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  • File : 1311758286.jpg-(220 KB, 861x861, 2010-12-07-whocares.jpg)
    220 KB OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:18:06 No.343557443  
    Alright candy-asss

    19yo fast food manager here, saving up for uni.

    I'm going to lets you guys in on some shit right here.

    If you come up to the drive thru menu board and you don't shut off your shitty loud/powerful diesel engine, I get my staff to fuck with your food.

    If you don't take time to read the menu board and order something that is clearly not on there, I get my staff to fuck with your food.

    If you spill your shit everywhere in the lobby because you're clumsy or too busy chatting to your friends, and then expect me to replace that shit free of charge, I get my staff to fuck with your food.

    If I ask you if you want any X, Y, or Z with your meal and you respond "both" because you aren't really paying attention, I personally fuck with your food.

    If we ask you to repeat yourself over and over and you don't take the hint to speak the fuck up, I get my staff to fuck with your food.

    I make $15/hour, I do this constantly, I've never been caught, my staff love me.

    That being said, ask a fast food manager anything (except which chain and location I work at)
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:20:01 No.343557757
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    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:21:34 No.343557998
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    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:22:11 No.343558102
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:23:29 No.343558310
    that gets you off? pathetic
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:25:03 No.343558566
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    Its fun, but what kind of dipshit do you have to be to come to that kind of conclusion when there's no evidence supporting it in my post
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:26:17 No.343558749
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:27:25 No.343558924
    Hey OP:
    Get your staff to fuck with my food and I find out about it... I wait for you in the parking lot and fuck with YOU.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:27:39 No.343558951
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    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:28:52 No.343559132
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    Come at me bro, I've been suspected but at the end of the day people can't prove shit.

    Lesson learned, don't be a dipshit to the people who make your food.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:29:40 No.343559273
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    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:30:12 No.343559346
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:30:16 No.343559362
    Don't be a dipshit to the people who buy your shitty food to pay your paycheck, and maybe you won't end up in hospital, okay?
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:31:27 No.343559523
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    That's weird, I do it constantly but I've never ended up in the hospital.

    I wonder why that is.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:32:33 No.343559707
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:32:37 No.343559714
    OP is using what little power he has to feel superior
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:32:46 No.343559742
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    anyone got source?

    (also boobs)
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:33:11 No.343559804
    a lot of your gripes are over pretty minor stuff.

    i don't really give a shit, but you're the asshole, not the customer.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:33:24 No.343559833
    Just shows how some people cant handle working. No matter how shitty your job is, its your job, if you're in the service industry, prepare to take it up the ass from customers. dealwithit.jpg
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:33:27 No.343559843
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    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:36:11 No.343560228
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    I'm using what little power I have for a good laugh at the expense of others. I'm quite aware that the majority of people who come through make more money than I do.


    You're right, it is minor stuff, and yet everyone in here is so mad


    I can handle working. Aside from the customers I intentionally punish, I give amazing service to the customers who show proper manners.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:36:32 No.343560290
    I dont know where people get off being rude to food service workers, seriously I work at a pizza store, and i've been known to let a pizza drop off the oven pick it up with the pizza peel, put it in the box and serve it with a beaming smile to someone that has been absurdly rude.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:37:24 No.343560396
    Wow...umm sauce please?
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:38:03 No.343560477
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    >gentleman and scholar


    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:38:22 No.343560507
    Hey OP, tell your fucking staff to LET ME READ THE FUCKING BOARD when I drive up. I haven't even come to a complete stop yet and some candy-ass is LOUDLY demanding what I want. Fuck!
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:38:31 No.343560525
    ^---- This.

    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:39:25 No.343560635
    Exactly It's not like we are looking for someone to be mad at, but when people come in, and try to fuck us up the ass, they are going to get what is coming to them. Honestly how do they NOT expect that this WILL happen regardless of where they go, or who they dick with.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:39:57 No.343560708
    Service Industry = Servant.

