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  • File : 1316585009.jpg-(28 KB, 583x445, hmo.jpg)
    28 KB Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:03:29 No.354483981  
    Only in America

    > Pay $12,000 a year to an HMO
    > Being denied a $10000 treatment

    > $80,000 for an MRI in USA
    > $637 dollars (paid by the state though) in Mexico

    > Sorry, we are unable to cover your expenses for Cancer treatment so you will die and we will keep all the money you paid us for 20 years. - Good Samaritan Medical Board

    It is not even funny or trolling, you American candy-asss are fucked in the head. How can something that for 100 other countries is common sense, which is keeping your own people alive and healthy be a fucking business. Denying people the RIGHT to live on and always keeping them afraid of getting sick because a mere operation to reattach a finger is $60,000, an MRI can buy a Ferrari and a fucking surgery to take out a tumor is $125,000

    Is a Socialist health care system that bad to your indoctrinated sheep imbecile heads?


    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:08:15 No.354484672
    Bump for health
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:08:47 No.354484762
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:12:20 No.354485293
    Thanks for the bump, spammer.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:13:44 No.354485489
    you know what op, im a proud american

    but you're right, i hate america for our fucking stupid healthcare system and i'd rather live in canada for this reason
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:13:50 No.354485504
    health baump
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:16:16 No.354485848
    Even Mexico has an outstanding universal health care plan.

    How is it possible that 3rd world countries take better care of their people than what is supposed to be ''the greatest country in the world''?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:17:24 No.354485997
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    did you just call me an imbecile head?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:17:52 No.354486066
    go to these 3rd world countries and look at the conditions and quality control
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:17:52 No.354486067
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:18:52 No.354486191

    Because this is America. They would charge us to breathe if people were dumb enough here, which they almost are. Everything is about money. Nobody here cares about anynewt gingrich else, everyone is entirely too wrapped up in who died, when dinner is, and what time their favorite TV show is coming on.

    "You are free to do as we tell you"
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:18:59 No.354486203

    I ask the same question

    Well, I have the answer: it's all capitalism. It's all about money
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:19:07 No.354486219

    Clearly you've never left the United States. Mexico has fantastic health care.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:20:32 No.354486404
    >implying Mexico is in any way, shape, or form keeping its citizens alive. You candy ass roody poo newt gingrich motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:20:55 No.354486462


    and if you think this is wrong, you're clearly a communist socialist who just want to be lazy leeches
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:21:02 No.354486471
    They are outstanding, the country might be fucked up but hospitals are great, no lighty whitey art on the walls faggo.try, but efficient and awesome care for EVERYBODY, emergency rooms are FAST (read: Real emergency rooms)

    I have lived in both the US and Mexico and the difference is remarkable quality and cost wise

    Read this:

    Providing health for everynewt gingrich does not mean that Mussolini or Lenin are going to come out of their graves and conquer your shit.

    Stupid Americans.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:22:01 No.354486617
    >>354486462 here

    was refeering to the part about the costs of american health care, obviously
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:23:09 No.354486766
    Clearly you've never been IN Mexico. They roll heads down the street. We drive slowly past bad car wrecks; they gather in the streets in mobs around bodies in blood pools pulled limb from limb and left in a macabre little arrangements.
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:23:20 No.354486790
    Mexico, Canada, the UK, France, etc, etc are Capitalist and they have Universal health care.

    There is something particularly wrong with America which is beyond my understanding.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:23:43 No.354486835
    "Greatest country in the world"
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:24:15 No.354486904
    Don't try to fix the system when you know nothing about it OP. You don't even know why it sucks, you're too lazy to actually think of anything else but 'Government will fix all our problems'.

    The Netherlands have similar health care to America, the difference is their insurance companies compete, and it runs smissingnoher than disgusting fucking free, expensive stupid hospitals we have here in Australia.

    Last Friday I jumped off a roof because I didn't think of the consequences, because why should I, shit's free, they won't even tell me to be more carefull if I hurt myself. And what do you know, I poped my elbow (Hinge joint no more). After a cool 6 hour wait in the hospital, they invite me into the fucking Emergency ward, sit me down for another 45 minutes, give me an x-ray, play with it for a bit and give me a dick head sling and wrist support. It took them less than 15 minutes. Governments run Businesses like retards, why would you want this.
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:24:38 No.354486956
    > Mexico's life expectancy: 77.6 years
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:24:59 No.354487005
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    Here in Australia, i just Pay a Medicare Tax of 5% on my income.
    No extra charges.
    Umad Amerifags?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:25:02 No.354487015

    It's downright evil, the worst greed there is. We're literally paying for the right to live.

    I'm 25 now, and in one year my insurance runs out. My company doesn't offer it and buying my own will mean major cutbacks. Even still, a serious injury/cancer/shit will have me paying out the nose while my already expensive insurance only covers a part of the costs.

    All because a bunch of rich old white guys want even more money, so they fool the religious idiots into believing they don't need it. So sick of this country sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:25:21 No.354487050
    Don't try to fix the system when you know nothing about it OP. You don't even know why it sucks, you're too lazy to actually think of anything else but 'Government will fix all our problems'.

    The Netherlands have similar health care to America, the difference is their insurance companies compete, and it runs smissingnoher than disgusting fucking free, expensive stupid hospitals we have here in Australia.

    Last Friday I jumped off a roof because I didn't think of the consequences, because why should I, shit's free, they won't even tell me to be more carefull if I hurt myself. And what do you know, I poped my elbow (Hinge joint no more). After a cool 6 hour wait in the hospital, they invite me into the fucking Emergency ward, sit me down for another 45 minutes, give me an x-ray, play with it for a bit and give me a dick head sling and wrist support. It took them less than 15 minutes. Governments run Businesses like retards, why would you want this.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:25:25 No.354487060
    Money, more money, and American Idol baby. Fuck with my Tivo, I slit yo throat. Charge me whatever for insurance, AS LONG AS I GET MY MCDONALDS NIGGAS!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:26:11 No.354487146
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:26:54 No.354487246
    > Implying it works as shitty in other countries

    > Implying you rather pay tens of thousands of dollars and be in debt for decades because you needed a surgery
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:26:58 No.354487254
    Who the fuck is charging 80k for an MRI, did you get the machine to keep or something? I (or rather my insurance) pay 4k.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:27:03 No.354487263
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:27:49 No.354487367
    itt: Communists.
    Enjoy your flawed economic theories.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:29:02 No.354487533

    Try going to Germany. They're required to have a doctor follow the paramedics to the hospital and their health care system is very reknown. \

    Do they have the same candy-assry as the USA? Fuck no.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:30:50 No.354487787
    it costs doctors more to deal with all these 'competing' insurance companies. they all have their own forms, their own way of settling bills and docs need to hire more people to deal with it. go into you local docs office and ask them what their cash discount is. don't be surprised when its 25-30 percent. a single-payer system would streamline massive amounts of bullshit paperwork and cut overhead costs (assuming idiot free marketers in congress don't try to cripple it with retarded legislation)
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:30:58 No.354487806
    broke fags thinking 'ma money goin' git me best medcine' dumbbitch.jpg
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:31:50 No.354487922
    I rather have a shitty economy where I just get to change my car every 5 years and not buy an iPad every 3 weeks than have to die from not being able to pay to save my live-
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:34:26 No.354488287
    Lol, that's why I love being in a military family. I'm under my dad's insurance (Tri-care prime) until I'm 26. Surgeries and cancer treatments have never been cheaper. :3
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:35:12 No.354488405
    How can you live in The Land of The Free when you are perpetually shacked to the chains of Death and living as a slave of fear and HMOs

    Shit, a baby born in El Salvador has a better life expectancy and higher quality of development than a baby born in Detroit, be it a nigglet or a cracker.

    That is fucked up
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:36:13 No.354488547
    Good luck saving your life after 26, bro.

    I'm glad you have it good right now, though.

    I seriously hope your country fixes its health care problems as soon as possible.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:37:52 No.354488777
    Well, I'm pre-med at the moment. I should be a doctor by the time I'm 26. I'll be fucking running an HMO, so I don't know what I'll have to worry about. :)
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:39:18 No.354488978
    >Free health insurance covers up to $500,000
    >Free dental, prescription
    >$350,000 life insurance

    Feels good.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:39:22 No.354488985
    >Implying americunts aren't getting fucked over by their shitty economy as we speak
    >Implying socialist countries like Norway isn't being voted best country to live in and richest country in the world while capitalist america is collapsing
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:39:27 No.354489004
    america = babylon the great

    save yourself
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:39:37 No.354489030
    socialization of medicine is what drove those prices so high in the first place and government regulation is what put most of the charitable christian hospitals out of business. most of us are too young to realize but this scenario where people can't get treatment is a relatively new phenomenon in this country. the old system independent of gov't interference worked great and in fact was regarded as the best in the world for a long long time.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:41:26 No.354489268
    We had fraternal HMOs that you had to pay 5¢ a year into for full coverage until the US government stepped in and "fixed" that, lol. GG socialism.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:42:57 No.354489459
    $60,000 for an MRI scan?

