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    File : 1314225518.jpg-(46 KB, 400x400, eisenstaedt-alfred-professor-norbert-wie(...).jpg)
    46 KB Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)18:38:38 No.349598285  
    Ask a 20 year old with an IQ of 192 who is effectively (known) the seventh smartest human being on the planet - anything
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:39:12 No.349598392
    y u mad
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:39:30 No.349598439
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    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:40:11 No.349598567
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    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:40:39 No.349598656
    Prove it.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:40:47 No.349598681
    if you are so smart, why waste your time on /b/. Go cure roody-poos of something.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:40:49 No.349598688
    What's 2 x 2?
    >> Unkibunki 08/24/11(Wed)18:40:51 No.349598698
    Why are you haning around here?
    >> namefag 08/24/11(Wed)18:41:05 No.349598744
    with what spread was your iq messured?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:41:21 No.349598800

    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:41:27 No.349598823
    Is your name Rick?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:41:35 No.349598843
    >who is effectively
    (known) the seventh smartest

    >(known) the seventh

    Why do I have to correct your grammar?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:41:39 No.349598858
    You have a 192 IQ and you're wasting time on newt gingrich?

    Do you have a developmental disorder?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:41:57 No.349598929
    I'm sensing high amounts of bullshit, very high
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:42:04 No.349598958
    What sort of formula needs to be created to affectively 'kill off' roody-poos? I have the chicken, just need that killer potion to put in it.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:42:04 No.349598959
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)18:42:09 No.349598983
    I'm also an english-fag and its 23:41 here. Without daylight to help me cure cancer - I've been reading (as you would expect from someone like me), but /b/ is one of my favorite sites for valid procrastination.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:42:31 No.349599056
    Are you Asian?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:43:09 No.349599167
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    Done any crazy math shit yet?

    if you haven't you're already too old, old man...just lay down and die.

    But, for real, what do you plan on doing with your life?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:43:22 No.349599199
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    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)18:43:26 No.349599213
    I added the (known) in brackets to imply that it doesnt flow with the rest of the sentence. Also because there could well be people out there who arent tested and are yet smarter than me.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:43:47 No.349599270
    if you had an IQ of 192, you would be the 3rd smartest person in the world, effectively. troll
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:43:56 No.349599293
    You lie. You are not Judit Polgar. If you are going to lie about something, at least do a google search beforehand.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:43:56 No.349599294
    y haven't you done anything worthwhile for humanity that i have heard of? why aint u rich bitch?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:43:59 No.349599302
    >be smart
    >be at /b/
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)18:44:04 No.349599319
    If you have to know, Portuguese.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:44:04 No.349599320
    Why is /b/ such a cesspool now?
    >> Noko !EeveeNl7D2 08/24/11(Wed)18:44:27 No.349599401
    What's 52/0.. what I thought OP what i thought....
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:44:37 No.349599434

    meaning of life?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:44:38 No.349599436
    aren't . are not....
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:44:47 No.349599459
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    >mfw I took an online IQ test and got 83
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:14 No.349599550
    lol @ perpetuating laughable IQ scores like they're a measurement of anything meaningful

    enjoy your bump
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:16 No.349599556
    There are six people with higher IQs than that. I have prior information as to that fact, and my basic arithmetic skills are sound
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:22 No.349599573
    an hero pl0x
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:29 No.349599587
    Prove it.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:37 No.349599606
    If you're so smart, why do you have to lie about it?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:38 No.349599610
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    this is not /b/ from 04-05 where intellectual people can act stupid and have fun.

    get the fuck out of here.

    you are a liar

    and a fucking roody-poo

    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:40 No.349599613
    how does it feel to be dumber than that 12 year old kid with autism?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:44 No.349599624
    English, Portucandy-ass... make up your mind nigs.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:49 No.349599639

    You needed an (as) somewhere in there genius.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:50 No.349599643
    Are you planning to kill the six smartest?

    Will you fail because they're smarter than you?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:45:53 No.349599651
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    kwa nini kijinga
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:46:12 No.349599704
    >who is effectively (known) the seventh smartest human

    Why can't you right a coherent sentence?

    Dumb muthafucka.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:46:22 No.349599730
    >forgets to end sentence with a period.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:47:05 No.349599857
    are you going to school for anything?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:47:11 No.349599878
    What does 6-4*6+3 equal?

