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    Portland, OR folks: You are invited to drink beers, play arcade games, and eat delicious donuts.
    The *tentative* plan is to meet up Saturday, at 10PM @ Ground Kontrol ($2 cover after 9PM, 21+ after 5PM), and grab donuts at Voodoo after midnight.
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    File : 1317506259.jpg-(282 KB, 473x637, kkjhg.jpg)
    282 KB SPREAD THIS LIKE A DISEASE Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)17:57:39 No.356196016




    Lets start a 99 percent thread describing how it appliesto us and/or our families!
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:03:25 No.356196782
    Go to college you fucking lowlife socialist leeches. Social mobility and poverty are both linked to intelligence. If you don't like working at an RV plant, go to night school for 2 weeks and become a truck driver. Try brushing your teeth. No dentist for 10 years, no cavities here.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:10:30 No.356197790

    please explain how to go to night school when you wake up for work at 3am and get home at 5pm 5 days a week?

    also.. check out my moms zipcode and see how many options she has. 97886.

    school for what? for a shitload of debt to not be able to get a job with whatever degree? are you following ANY of this shit you pampered baby?

    she's 50 and starting to get arthritis from using her drill 10 hours a day 5 days a week for the past 10 years.. what do you suggest she study to become at that age, living out in the middle of no where?

    if you have no debt and no struggle and you are an american, it's because you are a child or you have done NOTHING with your life
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:12:37 No.356198107
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    the bottom 99% have the freedom to take all the same risks, the top 1% did

    the bottom 99% are entitled to the same free public education, scholarships, student loans the top 1% were.

    the bottom 99% are capable of the same work ethic the top 1% have

    the bottom 99% were not forced to squander their youth on drinking and weed any more than the top 1%

    the bottom 99% only have what they have because the top 1% have compassion to keep their jobs in the U.S. Its easier to do business in china
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:20:24 No.356199237

    Someone else who's making judgement before becoming informed.

    Look at the situations of the people around you who you love and care for. it applies to you or them I'm sure.

    I'm not going to argue about it anymore. just go look at this
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:20:27 No.356199245
    Do you think you can overtake /b/ with your reddit shit?
    >Shouldn't it be "We are le 99%"?
    Gtfo and go to these fags where you belong to.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:21:14 No.356199356

    3am to 5pm? you work 13 hour days, (assuming 1 hr lunch) 5 days a week? thats a 65 hour work, and i call BS on that. post a pay stub.

    go to community college, associates in IT. IT is always hiring.

    quit your bellyaching, not your personal army
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:21:35 No.356199415
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    Yes, but the Captains of Industry at the banks are the ones putting everything on the line when they gamble billions of dollars. I know you plebians think $100 is a lot of money, but what the banks deal with? That's a LOT of money. You have to spend years building relationships with other banks and political figures. As a banker, you need to know what you're doing. Imagine if you lost hundreds of billions of dollars on an ill advised gamble? Your reputation among your peers would be mud. Bankers deserve the pay and performance bonuses they get. They fine-tune their minds and take actual risks. They're the ones taking risks for YOU, America. Your otherwise worthless economy. Without banks, without credit, where would you even get a mortgage? Tell me that, smart guy. No wonder nobody has any respect for you low-income tools. It's almost like ... like intelligence scales with net worth!
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:22:10 No.356199513
    nah man.
    looks play a huge part in the top 99%f
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:25:01 No.356199961
    maybe brushing your teeth might be a good idea...
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:26:10 No.356200134
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    its true, thats why you couldn't refute my post.

    pic related you dumb lazy ho
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:28:40 No.356200505
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    and this one too
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:29:39 No.356200643
    >Bitch about not being rich and being injured
    >Blame rich people for it

    USA is becoming a 3rd world country pretty fast
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:30:11 No.356200720
    Eat the rich.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:30:44 No.356200797

    I said wake up at 3am.

    she works 10 hours a day

    learn to read.


    ever been scared to death of losing your job? ever had a friend or relative who was sick as fuck but could afford the deductible?

    I came here to spread this so that people IT APPLIES TO can join in on it.

