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  • File : 1315232820.jpg-(841 KB, 1000x746, day950.jpg)
    841 KB Wico !Uj5T6k0dKE 09/05/11(Mon)10:27:00 No.351848210  
    Ask a 20 yr old who left his job as a network admin for a school to join the US Air Force taking a 1500/month paycut anything

    Pic related... It's a beast breakfast from the chow hall I had last week :D

    Btw... I'm in tech school right now, just graduated BMT 2 weeks ago
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:28:07 No.351848333
    So sad, so sad.

    You think your Merikuh is doing anything but plundering for oil in the middle east, using you as puppets.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:30:59 No.351848622
    What did you do as network admin?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:31:04 No.351848626

    I bet you enjoy use of that oil though, right
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:31:43 No.351848690

    >> Wico !Uj5T6k0dKE 09/05/11(Mon)10:33:07 No.351848828
    You are completely wrong about it all, but regardless I'm not in it for their cause I'm a mercenary ;) what they do is their business, I do it for my future family benefits that the airforce provides. These family benefits are worth risking my life :D
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:34:11 No.351848932
    yea cuz america isnt in debt or anything.........there just raking in the dollers from oil?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:36:03 No.351849132
    Yeah, you're in debt as well.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:37:20 No.351849274
    Why you choose to join the US Air Force anyway?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:37:49 No.351849323
    what's your AFSC?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:38:18 No.351849369
    what is your AFSC and first base?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:38:27 No.351849385
    Look, starving skinny eurotrash. This is what food looks like.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:38:44 No.351849419
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:38:49 No.351849424
    oh god, i swear if you guys get to keep everything and we marines are getting shafted on all of our benefits, im going to start shooting up your bases.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:39:04 No.351849453
    You know what, even if it is all about oil, so fuckin what? Would you rather have to pay shit loads for gas because some sand roody-poos burning it all for fun or holding us ransom over it? Or go there and sort the shit out so we can drive our fuckin cars. Oh wait you probably not old enough for that yet, sorry my mistake.

    Say hello to reality when you meet it.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:40:06 No.351849540
    >Network admin
    >No moral issues with being a mercenary.

    Pretty much all IT guys. Never change.
    >> Wico !Uj5T6k0dKE 09/05/11(Mon)10:40:16 No.351849554
    The first 3 weeks were rough... I guess you could say that I was also the desktop admin... I fixed all teacher and students pcs hardware wise... Fixed a couple vlan issues, set up a second network to prepare the company I was contracted with to take over the network with a completely new system called ZCM... the past admin had no idea what he was doing so my job was to make everything work because it was complete shit. And keep everything working until the summer when we come in with ZCM... After 3 weeks the school was at 100% and I sat around doing nothing for months... Some days I may have 1-2 10 minute fixes..
    >> Wico !Uj5T6k0dKE 09/05/11(Mon)10:42:04 No.351849739
    Loadmaster .... Air crew hua!!!
    >> Wico !Uj5T6k0dKE 09/05/11(Mon)10:44:27 No.351849978
    Loafmaster... And idk my base... I just know I'll be headed to Florida and Washington for training... Yay for Sere... I put down little rock Arkansas for my 1st choice... Hopefully C130J
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:45:32 No.351850095
         File1315233932.jpg-(28 KB, 350x346, 1297665925256.jpg)
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    why are do you drink so much milk?
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:47:26 No.351850287

    Damn. Know that feel. Except I became homeless instead... :\
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:48:35 No.351850399
         File1315234115.jpg-(676 KB, 2048x1536, DSC00020_3.jpg)
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    thats not a breakfast

    this is
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:48:44 No.351850420
    Is that an Omelete? how did you get it like that?
    >> Wico !Uj5T6k0dKE 09/05/11(Mon)10:48:55 No.351850439
    There are many benefits...

    As a civilian if my family gets sick or needs dental /vision work... I could be in the situation where I can't afford it and would be in debt trying to pay it... Who knows, it could be so expensive I couldn't pay for it causing one of my babies or my wife to die... I could never see that happening in my life it would kill me... In the military they pay 100% for everything... Also, as long as you don't go against the rules, you're pretty much guaranteed a job for 20 years.. You can't say that about all civilian jobs...
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:49:59 No.351850543

    are you a chick?
    >> Wico !Uj5T6k0dKE 09/05/11(Mon)10:50:09 No.351850560
    Idk the chef in the chow hall does it loll.. I could eat this meal 100x... And it's all freeeee!!! Loll
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:50:27 No.351850585
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    should have joined the marines candy-ass
    <pic related, its an alpha as fuck marine computer geek.
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:50:39 No.351850609
    so much bacon...
    >> Wico !Uj5T6k0dKE 09/05/11(Mon)10:51:24 No.351850683
    Nope :D
    >> Anonymous 09/05/11(Mon)10:51:33 No.351850699
         File1315234293.jpg-(213 KB, 1280x960, 1204960493031.jpg)
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