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  • File : 1312829581.png-(67 KB, 318x272, UC1.png)
    67 KB Riots In London United Citizens 08/08/11(Mon)14:53:01 No.346258683  
    To those of you watching the riots in London now.

    How many of you think it is a "peaceful protest hijacked by criminal elements" as the police say,
    or a symptom of undirected public anger and dissatisfaction at the current situation?

    I think it's no coincidence that this is occurring in some of the poorest and most tense neighbourhoods in the city. This wouldn't happen in a rich suburb.

    In either case the underlying cause needs to be sorted out.

    Myself and a few friends, some from here, have started writing a manifesto, aiming to reform the 'profit before people' greed driven corporate capitalist system.
    We're also for drug reform and legalisation, copyright reform, against religion in politics and pro-science.

    We're just starting out so give us a hand if you think similarly, our skeleton manifesto and forum is here:

    we have people from many different countries, so we're aiming to be an international movement.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)14:55:38 No.346259146
    just signed up to the forum...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)14:57:13 No.346259405
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    oo shiit, theresa gonna suck some roody-poo cock
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)14:59:11 No.346259770
    >How many of you think it is a "peaceful protest hijacked by criminal elements" as the police say,
    or a symptom of undirected public anger and dissatisfaction at the current situation?

    I fail to see the difference between these two events. Not only could they both be happening simultaneously, but they could both be the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)14:59:11 No.346259775
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    something needs to be done to focus the anger, theres a lot of resentment about the economy,
    This wouldnt happen in a content society, only more of this going to happen with the rob the middle classes to give to the banks policy
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:00:21 No.346259984

    True, but the police play it down as if it has nothing to do with a broader problem of discontent
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:00:36 No.346260025
    I don't expect you to ever accomplish anything. But I agree with everything you said so I'll go to your link.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:01:34 No.346260191
    He who does not try never accomplishes anything.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:01:52 No.346260227

    You've got to try something, I guess we havnt lost anything if we do 'fail'
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:02:26 No.346260321

    spot on anon,
    i'm a poet and i didnt know it...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:03:25 No.346260506
    I don't think this will ever catch on in America. Trickle down dogma is too entrenched over here.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:03:49 No.346260572
    You cannot fail.
    Only people can fail in realizing that the only way to a better future is in unity and rationality.

    Politicians keep us divided so they can control us.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:04:11 No.346260634

    You'd be surprised. Raising aweness of alternatives certainly can't hurt though
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:04:34 No.346260714
    Because some category A social Marxist traitors giving roody-poos more handouts is going to stop roody-poos from acting like roody-poos.

    Ask yourself, are the people who are rioting, really truly British?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:05:09 No.346260821
    Well Europe is probably the place where it will spread out first, but I think that after the movement gets some structure the Americans will jump on the bandwagon.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:05:38 No.346260905

    Nick Griffin?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:06:25 No.346261052

    >> !!M18gmMcYd5c 08/08/11(Mon)15:06:46 No.346261103

    Is this the only live stream? or is there something better?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:06:49 No.346261115
    Most are not if you are sincere to yourself.
    A traditionally calm and collected nation of Great Britain would never act like this, for god's sake they were drinking tea while Hitler bombed them...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:06:51 No.346261119
    Read the main page. Not a single point I disagree with. Guess I'll join.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:07:58 No.346261323

    Thats because they were getting screwed from outside, this time it's by their own government
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:08:06 No.346261345
    For once OP is not a candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:08:27 No.346261399
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:10:01 No.346261637
    >politics should be free from influence of money

    Oh lawd OP

    also what's your opinion on care homes for the elderly. At the moment people who own houses are forced to sell their houses to pay for care whereas people in council housing get it free, would you change this?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:10:52 No.346261788
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    This wouldnt happen at all if the country wasnt being done up the shitter by the banks
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:12:34 No.346262081
    Not OP, one of the members here.
    We are working on the pension issues and policies concerning elderly.
    The problem is that most countries have very different systems and since we strive to be an international movement it takes some time to sort it out.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:13:07 No.346262175
    Let's have a good talk about the Brits fighting a few hundred years ago...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:13:17 No.346262200

    Yes, the elderly deserve a decent standard of living. Public care homes shouldn't be some shit hole dump where people go to die.
    If you've ever been to one, even the nice ones, you'll know what I'm talking about.
    You shouldnt have to sell your kidneys (or your house) to get decent care in old age.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:14:31 No.346262417
    Okay but what would happen to their home if say it was empty after they moved into free care?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:15:06 No.346262524
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    >/r/ing pic of nig­gers looting for OC purposes
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:15:20 No.346262570
    i signed up too, nothing i disagreed with on the front page :)

    whats your policy on legalising cannabis?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:16:01 No.346262698
    >I think it's no coincidence that this is occurring in some of the poorest and most tense neighbourhoods in the city.

    Because roody-poos live there.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:16:27 No.346262783

    well they can do what they want with it, it's their home.
    In all likelyness, theyll probably sell it anyway or leave it as inheritance
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:17:36 No.346262975
    Cannabis should be legalised and taxed like coffee, tobbaco and alcohol.
    Drugs should be a social health problem not a criminal issue.
    Naturally illegal production and selling of drugs should remain a criminal issue as well as all the organized crime connected with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:18:32 No.346263136

    Prohibition has failed, around 1 in 4 people in europe have smoked it, millions do regularly, prohibition is costing us no-end. We'd be much better of legalising it and taxing it like alcohol or tobacco
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:18:39 No.346263152
    okay cool.