    My boss just got a free one last months here where I live...
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:43:18 No.354489508
    Yeah, right on Sport.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:47:05 No.354490009

    >claims an mri costs 80k
    >expects to be taken seriously
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:48:37 No.354490203
    lol i'm in sweden. They would probably pay me for breaking my arm.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)02:57:22 No.354491308
    You can thank the Republicans for making sure everyone continues to get fucked by the healthcare industry.
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)02:58:01 No.354491411
    > Mexico: Free Health Care, Free education up to high school, 100 dollars a semester College education; all of my professors have master degrees. 20% income tax. NO BULLSHIT SALE TAXES

    > France: Free Health care, Free basic and College education.

    > Afghanistan: Free health care.

    > USA: Most expensive health care in the world. Mediocre basic education. Most expensive College education. On average a college student remains in debt 7.5 years after graduating.
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)03:05:28 No.354492408
    Well, I guess I will let this thread die just like the will to live and fight of American people.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:05:33 No.354492417
    He's not too far off. You can easily get ripped for that much if its 'emergency imaging'. The really sick part is, all these people quoting the price their insurance company pays are way off...

    The private-party cash payment for any medical procedure can often be 10x higher than the rates which the insurance giants have negotiated for. That's right, a gigantic, multinational corporation gets a better deal than someone who couldn't afford health insurance in the first place. I actually heard a story on NPR about the merits of 'price-shopping' for medical care facilities. You know, because, I don't want to get treated at the best facility for my condition, I would much rather hunt and peck for who is going to rape me less.

    Also, some perspective for eurofags. I'm 26, in excellent health, and for decent and inclusive health coverage (ie similar protections to national plans) I am quoted rates of about $650 a month.
    For cut-rate where I may be liable for half the cost of procedures, I can pay closer to $300 a month. Just don't get sick!

    Furthermore, if you dont have the cash, they'll just put a lien on your house/take it to auction, seize your assets, and garnish any future wages until you pay down your debt (with interest). The other fun fact is that healthcare and education have both lobbied to make their debt bankruptcy-proof. So even if you declare total insolvency, you will still carry over your debt from medical procedures and education, the two things that are free in places like Norway, Sweden, etc.

    Fun facts!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:12:08 No.354493220
    >The other fun fact is that healthcare and education have both lobbied to make their debt bankruptcy-proof.
    Which are also, ironically, the top two reasons why people file bankruptcy. Gotta love this fucked up country we live in. Anyone who says America is the greatest country, or even in the top 5, is a fucking moron with a huge amount of cognitive dissonance.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:12:42 No.354493287
    Poor collegefag here... I hate America, I really do. I'm on my dad's dental until I'm 21 (2 years) and health insurance until I'm 26.

    I currently make less than $10k/year (work near minimum wage part time, as in when I'm not in classes). For ONE (1) year of college I've racked up $10k in loans despite graduating top 5 of my class and a ton of other awards. Only in America can you not pay for college with ~$20k in scholarships. If I don't get more scholarships I'm looking at $40k or more in debt by the time I'm done... If I land an entry-level job in my field (Finance) I can make anywhere between $50k and $75k the first year. IF... Since, you know, the economy sucks here and getting a job, even a minimum wage one, is like gold.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:16:23 No.354493701

    I live in the US, every emergency room I have ever been to is like this. Your statement is false.
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)03:16:31 No.354493722
    You guys might also want to see this documentary

    Michael Moore - Sicko

    Take a look at how HMOs and your government make you pay 300X the amount for a medicine than what you would pay in France, Cuba, Canada or any other country with UH
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:17:27 No.354493829

    That's what happens when people spend all their money on bombing hungry children.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:18:09 No.354493915
    >>implying *right to live* is a right.

    >>being alive for any amount of time is a privilege
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:19:48 No.354494096
    Then putting a bullet in your head shouldn't be taking away your rights then. After all, you said it was a privilege and privileges can be taken away without repercussions.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:20:15 No.354494154
    You're a stupid candy-ass. Next time land on your neck.
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)03:25:35 No.354494791
    SO many sociopaths in America, it is not funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:25:47 No.354494815
    That fucker is just as bad as the retarded family I live with, not mine. They are on food stamps, both get a lot of assistance and free money for college because they spawned two little brats while being poor, AND are libertarians. They don't even see anything wrong with this at all. It's fucking pathetic how absolutely selfish, hypocritical, and inconsiderate most people are and they don't even care that they are this way.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:26:21 No.354494895

    I knew you guys were stupid but...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:27:05 No.354494957
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:31:44 No.354495575
    When people have money to pay for medical care, they can, will, and fail to see a problem for it. If medical care can be a commodity like, say, food and electricity that everyone needs to buy and America is generally wealthy why would we develop a universal health care system?

    It's only been a big buzz recently because medical costs have been steadily increasing.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:35:49 No.354496116
    imagine a thing. a thing that entered a host and occupies it and takes its shape. it's a virus and slowly over time the entire host becomes the virus. america is full of idiots who are being sucked dry by evil rich assholes. they call it capitalism and trick the idiots into thinking that some day they will be the clever fucks screwing everyone over.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:37:14 No.354496294
    universal health care in Finland:

    Spend 5days in a hospital
    Draw blood like 20times
    Doing all sorts of test including various scans w/ big machines
    BILL:195€≈267$(incl. stay, food, tests, medicin while there)
    estimate for costs in the states for a similar stay ANYONE?

    almost forgot, probably the best healthcare in the world..
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:37:32 No.354496334
    >It's only been a big buzz recently because medical costs have been steadily increasing.
    Are you high or just retarded? Medical costs are outrageously high and have been for a long time. If you are trying like hell to get out of poverty and need any kind of surgery or seriously ill, you're fucked and mostly will stay in poverty for the rest of your miserable life.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:37:56 No.354496391
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:39:00 No.354496511
    >implying you don't cover some of the cost with taxes
    >implying that Finland has the same health catastrophes as the United States [obesity, baby boomers needing more medical care, etc.]
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:39:43 No.354496605
    wait why are you pissed they were treating the people with strokes and heart attacks before you TRIAGE DO YOU UNDERSTAND IT!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:40:32 No.354496702
    One night in an American hospital costs several grand. Never mind having anything done. It costs $500 just to walk into the ER, never mind them doing any tests or a doctor seeing you. I shit you not.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:40:59 No.354496753
    i got a free breaast reduction.... because of socialized medicine.
    i still have dental and eye care covered by health insurance.
    because in my country those 2 things have the longest waiting lists for under 35's.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:41:24 No.354496819

    While wages and income are steadily decreasing. But that's the fucking point, isn't it? Who needs universal healthcare for the rich? They'll buy their own outside the system anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:41:35 No.354496841
    Consider how cheap most prescription drugs are --- those prices are getting higher and because simple shit doesn't work (e.g., bacterium now resist penicilin so pharmaceuticals now need to develop more beta-lactams like amoxicilin etc.) the prices get higher.

    Yes, the upper reaches of health care has always been expensive. Simple shit is also getting more expensive though, and that's what is hurting people more because most people don't have major health catastrophes often.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:41:43 No.354496863
    Insurance, WHY U NO BUY IT??
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:43:15 No.354497050
    >While wages and income are steadily decreasing.
    >supposedly there will still be a crap tonne of doctors to treat all the unwashed, uninsured masses
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:43:36 No.354497091
    >Implying some of my taxes don't go to paying for other people's kids getting free healthcare and education. I don't have kids nor want them and take measures to insure it stays that way.
    >Implying some of my taxes, a large chunk actually, don't go to killing people on the other side of the planet for their resources.
    Americanfag here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:43:42 No.354497103
    i was in the U.S, late at night and i had a very bad cold.
    i was running a temp.
    even with travel insurance it cost me $2,300.
    just for a dr to prescribe antibiotics and take my temp.
    your health system is disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:45:19 No.354497269
    INSURANCE, you twat
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:45:58 No.354497346

    I gave up when it went to $475/month with a $7,500 annual deductible. For a single male, living on one income. My doctor charged me $100/visit, about every three months and my meds (blood pressure) were about $180/month. Just paying for it was cheaper than the insurance. Then I got laid off so now I have no insurance and no doctor and no meds. Boo hoo.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:46:11 No.354497377
    >the government magically creates free healthcare for all...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:46:53 No.354497471
    If you're currently living in poverty, YOU CAN'T AFFORD INSURANCE, YOU TWAT.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:47:02 No.354497486
    >implying Finland doesn't have socio-economical problems

    yes, of course we cover them with taxes. and so should you so that everyone could benefit equally from a fairly free healthcare. that was my first health care bill ever, thou I have never stayed in a hospital since I've been lucky not to walk in to an accident and I'm generally fairly healthy.. if you're so poor that you can't afford even that bill it will be paid for you by tax payers.. that's how we do things in Finland. and that is also how you should do things in the states. problem?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:48:36 No.354497664
    then leach some more welfare / unemployment cheques
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:50:07 No.354497845
    >if you're so poor that you can't afford even that bill it will be paid for you by tax payers..

    already done, and that's one of the reasons it costs so damn much for the rest of us paying customers. hospitals have to eat the losses and then pass it on to those who can actually pay. NOBODY gets turned away from the emergency room
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:50:24 No.354497883

    Places where they have "cheques" already have universal health care. Your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:50:32 No.354497901
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:51:00 No.354497951
    if you can't create a health care model of your own the COPY A MODEL FROM A COUNTRY THAT HAS A WORKING ONE. you know, pretty decent stuff has been invented already. no need to bang your head into a wall trying to invent something new.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:51:08 No.354497965
    Capitalism is an excellent system, provided everynewt gingrich knows how to operate it. But it can be, and has been, misapplied; people haven't taken time enough to understand how business really works. Everybody is greedy--capitalism is a nice compromise, because it takes advantage of everyone's greed to turn a generally favorable outcome.

