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    File : 1316975577.jpg-(438 KB, 1500x2000, Music Tiers.jpg)
    438 KB Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:32:57 No.355266913  
    I've seen a few of these, most of them horrible, so I made my own. Does /b/ agree?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:34:53 No.355267177
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:35:56 No.355267323
    U2 in high tier?
    fucking disgrace
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:36:06 No.355267344
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:36:23 No.355267372
    ITT 50 yo virginfag sharing his shitty taste in *gud* music
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:37:45 No.355267558

    I agree. I'm serious too.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:37:51 No.355267580
    Where does REM go in there?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:37:54 No.355267586
    op is a retard troll
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:38:43 No.355267695
    >greenday not in shit tier
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:40:23 No.355267896
    God Tier:
    Classic Rock, 80's Metal
    High Tier:
    Post-80's Metal, Death Metal, Indie, Grunge, 90's Hip-Hop, Punk (Sex Pistols, Minor Threat, The Exploited, etc.)
    Low Tier:
    Rock N' Roll, Jazz, Blues, R&B, 80's Music that isn't Metal, Pop Punk (Green Day, Blink-182, etc.)
    Shit Tier:
    Modern Hip Hop, Dubstep, Techno, Pop, Metalcore
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:42:13 No.355268170
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    >metal is shit tier
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:43:26 No.355268352

    So pleb it's not even funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:44:20 No.355268497
    Bruce Springsteen is an overly verbose Camaro fucking greaseball who can't stop the stream of diarrhea from grunting out of his mouth hole. SHIT MUSIC. All of his brainless followers are shit eaters who find excrement sexual.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:44:44 No.355268562
    It's always hilarious when /b/ talks about music.

    I'ma link this thread to /mu/ so we can all have a good laugh about your plebeian taste in music.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:45:17 No.355268641
    >Floyd isn't god tier

    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:46:45 No.355268831
         File1316976405.jpg-(6 KB, 400x238, 2 numeros consecutivos.jpg)
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    >Low Tier

    >House/Electro Swing
    >Not even in list

    Troll harder
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:46:47 No.355268837
    God Tier:
    Classic Rock, Prog. Rock, 80's Metal
    High Tier:
    Extreme Metal, Grunge, 90's Metal
    Mid Tier:
    Death Metal, Reggae, Punk, 90's Rap, Alternative Metal
    Low Tier:
    Rock N' Roll, Jazz, Blues, R&B, 80's Music that isn't Metal, Pop Punk, Nu Metal
    Shit Tier:
    Modern Hip Hop, Techno, Dubstep, Metalcore
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:48:45 No.355269093
    If you put pop,hip-hop,electronic music in shit tier you are likely a basment dwelling candy-ass that doesn't dance with women unless they dress like a guy.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:49:14 No.355269165
    stop being a pretentious hippe dick bag that only likes dad rock.

    GOD tier: black metal, death metal, thrash metal, goth rock, death rock, crust punk, scum punk, techno, electronic, 80s dance rock, mod rock, fem pop, outlaw country

    OK tier: industrial, indie, 80s hip hop, alternative, nordic/celtic folk music, rockabilly, psychobilly, 50s rock.

    SHIT TIER: rap, grunge, r&b, jazz, pop country,. . . .

    HUH i'm not finished but now i want to make my own list
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:50:07 No.355269315
    >arguing about music tastes
    >beauty is in the eye of the beholder
    >why don't you candy-asss argue about what tastes better, or what looks better. there is no right answer
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:51:30 No.355269511
         File1316976690.jpg-(50 KB, 487x600, 1314902561215.jpg)
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    >>Green Day
    >>Punk Rock

    OP is a fag
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:52:24 No.355269648

