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  • Infelizmente nós não acabar ficando juntos. Da próxima vez!

    File : 1314387447.png-(326 KB, 369x387, 1311441026065.png)
    326 KB Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:37:27 No.349981420  
    ITT: Valuable things you learned or experienced in life as you got older. Especially oldfags should unite here. Youngfags should watch and learn.

    My first: Porn numbs your mind. Porn is cool sometimes to get you arroused, but if you see too much of it, nothing will arrouse you anymore. Also IRL.
    Porn isn't real, but most people, especially the younger generation confuses porn with real life love/sex.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:42:31 No.349982099
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    When you're young you believe in friendships that will last forever. When you actually get older, the less old friends you will have and lesser new friends will be made.
    The friends you have now will have a certain direction in their life and most of the time you won't fit in anymore. You learn to deal with it and won't put so much value on friendships anymore, but more on the things certain relationships bring.
    >>   08/26/11(Fri)15:42:44 No.349982123
    Not really sure if it numbs or necessarily confuses real life with fake life. It just has to be put into perspective.
    Here are a few good simple things to learn.
    >How to cook on the cheap
    >change your own oil/tires/any fluid in the car
    >know that getting in fights is actually fucking retarded, if you getting hassled by roody-poos or something, most of the time you can just walk away and that's it
    >getting pussy isn't the pinnacle of your achievements. Getting laid is cool, but your life shouldn't revolve around pussy. Don't get all bent out of shape about women/your girlfriend.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:43:31 No.349982227
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:43:58 No.349982293
    Bumping for interest
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:44:53 No.349982399
    if you chase something you will never catch it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:44:55 No.349982400
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    >> How to identify a summerfag. Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:45:29 No.349982476
    >Starts a thread like this:
    >Spiderman thread?
    >Spiderman thread.

    >Uses emoticons

    >Uses AOLisms

    >Uses tripcodes or a name while not contributing anything worthwhile.

    >Attemps raids, scientology protests and other shit that hasn't been done on newt gingrich for years.

    >Uses the word "epic"

    >Uses lol, asl, u, r, and other unnecessary abbreviations.

    >Thinks sage is an insult.

    >Doesn't know who Yotsuba is.

    >Thinks an being an oldfag or newfag depends on age.

    >Believes in the rules of the internet.

    >Says "/thread".

    >Gives a shit about dubs, trips and other such minor gets.

    >Excessive use of caps and exclamation marks.

    >Says da or tha instead of the and uses similar retarded spelling.

    >Keep repeating old memes in the hopes of people thinking they are an oldfag.

    >Thinks being an oldfag actually matters

    >Doesn't know what sage actually does.

    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:45:34 No.349982488
    >know that getting in fights is actually fucking retarded, if you getting hassled by roody-poos or something, most of the time you can just walk away and that's it

    Yeah, because when you're older you got less desire to prove yourself that way because nobody cares anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:45:51 No.349982532
    How old are you OP?

    25 here
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:46:06 No.349982568
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:48:09 No.349982816
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    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:48:52 No.349982917
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    be open minded, very open minded. if you cant accept other people for who they are or get into things you wouldnt normally get into, you are just shutting yourself from the world. force yourself to meet people and do things. be proactive and give everything a chance. sounds gay i know, but i wish i was like this years ago, especially in highschool.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:49:05 No.349982940

    OP, nothing good has ever come from these kind of threads.

    The general advice comes either from young people spouting the same bullshit that gets talked about on this website every day, stereotypical misconceptions and phrases, or simple but helpful general wisdom that anyone with a brain can come up with.

    Oh and dont forget the advice-pictures that either have outdated or false information, glued together with misconceptions or stereotypical "Wisdom" that they aquire on the internet.

    Also, not keeping in mind that people all over the world visit this board and not just americans. It rarely applies to everyone.

    And you can bet your ass that most advice from here will be something like "Oh yeah hit the GYM and become alpha" or some shit like that.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:49:09 No.349982948
    Everything begins with the mind first. Your thoughts create your emotions which create your beliefs which create your perceptions which create your expectations which then you act upon. For every action there's an equal and opposite reaction.

