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  • File : 1313539984.jpg-(100 KB, 598x500, copfag2.jpg)
    100 KB Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)20:13:04 No.347985762  
    Taking a break from fapping and alcohol (in moderation), might as well entertain your questions.

    NIGGATIPS (this is the copypasta section, thank you for pointing that out):
    1.) I don't do speed traps and I do not arrest NOR ticket anyone for marijuana. Google "police discretion" for more info on this.
    2.) If you feel the need to chastise me for being a cop, remember that I took this job as a service to people, not to the state. I do not need the money anymore. I do this so I take up a position in the department's staff sheets that could otherwise be occupied by an "asshole cop".
    3.) Won't answer identifying information. I work in Southern California. That's as detailed as I can get.
    4.) Questions will be answered in the order that they are received. Don't waste your time bumping your own question, I read top-to-bottom and ignore bumps. Don't get an answer? You probably won't, even if you repost. Don't bother.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:14:32 No.347985988
    So what's the weirdest thing that's happened to you on-duty, copfag?
    >> wmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwm 08/16/11(Tue)20:14:59 No.347986065
    >wont bust for marijuana
    >wont bust for marijuana

    u had me at that

    high driving is not like drunk driving
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:16:16 No.347986262
    Ever see a dead body?
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)20:16:58 No.347986374
    Got buttfucked.

    I have busted for high driving, that's why it's called "driving while intoxicated", not "driving while drunk". Smoke dope at home.

    Yes, lots of times.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:17:01 No.347986384
    Ever sleep on the job?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:17:11 No.347986418
    could i be a cop? how did you find out you'd make a good cop?
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)20:17:44 No.347986509
    No, we're not allowed to go on duty if we're drowsy.

    Go apply.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:17:47 No.347986518
    Ever steal shit from the evidence locker like on TV?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:17:53 No.347986531
    So... you won't ticket someone for marijuana... but if you were where I am, would you take my crop?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:17:57 No.347986542
    i imagine being a friendless, queer, white supremacist, tea-party cop in so cal is lonely... when are you going to shoot yourself and end your sad existence? or do the infrequent and meaningless expressions of gratitude from strangers on the internet make it all worthwhile?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:18:04 No.347986568
    wouldn't happen to be a cop in the valley, would you?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:18:46 No.347986697
    How is it that the same copypasta applies to you as well as every cop who posts on here? Doesn't seem likely. You don't need the money anymore? What does that mean? Can I have your salary since you don't need it?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:18:47 No.347986699
    Where and how did you get buttfucked?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:18:50 No.347986709
    Are you fat? Do you talk at a fast pace with a para-intellectual matter-of-fact tone? Do you jump to conclusions and ruin innocent people's day by yelling at them when they talk to you?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:19:34 No.347986836
    How often do you fire your weapon on or off duty?
    What is the most frightening experience you have had while one the job?
    >> wmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwmwm 08/16/11(Tue)20:19:43 No.347986863
    im usually driving in daylight with sunglasses on, would you persay ask me to remove my sunglasses to look at my eyes? and if so can i refuse?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:19:54 No.347986892
    Is it true that cops have certain arrest quotas they need to fill monthly, or is that just bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:20:10 No.347986936
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    How do you feel about NWA's song fuck the police?

    Also this thread is now a spiderman and fuck the police thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:20:18 No.347986959
    You hear about Kelly Thomas? That changed my view on cops, especially when it's so local.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:20:24 No.347986982
    What's with the cops and donuts stereotype?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:20:49 No.347987046
    What do you do when you arrest someone who's very nervous and look like he/she would faint at any moment
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)20:21:19 No.347987132
    No, they have security cameras and keep inventory on all that shit.

    If you're stupid enough to have a noticeable grow operation here, it would be handled by the sheriff's department or just DEA.

    I'm quite happy.

    I've never seen anyone use my niggatips. If they have, they don't have the same tripcode, and people around here seem to know who I am.

    I was at home, but technically on duty. It was during a lunch break though.

    I draw it once a week at best on duty, only fired it once. I go to the range once a week.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:21:24 No.347987150
    OP has left the building
    i repeat OP has left the building
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:21:38 No.347987183
    If you were forced to suck the penis of a black man, a white man or your own, Which penis would you suck?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:23:11 No.347987424
    I'm a cop in ukraine.
    i love beating little children up.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:23:24 No.347987472
    Do I have anything to fear from cops and such when it comes to loli?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:23:33 No.347987495
    Can you do sick advanced driving bullshit?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:24:38 No.347987687
    I'm being stalked by a cop ex-boyfriend. I dumped him when I found out that he was married. He drives by my house constantly and follows me whether on duty or off. Not sure there's much point in filing a report with his PD, although I suppose I could file one with the sheriff's dept. What do you suggest that I do? I am getting scared.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:24:46 No.347987705
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    No question here, but props for not arresting weed smokers bruh
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:25:28 No.347987836
    restraining order
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:26:54 No.347988107
    Would you report or arrest cops you're working with who you see breaking the law? For example, lying about what someone said, threatening someone, being more aggressive than was needed, or an illegal search?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:27:02 No.347988126
    why are you such a candy-ass cop, fuck the cops...they all should just die and rot inside their own assholes....yeah pig, im referring to you candy-ass pig bacon fucker RAGEEE
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:27:11 No.347988161
    Order of Restraint.

    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:27:38 No.347988253
    How do you feel about the recent murder of that homeless man in fullerton? Or the murder last year of that guy who was sitting on his porch in Longbeach?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:27:52 No.347988288
    I have an important question concerning my future as an officer.

    Back in my younger years I did some things that I am not proud of. (hard drugs) got hooked on said drugs for about three years. (from age 16 to 19) now I am 21 years old. Clean and sober. I am about half way through college for law enforcement and I recently heard that most places make you take a lie detector test. My question is IS THIS TRUE? If it is, I am probably wasting my time correct? No one will hire an ex druggie to be a cop right?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:28:12 No.347988340
    What is it taking you so long to answer, roody-poo?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:28:33 No.347988403
    I saw this exact post a month ago, fuck yourself!
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:28:37 No.347988419
    I appreciate your service to the community OP, im looking to be a cop myself. Anyways, do you always bust the same people for the same crimes? like do you get repeat offenders that you just get fucking sick of? what do you do about them? Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:28:41 No.347988429
    they wont ask you. it doesnt matter what you USED to do. people change, they realize that
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:28:46 No.347988455
    If you arrested a hooker and found a big black dildo, Would you take it for your own personal use?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:28:49 No.347988468
    Hey Copfag will you gift me a game on steam?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:29:45 No.347988649
    So Cal eh?
    what's your take on the beating death of Kelly Thomas?
    are cops usually allowed to watch security tapes of a police homicide before they write up their reports?
    >> OP 08/16/11(Tue)20:30:07 No.347988720
    If you had two 22 year olds applying to your department. They were very similar except that one had spent the last 4 years earning a bachelor's degree and the other had spent 4 years in the army including in war zones, which would you rather work with/hire?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:30:20 No.347988768
    ever feel up woman when you "search them"?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:30:48 No.347988841
    sure they would, be honest about it and just be honest about your life. Everyone makes mistakes, its people who learn from them and try to make things better that are more likely to be picked, but most of all DONT LIE.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:30:53 No.347988859
    What do you think about teaching gun handling (proper handling, saftey, aiming, how to disarm someone, etc) in schools like Drivers Ed?
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)20:31:16 No.347988940
    Most people take them off for the time being, and the few people that haven't usually come up with some bullshit reason not to (and then end up failing a FST). tl;dr yes and yes

    Quotas were outlawed in the 80s.

