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  • File : 1312918049.jpg-(82 KB, 468x312, article-1104730-02F09ECF000005DC-738_468(...).jpg)
    82 KB Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:27:29 No.346490099  
    post crowd control techniques?

    Imagine you were in charge of a group of police tonight in your UK city - what are the most effective techniques?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:29:55 No.346490473
    splitting violent sections off and boxing them in usually works
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:31:17 No.346490698
    >be infront of crowd of rioting roody-poos
    >throw bucket of fried chicken in the center
    >let them kill each other over it
    >pick off the survivers with a kosh to the head

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:32:13 No.346490840

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:33:17 No.346491013
         File1312918397.jpg-(8 KB, 168x200, fuckthis.jpg)
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    Let em loose! you do not fuck with the k9`s man
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:33:23 No.346491028
    plain clothes people to join in with rioters and identify leaders - take out the leaders and the sheep are powerless
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:34:57 No.346491291
    HORSES !

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:36:08 No.346491497
    Riot police armed with chainsaws and riot shields.

    Riot police also spray petrol scented water over the crowds, and threaten to burn them alive.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:36:59 No.346491651
    I heard shooting at them help
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:37:18 No.346491704
    If I was in charge, every one of those fuckup basement dwelling anarchists would have been gunned down on the first night.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:38:33 No.346491904
    ride giraffes. they kick real shit
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:38:43 No.346491939


    You cant fight these people.

    There numbers are to large and they could go out of control.

    Violence begets Violence

    your best bet is to circle around where the riots are happening. Keep the riots out of the upper/middle class parts of them and let them take over the lower class parts. Riots will die then. When that happens, come in with the force of god on these fuckers. find stolen items, arrest on sight. Blah blah blah.
    >> Gimmeaname !TFH/p3ZI3U 08/09/11(Tue)15:39:21 No.346492043
    Microwave array

    Unless they like the feel of burning alive nobody will resist
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:40:12 No.346492176
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    and just like that the crowd is controlled
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:40:18 No.346492195
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:40:29 No.346492241
    grab looters and make them eat a full bag of marshmallows
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:40:49 No.346492301
         File1312918849.jpg-(13 KB, 359x273, Tsar-Nuclear-Explosion.jpg)
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    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    lol forgot the pic
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:41:41 No.346492451
    Don't know why they aren't using sound/pain -wave projectors, foam cannons. NATO has them.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:41:43 No.346492459
    Effective technique? Beat them and show them you mean business.

    Instead, British police are threatening to tell the rioter's parents about how bad their children were. Boo fucking hoo.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:41:44 No.346492463
    tell them IT crowd in on the telly
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:42:05 No.346492519
    would anynewt gingrich here have the desire to go help small businesses ?

    Stand guard, help deter and help cleanup ?
    >> noko Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:42:26 No.346492584
    I would fly plane loads of corn chips over the crowds of roody-poos. They might get offended at the Chicken and Watermelon references, but I've never seen a roody-poo turn down a mother fucking corn chip.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:42:33 No.346492601
    Kettling; psychologically it fucks you up, it's more effective in colder weather though.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:42:36 No.346492613
    tell there mums
    >> ride giraffe ride giraffe 08/09/11(Tue)15:43:34 No.346492770
         File1312919014.jpg-(30 KB, 499x402, giraffe_ride.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:45:41 No.346493144
    if you show him kicking it will really get the message out
    >> The Shutter !bx10e6/Los 08/09/11(Tue)15:46:10 No.346493222
    Group A: 75 mounted officers with batons, gas masks and tear gas grenades.
    Group B: 75 infantry officers with guns.