    If it doesn't apply, fuck off. but if you've ever been fucked by the job market, the housing market, lack of healthcare.. IT APPLIES AND YOU'RE FUCKED.

    so stop fapping and care about your family! the kids in your lives! the elderly who cannot afford their medication!
    >> Bentokitty (Element of Fuzzyness) !!gAyq5lzi952 10/01/11(Sat)18:31:37 No.356200913
    >posts picture bitching about ad hom attacks, not realizing the irony of it

    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:37:40 No.356201715
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    my parents, family, and friends arent lazy fucks like you, they worked for what they have, and arent crying about how the man has got them down.
    why are you the responsibility of others? how is your situation somebody elses fault?\

    also, Clinton sewed the seeds of the housing collapse, and obamacare is being run like Solyndra, if you know what that even is...
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:39:08 No.356201906
    >posting about posts you haven't read like you know something

    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:45:47 No.356202730
    join the military..
    if you can't make it in because of health problems or something, that sucks..
    if you can't make it in because you can't pass the asvab, you're stupid
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:46:08 No.356202768
    My father works 12 hour days for 5 days a week. He is on his feet all day long and constantly walks. He is almost 60 years old. He has been working that this for as along as i can remember. He didnt go to college, he has been working in the restaurant bushiness for basically his whole life. He live comfortably and is able to allow me to go to college, all because he works hard and doesn't spend it on useless things. You dont have to be born rich to live nicely. You just have to be smart and work hard. To me my dad is the greatest man in the world. If fucks like you were half as good as him we wouldn't have these problems.

    TL;DR my dad works hard and lives nicely without anything more than a HS education
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:47:04 No.356202885

    Anon is about the lulz not candy-assry
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:47:49 No.356202965

    You expect me to believe you and all of the people you care about are not having problems with jobs or debt?

    My cousin married a well off guy. he makes a shitload and they own a nice house and all that.. but because this is a problem for EVERYONE who isn't rich as fuck, he's now worrying about his company downsizing and he doesn't know if it means he'll be laid off or not yet. so they constantly worry about losing their house they just bought.

    and he works for hewlett packard making $35hr.

    The whole economy is unstable. I'm not just talking about people who are poor.

    it's also people who are not at all poor knowing they might lose everything soon even thought they are doing everything right
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:48:02 No.356202989

    Also, sage.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:48:28 No.356203046
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    Julian Percy is a self made man. he grew up black in a racist time, but worked hard to get to here he was. his conditions were much worse than your petty shit OP, why cant you be more like him?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:48:44 No.356203073
    If you want the world to take you seriously then don't use fucking internet memes in your protests and FOR FUCKS SAKE DON'T PRANCE AROUND IN THOSE GODDAMN GUY FAWKES MASKS.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:48:55 No.356203086
    money isn't real.. banks and anyone whose career revolves around handling money, are worthless
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:50:35 No.356203302
    OP is a candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:51:10 No.356203369

    Then call him up and ask him about your collage debt VS the declining profit from his business.

    and have you checked out the job market for whatever degree you're going for? Do you have enough saved up to live while you look for a job after you graduate?

    when you get that job, will you be able to afford your debts AND living costs? what about health insurance?

    and what happens when he can't work anymore?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:52:16 No.356203484
    5 days a week = 2 days of????

    school on the week ends ????
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:53:21 No.356203595
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    I'm an American and I don't want healthcare from the government, or the wealthy to pay for my for my healthcare. I want to be able to pay for it on my own. Sorry I don't feel bad for people who went to collage and have debt.

    ITT: First World problems!
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:53:31 No.356203620
    In a land where the social net is so pervasive and the poor so fertile that recipients are out-reproducing taxpayers five to one.
    In a land where the poor people are FAT.
    The Jesus said, "the poor will always be with you."
    The Jesus was right.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:53:40 No.356203639
    >You expect me to believe you and all of the people you care about are not having problems with jobs or debt?
    it's called budgeting and living within your means.
    Over stretching your shit and just praying nothing goes wrong is fucking Nigger logic.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:53:47 No.356203652
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    they do, but they arent blaming it on someone else. they are living frugally and working whatever job they can get. they are not collecting unemployment or welfare because they do not want to add to the problem.

    what is your excuse?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:53:52 No.356203660
    Online classes or weekend classes, roody-poo.

