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  • File : 1315797179.jpg-(123 KB, 648x840, e I, er, okay.jpg)
    123 KB Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/11/11(Sun)23:12:59 No.352979422  
    Need to talk, anon? Come in, stay if you'd like.
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:16:24 No.352979947
    I'm listening
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/11/11(Sun)23:17:32 No.352980134
         File1315797452.jpg-(137 KB, 1920x1080, opera On a mission.jpg)
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    Hello, anon. How are you?

    ignoring the bern/stov thread. primarily trolls there...
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:19:04 No.352980372
    I am well, trying to entertain myself, actually
    >> muh life Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:20:28 No.352980604
    all trolling aside,

    Ive been depressed and too smart for myself for years.
    my parents divorced at a young age and used me to get back at each other and i didnt have the heart to say anything. I lived with my mum until 12 then moved to my dads. Dad attempted to bond with me. fucking sucked. all my siblings and parents litterly know nothing about me. It scares me. ive never told anyone my deepest fears and the regret of inaction in my life is so much it makes me sad.... :(
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/11/11(Sun)23:20:50 No.352980670
         File1315797650.jpg-(194 KB, 700x2449, Fire the bow.jpg)
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    if you just want entertainment, plenty to be found >>352972017

    these tend to be slow as i generally only make my own when the one that's up isn't satisfactory or completely misses the point of these threads, even if there are 1-2 posters who are really there for it in that thread.
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/11/11(Sun)23:27:12 No.352981619
         File1315798032.png-(240 KB, 1109x803, Feign strength.png)
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    ah, i'm sorry they dragged you into their personal affairs, that isn't something anyone should have to go through. You shouldn't have had to have the 'heart' for anything, they're both full grown adults who should have had better respect for you than that, the fact that you didn't get in their face about it isn't your fault.

    Sometimes we just need time and people who care before we open up again if we've been through things like that. From the sound of it, you're been through a lot.
    Anything else that causes the inaction regret?

    I've known, heard of, and spent time with brilliant people for quite a bit of my life, there is no one definition of being 'smart', and no way anyone could be 'too smart', but depression is another thing entirely. Whats the situation for you right now? Is it long lasting, due to the situation you grew up around, or something a bit deeper? A lot of times depression gets underestimated or ignored by people, be careful not to put it on a back burner.
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/11/11(Sun)23:34:52 No.352982678
         File1315798492.jpg-(170 KB, 780x650, r innocent rita.jpg)
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    >> muh life Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:42:16 No.352983703

    I couldn't even begin to explain but ill attempt to spill my heart out (no homo) to a complete stranger on a website that doesn't particularly take to kind to pussy shit. I had a friend of mine who used to smoke up and hang out with me. His parents beat him, at one point i was at his house and it began and all i did was sprint out the house and run. i don't really have any friends anymore save for one friend whom Ive known since 3rd grade and Ive told him a little bit about my struggle. Im trying to just leave the past, forget my shit family and friends and just move far away and attempt to start a new life.
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/11/11(Sun)23:42:39 No.352983754
         File1315798959.jpg-(243 KB, 540x720, Are these real.jpg)
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    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/11/11(Sun)23:49:32 No.352984720
         File1315799372.jpg-(115 KB, 1920x1080, opera considering something.jpg)
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    you always can move elsewhere, and nothing but what you bring comes with you. In college now, past it, or not there yet?

    These threads are about talking, don't worry about perception, and you can always delete it afterwards if you really want. Ever seen a baww thread?

