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08/12/11(Fri)21:07:10 No.347199874I'm going to add this:
don't obey stopsigns because they require pedalling. I know this sounds
retarded, but fuck you go bike yourself. Also I do go 45 km/h on my
bike, which is fine for the 40km speed limit. I can't maintain it if I
stop at stopsigns, My solution is I generally ride on onto the
pedestrian sidewalk right before the stop sign and right off right
after. That way I consider myself a pedestrian, and as such I have
priority. And yes, I do drive a lot, but the bikers don't piss me off.
They save environment, good for them. If my building management weren't
assholes with their bike policies, I'd be riding it way more often
myself. I do however stay as far from the bike rider as I can. If it
means a sudden lane change, fuck it, more fun for me.
I think not
stopping on a red light is a bad idea regardless of your transportation
means, and yes I include bipedal locomotion in this category. Same
applies to non all-way-stop intersection. In general, as a bike rider, I
am very aware of my surroundings, and if I ignore you as car driver
that means I have made all necessary adjustments assuming you remain a
predictable road companion.
Also, for all the bike riders, always
check your blind spots, especially before crossing a street which has
cars turning off a main street.
And! because I have already typed
up a shit load I will add this. I ride pedestrian walkway everywhere
except suburbia, and I don't bike into a heavily pedestrian area ever. I
don't bike downtown personally, because for me it's a dumb idea. I
don't walk downtown, because it's too chaotic as it is. I stay out of
downtown. But that's my personal opinion and preference. YMMV
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