    The present moment is really the only moment there is. The past and future is all in your head.

    You define reality as you go day by day. There's no meaning to anything until you supply it with meaning and that determines the effect you get out of it.

    These are the three most important things I've learned.

    I'm 36
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:50:36 No.349983139
    Math is important as fuck. Especially if you are young.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:50:59 No.349983184

    But almost everyone on newt gingrich acts like this.

    Especially the sage is an insult thing. They shitbomb your thread if they don't like it, instead of just ignoring it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:51:17 No.349983225
    People find out porn is bad for your mind if you watch it too much by the time they are about 16.
    You can never please everyone. And people more than likely think exactly the same about you as you think about them, when the thought is negative.
    >>   08/26/11(Fri)15:51:31 No.349983250
    Exactly. It's actually pretty awesome knowing that as we get older our peers obviously don't care about certain shit we used to.
    >reading comic books in public
    >just wearing clothes that are comfortable when not at work
    >your car isn't cool, nobody cares
    >"have you tried to stop smoking/drinking."
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:51:47 No.349983286
    >noticeable physical deterioration from age ~25
    >wisdom doesn't come with age - it must be consciously cultivated
    >fuck (to hell with) bitches; acquire wisdom and currency
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:51:50 No.349983293
    Porn is numbing.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:51:55 No.349983305
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    Some people really fuck up their libido with porn and masturbation. It's alright in general, but specific habits mess with your brain.

    Variation is the key. After 10+ years of getting off in the exact same manner, your dick won't respond to anything else.
    >>   08/26/11(Fri)15:53:31 No.349983517
    Undersiege was hilarious.
    Wait, all Segal movies were hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:53:49 No.349983555
    what this guy said >>349982123
    do shit for yourself, rather than pay other people to do it because you can generally do a better job than they can for cheaper unless you're fucking retarded.

    also, that stereotype about marriage is true...expect to have much less sex than you were. onevaginafortherestofyourlifefeelsbadman.ogg
    but sex is just a fraction of a good relationship, i mean i can always fap to satisfy my nut busting urges.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:54:32 No.349983639
    what a goofy fag u r
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:54:35 No.349983647
    let go of your hang ups and stop judging people through the filter of your own insecurities and :

    1. you'll find people you would normally pass off will surprise you and can introduce you to fabulous things

    2. you'll find people respond to you better because you're not as skeptical and defensive about the world around you
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:56:09 No.349983847
    Love isn't what they actually made you believe what love is, or anything romantic. Love is what you do, and what you recieve in a different form than some made up feeling.
    It's something like a container-word for for example:
    The things you do for eachother
    The sex and sexual bond you have with eachother
    The addiction to the person you like
    Feeling comfortable with eachother
    Keeping the relationship exciting and fun
    Taking care

    Unconditional love doesnt exist. Remove one of the elements above and your relationship will start to fail and MUST fail.
    The love that comes closest to unconditional love is the love you have for your children.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:56:09 No.349983848
    The Noisiest chick will always get the worm.

    Same goes for RL even when your in your 20's 30's etc

    Learn this fact and cherp louder
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:56:29 No.349983891

    34 here, i completely agree. I did a complete 180 from how I used to percieve things in my mid to late twenties.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:56:36 No.349983904

    People generally have less sex when they are not in a relationship.

    The funny thing is, when you marry...

    >Africa is the man
    >Madagascar is the woman
    >they get together
    >they fuck like crazy
    >they get married
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:56:51 No.349983938
    I agreed with this but my post was destroyed
    U R A fuck OP
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:57:43 No.349984043
    Always remember: They laugh at me because I'm different, I laught at them because they're all the same.

