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    File : 1313885756.png-(12 KB, 500x500, 2chan.png)
    12 KB NIRTYDIGGER 08/20/11(Sat)20:15:56 No.348808886  
    go to 2chan

    bring something back
    >> NIRTYDIGGER 08/20/11(Sat)20:19:12 No.348809435
         File1313885952.jpg-(412 KB, 1561x1000, 1313229362763.jpg)
    412 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:21:27 No.348809788
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:28:46 No.348810899
         File1313886526.jpg-(61 KB, 400x500, 1313715888460.jpg)
    61 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:29:48 No.348811061
    tpical roody-poo, dyslexic
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:34:44 No.348811838
         File1313886884.jpg-(24 KB, 300x410, 1313726700364.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:35:23 No.348811955
         File1313886923.jpg-(499 KB, 2097x1529, slopes.jpg)
    499 KB
    them gooks are a strange people
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:41:01 No.348812866
         File1313887261.jpg-(1.85 MB, 3388x2468, 1311959352957.jpg)
    1.85 MB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:43:56 No.348813328
         File1313887436.jpg-(137 KB, 640x858, 2chan.jpg)
    137 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:45:18 No.348813542
         File1313887518.jpg-(39 KB, 288x413, 1313672186665.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:45:33 No.348813573
         File1313887533.jpg-(105 KB, 373x334, 1311200722964.jpg)
    105 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:46:05 No.348813653
         File1313887565.jpg-(25 KB, 514x514, 1313603155846.jpg)
    25 KB
    someone got to put captions on this
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:49:16 No.348814094
         File1313887756.jpg-(12 KB, 161x250, 2chan.jpg)
    12 KB
    I was literally just pressing buttons without knowing where it took me to.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:49:55 No.348814197
         File1313887795.jpg-(7 KB, 158x250, 1313806847466s.jpg)
    7 KB
    it might be shoped
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:50:10 No.348814226
         File1313887810.gif-(201 KB, 500x421, 1313551864209.gif)
    201 KB
    I loled
    >> Leo !!C1uixsWMUeR 08/20/11(Sat)20:50:22 No.348814267
         File1313887822.jpg-(156 KB, 339x594, 1313212776691.jpg)
    156 KB
    >mfw I use google translate to roam around 2chan

    >mfw they sound like idiots cause of google translates bad translating
    >> Leo !!C1uixsWMUeR 08/20/11(Sat)20:51:27 No.348814429
         File1313887887.gif-(48 KB, 387x259, 2283585.gif)
    48 KB

    >mfw they have a "Cat" board
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:51:37 No.348814455

    Poster here. Holy Fuck I think I wondered into their guro board. What's wrong with these fuckers?
    >> !tdKI9q43ho 08/20/11(Sat)20:52:17 No.348814563
         File1313887937.jpg-(477 KB, 707x1000, 1313887273298.jpg)
    477 KB
    oh yeah.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:52:37 No.348814610
         File1313887957.jpg-(72 KB, 800x600, 1313550377680.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Leo !!C1uixsWMUeR 08/20/11(Sat)20:52:40 No.348814620
         File1313887960.jpg-(12 KB, 245x250, 1313847293089s.jpg)
    12 KB
    Here's a picture from their "Cat" board.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:52:47 No.348814639
         File1313887967.jpg-(45 KB, 854x480, 1313885798367.jpg)
    45 KB
    Oh god this one is so exploitable
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:52:48 No.348814645
         File1313887968.gif-(487 KB, 440x440, 1313392162590.gif)
    487 KB
    Same here. This shit is actually fun. Good job OP
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:53:17 No.348814730
         File1313887997.jpg-(9 KB, 250x188, 1313838406125s.jpg)
    9 KB
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:53:53 No.348814827
         File1313888033.jpg-(94 KB, 596x392, 1313856620231..jpg)
    94 KB
    >> !tdKI9q43ho 08/20/11(Sat)20:54:10 No.348814866
         File1313888050.jpg-(206 KB, 860x1216, 1313887289042.jpg)
    206 KB
    wtf is this shit.
    >> Leo !!C1uixsWMUeR 08/20/11(Sat)20:54:28 No.348814915
         File1313888068.jpg-(10 KB, 188x250, wtf.jpg)
    10 KB
    Here's another picture from their "Cat" board.