    What's your opinion on A) Immigration: Should it be need-based e.g. Australia, focused on Asylum or simply based on a yearly quota??

    and B) Supervised injection clinics, should they be introduced or not?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:21:33 No.346263657
    Have you noticed that most of the rioters and looters are n­iggers ?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:22:39 No.346263851
    A) depends on the country.
    Our priority is protecting cultural identity so if people are in trouble help them where they live not import them in.
    The question of immigration will be handled by National chapters, not the global movement depending on the country.
    B) yes, as well as many other programs for people with addictions to hard drugs to .
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:22:43 No.346263863
    trying with all my might not to generalize here, honestly hope they kettle these fags and blast them with piss
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:23:08 No.346263933

    Immigration, we're still putting policy together on that, but as it stands we recognise that immigration can cause problems in a host country, namely ghetto-isation, crime and racial tension and that steps need to be taken to limit immigration in some form and to encourage integration and make sure immigrants understand and participate in the host culture.

    I think supervised injection clinics are a good idea, I've seen many papers praising the results (I graduated in pharmacology)
    >> Damjan !!ipUYerZsczd 08/08/11(Mon)15:24:54 No.346264235
    Nathan if you don't mind I recommend tripfagging so we don't get mixed answers.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:26:43 No.346264512
    I agree, but you do realize actual policies will have to be introduced rather than idealistic rhetoric. Good luck though I'm with you
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)15:27:39 No.346264671

    Sure thing
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)15:29:03 No.346264903

    Oh sure, we're still putting flesh on the bones, that's why we need all the help we can get on the forum, you can help shape it.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:31:06 No.346265221
    What's your opinion on funding for political campaigns for election??

    Do you think the mass amount of private money being plowed in and then affects legislation should be changed to an entirely public funded finance system as has been suggested?

    (whereby each taxpayer has to pay a certain amount to a party of their choice)
    >> Damjan !!ipUYerZsczd 08/08/11(Mon)15:31:16 No.346265250
    Well yes the problem as we all know is that if you address immigration you get labeled racist or worse. Breivik case just made that even more aggravated.
    But that does not mean we can hide the problems under the carpet forever.
    But remember, immigration issue depends on the country, so I believe this should be on National chapters agenda, while the global movement has a policy of dealing with the bad effects if immigration which can't be ignored.
    It will take lot's of work if we are to settle this in a rational way.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:32:00 No.346265364
    ITT: Faggots.

    Pensions are a scam. Nobody should be guarenteed anything, they should have to work for it. Retirement? Fuck the wankers who wrecked their health and didn't save up for it.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:33:18 No.346265572
    Hey Ayn
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:34:05 No.346265689
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    Having a read now... seems quite interesting...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:34:41 No.346265773
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    Yeah sure...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:35:42 No.346265958

    Yep, lets just let the poor die by the side of the road

    Rand Corp Inc.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:36:19 No.346266067
    Communism doesn't work.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:36:24 No.346266082

    Like Zeitgeist movement did 4 years ago?
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)15:36:42 No.346266129

    In a word, yes.
    It's in the manifesto
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:37:23 No.346266220
    okay I just wanted to be clear
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)15:37:42 No.346266264

    And neither does the current system
    >> Damjan !!ipUYerZsczd 08/08/11(Mon)15:37:50 No.346266283
    This isn't communism.
    It isn't even socialism.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:38:22 No.346266371
    LOL we are 13 years old and we think we can change things on the Internet!!! Epic win, guys!!!! XD
    >> Damjan !!ipUYerZsczd 08/08/11(Mon)15:41:06 No.346266813
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:41:47 No.346266897
    You're an evil, evil man.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:43:01 No.346267110

    Yeah you're right, perhaps we should just accept it and give up. No use fighting against something you can't win! Those in power know best anyway, theyre doing the best for us because they really care about me.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:44:12 No.346267291
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:44:40 No.346267376
    It sure is socialism. But the "manifesto" is not very clear in its message , so I can't really tell how much power you are willing to give to the government. Frightening how much freedom you all are willing to give away.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:45:04 No.346267447
    Aww my mom won't let me protest tonight :( school tmrw.

    This is gonna work... just like our raid on Scientology!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:45:21 No.346267495
    >> I think it's no coincidence that this is occurring in some of the poorest and most tense neighbourhoods in the city. This wouldn't happen in a rich suburb.

    wow, I never thought about it that way, you blew my minf
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:46:46 No.346267761
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    >> Damjan !!ipUYerZsczd 08/08/11(Mon)15:48:41 No.346268144
    It isn't socialism.
    It is humanism and rationalism.
    And about the freedom.
    It goes together with well thought of regulations which provide security, stability and social prosperity.
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)15:49:20 No.346268306

    True, there needs to be extensive safeguards.
    Perhaps we should have made that clearer.
    As I said before this is still very much a work in progress, if you want to help, get on board.