    Most people are robots, they have little to no independent thought. They behave as the herd behaves. It is not important to act as the herd acts, but to establish your own ideals and then live up to them. Do not crave after the attention and respect of people who you have no respect for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:58:03 No.349984088

    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:58:45 No.349984165
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    I will fucking destroy you all!!! You are nothing! I win!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:58:46 No.349984168

    Are you 16?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:59:10 No.349984218
    true that, should be so spread to youngfags
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:59:22 No.349984238

    cherp LOUDER
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)15:59:49 No.349984288
    well what i meant was, when you are dating your future wife, you have sex with eachother more often. then once you marry, you still get "steady pussy"...just not nearly as often.
    it has a lot to do with both of us being a lot more busy once you're out of college and into the working world.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:00:29 No.349984368

    Explain your point further.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:00:38 No.349984389
    Word. I remember my girlfriends brother was visiting for dinner, then later a couple of her friends show up. One of the girls said something kind of "conservative" or something and he just goes off. He starts yelling at her and shit about how close minded she is and I'm just sitting there the whole time like goddamn I thought we were adults here.
    If you don't agree with someone, even if it's the exact opposite of what you believe I think it's best to try and figure out why they think that, and why you think the way you do instead of just looking like a jackass.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:01:05 No.349984442
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    I'm sorry U fucked up but hey I win!!!! So fuck you
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:01:42 No.349984525
    im at the spot where im so much into porn and fapping that i cant hold any errection irl anymore.

    ive been trying not to fap and dont watch any porn for 2 weeks now and its kinda hard. broke in once too.

    how long will it take until im back to normal?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:02:03 No.349984564
    aaaand all the kids show up. School is out for the day for most of them by now.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:02:10 No.349984584
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    you're exactly the same, you're not special
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:03:13 No.349984720
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    I like threads that remind me that I'm not the last person over 25 on the Internet.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:03:34 No.349984773
    Well, another lesson Ive learned.
    Marriage is bullshit made up by Christians.
    Marriage is the cancer in relationships, especially today.
    What marriage does is, killing the wanting (for the woman)
    A woman needs to want you, so she will stay with you. In the old days when marriage actually meant something, people cared more about eachother and the people around them supported their marriages. Nowadays there are less moral values and people dont care anymore.
    Back to the wanting part. When you're married the woman "has" you. Woman are like cats. When the cat has caught a bird it will play with it until it stops moving. When the woman has you, she doesnt need to concerned with keeping you around so sex, the way to keep men around, will get worse and less.
    And besides all that, marriagelaws will fuck you up when something goes wrong. Really, marriage is overrated and fucks up your relationship.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:03:37 No.349984779

    I'm 14, I come from tumblr and deviantart!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:03:40 No.349984784
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    I wascaring about you until ... my soul ... taken ...
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:04:00 No.349984822
    haha Im always thinking this
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:04:38 No.349984904
    internet&tv is a waste of time.
    now i only use it every other day.
    and sometimes i quit for weeks.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:04:50 No.349984933
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:05:18 No.349984979
    that anyone on newt gingrich is not old enough to be an oldfag
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:05:22 No.349984998
    OP here, this is what I'm starting to see lately. It will make life much easier but before I'm there I got a long road to follow and lessons to learn. But I see your point and am experiencing some of it lately
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:05:28 No.349985012

    not my point, but i think what he meant was that extroverted natures enjoy more worldly success.

    "Ask (loudly) and it will be given to you." - motherfuckin' JC
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:05:50 No.349985061
    Being introspective is the most important time you can spend with yourself. It's hard to do. Your mind would rather wander than focus on the shit that you need to improve upon, are good at, and should seek out.

    Real self integrity comes from knowing yourself. And knowing yourself is a continuing process, because you are forever changing. If you think you've got yourself all figured out, you're fucked. Just recognize that it's highly important to be self aware and spend time trying to learn how to count on yourself and know that you'll come through when needed.

    Death, taxes, and change. They're all you can surely count on. And if you're not self don't dare count on yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:05:51 No.349985066

    I think this constantly. Feelskindofgoodman
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:06:03 No.349985099
    26 here.
    > You are whatever you say you are.

    Spent most of my childhood wanting to make videogames, no one would tell me how to get in to the business. Adults would dismiss it as a silly dream, that I couldn't make a living at it, and that I should be practical, but the reality is that they just had no idea how to follow that path.