    I have no idea.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:55:02 No.348814994
         File1313888102.jpg-(10 KB, 250x188, 2chan1.jpg)
    10 KB

    Me again. My opinion of the Japanese is lowering by the second. I translated OP's post and it said, "I'll be the female of course".
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:55:09 No.348815020
         File1313888109.jpg-(178 KB, 714x1000, 1313411060864.jpg)
    178 KB
    ..I dont even know..
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:55:37 No.348815087
         File1313888137.jpg-(18 KB, 300x225, 1313652574605[1].jpg)
    18 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:56:09 No.348815173
         File1313888169.jpg-(92 KB, 640x480, 1313859633584.jpg)
    92 KB
    Japanese people...
    >> !tdKI9q43ho 08/20/11(Sat)20:58:04 No.348815288
    mfw I post in their threads in english
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:58:25 No.348815350
    What the fuck?
    Why is she using a fork to eat cereal?
    >> Leo !!C1uixsWMUeR 08/20/11(Sat)20:58:25 No.348815353
         File1313888305.png-(60 KB, 251x251, 1313529405024.png)
    60 KB
    >mfw where's the random board
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:58:41 No.348815406
         File1313888321.jpg-(469 KB, 1600x1200, 1313484846053.jpg)
    469 KB
    lol it looks like they have a whole board for figurines
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:58:57 No.348815457
         File1313888337.jpg-(20 KB, 264x200, 1313886245357.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:59:00 No.348815465
         File1313888340.jpg-(17 KB, 288x448, 1311379186376.jpg)
    17 KB
    I think I am in a board I don't want to be in...
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)20:59:24 No.348815513
         File1313888364.jpg-(44 KB, 514x514, fdsfgdsvd.jpg)
    44 KB
    >> Leo !!C1uixsWMUeR 08/20/11(Sat)20:59:35 No.348815525
         File1313888375.jpg-(11 KB, 250x188, 1313754751499s.jpg)
    11 KB
    link them threads

    I thought this image was funny
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:00:24 No.348815633
         File1313888424.jpg-(238 KB, 1280x720, 2chan.jpg)
    238 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:00:30 No.348815646
         File1313888430.jpg-(199 KB, 667x807, 1313887724118.jpg)
    199 KB
    but what?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:01:03 No.348815722
         File1313888463.jpg-(87 KB, 480x640, 1313792520133.jpg)
    87 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:01:30 No.348815782
         File1313888490.jpg-(103 KB, 864x480, 1313855532553.jpg)
    103 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:01:59 No.348815846
         File1313888519.jpg-(40 KB, 768x432, 1313879485570.jpg)
    40 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:02:03 No.348815857
         File1313888523.jpg-(497 KB, 1920x2160, 1313742491824.jpg)
    497 KB
    thx lol damn I'll be posting this shit up.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:02:03 No.348815859
         File1313888523.jpg-(206 KB, 569x406, 1313868156436.jpg)
    206 KB
    hory shit
    >> !tdKI9q43ho 08/20/11(Sat)21:02:47 No.348815963
         File1313888567.jpg-(449 KB, 1000x950, 1313863867087.jpg)
    449 KB
    mfw I have brought the best stuff back so far.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:02:53 No.348815985
         File1313888573.jpg-(74 KB, 490x550, chinese burger thing.jpg)
    74 KB
    No clue
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:03:33 No.348816089

    I was gonna suggest this. Any /b/ros wanna visit 2chan and hijack a random board with English? Lets do this!
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:04:01 No.348816146

    haha just saw that board, nice dubs
    >> Leo !!C1uixsWMUeR 08/20/11(Sat)21:04:05 No.348816161
         File1313888645.jpg-(8 KB, 277x182, aag.jpg)
    8 KB
    It won't let me make a thread because my IP wasn't japanese.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:04:36 No.348816229
         File1313888676.jpg-(297 KB, 1024x768, 1313850122575.jpg)
    297 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:04:44 No.348816242
    >> Leo !!C1uixsWMUeR 08/20/11(Sat)21:04:45 No.348816245
         File1313888685.png-(20 KB, 550x375, 1313443997807.png)
    20 KB