    You sound young in this example, as was he if he was still there with that kind of an abusive environment willingly. What do you think you could have even done, physically fight them? They could just go after him when you weren't there, if they didn't attack you as well. Called protective services? Maybe, but a lot of times they don't feel the need to act, even if there are clear signs of abuse. It's a fight or flight response friend, part of being human. There is nothing to be ashamed of there. Anything else?
    >> muh life Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:55:45 No.352985526
         File1315799745.jpg-(2 KB, 116x126, 1313742613217s.jpg)
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    17 here, in4 underage. Me and my friend were 15 when the beating happened. Talking with you has been the most enjoyable thing i have done in about a year. if only for the little time this will last. I will be on /b/ for the next few hours lurking and finding comfort in similar shit stories. This is what my life has amounted to so far. Maybe college will be better. lets hope....
    >> Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:56:14 No.352985585
    im starting to think that people aren't worth dealing with and i should just avoid contact for as long as possible
    >> muh life Anonymous 09/11/11(Sun)23:59:04 No.352986012
    i have scared you?
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/11/11(Sun)23:59:56 No.352986142
         File1315799996.jpg-(388 KB, 769x981, r Back to back.jpg)
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    I guessed as much, college is very different than high school. Popular people drop off into the unknown, and everyone has a fresh start. If you wanted to just work instead, you could do that, most of our work force is manual labor anyway.

    These threads happen every night, and some are trolls, others are legit and listen. It isn't very hard to distinguish if you post a little bit.

    At some point or another you should talk to a therapist, even if you move elsewhere and leave it behind. Some of that stuff can stick and come back in annoying ways, so don't let yourself completely bottle it up. They have a confidentiality agreement, so they can't go talking about it, and you don't need to let anyone else know you're going.

    hmm? Why's that? At times people are unreasonable and annoying, but it seems to be something specific lurking here.
    >> yeah Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:03:52 No.352986656
    the weird thing is people usually are sad because they cant express who they are. but i dont even know what the fuck i want or what my interests are anymore. I have absolutelty no clue what i want to do in life after school, waht to go to school for or anything. feels like i was in elementary school just yesterday. O.O
    >> sage sage 09/12/11(Mon)00:06:41 No.352987008
    the people's champions candy-ass roody-poo steve jobs missingno newt gingrich
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)00:08:36 No.352987239
         File1315800516.jpg-(283 KB, 850x1813, I'm listening.jpg)
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    It can take a while to figure that out. I've switched my focus numerous times, going to something else instead. Take a few classes, don't rush yourself. Most times people get in college and think they want one thing, and then realize a year or two in that they hate it, and decide on something else. Go to a school that has a large and well respected base, take a few general classes of things you're interested in. Don't aim for something ridiculously expensive unless you couldn't tolerate anything less, they aren't any better or worse for their price.

    with your powers combined, i am captain planet?
    >> yo Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:12:35 No.352987708
    are the pictures your posting of anime people of various animes or just one? wuts the one of the "Hold on a second".
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)00:14:42 No.352987988
         File1315800882.jpg-(87 KB, 850x340, Tales of Vesperia.jpg)
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    They are all of a video game for the xbox 360, Tales of Vesperia
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)00:24:04 No.352989209
         File1315801444.jpg-(577 KB, 586x800, In your palace, stealin yo(...).jpg)
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    >> mhmm Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:30:35 No.352990093
    How did you manage to get your hands on this game? Whats your favorite anime, if you do watch anime. Whats your favorite game?
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)00:33:08 No.352990439
         File1315801988.jpg-(98 KB, 1920x1080, opera thinking.jpg)
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    Friend owns it, played it through with them. Favorite anime would be...Lucky Star. rewatch value is incredible. Favorite game would be iRO, but it long since died, so I don't play much of anything now.