    I stopped by /mu/ for ten minutes once. Looked like a bunch of sexually frustrated adolescents who shopped for music at Hot Topic. You seem to have the winning combo of brainlessly consuming the shittiest aesthetic and being cartoonishly pretentious about it. Sad, but funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:53:28 No.355269823
    you accidentally the whole thing wrong.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:54:05 No.355269927
    ITT: Neckbeard foreveralone hipsters
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:55:57 No.355270203
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    Op can suck my dick. Unless your gay then you suck my girls clit, Unless your bi then you fuck my dog, unless your a bestiality fag then you blow head off. also go fuck yourself candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:57:25 No.355270430
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:58:42 No.355270606
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    >blues and jazz not in god tier
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)14:59:55 No.355270792
    op confirmed for country-ass white boy.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:01:32 No.355271007
    wtf, jazz? Also prog goes up one teir.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:01:58 No.355271078
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:02:29 No.355271157
    God Tier:
    High Tier:
    Avant-garde classical, Neutral Milk Hotel
    Mid Tier:
    Low Tier:
    Shit Tier:
    Everything else.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:02:35 No.355271177
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    >justin bieber not in god tier
    >obvious troll is obvious
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:02:47 No.355271206
    So since Trance and House aren't in your shitty list OP, I'm sticking them in God Tier.

    And that'll be okay enough.
    >> !DEFECT/Gc. 09/25/11(Sun)15:03:22 No.355271283
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:03:31 No.355271299
    God: post hardcore, ambient, pop-punk (excluding mainstream), djent, street punk, psycho Billy.

    High: metalcore, deathcore, progressive instrumental, occasional modern hip-hop, Celtic punk, pagan metal, classic country, some dub-step, 90s rap.

    Low: the majority of rap music, dub-step, house/electronica.

    Shit: nu metal, modern metal, 80s hair metal, post grunge, classic rock, progressive metal, power metal, modern country, crunkcore, most anything /b/ listens to
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:04:46 No.355271490
    ITT: hipsters
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:04:47 No.355271495
    >God Tier
    >Bob. Dylan.
    Fuck you, you tasteless candy-ass.

    >High Tier
    Just, leave. Get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:05:46 No.355271638
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:06:26 No.355271736
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    >fixd forever

    >too bad


    >and shut up
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:07:41 No.355271925
    ITT: Faggots.
    Stop fucking arguing about taste. No one will ever win. Also, U2 sucks horse cocks, and I'm disgusted by the lack of Stoner Rock, Doom and Psychedelic in here.
    And how the fuck can you rate Jazz that low?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:07:56 No.355271954
    Yeah, Folk rock, classic rock etc. above classical. Plus equaling classical with indie etc.

    No wait, that's bullshit. There's a reason it's called classic.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:08:27 No.355272026
    The pixies fits into low tier?
    Yeah no that's a shit list.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:10:11 No.355272307

    "Jazz - Low tier" fuck you op
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:10:24 No.355272334
    > Punk
    > Green day
    Oh lawd
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:10:31 No.355272359
    I like drum and bass :(
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:10:33 No.355272367
    ITT: entry level /mu/tants and metal neckbeards
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:10:49 No.355272406

    Judging by your post I'd say you're in your mid teen years and have a stereotypical taste in music.

    lol at all the losers who like 80's metal and by default hate anything that isn't 20 years old and played with a distorted guitar.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:12:44 No.355272701
    I think you might be the victim of subjectivity. there is no way that we will ever agree on what good music is. no matter how butthurt you are.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:13:44 No.355272847
    What, no love for Ska anywhere? It's almost impossible to hate that music, it's too happy.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:15:33 No.355273108
    If you slag metal, you clearly know nothing of music.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:17:39 No.355273403
    >High Tier
    >Local Natives

    Marry me OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:18:07 No.355273453
    OP, I think you may be coming down with a case of being a candycandy-ass.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:19:19 No.355273625
    ITT: No one understands music. OP is right so a pretty high amount. Metalfags be gone, your taste in music will always be a disgrace.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:20:06 No.355273737
    I like Blink 182
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:20:19 No.355273764