    Post a link
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:05:18 No.348816331
    yeah, what one.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:05:34 No.348816372
         File1313888734.jpg-(442 KB, 1800x1658, sc5.jpg)
    442 KB
    Dude.. I might have to creep 2chan more often. Sweeeeet.
    >> !tdKI9q43ho 08/20/11(Sat)21:05:47 No.348816403
         File1313888747.jpg-(47 KB, 569x800, 1313881781680.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:05:48 No.348816404
         File1313888748.jpg-(67 KB, 300x225, 2chan.jpg)
    67 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:06:01 No.348816443
    >go on board
    >top 2 threads are about TF2 (it's the promo DE: Human revolution image) and the 2nd one is about LoL; it's Urgot's profile image

    it's like our /v/, but with runes.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:06:16 No.348816482
         File1313888776.jpg-(223 KB, 562x768, black614.jpg)
    223 KB
    >mfw they have 3 /b/ boards.
    >Lurk more tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:06:23 No.348816496
         File1313888783.jpg-(37 KB, 250x240, jim_carrey2.jpg)
    37 KB

    Let's do this
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:06:25 No.348816499
         File1313888785.jpg-(90 KB, 800x534, 1313879580619.jpg)
    90 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:06:58 No.348816579
         File1313888818.jpg-(12 KB, 464x261, 1313872744814.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:07:29 No.348816657
         File1313888849.jpg-(143 KB, 1000x664, otaku.jpg)
    143 KB
    Also, I think I just might belong there a little more than here..
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:08:06 No.348816745
    7 xboxes?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:08:14 No.348816762
         File1313888894.jpg-(141 KB, 450x1320, 1313653356167.jpg)
    141 KB
    this is not gay....
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:08:26 No.348816797
         File1313888906.jpg-(20 KB, 320x240, wat.jpg)
    20 KB
    what the hell is this
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:08:33 No.348816806
    look this up and translate. fuckin hilarious
    >> noko 08/20/11(Sat)21:09:09 No.348816891
    found this
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:10:15 No.348817085

    I'm trying to post a link to some animal thread but for some reason it's being gay. Do they use the same internets as we do. It's all fucking symbols and shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:12:01 No.348817363
         File1313889121.jpg-(3 KB, 111x107, 1312180364893.jpg)
    3 KB
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    >mfw I can't find random
    >mfw I can't understand shit
    >mfw I saw big fat hairy Asianfag fucking the hottest milf you could ever fucking imagine!
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:12:47 No.348817486
         File1313889167.jpg-(442 KB, 600x1912, Sweet Japan..jpg)
    442 KB

    Some Nigger wanna start a thread and act like ignorant tourists?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:13:06 No.348817541
         File1313889186.jpg-(8 KB, 200x192, ghjfkds.jpg)
    8 KB
    google translate the side bar and find matching symbols. i suggest we raid the toy channel with sex toys.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:13:10 No.348817551
         File1313889190.jpg-(154 KB, 800x874, 1313888584192.jpg)
    154 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:13:31 No.348817616
         File1313889211.jpg-(480 KB, 800x1066, 1313758480268.jpg)
    480 KB
    Cool shit
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:13:38 No.348817631
         File1313889218.jpg-(256 KB, 1000x1500, 1313800985358.jpg)
    256 KB
    i think i found a good board finally
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:15:42 No.348817968
    Oh man they have a Korean economy thread and everything. I don't know where to fucking start!
    >> !tdKI9q43ho 08/20/11(Sat)21:15:52 No.348817994
    For the following things about writing characters and pasting images
    Insult libel slander
    Suicide threat
    Personal Information Privacy
    Stoker Tsukimatoi
    Increased load of nonsense enumeration consecutive pitching
    Advertising spam
    援交 prostitution
    Interference compromise
    Floor difference
    Confusing harassment vandalism
    Ethnic political and religious
    See what the second for the following
    Gloucester Image
    You have any questions about what the third picture
    Gloucester Image
    Erotic pictures
    Child Pornography
    Obscene pictures uncensored images
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:16:16 No.348818058
         File1313889376.jpg-(89 KB, 750x500, 1313852031561.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:16:51 No.348818146
         File1313889411.jpg-(118 KB, 328x475, about273.jpg)
    118 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:17:55 No.348818300

    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:18:00 No.348818328
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:18:09 No.348818349
    >goto 2chan
    >post uncensored vagoo
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:18:56 No.348818457
    Because Japanese porn laws...
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:19:24 No.348818539
    not even kidding!
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:19:36 No.348818565
         File1313889576.jpg-(74 KB, 250x265, 1312211515091.jpg)
    74 KB
    K finally found a tojo proxy so what board we raiding?
    also all pics i am posting i found there.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:20:29 No.348818690
         File1313889629.jpg-(166 KB, 905x1280, 1310576175816.jpg)
    166 KB
    found the /y/ board i think
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:21:03 No.348818783
         File1313889663.jpg-(317 KB, 517x928, special032.jpg)
    317 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:21:40 No.348818881
    I CAME
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:22:02 No.348818959