    If they're nervous, they're usually compliant, so it's typical nice-guy procedures. If they complain of dizziness we usually call in medical to check on them since we don't have a nurse on staff at the station.

    White man. Or my own, if I could reach.

    More power to you.

    Probably not if it's on here, IRL is a tricky subject. We still don't handle shit like that.

    I can drive a car properly, if that's what you mean. I'm no stunt driver.

    Restraining order, but talking to a lawyer would be better because that's illegal (stalking). Could file a complaint but it wouldn't do any good.


    Why? Let me think... I buttfuck, I get buttfucked, I suck cock, I make out with a dude... that enough explanation?

    Like I said last night, Fullerton PD is a bunch of dicks. Saw it coming.

    Yes, and you will probably fail with that attitude. Look up the ass-clench technique, that's how I passed mine. Say you tried pot in high school but didn't like it.

    Because it's my style to answer 10-20 questions at a time, now blow me.

    With what? I've got so many toys here. I just got a Bad Dragon dildo last week for my boyfriend actually, I could use that if you wanted.

    Yes, they're typically drunks.

    No, they don't. I know the guy on the sheriff's hiring board that issues those tests, if you did any hard drugs, whether you tried or heavily used them, you will fail, no question. There are many straight-edge applicants that they'd rather take.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:31:54 No.347989061

    Oops, I'm not "OP" in this thread haha. It fucking saved it.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:31:55 No.347989062

    >ever feel up woman when you "search them"?
    Same question but male instead of female
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:32:56 No.347989259
    What is the minimum information required by law that I have to give when I'm approached by a cop? Do I have to give my name?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:33:18 No.347989317
    Southern California, huh? Have you ever worked at a rave like Electric Daisy Carnival, or directly outside or after one? What was it like for you?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:33:33 No.347989361

    Downloading the forms to take to the courthouse to get a restraining order. Should I expect to be pulled over by his buddies for nonexistent traffic offenses now?

    Maybe I'll copy them and mail them to his wife.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:33:45 No.347989397
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:34:05 No.347989468
    op is a fuickin' troll
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:34:13 No.347989499
    As a general rule of thumb for cops, how fast over the speed limit, assuming there is no one around you and your not in a "wolf pack" do you (or other cops) pull people over. I've heard 8mph is high enough..
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:34:54 No.347989630
    Do you smoke marijuana in your free time? Also, how much do you make?
    >> zeus 08/16/11(Tue)20:34:56 No.347989634
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    ok so i was pulled over for speeding.
    my friend was drunk cop said he smelled alcohol i told him he is drunk. cop asks me to step outside, i do he now says he smells alcohol on me. take a sobriety test.
    i'm like why i'm not even drinking today.
    i'm not drunk i refuse. he says are you refusing.
    i say yes he arrest me on the spot.
    later he says he only did it cuz suprevisor was there and that he really didn't think i was drinking.
    now i'm charged with aggrevated dwi, but got a lawyer. what are my chances of getting off if he tells the truth in court.
    also haven't even had a pre trial yet
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:36:31 No.347989916
    You claim that you would arrest or report a cop, but have you ever? I don't believe that you have never seen a cop do anything wrong before.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:38:34 No.347990316
    HEY, I remember you! You're the copfag that also has a side business that makes like 200k a year.

    Is it possible to bribe a cop? I had a teacher once that would say, while pulled over, "Officer, thats a really nice pen. Could I buy that pen, for say, $20?" and he'd give the cop $20 and get away with speeding or some other minor crime.

    How do you feel about new/young drivers?

    How might a pretty girl/boy flirt their way out of a ticket?

    If I'm white, does this make you more inclined to be lenient, rather than a jolly african america blasting, "cop killa" on his stolen staero?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:39:33 No.347990507
    i went to college for game development, but i feel like law enforcement is more conducive to having an exciting life. i've toyed around with the idea of becoming a cop for a while, then if i can get into the SWAT team, i could quit my cop job and just do SWAT part time while managing my game design career as well. does this sound at all plausible?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:40:34 No.347990714

    >i'm not drunk i refuse. he says are you refusing.
    >i say yes he arrest me on the spot.

    smartass thinking he live in "the land of freedom"

    >now i'm charged with aggrevated dwi

    lol, you deserved it
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:41:47 No.347990933
    do you take bribes?
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)20:41:54 No.347990946
    No, I have more than enough.

    Not your personal bank account.

    Degree takes precedent, armed forces are a big plus but hiring boards are starting to value education now that people are complaining about "uneducated cops".

    No, women must be searched by women officers.

    Of course you lie in a situation like that. Straight-edge is required to be a cop.

    I don't think it's necessary, if you want to learn about gun handling, go take a class. Not everyone who drives wants to know how to use a gun, and most will probably never see one in their life.

    Yes, that's what we're trained to do though.

    Federally, you're required to give your name. Depending on the state, you might be required to give your SSN or DOB. Here, it's just your name.


    Wife is a good idea but you'll get fucked hard for it.

    5 under 50, 10 over 50, unless the cop is having a bad day.

    No. $50k from cop work, $200k from small business, before taxes.

    If you refuse a FST you automatically fail. That was your fault. Proper procedure is to test all occupants. Probably can get the aggravated cut off, not so sure about the DWI.

    I've reported some locker room shit but IA handles arrests and this is such a small department (less than 100 people) that there's just nothing going on.

    No, shitty drivers, show tits, yes.