    The amount of freedom that is lost in america (groping at airports, most imprisoned population) is something that we never want to come close to.
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)15:50:46 No.346268589

    I lol'ed
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:52:34 No.346268961
    >to reform the 'profit before people' greed driven corporate capitalist system

    OMFG. DO you really want to know where is problem?

    IN FAGGOTS LIKE YOU. Bored candy-asss from one of the wealthiest countries on the world with one of the highest living standards per capita.
    Bored candy-asss that knows SHIT about history, about world, about being really poor, hungry, being afraid for your life and lifes of your dear.

    Fucking anarchifags. Stupid, retarded... MOTHERFUCKING STUPID RETARDED.

    If it was now 1920's, i would understand. But there is whole century of candy-asss like you, you should allready know better.

    Oh, i forgot. You dont, because you are stupid fags!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:53:52 No.346269215
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    hurr durr amurika is the gratest!!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:53:55 No.346269221
    roody-poos are scumbag
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:54:20 No.346269315
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    anything is better than what weve got, ill join
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:54:34 No.346269364
    Well, I don't really believe that global grassroots organisations will accomplish much. The US have their own problems, and where I live we also have ours. IMO the problem is to much regulation, not to little.
    >> Damjan !!ipUYerZsczd 08/08/11(Mon)15:54:41 No.346269403
    We are not anarcho-socialist.Nothing of the sorts.Right Nathan?
    Did you even read the text?
    BTW I was hungry, really poor and fighting most of my life.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:54:52 No.346269436
    Nobody forces you to abuse your body and consume a shitty diet all your life. If you happen to just be defective well shit, it's best you die to help improve the genepool. Human life is overvalued by people who are deluded enough to think we all work together for the common good. Evolution is still in play and those who ignore it are only hurting themselves. Your entitlement means fuck all when nobody can provide it to you because leeches have already taken everything their is to give out.
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)15:56:09 No.346269699

    Anarchists? really?

    I dont think so.

    Would you mind elaborating why you feel it is wrong to work for improvement of society?

    Even with some of the highest standards of living in the world, problems still exist. Why shouldn't we try and solve them?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:56:36 No.346269784

    >lost freedom

    Vote for Ron Paul
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:57:06 No.346269865
    Fuck, everyone in here trying to sound so important, spouting a bunch of shit they learned on Wikipedia last night... makes me sick.

    If you're going to try to enact change, don't do it on the fucking internet... lol especially on newt gingrich.
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)15:57:42 No.346269972

    Haha, oh dear.

    >"Human life is overvalued"
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:57:42 No.346269974
    You do know that Ron Paul is a conservative trump card for when people steer to liberalism?
    You do know he promotes policies which will give even more power to the corporations?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:57:53 No.346270003
    >>346268961 <- this.

    The cops should be permitted to shoot to kill. Kill em all, throw them in a hole and burn the corpses.

    These people are waste of oxygen, they dont know SHIT about being poor, hungry or what not. I'm not saying I do, but it's hilarious how in the countries that are really raped by poverty people still find a way to live peacefully without having the urge to set buildings on fire.

    fucking anarchyfags.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:58:47 No.346270182
    can someone fill me in on wtf is going on? i'm a swefag and rarely watch/read the news
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)15:59:17 No.346270270

    So where are you currently working to change policy and help improve peoples lives?
    Help us out here
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:59:46 No.346270368

    yes, they are solved by breaking windows, burning cars and fighting with the police. Obviously.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)15:59:57 No.346270402
    >promotes policies which will give even more power to the corporations.
    Please elaborate.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:00:11 No.346270454
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    internet is the best place you retard, and newt gingrich is full of likeminded people... just cos your a blindfag doesnt mean all us other fags are
    >> Damjan !!ipUYerZsczd 08/08/11(Mon)16:00:51 No.346270568
    OMG we condemn the violence not promote it!
    We are not anarcho-socialists.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:00:55 No.346270581

    google is your friend
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:01:03 No.346270605
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    /r/equesting the image of policeman with a baton that has a quote about hitting people with sticks and calling it the people's stick
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)16:01:22 No.346270663

    >it's hilarious how in the countries that are really raped by poverty people still find a way to live peacefully

    Haha, sure,

    etc. etc. etc.
    >> Nathan !EPuAGIzlik 08/08/11(Mon)16:02:29 No.346270885

    Where did we say that?
    I think we said exactly the opposite
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:02:34 No.346270898
    Well, what IS the value of a human life? What is the value of a cat's life? A microorganism's life?

    We are bloating the value based on our selfish perspective.

    So don't mock that fucking comment when you don't know shit about what you're saying.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:02:37 No.346270904

    And he who wastes his effort on a lost cause is liable to end up tired and looking like a hopelessly naive fool into the bargain.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:04:13 No.346271182

    Your free to leave the thread and never try anything again...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:04:30 No.346271231
    How can you be the judge of what is a lost cause?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:04:54 No.346271304
    you clearly have never met any chavs, it's a case of a load of brain dead retards who think that arson and fighting is fun, seeing a chance and going for it.

    There are plenty of them in the middle classes as well, it's just more common in the lower class because their parents are more likely to be incapable of raising children properly.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:05:00 No.346271326

    poverty exists outside Africa you know. That's the continent south of Europe, which is a continent too.$2_per_day_2009.png

    Great Britain really is a country where everything is horrible. Boohoo.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:05:25 No.346271403

    You would put no value on the life of a human?