    Which one is it /b/ro? I found the yaoi board. I suggest we raid that but as I said before when I CtrlC and CtrlV a link it sends you back to the home page.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:22:11 No.348818978
         File1313889731.jpg-(9 KB, 176x144, 1313168125473.jpg)
    9 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:23:53 No.348819239
         File1313889833.gif-(451 KB, 480x270, 1313462810175.gif)
    451 KB
    guy tell me when you find a board to raid and post link
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:24:13 No.348819291
         File1313889853.jpg-(207 KB, 1099x674, 2chan.jpg)
    207 KB
    these CAPTCHA are fucking retarded.....upside i right it in back to front or as if right side up?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:24:13 No.348819293
         File1313889853.png-(494 KB, 309x408, 1313889296247.png)
    494 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:24:34 No.348819363
         File1313889874.jpg-(39 KB, 327x511, 1311630132609.jpg)
    39 KB
    bad story bro
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:24:46 No.348819410
    Non-Japanese IPs are banned for this reason
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:25:26 No.348819512
         File1313889926.jpg-(31 KB, 500x368, 1307081082670.jpg)
    31 KB
    I'm not japanese and what is this?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:25:26 No.348819513
         File1313889926.jpg-(195 KB, 640x960, government637.jpg)
    195 KB
    Dumping board translations from my iPod app.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:25:56 No.348819604
         File1313889956.jpg-(14 KB, 250x250, shout.jpg)
    14 KB
    found the touhou board.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:26:05 No.348819637
         File1313889965.jpg-(210 KB, 640x960, wise217.jpg)
    210 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:26:14 No.348819655
         File1313889974.jpg-(17 KB, 177x250, 2chan.jpg)
    17 KB
    2chan is pretty epic.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:26:31 No.348819705
         File1313889991.gif-(304 KB, 250x188, 1313691896920.gif)
    304 KB
    lol mightve found /gif/ ??

    capcha: stainmat usage
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:26:41 No.348819729
         File1313890001.jpg-(241 KB, 640x960, free274.jpg)
    241 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:27:03 No.348819801
    Soooo /b/ros! Which board do we raid? And dude with the Jap proxy you still with us?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:27:35 No.348819880
         File1313890055.jpg-(251 KB, 640x960, operation566.jpg)
    251 KB
    >> !tdKI9q43ho 08/20/11(Sat)21:28:01 No.348819956
         File1313890081.jpg-(9 KB, 250x212, 1313205358078s.jpg)
    9 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:28:06 No.348819967
         File1313890086.jpg-(225 KB, 640x960, net004.jpg)
    225 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:28:23 No.348820013
    they have a "mathematics" board

    LOL fucking asians
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:28:35 No.348820051
         File1313890115.jpg-(7 KB, 200x118, 2c.jpg)
    7 KB
    Found their /g/ board.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:28:44 No.348820072
         File1313890124.jpg-(223 KB, 640x960, in328.jpg)
    223 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:28:47 No.348820081
    i think i found the 'Trap' board
    its the one titled "女装"
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:29:39 No.348820231
         File1313890179.jpg-(231 KB, 640x960, blue739.jpg)
    231 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:30:09 No.348820314
    We need to archive this shit for future reference.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:30:16 No.348820335
         File1313890216.jpg-(208 KB, 640x960, cow441.jpg)
    208 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:30:23 No.348820347
    i went on 2chan earlier today

    it hasnt updated, same threads
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:30:51 No.348820432
         File1313890251.jpg-(220 KB, 640x960, glove189.jpg)
    220 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:30:54 No.348820438
    I have one of those but it's an x6
    >> Hero of Time3351-4093-6147 08/20/11(Sat)21:31:39 No.348820535
         File1313890299.jpg-(27 KB, 320x430, 1311286068533.jpg)
    27 KB
    Oh God. Where am I?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:31:57 No.348820581
         File1313890317.jpg-(219 KB, 640x960, division102.jpg)
    219 KB
    Last one...these have board code and translation of japanese board name
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:32:30 No.348820663
         File1313890350.jpg-(63 KB, 800x624, 1275363065354.jpg)
    63 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:32:46 No.348820699
         File1313890366.jpg-(48 KB, 500x496, 1313883892484.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:32:52 No.348820721
         File1313890372.jpg-(11 KB, 172x250, 2chan3.jpg)
    11 KB
    I recommend fucking the gore board up. Look at this trippy shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:33:14 No.348820774
    /an/ is found

