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  • File : 1318377155.png-(136 KB, 930x1351, Okay2.png)
    136 KB !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)19:52:35 No.358027277  
    Ask an anorexic anything.

    >yfw, hopefully?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)19:53:02 No.358027339
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)19:53:45 No.358027469
    CW 100,
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)19:54:39 No.358027631
    male or female?
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)19:55:28 No.358027760
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)19:55:49 No.358027825
    I'm 5'2" and around 95 lbs. No eating disorder, per se, but I have anxiety which often makes me lose my appetite.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)19:56:33 No.358027961
    will you show pics?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)19:57:58 No.358028235
         File1318377478.jpg-(52 KB, 525x385, 1305790081595.jpg)
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    i'm 5'4, 100lbs and not anorexic
    inb4 tits
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)19:58:54 No.358028401
    Your bmi is low. Also, I wish it were as easy as what you do, aha.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:00:09 No.358028614
         File1318377609.jpg-(30 KB, 245x300, 1306569552727.jpg)
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    why are you attention whoring on b
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:02:33 No.358029005
    I'm 5'2 and 82 pounds. You're probably not anorexic.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:03:09 No.358029093
    why u no answer me attention whoring slut. show us your small titties
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:03:30 No.358029141
    show pics
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:05:31 No.358029508
    Sure, want 115 lbs, 112 lbs, or 105 lbs?
    I don't know how to respond to this, other than tell you I'm anorexic.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:05:34 No.358029518
    Yeah it's a bit low, but it's ok. I take medication to increase my appetite that is normally prescribed to people with hyperthyroid.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:06:27 No.358029683
    show current nudes. timestamp and everything
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:06:55 No.358029762
    Bitch some more bro. I'm 6' 123lbs. Gross skinny. But im not anorexic. I just don't gain weight.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:07:02 No.358029788
    one doesn't have to be underweight to be anorexic. you can be 160 lbs and reduce your food intake so much that you're actually starving yourself.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:08:12 No.358030000
    Bored. Needed inspiration.
    Anorexia is classified not because you are fat or thin, but because you have an immense fear of gaining weight, and act upon it.
    According to your bmi, you are two under me, meaning that you are emaciated.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:08:37 No.358030088
    wow that's pretty unhealthy. My lowest weight was 86 lbs.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:08:44 No.358030109
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:09:51 No.358030326
    nice quads
    but I'm not emaciated. below a bmi of 18 simply means you are "underweight." considering that you are only a few pounds heavier than me, you should know that I am not emaciated.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:09:56 No.358030344
    That's good then.
    No can do, I'm afraid. It'd take me about an hour or two, I only have a slow as shit camera.
    Cool story bro...?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:10:49 No.358030485
    have any nudes saved at all?
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:11:27 No.358030603
    Emaciated = UNDER/EQUAL TO 15 BMI
    Underweight = Under 19 BMI
    Normal = 19 - 24 BMI
    Overweight = 25 - 29 BMI
    Obese = +29 BMI

    Calculating your bmi, you are 15.4 .
    You are clinically emaciated.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:12:33 No.358030795
    A gross censored one when I was 112 lbs.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:12:52 No.358030848
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:13:29 No.358030949
    sure that works
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:15:11 No.358031259
    my BMI is 17...
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:15:18 No.358031277
    I used to be extremely small... I used to be 8lbs 6oz. Now I'm 135! cheer up love, everyone can do it
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:15:36 No.358031337
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    Post binge, was either 112 or 115 at the time.
    Gross as fuck, moving on.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:15:46 No.358031369
    Point was, people are too quick to jump to conclusions over their own weight and state of body. I've known a fair deal of girls claiming to be anorexic because they didn't eat for a few hours..
    Also, it's just metabolism. And light bones, I guess.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:16:45 No.358031550

    But at least your weight is nice. 123. I like it when numbers make patterns.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:16:48 No.358031569
    that aint gross, girl. seriously, ive seen A LOT worse.

