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  • File : 1316462838.jpg-(121 KB, 640x480, tea-party-protestor.jpg)
    121 KB Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:07:18 No.354246301  
    Ask a Tea Partier anything.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:08:39 No.354246487
    how was the unvoluntary sex
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:09:46 No.354246647

    Awesome. I love raping bitches.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:10:40 No.354246766
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:11:24 No.354246854
    just admit fag, you can come out now
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:11:55 No.354246944
    >But keep the libraries, police & fire departments, the guys who build and maintain the public roads etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:12:53 No.354247081
    how many other gay men do you sleep with on a daily basis?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:14:16 No.354247284

    I don't think we should hate the tea party members. I mean, sure, there logic is flawed, but what it is is a back lash of the simpletons of the republican party who realize they have been lied to by the republicans. They're still simpletons, so they handle it like such. These people are the republicans who can actually be swayed, and can actually be talked to. They are able to have doubt in themselves.

    And they don't believe in global warming
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:14:48 No.354247359
    did you ever do a black guy, OP?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:14:50 No.354247363
    socialism for the rich [cooperate with your kind to to ahve great schools, services, medical care]

    capitalism for the poor [work alone against system, unions not allowed]
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:17:22 No.354247698

    I am not a homosexual.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:17:28 No.354247709
    OP doesn't use lube, just enjoys the dry hairs over his dick when gently rapin Mcdonalds employees
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:18:09 No.354247813
    he lyin
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:18:40 No.354247884
    why are you such a stupid cunt?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:19:53 No.354248062
    why are you so plain stupid? is fox news the one to blame?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:20:10 No.354248110
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    What do you think of Trotsky?
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:20:44 No.354248197

    I'm not stupid. I understand economics and politics and I know that Obama is flushing our once great nation down the toilet.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:21:02 No.354248243
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    Helping people is so 2005
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:21:19 No.354248287

    Just another fucking communist. Glad he died the way he did.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:22:27 No.354248440
    Half right.

    These people revolt against the established Republican Party, and know why.
    But they also know that the Democratic Party is bullshit as well. Two sides of the same coin.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:22:52 No.354248496

    Yeh cuz Americas heyday was the years directly before Obamas presidency.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:24:19 No.354248673
    100% true!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:24:31 No.354248700
    >Helping people is for fags! HURR everything is mine I shouldn't have to do shit for anyone.

    Grow up.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:24:31 No.354248703
    yeah before Obama the US was amazing.
    land of the free: lol only mexicans.
    your educational system ranks below bolivia
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:25:25 No.354248822

    As far as I remember the time before Bush was good. Ohh, Clinton was a human being (democrat)
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:26:21 No.354248953
    what is the tea party trying to accomplish
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:27:30 No.354249087
    Clinton was bombing Iraq and Afghanistan at the end of his presidency
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:27:38 No.354249106
    what kind of tea do you like? and what kind of tea set do you use?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:28:50 No.354249189
    If McCarthy and Nixon were drowning, which one would you jack off to first?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:28:51 No.354249194
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    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:29:19 No.354249275
    Why're you stupid?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:29:40 No.354249338
    how does it feel to have below average IQ, does it make it so you can sympathize with roody-poos?
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:29:51 No.354249369

    Hell yeah it was. Taxes were low and our armies controlled every country that mattered. We didn't take shit from anyone except Russia. Maybe if we had a Republican in the White House we'd have Putin wrapped around our fingers by now.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:31:33 No.354249541
    I hate it when the tea partiers look at the constitution and the bill of rights, and take them exactly as they are. What would the founding fathers think?

    The founding fathers would have wanted us to CHANGE those fucking documents as the zeitgeist changes.

    Also, the only way for the human race to advance as a whole is Socialism. We're going to get there eventually, just let it happen and reap the benefits of food, clothes, shelter, education, and healthcare as basic human rights.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:32:29 No.354249650

    ARE YOU DUMB? that is completely backwards

    Not only that but socialism is shitty

    Pick one: Either Capitalism or Communism.

    I choose to be a commie
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:34:00 No.354249827
    your worrying about the russians, my god you are stupid, China and India are much bigger problems for the US and oh yeah did you cry over 9/11 OP?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:34:06 No.354249841
    Why is it you claim to support less government involvement in our personal lives, but support candidates who openly state they support government enforcing "values" upon others?

    Can you not see the hypocrisy of the TEA party position?
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:34:19 No.354249871

    My IQ is 130.


    Good question. If I were inclined to jack off men, then I would probably choose McCarthy. Nixon was a pansy-ass Republican and the most socialist president since FDR.


    I usually drink green tea and just use a coffee mug. I got one of those electric kettles to heat the water and use teabags.

    The restoration of our once great nation through smart economic policy.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:34:57 No.354249957
    what's funny about that is that you're already wrapped around the cia's fucking finger and they don't like you.

    neither do other republicans.

    enjoy your rising col and falling employment/educational opportunities.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:36:06 No.354250094
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    >our armies controlled

    Things seem to be in control here, no more militia bombings or armed attacks any where

    Other than that, you are quite clearly a moron.
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:36:14 No.354250108

    This ain't twitter you idiot.


