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  • File : 1313191799.jpg-(135 KB, 500x333, 9356254.jpg)
    135 KB Get off the road. Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)19:29:59 No.347183946  
    I'm tired of all these bikefags whining about how people with cars WHO PAY TAXES TO USE THE ROADS should share it. Sure, I'm all for a cleaner environment to live in and being healthy but biking is dangerous. It doesn't matter how much orange or yellow you wear, if a car comes around a curve going 45mph and you're only going 15, the chances of you surviving after being hit by the car are very low.

    Also, it wouldn't piss me off so much if bicyclists weren't such fucking hypocrites. Sharing the road means you obey all traffic laws. Just because you're saving the environment with your bike it doesn't mean you can run red lights and stop signs.

    Does this piss anyone else off? Please give situations where you've encountered an asshole on a bike.

    tl;dr Picture explains it.
    >> Autist !!kZEFQaMUdBz 08/12/11(Fri)19:34:25 No.347184759
    Having a good road bike curbs this problem comprehensibly; as a cyclist myself, I often wonder what the fuck a guy on a mountain bike is doing on a busy stretch of road, especially with an adjacent sidewalk available
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)19:40:26 No.347185796
    It's like being a pedestrian... just because you have the right of way at a cross walk, it doesn't mean you don't have to look both ways. Just because you can ride your bike on the road, it doesn't mean a car won't hit you.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)19:41:56 No.347186041
    yes, they should fucking follow the laws too
    also whats with GROUP RIDERS!!!
    fags and their spandex
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)19:42:57 No.347186237
    i got to go over a short mountain with only a two lane road to get to work every day. and every fucking spring when it gets warm i have to deal with these asshole yuppies from the suburbs who thing since they bought an eight hundred dollar bike and a spandex outfit that they are now the next lance fucking armstrong. most of them i'm fine with, they stay in the shoulder out of my fucking way, but there are a couple of these weekend warrior fucksticks who refuse to get out of the road, which always leads to a screaming match, what else can you do when doing eight miles an hour up a mountain? So now i carry a nice large potato with me, you won't move i'll nail you with my potato, call the cops i'll be gone long before you can read my tag let alone remember it and you can't pull prints off a vegetable. and the face they make is mother fucking priceless when they realize they just got taken off their bike by a god damned tuber.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)19:47:44 No.347187000
    Yes OP, this simply enthralls me. The series of roads I travel to reach work are heavily wooded with many curves and NO shoulder. Difficult to see, obviously. I can't tell you how many cyclists I see every day riding in the center of my lane and you barely have any chances to pass them, due to me not wanting to hit an oncoming car. And these are all recreational cyclists, judging by their clothes. I don't care if you want to ride your damn bike, but doing so on a road with no shoulder, all curves, with no visibility is ASKING to be hit.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)19:49:51 No.347187332
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    I used to ride bikes with my dad but only on back roads with less traffic.. if a car came, we switched to the other side of the road to let them pass easily... if two cars came, we got completely off the road.

    Pic unrelated.
    >> ­ 08/12/11(Fri)19:50:29 No.347187416
    Bikefag here,

    I pay taxes on the road too.

    I disobey traffic laws if I feel like it.

    I also get the fuck out of the way because regardless of who has the "right of way" I don't want to crack my skull.

    I wear dark colors when I ride so that cars don't see me, that way they just keep on driving instead of doing something dumb because they don't know how to react to a bike being in the lane. Trust me I'll see you before you see me and I'll get the fuck out of your way.

    tl;dr COME AT ME BRO
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)19:53:57 No.347187934
    I'm the cunt white van man that cuts up cyclists and blocks cycle lanes

    u mad cyclefags?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)19:56:06 No.347188260
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    I cant ride on the sidewalk. The city forces me onto the street. Complain to them
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)19:56:15 No.347188283
    You don't sound like the typical bike nut

    You're excused.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)19:59:42 No.347188832
    Cycling is one of those niches that somehow attracts angry blowhards who are just itching for a fight.
    >> The Mighty /b/ 08/12/11(Fri)20:03:25 No.347189459
    I feel the same way but unfortunately it'll never change, until there is sufficient evidence of enhanced risk or a significant amount of road fatalities linked to bicycles, it'll stay right where it's at.