    i think its kind of nice actually
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:17:09 No.358031635

    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:18:13 No.358031850
    BMI Manual Calculation & Chart

    1) Take your weight and multiply by 704.7

    2) Take that number and divide it by your height squared (see below)

    height squared:
    5'0" = 3600
    5'1" = 3721
    5'2" = 3844
    5'3" = 3969
    5'4" = 4096
    5'5" = 4225
    5'6" = 4356
    5'7" = 4489
    5'8" = 4624
    5'9" = 4761
    5'10" = 4900
    5'11" = 5041

    3) The remaining number is your BMI

    Your bmi, if you were 5'2", and weight 86, was 15.7.
    So you were emaciated.
    >inb4 you try to prove me wrong.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:19:52 No.358032127
    >Obvious answer is obvious.
    No, I was really bad. And paler?
    Pretty gross if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:20:00 No.358032148
    hey i don't really know anything about "emaciated" or whatever but isn't 15.7 greater than 15?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:20:26 No.358032225
    So why are you attention whoring?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:20:42 No.358032271
    show me your feet? 6o39951777
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:21:14 No.358032366

    1983 called. They want their keyboard back.

    And fuck, you could at least have tided up a bit. No wonder you're all fucked up. Messy rooms make messy minds, don't forget.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:21:29 No.358032418
    it looks fine. i am being 100% not trolling honest. that pic is really not as bad as you seem to think it is.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:21:41 No.358032453
    >Emaciated = UNDER/EQUAL TO 15 BMI
    >Is still 15.
    >Therefor emaciated.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:22:29 No.358032614
    anorexia is for dumb bitches who are weak minded. i hope you die.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:23:12 No.358032736

    but... it's not 15. It's 15.7. and it's closer to 16.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:23:58 No.358032877
    I like my old keyboard. It's nice.
    Also my room was messy because my room was messy. It happens.
    Bro. Brobrobro. It's pretty bad, trust me. My stomach, is all over the place.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:24:41 No.358032996
    Alright anon, whatever.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:25:35 No.358033154

    You're a bona fide idiot. I hope all your hair falls out and your ovaries shrivel up and drop out your cunt.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:25:45 No.358033190
    The chart does not, and never has, taken into account parameters other than height and weight. This means that anything else that may contribute to the low score, such as a light/small frame, and bones, is disregarded.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:26:56 No.358033386
    >Implying this has anything to do with me.
    Weight is weight.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:28:17 No.358033626
    Y U SO FAT,
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:28:56 No.358033747
    Because ages 0-16 food was my favorite thing ever.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:29:51 No.358033902
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    >Implying anyone gives a shit about anorexia if it isn't liked to emancipation.

    Come back and sob when there's something *actually* wrong with you, mmmkay?
    >> ◆stOneDcYkI <= !stOneDcYkI 10/11/11(Tue)20:29:59 No.358033921
         File1318379399.jpg-(22 KB, 400x400, 1317932187746.jpg)
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    You gave Steve Jobs cancer.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:30:04 No.358033933
    I like how someone with an eating disorder is on here being argued with about whether or not they have an eating disorder. You guys are a special breed of retarded.

    Girl with an eating disorder, your disorder isn't worthy of attention but you yourself probably are. You should stop focusing on shit like numbers on a scale. I'm not trying to white knight, I'd rather have another femanon around to show tits then some dumb bitch rotting in a grave somewhere whom could never be involved in a potentially interesting interaction. You're making the world more boring with you self-indulgent bullshit. Cut it out
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:30:19 No.358033973
    oh god, look at me, i think i'm fat, when i know i'm not. i let society rattle me and make me think my self image is horrific. you are fucking dumb. you are going against some of the most base instincts in nature because you are a stupid little bitch who let's what other people think of her make her ruin her body. i hope you keep along this path, when as simple a fix as OPENING YOUR MOUTH is right in front of you, because you are going to lose your menstrual cycle, potentially your ability to have children, and your bones will turn to dust. fucking dumb weaker sex.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:33:06 No.358034441