    Daddy didnt love you
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:06:06 No.346271518

    And YOU'RE free to go fuck YOUR mother.

    Consider that lesson in grammar free of charge, fucktard.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:06:22 No.346271563

    Just proves my point even more
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:06:36 No.346271614
    LMAO at commentator. girlfreinds terrified = great sex sucha noob
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:07:00 No.346271693
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:07:02 No.346271702
    I was going to point out some things in your post that make YOU sound like a retard, then I realized I would be greentexting your entire post.

    Have you graduated from elementary school yet?

    And to all of you "revolutionaries" who are looking for support on this god damned website, take a fucking look at the support you are garnering... Fucking morons and ingrates.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:08:09 No.346271918
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    I really feel sorry for you.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:08:13 No.346271927

    When in doubt, criticize grammar,
    the easiest way to look a vacuous cunt on the internet!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:08:23 No.346271967
    Recreational Rioting.

    Makes you wish they would legalise dope .. half of this trouble wouldn't happen as the kids would be too stoned to give a flying fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:09:02 No.346272076
    Maybe if these young British men and women had a future and jobs to look forward to they would have no reason to riot and steal.

    The private sector is this country is a fucking joke and most the ftse 100 companies started out as state sponsored programs; later the best performing programs are privatised.

    Instead of generating massive programs for employment all the government money is going to old farts for hospital beds and a juicy £700 a month pension. In return the farts sit on their colostomy bags and do absolutely fucking nothing.

    The bankers are just a diversion; their industry is suffering as well :-(, we need young people to get in debt to make money and to do that they need a job.

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:09:46 No.346272230

    Why you mad tho?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:10:01 No.346272267
    >6.8 billion + humans on the planet
    >most successful primate species
    >probably the most successful mammal species
    >considered least concern on the threatened species list
    >humans are the driving factor behind the Holocene mass extinction event
    >there used to only be 1 to 2 million of us just 10,000 years ago.
    >civilization is inherently unsustainable and exloitative.
    >dysgenics made worse by welfare programs and the likes
    >meanwhile, perfectly healthy people die, while retards and failed mutants are kept alive by medicare in prosperous nations
    >humanity is digging its own grave
    Need I say anymore?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:10:40 No.346272385
    dosent take a genius to realise there is no school tomorro......
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:11:01 No.346272458
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:11:39 No.346272594

    Yeah, we should start killing of people unworthy of living. Starting with some of the people here.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:11:50 No.346272618
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:12:15 No.346272694
    Oh, I'm not saying there is no value on human life. But I'm saying that humans have the same intrinsic value as anything else. Any "value" added to that intrinsic value is a result of our skewed perspective. The inflated "value" that you are implying is the reason that there are so many problems. People begin to think that some humans are more valuable than others, and are more tolerant of atrocities against these humans of less value.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:12:39 No.346272755
    Damn right we should.

    Lets start with those with down syndrome, asthma, etc.

    It's about time we eliminate the cancer.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:12:44 No.346272770
    No moron because there's work tomorrow.
    That's what adults do. They work.
    If they are lucky enough to have a job in this economy.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:12:59 No.346272810
    if you look at mankinds impact on the geological record (dosent exist yet) it will probably show up as destructive and sudden as a meteorite impact
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:14:21 No.346273040
    Fatal flaw in ops arguments.

    "I think it's no coincidence that this is occurring in some of the poorest and most tense neighbourhoods in the city. This wouldn't happen in a rich suburb."

    Correction. This is occurring in black neighbourhoods. I know a lot of poor neighbourhoods where this hasn't happened. Why? Cos they aint black.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:15:10 No.346273208
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    My apologies kind sir, that I took you up on on your grammatical errors, rather than poking holes in your empty revolutionary bullshit.

    >the easiest way to look a vacuous cunt on the internet!

    If it's a cunt you're looking for, surely using a mirror would yield better results?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:15:56 No.346273341

    And viewing humans as as valuable as any other commodity promotes mutual respect and reduces exploitation does it?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:16:54 No.346273497

    >graduated from elementary

    ahhh your american!!! no wonder you're stupid

    there is a minority of intelegent people in America I must admit that. They are awake and posting their support of these threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:18:11 No.346273729
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:18:40 No.346273820

    Hardly revolutionary.
    They're not even socialists by all accounts.

    I don't see why your being such a dick
    >> Damjan !!ipUYerZsczd 08/08/11(Mon)16:20:06 No.346274081
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:20:10 No.346274099

    Just signed up to the forum, good work
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:23:27 No.346274711
    Well it would make a lot of people realize that they aren't that fucking important.

    Oh, humans need trees because we are much more valuable than trees. We need to cut down this entire forest so we can have paper!

    My rich client wants to eat exclusive bushmeat from endangered gorillas! I'm going to be a selfish poacher!

    It's all about respect, goddamnit. Learn that humans aren't as fucking important as we make them out to be.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:24:58 No.346274987

    That's selfishness, not importance.
    If you deigned to read the manifesto you would see we're against the greed culture.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:25:34 No.346275100
    >is it wrong to improve society

    of course not. But look ------------

    Do you want to know what really improoved terrible living standards in 19'th century? Folk like you would go for unions, for change of politics, for revolutions, for stupid pamflets calling itself "manifesto".