    Wept manly tears.


    If it ain't broke, don't fix it, I say.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:38:05 No.354250325
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    >My IQ is 130.

    this's already a lie for a couple of reasons:

    1. you're on /b/
    3. you've bothered to have your iq tested and know exactly what it is.
    d. you're on /b/

    your argument is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:38:07 No.354250330

    explain this smart economic policy
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:38:26 No.354250364
    Global Warming is a thing that you must believe? Isn't it just a case of examining the evidence? Then making your opinion based on it?

    Did you read the paper in New Scientist from CERN? Stating that the almost all warming is a result of the Sun getting hotter?

    Maybe you should ring Cern and belittle them
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:39:00 No.354250437

    You can not stop the people.


    Yeah, Iraq was a shitstorm. I was talking about our "allies", NATO, most of the Middle East, South Korea, Australia, and Japan. They might as well be puppets.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:39:19 No.354250464

    I'd have so much more respect for those fucktards if they actually knew what socialism IS.

    As it stands, they're about as retarded as libtards and antifafags who thinks evaluating mass immigration = nazism.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:40:05 No.354250559
    I fail to understand how someone from the western world can grow into the kind of idiocy you and your "organisation" display.

    Do everyone a favour, kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:40:43 No.354250651
    You call the democrats socialists and demand smaller government, yet you propose to impose restrictions on how people live and go about their daily lives. explain
    >> TRUE PATRIOT 101 09/19/11(Mon)16:41:14 No.354250707
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    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:41:57 No.354250795
    OP keep supporting the tea party, the rest of the world never thought the US could do worse then the republicans but you went ahead and proved them wrong. the world hates you, only mexicans go to your country. keep crying against socialism cause your a little bitch. The only good thing your doing is supporting the tea party hell all of the US should, after all you gotta hit rock bottom before you can climb up.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:42:12 No.354250838
    Where does it all end? If we keep helping the 3rd world countries that triple in population every generation, how long before we're out of resources? Then who decides who gets the chop?

    tldr feed africa, overpopulate the world, run out of food, YAY SOCIALISM!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:42:21 No.354250853

    Motherfucking this!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:42:52 No.354250912

    "we fought a revolution 230 years ago to stop Europeans from telling us how we have to tax in this country, But the fact is, we have to do it. The EU and the WTO have sort of a sword to our head. We don't like it, but we have to do what the Europeans are telling us to do." Dennis Hastert, speaker of the House talking about eliminating tax breaks for American companies

    "There's no doubt that we have a misconception about America's strength vis-à-vis Europe," said Jeremy Rifkin, the president of the Washington-based Foundation on Economic Trends
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:43:44 No.354251015

    It IS broken. the 100 pants-shitting old men that create all federal laws decisionmaking skills are being BOUGHT by corporations.

    Do you think they give a shit about what the people in their areas think?

    FUCK NO.

    They care about the PAYCHECKS that they get from lobbyists. Companies now control policies, and those businesses are making a fuckload of money.

    If you really think our democracy is not broken and not corrupt, you're just too dumb to realize it.

    Even during this debate, you're not opening your mind to thinking about the future and the welfare of society as a whole. You're just getting more enveloped and sheep like in your tea party policy following.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:44:20 No.354251096

    When they get food, education and social security they will stop having a shitload of babies. Western europe was exactly the same way 100 years ago, now the population is declining instead. What's the problem? I'll tell you what the problem is, you're a fat fuck who's all like "meeeeeh, mah monmeh is mah moneh", and that's cool, just be up front and honest about it like a fucking man.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:44:26 No.354251106
    kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:45:15 No.354251222
    >Ask a Tea Partier anything.

    Why are you such a fucking idiot?
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:45:26 No.354251253

    All we want is higher community standards, set at the state level. Not all freedom is good. We should not be free to behave like animals. I'm not about to begin advocating getting rid of traffic laws, that would be dumb. I am in favor of loosening building codes, because businesses aren't going to waste money by making unsafe buildings, but they do waste money and time going through pointless bureaucracy.


    Reduction of taxes as much as possible. Stimulus plans in the right places. Protectionist trade policies. I could go on for hours on this shit. Seriously, I could write you a 500 page book but this is newt gingrich, go learn economics in school.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:45:34 No.354251284
    i'm voting ron paul, so i can watch the world burn.

    am i a bad person?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:46:08 No.354251358
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    Capitol Wasteland: a brighter future
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:46:12 No.354251368
    you are just the worst
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:46:13 No.354251373
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    herp, claims none of us know socialism.. then doesn't able explain derp
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:46:18 No.354251386
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    Im a libertarian, and I go to regular tea party meetings too. all this hate towards the tea party is ridiculous.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:47:22 No.354251533
    Do you consider yourself an Anarchist? Because most of the Tea Party or Libertarian ideals that I've heard are straight-up Anarchist concepts.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:47:39 No.354251584

    Birth rates declined because the disparity in education between sexes, and general culture to women being educated and working changed, women don't want to get a degree then have a load of babies in Europe these days.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:47:46 No.354251607
    Where is your evidence (read: data) that decreasing taxes leads to job growth?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:47:55 No.354251628

    Hey dumbfuck teatard, taxes are lower under Obama than they were under Bush. Go fuck yourself faget.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:48:08 No.354251650

    So in other words, government should stay the fuck out of YOUR face, but you want it to impose orwellian society on everyone who don't agree with you? Yeah, that makes sense, you truly stand for liberty, justice and the spirit of the founding fathers... Retard.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:48:10 No.354251655

    There's enough food produced today to provide every living human being with 2700 calories a day.