    Bitch has never dropped below 100lbs. I'm more likely to die crossing the road outside my house then she is due to her (probably self-diagnosed) "illness".
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:35:26 No.358034817
    It works the same way as many other mental issues do. People like to pretend they have them, and very often think they do without being diagnosed or actually having them. Also, arguing over the most useless of threads in the small hours of the night is a good source of entertainment.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:37:54 No.358035175
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    lol gtfo
    come back when you aren't a dumb attention whore
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:38:57 No.358035342
    >You're so smart I can't handle it.
    I'm getting to ninety because I'm going to be comfortable in my own skin for once. That's basically it. You're not going to deter me, so I'm not exactly sure why you posted this?
    1) I don't care what others think about me.
    2) I'm doing this entirely for myself and my own sense of beauty.
    3) You are an ignorant cunt that can't comprehend empathy, or begin to understand the complexity of difference in society.
    Dropping below 100 means nothing, if you are a certain height. Girls that are 5'8"+ can die by dropping down to 100. Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:38:59 No.358035354

    TBH, I'm only here because the trap thread I was cruising died before I could really enjoy myself. And this girls sort of helping turn me off good and proper. I mean, Christ.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:41:53 No.358035880
    >Implying I only think I have annorexia.
    >Implying 70% of anorexics that are actually anorexic aren't self-diagnosed first.
    I can smell the dumbfag coming off of you in waves.
    Arest thou mad, bretherin?
    Glad to help.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:42:25 No.358035951

    You should read yourself from a psyche 101 point of view. You read Histrionic personality disorder like a blind person reads braille.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:44:51 No.358036386
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    >Histrionic personality disorder
    >Has to do with drawing attention to yourself.
    >Implying anyone is like what they're like online.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:45:36 No.358036511

    Actually, most real anorexics (the ones who are at danger of actually harming themselves) tend to deny they have the disorder right up until their treatment is partway through. But good to know you are self-diagnosed, it really helps get a feel of just how painfully needy you are.

    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:48:59 No.358037107

    You're right. People tend to be truer to who they really are when they're hidden by a screen. Usually it's only sociopaths who cultivate "fake" personas online, and you're no sociopath. You're way too dim/needy to pull that cardtrick off.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:49:05 No.358037128
    >tend to deny they have the disorder right up until their treatment is partway through.
    >Most anorexics know they are anorexic way before treatment
    >Good job using impartial statistics that were created by people who have most likely never had an eating disorder.
    >Implying most of us don't lie to keep doing it anyways.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:50:19 No.358037346
    I find myself being more flippant and bitchy online.
    I honestly don't care about anything you're saying, so you can leave now.
    >I ain't even mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:53:59 No.358037795
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    doing it for a sense of self beauty? right. you are endangering your health for self beauty. that makes a lot of sense. don't kid yourself, your perception of "self beauty" is based on what? social standards that you are trying to adhere to. and you are right, my sense of empathy doesn't apply here when you are being fucking stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:54:00 No.358037801

    >Implying that by greentexting me you'll somehow manage to make yourself appear like you're not a moronic, whining little slut who needs to do the world a favour and go bathe in a bath of acid before some roody-poo accidently fertilises one of her toxic pathetic eggs.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:54:15 No.358037870
         File1318380855.jpg-(24 KB, 400x250, 1evil-agent-smith.jpg)
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    I find myself troll when I'm online.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:54:42 No.358037938
    how does it feel to get naturally selected, you dumb cunt?
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:54:50 No.358037953
    Are there any questions that don't refer to how stupid I am, or how much of a dumb, fake, attention whoring cunt I am?