    -Group A will charge the rioters, throwing in their grenades.
    -Group B will fire at the rioters while group A performs a 360 degree turn to prepare the next step.
    -Group A will perform a cavalry shock into the confused, weeping (teargas) rioters, bashing the living fuck out of them with their batons, vigorously slaying them, helped by the trample caused by horses.
    -Group A will retreat after some time, the rioters will count their losses and reform the lines.
    -Group B will fire at the rioters (accidently hitting Group A's communication radios, but that's another story). While group A performs another 360 degree turn.
    -It goes on until every single rioter has been slain.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:49:19 No.346493775
    instead of plastic bullets throw Nutella at them. Britfags go nuts for that crap
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:51:37 No.346494174
    1.throw them i the tower
    2. Off with their heads
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:52:20 No.346494300
         File1312919540.jpg-(190 KB, 849x681, 1290460246362.jpg)
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    Lets face it, this is the best
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:55:39 No.346494706
         File1312919739.gif-(1.99 MB, 165x125, 1290459993800.gif)
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    Funny you should say that
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:55:51 No.346494761
    get Kate to do all night slut cams so they all go home to wunk
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:58:19 No.346495200
         File1312919899.png-(85 KB, 379x298, 1279169143858.png)
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    join them
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)15:58:53 No.346495295

    >funny you should say that
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:00:10 No.346495524
    Nerve gas, guaranteed to end this shit in an hour
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:00:56 No.346495653
    have the cops dress as dentists
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:01:30 No.346495745
    >phalanx of riot police with shields on every road around the problem area
    >break open
    >small group of armoured police charge in
    >grab rioters
    >drag them back through the phalanx
    >beat them to shit

    also bean bag rounds and tear gas
    and TA
    and [senior] cadets
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:01:38 No.346495774
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:02:08 No.346495855
    op is prime minister
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:02:33 No.346495926
    I'd say Ring of Frost is the most effective mass CC.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:03:14 No.346496042
    I would start by bashing the OP's head in with a brick.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:03:25 No.346496072

    they're not basement dwellers, and not anarchists; however they are, undoubtedly, scum.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:04:05 No.346496154
    fire hoses. line up a load of fire engines and spray them the fuck down. usually works
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:05:43 No.346496295

    we need frost mages patrolling the streets, tbh
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:06:15 No.346496442
    i'd say k9 with armed landmines and flamethrowers
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:06:32 No.346496518
    AK's with rubber bullets and tear gas.

    Run the fuckers off the streets.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:06:41 No.346496561
         File1312920401.jpg-(10 KB, 640x230, street sweeper.jpg)
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    street sweeper ftw. clears a street in seconds
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:07:18 No.346496688
    i dont know hungering cold was op too prenerf...
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:07:30 No.346496725
    set charlie bronson on them
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:07:37 No.346496745
    Use CR gas on them, a more potent, long lasting version of CS gas.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:08:26 No.346496899
         File1312920506.jpg-(62 KB, 424x301, Rioting Polish Police's Mickey(...).jpg)
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    Get the Disney land riot control
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:09:26 No.346497086
    but thenagain there's mass dispell, better go for single target cc with markings for every player in the party. Takes more time but people will watch their own cc.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:10:34 No.346497314
    get the germans to start another blitz
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:12:41 No.346497714
         File1312920761.jpg-(97 KB, 327x327, smelly rat.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:13:45 No.346497929
    get mr bean to drive them home
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:14:08 No.346498002
    salvia smoke grenades
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:14:58 No.346498152
    post crowd control techniques?

    Imagine you were in charge of a group of police tonight in your English city - what are the most effective techniques?

    Fixed that for you. No riots in Wales, NI and Scotland.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:15:02 No.346498164
    Sexy white girls in bikini's with beer = people get drunk, fuck skanks, passout out. Send in a giant trojan horse with traps and oiled bikini models that spew beer out of the horses ass.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:15:34 No.346498261
    get a PM who is more butch like thatcher
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:16:25 No.346498427
    Fucking this
    Or at least tear gas
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:16:27 No.346498439