    My mom had to raise 5 kids and fight cancer and she still had time to go back to school in order to become teacher. Fuck your shit you lazy bastard.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:53:58 No.356203671
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    "Oh look, gentlemen, those seem to be hairless primates in a large group. What say you we shoot the bloody things, ol' chaps?"
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:54:13 No.356203701

    OP is a whiney bitch!
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:54:39 No.356203748
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    "Bankers deserve the pay and performance bonuses they get."

    Yeah, because kissing ass and toadying and lying through your teeth and playing with everyone else's money is hard work.

    "They fine-tune their minds and take actual risks. They're the ones taking risks for YOU, America. "

    They're con-men. Firefighters and cops take risks. Soldiers take risks. Offshore Platform workers take risks. Gambling the future of your nartion isn't your risk.

    "Your otherwise worthless economy."

    The economy that Wall St. killed. Don't you fucking forget that.

    "Without banks, without credit, where would you even get a mortgage?"

    Without banks, without credit, without mortgages, people would be conditioned to take care of themselves better, because there would be no other way. Your dogmatic capitalism has weakened the will of the people and made it so that the only way anyone can get ahead is by playing by your rules.

    For those of you on whose behalf I am arguing, shame on you for allowing yourself to fall for the pig-dog's schemes.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:56:39 No.356204010

    Firefighters don't take risks, they show up when shit is already burnt and ask for us to pay for their medical problems.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:56:58 No.356204055
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    After I graduated high school in my small california town in Mendocino County my father was cut off his foodstamps and I spent months 2 years applying for jobs EVERYWHERE literally and no would hire me. It got to the point where I had to learn to bicycle 12 miles into town every day to bug the manager of safeway for a job & steal bologna from the same store to survive.

    I've sinced moved to the bay area (Lucky me) and have found a few part time jobs to get by. I have still yet to land a fulltime job. =[
    >> Anon 10/01/11(Sat)18:57:28 No.356204105
    Op is right! Srsly this is true story
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:57:35 No.356204124
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:58:18 No.356204207

    And the Bay Area is bankrupt
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:59:19 No.356204341
    OP you're doing it wrong

    You watch that video while listening to this simultaneously :
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)18:59:37 No.356204374
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    does the idea of taking someone else's money just because you think you need it more not sound terribly unethical to you? fuck
    you seem awful upset that you're not getting what you deserve, but you're all for taking from other people. you call that compassion?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:00:09 No.356204440
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    >> Deeznuts 10/01/11(Sat)19:00:20 No.356204471
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    I'll be sure to tell the Firefighters you said that when your shit burns down and you're trapped inside...they aren't taking risks for you, no-sir.
    >> King of !LovezFmcSU 10/01/11(Sat)19:00:21 No.356204472
    Oh look, it'd this video. You know, I'm the one that got it over a million views by sending it viral?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:00:40 No.356204512
    i live in the bay area and have been searching for jobs for 3 years. it sucks ass, and I've only had 1 job that was only seasonal. if your that desperate, however, you can always go Seven Trees Rd. and prostitue yourself for money. I'm sure all the Mexicans would love dat ass
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:00:57 No.356204537
    ITT: Hippies do hippy shit that has never accomplished anything. Instead of bitching about people who worked hard for their positions in finance, learn mathematics and join them.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:02:50 No.356204775
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:03:55 No.356204925
    lucky duckies
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:04:21 No.356204978
    Quit complaining. No one in the USA has any right to complain about how hard their life is. Try living in a third world country where your parents have died of AIDS and there's no food for you to eat. Try watching your family die amidst an atrocious drug war. Try accepting some responsibility and getting your shit together. There are always options in this country. We have the richest poor in the world.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:05:12 No.356205062

    what city? san jose?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:05:18 No.356205072
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    >Unemployed for 3 years.
    >Posting drama-queen bwaah on 4c­han.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:05:47 No.356205124
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    Hmm I like it
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:08:59 No.356205519