    Farmers are paid to not grow crops so the market prices stay high.

    If you think we're not smart enough to maintain food, a very renewable resource, you're a fucking moron.

    WHAT'S WRONG WITH CHARITY, YOU NARCISSISTIC FUCK? Maybe when people in Africa have food, they can also achieve the means to maintain themselves?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:48:35 No.354251705
    Death panels, the birther nonsense, climate change denial, cheering for executions.

    No, the hate towards the tea party is justified by the actions and statements of the tea party.

    You're just a moron.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:48:43 No.354251729
    what restrictions you stupid cunt?
    and fuck you if you say Faggots getting married you brainwashed PC cuntface Nigger
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:50:08 No.354251935
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    >climate change
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:50:10 No.354251945
    If a rich Republicunt masquerading as a "Tea Partier" didn't plant the propaganda in your head, you wouldn't have any ideas at all. You will vote against your own best interest. You've been epically trolled.
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:50:37 No.354251999

    Registered Libertarian.


    I don't feel like finding the books on my bookshelf. For those of you think that I'm an uneducated fuckwit, I've got a college degree in economics and 50 feet of books.

    Greetings, /b/rother.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:50:40 No.354252011
    So the world will never fill up? OR the country? and you know the future too.

    Nice to know, thanks for such an intelligent and well thought out post bro
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:50:44 No.354252022

    So you agree that fags should be able to marry, or are you as much of a hypocritical cunt as you appear?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:50:47 No.354252032
    >claim not restricting anything
    >restrict basic rights, right off the bat
    >claim it's not a basic right at all
    >'now we're right'!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:51:47 No.354252168
    really? you fucking retard?
    60 years of new dealism and giving the poor everything from housing to free food and education and pverty has GROWN not shrank you nanny state socialist fucktard

    I can't wait until the people who work and produce get sick of the people who take and complain and start killing them and all their libtard middleclass pals
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:52:50 No.354252317

    I have a feeling anyone willing to profess themselves as a tea partier, democrat, republican, etc are all disillusioned asses trying to feel better about themselves and their society.

    The only solution is 3-d printing and nano-factories.

    Unless you guys want to start a war or something.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:52:58 No.354252333
    hilarious isn't it, all the social policies like equality for women, gays etc cause lower birthrates.. so we import people who still want babies.. but they get socialized and don't want as many.. worldsgonemad.gif
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:53:03 No.354252346
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:53:16 No.354252386
    Republicans are not simply useless, they are detrimental. Tea partiers are Republicans un-chained.

    Democrats are just useless.

    Libertarians have a couple good ideas all wrapped in a big bag of crazy.

    Essentially we're all fucked.
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:53:59 No.354252486

    I'm conflicted on gay marriage. As a Christian I am directed to oppose it by my faith and values. I am not sure the government should be sticking it's head in there, however. Usually, I didn't vote on it when my state had a referendum on it.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:54:06 No.354252506
    What do you put in your tea?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:54:16 No.354252526
    If the lillies in a pond double every day.. and it takes 20 days for it to happen, on day 19, how much of the pond is covered?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:54:43 No.354252588
    fiscal conservatism is the main goal of the tea party imo. or at least the goal that i am on board with. libertarian here and could give a shit about gays marrying or the eugenics of planned parenthood brought on by sanger.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:55:11 No.354252659
    how does it feel knowing that people like you are killing america?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:55:18 No.354252677

    You appear to be quite mad. So YOU know the future but the other side doesn't? Nice. Also, yeah it might fuck shit up, but there IS enough food to go around, it's just unevenly distributed. The main reason why people in shit tier countries get overpopulated is that children are basically the ONLY social security for old age. When this no longer holds true, the birth rate drops. This is based on historical observation, unlike your batshit ideas about the world becoming "full" because the "nig­gers are fucking too much".
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:55:19 No.354252678
    Do you actually know what Socialism and Communism are?
    >> !atiKtokGwc 09/19/11(Mon)16:55:28 No.354252702
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    when you are on your period.. do you still fuck your boyfriend
    >how much would charge to do this with company over
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:55:48 No.354252755
    Well OP, how YOU feel about gay marriage is of no relevance. If your right to get married was based on what the consensus of gay people thought about it, you'd be understandably upset at such a basic right being debated back and forth.