    Assholes on your road that don't belong there, anything with a motor belongs on the street, anything that doesn't does not belong.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:06:05 No.347189882
    the world is full of shitheads and worthless scum and drivers are the jist of them. for that i will do whatever the fuck i want on my bike, OP. you wanna get out of your car and do something about it? prepare for a u-lock sandwich. eat shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:06:23 No.347189937
    I hate bikefags, especially in the city. They go careening around like it's their personal playground.

    I was going to post this awesome gif of a car charging through a pack of bikefags, but I can't find it now.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:09:31 No.347190443
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    can't find the pack of bikes but this is good too
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:11:38 No.347190785
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    wait found it
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:11:43 No.347190799
    I completely agree, we need to raise taxes and build more bike roads in every single town (and more subways and trains) too keep these bike assholes off the street....
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:13:19 No.347191032
    Failed my driving test because I drove "too close" to one of the fuckers.

    Eternal hatred.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:13:19 No.347191035
    you fuck headed drivers need to stay in your own goddamn lane in the city. stay in your lane, and let us get by, we know what we're doing.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:14:39 No.347191232
    if you fucks knew what you were doing you wouldn't be on a fucking bicycle after about fourteen
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:17:24 No.347191631
    OP sound fat, faggy
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:17:52 No.347191702
    But using bikes if you live within the city is one of the best methods to get around due to less traffic and you don't have to pay every time you want to park.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:18:39 No.347191808
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    people that ride bikes only talk about trying to help the earth because they dont want to admit they jelly because they have no car cuz they poor fags

    >mfw i ride a motorcycle
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:19:55 No.347191989
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    stories on these?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:20:18 No.347192043
    if you get hit at 30 theres an 80% chance you'l live
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:22:59 No.347192415
    Bikes have no place on the road at all. Use a car for transportation. If you want to use a bike for exercise, go on a bike trail. Or use a side walk. You piss everyone else off with a car when I have to slow my ass down and swerve around you.
    >> anonymouse­ 08/12/11(Fri)20:26:18 No.347192944
    I cycle and I drive. Driving improves cyclists, and cycling improves drivers - most of this hate comes from ignorance and misunderstanding on both sides.

    When I'm on my bike I signal and obey traffic laws, just as I do in the car. If I need to move into traffic, I'll signal ahead of time and move out into the lane. If there are cars stuck behind me, I let them past as soon as I can.

    When I'm in my car, I try not to drive close on cyclists, and allow for the fact that many are lacking in confidence and don't know how to follow the rules. Or are just assholes, it pisses me off too. Still, I don't pass until it's safe, and I leave plenty of room.

    I've never had a problem or gotten into a confrontation from either perspective. Two points:
    1. When you're flying round a curve in a car and suddenly find a bike going so slow it may as well be stopped, it's very disconcerting. But the same applies to a pedestrian, a horse, a sheep, a broken-down car or a fallen tree. Don't go round corners too fast to stop in the distance you can see, it's poor driving (I still do it though, we all do).
    2. Bikes don't need to pay tax because they don't pollute or cause significant wear on the road. But they are vehicles and are bound by the rules of the road. If you want the respect accorded to a road user (inasmuch as it exists...), earn it. I was taught the basics at school as a kid and did a test. I see many people who clearly never even did that.
    >> ­ 08/12/11(Fri)20:34:22 No.347194176
    Road taxes come largely from property taxes, bikers pay these too.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:35:26 No.347194365
    no, they come from the gas tax jack ass
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:42:27 No.347195446
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    There is a simple way to put an end to bikefaɡs running red lights and stop signs....

    ... stop braking.

    During that split-second where your mind tries to process the impeding crash and your foot goes for the petal, instead remember the *last* time you slammed on the brakes, saving the life of the spandex-clad faɡɡot who just cut you off... who thanked you with a dirty look and flipped you the bird.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:45:27 No.347195884
    Enjoy your jail. Actually I find not having antilock brakes is good, that screech gets people's attention that they should get out the damn way.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:47:28 No.347196242
    lold at spandex clad
    and i agree, not having abs is fun and makes you a better driver
    i live near weslyan university and i swear the more money you have the more invincible you must become
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:48:55 No.347196485
    Depends on your jurisdiction. In most countries roads are funded by general government money, but it's in most the government also gets more in gas tax than it spends on roads so indirectly cars mainly pay for them.

