Hey Reddit, you know what to do.
please kill yourself candy-ass
Where is the upvote button?
OP is a candy-assI really hope you realize big of a candy-ass you are.
Definitely up vote.
I wish I COULD upvote this 7/10
Can I upvote if they are a combination of all 3?
wow op out of all the Faggot OPs ive seen the past 4 years i have been here, you are the most flamboyant Faggot i have ever seen on this fucking website
I'll just leave this here http://motherlessbvc.info/B31N
OP doesn't know what corruption means.
Under the first ammendment we have a right to assembly. So you're against them exercising their rights as AMERICANS. Which, makes OP a communist and a fag. Hope your status on fb got a lot of likes though.
>>358533147You are retarded. This troll post says nothing about them not being allowed to protest just that everyone participating is retarded. You sir, are the candy-ass.
>>358533331this post almost went legend
>>358533331no, you're the retard. my point was to point out how we was anti-american
>>358533563Nice comeback potsy, this post is not unamerican at all. It's about all of these losers who think that socialism and communism is the answer. Clearly, none of them deserve to be in America and neither do you.