    Shoot everyone that raises his arm in the leg.
    >> deleted 08/09/11(Tue)16:18:37 No.346498858
         File1312921117.gif-(13 KB, 404x356, M30_mortar_schematic.gif)
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    Mortars. Lots of'em.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:18:39 No.346498868
    >Shoot everyone that raises his arm in the leg.
    >everyone that raises his arm in the leg.
    >that raises his arm in the leg.
    >raises his arm in the leg.
    >his arm in the leg.
    >arm in the leg.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:19:16 No.346498993
         File1312921156.jpg-(61 KB, 600x400, 1305924418192.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:19:23 No.346499013
    Shoot everyone that raises his leg in the cock
    >> mrvirus9898 08/09/11(Tue)16:19:40 No.346499070
    Fight fire with fire...see how the fucks like getting set on fire
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:20:59 No.346499313
    Shoot everyone that raises his cock on the knee
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:21:47 No.346499447
    Mustard gas
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:22:14 No.346499535
    shoot every cock in the egg
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:23:45 No.346499810
         File1312921425.jpg-(25 KB, 650x380, mg42.jpg)
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    Ttactics? Really?


    End of discussion.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:24:22 No.346499938
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:24:48 No.346500026
    Well since its the UK theyre pussy cops.

    If this was the USA the SUPERIOR country the cops would shoot by now.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:25:30 No.346500158
    OP, I see wat you did thar. I lol'd pretty hard.

    Well done. 9/10
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:25:46 No.346500210
    you retard.
    trigger happy police is what started this whole mess
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:25:54 No.346500234

    let there be warlocks..warlocks everywhere
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:26:07 No.346500285
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:26:22 No.346500335
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:27:00 No.346500451
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    i would sabotage the operation :D
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:27:11 No.346500486
    My technique:

    >show lethal weapons
    >make it clear that disobeying the orders will lead to getting shot
    >first dude to disobey gets shot in the fucking kneecaps
    >nobody else dares disobey

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:27:25 No.346500524
    shoot every eye in the ovary
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:27:28 No.346500536
         File1312921648.jpg-(12 KB, 252x200, 1294895840047.jpg)
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    Look all you have to do is hire a couple of pokemon trainers that have blastoise and have the blastoise use hydro pump, so that way the rioters will have a nice cool water like park environment to cool off from the sun because its really hot because its really summer.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:28:51 No.346500809
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    Same guy?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:28:54 No.346500824
    Machine guns, lots and lots of machine guns.

    captcha pwvaryb solution
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:29:07 No.346500870
    the ret pallies need to repent, the mages need to polymorph, the locks need to fear... the shamans need to hex...and hunters need to frost trap... we should be fine if everyone CCs their designated target.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:29:49 No.346501013
    Water cannon.
    Helicopters spreading water over crowds.

    They can't beat the police with a cold and hypothermia.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:30:04 No.346501058
         File1312921804.jpg-(35 KB, 468x305, airship.jpg)
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    pic related
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:30:26 No.346501145
    chuck the whole mess straight down the particle accelerator
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:30:42 No.346501203

    Throw books at them.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:30:46 No.346501228
         File1312921846.jpg-(34 KB, 694x530, 1245562683385.jpg)
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    Someone got it right
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:31:31 No.346501390
    "Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable."
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:31:40 No.346501426
    Get three ladies in their mid-90's to get naked and stand around.

    Crowd = Gone
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:31:59 No.346501474
         File1312921919.jpg-(25 KB, 600x450, 1312003990621.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:32:05 No.346501500

    >There numbers are to large and they could go out of >control.
    >Violence begets Violence

    If you bring an entirely different level of violence to the table, then violence ends pretty darn quick.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:32:19 No.346501548
         File1312921939.png-(247 KB, 583x650, 1277611548910.png)
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    Have everyone burn everything so they don't have anyting to burn.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:32:51 No.346501661
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:33:53 No.346501865
    Kill all of the retarded eurocunts.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:34:36 No.346502014
         File1312922076.png-(161 KB, 312x348, 1310224610046.png)
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    surely the point has to be made that violence and looting is an unacceptable form of protest.
    what the rioters are doing is fighting fire with fire, what the police should be doing is putting down a firm warning to stop, combined with forcibly removing violent people from the street.

