"That should do the trick" thread, i need to enlarge my folder
lol moar
this is the last one
i'm finding this hard to masturbate to
>>346204884Yeah, that's what i meant
>>346204972I am not.>>346205175fapfap
Epic potential in this thread. Please continue the fine work, /b/rothers.
oh yeah, another one i found
wait, dont you guys just want to fap on gore?
>>346205714thanks for fucking me up
>>346205821I thought you would never ask mehttp://theync.com/index.php
>>346203384Sauce/bakcstory on OP pic ?
Sauce on op's pic?
>>346206118try YNC or Styleproject
>>346206118want it too
That should do the trick
what the fuck happened in ops pic
>>346205714its hard not to look at that as mayonaise
These pics take me back Fuck ' bad memories Feel sorry for the top guy ' if in fact it's real Of the men I've seen lose legs in that fashion ' he shouldn't be awake I'd say it's fake
>>346206118the guys just kneeling with some meat on his pants next to fake legs. if someone had actually sawed off his legs or something there would be much more blood. punx fuck around like that all the time.
>>346206608im 98% sure its fake
>>346206474>>346204884>>346203384are they real ?
I also want to know backstory, those websites are impossible to navigate thx
>>346203384>>346203384>>346203384>>346203384Seen this image many many times but never really caught a back story. Can anyone confirm just what in the hairy fuck is goin on here?>>346203384
>>346206311Well great, duh...And how am I supposed to search for it?By typing "random punk guy no legs" ?
>>346206311yeah, good luck finding it... there are only over 9000 vidz
>>346203384what happened to that guy?