    OK you do that. I was in the Big Sur fire where the firefighters bragged to me how much money they charged the state while I drank wine and watched my house burn down. I'll tell them to charge your family when they show up after you're dead and your house is burnt to the ground.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:09:19 No.356205564
    but if the rich were all willing to give up just 5% of their wealth the poor could have the kind of things that the middle class have, like computers, efficient appliances and all of the hallmarks of the american way. Are you saying that you think only SOME americans should have those things?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:12:25 No.356205950
    quit looking for part time jobs.
    look into oil companies, they hire people for offshore oil rigs, and derricks in alaska. look into shipping companies, unloading cargo from ups planes, etc. why do you keep looking for jobs at 7-11 if you know they arent hiring. you are just as stupid as OP

    look all over for jobs, not just local grocery stores
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:13:35 No.356206101
    holy shit wow
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:13:51 No.356206137
    God I fucking love AnonOps and this OccupyWallStreet

    The rest of the world has been organizing and fighting back for a while now, these sort of scenes are commonplace throughout Japan, Europe, Russia, North Africa, Middle-East and even in South America, I'm glad the American people have finally joined us.

    And I am loving the reactions of these moronic right-wingers who can't quite believe that something like this is happening, and that their entire pre-fabrciated astro-turf movement is being made to look redundant by a bunch of kids, who's only weapons are courage and determination. Out of nowhere, with no corporate backing, these kids are making a principle stand, and its a stand that will resonate with the vast majority of Americans. Enough is enough!

    Guess what, all you apologists for inequality, all you racists and bigots, all who like to sneer and laugh and hide behind your corrosive cynicism, it is fucking happening, and it seems to me like these kids have got momentum on their side.

    Victory to the protestors. They can't keep you locked up forever. This thing is going to go massive.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:13:57 No.356206149
    >willing to give up just 5% of their wealth

    And the poor (read: unintelligent) will waste the money like they always do, and it'll go back to the top 1% pockets. Do you want a yearly 5% wealth tax to balance things out?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:15:15 No.356206332
    99% of the 1% inherited their money. WHY DON'T THE POOR?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:15:56 No.356206417
    So the liberals have a tea party now. Whoopie. No one gives a shit
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:15:59 No.356206423
    No other opportunity, guess I may as well go kill brown people half a world away for the 1%
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:16:02 No.356206433
    Yes, obviously only SOME -- the people who work to PRODUCE -- should have "nice things."
    I see nig­gers in clownpants on the bus using smartphones that I could barely afford from my 8 to 5 job.
    Why am I paying these pigs to live better than me?

    You are why. Socialist shit like you stealing my paycheck to make worthless slobs fat.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:16:18 No.356206462
    he's just a retarded celebrity who thinks everyone that's not a commie is evil. easy to preach that shit when you're wealthy. gay as fuck just like anon so yes this is indeed fitting for you neckbeards.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:16:58 No.356206539
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    OP you came to wrong fucking place for sympathy.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:17:02 No.356206552
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:17:28 No.356206605
    Im not the guy your talking to, but I'll say that if they want those things, they can buy them with money they work for.

    simultaneously, why dont you give 5% of what you have to some somolian family so that they can have, oh, you know, water, bread, sandles. Are you saying that you think only SOME humans should have those things?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:18:33 No.356206738
    Ausfag here.

    My dad didn't even complete high school.

    Aged 16, he started working as a teller for a bank.

    He is now 51 and in a Senior Management role at a bank, earning $200k + a year.

    He has saved every cent he can, he hasn't bought things he can't afford, we don't have Ferrari's and shit and he hasn't had a day off in 30 years.

    OP, you're in a shit situation. I get it. It's the decisions you and your family made in the past that led you there now. You're right, you can't do much about it. So rather than whinging about the 99% bullshit get the fuck off /b/ and research potential employment/housing elsewhere and help your arthritis-plagued mother search for ways to save money around the house, because you're going to fucking need it for all that dental work.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:19:22 No.356206832

    God you americans are so fucking arrogant, I'm from Britain, and trust me by our standards, which aren't that high, you live in a 3rd world shithole with no public services, awful education, zero healthcare for all but the wealthy.

    You keep telling yourself "no-one in USA has any right to comlain" but the standard of living in the USA is far lower than say, Spain, or Italy, or even Greece and UK, all of which have seen HUGE public outpourings of discontent, riots, protests, etc.

