized breasts...
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)10:17:33 No.360580342
         File1319725053.jpg-(116 KB, 460x453, BttF_pic9.jpg)
    116 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:17:40 No.360580354
         File1319725060.jpg-(144 KB, 894x894, AJ - badass as fuck.jpg)
    144 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:18:13 No.360580406
         File1319725093.jpg-(30 KB, 391x337, AJ - filly hat.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> lightning mane is a fag 10/27/11(Thu)10:18:26 No.360580424
         File1319725106.png-(7 KB, 478x327, no, retard.png)
    7 KB
    >playing games on a computer
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:18:48 No.360580451
         File1319725128.png-(271 KB, 519x363, 130727230218.png)
    271 KB
    They cause a lot of back pain, actually.
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:18:49 No.360580456
         File1319725129.png-(115 KB, 388x332, AJ - dat hair.png)
    115 KB
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:19:26 No.360580505
         File1319725166.jpg-(156 KB, 1039x472, AJ - Applejackson 2.jpg)
    156 KB
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:19:26 No.360580506
    What did you do to it?
    I doubt every single part just decided to fail at the same time
    >> Blazer 10/27/11(Thu)10:19:38 No.360580531
         File1319725178.png-(667 KB, 1178x678, 3be761efd563a88527b8fd893bfa7b(...).png)
    667 KB
    been playing some high def FF9
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:20:16 No.360580591
         File1319725216.gif-(235 KB, 400x268, AJ - derping hard.gif)
    235 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:21:01 No.360580645
         File1319725261.png-(103 KB, 365x356, mynigga.png)
    103 KB
    Best Final Fantasy.
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)10:21:02 No.360580650
         File1319725262.jpg-(65 KB, 422x348, month569.jpg)
    65 KB
    Thankyou ...

    >I like spending incredible amounts of money on a laggy, difficult to control, physically painful to use over time money pit. And that's without the games that each require differing aspects of performance
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:21:07 No.360580656
         File1319725267.png-(261 KB, 945x945, AJ - human - can you ever forg(...).png)
    261 KB
    >> Cat Anon 10/27/11(Thu)10:21:13 No.360580665
         File1319725273.png-(528 KB, 729x486, yZdLC2BG2R3kXL7.png)
    528 KB
    >My computer is so far below par I have difficulty running internet explorer so I think it's funny and true to state that consoles are better gaming machines.
    Which leads to the point of "why do women insist on breast enlargements?"
    >> lightning mane is a fag 10/27/11(Thu)10:21:35 No.360580705
         File1319725295.jpg-(329 KB, 890x890, cost.jpg)
    329 KB
    >final fantasy
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:21:51 No.360580729
         File1319725311.jpg-(134 KB, 576x1183, AJ - human - little black dres(...).jpg)
    134 KB
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)10:21:54 No.360580731
         File1319725314.jpg-(27 KB, 196x129, thumb607.jpg)
    27 KB
    >people actually play final fantasy
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:22:38 No.360580790
         File1319725358.jpg-(194 KB, 900x720, AJ - human - relaxing.jpg)
    194 KB
    >> Cat Anon 10/27/11(Thu)10:22:42 No.360580797
         File1319725362.png-(381 KB, 729x501, pMsJCnrD2P4r6BY.png)
    381 KB
    You're spending your money on a shit dealer.
    Look elsewhere. Like a forum based around computer parts.
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:22:45 No.360580799
    playing browsers now?
    Alright then
    >> Cake in a Cup 10/27/11(Thu)10:22:48 No.360580807
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:23:21 No.360580852
         File1319725401.jpg-(75 KB, 716x647, AJ - samurai Applejack.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:23:33 No.360580872
         File1319725413.png-(137 KB, 573x607, 1300478652825.png)
    137 KB
    To get a sugar daddy.

    Although I was talking about people with naturally large breasts, like my mother who had something like GG before she got them reduced.
    >> Blazer 10/27/11(Thu)10:23:41 No.360580902
         File1319725421.png-(380 KB, 1134x705, ponikemon_duo_of_johto_by_skyq(...).png)
    380 KB
    first, tried to install a Windows 7 theme from DeviantArt. The instructions included replacing the shell32.dll with another one from the file. It said it transferred and everything. But upon restart, couldn't get explorer.exe to load. Pretty much all I could tinker with was bios stuff, so I tried resetting to default settings. And now I can't get the monitor to pick up anything. It gets power, the capslock still pops a light up, and pressing ctrl+alt+del makes the busy light pop up a little bit and the DVD drive whirls for a second. Dunno what to do about it.
    >> Anonthony 10/27/11(Thu)10:24:39 No.360580988
         File1319725479.png-(262 KB, 1355x747, AJ - love you too.png)
    262 KB
    Oh you...

    You... <3
    >> Anonymous 10/27/11(Thu)10:25:13 No.360581043
    Bullshit. Give me a minute and you'll be clopping.
    >> Hupony 10/27/11(Thu)10:25:34 No.360581072
    >> SteveAn 10/27/11(Thu)10:25:42 No.360581085
    Or I could walk into a store, and walk out with a machine that will out of the box do exactly what I want it to

    For as long as I want it to

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