    Studied through highschool. Studied videogames in my spare time. Went to university, studied computers, writing and new media. Made a few games for my finals; realized I was a game designer now.

    Been in the industry for 5 years -- living the dream!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:07:03 No.349985223
    >Having your gf move into the house is good for your overall health
    >sex every day is overrated
    >porn is overrated
    >RL is unfair so fucking deal with it
    >being a sellfish dick sometimes is a good thing
    >most people WILL fuck you over if they get the chance
    >shaving your balls and chest hair is for candy-asss
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:07:11 No.349985239
    Don't strain to take a shit, you'll get hemorrhoids that will haunt you forever
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:07:15 No.349985245
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    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:07:19 No.349985251
    This. I need to work on that but I totally understand
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:08:07 No.349985358
    Don't try until college. Take it easy and enjoy your life until then.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:08:10 No.349985372
    >never trust woman
    >never trust roody-poo
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:09:34 No.349985577
    it may seem dumb to you, but for me it was enlightening when i realized people don't give a shit about the truth. people care about ideas that make them feel happy or help them survive.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:09:46 No.349985602
    >never trust a jew
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:09:55 No.349985634
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    Someone in their late 20s here. What i learned: money is the most important thing in life. Friends, pussy, family etc all come in second place. Money becomes the only thing you live for once you get older.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:10:08 No.349985655
    You know those people that seem to be able to breeze through life as if it were some divine gift? Don't worry, reality gives them a giant dick slapping around their mid to late 20's
    >>   08/26/11(Fri)16:10:20 No.349985693
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    >Marriage was made by Christians
    No, it wasn't
    >Marriage is the cancer in relationships
    No, it isn't. Not everyones life and relationships are the same. Maybe you didn't notice.
    >killing the wanting

    If you don't want to get married then don't. First you bitch about Christians then you talk about in the old days with good ol morals and values. What the hell are you doing?

    Also, Ziggy says there is a 92% chance you just went full retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:10:38 No.349985735
    question for you all. i remember reading that when a girl starts talking about how shitty her old boyfriends were around you, then you should ignore her and act bored/try to change the subject. what's the reasoning behind this?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:10:43 No.349985744

    This is full of shit
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:10:56 No.349985781
    >never trust anyone who doesn't swear
    >never trust a man with the same first name as a city
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:11:04 No.349985806
    Just stop watching porn for a few weeks. Fuck, even try visiting some thai massage or a whore after that.
    Really, you have to have your pipes cleaned a few times a week, but doing the same shit/getting off on the same shit time after time works MENTALLY. So work on what stimulates you mentally. So quit what youre doing now for a while. Just try it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:11:43 No.349985890

    money = freedom
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:12:28 No.349985999

    One of the few good posts here.

    Self-awareness is fucking important. It's actually the most important thing I can think of. If you don't even know what awareness is I feel bad for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:13:14 No.349986107
    As an aside; one of the most useful things I learned in university was objectivity.

    Being objective is HARD. The chances are VERY GOOD that, even if you think you're objective, that you are not. Getting out of your own head is difficult.

    The trick is to always assume that there is a good possibility that anyone and everyone is wrong; yourself especially. So, when you get conflicting input from people on anything, you must examine every position AS IF it was your own, and believe to it be correct. Then look through those positions internally for inconsistencies and errors.

    When you're done, you should be able to evaluate each position both as a supporter and a critic, and then you can see objectively what position is most right, or revise an existing position to be more right.

    But don't forget, even if you think your opinion is objective, it may not be (and probably isn't). So you cannot take even your final conclusion as truth; just likelihood.

    If you do it well, people will just your opinions more, you well be able to better sort out conflicting points of view (which makes you a good mediator), and you'll be able to make better choices overall. This is a widely applied skill that will take you places.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:13:33 No.349986156
    "My first: Porn numbs your mind. Porn is cool sometimes to get you arroused, but if you see too much of it, nothing will arrouse you anymore. Also IRL.
    Porn isn't real, but most people, especially the younger generation confuses porn with real life love/sex."

    This also applies to real life fucking as well.