    You are not Tyler Durdan, you're just a jack-ass. No one here gives a fuck. I think they are more interested in the porn.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:39:58 No.343560711
    same story bro.
    and im not even a manager, mcdonalds crew and i get my fellow crew to fuck with asshole customers food.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:40:41 No.343560800
    According to OP, even if you need some time to decide what you want to order... your food will be fucked with.

    I have a great deal of respect for patient people. folks like OP can suck my AIDS ridden cock.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:40:44 No.343560805
    When someone rolls up we ask them if they want a some time to look things over.

    Most of the time, they say no, and then they proceed to order things we don't have. I've been asked for a 12 piece chicken bucket with 4 mcflurries on the side.

    And that kind of thing isn't even uncommon
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:41:12 No.343560877
    OP is ausfag?

    i think i know this guy
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:41:55 No.343560994
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:42:39 No.343561083
    which state are u in OP?

    nsw i think
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:43:15 No.343561164

    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:43:40 No.343561233
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    sorry gentlemen, canadafag here.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:45:07 No.343561420
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    My thoughts exactly.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:45:32 No.343561461
    where in canada?
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:46:00 No.343561520
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    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:46:53 No.343561635
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    You know, the general area.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:47:49 No.343561754
    Stop fucking lying to yourself loser. Youll never make it to college. Have fun fucking with peoples food for a living for the next 30 years.

    Stop fucking with peoples food, child.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:48:09 No.343561796
    I would hate to work in the service industry

    Sucks to be you OP

    Why don't you just get a loan and go to uni now? Or ask your parents to pay for it.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:48:28 No.343561836
    Looooool. Already have bursaries up the ass, I'm only saving up so I don't have to worry about student loan debt for the next 10 to 15 years. Already been accepted into the university of my choice.

    Go be a jealous roody-poo in someone else's thread summerfag.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:48:50 No.343561889

    im not from canadia
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:49:23 No.343561963

    this = directed at

    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:50:12 No.343562067
    if you're going to be paying off your debt for so long, you are doing the wrong degree

    LOL we don't have this problem here in australia. Free university ftw
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:50:35 No.343562120
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    Parents wouldn't pay for it since I already have a job. I make more than I need anyways so it's not like I don't have plenty of money for shits and giggles.

    Proper investing takes you places.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:51:37 No.343562256

    FUCKING THIS!!!!!!!!!! where you from OP
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:51:55 No.343562293
    I work at a butcher's block in a well-known supermarket chain.

    I can say OP is correct, i give amazing service to people that are polite and know what they want. If you ask me to take something back because "It doesn't look fresh enough" or some stupid shit, well....I can sure as fuck give you the older, store-aged meat. by that i mean the stuff we had since last month that's still vacuum sealed and is still technically edible but smells horrendous. Trim off a couple centimeters and it's fine though. Enjoy your meat, and please come again. Asshole.

    Also we're good at remembering faces since we probably see you around a lot. If we wrap something up for you and find it in the store somewhere, We can refuse you service next time. Shit like that drives up shrink and Makes everything more expensive. Get fucked.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:52:13 No.343562330
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    Thats north america for you. Most prestigious uni's leave you over a hundred grand in student loan debt if you go for any decent length of time.

    I ain't putting up with that shit though.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:53:26 No.343562450
    jealous why? Ive already finished college and earned 2 degrees, working in service the for 3 years in the meanwhile. What you do, especially as a manager speaks to your character and the caliber person you are, in which 2 fields you are obviously lacking. What you do doesnt make you clever or awesome. It makes you a prick who is incapable of handling even the smallest of problems in your waking life. You're the type of person who will probably fuckin an hero over something that is out of your control because the problem doesnt have any food to fuck with.

    you make me sick you immature fuck.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:54:40 No.343562601
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    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:55:51 No.343562745
    Do you guys remember people you don't interact with? Say like people who come in and never buy anything (shoplifters) ?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:56:30 No.343562828
    hey dicknuts, put your menu BEFORE the speaker so I can look at it while i'm waiting and don't get rushed by the deaf grease factory on the other end of the speaker
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:57:50 No.343563017
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    >I make $15/hour
    >bragging about this

    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)05:58:35 No.343563118
    You sound like you have a lot of restrained anger that's boiling over inside of you.