    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:20:26 No.355273783
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:20:26 No.355273785
    shit tier and god tier... lol
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:20:41 No.355273820
    All you retards hating on metal just cause you dont understand its br00talness fags
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:20:41 No.355273822

    this. a million times this.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:21:10 No.355273900
    God tier: The doors
    High tier: Everything else
    Shit tier: Pop
    Forward slash motherfucking thread
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:21:44 No.355273978

    metalfag + newfag detected.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:21:50 No.355273987
    wtf are you from the 60's OP ahahah Green day Tupac and those low tiers are the real god tiers
    also my god tiers are Eminem,Limp Bizkit, Sum, Blink, Breaking benjamin Emo rock is cool as long as it isn't Black veil brides I mean they are like girls Breaking benjamin is super cool
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:22:17 No.355274052
    wait for the drop at 0:55

    jazz/hip hop fusion

    op your taste is absolute fucking shit
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:22:56 No.355274134

    fail troll
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:23:23 No.355274202
    idiot + wannabe oldfag detected.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:23:24 No.355274205
    >jazz musicians

    Clearly you have thoroughly sampled all of these genres and understand them well.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:23:50 No.355274257
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:24:47 No.355274357
    >john williams

    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:26:45 No.355274615
    lol classic rock is in God Tier. People just love listening to the SAME SHIT over and over and over for decades. Go U!
    >> OP 09/25/11(Sun)15:26:53 No.355274642
    thanks for the lulz guys! Glad we all have similar musical tastes.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:28:25 No.355274866
    go bug /m/ about this
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:28:40 No.355274904
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    >mfw hardcore isn't listed
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:32:26 No.355275366

    Metal belongs in high tier.

    Classical/orchestral belongs in god tier.

    Prog rock belongs in shit tier

    Everything you put in god tier except folk belongs in shit tier.

    And you clearly know nothing whatsoever of metal.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:33:14 No.355275464
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    errbody hatin on dubstep
    fuck you people
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:33:35 No.355275507
    >mfw candy-asss
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:34:00 No.355275580

    and jazz belongs in god tier
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:35:23 No.355275753
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    my list :D
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:35:28 No.355275772
    these sound like tiers a middleschooler would give who listened to nothing but shitty clearchannel radio stations
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:36:30 No.355275918
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    I like music in the god, high, and shit tiers.
    I ain't even mad
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:36:35 No.355275927
    I'm not trolling newfag I just said what I think
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:38:27 No.355276150
    that is the wrongest thing thats ever been stated ever and you should feel bad because its so wrong it might break the universe because of how wrong it is using its power of wrongness. its so wrong it may change the definition of wrong as we know it and will be used for years as a benchmark for being wrong
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:39:18 No.355276269

    yaaaaaaawn. at least make the trolling interesting. Like, give a really sophisticated argument why Blink182 is unmatched genius
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:39:41 No.355276323
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    bad troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:42:15 No.355276657
    so what's so wrong :D please fell free to re-write the list
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:42:42 No.355276728
    Thing about taste is that one can find all the elements that he ostensibly enjoys, but still dislike the music. Case in point: Power Metal.
    We have a good melody. (Classical and rock lovers should eat this up)
    We have actual, honest-to-goodness talent. (Classical and jazz enthusiasts should appreciate this, along with those who enjoy 80's era rock and metal)

    There is technicality. (You tired of hearing the same beat and guitar riff again and again? Power Metal has your back.)
    There is diversity. (You want drums high in the mix? Have it. You want guitars firing away on almost every second of the song? No problem. You want flutes? By the dozen. Piano? Easy. Violins? Get outta here! You got it! You want bag pipes? Let's have some bagpipes! Wait, no bagpipes? O.K., well, that was a little-- WE HAVE THAT!)

    Many different singers. (The difference in the powerful, low register of Sabaton's singer, to the high pitched but strong and consistent Power Quest, to the spectacularly gruff and vast range of Wuthering Height's singer cannot be ignored.)

    There's power metal that lead with a flute, or has singing throughout the entire song, or just instrumentals that last ten minutes.
    We have power metal that utilizes a full orchestra, and power metal that relies on nothing but four guitars.