    Sex is all well and good, but I'm the only guy out of a lot of dudes I know in their late 20s (I'm 30) who have basically fucked the novelty out of sex.

    They're getting older and all of them are deathly afraid of turning 30 because its just one more sign that the way they're living now is going to look a little more juvenile and will be that much less satisfying as each year passes.

    I'm not saying you have to go out and get married or some shit, by all means, fucking don't.

    However don't put yourself in a place where you're ruined for a good relationship because you have little or no reverence for sex or relationships because you were careless with both countless times.

    It will come back to haunt you.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:13:39 No.349986174

    The economy is going to collapse someday soon. What are you dumb fucks going to think then?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:13:41 No.349986182

    Reason: she's trolling for sympathy and to gauge your reaction as to her plight. She wants to see how empathetic you are.

    Ignoring this provides her subconscious with the idea that you don't give a fuck about her past, and want to be with her right now. Her brain then tells her that you are a good potential mate as you are focused on present and future events, being that you can in no way change the past...unless you've got a delorain.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:13:52 No.349986200
    Self awareness and expectations placed on others based on my own capability and intelligence is what made me realize what utter retards most people are.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:14:11 No.349986251
    It's sad but true. When you are poor you are stuck in one place worrying how you are gonna get by and not end up on the streets.
    When you have plenty in the bank, you can actually take a REAL vacation, eat nice food, buy shit for your girlfriend or whoever. Feels good.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:14:20 No.349986272

    Haven't rather.
    >> i'm not gunna namefag 08/26/11(Fri)16:15:14 No.349986394
    I like OPs pic.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:15:46 No.349986485
    Im just saying it doesnt work anymore. The marriage-thing is old now, same with the people who invented it for some reason. With todays moral values you can marry 20 times with the same result. Ofcourse it depends on who you and your partner are, but I see it like this: Back in the days it was an exception people getting divorced. They divorced for real reasons when shit got serious.
    Nowadays its an exception when people are married for say.. more than 5-10 years. They now divorce for reasons like: cheating, money, arguments about nothing, no time for eachother.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:16:03 No.349986521

    Being self-aware + talking to people on 4chаn = realizing how stupid everyone really is. There are few people that understand awareness and consciousness at all. Consciousness is what need during these times and there is very little of it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:16:09 No.349986539

    Thanks man..but i'm a way oldfag. 33. Lots of experience being lame and weird. Took me a lot of time, a few advanced degrees, and the love of friends strangely enough.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:16:39 No.349986617
    so i should still fap?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:16:53 No.349986658

    It's 2011 man. Nobody actually takes religion literally. And if they do they're batshit crazy. So nobody will take those people seriously.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:17:09 No.349986692
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    Cheap beer will make you shit yourself the next day. If you want to keep your shit solid stick to ipa and dark lagers.
    >>   08/26/11(Fri)16:17:23 No.349986718
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    Are you 15? Will money or having wealth just disappear?

    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:17:39 No.349986751
    Having a lot of sex partners and a ridiculous amount of sex is fun at the time, but after a while it wears down the other special feelings that are associated with sex. It makes it hard to really "make love" to a woman, and can fuck with your ability to have a good relationship later.

    If you're circumsized, always wear soft underwear. I went without underwear for years, and permanently lost a lot of sensitivity in the head of my penis because it rubbed against my jeans so much.

    Work so that you can have a good life. Most people don't have a job that they love. Very few people have that. Concentrate on getting a job that you can stand, and that pays well so that you can have a great life. Sure, maybe you want to be an artist or a writer, but most people aren't successful with that, and you don't need to go to college to do that. You can do that in your spare time later. College and education are tools to make you more valuable in the work force. Don't waste that on a useless degree. Also take a lot of time off work if you can. Try to get some variety in your life.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:17:44 No.349986764

    THIS is crucial. But trust your judgement. If you think some jerk is a jerk because of how they are acting. Chances are that you are right. Do give them a chance, but don't get sucked into some idiot. They are more of a waste of time than britney spears vagina.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:17:44 No.349986765
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    28yroldfag here. been on newt gingrich since about 2005?