    Oh, and they made a movie off the the game. 'First Strike'
    >> Ren !!scW1OcMUyY+ 09/12/11(Mon)00:35:15 No.352990771
         File1315802115.jpg-(51 KB, 580x324, 663.jpg)
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    Hi there.
    Kinda here, kinda there. Kinda none of the above.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:36:27 No.352990934
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)00:40:03 No.352991504
         File1315802403.jpg-(187 KB, 492x624, Thank you.jpg)
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    We can crash em together, or just let the trip fun be it's own. doesn't matter to me, but welcome!
    >> You are getting dossed faggot for making shitty threads on my /b/ Die in a fire faggot nigger 09/12/11(Mon)00:40:42 No.352991594
    We are anonymous.
    We are legion.
    We don't forgive.
    We don't forget.
    Expect us.
    >> Kon !KEFKAfvTME 09/12/11(Mon)00:41:10 No.352991665
    Let's not crash them together..
    >> yeah yeah Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:41:58 No.352991778
    downloading the movie now. gonna go check out Lucky Star, Ive heard a lot about it but have been too lazy to check it out. i cant sleep so this works out perfectly. My favorite animes include the classics. Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Elfen lied and fate/stay night.
    >> Ren !!scW1OcMUyY+ 09/12/11(Mon)00:42:03 No.352991793
         File1315802523.jpg-(17 KB, 400x344, 903086443_Ren.jpg)
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    I'd not crash.
    See? This.
    >> cifer04 09/12/11(Mon)00:42:22 No.352991835
         File1315802542.jpg-(11 KB, 267x266, love it.jpg)
    11 KB
    >be 17
    >dont have anything good happening in my life
    >deals with it and be smiling everyday
    >goes to /b almost everyday
    >9/8 was my bday,lol
    >btw,im a filipino
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)00:45:01 No.352992269
         File1315802701.jpg-(479 KB, 1000x1333, That means....jpg)
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    I generally run em separate, makes reading it easier, and i can just catch up on the other at my leisure. Wasn't sure when i made it if i should link to ir from the original thread or not.

    It's hit or miss. If you don't like it at first, that isn't going to change, and every episode is virtually the same. I love 3/4 there, it has a different feel than the 4 listed though.

    sounds good. Can't always tell if its a respect thing, or if people think i'm a bit anal retentive about it. (because that 2nd one is a bit true.)

    happy late birthday. College is coming up, or you can just get on your own, so there is plenty coming up, even if it isn't happening right now.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:45:28 No.352992335

    If only they made the game into an anime
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)00:46:18 No.352992457
    I would love that. There is First Strike, but the game itself, similar to how they did abyss, would be great.
    >> cinnabun !bunnyLAvCA 09/12/11(Mon)00:46:53 No.352992552
         File1315802813.jpg-(50 KB, 240x200, contemplate.jpg)
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    i just watched the opening for Lucky Star.

    i'm scared
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:47:48 No.352992708
    I am amazed this thread is allowed to run its course.
    >> Ren !!scW1OcMUyY+ 09/12/11(Mon)00:48:55 No.352992881
         File1315802935.png-(412 KB, 1200x675, hat.png)
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    Whatever works.
    Watch much anime?
    Depends on the night.
    >> Kon !KEFKAfvTME 09/12/11(Mon)00:49:16 No.352992937
    Just don't cross the streams.
    >> cinnabun !bunnyLAvCA 09/12/11(Mon)00:49:49 No.352993013
    no, in fact i haven't really been paying attention to anime for years now.
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)00:49:53 No.352993026
         File1315802993.jpg-(97 KB, 1920x1080, opera See.jpg)
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    yeeees. i love the opening as well. I got tired of the windows opening sound and put the small conversation sound in its place.

    There is a 2nd thread mainly for hanging out with the circle that gets on at this time, and they tend to watch but not post, so no one I'm grateful, but some nights there is just 1, or trolls raid here before breaking off into their own.

    >> Kon !KEFKAfvTME 09/12/11(Mon)00:50:08 No.352993062
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:50:11 No.352993072

    Ya the movie is good but the story line is just so epic that it should be an anime and i love during the game that the cut scenes are grade A+ animation.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:50:25 No.352993109
    Just seems strange. I always knew /b/ as a place full of retarded children, and i figured they'd hop all over a chance to troll anime fans.
    >> Ren !!scW1OcMUyY+ 09/12/11(Mon)00:51:39 No.352993304
         File1315803099.jpg-(6 KB, 200x112, mila50.jpg)
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    Probably haven't had much chance.
    It's still the chan. Still an anime hot spot, just sayin.
    >> cifer04 09/12/11(Mon)00:52:15 No.352993387
         File1315803135.jpg-(11 KB, 266x260, heartburn.jpg)
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    already in college..
    2nd year in engineering btw..
    i dont know why but /b/rothers dont like filipinos..
    thats why i just be lurking here
    >mfw /b/ hates my race
    >> Kon !KEFKAfvTME 09/12/11(Mon)00:52:16 No.352993392
    Nothing, stupid reference.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:52:34 No.352993436
         File1315803154.jpg-(21 KB, 800x659, 1313429453054.jpg)
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    It's the schizo again, dropped the bomb last week.
    Denial, denial everywhere. At least the paranoia is dissipating.
    Thanks for the push.
    >> cya Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)00:53:35 No.352993592
    Well, got done with the first episode of Lucky star, It was all about tactical and effective ways to eat different food...... I FUCKING LOVE IT. Gonna begin the movie now. ill be back, hopefully this thread is still here when i get back eh?
    >> Ic3monkey 09/12/11(Mon)00:54:26 No.352993721