    Its nothing more than arrogance, and it takes no account of the reality, Americans just assume that their standard of living is the best in the world and that no-one there has any right to complain, when in reality America is been sliding towards 3rd world levels of inequality and unemployment is very high, you guys act as if you're Sweden or Norway when in reality you're more like Brazil or Russia.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:20:01 No.356206917
    >has not had solid food in years

    Neithar has had solid pooping I suppose lol
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:20:13 No.356206940
    If the 1% of the US didn't hoarde all the money there wouldn't be this kind of world inequity. I am barely making ends meet while such a thing as a mega yacht builder exists
    >> Bentokitty (Element of Fuzzyness) !!gAyq5lzi952 10/01/11(Sat)19:21:44 No.356207124
    USfag here, sorry about those other guys. not all of us are arrogant/stupid/fat/young earth christians.

    Just the most vocal of us are. :|
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:22:04 No.356207169
    No OP this WAS what this place was about. A long long time ago, now this place is anything but what it used to stand for. Regardless, it's still something myself and those who were here when /b/ was in it's prime still believe, though I think that many have just decided to give up and let it be.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:22:08 No.356207175

    "He is now 51 and in a Senior Management role at a bank, earning $200k + a year."

    Your dad is a criminal and a class enemy and if I had my way I'd have him put up against the wall and shot. I'd sell you and any of this other dependents to a workfare company and make you work 45 hours a week for your foodstamps, just to cancel out the unfair advantages that his ill-gotten criminal wealth bought you as a chid, then if you publicly disowned him I'd let you live the rest of your natural life in peace.

    TL;DR Your dad is a criminal and deserves to die
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:22:45 No.356207250
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:23:37 No.356207364
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    The spending per student in New Jersey where I live is over 20 grand per student. It's not the HURRFFFF 1% it's the inefficiency of liberal educational bureaucracy and inflated salaries of school administrators. The people responsible are a lot more like grown versions of these protesters than they do like Warren Buffet
    >> Bentokitty (Element of Fuzzyness) !!gAyq5lzi952 10/01/11(Sat)19:23:52 No.356207400
    Instead of just "lolcopypasta wikipedia", why don't your own research and cite your own articles?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:23:56 No.356207414
    Speech was rousing, but ultimately mankind is a pile of trash that will always devolve into inciting violence. We are born flawed. To say otherwise is liberal candy-assry.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:24:07 No.356207437
    You cited plenty of countries that are now without money. Thank you for supporting the "don't spend outside your means" argument.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:24:15 No.356207458

    0/10, but yes - great job American! Assume that the wealthy have cheated their way there.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:24:16 No.356207461
    1% of people are bathing in money. 99% of people are dirt poor and have rotting teeth. I do not fit in either group. Therefore, I do not exist.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:24:29 No.356207483
    Move to Cuba.

    Problem solved.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:25:15 No.356207584
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    you aren't fooling anyone newfag.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:25:51 No.356207676
    That was an obvious troll, dude. No one who can spell Greece is that stupid
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:25:59 No.356207690
    >The spending per student in New Jersey where I live is over 20 grand per student.

    Easy fix: jack the price of tan lotion and spray, and hair products, making them chose between being a fucking prat and eating that month.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:26:16 No.356207731

    Tea Party?

    Who the fuck are they?

    No, American now has an "indignacios" movement, in the model of Spain and Greece, something much more important and with far greater potential to change the status quo.

    Tea Party doesn't mean shit, the Tea Party is an American corporate news thing that doesn't mean anything outside the realm of the the US media. However this AnonOps thing is part of a worldwide global democratic movement, and I'm really happy it isn't going to bypass the United States.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:27:24 No.356207861
    >shit, he proved wrong, and sauced it.
    >I'll complain that he cheated by using wikipedia
    how is wikipedia any different? if he found his own links, how would that change the Forbes top list? Its going to be true no matter where it comes from
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:27:33 No.356207879




    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:28:07 No.356207951
    because shithead my point was all of the top 10 billionaires are listed there and right next to it is how they made their money.

