Tripcode generation. Up to 7 characters.Disclaimer: Tripcodes aren't cool. They are useful for jerking in circles, making deliveries and dumping.If you are any of the following please respond; your tripcode is ready:UltraGPQtipeyeErnestoIsHereVectoRsroseRED / ROSEreDBAAAAAHPONTIACKiSSKIssripple / RipplehAMSteR / HAMSTeRSpookytrAPstArUnHoly
>>352367562◆Wat.2JEPOM <= #Fソ普゛セk
tripfag thread
>>352367621You're posting in it.
>>352367614Hmm, hmm...
>>352367694◆Wat//SL.oE <= #5粫>誡9
VectoRs here, can I have my trip now please?
can you make me one? and tell me how to use it?
>>352367745◆VYVECtoRS. <= #v倬。 柎◆M3rVectoRs <= #磯ョ※ヲO9>>352367780Request? Name#tripcode
>>352367797what are the guidelines to a name?
Thanks bro!
>>352367812You're not required to use these tripcodes with everyone post. I do not condone posting with an identity at all times.
nomad please op :)
can you make one for Quasis please?
uhmm roodypoo,if there's none,I'll take Spooky please.
>>352367738Change it to my milkshake.
>>352367833I will search for tripcode up to 7 characters in length. They are maximum 10 character and the last character can only end in one of the following:.26AEIMQUYcgkoswEvery additional character takes exponentially longer to search for.>>352367974◆Spooky.qK2 <= #/ラп蔭輙
>>352367948are you a dead dog?
Stoner...with that capitalization
teSting but how do you change the chineSe characterS
>>352368028so would gaara be okay?
>>352368152I gave out a stoner yesterday. I assume you're a different person. It took quite awhile to find and I'd rather find you another one.I can't guarantee I will any time soon though.
"megusta"pleeeeeeeze, i will love you with the power of a double sun.
>>352368152Well fuck me sideways. You got lucky.◆StonerRlNM <= #麺ツ♀セ当>>352368351Yes.
Can you make mine BIGdickmuch appreciation
>>352368424okay, think you can do it for me?
kthxbyeif possible, any capitalisation would do
>>352367970◆QXmQUasisU <= #麺ツ&畊操◆QuasisQZjE #憙 <T;|>>352368491◆gAARaR0m9. #折ュ≦抖亜>>352368544Any case? Will do.
>>352368588sweet, so now what do i do with this?
>>352367948come on OP 'nomad' is a short string, can't be that hard.
>>352367948◆nomad.f8C2 <= #_セ縺楴唆
ElvisElv1sTheKingTh3K1ngElvisthekingElv1sth3k1ngAny one will do!
>>352368718I like to get 5 character trips at the front with a symbol to separate the last 4 characters. It looks nicer.
>>352368719lol ninja'd thanks OP
thank you op! so, do i need to keep copying and pasting this into the name slot or?..
>>352367409Hi Mr., could you make me a good "modnar" or "MODNAR" or even "modnaR" please?That would be very kind of you, sir.
>>352368751I can't guarantee anything but Elv[1i]s within a short period of time.
im assuming bigdick might take awhile, but ill be here
>>352367812That's not true in this case.We are just requesting the tripcodes for later use, when a tripcode is necessary.
>>352368886Case sensitive yes, loose case probably not.
Thanks very much
>>352368855Just Elvis would be finePreferably at the beginning and also with just the 'E' capitol or all caps if you can!
>>352368751◆wWUElvisgA <= #Bエ黶がzx◆aLYFElv1sQ <= #4ゥ#♂+m烙Searching for one at the front.
second test, again thank you op
>>352368914bigdick would preferably be BIGdick but it doesnt matter really
>>352368830I don't like the A. I'll keep searching.◆kqDMODNARA <= #=ッユ♀明窶
Can you make one saying ALPHA with caps?Thanks.
I need a trip that starts with ''error''Would someone be so kind?
Hey, can you find me a trip that says: !OPisaFAG or something of the sort?Would be most gracious.
>>352369169Can probably do pretty quickly.>>352369157See above.>>352369181◆ <= #=ッユ□ぃY>>352369227I collect those. Take your pick:◆OpiSAfAgmw <= #」酘レ(M M◆stOPIsafAg <= #例吹k~{セ◆uOOPIsaFAg <= #%韋匣笳7
i hate tripfags
rereqeuesting kthxbye ;) thanks
>>352369259Thank you good sir.>>352369181That's not me
Anything with bear, please.