    That's why alternative economic doctrines usually fail--they are too idealistic. Yes, the world would probably be a much better place if everyone sacrificed for someone else; because if you were willing to do it, someone else was willing to do it. Everybody would always be covered and the likelihood that you would actually have to make some small sacrifice becomes very small.

    But again--this view is naive. People are selfish, greedy and stupid. Capitalism is a good compromise. It doesn't try to remedy these problems--what could? You can no more kill greed than you can kill murder or rape or thievery.

    But when people are ignorant of how the system should work, you get things like people charging money for necessary medical treatment. Lots of money, inordinately large sums of money.

    American healthcare is great, if you can afford it. But that's the problem--not everyone can. What's really a good solution? I really don't know that there is one that could maintain quality of care and still give it to the most people. That said, it'd be much easier if we had far fewer people on the planet. Seven billion is far too many fucking humans to sustain a capitalistic kind of lifestyle.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:52:21 No.354498111
    Hey commie losers, it's called insurance, every one of you is free to buy it (and don't give me preexisting conditions crap or zero money crap, because there are plenty programs for people at the fringes of society, they never had an issue.) The difference is when you want to force others to buy it against their own will.

    Liberty is both the right to have and right to not have something (save for those things that DIRECTLY harm others.)

    But I don't expect Eurofags or the idiot Amerifags who wish they were Eurofags to understand much about the concept of liberty as you are descendants of those who stayed home and chose to lick the boots of your royal masters, while our ancestors left the European helhole and sacrificed their lives for something a little deeper than that. So shut the fuck up about your shitty socialized healthcare, we don't want it, we want choice.

    BTW, if you wanna know why healthcare is so expensive in this country. Ridiculous lawsuits against the medical industry causing doctors to spend unbelievable amounts on malpractice insurance.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:52:22 No.354498114
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    As med student in Mexico I can say that what op says is half truth.

    most of times the health care can treat you and will pay for it BUT if it is nothing imidatly life threatening you will have to WAAAAAAAAAIT like you have no idea. Broken arm? Spend two days in a line of people with broken bones. So if can afford you should always have a healt insurance. They cover a lot of shit more than the americans because the preocuedures here are a lot mroe cheaper (including dental care).

    Now the trick, A LOT of doctors are shitty doctors, most of them are the one who end up working in public clinics ( I say most because I've seen AWESOME doctors working in public clinics) So it can be a risk too.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:52:37 No.354498143
    >Implying at or below the poverty-level income will get you welfare.
    >Implying you receive any help if you aren't retarded and don't have kids while in poverty.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:53:09 No.354498194

    And if the US adopts an isolationist stance and withdraws all its entire military and cuts off all foreign aid, then people will complain that America doesn't care about all the poor brown people being oppressed in Whogivesafuckistan or some genocide going on Africa
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:53:10 No.354498195
    >say one word, expect others to make sense of it

    i can't. i can't fucking do it. what about it? are you saying he should have had it? cause i'm pretty sure he fucking said that dipshit. what are you? 12? insurance doesn't mean shit. you still have to pay out your ass even if you do have insurance. and sometimes the insurance company just says fuck you, especially when it costs a lot. they take your money and let you die.

    i'm not even twenty and i'm $3000 in debt because my insurance company agreed to pay for an operation. after it was performed, they changed their mind. to be honest it's some pretty funny irl trolling and i don't even fucking blame them. the government has declared it. you can make money off of insuring other people. you know how to do it? try as hard as you fucking can to NOT pay for people's shit after they've paid their insurance bills. the only way to stop this is to SOCIALIZE it. i don't give a fuck what any stupid redneck says.


    the republican party is 90% rednecks and 10% rich assholes fucking everyone over. they use fear to trick people into voting against their own best interests.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:53:40 No.354498249

    fantastic. moving on...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:54:42 No.354498364

    American here.

    I agree wholeheartedly. The sums of money spent on "defense" is fucking ridiculous. We had warnings, we had warnings from our own military men after the Second World War, that there was big business in war, in killing. It puts people to work, it gets the gears running--at high cost and high profit. Conflicts have been engineered and many excuses taken advantage of to propel the war industry.

    Iraq, for example. We were lied to, a threat was magnified to unrealistic degrees. Should Saddam have been killed before? Yes. He committed genocide, invaded a sovereign nation, suppressed peoples' rights--yes, he should have been killed, but the manner in which we did it was so brutal, and has created so many other problems.

    Do you know what happened to Japan's economy after they couldn't spend on instruments of war? They focused on science and engineering, and their fucking economy boomed. It's not so good now, but an investment in science and in research and in general quality of life means a happier populace, and a wealthier one at that.

    Americans are far too attached to the idea of being a "warrior". Cut the military budget in half. The people who want to kill us? They don't have big armies, and throwing big armies at small groups has NEVER fucking worked.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:54:54 No.354498385
    nice sob story. share it with those who are happy with their current health care plan
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:55:01 No.354498402
    Then prove me wrong, fuck nuts. The military-industrial complex is absolutely ridiculous in country, as well as the zeal for nationalism.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:55:05 No.354498411
    I understand the socialized medical programs of other countries arent perfect and some take a long time, etc. However, they do exist, and they do provide care, even if eventually, to everyone.

    What makes me angry is that our taxes are very nearly as high. When people say 'Americans pay low taxes', they are taking the average, which takes into account that the 'average' individual income is somewhere between 25-30k. Which would put you in one of the lowest tax brackets.

    If you are modestly successful in IT, for example, and make 100k, you are paying nearly 40% as your total tax wedge, which is a function of income, sales, state income, property, and other taxes. Nearly the same total wedge calculated for Sweden, a country where ALL healthcare is free, and ANY university you qualify to attend is free of charge. Hell for years Sweden's universities were even free to foreigners.

    tl;dr: unless youre a backwoods roody-poo, you're probably paying nearly as much as a Finn or a Swede, only you don't get anything for it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:56:51 No.354498603
    iknowrite? nationalism is such a naughty word to be uttered these days. we're all to live together as a happy bunch of sods and hate on our collective countries
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:57:11 No.354498650
    really because the middle east wouldn't be a lot safer without the USA subsidizing israel with their nuclear weapons and what not.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:57:17 No.354498658
    I love when the tards come out saying Americas health problems would be fixed by universal health care. You don't have a fucking clue. But I guess it's easy to blame it on republicans or politicians or wall street or whatever cliche bullshit you parrot over and over.

    Get fucked hippies. This problem is bigger than your simplistic mind could ever understand. The whole industry needs reworking.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:58:22 No.354498776
    Way to miss the point. My point is that you can't use the up-front cost to the patient (i.e., what the patient or his insurance covers) as the sole cost of health care. Ignoring taxpayer contributions means you hide the great majority of your health care costs in "taxes" and write it off. Bullshit, it doesn't work that way, because the cost is allocated in a different way. Ultimately I assume the two are comparable, with differences reflecting higher salaries in a different country.

    And, still, Finland doesn't have the same social problems that the US does in terms of health. Obesity causes a lot of problems and that drives health costs up. Having our "baby boomers" approach retirement is going to fuck things up.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:59:00 No.354498839
    you're so fucking stupid i would kill you if you were in front of me. the point is that even when you pay for insurance the insurance company says lol nevermind and lets you die, or lets you get buried in a mountain of debt.

    you think your stupid little concept of freedom solves problems. it doesn't. insurance companies don't need to exist. health care should be socialized.


    too bad you're paying for it and you're getting it. if you don't like it go back to africa roody-poo.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)03:59:08 No.354498850
    you know what? maybe we should just up and leave the middle east in totality. it's about damn time you fuckers have fun with it. after all, if shit goes down, you guys are helluva lot closer to the hot zone. enjoy your flaming sand roody-poos
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:00:36 No.354499002
         File1316592036.png-(199 KB, 456x306, daft-punk_15.png)
    199 KB
    Dr Dre is in the house?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:01:03 No.354499048
    yeah so maybe the US government could just open veterans hospitals
    >also healthy eating classes in schools would lower your healthcare bill
    >what is this vegetable tyrone veget-what
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:01:18 No.354499073
    It would be safer until Iran or Yemen got their A Q Khan on and one of their nuclear facilities got 'raided by islamic extremists' in a 'complex and unprecedented attack' and a nuke ended up in a shipping container off the coast of NYC.

    That said, Israel should certainly take care of themselves. However, I at least have more confidence in their ability to keep their facilities safe. Pakistan for example just had a major incursion on a military headquarters by 'Taliban Militants' a few weeks after we basically flew several helicopters into their airspace and assassinated a small household before making off with a corpse... Not exactly confidence-inspiring for a country with a nuclear deterrent.

    That also being said, all boards of directors for all healthcare and pharma would have to be ousted in addition to all campaign contribution legislation from the last 10 years being rolled back and all lobbying law re-written to fix healthcare, as a minimum starting point.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:01:44 No.354499112

    The Middle-East is a place of fanaticism, hatred, ethnocentrism and intolerance. It has largely been this way for most of history. There are, of course, exceptions. The Islamic "Golden Age", and the Arab nations in which it flourished, were the last bastions of science and mathematics at a time when Europe had gone dark down the path of sectarian nonsense.