    Don't kid yourself, law enforcement is boring as shit and half of the people around you will instantly hate you for no reason. It is impossible to be SWAT without being fulltime and you would have no energy to pursue another career.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:42:00 No.347990969
    Hey op why don't you make a new thread. You posted this same shit yesterday and I'm guessing a few other times that I didn't see to. This is the reason why op is always a candy-ass. I don't give a guck how you spin it, package it or fucking sell it. You are a fucking cop, get the fuck off my /b/ you dumb cunt, and yes I am fucking mad!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:43:19 No.347991199
    I am pretty sure you'll lose your license. You're not allowed to say no to a sobriety test technically, it's a bullshit trick question.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:43:23 No.347991208
    I was driving home from Cali and was in Imperial (I8) and got pulled over going fucking 75 in a 70. Was completely respectful of the officer and he acted like he was going to give me a warning then came back and gave me a ticket. Are you asshole enough to give a $300 ticket for 75 in a 70? Also, explain why asshole cop is an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:43:27 No.347991219
    You refused a sobriety test, you're automatically guilty of DUI.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:43:27 No.347991220
    what type of questions do they ask for the lie detector test?

    for example, would they ask if you ever viewed cp? cuz then any newt gingrichners are fucked. doesn't mean you intentionally looked at it, but you saw it.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:43:29 No.347991226
    we need more cops like OP
    maybe someday they will earn our respect and trust again
    >> zeus 08/16/11(Tue)20:44:20 No.347991380
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    i did think freedom.
    didn't know he could just ask me an arrest.
    if i had known i would have submitted to a cavity search.
    fuck him he could have told me.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:44:29 No.347991411
    I can see how loli could fall under obscenity if you ran around waving rustle doujins in public but I can't see how any American would need to be worried about having it in private on their HDD. Did the constitution get invalidated recently?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:46:14 No.347991721
    >I don't think it's necessary, if you want to learn about gun handling, go take a class. Not everyone who drives wants to know how to use a gun, and most will probably never see one in their life.

    My point is that I carry, but EVERY­BODY and I mean everynewt gingrich thinks that I am a bigger danger to them just holding it than not holding it.

    My argument is that:

    1. I'm not going to shoot them with it.
    2. I'm not a criminal, hence I am not going to use it to rob them.
    3. I took a class, got my fingerprints put on file, and have a license--why do all that if I was just going to use it for illegal stuff?

    It is my thought that it is FEAR over the object itself (the gun) because they don't know anything about them--other than what they see on TV which is criminals handling them.

    Your thoughts?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:46:19 No.347991739
    sure smells like summer in here.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:46:42 No.347991802
    do you still give someone a ticket even if they have a pba?
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)20:48:46 No.347992189
    Yes, that's the kind of shit they ask, and that's the kind of shit I lied about.

    >say no to cop
    >expect everythingwentbetterthanexpected.jpg

    Drawn art doesn't apply as CP, no. Having it printed out and posted in your front window is a different story of course.

    The only people who open carry here are true gun nuts that people should be scared of, since Cali open carry is such bullshit that nobody would consider it a viable personal defense option. In any event, no, people still don't need to learn about that shit. Most people aren't interested in the slightest and would just get pissed off that we're mandating that they learn it.

    >> zeus 08/16/11(Tue)20:48:55 No.347992212
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    fuck that sucks automatic dui.
    i still believe in right and wrong. i'm not wrong the system is. i've never been in trouble before. typical basement dweller forever alone guy. just being a designated driver.
    my only crime was not knowing now i can lose my job fuck that.

    but thanks for the reply, later
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:48:57 No.347992222
    how physically fit do you have to be to become a cop?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:49:01 No.347992237
    If you refuse aFST but tell them you will volunteer to take a breathalyzer instead, would you still fail? Would they let you do that?

    I have shitty balance, I could probably fail that thing stone cold sober. I would rather prove without a doubt I'm not drunk.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:50:04 No.347992455
    You just derped anon, "summer", I'm 36 years old and it's winter where I live. Get back in your box and stop schmoozing with the fucking cops.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:52:11 No.347992820
    What's the best way to inform an officer when stopped you have a gun and a carry permit?

    I havent been pulled over since obtaining my lifetime carry permit, but I always assumed I could give him my permit when I give him my license, and tell him that Im giving him the permit because my registration is in my glove box with my gun, and I didn't want to go reaching for it without him knowing.

    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:52:35 No.347992899
    did you ever taze someone?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:52:56 No.347992974
    How do you feel about, "Urban explorers"? That being, people that enter abandonded buildings, explore, take pictures, sometimes fuck or just hang out.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:53:14 No.347993028
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    >The only people who open carry here are true gun nuts that people should be scared of, since Cali open carry is such bullshit that nobody would consider it a viable personal defense option. In any event, no, people still don't need to learn about that shit. Most people aren't interested in the slightest and would just get pissed off that we're mandating that they learn it.

    So what you are saying is that you want everynewt gingrich to rely on someone else--yourself--to protect them all day long.

    Woulden't you rather spend your days doing REALLY rewarding stuff like tracking down slaver rings or illegal counter-fitting operations--than chasing down some roody-poo who happened to steal something from someone, or what really happens is that you go somewhere file a report and then NOTHING HAPPENS to the report because you can't catch everynewt gingrich?

    ITT: Cops who want an easy and cushy job filing paper work about how someone stole my [insert cheap object here] rather than any hard work like cracking down on real criminals.

    (also, you confirmed all my worst fears about cops. Thanks. I'm now just that more jaded against you pigs. Glad I don't live in Cali, otherwise you would be getting none of my support.)
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:53:18 No.347993042
    my friend is part of a grow collective, he does everything legally, both medical recommedation and license number posted to grow room entry. Why and how would law enforcement interfere?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:53:28 No.347993066
    Will they come after me if I don't show up for jury duty? Or will they not waste the time and resources to come after me?

    I also live in SoCal
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:54:10 No.347993203
    If you're on the interstate and the speedlimit is say, 60, and everyone around you is going 59.99 would you pull over the guy that breaks out of the pack to pass you at normal interstate speeding levels?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:54:37 No.347993277

    Part of the problem is that

    A.) Most criminals didn't look like criminals until they committed a criminal act. its naive to think others can just assume you're legit by judging you on the outside.

    B.) You're mental state and ideas of what is right and wrong are ok now, but you are human. You are fallible. Intentions are great and all, but humans make mistakes, humans get angry. Humans make irrational decisions even when they have nothing but the best intentions. Not all the time...but its possible.

    That, plus most ppl like you can't just have the gun. You gotta act in ways to MAKE SURE everyone knows you have the fucking thing. and that is unsettling.