    everything you find insanely important now, will most likely change. all that shit you have your mind worked up about, will become seriously trivial.

    you will most likely not achieve your highest dream, but a variation thereof, and you will be okay with that.

    you will realize the things that matter most in life, are the connections you have with people, and how you treat other people as well as how other people treat you.

    girls sleep around more than you know, and you better fucking just get over it, you whiny candy-ass. it's called human nature.

    the more you let go, the more you can enjoy your life.

    everyone is as weird as you, the only difference is how well they hide it, or pretend that they aren't.

    since most of you are youngfags living with your parents- all this will come about when you get out into the real world and have to fucking worry about bills and feeding yourself and shit.

    being "cool" is not important. doing what you enjoy most in life is.

    what else? i dunno, feel free to ask
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:18:22 No.349986867

    you're completely wrong.

    I used to think like that too until I realized I was actually happier with less money/responsibility.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:18:49 No.349986939

    Not 15. I'm in my thirties.

    The economic system won't last much longer if you do your research. I expect a rise in suicides during this time. Money is definitely not what's actually important in life. If you live through that perception you're really going to be fucked mentally when the time comes.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:18:59 No.349986963
    what about stouts and porters?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:19:08 No.349986985

    i was married for 4 years. it ended because i didn't want kids and she did.

    marriage is really only about providing security to raise children.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:19:08 No.349986986
    When I was younger, I used to think that I had to act or be a certain way to be cool or accepted. As I got older, I learned that what I really needed was to learn to be myself and myself only. It took me several years of being a tool all day every day to realize this.
    "If everyone started being themselves instead of pretending to be who they weren't, then there would be peace."

    John Lennon. Crazy mo-fucka!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:19:45 No.349987072
    Very true!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:20:40 No.349987216
    What is best in life?

    To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentations of their women.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:20:49 No.349987240
    Nope. You will have wet dreams in a few days soon. Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:21:06 No.349987296

    mfw i had a thai massage today and no happy ending
    mfw no face
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:21:46 No.349987401
    1. Save all the money you get your mitts on. Seriously.
    2. NEVER move in with a chick or get married. NEVER.
    3. Beer will make you fat. Drink one good beer and be done rather than six shit beers.
    4. You'll never make any real money working for someone else.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:22:11 No.349987456
    This is the most important lesson to learn in life: often when things aren't going the way you want them it is because you are doing something wrong.

    This can mean alot of things: you lack perspective, you don't take the right action, you are drawn to the wrong situations, your desires and impulses aren't align with your rational desires and wishes, ...

    Instead of putting the responsability outside of yourself (blaming something, getting angry, ...) you should change your perspective and be honest with yourself.

    Once you achieve insight in the issue at hand, it will be resolved forever and you'll advance to another level in life.

    (resolving might also be realizing you have been following a wrong goal, have been looking with the wrong mind and eyes or have to let something go after a learning-experience.)

    You are more wrong as you would like to admit. Allowing yourself to be imperfect and see them is very liberating.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:22:25 No.349987492
    > In the old days when marriage actually meant something
    This is golden age thinking; people haven't changed that much. In the olden days, people still cheated on each other, lived sexless lives, and had amazing marriages. Just like now.

    Marriage is a pan-cultural idea; it comes from the biological reality that raising children is difficult to do solo, and takes a long time -- so we commit to long term relationships to make that easier. Social and intellectual developments over time have made this kind of commitment more complex and ceremonial, and has developed more in to: life is hard to do solo, so find someone dependable to help you with it.

    People have shitty marriages because they have preconceptions about what it will mean. People who think their partners will selectively change/not change over time, people who decide to wait until marriage to cohabit or have sex (only to discover that they're incompatible). People who are being dishonest with their partners and never expect any fallout from it. These people are going to have shitty marriages. It doesn't have to be that way.

    Did you know that divorce rates are highest in areas where the marriage rate is also high? When people are more cavalier about marrying, their marriages are generally less strong.