    >mfw i just saw a post on facebook "And anyway we wouldnt be shooting brtish people, half of them are probably illegal immigrants anyway."
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:35:44 No.346502216
    good thinking! you are the only one here dumber than the Pokemon twerp
    >> FIRE FIRE 08/09/11(Tue)16:35:46 No.346502222
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:35:53 No.346502245
         File1312922153.jpg-(48 KB, 650x240, hawkei_wide.jpg)
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    one hawkei with capsicum spray dispensers
    problem solved
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:35:55 No.346502252
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    You're just mad because I thought of it first.
    >> Earth 08/09/11(Tue)16:36:51 No.346502440
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:36:52 No.346502443
    tear gas, rubber bullets (A LOT), some nice loud music, some beers and a good mood
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:36:52 No.346502445
         File1312922212.png-(22 KB, 800x656, horny gorilla.png)
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    Just get a mod to permaban them and then lock down the site they are rioting on while they're resetting their IPs
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:37:55 No.346502666
         File1312922275.jpg-(261 KB, 661x474, riotgear.jpg)
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    I would release a press release stating that a certain bank had tons of gold and that it wasn't properly secured, and that those who tried to enter it would be arrested.

    Then I would set up explosives, and blow the bank up when the looters came.

    That would set an example.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:38:03 No.346502694

    i am guessing you think these mobs are righteous warriors fighting for a cause rather than scum robbing cash for gold shops and bargain booze
    >> Earth 08/09/11(Tue)16:40:01 No.346503015
    >> ­ 08/09/11(Tue)16:40:02 No.346503019
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:40:28 No.346503105
    Fear could work
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:41:22 No.346503271
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:44:08 No.346503789
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    Such bad language
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:44:10 No.346503794
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:47:49 No.346504150
    >some fatalities in children
    fucking do it
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:48:05 No.346504211
    The plan.

    Go to youtube get all best pictures from videos of riot perpetrators.

    The go to all facebook groups that gather the profile (EDL for instance) of the arrest figures 20 to 30 year old black/white middle class males. There are a lots of street youths in on it too so search their lairs.

    Then use face recognition software after identities gained and photos.

    Search all, mobilise. Send pictures to employers, schools.. you know the drill.

    I hope you realise this will probably give the police new powers. We can add the to the terrorism act to be proper fucked!

    We need to strike and show them we can be a force for good, and the need for new laws aren't.

    Come on b/ros
    >> Earth 08/09/11(Tue)16:50:15 No.346504706
    that's a lot of work couldn't you jerk off on your own for once?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:52:23 No.346505092
         File1312923143.jpg-(21 KB, 320x320, bono.jpg)
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    send in this prick
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:53:01 No.346505199
         File1312923181.jpg-(16 KB, 500x242, flamethrower_straight.jpg)
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    This works
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:54:28 No.346505460
    that's a great idea, So you think Japan needs more radiation?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:55:24 No.346505648
    Ring Activision/Infinity Ward and tell them to release Modern Warfare 3 early
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:55:26 No.346505656
         File1312923326.png-(102 KB, 233x223, 1312753451385.png)
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    dis nigga
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:55:38 No.346505693
         File1312923338.jpg-(18 KB, 217x250, 9254940051649240.jpg)
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    We have this

    Active Denial System.

    U(k) Jelly?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:56:06 No.346505808
    Play classic music
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:56:50 No.346505954
    puddles of people aren't cool
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:57:04 No.346505995
         File1312923424.png-(122 KB, 314x331, 1312900079390.png)
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    dis nigga
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:57:28 No.346506075
    Could anyone get me a higher res version pic of the OP's pic?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:57:40 No.346506119
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:57:56 No.346506172
    give live ammo
    order to shot every muslim and blackfuck at sight
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:57:58 No.346506176
    Horses. People have a predisposition to get out of the way good for splitting crowds
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:58:16 No.346506229
    I work at Warwick Castle. I'd raid the great hall, shut the portcullis and get the urderholes warmed up. Then sent a plain clothed cop into the crowd and suggest that the Castle has poorly secured weapons. Watch them all flood into death, Total War style.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:58:28 No.346506269
    spray the crowd with machine gun fire and frag grenades...then fire hoses and shovels to clean up the mess...
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:59:14 No.346506418
    Shoot them, fuck it!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)16:59:39 No.346506508
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    you bunch of greedy criminal thugs
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:02:09 No.346506980
    armored tank with water cannon, need i say more?

    this shit would have been solved in 3 hours if it was in NY
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:02:56 No.346507161
    are they still going?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:03:46 No.346507335
    plastics bullets. let's do this.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:03:51 No.346507354
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    I say they make it at least enjoyable for the rest of us to watch...