    Also, you may have taken the tests and all, but you just brought the gun into a room full of random ppl. anyone could grab that thing...w/ or w/o taking the proper tests.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:54:47 No.347993304
    kill the cop candy-ass
    it was his fault, he should have said "if you refuse..."
    anyone who can't spare 2 seconds to inform someone of something important as that deserves it
    kill him, get off, problem solved
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:55:15 No.347993399

    Pregnant Bitch Aboard??


    also, gay cop cool story bro fact of the matter is your risking your life by talking here.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:55:43 No.347993493
    Do they give you a chance to explain yourself on the lie detector? So if you said that you have seen cp would you be able to explain that it was unintentional and you reported it right away?
    Also, can they press criminal charges or use it as grounds for a search? Not only cp, what about drugs and shit?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:55:56 No.347993538
    I hope some roody-poo shoots you in the head you are a cop therefor you are not a real person. you do bust people for pot you're just a liar like all cops. I truly hope you and your family dies in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:56:15 No.347993580
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    so the other night i had a beer at a party then went out for a beer run with some friends. while out, an unmarked suv followed me back from the store and pulled me over when my tires chirped at a stop sign (i have a speedy little gti)

    without telling me anything, they asked me to step out and leave the doors open cause they're having a k9 search the car. then they searched my car by hand, then frisked my friends.

    They found nothing.

    can they do that? i thought they had to ask if a k9 can search your car and shit
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:56:28 No.347993622
    OP is a gay cop! lililililiil
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:56:32 No.347993639

    This exact thread has been made many times.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:56:54 No.347993705
    Who buttfucks a cop when they are on duty?

    A champ, that's who.

    Also, did he cum in ur butt?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:57:12 No.347993762
    A few months ago, I had a bunch of shit stolen from me that ended up being a total amount of like $2500. I reported it to an investigator and everything and really tried my best to help him out as much as possible. (It was a bunch of electronic stuff, ps3, laptop, tv, etc.) Anyway, I did a little investigating of my own and eventually found the roody-poos who took my stuff. Since there were at least 6 of them there was no way I was going to take them on. I called the police and they said there was nothing they could do, since there wasn't "reasonable cause" or some shit. So the roody-poos ran off with my stuff and I only got about $1400 from my insurance company (damn deductibles) Anyway, can I do something about that police department and get some money back?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:57:23 No.347993785
    Why do you keep reposting this?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:58:34 No.347993991
    Police Brutality Abettor
    It's a card they give you for holding down a roody-poo while they beat him with night sticks.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)20:59:04 No.347994063
    OP you are skilled in the art of trolling.. fair play my friend..
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:00:06 No.347994243
    Football field obstacle course, 6-ft fence climb (solid and chain link), 500 yard run, and 165-lb dummy drag for 10 yards.

    No, that's OK in most cases.


    Yes, that's perfect.


    I did it for a while when I was younger, as long as you don't do it on property that someone else is actually using and don't get hurt, more power to you.

    I didn't say I liked the gun laws. Don't get your panties in a knot. I have more guns here at home than you could shake a stick at. I'm just saying that it would not be a wise decision to mandate gun classes in driver's ed.

    California doesn't give a shit, DEA has different ideas. I haven't heard of any DEA busts around here, though.

    They usually don't care but it's still a bad idea.


    It's a so-called "get out of jail free card". Around here it's an ugly burnt orange bumper sticker. Just means you paid this cop-supporting group.

    The problem with CP laws is that if you see it, it's technically illegal. Stupid, huh? You'd be better off just saying "no".

    No, they cannot, but a K9 can search your car without asking, just can't go inside.

    My boyfriend, and yes.

    No, your evidence would be inadmissible in court, most likely.

    Because it's fun and people like it.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:01:35 No.347994498
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    Do police use Tor? On Tor's website they say that law enforcement uses it, but I'm wondering if any of them actually do. How advanced are your average police's cyber crimes units?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:01:53 No.347994541
    Can you give me a bare-bones rundown of how cops are assigned to patrol? I mean, are you all assigned a certain radius within which to keep the peace? How long are you typically in your cruiser for?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:02:58 No.347994719
    did he have the decency to give you a reach around?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:03:54 No.347994880
    Football field obstacle course, 6-ft fence climb (solid and chain link), 500 yard run, and 165-lb dummy drag for 10 yards.

    how did you train for that?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:04:00 No.347994897
    I hear a rumor that you dont have to pull over for an undercover cop car, it has to be a marked vehicle. true of false?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:04:10 No.347994929
    This!!! Die in a fire OP!!!
    This. Wake up /b/, guys a fucking cop!!!
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:05:06 No.347995098
    What drugs are the easiest and hardest to get caught with? I imagine marijuana would be easiest followed by cocaine with lsd being the least likely? Also how likely is it that you realize someone you pull over is stoned?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:06:02 No.347995242
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    can you smoke?
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:07:00 No.347995409
    FBI uses it, maybe some state departments, anything below that is a definite no. We don't even have a cyber crimes unit.

    We are given certain patrol zones, just areas of the city that we drive around in. Beyond that, we're split into 4 shifts - 3 8-hour shifts and a swing shift (my shift). We can be in our cruiser for the whole 8 hours on a slow night, but typically it's 50% in the field, 25% in the car, 25% in the station.

    Well, of course not, if a cop runs home during his lunch break to get fucked, he wants to get goddamn fucked, not jacked off like a pussy.

    It was a weeklong thing, we trained almost constantly. If you're in good shape, it's really not that difficult.


    If you're stoned, it's easy to tell. Pot fucking stanks, so you can't get away with that. Cocaine gets everywhere. I would say anything in pill or rock form is simple enough to hide.

    Can't smoke cigarettes while on duty or in the station, can't smoke pot even if it's medical at any time. I don't smoke either one.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:07:04 No.347995415
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    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:07:45 No.347995534
    OP are the gay cop for last night or the night befor ?
    I belive you are the gay cop.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:08:03 No.347995599
    i got pulled over a few months back. it was like 3 am and i was fairly drunk. the cop asked for license and registration, walked back to the cruiser with it. he wasnt there for more than 5 seconds when he walks back and literally throws them back in my face without saying a word and leaves. do you think he got a more important call or what that made me really paranoid...
    >> noko friedchicken 08/16/11(Tue)21:08:06 No.347995607
    how do you feel about that mentally ill man that got beat to death by six (I think?) cops?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:08:45 No.347995725
    I teach Brazilian Jiu-Jitu in LA, and some of my students are cops. What kind of martial art trainig do you have?
    >> friedchicken 08/16/11(Tue)21:09:22 No.347995834
    sorry, I left out in fullerton ca.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:10:07 No.347995966
    i have family thats higher up how easy would it be for me to become a cop?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:10:53 No.347996095
    Cops are good people. Politicians are bad.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:11:26 No.347996203
    Is it hard to join LAPD as a Parol Officer? Does having 4 years in the USMC help? I heard I need to take 2-4 years of college, what should I major in?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:12:03 No.347996325
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    i know you cant really smoke pot but i mean do they drug test you? like could you if you wanted to?
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:13:05 No.347996511
    Actually that's quite true, I have this down to a science. Only thing is I stopped doing greentext quotes tonight because it saves a lot of characters, other than that it's like clockwork for me.