    I wouldn't be surprised if YOU an hero because minutiae detail in your life isn't living up to your overblown standards.

    I ain't even mad bro. My life is awesome. Problems come and go and I deal with them.

    Some times those problems come, and then they go on their way with shitty, fucked with food.

    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:59:02 No.343563176
    non us fag detected
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)05:59:19 No.343563205

    >You're the type of person who will probably fuckin an hero over something that is out of your control because the problem doesnt have any food to fuck with.
    >doesnt have any food to fuck with

    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:00:12 No.343563329
    Its even more fun when you're a bartender.
    Rubbed my nut sack around some douche's martini glass once because he was harassing the female staff and tried to punch one of the other tenders, theres so many ways to make a good drink.....
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:02:02 No.343563553
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    >things a true gentleman would say
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:03:11 No.343563705
    What problems do you have as a 19 year old fast food worker? Restocking ketchup packets? You haven't even gone to college, the military, what life experience do you have that would be "hard". Obviously your hardships include muffled drive-thru speakers, and spilled soda.

    I hope I never ever have to walk a mile in your shoes OP.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:03:56 No.343563818
    When I shoplift from grocery stores I always pick up one of the baskets to look less bait when I'm going through the store (28, caucasian, male, casual dress). Do you think that makes me look less suspicious, or should I just dump that routine?
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:05:13 No.343563958
    We see a lot of regulars at my store. They fly under the radar because you are so used to dealing with them.

    The people who you remember are those who don't behave like the average customer. Those who come in and never buy, those who are super rude, those who are super nice.

    You never hear the workers talking about the average customers after their shifts for a reason. Unmemorable.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:06:53 No.343564153

    Nahhh, nothing work related. My job life is a piece of cake, being the manager.

    That'll be as deep as I go on that subject.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:09:03 No.343564409
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    want to shoplift effectively?

    Actually buy stuff every now and then and make the lifting infrequent. The store clerks will remember their interactions with you as an honest customer when they first sight you and you'll be more likely to fly under the radar.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:09:34 No.343564472
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    OP has a shitty life and has to be passive aggressive at his work to feel like a man.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:10:26 No.343564579

    We only have one monitor that can watch given, 4 cameras at a time. The most watched cameras are Liquor, and lobby, because anyone can just swipe stuff and book it. My tip is, don't look suspicious.
    >The entire front end is trained in what is known as a "Set up cart" with the Item being stolen in the middle of the cart, and other items placed around it. a store advertisement paper is usually placed over the toddler seat of the cart so the cameras can't see what is in the center of the cart. What's left over is a cart filled with groceries and a large (size dependent on object stolen) hole left over.

    Know what you want to rip off, and the less time in the store, the better.

    Also don't go to a store you regularly visit, and once you steal something do NOT go back to that store. They can print your picture out and catch you next time. We literally have a full WALL of people that ripped us off, and LP likes to X off the ones retarded enough to come back and steal again. He also likes to say "Gotcha bitch" when he does it. lol
    >>   07/27/11(Wed)06:10:43 No.343564621
    i don't get it, you're 19 and isn't fast food manager a full time job? so how do you go to university?
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:12:08 No.343564805
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    Knew i should've inb4'd that.

    Darn, you caught me. Guess it's time to redeem myself.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:13:26 No.343564953

    I opted to start in the fall term, which starts in december for some reason. Not really the fall.

    Works in my favor though.