    NO, wrong way.

    Simple - society started to become richer. Yes, rich people got even richer, but poor people become richer too. As an avalanche, changes in society in way of "what is acceptable" changed.

    Kahsmir region, india-pakistan border. There was a huge campaing to ban buing carpets from there, because they are done by children's work.
    What exactly happened - families lost their only income and become hungry, they living standard decreased, so the ban and campaign was removed.

    So, if you cry over how your politics are, main reason is probably that your mind is completely imbalanced and twisted by one-sided media reports (aka in US, crime is decreasing, media reports about it increasing). World IS NOT THAT BAD, repeat it. The other reason may be that you are rightfully upset to some degree - but before going "hot headed", think.

    Usually, first thing to blame should be yourself.

    --------People needs to change first, THAN goverment, THAN politics. And people changes with time and peace and slowly becoming wealthy, not with upset actions.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:26:10 No.346275218
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    >ahhh your american!!! no wonder you're stupid
    >your american!!!

    >there is a minority of intelegent people in America I must admit that. They are awake and posting their support of these threads.
    >intelegent people

    >assumes intelligent people don't have extremely varying opinions and will all support his viewpoint

    >of these threads

    Are you that same retarded Canadian nationalist I've been trolling on jewtube these last few days or just another dipshit who can't spell or use grammar?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:26:16 No.346275237

    Be an example and stop using toiletpaper. Hell, stop eating meat.

    Oh wait, all that shit your preaching about doesn't involve you because you, just like most of the goddamn people here, are used to such 'luxuries'.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:28:16 No.346275601

    Spelling and grammer, how very topic related...

    Point proven.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:29:07 No.346275762
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:29:12 No.346275773
    britfag here
    i shall hear you out
    >> GiftGiver UK 08/08/11(Mon)16:30:12 No.346275967
    It was planned, the guy who got killed by the police purposely pulled out a gun and force them to fire which allowed everyone to riot
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:30:33 No.346276030
    You can read all about it and join the discussion here:
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:31:12 No.346276142
    >implying anon eats bushmeat
    >implying the main issue isn't overpopulation; if we didn't have so many people wouldn't have to fucking cut down entire forests.

    Humanity is cancer. You know Iraq, where civilization began? Used to be fertile marshes. Look at what a shithole it is now.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:34:01 No.346276421

    Very constructive
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:34:43 No.346276616
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    I propose a namechange! Instead of "United Citizens of the World" we shall call ourselves "A Couple of Well-off Dipshits Who Think They Know How to Run a Country" to more accurately reflect what we're all about! Lol what is a career in politics? I don't have to learn history and go to school! I'm right & you're wrong!!!1!1!one
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:34:45 No.346276626
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    Sorry... a bunch of inane, naive bullshit in pointform is a manifesto?

    Sit the fuck down, and shut up. I'm sick of uneducated kids thinking they can change the world.

    Go out and throw a stone through a window, you aren't Lenin and you sure as fuck aren't starting a revolution.

    If you want to help: delete this shit, and wait for someone with a clue to start a movement.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:35:40 No.346276824

    Oh sorry, where's your movement again?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:36:27 No.346276966
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    Tell me a specific problem you would like to see fixed and I will put forward a solution I guarentee will work!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:37:32 No.346277147
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:37:51 No.346277202

    durr im gunna shout down peepul for tryin to change sumfing, u cant change anyfing, communism doesnt work, everythings just perfect u jus wanna spioil it hurr durr amurkia amurika!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:38:14 No.346277269
    you sound like every other political party.
    you still dont have a fucking clue what freedom means do you?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:40:52 No.346277718
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    How do we stop idiots postin bulshit on /b/?
    Thats the problem i'd like to see sorted out
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:41:13 No.346277789
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    my banana is more alpha than you
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:41:24 No.346277824

    Who said we want a revolution?
    We just want sensible, rational policies and a change in the culture of corporate greed.

    Not everyone that disagrees with the current system is an anarchist, communist or revolutionary. Some just want to see change.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:41:35 No.346277861
    Omg, there was a lot of people who achieved much, were smart and still their "manifests" prooved as complete shit when applied to real world.

    And now, 21st century, after almost two centuries full of examples of failed savior of the world, few of probably 17-25, middle class, under-achieving anons feel they knows how to run a country, how to cure the fucking world and writing manifests about it?

    OMFG, I.. i cant laugh. Really, i can not. This is so sadly STUPID, that every letter in this word multiplied by a factor of 100 cannot come close to describe it.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:42:09 No.346277948

    Why don't you tell us then, fuckface?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:42:56 No.346278081
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:43:21 No.346278152

    Yeah how dare people have ideas on how they would like to see their country run...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:43:22 No.346278155
    CBC are now watching you.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:43:37 No.346278205
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    Happy Looting Nigger is a revolutionary!
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:44:21 No.346278332
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    My movement? I don't have one. You know why?

    Because I'm not arrogant enough to think I have it figured out, and if I don't you sure as fuck don't.