    The brits should put on the good ole 'red coat' and fix bayonets.

    A couple of musket volleys then wade into the scum. Hell I would PAY to see that
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:03:53 No.346507362
    send in more alcohol than they can handle
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:04:23 No.346507459
    Follow the Comedian's footsteps.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:05:07 No.346507599
    Rubber bullets, beanbag rounds for shotguns and water cannons mounted on APCs, all of which the police have access to.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:05:09 No.346507605
    Dump trashbags full of pot. Then everyone will chill out
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:05:59 No.346507772
    they've authorised plastic bullets, one up from rubber
    also the orders have changed to actually try and catch people instead of watch
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:06:21 No.346507849
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    >> Captain Planet BrumScum 08/09/11(Tue)17:06:35 No.346507894
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:07:31 No.346508062
    Being from a UK city not in England, I'd join my city-folk in laughing at you trouble-making toffs.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:07:54 No.346508125

    mutherfucking this
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:09:10 No.346508358
    This at 2:00 (worth the watch)

    It happens in London too so...
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:09:45 No.346508448
    make them watch benny hill and lull them into a coma
    >> arbitarr !!gVL0FyzPeMv 08/09/11(Tue)17:10:35 No.346508582

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:10:54 No.346508638
    fuck off goof
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:12:26 No.346508927
    you can suck my dick

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:12:35 No.346508958
         File1312924355.jpg-(99 KB, 612x698, countertroll.jpg)
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    send in teh countertrolls. pic related, it's the counter trolls.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:13:46 No.346509188
    just teasergun every fucking gay ass riotfag down
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:14:14 No.346509278
    tottaly this
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:14:39 No.346509358
    oh a gay nazi what a surprise
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:15:21 No.346509497
    Shoot everyone with brown skin... problem solved, crowd controlled
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:16:18 No.346509679
    Water trucks
    Only with fire
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:16:53 No.346509797
    banks fuck up

    society has to pay

    tuition up 3x

    fuck the youngest generation
    no future for u :P

    >they riot

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:17:28 No.346509932
    human catapult??

    human battering ram?

    deploy the human example
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:17:29 No.346509936
         File1312924649.jpg-(34 KB, 373x411, this_is_sparta_This_is_SPARTA-(...).jpg)
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    <<-- This
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:17:35 No.346509955
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:18:12 No.346510089
    that's not a bad point.
    you know it's going to be our generation that has to deal with the fucked up climate/ecosphere/atmosphere etc
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:18:55 No.346510239
    Get one of those microwave emitters that troops use on top of humvees to control riots in iraq/iran.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:19:14 No.346510300
    get a watercanoon and shot those roody-poos with 20 bar in there fucking black face
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:19:55 No.346510436
    government turns its back on the people
    people will kick the government
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:20:07 No.346510473
    Cept riots just piss off the old people, not everyone has to go to an expensive as fuck college.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:20:15 No.346510506
    just been in manchester, did fuck all wrong, shit load of riot police come over to us, i put my hands up against the bus stop fuckin dickhead grabs hold of my neck and threatens me with the cosh and throws us away, fuck man
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:20:16 No.346510510
    I'd get into them, and fuck them up.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:21:04 No.346510671
    >expensive as fuck college.
    they're all expensive as fuck cus they're all the same fucking price
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:21:22 No.346510730
    cloas down the main street from both ends.

    launch tear gas in the crowd. Then drive apc's in and use water cannon to get the motherfuckers down.

    at same time officers will fend off stray citizens with rubber bullets.