    Yes, I was here last night.

    Definitely got a more important call. Probably some bullshit thing that he didn't want to respond to.

    We're taught very basic Aikido and Chin Na in academy, I don't have any other martial arts training except some silly YMCA karate classes back when I was 5.

    Probably pretty easy.


    Very hard, USMC helps, you need a degree for LAPD now. Any major that interests you, hopefully something you can do on the side or after you retire. Don't shoot for criminal justice if you don't want to, you'll learn the same shit in academy.

    No, we're drug tested randomly about 2-3 times a year.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:13:23 No.347996563
    If your on the highway, and theres one of those annoying drivers in front of a guy that goes like 3 MPH under the speed limit, so he shoots into the passing lane, goes up 15MPH over the speedlimit, maybe more, to pass a few cars then gets back over to resume a steady speedlimit/5mph over the speedlimit speed... Would another cop (or you) pull them over for pulling this?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:13:23 No.347996566
    Called cops yesterday. Response time 4 hours 54 minutes on an emergency call(burglary in progress). Single officer showed up, showed him smashed lock(used a crowbar to pop the lock out), showed him cut security gate, gave him list of stolen goods. Was informed it was "my opinion" that any goods were taken. Was also told it was "my opinion" that the obviously smashed out lock and cut security gate were smashed and cut. Took police report and told me nothing else would happen with it(no investigation, no fingerprints, etc).

    So my question: What the fuck bro? My shit is gone, I want it back. If I shoot the obvious roody-poo who took it, can I say its "your opinion" that the guy was shot?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:13:27 No.347996580
    yes it did
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:15:38 No.347996953
    I would not, another cop would. If you're going to pass, don't shoot for 15 over.

    Probably some other big shit going on.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:15:49 No.347996981
    Would you do this??

    Please say yes. I hate people who do this crap on the interstate.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:16:06 No.347997038
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    Tell us about the one time you fired your weapon on duty
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:16:33 No.347997094
    more lie detector test questions, sorry if im annoying you. i might have to take one in the near future for a job and im getting paranoid.

    What can they do with the information of the test? Can it be used against you in a criminal investigation or give them reason to search your house for drugs/cp?

    I don't really have anything to worry about, but just visiting newt gingrich is bad i guess.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:17:09 No.347997205
    or the mexican drug cartel which is already responsible for more deaths then terrorism whatever the fuck terrorism even means
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:17:27 No.347997257
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    What firearms can you carry?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:17:33 No.347997280
    >I do not arrest NOR ticket anyone for marijuana.

    You automatically win.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:17:39 No.347997294
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    Thanks for the the answers to >>347996203
    Just double checking. So I could major in something like computer engineering to theater arts but as long as I have I have some units behind me I'm good?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:17:57 No.347997347
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    have you ever busted anyone with shrooms?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:18:08 No.347997382
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck


    i hope, i have this crazy idea they never arrest me because im on some list like they are building a case against me or some highly paranoid shit. ive had lots of similar instances and ive never been arrested.
    lucky i guess...
    >> hey >>347985762 roodypoomcfucktard 08/16/11(Tue)21:18:38 No.347997479

    im 6 feet tell 300 pounds can i ba a cop im form texas ?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:18:52 No.347997525

    So uhh, how can I get them to look into it. Were talking around 25-30k worth of stuff. Computers, tvs, sound system, jewelry, etc.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:19:29 No.347997630
    Do you carry a devicein your car that can track/detect a police scanner that i would have in my vehicle?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:20:23 No.347997791
    Do you catch shit from other officers for being gay? Like, cops are supposed to be all macho and whatever and gay guys have the reputation of being kinda... homo.

    What do actual officers think of, say, the Rodney King beating, or the Waco incident? Like, I imagine cop-to-citizen they have some excuse or defensive argument, but like, cop-to-cop?

    What do you do if you're out, like in public or at a club or something, and someone you ticketed recognizes you?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:20:32 No.347997814
    do you think being a detective would be a cool job?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:21:40 No.347998006
    How was working the US Open earlier this month?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:22:22 No.347998135
    My car started overheating while I was in another state on vacation, I saw a cop sitting in a parking lot radaring I guess, and so I pulled up to him and rolled down my window to ask where the nearest auto store was because my car was overheating. His exact words were " Fuck off, and don't ever fucking approach a cop like that again" So I say "well fuck you too" as I roll up my window, Then he follows me from the parking lot and gives me a ticket for not using my blinker while turning, although I never turned anywhere.

    What should or can I do about this bullshittery?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:22:47 No.347998208
    dear copfag, when my sis has weed on her, she keeps it in her bra for the sole fact that "cops cant search it". is this true? or is she going to get fucked over if she gets stopped. also its good to know there are decent cops out there, thanks.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:23:16 No.347998286
    does it annoy you when a ton of people slow down next to you just cayse you are around?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:23:52 No.347998391
    Not cop but if their suspicious they will call a female cop so they can search you. Seen it done on "Cops" so must be true.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:23:55 No.347998396
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    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:24:19 No.347998459
    OP still there? In which case, is the cop stereotype about donuts true? Also, is it true that there is a place in a man's head that if you shoot it will explode?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:24:25 No.347998488
    do you guys have the resources, or even give a shit for that matter, to charge someone with media piracy?

    and does IP blocker software actually deter you?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:24:26 No.347998491
    $200k from a small biz? Nice. What kind of small business?
    >> !4buTTseXAM 08/16/11(Tue)21:25:10 No.347998610
    cOP you sound like a pretty cool guy, what is your experience (if any) with cops from other states/countries?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:25:41 No.347998682
    I'm 18. If I picked up a 14 year old girl from her school and drove her to her home but got stopped by a cop, how much trouble could I get into?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:26:04 No.347998733
    He does not win. He is an entry level employee that is paid to enforce the laws that were created by our elected public officials. This is just another cop who thinks he can do what he wants to. So this guy has a couple of ideals that work out in our favor, so what!!! OP you are part of the problem and you don't even realist it.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:26:41 No.347998832
    Copfag, are you Gay/Bisexual Male, or Female?

    If the former, are you open about your sexuality within the precinct? (I know it's none of their business, but my friend in FL is Openly Gay within his precinct. So, I was curious.)
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:26:59 No.347998892
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    in my scale you are worst than a roody-poo therfore spiderman thread
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:27:37 No.347998993
    whats the best thing to do if i get pulled over and i have weed in the car
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:27:39 No.347999000
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    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:27:46 No.347999023
    Yep, do it all the time. Technically not allowed to because it's on the freeway where we have no jurisdiction, but supervisors don't give a shit because they did the same when they were beat cops.