    "saving up for uni" Implies that I'm not exactly there yet.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:14:03 No.343565030
    Do you work at a very high end place? I've only heard of one grocery store in my area that even has an LP.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:15:59 No.343565253
    >wah wah customers suck

    without customers, you're on the street so quit whining and do your fucking job

    remember that candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:17:07 No.343565380
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    Way to admit you're pathetic.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:18:40 No.343565556
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    Way to get trolled like a true summerfag

    I salute your efforts though
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:19:35 No.343565666
    OP, I work as a crew at a fast food place. 23 years old, can't afford to finish school.

    I fucking wish you were my manager.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:20:32 No.343565792

    Fine by me, lots of potential jobs out there, or I could just go straight to uni.

    Preach somewhere else oh great white knight.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:21:19 No.343565893

    Wouldn't call it high end but There's almost always an LP, or some form of LP at every supermarket. Most time's he'll be an athletic looking type in case anyone wants to fight back, or some of the wimpier ones who will just observe and call police. Hell even my assistant store manager once took down some fucker that grabbed a bottle of jack off a display and made for the door. He took him down and pinned that fucker till cops showed up, it was awesome. Also I recommend working for a supermarket. sometimes you see a lot of crazy shit

    most times during game season they'll wear jerseys n stuff while they work so they can get really close to shoplifters. they'll even stand at our department counters and talk with us too. This one guy once lifted right in front of him because he thought he was just another customer. Fucker tried to shove a steak down his pants.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:22:11 No.343566005

    Give Satan his wish, OP.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:22:19 No.343566019
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    Trips of the beast. You would be a powerful addition to the team.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:23:25 No.343566158
    >lots of potential jobs out there,

    hah, not with your skill set. it's either fast food or retail, either way you're gonna have to deal with customers

    they are your meal ticket so quit being such an ungrateful pos, i hate people that feel entitled to things like you
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:23:33 No.343566169
    I can tell you don't seem to like shoplifters very much, so I doubly appreciate it that you are answering my questions.
    >> OP !hRu19iIqpw 07/27/11(Wed)06:25:51 No.343566417

    Triple six's were me. Let me tell you what I do to fuck with people.

    I work in the drive through, and at the end I always say "please drive up." On multiple occasions, people told me they thought I said "please shut up."

    So now, if I get a particularly rude or incompetent customer, I will ACTUALLY say "please shut up" in the most cheerful tone ever, and then at the window tell them that they heard me wrong. It's not as liberating as fucking with their food would be, but it keeps me from going postal.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:26:49 No.343566534

    Woops, was OP in a different thread, forgot to remove name.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:27:06 No.343566570

    So you're not a pathetic 19 year old that works at a fast food joint with a shitty homelife or is that just what you tell yourself to not feel useless?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:28:53 No.343566789
    I didn't know they let 17 year olds manage retail stores.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:29:59 No.343566895

    Useless AND worthless.

    On newt gingrich gloating about what he does at his fast-food job. lulz.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:30:30 No.343566960
    >people are mad because they only trust the people who supply their flab beards, everyone else messes with them
    >they're fucking messing with them too
    >+1 OP
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:32:25 No.343567178
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    18. I worked 2 jobs at the same time for a bit.

    Experience before age brew.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:35:49 No.343567595

    >works in fast-food

    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:36:19 No.343567652
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    Not gloating. Informing you guys, for your benefit. Who knows, maybe all this time you've been getting fucked up food.

    But now when you go through a drive thru, this thread will pop up in your mind hopefully and its win/win for you and the staff.

    You're welcome. Here, treat yourself to some tea.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:37:43 No.343567838
    Yep. Everybody starts somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:38:30 No.343567919
    I'm a trucker and never visit the same place more than 10 times a year. To make up for all the fast food workers dickishness around the country, I always say to the worker that hands me the food "man it must suck working 40 hours a week and earning about $15000 a year, how do you survive? How do you pay your bills? Life must suck for you. What's it like to know that this is what you will do the rest of your life if you don't somehow gain the money to go to college? How on earth are you going to get that much money? I hear that if you don't pay your tuition bills, they garnish your wages. I hope you didn't pop a zit on my food."
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:39:33 No.343568040

    ...or do your job correctly instead of crying in customers' sodas.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:39:40 No.343568052
    Fuck it. Food still tastes delicious as fuck.