    sounds like you want it to happen /b/ro, but the
    fact that it hasn't is amazing


    those are me i just hadn't put my tag in after clearing my whole history
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)00:55:22 No.352993873
         File1315803322.jpg-(134 KB, 1920x1080, opera Will you quit moving tha(...).jpg)
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    They did an incredible job with the story, and i was really happy with the quality of the scenes.

    /b/ hates a lot of races.

    we stop around 3-4 AM, but TPC may 404 it, and you may have to find it again.
    >> Ren !!scW1OcMUyY+ 09/12/11(Mon)00:56:56 No.352994134
         File1315803416.jpg-(41 KB, 426x600, Nana-Ren-nana-7782069-426-600.jpg)
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    Glad to hear it, seriously. Made my night.
    Keep pushing my friend, you got this.
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)00:59:24 No.352994518
         File1315803564.jpg-(314 KB, 873x1127, Sit on flowers.jpg)
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    what do you wish you could improve? It can be a work heavy major at times, hows it going?
    >> cifer04 09/12/11(Mon)01:01:57 No.352994913
         File1315803717.jpg-(16 KB, 180x425, 297079_280032898677661_1000001(...).jpg)
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    u said it..
    but i can say this is the best website ive been to..
    cussing,porn,fapables,pictures and tons more
    >> Kon !KEFKAfvTME 09/12/11(Mon)01:04:07 No.352995270
    I've seen that face before..

    I think..
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:04:57 No.352995414
    Nigger you are not welcomed here. Fuck off go somewhere else candy-ass roody-poo. No one likes you here
    >> cifer04 09/12/11(Mon)01:10:33 No.352996306
    idk,first time i posted this shit

    fuck you,cant you see? roody-poo is darker than that.. my tones lighter than roody-poos

    see?! what >>352995414 posted
    >> Kon !KEFKAfvTME 09/12/11(Mon)01:14:05 No.352996910
    Hmm, well.

    I must just be weirder than usual today.
    Carry on.
    >> Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:16:26 No.352997299
    You are a good roody-poo n1gger roody-poo fuck off we dont like you here
    >> cifer04 09/12/11(Mon)01:21:30 No.352998103
         File1315804890.jpg-(26 KB, 350x315, hatching8.jpg)
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    make me ass face..
    wow for the doubles but youre still in my shit list..
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)01:23:01 No.352998377
         File1315804981.jpg-(55 KB, 372x500, TalesofVesperia.jpg)
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    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)01:29:48 No.352999759
         File1315805388.jpg-(124 KB, 540x600, y you're my pillow.jpg)
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    >> The Grey One 09/12/11(Mon)01:32:46 No.353000432
         File1315805566.jpg-(273 KB, 700x756, aace5cbe1ff1e23b19505769772f91(...).jpg)
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    Evening rita
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)01:34:33 No.353000829
         File1315805673.jpg-(113 KB, 1920x1080, opera yeeeees.jpg)
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    Evening Grey! How are you?
    >> cifer04 09/12/11(Mon)01:37:46 No.353001273
         File1315805866.jpg-(31 KB, 499x492, 1315799994404.jpg)
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    im sorry to everyone..
    i made this a flamers thread..
    i bid thee farewell
    >> The Grey One 09/12/11(Mon)01:38:21 No.353001347
         File1315805901.jpg-(495 KB, 923x1012, 95bb7c82c30852096002ccac49c905(...).jpg)
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    Not bad, got a new bike today and according to the cute cashier it looks pretty badass. How's your evening going?