    Is World Government Unity a step toward freedom or a refulfilment of failed Capitalist systems?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:47:17 No.349599893
    The thing is, I actually have high levels of intelligence. High grades, constantly and consistently hand in college work first, and to the maximum grade.
    Eat me.
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)18:47:46 No.349599970
    Time of the month, anon?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:47:49 No.349599977
    Why are you so intent on being filled with delusions of grandeur?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:47:49 No.349599978
    how does negative feedback loop in an amplifier reduce output impedance?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:48:35 No.349600089
    If you're so smart, why are you feeling...well, anything at all about an online IQ test?

    Nigger cunt.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:48:39 No.349600099
    Ai és português meu filho da puta? Prova-o caralho
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:49:10 No.349600190
    Have you put your sperm up for adoption yet? if no, why not?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:49:27 No.349600237
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    that would make you the second smartest person on earth.

    troll harder
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:49:43 No.349600277
    You should become a Thelemite and talk about Crowley's work when you do interviews about your IQ or whatever you're working on. That'd stir things up!
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)18:50:17 No.349600370
    6-4*6+3 = -21

    In short, Yes - an extended explanation would require more time than I have on /b/
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:50:47 No.349600446
    If you are the 7 smartest human being you should be able to name the first six, Go!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:51:00 No.349600476

    And dont try bullshit, i've got my degree in electronic engineering.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:51:00 No.349600477
    now onto the question.
    20 years old. what's it lik to have the burden of expectations on you.

    when a roody-poo fails, no1 give a shit, he's a roody-poo.

    but the seventh smartest man? fffuck, i mean if you don't so some crazy civilization changing discovery. you'll be considered an underachiever.
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)18:51:06 No.349600497
    make that -15, sorry anon, its late and i'm sleepy
    >> ‮‪‪‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬ 08/24/11(Wed)18:52:16 No.349600691
    The problem here IS NOT OP...


    EVERYONE ITT NEEDS a permaban
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:52:37 No.349600739

    If you're so much smarter than I, how did I make a joke that you could laugh at?

    Seriously. Did you never think about how to get the #1 spot? Where's your alleged genius?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:53:01 No.349600785
    então pá? tanta merda a dizeres que és tuga e ai e tal e nem me dizes nem ai nem ui

    fake and gay
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:53:29 No.349600853
    herp a fucking derp, you've responded aswell. Enjoy your ban
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:53:30 No.349600860
    Portugal!! Fuck ya. We have big dicks, known FACT.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:53:43 No.349600889
    Prove it
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:53:48 No.349600904
    lol but y u so fucking mad tho bro?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:54:11 No.349600954
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    1.- What is your name?

    2.- What is your nationality?

    3.- How many girls have you had sex with?

    4.- What are you studing?

    5.- Where did you take your IQ test?

    6.- Do you really believe that you are the seventh smartest human being on the planet?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:54:29 No.349600997
    Including you moron
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:54:29 No.349601001
    exactly why should i give a fuck?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:54:42 No.349601032
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    i'm not OP.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:54:54 No.349601058
    i have no job, what's the best job in terms of money/working hours i can try to enroll in?
    >> ‮ suomy‬ !wSuLFuCrxY 08/24/11(Wed)18:54:54 No.349601059
    I could post something to destory this thread...

    what you ask?

    Well my father is a clinical psychologist and I have his WAIS test briefcase kit in my lap...

    according to this it doesn't measure IQ'S above 160.....

    = op is cancer and should die.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:55:39 No.349601149
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    you fucking BLEW your cover there, that's like a retarded slip up, especially boasting a 192 IQ.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:55:46 No.349601167

    That would make a fucking great show.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:55:56 No.349601200
    If you're so intelligent then why do you place so much emphasis on IQ which is barely more than a social construction at best.
    >> ‮‪‪‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬ 08/24/11(Wed)18:56:37 No.349601285