    OP your job sucks, good luck with college, but shit you should really not be such an ass hole.
    >> /sleep Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:40:16 No.343568120

    No prob. bein honest, i really dont care if someone shoplifts, but if i see them, and i help catch them i get some free money. I can use that to get my weekly shopping, which is about $30 or so, i buy bulk, don't consume much, etc. I can save my paycheck and later, move on to better things when i can afford to. I'm also racking up the customer service experience while i can. almost got 6 years under my belt, and most places eat that shit up since it looks impressive on a resume. That, and the shining reputation you get from managers and your customers (I don't kiss ass, my customers appreciate my work enough to write up a comment or two about me).

    Hope i shined a bit of light onto any future shoplifters out there, but the main point is: Don't be stupid, and you won't get caught.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:43:21 No.343568486

    I'm always polite with anyone providing me a service. 9 out of 10 times, I'm more polite than they are.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:43:33 No.343568513
    >x40 = 600/week
    >2400/month minimum
    >30000 base/year as manager + monthly bonuses
    >19 years old
    >going straight to high class uni before the year ends.

    enjoy the emptiness you must feel truckerfag
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:44:38 No.343568637
    If you come by my store and act the way you describe, you usually end up with more than you paid for as a show of gratitude.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:47:31 No.343568995

    I always give free food/upgrades to people who are especially nice, as long as a lax manager is around.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:47:43 No.343569023

    If you don't like customers, don't work in a job where you deal directly with them??
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:49:23 No.343569228
    I enjoy the power.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:49:26 No.343569234

    The customers I described are the minority, not the majority.

    Why sacrifice a good setup over a small detail like that.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:50:03 No.343569301
    op your a cunt and you need to get over yourself
    also i call bs on a 19 year old manager
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:50:29 No.343569370
    Also Mcdonalds staff paying my way through uni. We remember who the cunts are and if you come through again we'll make sure to fuck up, that coffee machine that's always broken? Bullshit we could fix it if we wanted.
    All being said we remember the good guys too and I've often given free upgrades to customers or slipped something extra in if their a few pence short.
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:50:43 No.343569396
    That wasn't me. as I described earlier, its not about power.

    Now we must prepare for another namefag to try to troll the shit out of everyone because i didn't trip.

    But it was a good thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:51:36 No.343569501
    inb4 cum in your food don't give a fuck
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:51:59 No.343569558

    Lol dude in fast food kids as young as 16 can become manager if their abilities are high enough.

    Like I said, experience before age.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:53:06 No.343569687

    >fast-food job
    >good setup

    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:53:16 No.343569705

    willingness to settle
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)06:54:33 No.343569858
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    Now poasting with a trip.
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)06:56:11 No.343570047
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    30k/year at 19 just before going in to uni.

    Most people on newt gingrich are struggling to make that much in their 40's
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:57:49 No.343570280
    i like this one

    also op is a fag
    >> OP 07/27/11(Wed)06:57:53 No.343570283
    not from what i've read
    most people here actually have successful careers in IT or programming and make upwards of 600K/year
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)06:58:50 No.343570393

    the sad part is, the high tier restaurants are even worse for this.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)06:59:21 No.343570450
    whos that chick?
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)06:59:58 No.343570524
    Fake OP

    >successful, 600k a year
    >on /b/
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:01:26 No.343570684
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    I was wondering when someone would say that.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:02:26 No.343570800
    Where is that picture from?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:04:05 No.343570967
    What is the least likely way to piss you off OP?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:04:19 No.343570993
    Umm, no.
    They take it out of your wage slowly.
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:05:03 No.343571066
    >>343570800 bro

    a pretty quality internet comic
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:06:10 No.343571214
    How did you become manager of the chain? Was it a long time or a short little course?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:06:42 No.343571284
    Op here, give personally fucked food to girls who rejected me in high school. Almost saved up enough for community college. Lifeisgood.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:07:52 No.343571427
    Hi, OP! I just want to let you know that I haven't eaten fast food in 8 years, and that I go out to restaurants maybe four times a year. That being said, I have no problems with what you do to other peoples' foods.