    And finally, you DON'T need to marry someone to make a solid, long term commitment to them; but to some people, the gesture is important, so that is something to be clear about.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:22:33 No.349987518
    yeah. but don't be too "Beat" and let everyone walk all over you.

    every single friend I've had for the last 20 years was only around to "get something".
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:22:50 No.349987557
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    It sounds incredibly cliche, but the ability to work hard is what ultimately separates winners from losers.

    It's so easy to fall into the habit of doing shit fuck all with your life.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:23:05 No.349987601
    You should be good with either I find if the beer is more than $15 a half rack its usually safe it's mainly the mass produced ones that will make your ass drip ie mgd/bud
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:23:06 No.349987605
    Forget to believe in "the truth". You will never know what is that.
    >but believe in science faget
    The ego is necessary. Without it you are nude in a world in war. And it hurts so much if you haven't one and they hurt you.
    >>   08/26/11(Fri)16:23:20 No.349987632
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    Please stop talking about morality and "values". You don't know what you are talking about. The institution of marriage was not "invented", it's been a part of human culture probably before written languages.
    There is a reason we stopped caring so much if someone wanted a divorce.

    >your entire post
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:23:29 No.349987666
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    Im not saying its the main goal, i'm saying after a while you stop caring about everything else. Friends, drugs, ambition, girls, everything just fades. It happens to everyone around me. It all boils down to making money to keep going. Not because it's the best goal, but because it's the only remaining goal people will keep the rest of their life.. It's not good or bad, it's just the way it is.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:23:49 No.349987722
    Here's a fucking gem.. And trust me on this one bitches, it's no joke.

    Water: Drink it. A LOT. (ps a lot is 2 words)

    Kidney stones are some of the most epic pain i've ever felt. I've had skin grafts due to playing with fire....i'd chose skin grafts again.

    Drink your 8 glasses a day.
    >> ­­­ 08/26/11(Fri)16:24:08 No.349987772
    I'm 18 and I have developed this naturally. Had no idea it was really a constructed concept.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:25:03 No.349987919
    This is also common sense. Much of it also depends on your intelligence and your abilities to cope with things. This leads to certain experiences and therefor judgemental skills
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:25:11 No.349987938

    hard work without luck will get you nowhere.

    take time to smell the roses because on your deathbed you won't be saying "ugh, i wish i put in more overtime."
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:25:43 No.349988031
    If you dig a hole for someone else, you might fall in.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:25:57 No.349988068
    shit I've been fapping hardcore since I was 11, im 24 now, I get aroused by fucking everything. I think I have fucked up my left hand though
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:26:05 No.349988090
    closed mouths don't get fed.
    >>   08/26/11(Fri)16:26:56 No.349988224
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    Wow. Like I said, will having wealth magically disappear? There will always be things that hold value to someone else. What "research" was this? Are you currently wearing your tin foil hat?
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:27:18 No.349988275

    This has gotten me more jobs, opportunities, and praise than anything. I am not brilliant, but i work like a ferret on meth. Because it's what people expect when they hire you. They want you to do the job.

    My rule is this. I don't really care if you're an asshole with a terrible personality: if you can do your job and are good at it, you're just fine with me. We're not going to take long warm showers together, but that's just fine you work with me, not live with me.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:27:32 No.349988322
    Drugs dont give you a high you cant achieve by yourself- it only has the ability to block out lower energy (negative emotions) so that you only see the more positive emotions.

    You don't need drugs to feel good- ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:27:38 No.349988340
    or, just become more "alpha", like a CEO. It's easier, you make more money, and fuck more.

    you rarely see successful people second guessing themselves like you descibe.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:28:01 No.349988413
    Stop watching so much porn, workout, get nice clothes, fuck real girls instead.
    Don't despise the fact that women are superficial etc, just embrace it and it will make your life easier. It's not that hard, 95%+ of men aren't doing any effort at all and just whine or settle for a landwhale they don't even like. Getting what you want is easy because everyone thinks it's too hard and don't bother trying; this is true for a lot of things.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:28:14 No.349988459
    1. life's short and soon over
    2. if you think life sucks and can't get any worse, you're wrong. it can always get worse (and it probably will)
    3. don't put off your problems thinking you can fix them later, it's probably easier to fix them now than when you're older
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:28:59 No.349988589
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    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:29:33 No.349988691

    How old are you?