    You want something that sounds like a movie score? Rhapsody of Fire and Fairyland gotcha covered.

    You want a more rock sound? Firewind and Astral Doors are available for your listening pleasure.
    You want various singers in the same song? Avantasia.
    Covers of older, popular songs in the metal, film score style? Northern Kings.

    Want folk influences? Almora. Falconer.
    You want neo-classical flurries and melodic guitars? Galneryus, Heavenly.

    You want music technical, dynamic, melodic and epic, with a wide range of instruments and a powerful singer?
    Aquaria. Angra.

    I mean, blast it all, this music is incredible! I gotta go listen to some, now.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:42:57 No.355276758
    actually our preferences arise due to a shared biology and it can be genuinely said that people failing to understand certain kinds of music lack a capacity for critical listening.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:45:04 No.355277030
    God Tier: Pop, Rap, Alt Rock, Electronic/Dubstep

    Mid Tier: Country, Hip Hop, Classical, Jazz

    Shit Tier: Classic Rock, Modern Rock, Disco

    Not Music Tier: Metal, All forms of rock not previously mentioned
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:46:46 No.355277238
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    Metal up your fucking ass, you fucking fäggot niggër!

    I would skullfuck you to death you pathetic shitlicker!
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:53:13 No.355278097
    Ascended God tier: Afrobeat, Bossa Nova, Samba, Art Rock

    God Tier: Progressive Rock, Ambient, Triphop, Post-Rock, Alternative Hip-Hop, Post-Punk, Witch House,

    High Tier: Psychedelic, Folk, Folk Rock, Post-Hardcore, Chillwave, Darkwave, IDM, Noise, Space Rock, Dreampop, Shoegaze

    Normal Tier: Pop, Hardcore, Pop Punk, Gangster Rap, Alt Rock, Indie Rock, Noise Rock, Stoner Rock, Freak Folk, Indie Pop, Detroit Techno, Synthpop

    Low Tier: Reggae, Ska, Anti-folk, Folk Punk, Black Metal, Sludge Metal, Progressive Metal

    Very Low/Shit/Unlistenable Tier: Blues, Metalcore, Swing, Dubstep, Death Metal
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:53:16 No.355278102
    I've never agreed less to a tier chart. You suck and your grasp of music is poor.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)15:55:36 No.355278372
    >U2 is high tier

    also, Grateful Dead God Tier or High Tier?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:00:24 No.355278970
    Oh yeah and Emocore is low tier, and put Math Rock in unlistenable.

    Classical and all forms of jazz are just something universally great.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:00:31 No.355278981
    I like all kinds of music, but there is always a shit ton of absolute garbage in any genre.

    If you guys hating on metal give this an honest listen, I'll gladly listen to whatever you throw at me.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:02:08 No.355279171
    i like your taste. +1
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:04:07 No.355279420

    What would you know about Metal? ya fucking Nigger, Go back to reddit Faggot.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:05:11 No.355279557
    >implying metal isnt for f­aggots
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:08:28 No.355279973
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    GTFO candy-ass MFW
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:09:19 No.355280094
    This is just generically metal to me. Is this supposed to be impressive? Is this topical or relevant to your life at all? Seems like another shallow pool of metal posturing as though being a fan of this makes you cool and deep. It isn't bad per se, it's just an immense chore even as I listen to it now. It's as if the artists have no semblance of editing skills or self-censure to keep the song interesting and artful. It seems lazy and pointless to draw on a song without any particular experimental lean; they are just playing more to try and show off that they can play their instruments, not to tell some story or perform some experimental genre-reductive technique.

    Hi, I can see you are a candy-ass, and you are new here. Metal is universally derided on this very specifically anime-themed site as music that only closeted homosexual, basement-dwelling fatties like.