    Don't like fags? Too bad, don't marry one then.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:55:58 No.354252781

    Thank. God.
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:55:59 No.354252786

    I like it straight.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:56:00 No.354252787
    Do/Would you circumcise your children?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:56:13 No.354252824

    genius comment, anon!
    >> TRUE PATRIOT 201 09/19/11(Mon)16:56:33 No.354252866
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    All of everybo­dy would benefit from...
    - low, flat, federal, sales taxes: 10%
    - zero amount, federal, income taxes
    - total federal budget fixed at 25% GDP
    - lawful and rightful access to all forms of medicine
    - lawful and rightful access to all forms of arms and armor

    ...and why not? You socialists and statists don't give a shit about humanity and the greatest hope thereof, the United States of America.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:56:38 No.354252875
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    Have you ever seen a grown man naked?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:56:43 No.354252884
    it is clear OP is a fag, do not post anymore, he's just a fag, let him be faggin. he just wanted attention.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:56:47 No.354252895
    why didnt you read more books at school
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:56:54 No.354252910
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    Go ahead, lead your fellow teabaggers to Washington. There's nothing I would like to see more than your selfish imperialist nation succumb and divert into the abyss.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:57:12 No.354252947

    What's your favorite kind of tea?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:58:10 No.354253068
    Does it ever strike you as odd that you're being funded by people who have a lot to gain (polluting, bilking the last few $$s out of the non-wealthy) by a deregulated America?

    Do you really think that if you play the game right you'll get to be king for a day?

    Are you retarded?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:58:25 No.354253109
    6/10 nearly anwered back
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:58:34 No.354253140
    Cock and balls flavored
    >> OP 09/19/11(Mon)16:59:10 No.354253231

    We're SAVING America. It's sad that you are too dumb to see that. Don't listen to everything your corporate overlords and the liberal elite tell you.


    I do not approve of circumcision. Christians who circumcise forget about Galatians. Non-Christians and Non-Jews who circumcise are just dumb.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:59:13 No.354253237

    I'm working class and I agree with that fag. Sick of libertarian cunts like you who read Ayn Rand, thinking it's hot shit and then take the liberty of speaking for the "little guy". We can speak for ourself and have no interest in your biblethumping psychobabble. The only way for the working class to gain true influence and power is trade unionism and socialism, preferably the syndicalist variety to avoid power usurption..
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)16:59:50 No.354253297
    You're a tea partier. That, in turn makes you stupid.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:00:04 No.354253327

    Yes they are.

    This is the problem.

    This is why we're scared.

    The slow kid has got a gun, and he's waving it at everything, and no one is taking it away from him.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:00:33 No.354253401

    Do you use your own cock and balls or do you use someone else's?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:00:42 No.354253424
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    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:01:05 No.354253463
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    Fuck you, whore. Better red than American.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:01:27 No.354253521
    >corporate masters are the funders of the tea party
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:02:11 No.354253604
    which republican republican candidate, if any, do you support?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:02:21 No.354253636

    enough food to go round now.. and with projected population increase? Surely there comes a point where the available food is exceeded..

    Don't the Islamic doctrine of al-hijra... demographic warfare through immigration and outbreeding. It's how Mo conquered Mecca

    What happens in nature is the population grows till it exceeds food then a large proportion die out. I prefer that we don't get to that stage

    You only support the policies you do because you enjoy the feeling of smug self satisfaction. Who cares about the facts rite? Hurr all republitards are evil and hate the poor

    race war is coming to america.. check mahogany mobs in Philadelphia, Wisconsin, Denver, Detroit etc. Why do you want to support people who don't even want to work?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:02:31 No.354253661

    Another example of you being a sheep, blindly following a storybook, being pompous and probably thinking of yourself as a "man of god."

    If you really believe that shit, let's look at the ideals of the man you put your faith into, Jesus Christ.

    Jesus never hated. He cured, he loved, he forgave. Do you really think he gave a shit if someone was gay? No. His ideals expressed that you should love everyone as you want to be loved, and then you'll love a more fulfilled life.

    "Just another fucking communist. Glad he died the way he did."

    You said that, OP!

    Sounds like you need to reformat your life if you want to get into heaven.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:02:50 No.354253703
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    The crazy one
    >> OP !XZ5g0R1JBA 09/19/11(Mon)17:04:08 No.354253850

    Green tea.

    This is not me. Switching to a secure tripcode

    1) There are some ultrarich who are with us. But not all of them. They're just like everynewt gingrich else and have political opinions. Some of them just happen to believe in the Tea Party.
    2) Lolwut
    3) My IQ is 130.

    A man can only read so fast. I probably read a thousand books while I was in college. I guess I could have doubled that if I didn't have a social life or play video games occassionally.

    Yes, in the dorm showers back in college.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:04:11 No.354253866
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    would that be Apple Genius? heh, goddam libtard sockpappet
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:04:29 No.354253906
    And only the stupidest among us fall for their bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:04:36 No.354253928
    so you saving the US despite fighting tooth and nail against a law that grants everyone easier access to health insurance, and opposing this country have a universal healthcare plan (something every other developed country has).
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:05:15 No.354254004
    Hang on wait, you know socialism is the better option for everyone in the country as a whole right?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:05:21 No.354254024
    and those people are called the tea party
    >> OP !XZ5g0R1JBA 09/19/11(Mon)17:05:54 No.354254100
    All of us sin, in our hearts if not in our actions. I can only hope that God will forgive me for my weaknesses.