    Just wondering, /b/.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:55:59 No.358038112

    Don't worry, starvation prevents conception
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:56:01 No.358038120

    Your sense of empathy should only apply to kittens. If your empathy applies to more then that, get the fuck off /b/ before it's too late.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:56:36 No.358038228
    and you come to /b/ feigning to be anorexic and expect what?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:58:02 No.358038439

    But you sound mad. And that's very revealing.

    And I'm not going anywhere. I like it here. Besides, I'm giving you the attention you *so* want. You should be thanking me.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)20:58:58 No.358038585
    >social standards
    Lost me right there.
    No, my sense of self beauty is the thought of being completely fragile. The texture of bones pleases me to no avail.
    Society's sense of beauty deals with being thin, or athletic.
    I don't want to be athletically shaped. I don't care much for large breasts or curves.
    Beauty is subjective, and you can't comprehend that, can you?
    Love how mad you got.
    Nice job taking in my information and trying to use it. (sarcasm, if you couldn't catch it.)
    All you're trying to do is troll me.
    Do me a favor and get out, or better yet, try harder.
    Me too.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:59:29 No.358038658

    Have your periods stopped?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)20:59:41 No.358038689
    While we're on the discussion of skeletons, my BMI is 17.4 (male). Is this underweight, average, overweight?
    >> [color=red]sage[/color] 10/11/11(Tue)20:59:45 No.358038693
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:00:19 No.358038791
    >feigning to be anorexic
    >Picture related.
    I'd prefer attention from people trying to ask me questions about anorexia.
    Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:01:15 No.358038939
    >Society's sense of beauty deals with being thin, or athletic.
    >sense of beauty deals with being thin
    >with being thin

    and what does anorexia mean again?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:02:45 No.358039184

    Try harder, try harder. Let's see...

    Remember that super model who starved herself to death? I wish that was you. Only it won't be you. It won't ever be you. Because you're just an attention whore.

    Besides, you're too fat to be a model anyway. And too short.

    >Is that better cumdumpster?
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:02:56 No.358039211
    They've gotten much lighter and farther apart, but they haven't exactly stopped yet.
    17.4 is underweight for a guy.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:04:00 No.358039400

    Wat pic? U made of fail.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:05:14 No.358039591
    Anorexia is a mental disorder in which a person has a fear of gaining weight in any form, and doesn't maintain a regular BMI.
    Thin and bones are two different things.
    No, not really.
    I don't want to be a supermodel, so that doesn't work out either.
    >Keep trying broskii.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:06:22 No.358039745

    TBH, if I wanted to know about anorexia, I'd go find someone who actually had it. Or I'd talk to a doctor. Or I'd watch Channel 4 for ten minutes.

    I wouldn't want to lrn about it from some skanky ho on /b/.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:06:28 No.358039764
         File1318381588.jpg-(78 KB, 550x550, 1317079512773.jpg)
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    >Ferget mah pictuur.
    Sorry, I forgot to remember after my other response.
    >Here is the picture.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:06:41 No.358039801
    how do you see bones without being thin. your argument is fail.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:07:11 No.358039862
    >someone who actually had it
    I can't even express my hatred in words.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:07:35 No.358039943
    How was your day today? :)
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:07:48 No.358039978
         File1318381668.jpg-(41 KB, 269x187, 98390287434.jpg)
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    enough, let's turn this thread into something productive! we need to stop indulging this anorexicunt
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:08:41 No.358040115

    last time you ate, OP?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:09:01 No.358040168

    Oh, fuck it. Eat less, you stupid bitch. Make them stop all together. I won't be able to rest easy until I know you can't breed. Your idiot-creating womb is still out there, it's waiting, waiting to fill the world with pointless needy children. Carbon copies of stupid pathetic you.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:11:27 No.358040547
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    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:12:42 No.358040723
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:12:55 No.358040761

    I never said supermodel. I said model. Some self-important GCSE student wouldn't even want you modelling for them. You're too ugly even to model shoes. People who model shoes need to have actual curves, because that's what shoes are meant to do. Highlight all those things that make women so poundable.