    Jesus christ, you are every neckbeard we all hate. Shut up and GTFO.
    In short, LURK MORE.
    >> sage grows in all fields 09/25/11(Sun)16:09:45 No.355280148
    >classical not in god tier
    >80's not in shit tier
    >progressive rock not in god tier
    >hip hop in shit tier

    What the fuck am I reading a twelve year old suburban white kid.

    I hope you're trollin' me OP. Either way, you're a faggоt.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:11:00 No.355280295
    Fuck yea
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:11:52 No.355280416
    ▲ ▲
    I give you my seal of approval.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:11:55 No.355280423
    Do you even know what R&B actually is? It means Rhythm and Blues.

    If you weren't such a candy-ass OP, you might know that The Rolling Stones are R&B group.

    Also, Metal should be higher up. But you're a candy-ass. Go back to reddit or memebase.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:15:06 No.355280830
    Song pretty good but I prefer metal songs with actual voice.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:15:50 No.355280910

    HHURRR.... troll harder hipster Fags.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:16:29 No.355281003
    I'm not going to argue with your opinion. Although (and this is going to sound elitist, even though I don't mean it to be), not being a fan of metal you don't realize why this is better than all the other garbage that most "metal" fans listen to. Of course, this is a matter of opinion and doesn't really have any bearing on anything whatsoever.

    >they are just playing more to try and show off that they can play their instruments, not to tell some story or perform some experimental genre-reductive technique.

    This song isn't even that technical, and it sure as shit isn't the ridiculous guitar wankery a lot of other fagg­ots try to pawn off as good music.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:17:40 No.355281164

    You have my sword.

    But, you mixed Power and Epic metal into one (still, both are awesome).
    >> deleted 09/25/11(Sun)16:18:40 No.355281289
    I haven't scrolled down the entire thread is going to be:
    >my opinion is better than yours.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:19:16 No.355281357
    A lot of people share that sentiment. I think it adds to the atmosphere, intensity and overall feeling of the music, but that's just me. I guess I've been listening to shit like this for so long it doesn't even phase me, yet a lot of other people always get so turned off by it.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:19:17 No.355281363
    everyone has these extreme ideas of what metal is, too bad because of their ignorance and Faggotry they will never understand just how shit everything else is in comparison.

    >Die hipster Faggots
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:19:28 No.355281384
    im not a hipster you fag
    i listen to rock and roll, not your shitty ass grown men screaming about the devil bullshit
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:20:14 No.355281500
    This is fucking terrible. Go suck a dick OP.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:20:30 No.355281536
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    Fuck your shit bitch nigga
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:25:03 No.355282057
    Let me try

    Music I listen to: some dub, some rap/hip hop, some rock, some classic, some folk

    Music I don't listen to but still enjoy: everything else (don't really like radio pop music though)
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:25:19 No.355282091
    Troll. U2? Rock and roll? Dude.. You put folk in the god tier? I hope u get hit by a bus
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:25:53 No.355282164
    >you're a hipster because you don't like my music

    Just means I'm discerning and you aren't. Try a bit harder next time, neckbeard.
    I'm familiar with the band. I know metal fans think this is the "hip metal," which elitists can latch onto because it is less like metal and more like other, better genres.

    This is guitar wankery, just like most metal. It doesn't need to be super technical to impress metal fans, does it? They are used to terrible, sub-par playing so they flock to technical purity.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:26:25 No.355282232
    >Classical only high tier

    Thread was obviously made by some 40 year old grunge rocker neckbeard.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:27:28 No.355282346
    > CLASSICAL MUSIC (very high iq)
    > ROCK AND METAL (high iq)
    > POP (medium iq)
    > DANCE (women, low iq)
    > HIP HOP (nigga iq)
    > TECHNO (yonki iq, brain damaged)
    > REGGAETON (sudamerica iq, monkey iq)
    > FARTS (tard iq)
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:27:43 No.355282368
    Dude, most of us who hate metal have listened to it a lot, hence why we hate it so deeply. We aren't some fags who just listened to Opeth all the time, christ almighty you are assuming so much. It's fallacious to argue we know nothing, when its the naive and inexperienced who are so inclined to love something rather than hate it.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:27:55 No.355282400
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:28:25 No.355282456
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    >mfw classical isn't god tier
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:29:51 No.355282606
    i listen to two or three from every tier daily.
    am i a bad person?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:31:49 No.355282849
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    fuck off op.
    Nirvana is god tier, Floyd is god tier, and dubstep is alright if you smoke weed.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:33:17 No.355283016

    Yes, I do rock a neckbeard, Thank you for the compliment.