    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:05:55 No.354254102
    You aren't and that makes you stupid.

    See, I can do it too
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:06:13 No.354254144
    >my I.Q. is 130

    mfw. Not if you're trolling /b/ it ain't
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:06:29 No.354254186
    The Red Chair
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:06:30 No.354254191
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    Then I guess you are conflicted on gun control too?
    Since the constiturion allows for you to own them, but the bible says to turn the other cheeck.

    Oh wait... This logic only applies one way?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:06:43 No.354254236
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:06:54 No.354254261
    IQ of 130 and not only a conservative, but a tea partier. I'm calling bullshit, not teabagger can possibly have an above-average IQ.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:07:04 No.354254287
    We have an opportunity to eliminate Ahmadinejihad.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:08:26 No.354254489
    Still waiting on evidence that links employment and taxation. You guys can't fucking breathe without repeating the lower taxes mantra ten or twenty times, I figured you have some fucking evidence.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:08:49 No.354254533
    The level of idiocy here is surprising, even for /b/! I've seen literally fifty or so ad hominem attacks, but not one person here seems to actually understand what the Tea Party is about... glad most of the posters can't vote yet or will be too lazy. Way to show off that intellect /b/ HURR DURR!!
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:08:53 No.354254548
    how is small government anarchy? Surely that would be no government?

    what is the opposite sides view? Government so massive that everyone works for it?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:09:55 No.354254689
    Ladies and gentlemen, here in it's natural habitat you can see a native Tea Partier.
    So oblivious to the world around it, it actually lives in a sort of 'virtual reality' cobbled together from it's peers and it's own warped view of the world. When it looks at you, it doesn't see a human being, it see's a commie-liberal-secular-fagget. When it see's free health care, it's seeing 'death panels'. When it see's a minimum tax on the rich equal to the lowest paying tax bracket, they see 'class warfare'

    Take your photos now folks, these odd creatures are expected to be extinct by 2016, despite re-introduction campaigns led by large companies with interests in idiots voting.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:10:51 No.354254830
    1. everyone in the US already had access to healthcare
    2. please see greece and spain and every "developed" country that has a bankrupt socialist medical program

    Teabaggers believe in small fiscally responsible government with decreased influence on individual lives and privacy

    if you don't believe that you don't belong on /b/
    I blame Chanology for bringing all the socialist and hippy Faggots to /b/

    og and as far as gay marriage goes? fuck the Faggots they are maybe 3% of the population who gives a fuck what those shitty packing vermin think anyway
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:11:18 No.354254884
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    >implying the democratic party isn't influenced by special interests
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:11:30 No.354254913
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    Cry moar, teabagger.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:12:29 No.354255036
    Probably took the test at a teabag rally in Texas, where evolutionism was set as incorrect and Adam and Eve with dinosaurs automatically set a minimum of 100 IQ.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:12:31 No.354255042
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    so anyone who disagrees with you is a Tea Partier? I'm not even US you assclown
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:12:56 No.354255104
    MSM is what's putting those ideas out there, not the tea party.

    Don't believe me? Look up how the tea party was started, and on what ideals.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:13:01 No.354255118
    >1. everyone in the US already had access to healthcare

    tell that to every single person who didn't.

    This has to be a troll, no person can be that retarded.
    >> OP !XZ5g0R1JBA 09/19/11(Mon)17:13:21 No.354255166
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    No it's not. Seriously, socialism is like astrology. It appeals to your emotions and part of you wants to believe it, but the facts, every time, show that it is, at best, a suboptimal ideology.

    The Bible does not teach us to never take up arms. Turning the other cheek is about not taking revenge and forgiving those who wrong you. There is such a thing as a just war.

    Everyone above this post got trolled. You are correct. I am not a Tea Partier, because Tea Partiers are idiots. The only true things I said in this thread were:
    I really do have an IQ of 130 (according to an online test I took when I was 14, lawl).
    I really am a registered Libertarian, but I always vote democrat because those are the only good candidates.
    I really do have 50 feet of books.
    I really do prefer green tea and use an electric kettle.

    Don't believe me? Think someone supplanted the original OP? Go back and read the first letter of each of my posts.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:13:49 No.354255232
    v good, the actors chnge but the script remains the same

    Enjoy your minority in 2047 White merrkins
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:15:09 No.354255433
    no way! a troll post! my first time too, I feel violated
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:15:26 No.354255475
    >When it see's free health care, it's seeing 'death panels'. When it see's a minimum tax on the rich equal to the lowest paying tax bracket, they see 'class warfare'

    you fucking brainwashed parrot go back to DailyKOS to get more talking points you retarded Nigger
    go get more marching orders from your BILLIONARE masters George Soros, Warren Buffet, General Electric

    The rich pay a HIGHER percentage of their income
    you have to burn calories to inhale air so not even air is free
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:15:33 No.354255493
    That wasn't even implied.