    All those things you don't have.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:14:04 No.358040925
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    Bones are nice.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:14:30 No.358040988
    Three hours ago, half of a vegetarian burger, 40 calories.
    >Implying my children will be like me at all.
    >Implying I wish my children to be like me.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:14:48 No.358041040

    Oh try. Oh please try. Come at me, you retarded, worthless, needy little rat.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:15:33 No.358041156
    Cool story bro?
    I've already said that I'm doing this for myself.
    I could honestly care less what you find poundable.
    Yes they are.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:15:37 No.358041164
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    look at this dumb bitch.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:16:25 No.358041271
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:16:29 No.358041275
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:16:46 No.358041312
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    I concur.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:17:57 No.358041507
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:19:59 No.358041796
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:20:51 No.358041922

    Your kids will be like you. They'll be just as disgusting, abhorrent, and unlikable as you. Your nature, your nurture. Your hellish everything.

    Good thing no-one would ever want to go near you though. At least we can find solace in the fact that horrific cunts like you can't asexually reproduce. It's a very comforting thought.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:20:52 No.358041926
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:23:10 No.358042272
    >My children will inherit personality traits, something that can't really happen.
    >I can't still reproduce
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:23:51 No.358042388

    Well, that's good. My cat has thrown up dead mice that have more sex appeal then you.

    And more intelligence.

    And better personalities.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:24:16 No.358042447
    Why don't people get it?

    Breasts or vacate the webpage
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:24:25 No.358042485
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:26:21 No.358042793

    I know what The Needy Bitch was trying to draw, but she failed hard. To me it looks like she's just christened you Ice Gem cat, Nyan cat's little brother.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:26:58 No.358042891
    Sir, I don't think you understand.
    Beauty is subjective.
    This is my sense of beauty.
    If you have a problem with that, then you care too much about things other people like.
    >Inb4 you tell me to get off your /b/
    >Not your /b/
    >Where have you been? This already happened.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:27:41 No.358042994

    I'd hit that, fo sho.

    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:27:49 No.358043019
    >Ice Gem cat
    My intention exactly.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:28:28 No.358043129
    Let me say it once more.
    >Beauty is subjective
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:28:51 No.358043193
    You should stop, because nobody likes scrawny people.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:30:06 No.358043406
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:30:13 No.358043436
    Also timestamp.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:30:49 No.358043528

    You really don't know shit about how people work, do you? You know nothing about the disorder you're pretending to have, you know nothing about how genetics/environmental factors form kids.

    How does someone so stupid actually manage to exists. Fuck, you make me wish Hitler was still here to ram the mentally retarded cunts like you into the gas vans. And that's saying something. I mean, I'm Jewish.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:34:10 No.358044086

    > "Happened"

    New, timestamped pic or GTFO you neckbeard
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:35:09 No.358044251

    Read what she's written, then see if you still want to fuck her. Her stupidity is enough to kill even the most throbbing of boners.

    Besides, I bet her face is all fucked up. After all, only the horses post nudes up on /b/.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:35:47 No.358044343
    >Know nothing about the disorder you're pretending to have.

    Yes, I know, anorexia can possibly be passed on through family. I'm saying that I'm going to raise my children in a way that it's not possible for them to have it.
    I'm not saying it's impossible, I'm saying I'm going to try my best.

    Holy fuck, why are you so mad?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:36:34 No.358044506

    But ugly's ugly. End of story.

    And bitch, you ugly.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:37:37 No.358044688
         File1318383457.jpg-(126 KB, 1198x1107, before, after.jpg)
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    >The me on the right is obvious more attractive, at least to me.
    >My stomach isn't as good as it could be, and my hipbones aren't really apparent, but my thighs are better.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:38:08 No.358044777
    Ugly is subjective too.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:38:14 No.358044795
    lol i wrestle and almost every guy on my team is either considered anorexic or emaciated. I have a friend with a bmi of 3%. I am a fatfuck however because I wrestle unlimited and have one of about 20%
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:38:52 No.358044903
    Because you aren't showing tits.
    And the ones you did weren't even timestamped and were fucking censored, like we could tell who you are just from your nipples. Holy shit.