>>352369157◆2l3c4ALPHA <= #跡ィ£y驩◆pUIi9ALPHA <= #練亜嫡n)◆oaKoRALPHA <= #練亜毅汾◆ALPHApLO/U <= #癜ツ∞R(痼>>352369169I've got an error, but not error at the front yet.◆3AzerroriA <= #}需%V黽>>352368830◆UmodnarZLQ <= #「湖¢結o
>>352369373I'm a faggot
make one saying NoHomo please thanks
>>352369463This is why I don't like tripcodes
>>352369533Just kidding I love them, and I got dubs YAY!!!!I love cock.
>>352369391◆bear.rLsnE <= #槻フ%J茉>>352369169◆errorGISn2 <= #E*弌亠rq>>352369533Don't use them or create your own. TripcodeExplorer or MTY.I suppose if you get a 10 minute mail address I could send one there too.
>>352369496◆4DDX8LiNK. <= #=。竅け'u◆j3bLiNKfOo <= #瞹戟◎U@For those who want a megusta◆YomEGustAI <= #碼黶$0'T
Just throwing it out there, is insani7y possible?
>>352369652Unlikely within the span of this thread. Does the other case matter or is the 7 the only important thing?
>>352369585I have tripcodeexplorer but I have a shatty cpu so I can make 4 or 5 letters max
>>352369533Attach a secure tripcode.
Hey, I would like one that says 'opisfag', that's 7 characters, thanks!
>>352369762See >>352369259
>>352369259WOW THANKS SO MUCH TR1PcOd3m!!! How about OPisaFAGGOT? or even something more along the lines of "troll"I would also love "coolface" to be in a trip if you have the time.Will dump a few of my favorite porns if you delivar.
op can you make "bushy"?bushYbushy!
>>352369496Made me smile.◆ImLiNK.N/. <= #r銹§予烙Elvis guy:◆ElvishfPP2 <= #C」ユ′肱R◆Elv1swFq0Y <= #z淦■2z
>>352369585nice, tnx
>>352369800OPisaFAGGOT has 11 characters, a tripcode can only have 10.
This is nao a gore thread.
>>352369843◆bushYB09zM <= #宸ハ″o9騾If I haven't delivered, remind me if your trip is 6-7 characters long.
>>352369916no, a newt gingrich thread
>>352369710>>352369710case isn't that important, and the 7 isn't either, whatever you can dig up would be awesome /b/ro.
africanamerican for me as tripz plox
>>352369800Some troll tripcodes.#flZweyMA: STFuTroLLc#5mEw\y)j: ckUTROLL4s#K1nc:TroLl/acMI
>>352370143Impossible.>>352370142Will try then.
>>352370043no, a Newt Gingrich thread
>>352370143#v/y=5^+q : NIGGerY0.I#320/X`ey : rNIgGERQbM
I'm a huge faggot.
>>352370300We all agree.
thanks op
>>352370187no, a Steve Jobs thread
>>352370187no, a random image thread
>>352370329Almost.>>352368468Is the closest I've gotten so far:◆aHcfFfuUUU <= #Z♪%l{縲Another megusta◆vdMeGUStAQ <= #.コワ$k8N
walletmy name i want to be is wallet
Can I get something with nyoro~n?
still waiting on bigdick, preferably BIGdick but i know that prob wont happen
>>352369792Thx here's another picture
wow, OP is kind of a fag. He is making tripcodes for the right reasons.Just remember faggots, we will hate you if you use it constantly.
found out how to make them myselfthanks though(kthxbye)
Please sir, would like:HaruhiSpidey
>>352370342no, a triptroll thread
>>352370463The tilde can not exist in a tripcode.>>352370487I will keep it on my list. If you ever see my thread again look for your name at the top.>>352370522You're awesome.>>352370529I'll look for those caseless first and get more exact.
>>352370602i know
>>352370602you forgot meh >.>wallet
>>352370598no, a burnt kitten thread
>>352370449I'll search for something less LoOsE◆walLeThQJs <= #3錘′StT>>352370529◆UhGSsPIDEY <= #佰亜рJ死>>352370735I don't forget. I just don't answer until I have a definitive yes or no.
>>352370770.. with picture...
>>352370602I... I guess nyoron is good enough.
If FFFUUUU guy is still here, I'm still looking for more, but FFFUUUU won't be found by me in this thread.