    But anyway, roads existed before cars, and bikes don't wear out the roads, that's what trucks and cars do. So it really doesn't matter much. Fun fact: most cyclists own cars and pay tax on them, so maybe only cylists who don't have a car deserve to be run over...
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:49:46 No.347196638
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:50:29 No.347196764
    they all deserve to be run over, out of my fucking way you little fucks
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:51:03 No.347196853
    dat look on peoples faces, lol. fuck, even if i could afford a new car i wouldnt want abs.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:51:16 No.347196893
    > Enjoy your jail.

    Nope. You had the green. They ran the red. No fault. And then for lulz you can sue the estate for denting your hood.

    Though you're right... I don't want any dumb /b/tard to hit-and-run. When you hear the thump, then you can slam on the brakes.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:51:55 No.347197005
    The type of person that would think they're doing you a favor by riding a bike is the type of person that would make you watch out for them, despite behaving erratically and poorly.

    But when it comes down to it, if you hit them and stick around, you're gonna end up going to court to fight it. They will press charges. Usually I just back up and crush the skull and peel out.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:54:21 No.347197423
    Don't mind me, just riding on ya. Hey OP, I ride bike with a gun in my pocket. You mad? >w>
    Not all cyclists are dumb fucks, if I see cars behind me speeding I just hit the sidewalk, even if it IS a road bike. Quit your bitching, ride a bike nigga.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:54:46 No.347197506
    I've never been stopped for it but I was told of an ordinance.
    Long stretch of sidewalk ahead of you, no pedestrians in sight, and you're forced to curb hug main roads and wait behind parked cars to ride around like a retard.
    Apparently ordinances were put in place because bicyclists like to run people off the sidewalks.

    When I encounter a pedestrian coming towards me and I'm on a fucking sidewalk I'll gladly tip my bike off the curb and ride around instead of being a dick and going straight forward.

    I don't fuck around when there's a car coming.
    I understand when cars are in both lanes speeding towards each other that the car on my side of the street can't swerve.
    You know what I do?
    I look down and OH LOOK I'M ON A MOUNTAIN BIKE. WHOOOOSH I'm riding in the fucking grass just like that.
    If no grass is available I hop off the bike and stand with it in front of me as I face the road and back in as far as possible.
    Fucktards like op have a tendency to slam on the brakes STILL even though I'm hugging the side of the road.
    I've gotten plenty of middle fingers for doing this so it's a bit confusing to work out what you guys fucking want from people riding bikes.
    You guys don't seem to understand that if you continued driving normally NOTHING would have happened with me hugging the side of the road.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:54:58 No.347197528
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    implying you've done this before
    >Usually I just back up and crush the skull and >peel out.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:56:37 No.347197857
    Well you're still legally obliged to avoid the collision if possible, but it's unlikely anyone can prove you didn't try unless it's really blatant. As a cyclist I reckon any gimp who runs red lights, spandex or not, deserves what he gets.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:56:48 No.347197885
    As a bike fag (although off-road mostly) I can only agree with one thing, obeying the traffic laws.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:58:14 No.347198151
    I got a dispatch call to an accident about 3 weeks ago, someone on a bike ran a stop sign, and a fully loaded 18 wheeler hit the individual. Wasn't that much left of the person.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:59:12 No.347198335
    Total bullshit. Where I live there's a canyon where you can go 60 MPH (La Tuna Canyon) and it just got repaved because of all these assholes bikers and drunk dipshits getting killed. And guess what? Sunday comes and all the cyclist shave the legs and get ready to attract other fags and when the start riding, they take up a WHOLE FUCKING LANE.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:59:31 No.347198410
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)20:59:48 No.347198463
    My eyes take priority over the signs above me.
    I watch traffic lights and watch what lanes mother fuckers are in before I even think of touching my pedal.
    I don't give a fuck if there's a red light, if there are no cars anywhere near me and no blind corners I'm fucking going.