    I don't *HAVE* to research how Bill Gates Warren Buffet made their money, everyone fucking knows that
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:28:29 No.356207997
    >Tea Party?
    >Who the fuck are they?
    The over 70 year old set who think social security should be cut but don't realize the effects. The ones who think gays are evil and Obama is a mulsim terrorist from kenya who learned socialist ideas...from his catholic preist.
    Even saying that makes me feel stupid.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:29:28 No.356208122
    I'm not complaining that he used wikipedia, I'm complaining that he didn't do anything but post a URL. ell, he might as well have just posted Google. It dosn't mean there's any relevant or supporting info....
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:29:41 No.356208143

    The people actually vocally involved in anonymous protesting such as with Scientology are always 13-16 year old fags. To say they are making a difference is laughable.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:29:56 No.356208188
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    OR even more likely you see something like this and shake your head and say why don't they just protest the sky for not raining on all countries equally. It would accomplish as much
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:30:05 No.356208209
    I live in a third world country.
    Less than 0.04 of the whole population has AIDS
    There is a lot of NGO support for poor people
    There is no drug war
    Our public education level is better than U.S
    Everyone, including foreigners(even the illegal ones) have acces to public health completely free
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:30:57 No.356208317
    >AnonOps thing is part of a worldwide global democratic movement
    Actually it’s a corporate sponsored movement to marginalize detractors; you are just too fucking retarded to see that. Enjoy the corporate cock in your mouth stupid tool.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:31:02 No.356208332
    >because shithead
    I ask you to back up your point and you call me a shithead rigt off the bat. Lordy, lordy much for backing yourself up. :|

    Get less mad.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:32:07 No.356208467
    You didn't even do that much. You just talked straight out of your ass and I posted a URL saying all 10 of the world's richest men didn't inherit their fortunes. I mean at least be consistent. Are the bad guys americans on wall street or arabs on oil?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:32:08 No.356208472
    We need to make this 99% thing into a meme.

    "I have IQ below 140, I am the 99%"
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:32:35 No.356208526

    Not a troll.

    This idea that somehow the entire world is jealous of America and how rich and prosperous you all are is fucking hilarious to anyone who lives outside it. Go ask a Canadian about this. Or pretty much anyone from Western Europe.

    There are more murders in New York in a week than there are in the UK in a year. And the UK is probably the only country in Europe that can come close the US in terms of poverty and violence.

    Yeah, I'm really jealous, you guys have it so good.

    Enjoy selling your house when you get cancer and have to choose between your fake corporate mortgage or your extortionate health insurance bills!
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:32:45 No.356208548
    But social security should be cut. Look up why so that I won't have to tell you.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:32:56 No.356208563

    I would.. and I have always shared what little extra I have with my mom. I love her, she is my best friend. When I was struggling to work part time before I was diagnosed and put on disability, I'd always send her $20 here and there and share my tax returns... I can't really do much else. She doesn't want to leave that god forsaken shithole house because thats where she grew up and thats the house her parents died in... I know thats her fault, that part..
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:33:08 No.356208590
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    Lost thread for awhile. You seem to misunderstand he doesn't own the place. He is a general manger. He makes far less than the guy who owns it. Who is a raging jewfag. I plan on becoming a chemical engineer, which is one of the top growing fields in the world. Also yes I have money saved up and I work on the weekends and put everything away that isn't used on the rent or food. Although my dad is getting older, I don't believe he will ever stop working until his heart stops. It isn't in his nature to do nothing. Unfortunately tha tis just wishful thinking and there is a point where he will have to stop but it won't be a for a few more years. Long enough for me to get a job and a house. He, unlike poor retards, eats healthy and exercises at his job. Everyone complaining about the conditions in America is just white trash and lazy as shit. Sure there should be better laws with regard to the super rich, but you candy-asss forget something. We can fucking vote. So how about instead of these internet protests how about you try looking into your next governor, congressperson, or shit even your mayor.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:33:17 No.356208608
    I support this
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:33:23 No.356208620
    >>356208467 do realize there's more than one person here, right?
    fuck, I"m namefaggin' again, since you can't tell one anon from another.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:33:42 No.356208659
    ultimate trollage
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:34:21 No.356208758
    I browse newt gingrich at least once a day for fap material
    I am the 99%
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:34:22 No.356208760

