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  • File : 1312321138.jpg-(35 KB, 834x517, newfag.jpg)
    35 KB Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:38:58 No.344960085  
    Hello /b/, newfag here.

    I’m just wondering, where did all these old memes come from? Who started to use the word troll as a term for assholes on the internet? Who came up with shitting brix, or OP is fag, or shitstorms, etc.? Most likely it was a random typo, yet you all worship such things as if it is a religion. Everyone lurks patiently hoping that one day they can call themselves an oldfag; that they can join the “elite” group. Well I’m tired of it, all of it. I’m tired of your traditions; it’s time for a revolution.

    There are new newfags everyday, and this is a message to all of you out there who want change. Sure we can’t triforce and we’re not experienced trolls, but who cares! All oldfags were newfags at one point; you all know how it feels to be constantly ridiculed. Now it’s time to stop lurking and start taking action. You, my friends are legion, so come up with some memes of your own. Whenever you see an oldfag thread, don’t post in it. Let it 404. Start all your threads like I started mine. Be proud to be a newfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:39:21 No.344960144
    Let this thread be just the beginning. Everyone who has ever had an idea for a meme but was too afraid it wouldn’t catch on, post it here. Trolls will post, but be sure not to feed them. Don’t even play along. Just make them feel stupid for trolling, because that’s what they are: stupid. Let this thread be the inaugural speech for Newfag, the new King of /b/; the new king of newt gingrich!

    Inb4 “get off mah B”
    Inb4 “OP is a candy-ass
    Inb4 spiderman
    Inb4 everynewt gingrich walks the dinosaur
    Inb4 OP can’t inb4. I can do whatever the fuck I want. I can and will break every rule of the internet if it means ending the oldfags rein of terror. Sure, the the people's champions can ban me. They’re all oldfags anyway. But listen up the people's champions, I am anonymous. I have hundreds, no, thousands of computers out in the world. You cannot stop the inevitable civil war that is brewing. Tensions are rising and my people are prepping to fight as we speak. The battle has begun and only quads can end it!
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:40:07 No.344960266
    I did.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:40:36 No.344960336
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:40:50 No.344960369
    Op is a candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:41:05 No.344960396
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:41:09 No.344960412
         File1312321269.jpg-(79 KB, 478x478, voldemort1.jpg)
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    >> WUT. !KQcWi99D7g 08/02/11(Tue)17:41:20 No.344960439
         File1312321280.jpg-(6 KB, 251x168, 1310932338476.jpg)
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    >mfw this thread is a soft troll

    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:42:04 No.344960553
    You can't force memes. That makes them less funny. Also
    >implying oldfags still go on /b/
    >implying they haven't escaped to better boards before summer
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:42:18 No.344960588
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:42:45 No.344960671
    You're not supposed to have ideas for memes. You don't "create" them or they're shitty.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:43:25 No.344960766
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:43:46 No.344960823
    yes the message was too long for one post is there a problem?
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:44:34 No.344960948
    I was always a oldfag.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:44:34 No.344960950
    this is all OC asswipe
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:44:53 No.344960990
    Tits or GTFO
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:46:18 No.344961228
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:47:24 No.344961406
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    Yeah, newfags are gonna listen to you, op. Newfags aren't funny they can't create memes, that's why they are newfags.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:47:52 No.344961491
    A: It's called "Summerfag". B: You'll just get bored of this place anyway. C: The only way that people know you are a newfag is if you let them know you are a newfag. D: You are a complete fag­got.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:48:01 No.344961525
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:51:16 No.344962111
         File1312321876.jpg-(33 KB, 500x367, Spiderman%2BThread_5d2db5_2157(...).jpg)
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    OP is a candy-ass and this is now a spiderman thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:53:19 No.344962469
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    10/10 master troll
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:53:35 No.344962518
         File1312322015.jpg-(59 KB, 458x349, lol wtf am i d.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:53:46 No.344962555
    Well, OP was a fag­got who lived just down my street,
    He had a sick obsession with his mother's dirty feet,
    Then one day he licked them and got thrown in to a chair,
    His momma said "Im sending your ass back to old Bel Air."
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:54:06 No.344962631
    nice trips but i got u wit spiderman
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:54:50 No.344962747
    everyone positn here is a dumb newfag

    only newfag postin in newfag thread.
    >> Anonymous 08/02/11(Tue)17:56:19 No.344963016
    OP is now honorary oldfag for impressive troll

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