    Yeah, did that. Lower taxes, even though taxes are lower now than ever. Great platform.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:15:34 No.354255495
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    (inb4 Breivig)
    >> !atiKtokGwc 09/19/11(Mon)17:16:10 No.354255579
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    I'm just not impressed
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:16:58 No.354255667
    They have access to healh care because insurance companies can no longer turn them down due to a pre-existing condition. However not everynewt gingrich has access to healthcare because it's FUCKING expensive. Also, having a fully government-funded healthcare system does not make a nation socialist. I guess that answers my question about you knowing what socialism and communism are.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:17:16 No.354255708
    what's DailyKOS?

    and rich people are paying less, not more. Ask Warren Buffet. No really, ask him. I'll wait.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:17:38 No.354255761
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    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:17:58 No.354255814
    got his number?
    >> OP !XZ5g0R1JBA 09/19/11(Mon)17:18:19 No.354255860
         File1316467099.png-(328 KB, 1002x1002, fluttershy yawn.png)
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    >make troll thread
    >spend an hour on it
    >no one cares
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:18:38 No.354255895
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    What about Kahmeni? We can't get him yet, can we?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:19:11 No.354255970
    Socialism 101

    Socialism is about worker ownership of the means of production. A pure socialist society would entail everynewt gingrich working for one company that runs the schools, hospitals, food and industrial production. Each worker has an equal say in the company and the employee/owners would function as the shareholders for deciding the leadership.

    State Capitalism - means of production is guarded by the state, and the rewards of production go to mainly the core population of wealthy aristocrats who influence public perception to deny the underclasses agency (see: han chinese "communist" party, stalinist russia, America in the case of GM, GE, military contractors &c)

    What isn't Socialism:

    Universal Healthcare (this is more like buying in bulk)
    public fire dept
    public police
    public utilities
    public education
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:19:26 No.354256000



    Do you have the balls?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:20:18 No.354256112
         File1316467218.png-(188 KB, 787x770, discord likes where this is go(...).png)
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    This is what happens.

    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:21:30 No.354256269
    >mfw Scandinavia consists of some of the best countries in the world, and they're socialists.
    >mfw my reaction-face folder is lost for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:23:16 No.354256498
    The universal health care plan that was passed by obama's administration is not only a horrible idea because it will increase healthcare prices across the board for everyone and result in a health care system that can only treat a designated number of people before saying "sorry, out of money. good luck with that cancer" But also because it is blatantly unconstitutional in that it forces the american people to purchase a product solely because they are living american citizens. It doesn't work, it hasn't worked, and it never will work.

    Socialism is also stupid because the socialist economic structure DOESN'T GENERATE PROFIT! EVER! And profit is the only way people advance as a society. Socialist governed nations have proven to always collapse time and time again and the assumption that 'we can do the same thing better.' is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:24:22 No.354256649
    nah, he'd prob find some way to charge or sue me

    biased much?

    Elections of business leaders is a popularity contest, in capitalism it's through merit(inheritance is your parents merit). Do we want the best leaders or the most popular ones that promise amazing wages and benefits, then are retired by the time the company can no longer pay them.. look at government pension defecits... promised their members the earth.. and every other fucker has to pay for it.. yay socialism
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:26:06 No.354256837

    Trips say its legit.
    >this is jimmy's brother warren, leave a message.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:27:24 No.354256995
    The Tea party and the republicans support a feudalistic culture with the all the trappings of the Indian class system with wealthy lords and kings born into the top.

    They also support "To big to fail" which is a communist idea.

    They also support Top down economic planning from big corporations that decide what they want us to buy.
    Top down planning is communist.

    If you have money then they think it means your god.

    None of that sounds very pro-democracy/republic to me.

    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:27:31 No.354257008
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    Can you tell me one point in time where capitalism has work without a cinch?

    You're a stupid fuck.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:29:22 No.354257215
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    Fine quality work there OP. The lefties are raging so hard they can't stop themselves.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:32:18 No.354257575
    What's it like, living in a trailer and fucking your sibling? As you are likely illiterate, what elitest liberal do yo get to read things for you?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:33:31 No.354257732

    You are a fucking idiot if you're really a tea party member. Sorry to break your little idealistic heart, but the world is laughing at you retards. You people all come from those weird, big and pointless states like New Mexico and shit and protest over literally nothing.


    And fuck, Obama a socialist? Just because he actually wants to help American families and actually has responsiblity to take care of the poor and elderly, (something US politcians steer clear of) fuck, stop lying to yourselves, help people who cant help themselves. stop being greedy fucking republican fucks. Ron Paul is a retard with typical libertarian populist views that rakes in the floating voters with what he calls "common sense" and what the world calls "borderline anarchism"

    There is nothing good about you idiot lazy fuckheads, stop watching glenn beck and bill o reilly, stop fucking your cousin, and use common sense.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:33:47 No.354257767
    Socialism is a mob monopoly. It's basically the same State Capitalism represented by Communism, without a distinction between state property and public property, and just ensures "democracy" without giving two shits about meritocracy and basic, individual human rights.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:34:08 No.354257808
    I thought discrimination and prejudice was against the socialist religion
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:35:59 No.354258002
    The Tea party and the republicans support a feudalistic culture with the all the trappings of the Indian class system with wealthy lords and kings born into the top.

    They also support "To big to fail" which is a communist idea.

    They also support Top down economic planning from big corporations that decide what they want us to buy.
    Top down planning is communist.