    Yes I'm wearing my tin foil hat to protect myself from underage kids like you that think they know everything. The economy is already fucked as it is. If you think it's magically going to get better you're crazy as fuck. Wealth is going to mean jackshit when everyone's poor and struggling to survive. If you can't appreciate the simple things but instead only appreciate money, how are you going to handle it when you don't have money anymore? Are you going to crawl into a corner and start cutting yourself? Because that's exactly what you're implying.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:29:45 No.349988727

    >> I'm 18 and I have developed this naturally. Had no idea it was really a constructed concept.

    I thought also when I was 18 that I was objective and rational.
    I'm now double your age; in the real world application you're not. The older you get the less external factors (you are now still in a protected atmosphere) are within your controls and constructs you think are fixed, static and common value are not.

    Once you traverse the border of 30 and have seen a bit (in family life, personal life, professional (I've worked as a consultant from small to billion dollar companies)) and understand motives and drive of people and see where it all is constructed on.. Are exposed to people outside of your circle of common people with simular thinking and simular backgrounds... your eyes will open... And that moment, you'll grab back to today where you feel you have an intrinsic instinct to be objective and to understand the basic constructs.

    And, I'm certain, within another 10 years, my eyes will be opened even more :)
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:30:17 No.349988824

    nothing wrong with working hard but time>money in the end.

    you won't be able to fit that mansion and sportscar in your coffin when you go.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:30:31 No.349988865
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    That lovey-dovey shit doesn't exist IRL. People do what's best for them always, everyone is trying to get something whenever they do a "kinda act". People are selfish, even you.

    Interact with people, don't stay stuck in your room all day. You'll never have the perfect friends or perfect wife, learn to accept people with their flaws.

    Looks matter a ton. Eat healthy and make an effort to look good. Some people think women don't care about looks, that's completely untrue.

    Don't be a straight edge good guy all the time, afraid to try sex, alcohol or drugs because of the side effects. Casual drinking and casual (safe) drug use does absolutely nothing bad for your body. The key is moderation. Have fun!
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:31:06 No.349988968
    Why's everynewt gingrich so 'down' on porn?
    What's all this shit about dicks being desensitized?
    Maybe you need to stop smoking.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:31:12 No.349988989
    >immediately puts down vodka-drink and gets glass of ice water.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:31:22 No.349989017

    You can't achieve the high cannabis gives you unless you use cannabis. This is not something you can create without the use of cannabis or else nobody would use it. Drugs don't block out negative emotions, they bring them to the surface. They amplify them in order to bring them into your awareness so you can deal with it through alternate perspective.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:31:45 No.349989095

    so how do you achieve a LSD like high without fucking LSD?
    obviously you dont know shit about how drugs work
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:31:57 No.349989132
    When young you want to live forever.
    When old... Not so much.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:32:07 No.349989163

    a CEO is not alpha you dumb fuck, he's following the same system that everyone else does.

    a real alpha can get pussy without being wealthy.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:32:30 No.349989235

    All you have to do is go to some fine art classes where you need to critique people's work. You'll see that MOST people aren't objective. Most people can be mostly objective about things they are disinterested in, but few people can manage to be uniformly objective.

    Also, it's important to not seem like you don't give a shit, as that's something that often comes with objectivity. It can be difficult to convince people of things if you act like a dispassionate robot.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:32:51 No.349989303

    Truth: as you learn more you will have to re-evaluate. No matter what. Stagnation = mental death. Look at the fucking south!! (ok, not allll of the south, but a lot of it) There is stagnation of thought...and it leads to inbred fools thinking that things will stay the same if they just status quo it.
    >> Anonymous 08/26/11(Fri)16:32:52 No.349989308
    Thats not my concern. My concern is the children. People divorce when they have young children.
    I probably dont even need to explain you how separated families work. Youre saying its human culture, and I know its there to raise the children together. But when people divorce when having young children shit's about to get shitty for obvious reasons.

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