    Roody-poo with a .22 peashooter, didn't hit me, I hit him in the arm and the gut. Mmm, paid suspension.

    They can't use the test results in a criminal investigation but they can use what you say. Lie detector test results aren't admissible in court.

    P226 in .40 S&W (personally owned) and Remington 870 between the seats (department owned).

    As long as you have a degree (bachelor's preferred) you are good to go.

    Once or twice, we just have potheads around here, mostly. And not many, at that.


    You can pester a detective but it won't get you anywhere. Just out of luck.

    No, but I could probably see the thing in your center console.

    They don't know about it, they don't care about it, and what are they going to do, fight me?

    Boring fucking job. More paperwork, less action, longer hours.

    Bad idea to approach a cop while radaring, and nothing you can do because it's his word against yours.

    She can be checked by a female officer, felt up and shit, and if she gets arrested she'll be strip searched.

    Not really, they tend to get out of my lane too, so more road ahead for me.

    No and no.

    Law enforcement really does not give a shit about media piracy on your level. FBI goes after the piracy rings, but people that download off of Demonoid just get spied on by RIAA/MPAA buttbuddies who file a complaint with your ISP. IP blockers don't really do a lot, they just block you from big companies' servers, so if you play any online games you'll have to set up whitelists and shit.
    >> !4buTTseXAM 08/16/11(Tue)21:28:06 No.347999085
    I think he realists it
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:28:19 No.347999119
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    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:28:21 No.347999127
    yes the act of smoking marijuana is perfectly legal.

    although possessing marijuana is illegal, so unless you already finished it all, you can get arrested for having thc in the tar of a pipe, or resin or a little bud left in a roach

    so if you smoke weed, get rid of all the evidence, you can go straight up to a cop and tell him your stoned off your ass and he cant do anything.

    maybe search you but if you dont have anything on you thats all
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:29:14 No.347999291
    Ever had to clean up puke in the back of your police car/van?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:29:23 No.347999317
    What kind of stuff shows up in RIMS for a person?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:29:43 No.347999373
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    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:30:03 No.347999448
    also, as a side note to this, my dad was an officer, and then a detective, and the best way to say it along with that is to keep your hands on the wheel, and as soon as the officer comes to the window, inform him that there is a weapon in the car, and that you have a conceal carry permit. many will thank you, and be very polite to you about it.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:30:36 No.347999539
    lol what a dumbass

    it's called "public intoxication" you know-it-all kiddy
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:31:39 No.347999744
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    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:32:37 No.347999924
    Law enforcement equipment. Tasers, mace, shit like that.

    I know a couple of NY cops, they're assholes, but funny as shit. UK cops too, they're just weird how proper and nice they are.

    You'd get some suspicion but it's not illegal.

    See niggatip #2, please.

    Bisexual with a strong male preference. Females are great to snuggle and hang out with, but I wouldn't stick my dick between their legs. They don't know, nor care.

    Remind yourself next time to keep your dope at home.

    Public intoxication. Quit blowing smoke and blow me.

    Yes, with a garden hose.

    Name, DOB, address, often a picture, license numbers, registered cars, pretty much everything the DMV knows about you, as well as your criminal history.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:33:01 No.348000010
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    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:35:11 No.348000441
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    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:35:22 No.348000471
    ……..,'::::::::::,~'': : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : '-|
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    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:35:41 No.348000525
    >>347998135 is me

    He also said wrote on the ticket the incorrect street, I assume to make it look like I did turn. But that street was about 2 streets over from where he was radaring, do you think he would just lie in court and say that I was on that street, and do cops get assigned places to radar or do they just set up wherever they feel like it?
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:36:36 No.348000690
    He'll just bullshit, and cops set up wherever they want unless they're told of a complaint (some old lady with sand in her crotch keeps calling and complaining about speeders).
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:37:03 No.348000765
    Samefag here. I (along with about 200 other people) got "detained" for three days in 2008 while covering the Republican National Convention (I'm a photojournalist). After shit got sorted out, they cleared me and said all the hullabaloo would be wiped from my record. Will that stuff still show up in RIMS with an "oops!" next to it, or is it gone for reals?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:37:21 No.348000820
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    whats would the penalty be for getting caught with 7 gs of shrooms? (aproxiamately)
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:37:32 No.348000852
    I've got one for you. I just applied for a diversion for beating the shit out of a guy for trying to rape a friend. My neighbors are assholes and fucked with the water supply to my horses. Animal control got a warrant and took them. It's been 2 months and no charges have been filed. I"ve been told everything is awaiting the DA's decision. Will this fk up my diversion. if so wtf happens if it get's tossed out.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:38:10 No.348000975
    i know but im saying like what if i just picked some up and got pulled over
    >> Another Copfag 08/16/11(Tue)21:38:39 No.348001056
    I was in your other thread a few nights ago, OP, if you remember. Do you mind if I help answer some questions?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:38:40 No.348001060
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    >> roodypoomcfucktard 08/16/11(Tue)21:39:00 No.348001118
    whats the height/weight requirment for being a cop ?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:39:01 No.348001122
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    lol, this is literally a cop who gets fucked up the ass

    i knew cops were candy-asss, but this is just lol
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:39:41 No.348001251
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    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:39:50 No.348001278
    Was the bad dragon worth the money? I see people bitching that the quality has gone way downhill. I wasn't interested in them before but crackers the cockatrice looks fabulous~
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:40:04 No.348001323
    yeah well marijuanas effects are soo minor and pacifying it should be legal no fucking problem.

    it should be fucking manditory its even proven to make people drive more carefully and better in every way
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:40:28 No.348001383
    best way to avoid speeding tickets other than not speeding, not using detectors/jammers
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:40:46 No.348001429
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    How long have you been a cop and also what rank are you?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:41:18 No.348001518
    How much does it cost to bribe a cop out of a minor traffic ticket?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:42:31 No.348001710

    Hey, asshole...





    ya, didn't think so

    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:42:44 No.348001746
    You are truly a dumbass.

    1.) What does that have to do with your original bullshit statement?

    2.) PLEASE show me where it's "proven" to make you drive better?

    3.) It's retards like you that make stoners look stupid.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:43:31 No.348001857
    OP do you hate motorcycle cops as much as I do

    those pompous fucks
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:44:15 No.348001993
    Best way to really fuck with cops short of getting charged with a felony? Dont give a shit about getting the shit kicked out of me
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:45:33 No.348002194
    It'll just show up as a sealed record, we won't know what it is. If you don't actually live there, the cops where you live probably won't know about it at all.