    actually I saged - you idiots! Like I am now... SAGE!
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:56:38 No.349601287
    so why are you a virgin?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:56:40 No.349601291
    Is your name Ezra Liliekis? (sp?)
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:56:53 No.349601328
    Vou ter de te chamar mentiroso meu cabrao.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:58:14 No.349601500
    the rules clearly state
    "do NOT feed the trolls"
    you fagg­ots... you are doing it :-(
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:58:20 No.349601512
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    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:58:40 No.349601555
    IQ measurement is to determine how fast you can catch on to or learn something. Really, it has no effect on how much you know, just how much you can learn. Your brain is a sponge, and your IQ is the reading of how absorbent your sponge of a brain is. Intelligence is subjective in its definition. You can have a sharp mind, yet not use it to its full potential. You can join Mensa and flash your membership card around, use it as bragging rights. But in the end, if you don't use your 192 IQ to your advantage, you're really nothing special. So tell me OP, what things do you partake in that you would consider your performances, above average?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:58:51 No.349601578
    If you're so fucking clever why did you spell Cerberus wrong? Moron.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)18:59:03 No.349601618

    what is this i don't even.
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)18:59:21 No.349601674
    1.- Anon

    2.- British

    3.- three in all

    4.- phD in aerospace engineering

    5.- that would be revealing too much information

    6.- Not at all, the IQ test i've taken essentially measures IQs far beyond what standardised IQ tests are capable of, and is therefore normed 'abnormally'. The statistics from which it derives its norms are based on other people like me who as you know, are few and far between. The norming is therefore extrapolation from statistics based on outliers and anomalies - which as any statistician would tell you is stupid.

    I do not believe my IQ is 192 at all - the best I can do is estimate it within the range 185 - 195, but the test says i'm 192 and thats what i published here.
    >> !!zwqsOPIFaKJ Cerebrus 08/24/11(Wed)18:59:26 No.349601690
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    You've all been trolled, hard.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:00:01 No.349601791

    0/10 failtroll
    >> ­­ !JHQ5ABusTA 08/24/11(Wed)19:00:12 No.349601813
    >what is your name?
    >what is your nationality?
    >how many girls have you slept with?
    >what are you studying?
    >how big is your peni­s?
    >where did you take your IQ test?
    >will you let me have sex with you?
    >do you really believe you are the seventh smartest human being on the planet?
    >are you a naughty boy?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:00:35 No.349601869
    you're so full of shit
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:00:45 No.349601900
    Tits or GTFO, miss Polgar
    >> Cerebus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)19:00:48 No.349601914
    Hey, OP here, just like to say, I'm a fag.
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)19:01:01 No.349601940
    We're all human and blahty blah, anon.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:01:47 No.349602061
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:01:49 No.349602064
    you're still feeding the troll by getting reactions out of people and him, which ends up bumping his thread anyways. You are a candy-ass.
    >> ‮ ‮ suomynonA‪‪‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬‬ !H3Ui1O/vIA 08/24/11(Wed)19:02:11 No.349602123
    Threads like this are why I leave /b/ for months at a time.... I HATE YOU PEOPLE.

    for all the retards, this is a sage post
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)19:03:33 No.349602348

    My last name is Rosner.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:04:10 No.349602437
    I have a good one. Have you ever had a time when, despite the high IQ, your common sense has failed you? If so what were you doing at the time and who pointed out the fallacy to you?
    >> sage goes in everyfield sage 08/24/11(Wed)19:04:24 No.349602479
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    What is the most interesting work that you have done?
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)19:05:01 No.349602583

    Push/Pull doors are my eternal archenemies.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:05:32 No.349602655
    >Ph.D in Aerospace Engineering
    >20 years old
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:05:52 No.349602715
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    Rick Rosner?

    The fucking guy who created the show CHiPS???
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:06:15 No.349602785
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    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:07:08 No.349602933
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    >high iq
    >likeable person

    Pick one you candy-ass OP
    >> Cerebrus !!zwqsOPIFaKJ 08/24/11(Wed)19:08:01 No.349603049
    Thanks for the (possible) sage. I was getting tired of all the hostility.

    I have been able to gain the attention of a certain CM Langan regarding a serious rebuttal of his CTMU. Which is a big deal in the hiq world
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:09:05 No.349603236
    Can you change a flat tire OP?

    Do you own a car and can you fix it when it breaks?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:09:26 No.349603307
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    Prove the Riemann hypothesis or show counter example.

    Let's see that 192 in action.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)19:09:35 No.349603329
    I saw this documentary about genius kids once, and they all seemed like real patronizing assholes. This one girl was complaining that her parents never read War and Peace. War and Peace is, like, 1500 pages long! And they have to work to take care of their arrogant little shit.

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