    But that was then--today, Middle-Eastern nations are very proudly pious and theistic and accept all manner of impossible daydreams, and everynewt gingrich else respects it. Not because they seriously entertain the notion that perhaps the Islamic worldview is correct--but Muslims are some of the most incoherent, rambling people when they get upset. The many millions of people calling for blood when the Danes made their little doodles? Those were NOT extremists.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:03:19 No.354499271

    Did the US or Israel start any of the recent revolutions in the Middle East? It's just a volatile area, and Israel adds fuel to the fire, but the whole region is always going to have internal strife. People are going to bitch about America playing world police if they intervene and if America stands by while a dictator brutally massacre his own people than the US will get accused of not caring about the rest of the world.

    The United States can't win, people will always bitch about what we do. Personally, as an American, I think we should just say fuck the rest of the world (excluding a handful of countries that have been our allies) and let them kill each other off. The rest of the world can find another country to be their 911 emergency number.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:03:34 No.354499306

    because of high taxes people get the health care they deserve. even if they don't need it. come visit Finland or Sweden and see for yourselves. get ill just for the giggles and check into a hospital.. and spread the word about a beautiful place called scandinavia where all people are taken care of by the public system. health carewise and otherwise too..
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:03:42 No.354499325
    It´s a perfect way to keep the poor out of the hospitals.

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:04:04 No.354499368
    how about go fuck yourself. even people who are making 100k a year get fucked over. you think you're right even when someone tells you from first hand experience that the system is broken. insurance companies only agree to pay so much. wait until you get cancer and the bills go over one million and your insurance company says lol nevermind. i'll be laughing my ass off because you honestly deserved it. you had the opportunity to fix the problem and you chose not to because you didn't want to be like the democrats.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:05:30 No.354499541
    the lovely place where income taxes, property taxes, VAT taxes, and even more fun taxes rip gaping holes in your paycheques. personal responsibility in the modern era be damned! we need others to provide for our needs!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:05:33 No.354499544
    It's sad that some really do see it this way. I know you're trolling, btw.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:06:48 No.354499678
    And how much were you charged you dumb ausfailian cunt Nigger? Next time kill yourself you fuckslime.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:07:15 No.354499728
    >go over one million and your insurance company says lol

    and people like you think this actually happens on a regular basis... no doubt the white knight democrats are eager to save your sorry ass
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:07:23 No.354499749
    well, you can't have it all, can you? either a nice place for everyone, or a nice place for yourself. we here chose a nice place for everyone.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:07:24 No.354499750

    Don't forget Australia son. We dominate that shit.

    Scared of universal health care because its communist? idiots. Your private health care doesn't care about the consumer
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:07:37 No.354499780
    haha this moron thinks MRI's cost 80 grand. nigg­er you dumb.

    " A routine, seven sequence knee MRI without contrast, runs about $1600. The brain MRI will have much more variation in prices. A routine, non contrast brain MRI is about $1500. A brain MRI without and then with contrast can be as much as $3000, "
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:07:38 No.354499783
    Are you really THAT ignorant? Do you think everyone is born with perfect health? Do you honestly think people get cancer because of their lifestyle? Have you ever even lived in the real world or seen what the working poor have to do to get by? You're one naive motherfucker.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:07:59 No.354499822
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:08:06 No.354499836
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:08:08 No.354499839


    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:08:30 No.354499872
    It's unbelievable the amount of Americans who bitch about healthcare and make no effort to insure themselves. That should be a top priority along with food and shelter. If you have even decent health, you should never have to pay more than $6k a year on healthcare. If you a healthcare plan through your employer that number drops significantly. Poor people don't want to be responsible though. They just want free shit. And when they don't get their free shit they blame it on some vague amorphous force like "corporate greed."
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:08:32 No.354499878
    Greed and fearmongering politicians pandering to scared old people (death panels, etc).

    Seriously, the baby-boomers need to go. Yet, they are the ones that are sapping up resources due to medicare.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:08:54 No.354499917
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:09:23 No.354499971
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:09:44 No.354500012
    Lifetime limits are gone now fucktard. Part of obamacare.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:10:49 No.354500121
    >Do you think everyone is born with perfect health? Do you honestly think people get cancer because of their lifestyle? Have you ever even lived in the real world or seen what the working poor have to do to get by?

    ..and that is why we have the free health care to take care of those who are the most in need of it but perhaps don't have the money..
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:11:03 No.354500149


    I'm always suspicious of people who try to blame all problems on a single cause. Though I agree--the baby-boomer generation is one of the most selfish, and thoughtless. The aging, decrepit people who are frightened of an America that looks unfamiliar, looks like nothing they ever recalled.

    I hope that before I get old, I get out of the way of young people who are probably smarter than me and may have a better idea of how things ought to be. The general pattern for history is that the young improve upon the job of the old--and the old can't stop bitching about how awful the young are at it.

    Before I get sixty, I hope that I either maintain mental youth, or die.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:11:12 No.354500165
    >we here chose a nice place for everyone.

    a fun thing that people from outside the US don't understand: we have never had that as a motto, rather we value individualism and the oh so misunderstood / overused / abused concept of "freedom"...or at least we did before the government encroached on every aspect of our lives
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:12:09 No.354500242
    Lol, I'd rather pay that $6000 in a tax that provides a garantee that I won't be dropped from my fickle insurance policy, and that my tax won't magically increase 3-fold when I'm sick.

    Also, you might want to look at median income in America, $500/mo for an individual is back-breaking, imagine if you're a sole supporter of a family paying that 5-fold and you get laid off.

    The bottom line is, private medicine is great until you find yourself jobless and just not able to insure yourself and make rent at the same time, yet because you're not a minority or poor enough, you can't qualify for aid.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:12:36 No.354500284
    >you should never have to pay more than $6k a year on healthcare.
    > Poor people don't want to be responsible though
    >$6k a year on healthcare
    >Poor people
    Poor people CANNOT afford $6k a year for healthcare, dipshit.

    Self-righteous elitist prick. I bet your parents had money so you have never experienced poverty, fucking dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:13:40 No.354500397
    >See Healthcare thread
    >Lulz to self
    >Have Kaiser 0/5000 WM W/HSA insurance plan

    $5000 deductible, but a maximum out-of-pocket of $5000 anyway. On top of that, there is no charge (after the deductible) for nearly anything. Emergency visits, MRIs, inpatient hospital care, Ambulance service, Hell after my deductible, I don't even pay for my prescriptions. All I gotta do is have 5K in my savings each year, then I fucking gold. Only bad thing is I do end up paying >10k a year for the plan, but its only another 2k a year to add a spouse, and that shit covers maternity leave, contraception (including shit like IUD), and damn near everything.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:14:15 No.354500454
    well it's a good thing that the government will be mandating the purchase of some form of health insurance. somehow people will surely find the monies for that
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:14:18 No.354500463

    move to finland. same climate as in south canada, unusually warm summers nowadays and clean nature. and of course the free healthcare. start a family here and live happily ever after...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:14:27 No.354500483
    there you go again, avoiding the fact that you're dead wrong. most people never have bills that high fucktard. the ones that do get screwed pretty fucking routinely. here's why you're wrong

    op had insurance, he got fucked
    i had insurance, i got fucked
    some other guy in this thread had insurance - he got fucked

    as long as there is an 'insurance industry' people will continue to be fucked over. that's how they make money. you rednecks are fucking scum. somehow you manage to hold beliefs despite evidence being right in front of you that you're dead wrong.

    i'm not a hippyfag. i hate black people just as much as you. but you should be thrown in the gas chambers alongside them. you're just as worthless.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:15:13 No.354500561
    My dad was born with an enlarged heart and it has continued to enlarge. He had to have a six way bypass.

    His total surgery bill: A little over $850,000

    Totally fucking ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:15:32 No.354500597
    no thanks, no real incentive. also, nothing is free
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:15:36 No.354500606
    You think paying 15k+ for healthcare is a good deal?

    I mean unlimited coverage shit is nice, but uhhh, that'd cover twice again the tax you pay here in Sweden for unlimited healthcare and unlimited uhh... college education... You could literally go to medschool here for less than what you voluntarily pay in insurance for healthcare alone... :S
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:15:51 No.354500624
    >Live in USA
    >Cut finger
    >blood poisoning
    >Week in hospital, I&D surgery
    >Lovenox for bilateral deep vein thrombosis
    >Physician's bills (I had like 4, what the fuck)
    >No insurance
    >Write letter to hospital and doctors that was tl;dr I'm broke as fuck anyways and now I can't work with blood clots in my legs
    >Almost everything was free
    >In the end only paid like 2,000

    No insurance master race
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:16:33 No.354500693
    22 Years old. My father came to America from the Communist Soviet Union 35 years ago with $700 dollars to his name - that's all they were allowed to keep.

    I've never had a single complaint about healthcare. Why? Because my father is not a bottom-feeding mouth breather. He went to college, he makes a great living as a managing engineer, and one of the benefits of his employment is health insurance which covers almost everything.

    The people ITT are at the bottom, and they are asking for the people closer to the top to take care of their problems. Society will always be hierarchical, and poor people are always going to complain about one thing or another. Healthcare today, low minimum wage tomorrow - if you want to avoid these problems, apply yourself and make something of your life.