    He's right, you are very, very stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:39:30 No.358045015
         File1318383570.jpg-(46 KB, 600x750, Whore.jpg)
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    I don't care about your kids having anorexia. You don't even have it. They ain't gonna get it. I care about your kids being like *you*. Ugly, horrific, needly little whinebags who have to go scratching at the legs of strangers on the internet because they are just that desperate for attention. Fuck, ugly, uneducated bleeders like you ruin women for me.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:40:29 No.358045166
    >Implying I can timestamp a picture that was months ago.
    >Implying I can uncensor something I've saved censored.
    >Implying that I can timestamp older pictures
    Excuse me while I go invent a time machine.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:41:37 No.358045359
    Then... take new ones.
    Until you do, this thread will continue to fail badly.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:42:46 No.358045528
    > implying redundancies

    What part of "new" are you not getting? /b/ros, this guy is just a bored neckbeard
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:42:48 No.358045533

    They're both hideous. Do you know how many drag queens I'm going to have to hammer to get those out of my brain? Fuck me.

    Also, why can't you take a photo like a normal person. You're always crouching down or sideways. Like some tweenage myspace whore.

    Like some attention starved, tweenage myspace whore.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:43:34 No.358045662
         File1318383814.png-(9 KB, 381x400, 1298339942811.png)
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    Okay mister doctorate in college.
    I haven't complained in this entire thread.
    I didn't make you post in it.
    You didn't have to answer me, or pay attention to me.
    I was here only for people to ask me questions about anorexia.
    You sire, got mad as hell and decided to tell me I was stupid based upon your own ignorance.
    You have never had an eating disorder, and therefor do not understand the inner workings of it.
    >Picture related, I mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:43:38 No.358045674

    can i ask why do you find bones that attractive?

    don't tell me beauty is subjective, cause i'm not blaming on you and i'm aware of that too, just want to know if it is a fetish or something in the like...

    btw for how long are you planning to live like this?

    i went through very long periods of starvation when i had alimentary disorders (i was overweight) and that sucked hard
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:43:44 No.358045691
    fat sack of shit
    i wrestled 103 every year in highschool
    had 3% bmi in senior year

    >implying there is an unlimited weight class in collegiate wrestling
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:44:45 No.358045856

    >Implying you're to stupid to work a camera and scribble on a sheet of paper.
    >My implications are actually true.
    >Bitch, you dumb.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:44:46 No.358045860
    Is your vaggoo skinny? May I see it, please?
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:47:17 No.358046303
    Taking new pictures would take me about an hour, are you prepared to wait?
    >No, you're not.
    Stop complaining, basementdweller.
    Sideways and crouching down is to accentuate the either fatness or weight loss I've gotten, I assure you.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:48:19 No.358046486
    I like the results.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:48:41 No.358046542
    Bull shit you did, they don't let you wrestle unless you have over a 6% BMI, candy-ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:49:15 No.358046662

    Not doctorate, no, not yet. I'm still working on my masters. But if it makes you feel any better, I've been granted the funding I need for my doctorate, so you're nearly right.

    And boredom doesn't equate anger. And you're so stupid, it's funny. I'm around so many smart women in this institution, you're sort of like a monkey. I just want to throw peanuts at you and watch you throw your dung about. You remind me why women will never be as good as men.