    Also what the hell happened to my picture? I wonder who got mine and if they're confused.
    >> Ren !!scW1OcMUyY+ 09/12/11(Mon)01:39:03 No.353001448
         File1315805943.jpg-(68 KB, 537x533, soldiers.jpg)
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    No, they'll do that either way.
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)01:41:36 No.353001776
         File1315806096.jpg-(349 KB, 600x658, yeah.jpg)
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    take care, cifer. They do that either way, it's part of the thread.

    oooh, nice! haha, i've had that happen before. ended up with a porn pic.

    What kind of bike? just normal? Bike often? Get her number, or no need of it?
    >> Ic3monkey 09/12/11(Mon)01:42:21 No.353001862
         File1315806141.jpg-(8 KB, 247x204, 1312730166592.jpg)
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    This thread makes me wanna play the game so badly right now!!!
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)01:44:20 No.353002148
         File1315806260.jpg-(103 KB, 1920x1080, Shiny is my favorite color!.jpg)
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    hah, i hear ya. Now i have to get through the 2nd play through some time, didn't even get Rita's levitation, or some of her altered arts... or that extra dungeon.

    which is unusual, because the person i played it with is a completionist.
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)01:52:18 No.353003349
         File1315806738.jpg-(536 KB, 600x800, Bonds of Magical friendship!.jpg)
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    >> The Grey One 09/12/11(Mon)01:55:22 No.353003757
         File1315806922.jpg-(163 KB, 600x600, 7b2ac10794f019f2bb273862365c03(...).jpg)
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    Nice old fashioned pedal kind, cheap 10 gear commuter bike, finally got ticketed for not having a parking permit at work so I decided it was time to start biking to work. So I'm about to start getting significantly more exercise. haha

    As far as the girl I will admit that I have a soft spot in my heart for spunky little asian girls but it ain't exactly the kind of thing I'm looking for. Still trying to figure out what exactly is, but I'll hold off inflicting myself on too many ladies till I get it figured out.
    >> mhmmm Anonymous 09/12/11(Mon)01:55:42 No.353003794
    halfway through first strike. I see you named yourself after the kid. Classy. ;P
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)02:02:03 No.353004676
         File1315807323.jpg-(106 KB, 1920x1080, opera I fail to see the differ(...).jpg)
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    Ooh! if it has petals and two wheels, hop on and go! Sucks about the ticket, though. Biking has some really good parts to it though, so not all is bad, just hope you aren't so far out that you get really tired by the time you're there because you're not used to it.

    mm can't fault you for patience, have some fun playing in the waters and such!

    that's her when she is younger, bit of a cameo for a really well liked character, didn't expect it honestly, but yes! I adore that character.
    >> The Grey One 09/12/11(Mon)02:09:03 No.353005671
         File1315807743.jpg-(250 KB, 600x600, 2d9eb3aaaecde8b363a3049e95e81f(...).jpg)
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    I'll try and have a bit of fun, afraid I'm of the somewhat rare variety of overly committed males. My initial urge is to find some strange little girl, spirit her away and keep her forever. But I'm recently out of about 3 years of doing that with one girl where it didn't work out in the end. So now I'm excessively paranoid.

    The bike at least should be good, myself and my new german friend can take bike rides to the local bar and confuse the locals with our drunken jargon filled arguments.
    >> Ic3monkey 09/12/11(Mon)02:10:07 No.353005802
    Rita is always in my party when i can help it during the game cuz shes got really strong attacks... and she's cute...
    >> Rita Mordio !Create2wgQ 09/12/11(Mon)02:16:13 No.353006600
         File1315808173.jpg-(38 KB, 400x400, Time for some whippin.jpg)
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    Aaah, not necessarily a bad thing, but can sting. Try not to worry too much about it though! Sounds like she was lucky to have the time she had, just hope it turns out better!
    hah, just don't get so drunk you can't balance on the way back! Sounds like fun though!

    I played her personally. Got as many fireballs as i could, spammed it if i wanted a quick cast, and tried to utilize the final strikes / break one specific type. Yuri/Rita were the constants, with the others switching in/out depending on the part of the game we were at. Karols heals get to be really nice with his ability to tank.

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