    Traffic lights and stop signs are there for cars but common sense takes priority over following every single rule of the road.

    In essence, don't be a retard and you won't get hit.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:01:26 No.347198794
    they should only be allowed to ride in a bike lane or sidewalk, never on the road. they're the cancer that is pissing me off
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:01:34 No.347198820
    "Green light, I'm a car."
    "Red light, I'm a pedestrian."
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:02:01 No.347198903
    slash that thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:03:16 No.347199142
    ITT a ton of bad drivers looking to blame cyclists for their inabilities.

    lmao, tossers.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:03:39 No.347199212
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:04:14 No.347199308
    If you ride a bike for a couple of weeks OP, you too would understand why cyclists prefer to go instead of stop. It gets a little fucking boring waiting in every corner, especially if the streets are short. Fuck the bullshit, I got my bike to enjoy it, not deal with candy-ass shit.
    >> OP Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:04:29 No.347199366
    No shit? I do ride a bike myself and I GET THE FUCK OFF THE ROAD when I can and always yield to any vehicles.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:04:39 No.347199411
    in california motorcyclists are allowed to zip between cars and act like they own the road and if you hit them when they are driving like a retard, it's your fault.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:04:44 No.347199434
    OP is a fat, butch lesbian jew who doesn't know how to ride a bike.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:05:00 No.347199483
    I'm a cyclist that goes the speed limit and obeys all trafic laws.

    U mad fatass?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:05:27 No.347199572
    Take turns at 60MPH.
    Rage and flick off biker who was on the right side of the road hugging the grass.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:05:44 No.347199616
    learn to stay in one lane, car fag
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:06:20 No.347199730
    It's not bad unless they ride in packs. You can overtake a lone cyclist fairly easily and without a lot of risk.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:06:54 No.347199824
    about 2-months ago i was driving and it was only a one-way and there was enough room for the biker to ride next to the sidwalk but instead he decided to stick in the middle of the road. I honked the horn hella loud and long and the biker lost control of his bike and fell off. I drove right next to him.

    I can guarantee you he was shaking his fist at me
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:07:10 No.347199874
    I'm going to add this:

    I don't obey stopsigns because they require pedalling. I know this sounds retarded, but fuck you go bike yourself. Also I do go 45 km/h on my bike, which is fine for the 40km speed limit. I can't maintain it if I stop at stopsigns, My solution is I generally ride on onto the pedestrian sidewalk right before the stop sign and right off right after. That way I consider myself a pedestrian, and as such I have priority. And yes, I do drive a lot, but the bikers don't piss me off. They save environment, good for them. If my building management weren't assholes with their bike policies, I'd be riding it way more often myself. I do however stay as far from the bike rider as I can. If it means a sudden lane change, fuck it, more fun for me.

    I think not stopping on a red light is a bad idea regardless of your transportation means, and yes I include bipedal locomotion in this category. Same applies to non all-way-stop intersection. In general, as a bike rider, I am very aware of my surroundings, and if I ignore you as car driver that means I have made all necessary adjustments assuming you remain a predictable road companion.

    Also, for all the bike riders, always check your blind spots, especially before crossing a street which has cars turning off a main street.

    And! because I have already typed up a shit load I will add this. I ride pedestrian walkway everywhere except suburbia, and I don't bike into a heavily pedestrian area ever. I don't bike downtown personally, because for me it's a dumb idea. I don't walk downtown, because it's too chaotic as it is. I stay out of downtown. But that's my personal opinion and preference. YMMV

    If captcha fails me I'll be pissed (copied to clipboard)
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:07:31 No.347199950
    no u
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:08:14 No.347200088
    I hate cyclists who seem to think they can keep up with traffic and therefore decide to cycle in the middle of the lane.

    I hate cyclists who can't cycle in a straight line and are constantly swerving.

    I hate cyclists who seem to think when moving for a pothole or drain, that they don't need to check behind them.

    I hate cyclists.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:08:45 No.347200187
    bicyclists have the right to ride in the middle of the road.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:09:00 No.347200238
    u laff u lose
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:09:01 No.347200241
    Most of the drivers in this thread raging are the ones that are incapable of doing so.
    I'm sure I've run into one or two of these mother fuckers here on the road at some point.
    I crook my head and look behind me and see a car coming and no matter what I swerve right and get the fuck off the road.

