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  • File : 1311245858.png-(189 KB, 500x312, picture-812.png)
    189 KB Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)06:57:38 No.342224773  
    Hello anonymous! Looking for a friendly place to hang out, need some help or company? Well come on in! :D
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/21/11(Thu)07:01:34 No.342225152
         File1311246094.png-(18 KB, 331x552, Yotsuba[9].png)
    18 KB

    Hello Rayne! How are you doing today?
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:05:00 No.342225502
         File1311246300.png-(301 KB, 367x500, start083.png)
    301 KB
    Yotsuba! :3 I'm doing good and yourself? -hug-
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:06:09 No.342225611
         File1311246369.jpg-(38 KB, 400x400, 2008Oct03Hugh.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/21/11(Thu)07:10:34 No.342225984
         File1311246634.gif-(27 KB, 380x380, yotsuba hug.gif)
    27 KB

    I'm doing well, thank you! I was just wondering if there was a thread up when I came across this one! I wonder if Nagato is still here, I saw her on another thread a little while ago..
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:10:38 No.342225991
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:11:50 No.342226092
         File1311246710.png-(15 KB, 96x96, Glaceon.png)
    15 KB
    How's everyone doing? =3
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:12:20 No.342226146
         File1311246740.png-(143 KB, 500x280, tumblr_lm8ws4G0vL1qdp96oo1_500.png)
    143 KB
    Yeah, I couldn't find a thread so I just decided to make one. I know Komrade is on. :3
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:12:35 No.342226170
         File1311246755.jpg-(300 KB, 850x818, sample_4b22811db404d1d68ace93c(...).jpg)
    300 KB
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:13:49 No.342226290
         File1311246829.jpg-(15 KB, 300x300,
    15 KB
    I win

    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:14:50 No.342226393
         File1311246890.jpg-(286 KB, 700x933, 3ccf70ad0b5f702301651ed8a84799(...).jpg)
    286 KB
    zdravstvuj Aussie~
    how are you?
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:14:55 No.342226402
         File1311246895.png-(481 KB, 842x800, GlaceonGijinka.png)
    481 KB
    Hey Komrade, you're always so cuddly~
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:15:41 No.342226464
         File1311246941.jpg-(84 KB, 327x611, eheeeeeeeeeee.jpg)
    84 KB
    your always so huggable
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:15:43 No.342226467
         File1311246943.jpg-(87 KB, 460x276, 1309599621121.jpg)
    87 KB
    I'm pretty awesome, the usual.
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/21/11(Thu)07:16:17 No.342226507
         File1311246977.jpg-(94 KB, 491x539, yotsuba shocked.jpg)
    94 KB


    > Hi Komrade
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:16:41 No.342226553
         File1311247001.png-(61 KB, 246x138, anohana1.png)
    61 KB
    Yeah, you did.
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:17:43 No.342226635
         File1311247063.jpg-(74 KB, 407x526, ae29c2f790326151e5c5848dd3bbf4(...).jpg)
    74 KB
    wouldnt have it any other way~

    how are yoouuuuu~
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:18:12 No.342226684
         File1311247092.png-(22 KB, 100x100, jintan47.png)
    22 KB
    Haha, or msn. :P
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:18:29 No.342226705
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:20:29 No.342226900
         File1311247229.jpg-(196 KB, 428x600, glaceon_001.jpg)
    196 KB
    eheeeeee! Spakly smile!
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/21/11(Thu)07:20:59 No.342226954
         File1311247259.jpg-(10 KB, 269x187, yotsuba sleep.jpg)
    10 KB