    Federal sentencing guidelines say that's BOL 30, which with no criminal history would result in 97-121 months (8-10 years). Bullshit, huh?

    You can probably get it revoked or something. Honestly, I don't know.

    Probably get a good talking to as long as they know what's going on (as do their parents).

    Go ahead.

    No requirements.

    Totally worth it.

    I wanted to agree with you but you're clearly stoned so I can't make any sense of what you said.

    Detectors don't do anything, jammers are illegal. Just don't speed.

    For 5 years, can't do any personal details.

    Enough money to cover their early retirement.

    Blow me.


    Are you insane or just stupid?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:46:29 No.348002337
    if someone on here lived in the US and legit threatened to kill themselves, what would you have to do?
    >> hey copfag Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:46:51 No.348002392
    if somebody ran up to u punched u in the dick then pulled out your sidearm and shot themself in the head what would u do
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:47:05 No.348002420

    Ty sir!
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:47:07 No.348002424
    Do you usually get people for not having registration on their vehicle?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:47:14 No.348002436
    I know for a fact that detectors do help a small bit. Has saved my ass plenty of times. Either that or the cop just didn't want to pull me over while I was going 40 over
    >> K 08/16/11(Tue)21:47:37 No.348002491
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    >what's your thoughts on why in (more or less) recent times, that cops (taking shotgun approach) tend to be violent or at the very least, very defensive against those who photograph and/or film them?

    >any tips for defending oneself (more verbally if anything) against the cops who be hatin'?

    tits in advance
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:48:12 No.348002595
    What physical tests did you have to pass to become a cop? I want to become a cop when I graduate college and want to prepare for the physical tests.
    >> Another Copfag 08/16/11(Tue)21:48:56 No.348002709
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    4 years. I am not giving out my rank.

    It is old and I do not feel like taking another one.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:49:18 No.348002776
    Does it raise suspicion when someone is driving the exact speed limit and almost too perfect?
    >> Delirium !evaQ/e4sGA 08/16/11(Tue)21:49:32 No.348002804
    Is it true that married cops don't wear their wedding rings on duty, because it could alert criminals to the cop having a family?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:49:42 No.348002827
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    >1.) I don't do speed traps and I do not arrest NOR ticket anyone for marijuana. Google "police discretion" for more info on this.
    your ideological impurity makes you a blot on the entire department. Quit your job asshole
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:50:13 No.348002901

    So the police do nothing except troll people and give them tickets for bullshit(IE going 3mph over in a 45 zone)?

    Fuck the police.
    >> 17/f Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:51:06 No.348003042
    HEY OP! I feel like you were one of the cops that let me and my friend go even though we had marijuana. thanks a lot[:
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:51:50 No.348003165
    Welcome back OP. I always enjoy reading your threads.

    Lawyerfag here.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:51:51 No.348003167
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    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:52:14 No.348003231
    I wish there were no cops then I could do whatever I want whenever I want without any consequences.
    >> Game Master !GTw/wmx286 08/16/11(Tue)21:52:29 No.348003278

    >Got buttfucked.

    Care to elaborate?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:52:38 No.348003309
    Are you aware some police are making very profitable and interesting blog sites? Here are just a couple favorites from the Chicago area:
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:52:48 No.348003330
    How many times have you used or drawn your gun in the course of your duty?
    >> Another Copfag 08/16/11(Tue)21:52:59 No.348003360
    I give my wedding band to my Wife right before every shift. It is up to the Officer thought.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:53:04 No.348003371
    Best post in the thread.
    >> respect sir Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:53:06 No.348003382
    can u become an undercover cop once your a detective or can u do it when your line pd
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:53:06 No.348003383
    good question, I always wonder this too.

    Also, copfag, why the fuck do cops tailget the shit out of me when I'm not doing anything wrong. Dear god do I want to break check the fuck out of them.

    Also, if they are tailgating me, and I do break check them, and they rear end me, would I face any repercussions?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:53:30 No.348003453

    If #1 were to happen I would become quite enraged. Why the response you gave in #2? Why is it a bad idea to approach a cop whom is conducting radar surveillance?

    I ask because if #1 were to happen that police officer would die. I would not be caught. I can guarantee. Then again I am a high functioning crazy so the gloves are pretty much always off when it comes to me.


    I love the fact you're gay. You seem so straight-up & honest to yourself. Sentence one & two are unrelated. If I were to attempt to find you on duty in socal by identifying you as Copfag would the cops that weren't you get pissed off?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:54:01 No.348003531

    Read the thread before asking. He's bisexual and got buttfucked in lunchbreak by his boyfriend.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:54:15 No.348003572
    you're a massively ignorant piece of shit. why does it have to have anything to do with the first statement besides being about marijuana? are you retarded?

    i hate stupid fucking pieces of shit like you who assume somethings bullshit just because its contrary to what would seem real.

    marijuana is already approved to be driven with, THC is extracted into a widely prescribed pain medication called marinol which says, "become familiar with effects before driving" and may cause dizziness.

    i read the report where they were testing alcohol, marijuana, and obviously a sober control group years ago from some university i cant remember.

    the results were that stoned drivers drove better than sober drivers, and their theory is they think they might be uncoordinated so they compensate by driving very well, when they arent really uncoordinated in the first place

    have you even gotten stoned before? it doesnt effect coordination in any way. it doesnt slow you down, or it wouldnt be used by so many musicians and you wouldnt get your ass kicked in video games only by stoners.

    google it your fucking self asswipe
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:54:26 No.348003603
    if there's a hot guy that you're about to search, do you get excited? sexually aroused when youre searching him maybe?

    and have you ever met any cops who are just evil as fuck?
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:56:48 No.348003958
    Nothing, how would they catch me?

    They can't, the holster uses a complicated method that's impossible to open from any other angle and if you don't know how to open it. They would get shot before they could get to me though.

    Usually overlook it, I have better shit to do.

    Detectors don't work with LIDAR. Well, they work, but it's just an early-warning that if you were speeding, you might as well just pull over because you got caught.

    Read above.

    Yes, often it's because they're intoxicated (weed makes you nervous around cops).

    My thoughts are fuck them, let Michael Moore do his shitty Copwatch filming and post it on YouTube claiming "oppression" and "brutality" for all I care. Always submit to cops.

    Not really.

    Care to read the thread?

    Used once, drawn no more than weekly.

    They're running your plates, and you would be ticketed for failing to maintain speed or something.