    These are the guys that are raging because they had to slow down in my presence, whether or not I was taking steps to avoid them.
    These are the candy-asss that flick me off and yell obscenities out their window because they lost 10mph on a straightaway.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:09:35 No.347200352
    crashed my bike the other day in a turn doing about 18mph, on crutches about 4 weeks, not fun.... i can't imagine getting hit by a car
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:09:51 No.347200400
    Shit if packs are the problem then you're gonna hate time trial cyclists. They DO NOT STOP. Green light? Fuck you, we're in a group. Look at us...we exist! You can't miss us. Now wait your turn. Crybaby bitches. You got a fucking 40 something mile per hour car in a residential area, and you're bitching about a couple of bikes, eat a dick. Kill yourself. Or learn to be a creative driver.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:10:04 No.347200428
    i have the right to honk to let them know that he's disrupting the flow of traffic
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:11:16 No.347200643
    If you're going to be allowed on the road, you'd better obey things like road signs, pedestrian crossings and red lights. I swear that the next fucking cyclist who almost rides me down when I'm crossing the road at the lights is going to get a faceful of shoulder and a swift kick in the guts when they're on the ground.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:11:17 No.347200645
    if you honk and shit at me and i come up to you at a light i'll pull you out of your car and beat the shit out of your candy ass.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:11:22 No.347200661
    Here's the problem:

    Roads are built and maintained for vehicles, not bikes. People drive vehicles to get from point A to point B faster. If you want to take an hour to get some place when you could easily get there in 15 minutes in a car then be my guest but there's no reason bicyclists should hold up the rest of the god damn world.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:11:25 No.347200670
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    creative driver?

    creative driver.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:11:58 No.347200754
    fuck you, cars go on the sidewalks!
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:12:10 No.347200794
    I thought they used the pavement because its easier and better to ride on than the side walk.

    Idk, thats what I heardz.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:12:22 No.347200825
    I go through neighborhoods to get out to the lake where i ride and i always laugh at cars that get all pissy behind me. then they floor it when they can go fast, then I pass them when they have to stop at the next 4 way stop and they are right behind me agian... You stupid carfags need kill yourselves
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:14:12 No.347201137
    no they use the road because it's illegal to ride on the sidewalk, and yes i'm talking about candy-ass pedal bikes
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:14:51 No.347201246
    Not even mad, you're not mad enough to be a boss. I ride with a gun, try me.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:15:11 No.347201294
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    Sooo... how do all you wheelfags feel about me and my horse?
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:15:50 No.347201411
    >inb4 your conversational partner has disconnected
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:16:04 No.347201448
    stupid bikefags need to go kill yourselves. it's because people like you people are late for work. you get stuck behind a cyclist and then your usual beat the train schedule is missed and now you're 8-minutes behind.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:16:14 No.347201480
    Every fucking time I touch my bike this happens.
    They freak the fuck out because they had to slow down to get around you and the next thing you know you're cruising right on past the mother fucker.

    Let me tell you something.
    If you've never been in this situation and you've never had the pleasure of throwing off a RL trollface at these drivers, you haven't lived.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:16:38 No.347201541
    I'm a bicyclist and have no problems with cars, except the ones that stop behind me even though I signal to them that the road ahead is clear for them to pass. For the most part, people don't slow down for me or anything because I stay way off to the side. Yes they're within inches of hitting me, but anyone who's been driving for more than 1 day can pass a bike with ease (I've done it several times in many different cars)
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:16:45 No.347201560
    Cyclist here, not even mad bro. Hows that drunk driving goin' for ya? Oh right..
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:17:17 No.347201649
    Just the other day a bunch of cyclists in a pack killed an old man who was walking across the road near where I live. They went straight through the red light and over him, didn't stop, didn't even slow down. Cyclists are a problem, and not just because they go slowly in the middle of the road.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:17:24 No.347201667

    No, its because you touch yourself too much in the morning, dont plan ahead for inevitable traffic delays, and are a total asshat
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:17:31 No.347201693
    i drive with a gun and odds are you wouldn't be able to take out your gun on time, especially if you don't hear the car
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:18:52 No.347201943
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    Two weeks ago, at about 9 at night, I was rounding a corner and this RETARD with a halogen flashlight like a fucking ANGLER FISH.
    So it's fucking dark and I'm doing about 20, turning, and I see this asshole riding in the MIDDLE of the street and I have to slam on the breaks after my headlights reveal he's not some kid on the sidewalk.