    gather the crowd with bulldozers or horse patrol.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:21:35 No.346510772
         File1312924895.png-(373 KB, 640x640, 2girlsnocup.png)
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    Wait wtf is happening in the UK?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:22:20 No.346510950
    Honestly if I was one of the rich folk in one of those highrises, I'd just sit with a sniper silencer combo performing crowd control. I'd say most of the rioters are just there to cause trouble and steal shit, and don't actually give a fuck about changing the government.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:23:41 No.346511196
    Fully automated machine guns.
    Fire at will orders.
    best cc this side of the meridian.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:24:21 No.346511346
    Remember COD4 level death from above?

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:24:24 No.346511354
    >Tell my group of police to go home
    >Do my part in the revolution
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:25:20 No.346511560
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:25:21 No.346511562
    and you have this uneducated, destitute generation. of course they're going to turn to lucrative crime, and the new ones will as well.

    because the fuckers on canary wharf places bets with other peoples money
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:25:43 No.346511626
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    water guns
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:27:45 No.346512016
         File1312925265.jpg-(373 KB, 769x1024, BeanAlt.jpg)
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    sent this guy
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:28:18 No.346512095
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    call the seattle police dept and ask about 1999 wto riots

    fuckin pussy brits
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:29:11 No.346512257
    Cunt on the news - ''Listen to the black youth''. You know what? I'm sick n' tired o' listenin' to the black youth n' hearin' all their self righteous grievances. Fuck the black youth. The world doesnt owe you a favour cuz yer a different colour alright? I think ye'll find we're all on the same boat, whether youre black, white, old or young. I wish these idiots would get off their high horse about race. It's really got fuck all to do with anything. Stupid, fuckin' bastards.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:29:11 No.346512258
    Use a crane to get the rioters out
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:31:36 No.346512699
    greetz from Toronto
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:32:22 No.346512856
    Theres so much spaghetti all over the ground in this pic OP

    must be disgusting over there.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:33:15 No.346513015
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:35:47 No.346513491
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:38:37 No.346514017
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:38:59 No.346514085
    the gangster roody-poo who shot at police


    the cops just killed him in cold blood

    remember that bullshit about a bullet lodged in the cops radio?

    The initial results confirmed a bullet found lodged in a police officer's radio was a "jacketed round" - a police issue bullet consistent with being fired from a force Heckler and Koch MP5.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:41:40 No.346514477
         File1312926100.jpg-(88 KB, 800x600, the_a_team_group_3_800.jpg)
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    Call these guys:
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:42:11 No.346514612
         File1312926131.jpg-(142 KB, 1024x770, Han1_edited.jpg)
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    That Nigger had a gun

    he was a danger to other people and the cops
    eavan if he didnt shoot first
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:43:22 No.346514887
    guy had no history of violence

    they made up a crock story about him shooting first

    cover up much?

    sound like a trigger happy cop - or they wanted to get rid of him - he obviously had some pull
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:45:48 No.346515382
         File1312926348.jpg-(120 KB, 738x430, KNIFEEYEATTACK.jpg)
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    I remember watching footage of a riot squad walking in line, bashing their shields with their batons all in sync, to scare the shit out of the protestors. Quite possibly the most awesome thing I've ever seen... Can't find it online though /sadface
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:46:05 No.346515440
    damn I head met cops were corrupt, but shit

    these are the same pieces of shit that were taking pay offs from Repurt Murdoc's organization
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:46:45 No.346515589

    he had a fucking gun in his possession
    you don't look up people's history will they have a gun in there possestion

    you make share they dont use it, he was a DANGER TO PEOPLE HE WAS CARRYING A FUCKING GUN YOU STIPID NIGGER
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:46:58 No.346515627
    was a roody-poo, deserved to die
    >> InvaderZim 08/09/11(Tue)17:47:31 No.346515733
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:48:11 No.346515870
    thats not justification to kill him !

    hes a gangster - you need to have a gun on you in certain parts of london, its lawlessness

    he was traveling in a cab, home to his fiance and 4 kids

    wtf did he get shot for?