    I accept other tastes it music, I may not like it, but I don't need to boost my ego by expressing my hate for something I will never understand.
    Non-metal fans lay shit on metal because it's not their taste, Metal fan promote metal... not dis on other genres.

    You sir, are, and always will be an ignorant Faggot, grow up retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:33:25 No.355283030
    god tier:
    people which can respect other peoples opinions and let them listen to whatever they want

    shit tier:
    people which makes stuff like this
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:35:19 No.355283260
    Well fuck me...Isnt it a surprise that Op was a complete fag today...
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:35:45 No.355283310
    also shit tier
    people who can't use which and who appropriately.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:36:08 No.355283346
    Learn what true emo is.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:36:33 No.355283402
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:37:15 No.355283476
    >Pink Floyd not in God-tier
    >U2 in same tier as the Who and Floyd
    >Jazz in Low tier

    OP is retarded.

    Shit-tier is accurate though.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:37:35 No.355283503
    >thinks Bruce Springsteen is God Tier
    >can't spell Springsteen
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:38:26 No.355283605
    Hips Hop and Jazz needs to be higher.

    Sure is middle-school in here.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:38:46 No.355283638
    also shit tier:
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:41:07 No.355283912
    This whole thing is wrong way up. Dubstep should be at the top. And I think Fall Out Boy were amazing. See how this works?

    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:41:21 No.355283953
    You know pretty much nothing about music if you put jazz musicians in the low tier. No, I'm not talking about your taste, I'm talking about the fact that those are some of the best musicians out there.

    tl;dr bad list
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:41:46 No.355284010
    I would switch the top and high tiers.

    I like a wide variety of things (by far mostly Common Practice), but I like Tupac, so I object to his being specifically put in "low".
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:42:44 No.355284117
    Every time I see one of these that puts dubstep, techno, or metal in shit tier, I rage, ignore the thread, then move on.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:42:54 No.355284139
    Recommend me some power metal artists
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:44:41 No.355284361
    techno is low iq? sure, tell that to my masters degree
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:45:30 No.355284433
    God tier
    > Impressionism, Classical, Jazz Fusion, Progressive Rock/metal, jazz, original sound track, Djent.
    Good tier
    >Classic rock, electronic, general metal, old school hip-pop
    Poor tier
    >Punk, pop, Indie, emo/screamo, hardcore, happy hardcore.
    Kill it with tier
    > Modern rap, Dubstep, Techno, Grindcore.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:46:00 No.355284506
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:46:39 No.355284580
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    >using souljia boy as an example for hip hop
    >> FUCK YOU 09/25/11(Sun)16:47:41 No.355284693
    i usually dont post but ops post is so full of FAGOT that i just had to let him know how much of a FAGOT he is
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:48:24 No.355284764
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:48:47 No.355284801
    >Thank you for the compliment.
    Looking like a fat manchild who lacks hygiene and a job is not complimentary.
    > for something I will never understand.
    Get it through your fat metal-loving head, I already listened to metal for a large portion of my life and understood the appeal, and in turn I rejected it when I realized how childish and piss-poor the entire genre is, was, and will always be. Grow up and stop thinking only you understand metal. If your understanding was the only one, there would be no criticism; hence, why metal stagnates even now. You lack the capacity to be criticized because anyone who does bring critical thought and dissent is dismissed as not being of the Truest Kvlt Metal Fans, and therefore incapable of seeing the deepest truths and awesomeness of metal. You see the genre through biased, rose-colored goggles, which make any turds look like masterpieces to your uncultured swine eyes. Thus, any other genre's pearls seem to pale in comparison to shit you love.