    A little sleepy, but good.
    >> Lelouch !Vu0Hn4spHQ 07/21/11(Thu)07:21:09 No.342226968
         File1311247269.jpg-(48 KB, 413x412, lelouch9.jpg)
    48 KB
    Good morning everyone
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:21:13 No.342226975
         File1311247273.jpg-(105 KB, 496x586, 1311090272281.jpg)
    105 KB
    >respond with fave image~
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:22:11 No.342227058
         File1311247331.jpg-(55 KB, 512x512, glaceon_000.jpg)
    55 KB
    Yotsuba-chan, what's happening? :D
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/21/11(Thu)07:22:59 No.342227134
         File1311247379.jpg-(26 KB, 450x350, watsgoingoninthisthread.jpg)
    26 KB
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:23:02 No.342227142
         File1311247382.png-(69 KB, 754x873, 6d47d041cef597acefa436b57bfd8a(...).png)
    69 KB
    why not sleep then?

    how are you this morning?
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:23:36 No.342227194
         File1311247416.jpg-(379 KB, 1280x800, PsychicPsychicBendySpoons.jpg)
    379 KB
    >Zero Punctuation is the funniest shit in the history of funny shit
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:23:52 No.342227216
         File1311247432.gif-(778 KB, 243x210, 1310918458777.gif)
    778 KB
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:23:56 No.342227221
    Morning :D
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)07:24:06 No.342227238
         File1311247446.jpg-(88 KB, 640x518, 1310969261896.jpg)
    88 KB
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    Everyone who posts in this thread deserves to die
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:24:29 No.342227280
         File1311247469.png-(214 KB, 800x800, glaceon_002.png)
    214 KB
    Ehh, he's like my absolute favourite game reviewer.
    >> Lelouch !Vu0Hn4spHQ 07/21/11(Thu)07:24:41 No.342227298
         File1311247481.png-(329 KB, 810x1238, lolo3.png)
    329 KB
    Im good, just enjoying my coffee and trying to wake up before I have to work.

    How are you?
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:25:44 No.342227391
         File1311247544.jpg-(105 KB, 731x732, 8ee3587f063292cc2bd2506b0d48d8(...).jpg)
    105 KB
    spent the night drinking, ahem* playing~
    drinking more! and.. now this!
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:27:23 No.342227558
         File1311247643.png-(197 KB, 500x281, Ano-Hana-09-Jintan-helps-Menma(...).png)
    197 KB
    Drinking eh? You should let me drink with you.
    >> Lelouch !Vu0Hn4spHQ 07/21/11(Thu)07:27:42 No.342227590
         File1311247662.jpg-(83 KB, 1280x720, lelouch5.jpg)
    83 KB
    Haha that sounds fun, I would have had some drinks if it wasn't for the whole work thing.
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/21/11(Thu)07:28:19 No.342227663
         File1311247699.png-(9 KB, 300x300, Yotsuba-1[1].png)
    9 KB

    Just relaxing and injoying myself, you?


    I would, but I gotta be somewhere in a couple of hours and I'd only be more tired if I slept now.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:29:12 No.342227779
         File1311247752.jpg-(91 KB, 267x400, 1309600117312.jpg)
    91 KB
    He's actually a critic and not a reviewer

    I've had people ask me "What's the difference you sexy piece of Australian awesome" and I say this:
    A reviewer takes a game, usually one that has had some screen time on 'Overhyped games weekly' (yes i just made that up) and go through the ins and outs of it untill at the end of the review they list all of the positives, two of the negatives, and give it a rating gauged by how much the developers paid them to review their game.

    A critic automatically hates a game until it proves otherwise and never bothers with rating systems because they don't get paid to tell you how good a game is
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:30:36 No.342227920
         File1311247836.jpg-(300 KB, 1024x768, 9bc0a57cf52345c165592ca1d334f9(...).jpg)
    300 KB
    well i had to stop...
    im going to bed sooon...
    next time!
    i promise!

    welcome anytime!!