    If you have money then they think it means your god.

    They also support a system that allows the most wealthy to control the government and wealthy corporations to play propaganda on TV.

    None of that sounds very pro-democracy/republic to me.

    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:36:56 No.354258103
    Yay I wanna pay more taxes and work for the benefit of the government like a fucking serf.

    Liberals = happy slaves, parroting the drivel they've been fed by their masters since birth.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:37:02 No.354258115
    1. All form of tax suffers from that logic.

    2. Thats why Scandinavia combines the best of both worlds. Hell, we even grant startup-money to new businesses to make it easyer to start your own firm, make money, jobs and finally pay some taxes to finance the startup of the next big firm.

    Sosialism and capitalism is like a bow and arrow. They work best paired.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:37:46 No.354258126

    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:37:47 No.354258131
    socialists, people who aren't clever, hardworking or useful enough to actually earn their own way.

    "Yes I vote for you Obama if you give me moar handouts. I appreciate it's just a scam to get you back into power.. and who the fuck cares about the defeicit.. make the rich pay! WTF have they ever done for us?

    Didn't read it the first time you spaz
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:38:02 No.354258194

    not who you were replying to, but yes, i DID read that paper. YOU read a blog from some conservatard about that paper. the paper said that cosmic rays could nucleate aerosol particles which could Possibly seed clouds and thus cause cooling you dumbass. the paper even states:

    "However, the fraction of these freshly nucleated particles that grow to sufficient sizes to seed cloud droplets, as well as the role of organic vapours in the nucleation and growth processes, remain OPEN QUESTIONS EXPERIMENTALLY."

    quit pulling conclusions out of the right wing's ass.

    if you want to actually learn something, here's a video from an actual geologist.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:38:35 No.354258267
    Wait thats AA......bitch is holding that sign in my town......
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:41:05 No.354258550
    ITT - retards who genuinely think paying more tax is a good thing.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:41:08 No.354258565
    learning? wtf bro? I'm here for the lulz, might watch it tho if you claim it has tits

    What do you make of the climategate emails?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:42:20 No.354258705
    The Tea party and the republicans support a feudalistic culture with the all the trappings of the Indian class system with wealthy lords and kings born into the top.

    They also support "To big to fail" which is a communist idea.

    They also support Top down economic planning from big corporations that decide what they want us to buy.
    Top down planning is communist.

    If you have money then they think it means your god.

    They also support a system that allows the most wealthy to control the government and wealthy corporations to play propaganda on TV.

    The born into wealth rich elite are holding down genetically superior genetic combinations that have more skill then they do yet lack resources. They are thus hindering progress.

    None of that sounds very pro-democracy/republic to me.

    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:42:21 No.354258707
    > am from canada a socialist goverment.
    > lmfao @ the stupid as fuck yankees in the tea party.
    > realize harper has a majority and will do anything the states ask of him

    Dear god...No...?...I blame the states for becoming such a corrupted piece of shit when north america fails. war mongering idiots. you should have become a socialist nation sooner. Better education. Better health care. BETTER HUMAN RIGHTS.

    Well i dont hate all americans. Just the retarded tea party ones.

    >your also posioning the northern culture with your garbage scream at the top of your lunges politics.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:44:14 No.354258974
    Porn blog with fresh pornpasses : Download 12th September porn site passwords for free:
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:44:39 No.354259026
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    why dont you make the world a better place by killing yourself
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:44:54 No.354259051
    Makes some claims, spams it a lot... holy shit he MUST be right.. cos he said it and that.. thanks bro
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:46:14 No.354259209

    Okay seriously, i dont understand, please tell me, what the FUCK is wrong with having high taxes? I'm sorry, but why is it such a bad thing? Shit gets done, govt is bigger, and things like your healthcare and television is ALL commercial ads benefitting from YOU BEING ILL.

    Govt isnt that much of a bad thing actually. Not if you get it right, the right balance like the UK, then you have private and public.

    why should everything be targetted and made for a profit?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:48:19 No.354259458

    I don't see you debating it so it must be correct. You fail.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:48:59 No.354259533
    Do any of you collectivists on here actually have jobs?

    My guess is not. You're students or welfare losers who want your easy lifestyle subsidized, so long as someone else pays for it.

    That makes you just as greedy as any capitalist in my book, and far more dishonest.

    Not that it matters, the money's run out. The system that feeds and houses you for free will be gradually wound down over the coming generation. Guess you'll have to earn your keep like the rest of us. I can't wait to drink your tears as your sense of entitlement comes crashing down. LOL
    >> sage sage goes in every field 09/19/11(Mon)17:49:40 No.354259624
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    how do you enjoy being a pawn for the corporate oligarchy?

    does banker cum taste good or are you just a fan of knowing you're being taken advantage of?

    how does it feel to know the rest of the world laughs at you and no sane person considers your views intelligent?

    inb4 tired cliches and spin OH WAIT
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:52:06 No.354259903
    Why do the Tea Baggers follow such fucking idiots like Perry and Bacmann? i mean seriously.