    That's because the definition of 1 2 and 3rd world countries goes back to the end of WWII. It's pretty much meaningless. He meant Africa. When Americans say third world they usually mean Africa
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:34:39 No.356208792
    > Look up why so that I won't have to tell you.
    >I have no supporting information so you go digging while I feel self important
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:34:59 No.356208843
    Move to a country with proper healthcare, prblem solved.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:35:34 No.356208927
    Very well then
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:36:05 No.356208994

    there are only ever two people on newt gingrich at one time and you are always talking to the other one
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:36:14 No.356209020
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    thats not what the tea party thinks. you would know that if comedy central wasnt your primary news source
    >> Bentokitty (Element of Fuzzyness) !!gAyq5lzi952 10/01/11(Sat)19:36:42 No.356209080
    Like Canada? Oh wait, that's universal healthcare, that's socia-commu-marxism, Beck said so!

    ((for those who can't tell, that's sarcasm.))
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:36:53 No.356209103
    >I joined newt gingrich last week. I am the 99%
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:37:22 No.356209172

    Hey shit-for-brains, I lived in Germany for 7 years, and they've got things in a better place than the rest of you Euro-snobs. I don't expect you to see the bigger picture, but obviously you shouldn't be complaining about shit, either. Pardon me for speaking from experience and not generalizing. Most of Europe is sliding into 3rd World, as well. Thank your fucking lucky stars you're not on the Euro. I'm fully aware of what's going on in this country and that we're on the brink of collapse. People are gonna die. Dishing out money we don't have to make things "fair" so that lazy fucks can buy a smart phone is not going to keep this economy from crumbling.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:38:09 No.356209276
    yeah you were. and you were butthurt about it
    >> Bentokitty (Element of Fuzzyness) !!gAyq5lzi952 10/01/11(Sat)19:38:34 No.356209333
    My primary news source is living in the middle of fucking Glenn Beck's home town, filled with these tards. Those examples were each from different people, but all were teabaggers, and each derped to the beat of a different drumb.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:39:11 No.356209409
    Yeah but if I were trying to explain the tea party to someone in god knows what country and I didn't want to put any effort into it I don't think I really could have done better.

    Whatever the tea party was, it isn't now because when it started turning into a vomiting mess of stupid most of the OGs left and it became something else
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:39:40 No.356209477
    Arguing outside the scope. We're talking about wealth of a nation in terms of democratic movements. You cited 3 countries that are now facing debt issues to support the argument that the US's standard of living is much less than European nations. This argument is quantifiable. You're the first to bring up jealousy, something unquantifiable in a reliable manner.
    tl:dr I hope youre trollin' son
    >> Bentokitty (Element of Fuzzyness) !!gAyq5lzi952 10/01/11(Sat)19:39:41 No.356209482
    So...I"m butthurt for wanting someone to provide proof, and the guy screaming insults for me daring to question his lack of proof isn't butthurt?

    >> a wild Chomsky appears! Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:39:53 No.356209512
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:40:35 No.356209607
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    so you think that as long as someone is suffering, no one should be allowed to live nicely. that's incredibly unfair
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:41:41 No.356209744
    fuck off, tripfag
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:42:11 No.356209815
    No, that's wrong. As long as someone's suffering, it should be every American's duty to make sure that the person suffering is one of those under-100k-per-year peons.

    Pass the brandy?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:42:30 No.356209847
    Have you considered starving to death, OP?
    Why should anyone else pay for your food, lodging and healthcare?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:45:22 No.356210072
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    ....Oh to be so perfect....

    I bet you are an adonis with a life as well
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:45:32 No.356210093
    >gets confused at who is responding to who
    >I trip to alleviate stupidity
    >rages at my trip

    There's just no pleasing some people.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:45:45 No.356210118
    He did provide proof, you were too lazy to highlight and right click on it. This is why people hate tripfags. If you didn't have a name up you wouldn't feel the need to defend your stupidity, you'd just back away from that stupid comment. Instead we have to watch you compound your dipshittery
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:46:30 No.356210196
    as you pointed out, there is more than one person here, and the one thing we have in common is disdain for tripfagging
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:47:01 No.356210253

    >> op 10/01/11(Sat)19:47:28 No.356210301

    are you one of those who believes it is better to kill off the disabled?
    >> Bentokitty (Element of Fuzzyness) !!gAyq5lzi952 10/01/11(Sat)19:48:08 No.356210374
    He provided a link to the forbes list.
    Not only is that smaller than the 1% in america that was being talked about, but also he failed to reference what parts of the linked document bear relevance to the issue at hand.