    Also, I wouldn't be posting in on 4Chan in the wake of some sensationalist news in an attempt to convince the stupid, desperate, and hopeful that I have answers, just to inflate my ego.

    Many people have done this before you, and with a lot more intelligence. Why are you starting something that is nothing more than mix of other's ideologies and sophomoric political science?

    The answer is because you want to feel important. You aren't doing this for the vulnerable and exploited, you aren't doing this for the world. You're doing this to inflate your ego.

    That's why it's a giant pile of fail.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:44:25 No.346278347
    Canadian Broadcast Corporation?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:44:43 No.346278408
    For those of you that despise the capitalist system, I ask you: why is it that the rich should give you anything? Why do you deserve any of their spoils? They have earned it, after all. If you say, they took too large a share, why does the size of the share or degree of profit matter?

    Hypothetically, if you sell a man a ten cent lemonade for a dollar and ten cents and make a dollar profit, why should you be entitled to give any percentage of the money he willingly gave you back to him? Why should you have to give any portion of that money to the poor, the needy, your neighbors or friends? You earned that dollar, as a citizen gave a dollar and a dime to you in fair trade for a product you had created. The dollar is a way of ensuring that we can readily trade our efforts for the effort of others without directly working for them, as was done in pre-monetary societies. He has traded his efforts, in the form of money, for your own. The poor did nothing to earn your effort. The needy did nothing to deserve your effort. If you desire to give it to them of your own free will, then so be it. But to take a man's effort from him in the form of his money is not right, whether he has sold one glass of lemonade or a billion this year.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:44:49 No.346278422
    idiot. I'm not this guy>>346276616 but i hereby have to admit that you, sir, are indeed either an ape's bastard or simply a retard. Let me break it down for ya'll folks:
    firstly, what others pointed out already, the manifesto is indeed horse shit. Poorly stated, poorly defended. Just delete it off the interwebz.
    secondly, what these immigrant fucks do in London wouldn't happen in a normal (read: not liberal/ leftist) state, because normally the peacekeepers are backed up by law (high penalties for assaults on police officers) and the administration (permissions to tackle etc.). When the blacks think they can act as if they still were in a shithole of Africa, they don't obey the law- ergo: riots incoming. That is all.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:45:11 No.346278487
    Haha, who do you think you are? You are just a bunch of candy-asss, bored who like to complain about nothing. Why don't u guys get a girlfriend or something? Get a life and stop whining when you have no need for fucks sake.

    You have no idea what it is to be really poor, or oppressed by the government. You're all free and actually pretty much richfags for the world's standard.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:45:46 No.346278609
    Continued from >>346278408

    This is not to say taxes are inherently theft, as a tax willfully agreed to by the public, such as police to maintain order and roads to maintain commerce, are necessary. To take to give to the poor and undeserving, however, is outright theft. Many mistakenly believe that this sort of taking from the rich and giving to the poor is a Robin Hood-esque ideal that should be admired. However, they are quick to forget that Robin Hood never stole from merchants or tradesmen of wealth; he stole from tax collectors and the government who had taken from the people and gave their rightly deserve money back to them. Taking care of those that cannot take care of themselves should be an undertaking of private charity, not of government theft. I'm sick of this anti-capitalist whargharrbl bullshit all over newt gingrich; you fail to understand the ramifications both politically and economically of the change you seek, and invite chaos for the sake of chaos, rather for the betterment of man, as you claim.

    Go make something of yourselves, rather than unmaking the accomplishments of others.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:47:36 No.346278927
    >implying I'm American
    >implying you've proved that you know fuck all about fuck when it never occured to you that if you actually care about how a country is run you could get into politics instead of being a dipshit who stands around 'protesting' and amusing people like me.

    Protests are nothing but lulz fests, they change nothing, they are simply amusing.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:48:05 No.346279023
    Ideas can be stupid, very stupid. Some may be good. This one is not. It is just plain and sadly stupid.

    And the name and logo... "united citizens"... holy atheismo, do you even know how infant, idiotic and utopistic this sounds?

    Worst is, that in this shitty pamflet there is not just complete lack of knowledge, it also lacks every trace of talent.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:48:36 No.346279127
    Corporate Broadcast Corporation.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:48:40 No.346279139
    Greed is good. Anybody that thinks otherwise is clueless. Greed does not mean breaking laws and circumventing legal shit to get on top. Greed means wanting to make money for yourself and in return providing a service to someone else.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:49:23 No.346279261

    What a load of acrid bile.
    How do you benefit from this?
    I think you gain pleasure in trying to knock holes in other peoples efforts, trying to belittle them and discourage people. I bet you were the kid that would never build your own sandcastles but wait until someone else had, just to knock it down.

    Believe what you want.
    The world will carry on just as before.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:49:42 No.346279315
    We can change your house lickety split with a few of southside crew and your front door being smashed down. :D
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:50:29 No.346279451
    I'm happy to say that it appears capitalism pwn'd op.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:50:43 No.346279493
    Easy. You starve them all to death by not giving them anything without them first working for it. The retards who post bullshit on /b/ have parents who fail at parenting and most likely couldn't support themselves without the help of civilization. We just let them die. Death is the solution to everything.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:52:01 No.346279737

    We're not against capitalism or the profit motive,
    in fact it can do a lot of good.