    However, I must say that you are a fag. You work fast food, bro. How old are you? Making $15/hr is nothing to brag about, and honestly, if spitting in someone's food gets you hard, then there's definitely something wrong with your brain.

    You're scared, OP. You're just a little boy, effected with Asperger's probably, and you come here to tell us that you spit on food? Ha... as if we didn't already know that. It's 2011; this is why people are stopping the fast food craze, and why Subway now has more restaurants worldwide than McDonald's. In Subway, you can SEE them make your food.

    And so, your industry will die, and you will die with it. You claim to be a manager, but I'm sure you're just a cashier, having never touched the food yourself. You're most likely 16, and this is your summer job, and you just happened to not take your Aspie medication this morning.

    tl;dr op is a fag and nobody cares
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:08:11 No.343571472
    anon delivars!

    ty bro
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:08:16 No.343571478

    Least likely way to piss me off?

    By being a good customer.

    Seriously though, I'll assume you mean least obvious way to piss me off. When working, its the customers that chat. I don't mess with their food ever because it's all good hearted, but its supposed to be a fast service. I need to serve you, then serve the next person immediately. Trying to chat with me is just wasting both of our time.

    Same applies to my employees. Chatting them up when they're supposed to be working, even if polite. I need them to be focused.
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:12:16 No.343571934

    I frequently worked with the owners, which was luck since normally they werent in the store and acted more like investors than actual owners. Got to know them and they bumped me up personally after a fairly short amount of time.

    Not op. no name, no trip


    >comes to thread, asks my age.
    >some of the first words of the thread are "19yo fast food manager here"
    >acts like i care about the fast food industry, going to uni soon
    >obvious roody-poo on the loose


    NP dude, its a recent discovery for me too
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:14:14 No.343572131
    by the way, I know a number of people who work in subway chains

    they just mess with the portions before they go out on display. Jokes on you.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:15:48 No.343572314
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    lol you're 19, you haven't started college, you work in the fast food industry (the most pathetic industry on Earth), you spit in people's food to feel some sort of power over them, and you post on /b/.

    confirmed for virgin-beta-fag.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:15:58 No.343572332
    I work in the fast food industry and I've never done any of that shit. I do cuss out and get into fights with my coworkers though. Cuz fuck them.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:16:09 No.343572348
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    im like OP.

    used to be staffer and then manager at a fast food chain. The shit I have seen done to food when customers are assholes.

    its classic fight club counterculture/anti-elitism. You think you're better than me for working at a fast food joint? then fuck you. BAM. In goes the cream cheese. Tyler Durden style.

    >mfw i got through fast food. did a bachelor, then a masters, now earn $130 000.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:16:47 No.343572428
    dude, don't be ashamed of being a manager at a drive thru, You've already acheived more than most of the punks on this board ever will.

    I'm in uni, I've been studying for 6 years now having previously worked in accounts. Honestly, going back into education isn't easy and if you're already on a managerial career path you might be better off where you are since you've already climbed some rungs on the ladder
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:17:09 No.343572471
    oh sweet, thanks for the update, little buddy!

    Because my landlord owns a Subway, and it's their policy to open their packaging in front of the customer and the cameras. So... you fail yet again?

    Yea... you're adorable.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:17:32 No.343572506

    As a Sandwhich Artist for 8 months, I can tell you all that this fag clearly doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:18:26 No.343572604
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    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:18:57 No.343572668

    Yeah, instead of going to uni straight out of high school I went and taught drum lessons instead, and then toured across canada for a few weeks with some pretty sick acts. Now I'm working and going to uni before the years up.

    No regrets.