    Im not that much of a lib, in fact i say Obama can do better, but Tea Partiers have no place as president.

    so do you do this to get attention or do you really believe those fucktards can do a good job?
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:53:15 No.354260045
    lol... you think the UK has it right? How many people out of work and on benefits? And lol at 43rd in the world at maths. Should be good little socialists if they don't know how to count.

    taxes should be as low as possible, since it is the money that the person has EARNED.. and what does it get spent on? Beurocracy? More money into failing schools? Welfare state?

    more taxes on the rich? Well okk since I'm not rih or likely to be and I LOVE SPENDING OTHER PEOPLES MONEY LIKE A FREELOADING FAGGYFAG

    Why will people put in their best effort if they aren't rewarded for it? You penalize the clever and hardworking to feed the lazy and stupid.

    Socialism not working.. need more socialism!


    They all laughed at Christopher Columbus...
    >> sage sage goes in every field 09/19/11(Mon)17:57:52 No.354260617
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    you can't even spell bureaucracy right you stupid fuck

    oh and people didn't laugh at Columbus because people were aware at that time that earth was round.

    also equating yourself to someone who actual achieved in their life is a fucking farce.

    i bet you don't believe in global warming or evolution either you fucking Luddite.

    eat shit and die
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)17:58:22 No.354260675

    Because with lower taxes I can choose what I spend my money on, rather than the government.

    If you don't see a problem with higher taxes you are perfectly entitled to send your whole wage packet to the government. I doubt you've ever seen a wage slip though.

    This debate is irrelevant, whatever tag the administration of the day is wearing, they all support big government. That sad fact ensures that ever more resources, including your wages in the form of tax, are sucked up to support the beast. Then we go bust, Soviet or Argentine style. There is no way out, the time to prevent it passed long ago.

    The collapse will see the end of the welfare state and probably the removal of many of the freedoms we currently enjoy. Of course the big spenders will say no-one saw it coming and that they'd have gotten away with it if only they'd spent more.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)18:02:39 No.354261209

    Really? I mean, really? Lets say we live in your world, or Ron Paul's world.

    I dial 911 for emergency services, i've been shot in the neck

    Me: Helllp! I need an ambulance at Anon Street! NOW!

    Operator: Certainly, we'll need your credit card details at the ready

    Me: I dont have health insurance! They dont cover gunshot wounds! OH IM SCREWED!

    Operator: End call

    That's some world you have there. The world doesnt consist of money. Sometimes we help each other out, OH I KNOW, COMMUNITY IS A DIRTY WORD IN MURRICA. But why cant u have free healthcare?

    Some guy had to have a surgery for something this one time, cost $500,000 for the insurers. They denied him, the company gained profit, the guy died. This shit happens every day in murrica, where profit is given priority over PEOPLES FUCKING HEALTH.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)18:04:05 No.354261384
    believe? A faith based position?

    Ever noticed how much money has been spent on Climate Change? What do you make of the Climategate emails?

    People did too laugh at Christopher Columbus, else why song? IDIOT!

    evolution seems pretty easy to prove using bacteria and bleach

    Climategate.. the leading research centre added an arbitary 'correction' also discussed ways of massaging the data and ostracising a colleague who didn't toe the party line
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)18:05:06 No.354261522
    The Tea party and the republicans support a feudalistic culture with the all the trappings of the Indian class system with wealthy lords and kings born into the top.

    They also support "To big to fail" which is a communist idea.

    They also support Top down economic planning from big corporations that decide what they want us to buy.
    Top down planning is communist.

    If you have money then they think it means your god.

    They also support a system that allows the most wealthy to control the government and wealthy corporations to play propaganda on TV.

    The born into wealth rich elite are holding down genetically superior genetic combinations that have more skill then they do yet lack resources. They are thus hindering progress.

    None of that sounds very pro-democracy/republic to me.


    You fucks cant debate any of this because it is in a scope beyond "liberal" or "conservative" talking points.

    Which just proves that your all poor fucks who just parrot what they hear on TV from their right wing pundents and talk show personalitys who never have any proof for what they say. The wealthy have tricked you all into thinking that no taxation is good because you will gain a few thousand more a year while they gain a few trillion to help rape you even more with.

    They want the last vestiges of a voice for the poor (the goverment) to be removed so they can take total controll and your all to retarded to see it.
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)18:09:08 No.354262011
    idiot child.. public healthcare is at least mostly just a way to sell drugs and services to people and get the taxpayer to pay.. croneyism. What's that, you've got a cheaper drug that does the same thing? Oh dear we failed it on testing.. better luck next time you will make us a shitload of cash.

    Emergency care is free in the US AFAIK... it's abused by illigal immigrants because they can't turn you away..

    So is there a cost too high to pay if it results in wonderful healthcare? What if we run out of cash and have to borrow a few trillion.. that our grandchildren will be stuck paying.. screw them though right? Who cares what kind of country we leave behind for those little bastards
    >> harmonious red 09/19/11(Mon)18:10:49 No.354262222
    why are you a nazi bent on fucking over everything that is right in the world ps whats wrong with socialism i'm a moaist by nature so id like to hear what you have to say
    >> Anonymous 09/19/11(Mon)18:11:17 No.354262285


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