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  • File : 1311546162.jpg-(40 KB, 500x219, What-I-studied-what-I-expected-what-I-go(...).jpg)
    40 KB Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:22:42 No.342987671  
    lets do it again
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:25:47 No.342988147
         File1311546347.jpg-(34 KB, 500x238, What-I-studied-what-I-expected(...).jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:27:20 No.342988436
         File1311546440.jpg-(38 KB, 500x249, What-I-studied-what-I-expected(...).jpg)
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    >> blacktoe 07/24/11(Sun)18:28:49 No.342988713
    relevant to my interests, this is
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:30:02 No.342988909
         File1311546602.png-(12 KB, 429x410, 129723543.png)
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    What the hell is that supposed to mean?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:30:57 No.342989070
    How is this not obvious?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:32:08 No.342989263
         File1311546728.png-(398 KB, 500x250, 4791_7f54_500.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:33:43 No.342989524
    make these bigger dickheads. stupidly small
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:34:22 No.342989636
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:36:15 No.342989939
    you cant read them?

    post your own my lad
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:38:01 No.342990237
    You are clearly retarded
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:42:32 No.342990988
    do medicine plox
    >> Morphine !tEh4zLULzc 07/24/11(Sun)18:44:06 No.342991229
         File1311547446.jpg-(23 KB, 500x220, 1311546162233.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:46:28 No.342991584
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:46:31 No.342991592
         File1311547591.jpg-(41 KB, 400x300, big_cock_teen_addictions.jpg)
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    clearly it means he got hung. In a related story, I'm going into IT tomorrow.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:46:34 No.342991605
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:48:08 No.342991871
    template? a big one?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:49:04 No.342992021
         File1311547744.jpg-(227 KB, 1121x532, studied2.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:50:15 No.342992228
         File1311547815.jpg-(76 KB, 1118x593, ....jpg)
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    What i studied : Music

    What i Expected : Rockstar

    What i Got : Double bass player in an orchestra..good pay but not what i wanted
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:52:11 No.342992537
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    >implying music
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:53:36 No.342992769
         File1311548016.png-(704 KB, 1121x532, whatigot.png)
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:53:37 No.342992772

    >implying he's not quite
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:55:59 No.342993131
    anyone got a template?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:56:31 No.342993221
    Fuck id love to Learn to play the violin :*(
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:57:56 No.342993483
         File1311548276.jpg-(411 KB, 1121x532, Untitled-1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:58:28 No.342993573
         File1311548308.jpg-(9 KB, 800x320, w5template.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:59:08 No.342993706
    When it came to learning it in middle school I was learning hot to play the Viola. It did well for the first few months, then I was sick a few weeks, fell behind, got bad grades for something that WASN'T MY FAULT. Teacher got mad, Mom got mad that teacher was mad at me, got grounded. Raped teacher afterwards though so it's all cool.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)18:59:37 No.342993784
         File1311548377.jpg-(14 KB, 1008x403, whatIwatchedtemplate..jpg)
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    larger one
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:01:07 No.342994018
    Sweet was the teacher hot >:)?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:02:04 No.342994214
    i play double bass queers.
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:02:10 No.342994232
    Depends. With the bag over her head and the gag in her mouth, or not?
    >> template Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:04:09 No.342994569
         File1311548649.jpg-(36 KB, 1121x532, studied temp.jpg)
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    here you go
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:04:12 No.342994575

    what i STUDIED

    dumb fuck
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:04:35 No.342994642
         File1311548675.jpg-(247 KB, 900x389, chem1.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:05:43 No.342994815

    I'd cut off my fucking dick, fry it and eat it dry to play anything good enough to get to play in an orchestra (classical guitarfag here, but I suck at it)
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:07:07 No.342995056
         File1311548827.jpg-(293 KB, 1121x532, Untitled-1.jpg)
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    the reason these threads are slow is because /b/
    is really suffering from underageb&. at least make one up
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:08:48 No.342995334
         File1311548928.jpg-(258 KB, 1121x532, myshitlife.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:08:52 No.342995348
    Have any pics ?
    >> Anonymous 07/24/11(Sun)19:09:14 No.342995403
    Actually it's slow because 90% of /b/ haven't got into any uni, they are too fucked up to do anything

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