    u the nig­ger, if you support this shit

    the rule of law MUST apply to the police, or the entire system is rotten
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:48:22 No.346515909

    >> InvaderZim 08/09/11(Tue)17:48:58 No.346516028
    eh man everyone that carries a gun isn't a fucking killer... i carry a gun and i don't go around killing ppl with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:49:12 No.346516086
    and every other gun on earth, dumbass
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:50:09 No.346516249
    presumably, that gun is legal in your country.
    in this country, due to the blanket ban on handguns, just buying one is a significant risk, of you're not a dangerous person, why would you bother?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:50:11 No.346516256
    it was a farce

    cop infiltrators burned part of the financial district
    then attacked all of the legit protesters
    they attacked people in wheelchairs

    1000 ppl arrested

    1 billion spent on security for Toronto
    fake laws enacted
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:50:24 No.346516298

    they are illegal to carry in public
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:50:48 No.346516373
    The police watchdog said ballistic tests showed "no evidence that the handgun found at the scene was fired".

    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:51:01 No.346516416
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    >roody-poos rioting
    >place KFC bucket
    >lace all chicken with cyanide

    Situation averted. But only with roody-poos.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:51:42 No.346516555

    so you get shot down for it ?!

    travesty - they are saying they found it in his sock
    >> MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE 08/09/11(Tue)17:52:28 No.346516696

    Duggan was a catalyst, this is all planned, new control measures will be implemented soon.
    Thank you complicit greedy masses for acting exactly how we, your masters, predicted. Please feel free to steal as much cheap Chinese child slavery produce as possilbe and smash windows and burn local community family run shops.
    More power to you, urr I mean us, in our public funded mansions and holiday homes.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:53:08 No.346516814
    1. Encourage all chicken takeaways to fry chicken in rat poison
    2. ???
    3. Profit
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:53:21 No.346516867
    free showers!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:53:40 No.346516948
         File1312926820.jpg-(269 KB, 1697x1131, user_2038_Foto_1_1297390721_98(...).jpg)
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    This is how we fix the riots on my city:
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:54:20 No.346517064

    I carry myself
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:54:42 No.346517143
         File1312926882.jpg-(253 KB, 1200x900, 20_Julio_2010_GN _1818_.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:54:48 No.346517160
    Portable castration device.
    Catch rioters and looters, cut balls off.

    The benefits of this are threefold:

    1) No balls - lower testosterone and decreased aggression.
    2) No reproduction - the great unwashed of the world will be in decline.
    3) Fewer scummy cunts - demand for government benefits in the future will be greatly reduced and the money saved can go towards rebuilding the community.

    If you break the law, your human rights should be forfeit. Shoot baton rounds at them, hit them with tear gas and tazers. The hoodies and roody-poos should be hit hard, with no mercy.
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:54:53 No.346517173
    hurp durp

    cryptic warning from the toilet
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:55:03 No.346517210

    he shouldent have been a known Gangztaz carry a weapon

    would you shoot at some guy not causing a threat to you?
    i dont think so

    He must of ben doing something
    you know like wielding his gun about been all Gangsta!!
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:56:07 No.346517422
    Chicken is poison anyway, then add MSG, death is slow, profit is more
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:56:09 No.346517431
         File1312926969.jpg-(29 KB, 468x313, 18268195b855f6884a71be916f76_g(...).jpg)
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    Pretty cool, but the one i was thinking of, they were in a line, like a square formation, but with only a couple of rows. They were hitting a bit more enthousiastically too, haha. Awesome find though, would explode with awesomeness if someone found the one I was thinking about. Thanks though

    I believe it might have been in the Oslo riots, or around that time. I guess 2009-2010
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:56:17 No.346517455
    he was in a taxi

    did not have a gun out

    the guy sitting beside him got shot and killed too

    what sort of threat would a met cop, with body armour and fucking MP5 feel?
    >> Anonymous 08/09/11(Tue)17:56:40 No.346517539

    tear gass launchers

    seriously why don't we have them in the UK

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