    I listen to far more music than you ever could, and it's because I grew out of the kiddie pool of metal, and graduated into being eclectic and loving music as a whole. If anyone needs to grow up because he is a manchild who can't shave his lazy metalfag beard and wear big boy clothing (not those gay metalcore vests you kiddies all wear these days, thinking it's cool to stink and wear hobo clothes), it's you.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:49:03 No.355284829
    lol @ rap being in low tier. fucking eminem is a better songwriter than paul simon and springstean. inb4 HURP DURP I'VE ONLY HEARD NOT AFRAID, THEREFORE HE SUCKS. go fuck yourself. writing REAL rap lyrics is 100x harder than riding rock lyrics.

    also, inb4 ALL RAP SOUNDS DA SAME. i can make the same idiotic statement for rock and see how hard you all rage. rock = look at me i party all night, i sign about women. kiss, ac/dc, the beatles.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:50:38 No.355284978
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    Wailin' Jennys. it'll blow your mind.

    pic related. <3
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:50:53 No.355285008

    0/10 newfellow.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:51:53 No.355285120
    OP is a candy-ass. As if some genre were superior to othrs. There is shit and god in every genre
    >> Slow Down You! White Plebian !1ZO0000//k 09/25/11(Sun)16:52:15 No.355285155
    Elder God Tier:
    Black Metal, Powerviolence, Post-Rock, Smissingnoh Jazz, Delta Blues, Post-Hardcore, Post-Punk, Noise Punk, Dancepunk, Traditional Pop, Shoegaze, Blackgaze

    God Tier:
    Math Rock, Indie Rock, Indie Pop, Synthpop, Classical, Sludge Metal, Stoner Metal, Dubstep, Emo, Tribal Hip-Hop, Turntablism, Drum & Bass, Glitch, IDM, Dark Ambient, Acid Techno

    Demi God-Tier:
    Harsh Noise, Alternative Hip-Hop, Trip Hop, Detroit Techno, Electro House, House, Hardcore, Djent, Technical Death Metal, Blackened Thrash Metal, Progressive Metal, Post-Metal, AtmoSludge, Skramz, Crack Rock Steady, Breakbeat, Breakcore, Jazzcore, Avant-Garde, Doom Metal

    Contemporary Classical, Art Rock, Art Metal, Ambient, Noise Rock, Psychedelic, Neo-Psychedelic, Prog, MeloDeath, Thrash Metal, Groove Metal, Deathcore, Melodic Hardcore, Pop-Punk, Ska, Ska Punk, Progressive House, Big Beat, Avant-Jazz, Funeral Doom

    Avant-Garde Metal, Horrorcore, Metalcore, Post-Jazz, Psychedelic Blues, Traditional Blues, Rock 'n' Roll, NuJazz, Lolicore, Big Beat, Techno, Grindcore, every Grindcore sub

    Bad Tier:
    Hair Metal, Power Metal, Country, Swamp Rock, Happy Hardcore, Nightcore, Alternative Rock, Grunge, Radio Pop

    Trance, Gospel, Bluegrass, Christian Hardcore, Christian Metalcore, Unblack Metal, Speed Metal
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:53:28 No.355285279
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    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:53:47 No.355285319
    No, Speed Metal is godly. GTFO tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:54:53 No.355285427

    Musical education = Wikipedia
    >> Slow Down You! White Plebian !1ZO0000//k 09/25/11(Sun)16:55:04 No.355285447
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    >implying anynewt gingrich actually enjoys speed metal.
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:55:07 No.355285451
    Breakin' my heart
    >> Slow Down You! White Plebian !1ZO0000//k 09/25/11(Sun)16:57:14 No.355285636
    As opposed to your years of experience lurking /b/ and listening to entry level shit?
    >> Anonymous 09/25/11(Sun)16:57:51 No.355285686
    but you also think art rock is just "decent"

    which is proof positive you dont know anything

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