    You are why pot is illegal. I'm saying that from the heart. You are the reason why I have to risk my profession letting assholes like you go instead of just congratulating them on their fine purchase of a mind-altering drug and sending them on their way. You are the reason that the asshole politicians can lobby for harsher drug laws and dump money into this useless drug war. Thank you.
    >> Another Copfag 08/16/11(Tue)21:57:54 No.348004138
    I have had to draw and open fire on an individual once. Me and another Officer killed the individual. I have had to draw my sidearm around 2 dozen times now.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:58:16 No.348004188
    I was thinking about being a cop if college doesn't work out how I plan. Any hope for a nerdy asthmatic kid. (I'm not fat, but not built either.)
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:59:00 No.348004292
    Probably not, unless you can do the physical tests I outlined above.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)21:59:35 No.348004375
    True or false: Nlggers are responsible for 90% of the crime. Also, the majority of their victims are white.
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)21:59:50 No.348004422
    >> !4buTTseXAM 08/16/11(Tue)22:00:48 No.348004568
    >UK cops too, they're just weird how proper and nice they are.
    Britfag here so this is actually pretty interesting, I know the way the police over there and here react to thing is completely different so I would really like your take on UK police as a whole and the riots if you looked at them. When did you meet the UK cops btw?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:01:13 No.348004637
    yfw police news sites are better than MSM news sites?
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)22:02:07 No.348004775
    Several years ago, the whole emergency services concept in Europe as a whole confuses me. It's much simpler here. Everyone has guns, ambulances have paramedics, and we don't drive around fucking eco-friendly tin cans.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:02:15 No.348004810

    Why would they run my plates if I have not done anything illegal? I have nothing to hide or anything on this board. I'm not trying to say that there have been incidences where I was speeding/didn't use my blinker/my brake light is out, and trying to deny it. I'm saying that in this small town, it feels like the cops are trying to make you nervous by shooting up on your ass and tailgating you.

    And what if I claim to have seen an animal that I didn't want to hit, or thought I saw something in the road, or realized I just missed my turn?

    I got a fucking ticket when I rear ended a guy who missed his turn and slammed on his brakes, for "following too closely" which sure, I was, but only because I didn't see him braking because his brake lights were out. Before he started braking I had a good amount of distance on him
    >> K 08/16/11(Tue)22:03:11 No.348004975
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    hmmm, fair enough

    >I've come into issues where I'd be photographing friends, scenery, that sorta crap

    my thoughts were the cops in question were just pretentious dicks who wanted somebody to bully around (I'm fairly tall but skinny as a rail, but anyway)

    of the times it's happened (thrice that I can remember), the cops said some crap, the usual "you're not supposed to be taking pictures here" line

    >I ask for what reasons, they give lame excuse, and I then ask for what laws their wanting me to stop falls under, and they proceed to broken record up and I just comply and take off with whomever I was with

    would there be any laws as such would be my next question I guess
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:03:23 No.348005019
    Learn your stats candy-ass. Blacks are responsible for 40% of USA's crime (way to not even clarify what nations crime). They are responsible for 90% of all interracial crimes in the US. They make up 12% of the population.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:04:24 No.348005173
    1.) I don't do speed traps and I do not arrest NOR ticket anyone for marijuana. Google "police discretion" for more info on this.

    Google "corruption" for just another cop doing what he wants to not what he should do.
    >> a 08/16/11(Tue)22:04:25 No.348005175
    if someone had a gun to my head how would i signal to a cop that i need help
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:04:50 No.348005240
    No, you're an idiot.
    >> Another Copfag 08/16/11(Tue)22:06:12 No.348005471
    It is a tie between Blacks and Hispanics commiting the most crimes in my city.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:06:21 No.348005500
    what about the % of crime in socal? Could put a bit of a twist on your facts.

    I only say socal, because that is where Cop is from.

    I personally dont know/care
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:07:29 No.348005707



    and misused as well
    >> Copfag !!9IIC8warSCX 08/16/11(Tue)22:07:53 No.348005784
    We can run your plates whenever, if we actually find anything slightly illegal (like you said) we can just pull you over anyway and not waste the gas tailgating you. You'll probably still get fucked anyway on the brakes.

    No, as long as you are on public property you can film whoever you want. Those are some nice tits too, damn

    If you had actually googled police discretion, it says that I have the power, confirmed by the Supreme Court, to overlook shit like that. I guess you want me to drive behind you all day and watch your speed, then?

    Dispatchers are stupid, you won't get it across to them.

    And you have no sense of humor.

    Roody-poos make up less than 5% of the population here and commit about the same percentage of crime. The mexicans here are generally all landscapers and whatnot so rarely commit crime as well. Niggers are just the scum of the earth.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:07:56 No.348005791
    ... no... im not... because its been illegal for almost a century.

    it was first made illegal because it was associated with immigrating mexicans, and later because the owner of the national inquirer invested in paper mills and was threatened with being replaced with hemp mills, also because it gave an entire generation of people a rebellious ideology against authoritarianism, which authoritarians will naturally want to repress.

    you do know there were no valid studies that proved marijuana to kill brain cells or cause lung cancer do you?

    marijuana also kills mutant cells, which helps prevent cancer.

    yes it doesnt just help you eat during chemo therapy, it actually helps prevent getting cancer, but your going to ignore everything i say because youve been indoctrinated by propaganda
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:07:59 No.348005801
    triple dubs, and op is a f-a-g-g-o-t
    >> K 08/16/11(Tue)22:09:36 No.348006059
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    so just dickhole cops then....

    >have a good one
    >I leave ass to end my run here
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:09:50 No.348006091
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン


    you're such a faqgot dude go away
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:09:53 No.348006098
    Are the physical fitness reqs the same for women and men?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:10:07 No.348006149

    triple dubs and you're a candy-ass
    >> a 08/16/11(Tue)22:10:24 No.348006202
    can u become an undercover cop once your a detective or can u do it when your line pd?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:10:39 No.348006239
    they're roody-poos

    they stole your shit

    shoot them...
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:11:00 No.348006301
    Is there like a dumbass cop everyone makes fun of? I base this solely off cop movies.
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:11:14 No.348006338
    what are your stances on other (what I would consider) not so harmful drugs, like Ecstasy
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:11:59 No.348006463
    This cop comes off very sarcastic so i wouldn't be surprised whether or not he is telling the truth. But there is truth behind color and crime. Statistics and papers such point out this..
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:12:59 No.348006642

    a racist cop, what a surprise
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:13:06 No.348006661
    serious question

    i am 17 and my gf just turned 18 yesterdat, her parents hate me, what is the chance of her parents blowing a gasket and me getting in trouble for statutory rape if me and my gf do it?
    >> Anonymous 08/16/11(Tue)22:13:09 No.348006673
    NO U

    candy-ass you cant prove me wrong in a debate without using fallacies

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