    What happens when I turn 26 and am no longer eligible under my father's plan? By then I'll have a master's degree in the energy field, because I wasn't stupid enough to major in english and complain that I couldn't find a job. And sure, daddy payed a couple thousand a year for my college, but I had scholarships, and I came out only around 10k in debt.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:16:39 No.354500707

    finfag out. enjoy your health cares whatever they are. imma off to a public library to study for a test.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:16:40 No.354500708
    not my problem that you're just an unfortunate fuck. too bad you have no friends or family to help you out through your hard times. no worries, the government wants to be your friend
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:16:40 No.354500709
    $500 us only backbreaking if your priorities are fucked. But Americans think they need apple products and bmws and other trivial shit.

    $500 is not difficult for a median income individual. The problem is those individuals blow their cash on stupid shit and then cry for handouts.

    I paid for my health insurance while on unemployment, which was $320 a week. And then I'm ridiculed for driving a 15 year old car.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:17:52 No.354500816
    yeah they were the arab equivalent of the tea party
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:17:55 No.354500825
    Insurance companies are some of the worst businesses ever. I worked as a manager in a medical office for 15 years, and insurance companies fucking HATE paying for anything, ever. Even on the best, most expensive and comprehensive health plans, people don't realize how much time their doctor's staff will spend on the phone trying, begging, demanding, and threatening to get scans and procedures done. I wish, I WISH that we had socialized medicine. My god, what a fantastic place that would be, but fucktards who don't know dick about what utter scum insurance companies are continue to blindly fight for a corporation's "right" to ram hot coals up their ass.

    Drug companies are a close second. They're slightly more willing to make a deal on the costs of drugs if you've got a good sob story or been a long time purchaser, but at the end of the day it's still all about money, and they wouldn't care if half the population of the earth died from lack of access to their $100 to produce but they sell it for $5000 drugs as long as most of the other half was still buying it from them.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:18:07 No.354500848
    Yes they can fucktard. They choose not too. Where do you lice where 6k is unaffordable? Gotta have your spinning rims and jordans before health insurance amirite?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:18:11 No.354500854
    You forgot to mention scandanavian chicks are incredible.
    But anyway, the reason it sucks so much for Americunts is that we're never trained in foreign languages, and if we are it's terrible.

    Moreover, nobody wants to let Americans immigrate easily, since America doesn't let anyone in easily. Sand roody-poo convicts from north-africa can get into Finland easier than I can, a 7-year systems engineer with a masters, 4 years of military experience, $100k in savings, zero criminal history, and perfect health.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:19:33 No.354500992
    >that we're never trained in foreign languages

    oh you! AFIK, it is a requirement to learn a foreign language before graduating high school. at least that's how it's done in the north
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:19:43 No.354501002
    > I've never had a single complaint about healthcare.Why? Because my father is not a bottom-feeding mouth breather
    >I've never had a single complaint about healthcare.Why?
    >my father
    You've never had to live in poverty or without healthcare so STFU little kid. You are a silver-spoon little bitch.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:19:45 No.354501005
    Visited New York a couple of years ago, I had an asthma attack and fell down some stairs and broke my arm, I was taken to the hospital and treated.

    On the way out my bill was $9000

    My Irish medical card (which is given to people who cant afford health insurance) covered it.

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:20:25 No.354501072
    and you fucking republicans are trying to undo that. and it's going to happen. as bad as things are now, they're gonna be twice as bad in ten years. america is a country full of hard working idiots being sold the idea that they're living in the greatest country in the world while they're getting fucked in the ass by their own leaders and the rest of the world is laughing their asses off at how idiotic they are.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:20:32 No.354501083
    >Personal income tax in sweden

    >Personal income tax in US
    >0-35% federal, 0-10.55% state

    So basically when I have a good paying job and you're unemployed in Sweden, I forfeit 50% of my income to pay for your medical bills. Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:21:19 No.354501159
    I'm glad the Irish taxpayers like paying for your uncoordinated ass to fall down some stairs.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:21:35 No.354501191
    >average middle class == "silver spoon" and / or "privileged"
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:21:52 No.354501220
    i am laughing my arse off at america right now.
    >in australia
    I didn't take a shit for 4 days. Saw my local doctor - free. He recommended i go to hospital.
    Go to hospital emergency. The doctors check me over, take blood, do 4 xrays, 1 ct scan and an MRI. They decide to admit me. 6 days later still no shit. Hmmmm stomach is hurting a bit...
    BAM emergency surgery on my bowel. It perforated. Oh man gotta spend another 20 days in hospital. Blood tests every day more xrays and scans.
    >Total stay - 26 days
    >Total cost - $5.70
    Yes roody-poos that's five dollars and seventy cents.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:22:14 No.354501254
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:22:26 No.354501284
    Are you really that detached from reality? Only Niggers do that shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:22:53 No.354501338
    Still skeptical about the "asthma attack". Sounds more like a "whiskey and ale" attack to me, you bog-trotting potato muncher.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:23:05 No.354501359

    If you're making $22k/yr or less before taxes how the hell can you afford $6k/yr for health insurance and still buy food, pay utilities, and pay rent.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:23:08 No.354501365
    Sorry, I don't come from a line of worthless trash. Either way, why should I be forced to pay for other people's mistakes? I should be free to decide how much I wish to care.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:23:11 No.354501370
    total cost to the tax payers, a whole fucktonne more!

    just because you don't see the full bill, doesn't mean that the bill is actually that small
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:23:50 No.354501429
    Not free. Paid by taxes. You're a burden on others.

    How is this a difficult concept?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:24:02 No.354501444
    i know! citizens taking care of other citizens! like we're a society.

    must be a foreign concept to you.

    USA! USA! USA!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:24:22 No.354501469
    > And sure, daddy payed a couple thousand a year for my college
    hmm, sure sounds like dynastic wealth.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:24:30 No.354501488

    His point is that you didn't have to do a goddamn thing, your dad did the work. It's a little hypocritical for someone who has never had to live in poverty to cast judgment on those who have.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:24:32 No.354501492

    Lol do Americans have any sense of citizenship and solidarity with their people? Fucking unbelievable..... Seriously, no wonder you live in such a fucking shithole..
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:25:32 No.354501593

    Maybe if you weren't flipping burgers you'd be able to afford health insurance. Also, most of those low wage companies have health insurance programs.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:25:33 No.354501594
    thought it said HOMO
    turns out it was just op
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:25:51 No.354501616
    I lived off $12k one year and wasn't even trying that hard to pinch pennies. You're a dumbass with no idea of what living costs.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:25:54 No.354501625
    Children going to public school and getting free healthcare because their parent's are dumb enough to have them while poor and get several thousand back each year in income tax for having them yet my taxes pay for them

    How is this a difficult concept?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:26:05 No.354501652
    because we need the government to enforce the "care" of our citizenry. back in the day people used to be responsible for their own actions and care for their neighbors and families. oops, not anymore!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:26:29 No.354501702

    Because it's in the best interests of society as a whole. Millionaires can't be millionaires without poor people there to make them rich. It's the poor people who actually make the country run. Without them all shit would go south real fast.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:27:02 No.354501753

    haha for real

    dumb swedes letting their government tax them so much

    socialism works I guess but only if you're a fucking chump willing to part half your fucking paycheck. dipshits don't even know the value of money.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:27:11 No.354501770

    It doesn't make a difference if I was shot by aliens. My government, whom I pay taxes to looks after me when I need it.

    One hand washes the face kind of thing..

    You stay jelly motherfucker!
    >> Sauce 09/21/11(Wed)04:27:12 No.354501772
    An MRI in America is typically a little over $1,000. 80k isn't correct. I would know, I get them yearly.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:27:21 No.354501790
    Dumbasses. I was fortunate enough to be born in NYC. I work at a nonprofit basic trade academy in harlem where I decided I would teach microcontroller programming to kids instead of going to work for fucking Raytheon or Siemens and designing missile guidance systems.

    I draw a salary of about $32,000 a year, about 18,000 of which goes to rent off the bat. For a one-bedroom, and yes, it is one of the best deals in a passable neighborhood. I don't have a car, I have a 1973 honda motorcycle that I only use to go out of town. Still, living here sucks another 5 or 6k annually in food expenses. No, I can't afford $6,000 a year on health insurance.

    I could've made $150k easily making devices that would kill terr'rists, or babies, or devices that would manufacture rims and ipods for you roody-poos, but I wanted to live in my hometown and do something the HELPED EARTH.

    I guess I'm a scumbag bottom-feeder and I fucking deserve my fate for the choices I made, right?

    Think outside of your own circumstance. I break my balls and the kids I teach go on to be more successful than I am. But what do I know?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:27:32 No.354501805
    boo fucking hoo. if i were in my fathers place, i'd make damn sure that i'd provide for my family too. entitlement my ass, to some of us, family matters
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:27:46 No.354501826
    they used to... look at the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

    Look up definition of Commonwealth.

    The word commonwealth in this context refers to the common "wealth", or welfare, of the public[6] and is derived from a loose translation of the Latin term res publica (cf. the 17th century Commonwealth of England).

    Shit changes. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:27:47 No.354501830
    we have insane standards to become a doctor, we have the best doctors in the world

    its expensive as fuck and take years to become one, in order to get people to do it we give them assloads of money

    by making doctors salarys higher, our best and brightest are more willing to go into medicine and improve it

    lern2economics son

    if we did shit on the cheap, anyone who could make over 200k a year would never want to be a doctor and people from other countries wouldnt fly here to have surgery anymore
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:28:03 No.354501860

    Actually that's for an entry level CSR at a Fortune 500 telephone company. So no, not flipping burgers. Try again.