    We're against the culture of 'profit before people' and faceless exploitation.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:52:44 No.346279852
    read this:
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:53:27 No.346279970
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    >Some just want to see change.
    Obama, is that you?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:55:28 No.346280305
    5 minutes left until the planned riots
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:56:10 No.346280413
    how does a company put profits before the person (the person who buys the companies products)? seems like all you'd have to do is quit doing business with them and that would stop the companies unpopular ways, that is if they wanted to stay in business.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:56:40 No.346280501
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    Here's a more sophisticated concept than is found in the entire manifesto:

    It's called signal-to-noise-ratio.

    What it means, is that for every jackass that starts a website purporting to have some grand idea that will change civilization, it makes the people with real ideas less likely to get any significant audience.

    What am I doing? I'm dampening noise and amplifying signal.

    Get some signal and then we'll talk.

    pic related: it's you
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:58:22 No.346280788
    whose the douche on al jezeera?! i want to report for this not this random local man. i want international acclaim in journalism! that DICK
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)16:59:30 No.346280984

    Seems to me like you have no signal
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:00:41 No.346281192
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:01:17 No.346281296
    Sandcastles? The fuck.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:01:33 No.346281337
    Ya, sure, lets change it!

    We will just force corporations to pay more for poor! Oh, no wait, we will force corporations to pay more to the poor they buy from. Ooooh, nooo, wait! We will just tell everyone to be nice to each other!......

    Get over the fact that it is like with economy. Everything pre-planned and forced does not work in anything bigger than family. You can't force corporations to be nicer. There has to be an enviroment that will make them being nicer, because it will give them more money than being not-nice. Like, if someone is angry over the fact that corp will throw out old employees and get younger and more productive ones...

    ... it is good. It is effective. There is no possibility in keeping old who cant do their job that good as young ones on place. That is bad.

    Way to improove is, for example, find a way how to utilize them, their experience.. make them productive somewhere else.

    People before profit.. what a bullshit. People make profit. And profit is the main reason why people are making profit. They do it for the profit.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:01:39 No.346281352
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:02:41 No.346281503
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    Come at me /b/ro, just be warned I will kill you all, and that even if successful in destroying this house I don't actually like the place I currently live anyways.


    >southside crew
    *roody-poo detected*
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:03:32 No.346281640
    any1 have link to video of the riots?
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:04:08 No.346281747
    >> reform the 'profit before people' greed driven corporate capitalist system.
    >> suddenly, a dumbfuck
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:05:59 No.346282091
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    Unless the 'revolution' is heavily influenced by social anarchists, it'll end up being a wasted effort.

    The state cannot usher in a new world.
    pic related
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:07:01 No.346282263
    Read it, sounds very similar to Scandinavian economics.

    That seems to work and they have some of the highest standards of living in the world.

    It's not communism or anarchism like these idiots say.

    I'll give it a go...
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:07:28 No.346282326

    Putting profit before people should always be the concern of a corporation, and the duty of a capitalist. So long as the products you produce are safe, there is no other duty you have to the people, ever. Your duty is to yourself, and your shareholders, to make money. People that take issue with this can buy their products from a company with such morals, and workers of adequate skill can go to a company that provides better incentives, if they so desire, but if your product is good enough, or your company pays enough, they will not care, and will come to you. Why should one man sacrifice his well being for others when he has earned it? If one can expand his business faster by cutting benefits or pay, or by charging more for a product, thus allowing them to hire more employees, have they not done good by providing a living to a greater number of people? When a corporation puts profits first, it allows expansion, expansion creates growth, and growth creates jobs.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:08:02 No.346282432

    Exactly, nordic economics.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:08:15 No.346282480
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:09:25 No.346282678

    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:11:28 No.346282996
    It doesn't always work like that does it though.
    If it did, we would'nt have corporate abuses, no cover-ups, no malpractice, no ENRON scandals, no 3rd world exploitation, no 1st world poverty, no bank bailouts, no illegal dumping etc etc etc
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:13:34 No.346283343
    Hello Mr. Corporate Drone

    Nice mantra you're reciting there
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:15:19 No.346283636
    Then uncover the bad eggs, one by one. When you condemn all corporations on behalf of a few, you've sacrificed the majority of the system, which is good, to make a point against a few petty white collar criminals. I'm all for things like Wikileaks that root out those that abuse power, but leave the system as a whole alone. The man who sacrifices freedom for security, even in economic terms, deserves neither.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:16:13 No.346283792
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    It's not even that I disagree with many of your ideas, but:

    Anyone talking about creating new paradigm, without first laying out how we tear down the old is just deluding themselves. The interests that control the world are far too entrenched to be displaced by positive ideas; as soon as any idea becomes powerful enough it just gets co-opted into the mainstream.

    Example 1: newt gingrich

    That's the essence of hegemony.