    Pic fucking related
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:18:57 No.347201953
    so tough, so tough, so tough.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:19:00 No.347201960
    >Just because you're saving the environment with your bike it doesn't mean you can run red lights and stop signs.

    thats the best part lol
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:19:22 No.347202034
    Fuck you and your little lock. I carry a 3ft 1/2" breaker bar under my front seat, and have been known to put it to good use on bitches here in AUstin. Try me bro
    >> Broseph 08/12/11(Fri)21:19:27 No.347202045

    fucking idiots trying to ride WITH traffic, they can't see cars coming up from behind. whereas if they rode AGAINST traffic, then everyone could make eye contact

    fucking COCKS
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:19:29 No.347202051
    I'll just leave this here
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:20:02 No.347202147
    LOOK...let me just kill this thread. You guys are just upset...that cyclists are road trolls. We are real life troll. It is a art. Sleep on it.
    >> /b/是如此他媽的同性戀 08/12/11(Fri)21:20:27 No.347202208
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    >what i do if a smug bastard is being annoying
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:20:47 No.347202269
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    >Share the road

    We fucking have our own piece of road bitches.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:20:47 No.347202270
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    This remids me of the always sunny when they go to the grand canyon, and bean a cyclist in the head with a beer bottle.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:20:50 No.347202273
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:20:55 No.347202285
    all bikers were shit onto the earth directly from god. and everyone knows that he that emergith from the most holy rectum need not obey the laws of mere mortals.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:21:17 No.347202340
    1. no they don't
    2. it's brakes, dumbfuck. You're a disgrace to the carfag species.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:21:29 No.347202380
    I bike. I also drive my car 30,000 miles a year. When I drive, a cyclist blocks my path once a month, tops, for a few seconds maximum.

    Where the FUCK are you people driving that you encounter enough cyclists to develop a hatred for them? Are you all pizza delivery guys or UPS truck drivers or some shit? Do you all live in Chicago where everynewt gingrich hates cyclists because of Critical Mass anarchists? What the fuck? Someone please explain this to me for the love of a flaming bag of giraffe shit?

    Highways are for cars, everything else is for bicycles. Can't you candy-ass drivers just get on the highway where you belong? What's wrong with you? Can't you afford the toll? You'd really rather drive around on 30mph neighborhood roads, or through rural areas smelling the cow shit all day, than get to your destination in a decent amount of time? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

    Get lost; bikes own the road. Get on your shit-ass highways and go fuck yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:21:33 No.347202389
    I ride on the left side of the street for this reason.

    It's supposed to be illegal to ride against traffic but in all honesty no cop I have ever passed said a word.

    It's so much fucking easier staying on the left.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:21:35 No.347202398
    Dude I've already been hit by cars, you think I give a fuck? Do you think a fucking car hitting me is gonna end my desire to ride a bike? Fuck no, totally the opposite. I survive, I move on. And if you do it intentionally I will fucking put a bullet in you and ride off.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:21:39 No.347202407
    listen carfag, i just told you that cars get all pissy because they think I slow them down and when they get room to pass floor it and go super fast but have to stop and wait for another car at the stop sign and then I pass them at the stop sign because I bikes dont have to stopfag... its an illusion that your going slow because regardless of if we are there you are still only going to be able to go so fast because you have to stop at all the stupid stop signs... ignorant carfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:21:40 No.347202412
    Jesus, I know what you mean.

    >proceed to weave in between cars at stopped intersections, bump up on the sidewalk, and cruise on through a red light intersection without a second thought

    Fuck that shit. You can't have it both ways. Either you follow ALL the rules and laws of the road, or you're treated like a pedestrian. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/12/11(Fri)21:21:52 No.347202455
    Hey what's the help of a gun if you JUST GOT FUCKING HIT BY A FUCKING CAR?!

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