    And no, no fancy benefits, because that part isn't in the CWA union. The median income for the city is $30k/yr.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:28:17 No.354501880
    >have health insurance
    >pay $120.00 a month
    >appendix ruptured, with surgery and stay cost was almost $20,000.00
    >i paid a mandatory 100$ ER fee.
    >saved $19,900.00
    >The amount I saved will never be paid back through my monthly payments.
    >god bless america

    the fuck you roody-poos talking about? get a real job with health insurance.
    >> anon0485 09/21/11(Wed)04:28:23 No.354501891
    MRI Costs Averages

    As noted above, MRI costs can vary by hundreds and possibly thousands of dollars so it's important that you shop around to get the best price. For example, listed below are some real examples or MRI procedure prices from around the United States.
    Testing Facility Location Test Type Average Cost
    Orlando, FL MRI $2,229
    Dallas, TX - MRI Testing Facility A MRI $3,624
    Dallas, TX - MRI Testing Facility B MRI $2,172
    San Diego, CA MRI $2,826
    Salt Lake City, UT MRI $1,694
    Detroit, MI MRI $3,461
    New York, NY - MRI Testing Facility A MRI $1,785
    New York, NY - MRI Testing Facility B MRI $2,199
    Raleigh, NC MRI $3,001
    Omaha, NE MRI $2,502
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:28:28 No.354501897

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:28:38 No.354501911
    CT scans are $14,000
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:28:40 No.354501916
    >His point is that you didn't have to do a goddamn thing
    I busted my ass in school for four years and got a physics degree, and if my father hadn't payed for any of it I'd only have about 20k debt, which is not a huge amount when you're a reasonable person, you know how to budget, and you prioritize repaying debts over having certain luxuries.

    And this isn't about me anyway. Look at my father, who started with nothing. Why should he have to pay for your dumb ass just because you grew up in poverty making the same bad decisions your father made? And in 10 years I'm supposed to pay for the stupid decisions your son will likely make?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:29:14 No.354501972
    Maybe you should move dumbfuck. You can live off $10,000 a year in most of America.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:29:16 No.354501978

    the difference is that the doctors in the US are fucking competent and would not allowed your anus to explode you stupid aussie fuck

    so yeah enjoy your incredibly cheap yet totally avoidable asshole surgery
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:29:32 No.354502007
    It's that low because a majority of the people agreed that paying higher taxes to help out those in need was a good thing, because his country isn't as full of elitist "fuck you got mine" assholes as America.
    >> Dr. Dre !!O+ldo4lTpl/ 09/21/11(Wed)04:29:51 No.354502026
    my trip is ##detox
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:29:55 No.354502032
    were you living with your parents? In the basement, perhaps?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:30:04 No.354502047
    ahahahahah! lol student debt
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:30:29 No.354502084
    Dear USA.

    It is called the land of the free.. But not for free.

    Pay your taxes, you selfish fat bastards.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:30:35 No.354502090
    then why are they sued so much?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:30:39 No.354502096
    I know exactly what the cost of living is, because I keep an eye on all my bills. Rent alone is $6,600/yr. Utilities would average out to be about $110/mo (they even bill stormwater, etc., for people in apartments).

    That leaves $4,000 to pay for food and whatever else you need to survive. No way in hell you're affording medical insurance on that wage.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:30:45 No.354502106
    >Customer service
    >No education whatsoever
    Might as well be flipping burgers. It's in the same category, just a couple extra dollars an hour and a nice office to sit in while you perform a near useless service and get paid accordingly.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:30:52 No.354502119
    Passable? You sound like tge elitist now. Any place that's functional is passable. I guess you're too special to live around poor people?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:31:18 No.354502159
    You aren't special. You should have went into a career that paid you decent money if the opportunity is there. It's no ones fault but your own you struggle.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:31:34 No.354502178
    makes me damn happy when i see the local white trash at the grocery store with carts laden full of junk food and garbage all $200+ payed for by the US taxpayers. they're just misunderstood and "underprivileged"
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:31:35 No.354502180
    You were lucky enough to not be born into poverty by dumbass parents and think you're better than people that weren't as lucky? You Faggots are exactly like those rich-bitch heiresses who think they're better than everyone else simply for being born to the right people. You got lucky. Most of us didn't. Quit being self-righteous douches.
    >> anon0485 09/21/11(Wed)04:31:47 No.354502202
    help pay for their shit
    they raise their standard of living
    they then halp pay back your shit


    >> yes implying you are not paying for their shit anyway
    >> Sauce 09/21/11(Wed)04:32:00 No.354502229
    Lol are you kidding? Where is a CTY scan 14,000? Africa?

    I've had 6 CT scans, around $2,3000 each
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:32:13 No.354502249
    I pay my taxes. But because i live in Australia, even if i didn't pay my taxes it would be free.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:32:22 No.354502269
    Yes, because people scraping by barely on meager incomes can really afford to just uproot and move somewhere else. Yeah... I expected that comment. You gonna lend me a van and come help me out?

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:32:25 No.354502277
    >father is one of those lucky "rags to riches" stories touted by Capitalist, saying "He can do it, why can't you?"
    >Look at reality of class mobility issue, especially in the US
    >Kid is upper-class, all of his accomplishments are due to his father able to provide for him the best of everything.
    >Claims accomplishments of his father as his own

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:32:28 No.354502283
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:32:40 No.354502300
    seriously go fuck yourself. i'll be fine. i'll be out of debt in a year. other people will die. and it's your fault, candy-ass.

    you can go fuck yourself too. the united states is in a depression right now (it doesn't matter that we're not even in a recession technically. we fell far, and we're still there). even people right out of college can't get jobs right now.

    republicans call democrats naive. yeah. they are naive because they think a little bit of aid will help a roody-poo stop being a roody-poo even though he's been bred for 500 years to be a roody-poo and everyone still treats him like a roody-poo.

    but i haven't heard one republican spend an entire argument assuming that everything is fucking peachy and if something bad happens it's your fault. in the end all you can say is well if you were rich this wouldn't happen. right. all i have to do is be fucking loaded and i'm fine. why didn't i fucking think of that...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:32:41 No.354502301
    My rent 4 years ago was $350 a month. Not my fault you're a stuck up candy-ass who had to live somewhere trendy.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:33:14 No.354502341
    yeah! he should have been a banker and fucked over the economy instead of teaching children!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:33:37 No.354502375
    >even if i didn't pay my taxes it would be free.

    ladies and gentlemen, that's the exact fucking mindset that people over in the States love to have. "It's all free! i't not my fucking problem! Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die!"
    >> Dr. Mantis Tobaggan 09/21/11(Wed)04:33:46 No.354502389
    I'm monitoring this thread...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:33:53 No.354502400
    You maid the decision to dedicate your life to charity. That's great, I applaud your selflessness.

    But don't fucking force me to pay for it. Especially in the case that I may not agree with what you're doing.

    If you can't afford to live in new york, don't live in new york.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:34:02 No.354502412
    >heard one republican NOT spend an entire argument...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:34:11 No.354502427
    Not a fan of univeral health care. But also not a fan of the virtual monopoly that exists with health care providers.

    Had an ache, turned out to be a pulled muscle but because it was in my side I was worried and went to see the doctor. No health insurance, fucking cost 600 bucks. All they did was test my piss, gave me some juice and poked around for 2 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:34:12 No.354502429
    that "junk food" is much more less costly than real food due to subsidies.

    High fructose corn syrup, shitty corn chips, all subsidized because of subsidized corn.

    Only in the US are the poor people fat. It's a broken system.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:34:28 No.354502448

    Sorry, it's past my bedtime.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:34:28 No.354502450
    >and it's your fault, candy-ass.

    nope. not my responsibility to care for the sorry lot of you
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:34:33 No.354502455
    >the united states is in a depression right now
    oh boo hoo
    it's not my fault! its everyone else's
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:34:46 No.354502474
    So basically, if what you happen to like to do for your entire life isn't a profitable enterprise, then FUCK YOU. lol.

    Ok, sounds good. What if I don't... want to be a java developer...? What if I'd rather teach middle-schoolers? lol
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:35:15 No.354502532
    You can rent a van for $30/day. Does the little princess need to hire a moving crew for his heavy boxes?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:35:18 No.354502539
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    ITT: Buttmolested Amerifats being told their country is shit by people with better healthcare

    Y'all stay jelly you fat cunts!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:35:21 No.354502547
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:35:31 No.354502565

    You do realize that before you can get a job that requires a degree you have to get a degree. I worked that shit job to put myself through college.

    So explain how the fuck I'm supposed to pay for medical insurance on that shit wage. Not to mention it took years after college to even get into my career because the job market eats dicks.