    You disgrace your whole gender, you ugly little trollop.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:49:29 No.358046714
    Also, obsession with bones [2]
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:50:17 No.358046875

    how does it take an hour? You need to go down to the basement and chain up the girl you're keeping as a rape-slave to take more pictures of her?
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:50:48 No.358046957
    I'm not sure.
    It's probably something about the way they feel, how curved and smoôth they are. They're just wonderful, I guess.
    I'm probably going to live like this until I'm made to stop, and then I'm probably just going to go back to this anyways. It's what I find pretty, and I can't really change that.
    My vag is a vag?
    It's not like I make a point to see what other girl's vaginas look like, good sire.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:51:22 No.358047068
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    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:52:37 No.358047324
    OP is fat as fuck
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:54:15 No.358047622

    It takes you an hour to take a picture? What, do you need to screw in a new bulb to your victorian era camera? What kind of skanky ass po'whore doesn't have a fucking webcam? Who needs an hour to take a photograph?! Just, just go slit your wrists already.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:56:07 No.358047984
    It's funny how you can decide upon someone's intelligence by a few posts on newt gingrich. You're kind of like a flat character. I want to throw some complexity into your life, give you an actual story.
    No, first I have to find batteries for my camera (twenty minutes), find matching underwear(ten minutes), take like ten pictures(five minutes), pick one(two minutes), find a cord to connect my camera to my computer (20 minutes), upload it(10 minutes), resize it (one minute), and then post it.
    So, about 68 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:56:23 No.358048032

    >Curved and smissingnoh

    Awwh, do they remind you what real women's boobs and hips feel like? Do they make your manly ass feel girly?
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:57:31 No.358048253
    Um, no.
    They remind me of smoôth bones, that are hiding under layers of fat and skin.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:58:09 No.358048381

    An actual story? Bitch, I'd rather read Twilight.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)21:59:21 No.358048640
    Twilight kind of sucks. A lot.
    And not like that.
    You just seem like you don't give two shits, all your problems will always be superior, and nothing anyone else says is important.
    Pretty flat of a character if you ask me.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)21:59:25 No.358048650

    And you don't have a webcam, why? What the fuck's wrong with you, you welfare foodstamp slut?!
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:00:28 No.358048839
    Oh my god are you fucking serious. No wonder you're so fat you're the laziest bitch i've ever met!
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:00:31 No.358048850
    >Implying I have any money for anything, and work my ass off, (pun not intended), to pay rent for my one room apartment.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:01:20 No.358049021
    None of you will be even close to this thread in 68 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:02:41 No.358049286
    bitch i'm fapping to your bones right now! MOAR BONES PICS PLOX
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:03:45 No.358049522


    And the whole world does not equate you. You are unimportant. You are worthless. I don't give a shit about you.

    There are many things I do give a shit about. Cats, for one, and AIDs. And my tute partner. But only because she's sort of nice, and actually pretty fine. And would be a good place to warm my cock during these cold autumn mornings.

    I just don't give a shit about you. You're too retarded and hideous to really matter to anything.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:04:53 No.358049731
    >Beauty is subjective
    >Women are more than cock warmers
    >I can't even begin to into your mind.
    >I completely give up.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:05:42 No.358049890

    I don't have one either. Never "cammed" with anyone and therefore never considered it necessary. It's annoying how half the word immediately relates this to the lack of funds.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:06:39 No.358050080
    You should give up on life.
    And because of said depression post pictures of your bones on here so I can finish up.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:06:45 No.358050103

    Well, I'm certainly not implying you know sentence syntax, nor am I implying you have an IQ that hits double figures.

    Also, lol. Stupid bitch can't even get a real job. Shame you're so fat. If you were skinnier and prettier, you might be able to get some work as a hooker.

    No John'll touch you looking like you do though, so, go cry or something.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:07:09 No.358050178
    why the fuck are you even in here then
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:07:51 No.358050312
    I'm a waitress, and I'm going to college for a major in music.
    >Sorry that I'm not a fucking doctor?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:09:49 No.358050686

    Yeah I'm sick of this bitch. Just GTFO and don't come back until you have a webcam and bigger tits
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:10:15 No.358050766
    >>Major in Music
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:10:20 No.358050776
    Large breasts aren't attractive.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:10:22 No.358050783
    Ha. Major in music. That sounds practical.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:11:28 No.358051001

    >Beauty is subjective

    BUUUUT, the majority of men think that large breasts are attractive. I stand by my statement.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:11:30 No.358051006

    Keep up the good work. Bone supporter and music student here too.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:11:43 No.358051036

    Women might be, yes. My tute partner certainly has something about her.