Hey look, a unique tripcode I just pulled:◆KINGOFJaR.Anyone know a jar king?>>352370529◆SPiDEyICJw <= #0ア煤.魴橿◆hArUHilRLg <= #(カヌ∈-!9
testing trip
It's really nice of you to make tripcodes for someone so they can USE THEM ON OTHER BOARDS.I'm sure there's no one as generous as you.
>>352370994So close and yet so far.Name#tripcode>>352371026I've been looking for how to reverse header so I can use the backwards tripcode tripcode I got. Too bad.
>>352370817nein, ein Nazi-Faden
am I doing it right?
>>352370842Will look for something more accurate.◆ODNYorOn4k <= #閾香典{橿◆9fNyOrONgo <= #)ヘノ*0P〝>>352370735◆YbOwalletU <= #昆ク_澤O
>>352371062I'll add that to my disclaimer. Thank you.
>>352371026This one's good, thank you.Here, have a copy-pastable triforce:▲ <▲ ▲<
what are tripcodes?
>>352371316they're explained in the faq
can i haz Tripfag pleez?
Could you make: Nisute
Once again, if you've requested and I haven't delivered (with the exception of bigdick) please reply and let me know what I haven't done yet.
>>352367409Get in here! - To Catch A - Futurama
▲ < ▲ ▲<
>>352369506I have had no luck finding NoHomo so I LoOsE cased it. Will keep searching.◆nohomOU/HI <= #犂п徇ヲ操Another megusta◆G2UMEGusTA <= #犂п%4TD
>>352371390the faq?
>>352371150>>352370980NO, a JaR KING Thread(well, it IS huge at least ;)
I think I get it now. Wiat.
>>352371466Will look for something more accurate.◆vMNISUTelg <= #$ーク↑,TZ◆MQVnisuTE. <= #鉅ル※峽窶
please someone explain this to me. i'm a total newfag when it comes to trip codes. i've heard the term used and vaguely understand it's purpose but really know nothing.
NoHomo, if you're still here I have some more codes.
>>352371779If you don't have a reason to be using them, you probably shouldn't.
>>352371779secure tripcodes are for jerks
>>352371796did you find more nyoron?
cancer please
>>352371302>>352370602WHAT THE DICKSHITTING NIGGERFUCK ARE YOU NIGGERS SEEING THIS SHIT352370602<<testing>>352370602
>>352370842Would you still like something more accurate?◆NYORoNzYBM <= #1ャ*△拮K>>352370487Only one so far◆nbIgDIcKec <= #肅~&ヲ/黴
>>352371919I'll take it!
da bears
>>352371887Right to Left Directional Formatting Unicode Character 202E>>352371965You want something more accurate?
Do you think you could send me MADCUNT ?
post the nohomo codes
OP, how many trips do you generate/sec and do you use Tripcode Explorer?
something with "DALGLISH" please!In return, Kim K.
>>352371838the point is i'd like to know more about them. i'm not trying to use them.
Could you possibly do.... missingno?
>>352372176I use MTY on both my nodes. My CPU pulls average 6.3MT/s but another node in my house has a 5770 and pulls 68MT/s average. I'm only using my CPU node right now.>>352372172◆hZcNoHomOo <= #℡}¢児U◆sNoHomoDsI <= #=黨□*羲◆NOHOMOjjEE <= #T瑠′гF>>352372305Useful for circle jerking, making deliveries and dumping. Read the faq. Name#tripcode
could i get qwerty
I'm just testing
>352367409 >hey roody-poo quit fapping alone and get fucked>6u6h3pdq35g
>>352372350Case sensitive?
>>352372345i seriously must be insanely retarded but what the fuck is the faq?
>>352370529No "Haruhi" yet◆SpideyDr46 <= #E成 ̄#6W
sir, is there any possible way i could get you to generate one with OMNICIDE? if not then just ANARCHY
>>352372409>>352372409never mind. i figured it out.
>>352372481No need for this image then.>>352372439Those will both take a long time to get CASE SENSITIVE.
Back to /fit/ nowThanks OP
>>352372396naw idcsame guy as bigdick btw but i just know that could take awhile
Can you make me one?I know it's 8 character but plz
>>352371988ill also settle for BEARSDITKAcase doesnt matter
I'm a roody-poo.
Hey OP, How many trips per second are you getting? What processor?
FloHot please.
>>3523726916.6MT/s AMD Phenom XII Black Edition 3.2 GHz stock clock>>352372647◆q5zBEARSxQ <= #聯普峡罅◆Xg6TDITKAQ <= #袰マ<蘗W>>352372605◆R/T9QWERtY <= #呱艨下6 6