    Also, look at the current situation. TONS of people with degrees who can't even get a job flipping burgers. When someone who graduates magna cum laude can't get a mother fucking job telling them it's all their fault really doesn't make one bit of sense. I have a lot of friends who can't find work anywhere even when they always say they'll relocate.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:35:32 No.354502568
    You're fucking disgusting. You think you can look down on people because they couldn't afford to go to college and now have to work at Burger King for six bucks an hour? How about you get off your mighty fucking high horse for a goddamn minute and THINK. If everynewt gingrich decided they were going to go to college and make something of themselves the entire world would collapse into shambles. Some people have to be janitors and cooks and bus drivers. The millions below hold and support the few up top, and you can't keep that goddamn balance if they all start trying to climb up there with you. So instead of bitching about how you don't want to help support the poor son of a bitch who waits tables, why don't you try and make the country a better place for him to live since he's the one who holds your fat entitled ass up.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:36:25 No.354502642


    >3rd world country

    You are so retarded that I'll just say that.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:37:00 No.354502702
    fuckin socialist kikes

    charity is nice unless the government forces it. then it's thievery

    could give a fuck about your high horse, or any of the problems a huge swath of worthless peices of human shit who can't take care of themselves. don't fuck with my shit and I won't fuck with yours. 50% income tax is an act of aggression. keep your filthy kike fingers out of my wallet
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:37:08 No.354502714
    Dr Dre if you are injured in a rap feud can you perform surgery on yourself?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:37:11 No.354502718
    If eurofags hate us so much why do they care about our health in the US, Wouldnt it make more sense for them to want us all to die out?
    captcha: tiliner clinical
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:37:28 No.354502747
    your face when their economy is more stable than yours.

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:37:42 No.354502767
    >told their country is shit by people with better healthcare

    ah yes, the ever so rampant smug foreigner attitude. stay classy! when the shit really hits the fan, you'll be next in line for the fun! Inb4 Greece and Italy bring the EU to its knees
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:38:25 No.354502827
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:39:51 No.354502950
    Ever hear of trade schools? $80 per credit hour here. Not everyone gets ab art history degree from a $50k liberal arts college of candy-assry.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:40:16 No.354502984
    It's funny.. I mean, I don't want to give up where I live... it's my home. I live in hell's kitchen already, it's pretty damn cheap, and I can't live in the projects because I'm white.

    You guys miss the point, unemployed roody-poos already take your money.


    They are already on welfare, medicaid, etc and they are already freeloading. The type of people who think to just sit around and fuck off, already do, and you already pay for it.

    In all reality, the trade school will probably close in a few years more because our funding from the city has gone away, and our donors have stopped donating. Another source of productive citizens will go away and harlem will go back to being 10% more hopeless-roody-poo-land. I will probably capitulate and go make epic loot at Siemens.

    You'd be supporting people who are TRYING to get to the level of being able to pay exorbitant fees, but are suppressed by exorbitant fees. Or you'd be supporting the people whose insurance co's have dropped them or who can't get insurance due to pre-existing conditions. Or you'd be supporting yourself if shit ever goes south in your life for a few years, which I hope it does, so you can understand the other perspective.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:40:23 No.354502992
    They practice something that is foreign,even a taboo, to your average American called empathy. Give a shot, dipshit. You just might learn something.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:40:34 No.354503010
    A lot of doctors in the US are utter shit. A lot of them become doctors because they think they'll be getting big money and treat their patients like we're wasting their time.

    Of course, the joke's on them, every few years congress decides to slash the shit out of reimbursements for medical drugs, so doctors today are making 75% less than they were even five years ago, which was already a lot less than a decade previous.

    Unfortunately this drives the good doctors to enter the private sector or academia where they can actually get salaries that don't put them in debt, and the only ones left are the ones too stupid to do that.

    Plus, you've got elective specialties (plastic surgeons, dentists) who operate largely on a cash-only basis and rake in tons of money, so lots of promising medical students follow the money and fuck helping people.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:40:38 No.354503015

    aaaaaaand THIS is why your healthcare sucks.

    Daddys little princess there is not willing to pay taxes that might actually help somebody.

    Cunts like this is the reason America is hated and laughed at all over the world.

    You deluded motherfucker.. Its actually not even funny how fucked your country is if this is a representative of the "rich".
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:42:45 No.354503200

    Im from New Zealand.. We are doing fine with our AAA rating.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:43:48 No.354503279
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    As an American it makes me sick how our healthcare system is setup.

    America is ran by big business, including the insurance companies, and unless there is a miracle that's how it will stay.

    The insurance companies, drug companies, and hospitals are all into business together to keep health cost high no matter the cost of human lives.

    I know all this will be ignored by /b/ so I don't know why I bother
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:43:59 No.354503294
    with success and personal integrity comes hate and malevolence from the outside, with screams of "give us our share!" apparently it is a crime to be prosperous and have a decent work ethic. we're all terrible people because our ancestors came over with barely anything and worked from the ground up so that we might live the dreams they never could.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:44:20 No.354503315

    >so lots of promising medical students follow the money and fuck helping people.

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:44:30 No.354503327
    o snap
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:45:10 No.354503385
    We support them by paying them wages. If the wages aren't high enough for their time, they're welcome to starve. Welcome to real life, where not everyone gets everything, and it isn't fair to force the haves to give everything to the have-nots.

    If you do this, you take away the incentive to produce and "have" anything. And then you get socialism, where if you don't force people to work under threat of prison camps, nothing gets done. And everyone lives in poverty anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:45:11 No.354503386
    again, you are just scum. just because you're not poor doesn't mean you're not scum. the world would be better off without the very poor or the very rich. neither of you are civilized at all. as it's already been pointed out in this thread, you're already paying insurance as high as countries with socialized healthcare. you would be just as well off if america had it too, but you refuse to align yourself with democrats on anything because roody-poo scum supports them. funny thing is it makes you just as much scum as them.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:45:28 No.354503422
    the great fallacy with social liberalism is in assuming that giving away free money from productive members of society to non-productive members of society will elevate the poor and allow them to better themselves.

    it's naive bullshit. all a handout does is make a useless person complacent for as long as the money lasts.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:45:51 No.354503454
    Survival of the fittest. Socialized medicine is polluting the human gene pool.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:46:14 No.354503499
    I think we all know that it's just that and I'm really angry and I'm going to protest it!

    wait, American Idol is on now...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:46:30 No.354503522
    hating on others because they have things that aren't yours. nice
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:46:46 No.354503545
    Fuck im a medic making 25k a year. I do it for the people
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:46:57 No.354503558

    Ever heard the expression "He was born on third base and acts like he hit a triple"? That's you, and you're basically saying fuck all the people who were born with an 0-2 count and a broken bat.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:47:35 No.354503614
    YOU didn't do shit. Your ancestors did. YOU just profited off of it, dipshit. You have no idea what poverty is like because you've never lived in it. You got lucky by being born to someone who wasn't poor, nothing more. You're not better than anyone. You only think you are. I only wish you are hit with a catastrophic illness so you know how the rest of us feel daily.

    In conclusion, fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:47:36 No.354503615
    Altruism is not a disease, yo. It won't make your hand fall off if you help out the less fortunate. Stunning revelations, I know.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:47:53 No.354503646
    I know! Americans and their sense of entitlement. First government controlled healthcare, what's next? government controlled libraries and parks and roads and other centers maintained using tax dollars?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:48:18 No.354503676
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    pretty fucking naive to think all poor fucks are poor because they are lazy cunts and if they 'work hard' they'll instantly become rich and shit.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:48:19 No.354503677

    Have you ever worked?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:48:31 No.354503696
    >You'd be supporting people who are TRYING to get to the level of being able to pay exorbitant fees, but are suppressed by exorbitant fees. Or you'd be supporting the people whose insurance co's have dropped them or who can't get insurance due to pre-existing conditions. Or you'd be supporting yourself if shit ever goes south in your life for a few years, which I hope it does, so you can understand the other perspective.

    That's a great cause to be supporting. Now thank you for leaving me with the right to decide whether or not I wish to support it. Oh, wait, you're talking about forcing me to support it.

    Again, what if the topic is something that isn't obviously something to support? Like welfare for freeloaders?

    I should be able to decide what programs my money goes to.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:48:51 No.354503720
    oh yes, turn a biological concept into a sociological one.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:48:54 No.354503726
    u jelly
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:48:55 No.354503733
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    Oh my god... some americans are REALLY REALLY STUPID.
    Healthcare isn't "pay for other's mistakers".
    Healthcare is admitting that all people have the right to live, even the poor (or dumb) ones. And it's better to spend money with this than spend it in a big motherfuckin pointless war.
    And health insurance companies are fuckin vampires. They always try to find the little tiniest mistake for don't paying your treatment.

    Pic: I work with these tiny fuckers.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:48:58 No.354503734
    right. because giving people healthcare will take away their motivation to succeed. you're a fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:49:07 No.354503746
    Well if you believe it so strongly, then it sure come true.

    Please ignore this now: I, as an Eurofag, want americans to live a better life (as i am convinced, as i don't have to worry about getting sick here, no matter which illness, i will be helped), and therefore i see an fair healthcare for everynewt gingrich equal as a basic requirement.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:49:40 No.354503793

    my parents came here with $200 in their pocket, and they barely knew the language.

    Now we make a comfortable living, decent house in a good neighborhood, several commercial properties, and good cars. They were only on welfare for 6months before declining it themselves

    I find it ridiculous that people born in this country are having trouble making ends meet.