    Chicks go nuts for drummers btw.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:19:43 No.343572748
    Again, someone forgot to take their Aspie meds today. Kid... listen... fight club was cool in 2001, when nobody knew the twist ending. Now, though, it's just a homoerotic film about Brad Pitt's dick. Seriously, the whole point of the movie was that anti-establishment attitudes are pointless. jesus, i cannot wait for summer to end...

    Also, no, you don't have a Master's degree, and no, you don't earn more than $130k/year. You have a middle-school degree and you earn minimum wage.
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:20:41 No.343572859
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    >these people think all subways are the same and uphold the same standards
    >just like my store is the same as all the others and upholds all the same standards
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:20:46 No.343572872

    oh wow... i just don't know where to begin...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:21:05 No.343572923

    lol wrong again fagget. Find it hard to believe that someone got a masters and earns $130 000?

    i dont envy your girlfriend. assuming you ever get one. D
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:21:40 No.343572987
    that's because they are and they do. it's called a franchise, sweetheart. perhaps if you had any managerial experience, you would know that.

    oh wait...
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:22:11 No.343573037
    I'm in a similar situation as you OP. Except I've never personally spit in someones food. I've seen it done right next to me and didn't say anything. That was a long time ago. The people who come through our drive-thru deserve it more than you could imagine though.

    When you go to a sit-down restaurant you aren't a complete fuck-head to the people I don't understand how it could hurt to actually be decent (not even polite necessarily, just not scum of the fucking earth) to the people you interact with the ~5 minutes you're at our building? However before the new management took over (4-5 years ago) some nasty shit went down
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:23:59 No.343573231
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    Begin where you wish, I have nothing to prove on the internet lawl
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:25:14 No.343573380
    no ones mad
    no one cares
    why did i even post
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:25:54 No.343573464

    Yeah, a franchise means it's a corporate name but privately owned. There are policies, which are corporate set and all franchises are required to uphold, then there are policies, which only specific franchises uphold as they are set by the owners.

    Nice try though.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:27:02 No.343573603
    Sonic, anyone?
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:28:45 No.343573796

    Hence why the same restaurant may have different opening and closing hours in different locations.

    Any more silly observations you'd like me to dismiss with my managerial experience?
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:30:14 No.343573953
    in Australia, fast food staffers are generally treated with respect. I"ve been to other countries though and they're treated like shit. I have no idea why.

    I just know im glad to live in Australia, where people are judged on whats on the inside. Not on what they do for a job.
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:31:35 No.343574098
    Its pretty bad around here. People come in and just ask for free shit and act like you called their mother a cunt if you deny them.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:32:56 No.343574233
    Congratualtions, OP, for your position of authority. Your parents must be proud
    >> OP !!P0c7yrW0Kod 07/27/11(Wed)07:33:40 No.343574322
    Thank you anon, your undying loyalty and support means a great deal to me.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:34:33 No.343574411

    i worked in fast food in Aus. Customers are usually pleasant and friendly. I even made a real good friend with one customer who turned out to be quite senior in a major car manufacturing company. I ended up getting an internship at his workplace and i've stayed there for the past 5 years now.

    That was actually because i recognised him as being a regular customer, and gave him discounts coz he was my 'uncle'. uncle tony.

    opportunities abound.
    >> Anonymous 07/27/11(Wed)07:35:34 No.343574515
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    You just kind of seem like a dick to me.


    I always try my best to treat everyone respectfully and kindly so I doubt anyone has ever jizzed in my burger or whatnot. It's not really the fact that you're spoiling other peoples food (that they paid for) that bothers me, it's the fact that you aren't doing the job that your employers want you to do. Messing with someones' food is akin to taking a nap during work hours - you're just being a bad employee.

    Also, a lot of the things you're griping about are the result of people being distracted. News flash: People have bad days, people make mistakes, and people get distracted. If someone who is stopping by McDonald's after just getting fired and snaps at you, are you really going to punish him for it? Who are you to pass judgement?

    You just sound like some angsty teenager to me.

    /rant I'm going to go back to jerking off to porn.

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