    You're not a real woman though. You're not more then a cock warmer, fuck, you're not even a cock warmer. I'd sooner ram my cock up my housemates arse then wave it anywhere near you.

    Let me say it again. You are worthless. You are ugly. You are heinous. You are a disgrace to your toxic reproductive organs. You should go die now.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:12:48 No.358051258
    Sorry that you find my only passion a joke.
    Music lets kids express themselves, and I am going to become an orchestra teacher.
    I honestly don't care, getting a job in something like accounting or being a lawyer isn't something I will ever do or like.
    Music expresses things that cannot be told in words, and it can change someone's emotions in a split second.
    I think it's powerful, and I love it.
    What you think is completely irrelevant.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:13:42 No.358051423
    Thank you very much. ♥
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:14:10 No.358051519
    Just don't go marching onto wallstreet trying to blame someone else when you can't pay back your student loans, m'kay?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:14:15 No.358051537

    Lol, you should be sorry. You fail at everything, you pathetic whore.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:14:27 No.358051572
    ITT: cumdumpster argues with a candy-ass over the internet

    btw theres no pics of said cumdumpster so dont look
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:14:38 No.358051596
    Cool story proskii.
    How about you go tell it at a party?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:15:36 No.358051752

    Still, I'm betting it wouldn't take you 68 minutes to take a photograph.
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:15:45 No.358051767
    I'm not going to?
    I'd rather be poor and doing something I love to death than rich and hating my work.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:15:45 No.358051772
    sux 2 b u.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:16:25 No.358051908
         File1318385785.gif-(56 KB, 320x240, 51186.gif)
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    >>Sorry that you find my only passion a joke.

    Don't be sorry be quiet!!!!
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:17:06 No.358052037
    >Uses four exclamation marks.
    >What are you, eleven?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:18:46 No.358052344
         File1318385926.jpg-(56 KB, 600x480, 1314329492200.jpg)
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    Why do you come to almighty /b/ with your constant implying?
    If you do not seek advice then trouble us no more, anything else can be construed as attention whoring.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:19:01 No.358052393

    Oh my God. You fail.

    That is.. Truly, truly pathetic.

    (Also, love how you're a music student who can't even play an instrument. You should her the way the kids who can play talk about your type behind your back.)
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:20:48 No.358052748

    Shame, but no can do. My party anecdotes tend not to revolve around revolting scabby tarts.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:23:50 No.358053320

    >Greentexts constantly.
    >What are you? A retarded pissweasel?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:25:18 No.358053592
         File1318386318.jpg-(14 KB, 175x175, Philosorapter.jpg)
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    Yes there are OP, i have a pertinent question. Has anyone really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:27:45 No.358054052
    I think...

    I think...

    I think she might have gone.

    I don't know about you candy-asss, but I consider this a victory!
    >> !/Pbzx9FKd2 10/11/11(Tue)22:27:59 No.358054094
    I've played violin for eleven years
    Viola for three
    Cello for twelve
    and base for five.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:28:56 No.358054276

    Awh fuck.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:29:54 No.358054461

    And prove it. Show us your certificates.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:30:33 No.358054587
    she was about to leave until you posted something i bet.

    fo you want advice or something? because attention whoring is not going to get you anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:33:18 No.358055128
    >Pisses constantly
    >what are you, a retarded greentextweasel?
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:34:04 No.358055244

    No, the Philosoraptor question probably bruised her little decaying brain up. She doesn't quite have the intelligence for it.

    But hey, oops if that was the case. I guess I accidently stepped in the cake.
    >> Anonymous 10/11/11(Tue)22:35:27 No.358055503

    >Pisses constantly.
    >What are you, a diabetic?

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