    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:34:05 No.348820922
         File1313890445.gif-(491 KB, 374x281, 1313769242000.gif)
    491 KB
    weirdly enough they have this gif,
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:34:06 No.348820927
         File1313890446.jpg-(294 KB, 1198x1919, 1312054364314.jpg)
    294 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:34:34 No.348820996

    Could have just used the pics I have been dumping...
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:34:53 No.348821052
    why can't i post shit there?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:34:57 No.348821060
         File1313890497.jpg-(397 KB, 1152x864, 1313846748862.jpg)
    397 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:36:50 No.348821385
         File1313890610.jpg-(15 KB, 250x212, haters.jpg)
    15 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:38:04 No.348821587

    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:38:05 No.348821595
         File1313890685.gif-(494 KB, 400x298, 1313844924864.gif)
    494 KB
    found this roody-poo
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:38:42 No.348821704
         File1313890722.jpg-(45 KB, 514x514, 6zm2..jpg)
    45 KB
    My attempt
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:40:12 No.348821960

    lol saw that too, the one under it is funny too

    idk why but clicking any thread just brings me to
    figure its why the dude somewhere above was mentioning the proxy, probably cant access it from where i am
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:40:35 No.348822009
    Who is this girl?!?!?! She's cute!
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:40:47 No.348822057
         File1313890847.jpg-(284 KB, 1200x1600, 1313879701328.jpg)
    284 KB
    I don't think I went to the right site.

    The ENTIRE site is in Japanese and there's no Enlish section to click on. This makes the entire site a giant game of Russian roulette unless you know Japanese. I was lucky enou8gh to come out of there alive with this.
    >> !tdKI9q43ho 08/20/11(Sat)21:41:21 No.348822164
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:41:28 No.348822198
    Use fucking google translate you retard
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:41:50 No.348822256

    yep thats the one
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:42:50 No.348822454
    No way! This site is too much fun when I have no idea what the fuck it says!
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:43:10 No.348822527
    google don't always translates everything
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:43:16 No.348822542

    Why are you ignoring the pics I dumped? They have translations and board codes...
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:43:41 No.348822619
    Do you think they ever do a "Go to newt gingrich bring something back" and laugh at us crazy westerners?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:44:20 No.348822761

    See this:
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:45:08 No.348822923
    Yeah that is why they make their fucking anime characters tall, white, blonde hair, and fucking blues eyes, not their chink eyes.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:45:48 No.348823048

    Got ya
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:46:06 No.348823116
         File1313891166.jpg-(79 KB, 600x480, 1312254247450.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:46:43 No.348823215
    Because they're large and tedious and don't actually link to the boards — unlike the English 2chan directories you can find in 10 seconds via Google.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:47:00 No.348823260
         File1313891220.jpg-(182 KB, 1280x720, 2chanspoils.jpg)
    182 KB
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    i don't even know what this is
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:47:16 No.348823312
    Found this. I hope it works.

    V、__///}      \   /  i  ヽ ヽ ヽ /       ハ//\   /
        V/////ハ      〉/        ヽ  /    /l//////7
         V////リ  \    ヽ /     i    ノ   /   l//////
         V////    `ヽ、_ Y       /´  ィ      //////
          V//{       ヽ二フー‐ 二'―二 ̄/     /////
           〉//ハ        ( ヾ=´__ヾ= )´      /////
         /////}           ̄ ̄   ̄ ̄        i////ヽ
         //////ハ                         {/////ヽ
        ///////                       ゝ‐<///\
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:47:50 No.348823419
         File1313891270.gif-(146 KB, 640x360, 1313891139633.gif)
    146 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:48:04 No.348823457
         File1313891284.jpg-(26 KB, 480x360, 1313849753509.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:48:52 No.348823577
         File1313891332.jpg-(99 KB, 653x620, 124357679.jpg)
    99 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:49:40 No.348823713
    It's japanese, one of thems gonna get raped
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:49:51 No.348823742