    Yesterday i saw a white healthy looking homeless guy begging for money. can you fucking believe it? you're healthy, you can work. go pick strawberries, or go stand in front of the home depot like the other laborers

    I have family memeber who just arrived from other countries and they've been leaching off of social security for years now. Social programs should only exist to help you on your feet, not carry you through life.

    tl;dr: people are lazy and they dont deserve my money or my parents
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:50:07 No.354503829
    >mfw "charity" is the problem
    No really, you always claim that you "will" help the people, but if you did, we wouldn't need welfare and entitlement programs.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:50:10 No.354503832
    yeah! i don't like how my money is used to maintain roads I never use, or how my college tuition is used to fund programs I will never do! it's ridiculous
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:51:18 No.354503935
    >Be in Australia
    >"Universal Healthcare"
    >Public hospitals are under funded, and lack beds. Suburban Hospitals are full by 10 pm most Friday nights. >Public nurses have shitty working conditions, provide shit care
    >Pay a shit load of income tax for shitty public health system, and still have to pay extra income to see a General Practitioner.
    >Medication is "subsidized" LOL still have to pay $60 - $100 for most basic subscription medications.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:51:42 No.354503969
         File1316595102.jpg-(57 KB, 671x668, lolo.jpg)
    57 KB
    >This thread


    pic related
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:51:56 No.354503984
    ITT: poor people spend their paychecks on things they don't need, then cry for free healthcare.

    Liberals masquerade their butthurt as a belief in fairness and equality. They don't want their necessities covered to get by. They want their necessities covered so they can buy the shiny crap that the middle and upper classes place value on.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:51:57 No.354503986
    LOL I feel so sorry for you, OP. I live in Austria, and let me tell you, a month ago I got some pain in my low back being at work doing pretty much nothing. I got scared, went to emergency entry in Hospital (yeah!), waited like 4 minutes and than got admitted by a doctor. She checked my back, my legs, my reflex, she wrote a prescription that was it. I ONLY HAD A FUCKING LUMBAGO!!!

    >Almost 10 minutes from hospital entry to going out there.
    >No extra fees.
    >Prescription for some pain drugs, 50% paid for my healthcare.
    >I only took the painkillers once because it wasn't actually that bad. I still have the rest of them.
    >I know I can call a ambulance because of fever.
    >And that's just the fucking standard healthcare!

    U mad, OP? I mean, u mad, Americunts?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:52:12 No.354504016
    >catastrophic illness so you know how the rest of us feel daily.
    Nigger, I'm upper middle class, not some amazing loaded billionaire trust fund baby.

    The only thing I took advantage of was my father's lesson of working hard and using what you have. Even people growing up in poverty can become successful if they do this. But the problem is that lots of people in poverty are too stupid to teach this kind of thing to their children. Sure, it's a cycle, but throwing money at it won't fix the problem.

    And yes, I am better than many people, because I've worked hard and explored my potential. Being born rich doesn't automatically give you the ability to study physics at a respectable college and graduate with a 3.6 GPA. I'm not top 10% because my daddy was rich. I'm top 10% because I'm genetically superior to you.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:52:18 No.354504026
    every single person I've ever heard in favor of socialism is a complete loser with no skills who wishes they could have everything that other people work for at someone else's expense\

    as far as I'm concerned you assholes are all con artists. get a job you worthless shits.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:52:30 No.354504043
    >mfw your parents lived on welfare to get on their feet
    >mfw people can't get jobs due to the boom/bust cycles of the economy
    >mfw not even construction jobs
    >mfw not even picking strawberries
    >mfw I have no face

    Good job supporting your position by stating that your parents USED the sytem that you denounce to create their dynastic wealth, and that you feel no obligation to pay it forward...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:53:04 No.354504094

    Yeah, currently working to pay my way through college, at least what isn't covered by loans and FAFSA. I'm actually in a similar situation (middle class, never been poor) but here is the key difference between you and me - I don't act like I'm better than poor people just because I was lucky enough to have parents who were more higher up on the totem pole. I don't believe my parents' accomplishments are mine and somehow make me better than other people, and if some taxes are used to keep poor people from dying, that's fine with me.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:53:12 No.354504107
    are you a jew?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:53:24 No.354504122
    No, I'm not claiming that anyone will help them. I claiming that no one should be forced to. That's all. Who are you to decide where my hard earned money should go?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:53:24 No.354504125
    Judging by the people ITT, you can see that "charity" for people actually trying to get out of poverty, and making the right chooses like not having kids, is almost non-existent.These fuckers are just as bad as Libertarians.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:54:04 No.354504183
    not sure what the big deal is. I broke my left wrist and right thumb in a skateboarding accident and had to have surgery. I do have insurance, but I looked at the bill and it came to about $1200. This covered the ER visits, x-rays, and surgery to have a plate put in my left wrist and pins in my right thumb. Oh and I am in America. It's not that expensive folks...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:54:29 No.354504220
    >daddy paid for your education, as well as the rest of society
    >you were GIVEN the opportunity to "explore your potential" at a university
    >always had the secure net of daddy's contributions, there was no possible way to fail
    >still claims all accomplishments as his own.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:56:18 No.354504373
    1. the guy who asked that is not me
    2. I never once claimed my father's accomplishments as my own. I'm proud of myself because of what I've done with MY OWN work ethic and MY OWN brain, things that I do not have just because my father has money.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:56:34 No.354504399
    Poor people making good life choices? Lol needle in a haystack. Try living among the roody-poos for a while then report back.

    I had the misfortune of going to a black high school. They are fucking animals with no desire to better themselves. Maybe poor whites are better but I doubt it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:57:08 No.354504447
    >previous poster cites his success based on his family which shows him love and support

    >still claims all accomplishments as his own.

    wait, what?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:57:09 No.354504452
    >not expensive

    nigga I need that money for food and rent
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:58:13 No.354504545
    No, you're totally right, the truth is that just because I had some assistance along the way, I haven't accomplished a single thing, and that in the end I'm just as worthless as you are. Are you feeling more secure yet?

    Sure, I may get further than someone who didn't have middle class parents, but the point is that even people living in poverty have the opportunity to better their lives.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:58:14 No.354504552
    did i not just say poor people are scum too?
    oh right i did, you're just being a candy-ass and writing nonsense.

    even once i'm making six figures i will still call you scum. it has nothing to do with how much you make. i'm calling you scum because that is what you are. you and everyone like you, along with all the white trash and roody-poos should be gassed. there is something wrong or missing in your head to think the way you do. you are a lower form of life.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:58:32 No.354504575
    The fun part is that right now, you don't decide shit about where your money goes... In fact, you're not even ALLOWED to investigate a lot of it, and the rest of the information is so buried you'll probably never know as it is... lol.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:58:50 No.354504606
    then get a job! it's easy to find! you're just being lazy! maybe if obama stopped taxing the top 1% so much I could make a job for you!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:58:59 No.354504621
    Same thing happens in America except you go home with a $2000 bill.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)04:59:31 No.354504659
    read the previous, previous, previous, previous...etc post. This has been going on for awhile.

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)05:01:11 No.354504832
    Here's hoping you get seriously ill before you turn 26 bro.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)05:01:45 No.354504898
    Please point out where I claimed any of his accomplishments as my own, when I clearly differentiated between what HE did and what I did.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)05:01:56 No.354504913
    It actually is easy. You're just "too good" for a job of hard work and want to make $40 a year to push paper around.

    Chipotle is hiring across my street. Told my unemployed friends. "I'm not working in fast food. I have a college degree." Well eat a dick then.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)05:03:21 No.354505056
    jobs don't work like that. And in this economy, you best be trolling. Jobs are tied to the demand for production. If a company makes 20k cars a year, and demand is at 20k cars per year, the company will just pocket that nice little tax break you gave them and sit on it as cash, like the companies are doing right now (apple). But, if you free up a little bit of money to everyone by making giving to the poor/freeing up money by providing free healthcare, more people have money to buy products. So, the demand for production will rise, and that same company will have to hire more people to make more products to meet demand.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)05:03:32 No.354505074

    >Implying I am...

    What are you implying, negro?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)05:03:40 No.354505088
    Other people need to use the hospital too cunt. How will businesses make the line go any faster?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)05:03:55 No.354505112
    I live outside of Atlanta. The last high school I went to was 80% black. I'm working 60 hours a week while building up my funds to get back in college. My rent alone is $670 a month. I don't have kids so I get raped in taxed. I moved here a month ago from west TN, where I couldn't get any aid for school, in order for a better chance of aid for college. No health insurance. My health is shit. Some of us are doing our damnedest to get out of poverty, but goddamn do people try to kick people when they're down.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)05:04:29 No.354505161
    so what you're saying is we should tax the rich?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)05:05:35 No.354505267
    >have HMO insurance.
    >just recently had my gallbladder out.
    >only make about 30k a year.
    >the doctors haven't denied me anything.
    >haven't seen a single bill.

    sounds to me that you assholes have a case of hyperbolemia.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)05:05:58 No.354505305
    Absolutely right. A help wanted sign has been hanging outside of a a printing store for two weeks now here in Houston, in this "recession"

    I'm the silver spoon kid who supposedly takes all of his father's accomplishments as his own. If I couldn't find a job with my degree, I'd go work wherever the fuck I could. And you know what? I wouldn't fucking complain and expect people to pay for me. Some people are lucky, some aren't. At least I'd have a job.

    And before you start telling me I don't know what work is, I worked in wal-mart for 8.00 an hour in tire and lube. I worked as a fucking security guard, in 100 degree texas summer weather, driving a golf cart around all day fucking long, for 8.50 an hour. And I didn't fucking complain. Because I had a job. In a "recession" a 19 year old college student found jobs after a week or two of searching.

    People need to take what they can get and shut up because they have more than nothing.

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