    O, you don't know what that is? THEN DON'T FUCKING WRITE A MANIFESTO.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:16:18 No.346283805
    Your mother forgot to abort you... well enjoy your thread dying and with it hopefully your delusions of grandeur. If you actually want to change anything you create the change not demand it.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:16:36 No.346283861

    You're not a drone when you run the hive. And if you've a problem with those hives you see, make one of your own.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:18:16 No.346284127

    Where are we sacrificing freedoms??
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:20:43 No.346284502
    Wow OP thanks for being such a massive idiot, thanks to this thread I now understand why some of my own ideas I had (and shared with you) are in fact incredibly stupid and my parents where right when they denounced me for condemning corporatism. Thanks to you I now see the value in corporations and why capitalism is the best system we have. Sometimes it takes a bigger fool to see things clearly for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:20:44 No.346284508

    Yeah looks real dead to me.
    Had about 15 registrants from this thread alone, so far.

    Join up at:
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:21:11 No.346284571

    There is no way to forcefully alter the behavior of such "greedy corporations" that put people before profit than by creating regulations. All the protests in the world won't make them change. Any regulation, by definition, limits freedom. So, you would be sacrificing the freedom of others for your own security, and thus you deserve neither.

    That is, unless you wish to simply opt out of buying products from any corporation that puts products ahead of people, which would be the vast majority of them. I invite you to try, as that is a fair, free-market solution. Change by any other means is, however, reprehensible.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:22:15 No.346284731
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    lol. Not OP, friend.
    Not dumb enough to trust the corporations or the state.

    With that logic, serfdom is also justified, and so is slavery, provided one has access to the means to become a Lord or Master. It doesn't change that there are still serfs and slaves.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:22:32 No.346284778

    google 'nordic economics'
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:22:37 No.346284792

    Meant to say, "profit before people" in sentence one.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:25:32 No.346285277
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    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:25:44 No.346285312
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    Also fuck you candy-asss who think that this is about capitalism vs the OP.

    Fuck capitalism, any of you jackasses extolling its virtues are on a level BELOW the OP.

    pic related: supporters of capitalism
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:26:05 No.346285360
    google "swedish dream"
    stfu, socialism does not work.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:27:20 No.346285542
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    Oh wow I'm so jelly 15 people signed up for your shitty site! More than half of them are probably trolls joining to get some lulz out of it, and other half children and young adults living in their parents homes scattered around the world and too lazy to actually go outside and say tend to a garden, nevermind start rioting or making demands of the government or whatever the hell you think people should do.

    Did you even consider that there might be people with similiar but more refined, better ideas out there than you and that perhaps you could have joined them and supported their cause? Kind of like how you're not supposed to start a thread on a subject already dealt with in a forum because you're wasting peoples time when you could just use the search function?

    This is so pathetic it hurts.

    In case you're trolling, 10/10.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:27:40 No.346285598

    google 'american dream'
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:27:50 No.346285617
    The riots are a result of violent and greedy looters taking a single incident and turning it into their reason to be dickheads. If they were fighting for the poor, they wouldn't burn down the houses of those in the same positions as themselves. The police are to be respected for their courage against such brutal thugs who think it's ok to loot, burn, crush and destroy in the name of anarchy. Not justice, not freedom, not "FUCK DA PO-LICE" but greedy little candy-assry.

    FYI it is happening in all rich suburbs you fucking ignorant cunts.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:28:01 No.346285638
    The man who commented on aborting you was not me, and slavery and serfdom are, by definition, not a part of a pure capitalist system, as one must willfully exchange their work for the work of others in the form of capital, and will is glaringly absent in your examples.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:29:33 No.346285876

    Thank you for your constructive input.
    There's a lot to think about there and I will certainly go home and mull it over.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:29:48 No.346285918

    >> implying that there is capitalism in USA, and the govt is not interfering with free market
    >> also, implying that USA is any close to "ideal country" or has "best standards of living"
    nope, I don't want USA neither. Maybe pre-1920 yes, but not now. Lololo keynesism+socialism -> enjoy butthurt crisis in next few years.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:31:05 No.346286118

    No one was saying it was acceptable behaviour.
    OP simply asked if it was a symptom of wider discontent.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32:28 No.346286312
    It just so happens I'm pro-slavery & serfdom.

    Think about this: When the blacks were agricultural slaves, they had all the necessities of life provided for them. They had ample food & water, shelter, and they were always guarenteed work. Now, with debt slavery, the present day slave is not guarenteed anything and he is cruely exterminated when finally everything is taken away from him because he couldn't pay his debts. The roody-poos don't do anything except live on welfare, do drugs, shoot each other over uber-retarded gang wars, and turn out crackbabies. They were so much better off back in the day.

    I also approve of serfdom but for different reasons relating to genetics, self-sufficiency, and cultural conservatism.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32:30 No.346286316
    I hope shit turns out good UKers

    from Norway
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32:34 No.346286328
         File1312839154.jpg-(23 KB, 531x362, 05 spiderman thread.jpg)
    23 KB
    britfags don't give a shit about spanish protesters so I don't give a shit about your shit country :D

    this is now a SPIDERMAN THREAD
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:32:39 No.346286340
    You, sir, are implying that the threat of starvation and death are not coercive pressures that force people to work for those who own capital. And that is absurd. The fact of the matter is that you must work.
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:33:00 No.346286395
    They said the same shit about the G20, and Vancouver Canuck riots here in Canada... I guess it's a step from the "few troubled yoots" that trashed a lot of France a few years ago
    >> Anonymous 08/08/11(Mon)17:33:09 No.346286419

    So you're saying that corporations wouldn't jump at the chance to have people working for them for free if they could?

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