    Citation, know how to do it or don't do it at all.

    Also, mrowr.
    >> Bentokitty (Element of Fuzzyness) !!gAyq5lzi952 10/01/11(Sat)19:48:55 No.356210461
    Deal with it then.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:49:01 No.356210474
    How disabled?

    Walks with a limp or Terri Schiavo?
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:49:23 No.356210515
    OP, if I lived in NY and didn't have a sprained ankle I'd be there. I'm in Dallas, and if my ankle is better by the 6th, I'll be at the Dallas occupy wallstreet.

    More people need to get in on this.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:50:31 No.356210635
    I don't think Peaceful protests are going to work anymore. Shit needs get serious.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:51:11 No.356210719
    I believe that if you honestly don't know anyone who is willing to help you survive and you aren't willing to work for what you need, then you're not the kind of person that ANYONE wants around

    If you knew anyone that didn't hate you, they would give you food when you were hungry, etc. Actually starving to death means that you're an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:51:36 No.356210774
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    and he was responding to a horrible dipshit who COMPLETELY MADE UP "99% of the 1% inherited their money" Completely made it the fuck up. Go rage at that guy or do your own fucking research. The weight of evidence is heavily in favor of your side being full of shit
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:51:44 No.356210788
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    Negative, we all have our flaws. Like right now if I was smart I would ignore this thread and continue studying for organic chemistry. And actually other than having a nice body, I'm pretty ugly, but meh its whatever.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:51:59 No.356210825
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    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:51:59 No.356210826
    What would of solved the OPs problems? If her mom brushed her teeth
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:52:44 No.356210922
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    White Male here,

    Sorry nobody in your blood line ever figured out higher education leads to professional careers with salary and security. Honestly the government wants you to depend on them for living, they are basically putting the lower class in the communism. Search your feelings, you may find this true. Now what if I told you that your position was their goal?
    >> Bentokitty (Element of Fuzzyness) !!gAyq5lzi952 10/01/11(Sat)19:52:57 No.356210947
    I may not like what he said, but wrong or not, he had every right to say it. But trying to pass a link with no content as fact is intelectual dishonesty.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:54:07 No.356211091

    I'm not going to let you make an uneducated assumption about what is or is not 'too disabled'.

    I'll tell you that I applied for disability because my former boss suggested I do so.

    Most applicants have to wait an average of 2 years to be approved and most have to appeal at least once, I got it in 3 months with no appeal.

    I have 10 years of consistent medical history.

    I take 9 pills a day.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:55:01 No.356211206
    WHat the holy shit are you going on about?
    >> Bentokitty (Element of Fuzzyness) !!gAyq5lzi952 10/01/11(Sat)19:55:22 No.356211261
    shit sucks, dude :|

    I have a fucked up neck, but not disabled yet. Just stiff, and able to creep people out with loud popping noises.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:55:34 No.356211286
    Burn your college degrees. They are worthless.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:56:46 No.356211443
    a gross creepy tripfag, go figure
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:57:56 No.356211605
    >>Burn your college degrees. They are worthless.

    No. YOUR college degree is worthless. My geology degree is highly profitable if I want to work for a petrol company
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)19:59:21 No.356211778
    >liberal arts major
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)20:01:12 No.356212042

    Yeah.. my neck is messed up too. thats got nothing to do with my disability at all but it still sucks..

    If I had health insurance I would have been diagnosed WAYYYYY back when things first got bad but I HAD O WAY OF GETTING CHECKED OUT..

    So I crawled through life going through hell and homelessness was a near miss many times.

    If I had insurance when I was 18 I would have known, and gotten on disability then instead of STRUGGLING for 9 years and going nowhere because I didn't have the energy or ability to do anything other than prevent myself from being homeless.

    Finally got diagnosed at the hospital when I almost died.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)20:01:38 No.356212106
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    If you think the quality of your life has more value, then fight for it! You can't only preach, you have to be an example. Holding up a sign on Wall Street is not the only way to protest.
    >> Anonymous 10/01/11(Sat)20:01:40 No.356212110
    DO you work for a petrol company?

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