    At least I can post there...
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:51:41 No.348824045
         File1313891501.jpg-(247 KB, 750x1000, 1313847088886..jpg)
    247 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:52:10 No.348824112
         File1313891530.jpg-(80 KB, 574x800, 1313837265472.jpg)
    80 KB
    Google Translate doesn't do images yet.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:52:25 No.348824158
         File1313891545.jpg-(195 KB, 480x640, 1313882693730.jpg)
    195 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:52:31 No.348824177
         File1313891551.png-(5 KB, 444x243, 1313787656284.png)
    5 KB
    not sure but is's american originally
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:53:37 No.348824346
    Kagebush no jutsu FTW!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:55:21 No.348824631
         File1313891721.jpg-(46 KB, 400x299, 1313882300832.jpg)
    46 KB
    .... why japan.... why.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:56:05 No.348824748
         File1313891765.jpg-(79 KB, 514x514, peepinteresA.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:57:15 No.348824931
    >>348824631 implying that isn't Korea
    learn how to tell the difference between Chinese-style chicken-scratch writing and Korean-style chicken-scratch writing.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:57:25 No.348824954

    Korea, you dumb-fuck
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:57:28 No.348824961
    methinks pic is from Korea. they don't eat dogs in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:59:18 No.348825250
    them signs are in korean
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)21:59:22 No.348825258

    No, but they do eat horse,dolphin,whale,and bear meat.
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:00:20 No.348825382
         File1313892020.gif-(360 KB, 773x718, 1313768642662.gif)
    360 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:00:38 No.348825450
         File1313892038.gif-(87 KB, 123x136, idonteven.gif)
    87 KB
    found this a while back, still my favorite gif
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:01:11 No.348825534
         File1313892071.jpg-(68 KB, 511x634, 1311668781947.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:01:17 No.348825545
         File1313892077.jpg-(155 KB, 800x1067, 1313890587942.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:01:45 No.348825649
         File1313892105.jpg-(153 KB, 500x328, trains.jpg)
    153 KB
    I think the thread was about trains.
    >> Re4smkr 08/20/11(Sat)22:01:54 No.348825654
         File1313892114.jpg-(13 KB, 312x450, 2chan.jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Re4smkr 08/20/11(Sat)22:01:42 No.348825655
         File1313892102.jpg-(13 KB, 312x450, 2chan.jpg)
    13 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:01:53 No.348825671
         File1313892113.gif-(1.49 MB, 250x208, mad.gif)
    1.49 MB

    Nope, but they eat horse
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:05:01 No.348825713
         File1313892301.jpg-(50 KB, 514x514, 13138875650345.jpg)
    50 KB
    Derp, how was i supposed to know the diference?
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:05:05 No.348825717
    >2chan has a soccer board
    >has a soccer board
    >soccer board
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:05:26 No.348825790
         File1313892326.jpg-(10 KB, 200x200, 1309938594262.jpg)
    10 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:05:30 No.348825803
         File1313892330.jpg-(37 KB, 549x492, 1309489724487.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:05:44 No.348825845
         File1313892344.jpg-(36 KB, 360x480, 1313831183502.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:07:37 No.348826233
         File1313892457.jpg-(15 KB, 300x300, CAPTIONS.jpg)
    15 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:07:48 No.348826273
         File1313892468.jpg-(251 KB, 840x760, 1313888250351.jpg)
    251 KB
    found this
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:08:53 No.348826421
         File1313892533.png-(10 KB, 300x300, 1313858909001.png)
    10 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:09:42 No.348826540
         File1313892582.jpg-(27 KB, 243x208, 1296461162288.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:09:55 No.348826571
         File1313892595.jpg-(437 KB, 1169x813, 1313859864239.jpg)
    437 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:10:35 No.348826667
         File1313892635.jpg-(25 KB, 236x448, 131242998654.jpg)
    25 KB
    Asians like that brown soft
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:11:51 No.348826849
    You guys make me lol
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:12:11 No.348826903
    Strike Witches

    Tomoe Mami
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:12:35 No.348826957
         File1313892755.png-(21 KB, 350x450, 1313880802785.png)
    21 KB
    Here you go
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:15:38 No.348827423
         File1313892938.jpg-(94 KB, 822x780, 1309520753619.jpg)
    94 KB
    Im ok with this
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:16:07 No.348827502
         File1313892967.jpg-(29 KB, 450x425, 1312236929468.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 08/20/11(Sat)22:17:08 No.348827644
    If only I knew what it said...

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