    oh okay~ drink coffee if you get tired!
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:32:41 No.342228166
         File1311247961.jpg-(95 KB, 513x397, glaceon_00a.jpg)
    95 KB
    Just chilling around~
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:33:04 No.342228175
         File1311247984.jpg-(128 KB, 600x600, 020d43b27a6d94152ef98eafc2843d(...).jpg)
    128 KB
    aaand everyone died
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:34:43 No.342228259
    I have that effect on people
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:35:10 No.342228296
         File1311248110.png-(267 KB, 500x292, young-jintan.png)
    267 KB
    Can't wait (:
    Shall be fun
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:35:29 No.342228331
         File1311248129.jpg-(132 KB, 533x703, 65db3f6d3a1ceb23020de1ca6426a4(...).jpg)
    132 KB
    >> Lelouch !Vu0Hn4spHQ 07/21/11(Thu)07:35:44 No.342228362
         File1311248144.jpg-(65 KB, 900x506, zerodead.jpg)
    65 KB
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:35:47 No.342228367
    Yeah, that's the one
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:35:48 No.342228371
    Same here.
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:36:09 No.342228416
         File1311248169.jpg-(47 KB, 300x400, glaceon_00d.jpg)
    47 KB
    For a while I couldn't post.. could be due to the school's network
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:36:43 No.342228472
         File1311248203.png-(879 KB, 700x700, 820c326172e89cf252a8eaa1e9813e(...).png)
    879 KB
    >>342228362 ok?!?
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:36:57 No.342228492
         File1311248217.png-(163 KB, 500x227, anohana22.png)
    163 KB
    That pun :3
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:37:01 No.342228497
    School networks are several kinds of processed shit
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)07:37:53 No.342228584
    http://images.4ch­ how do i save this?
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:37:56 No.342228591
         File1311248276.png-(454 KB, 542x662, glaceon_00f.png)
    454 KB
    Ehehe you caught me..
    -causes light snowfall for a bit-
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:38:39 No.342228660
    Right click save link as
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:38:42 No.342228666
         File1311248322.jpg-(93 KB, 407x795, vodka_by_moloveanime-d3a4m66.jpg)
    93 KB
    unlike vodka!
    triple filtered goodness!
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:38:43 No.342228670
         File1311248323.jpg-(137 KB, 277x500, glaceon_006.jpg)
    137 KB
    Hey, anonymous, what browser are you using?
    >> Lelouch !Vu0Hn4spHQ 07/21/11(Thu)07:39:16 No.342228725
         File1311248356.png-(691 KB, 722x1000, lolored.png)
    691 KB
    Define ok....
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:39:37 No.342228769
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:40:00 No.342228800
         File1311248400.jpg-(152 KB, 500x500, 13a82bda6424d28e2d8a9920654d9a(...).jpg)
    152 KB
    that just killed my eyes

    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:40:13 No.342228823
         File1311248413.jpg-(688 KB, 800x1119, glaceon_007.jpg)
    688 KB
    dat face..
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)07:41:11 No.342228910
         File1311248471.jpg-(161 KB, 460x622, lucyep13_7.jpg)
    161 KB
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:41:18 No.342228924
         File1311248478.jpg-(181 KB, 991x1040, 5f8f5b88b4121435c0174cb164ef03(...).jpg)
    181 KB
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:41:18 No.342228925
         File1311248478.jpg-(252 KB, 450x600, glaceon_010.jpg)
    252 KB
    Epic trips :D
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:41:49 No.342228969
    >Must fap
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:41:59 No.342228983
         File1311248519.jpg-(500 KB, 850x637, sample_3487d4770d3efe28da9c2f5(...).jpg)
    500 KB
    >> Glaceon !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:42:01 No.342228987
         File1311248521.jpg-(240 KB, 930x400, glaceon_009.jpg)
    240 KB
    Hey Lucy, I missed you =)
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:42:13 No.342229014
         File1311248533.png-(209 KB, 500x281, 14.png)
    209 KB
    -picks you up and hugs you- someone had too o:
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:42:56 No.342229089
    O hai Lucy *hug*
    >> GlaceoNagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:43:30 No.342229149
         File1311248610.jpg-(824 KB, 913x1200, glaceon_00e.jpg)
    824 KB
    >> Lelouch !Vu0Hn4spHQ 07/21/11(Thu)07:43:31 No.342229151
         File1311248611.jpg-(54 KB, 464x512, Kitty-Lelouch.jpg)
    54 KB
    Hugs cant fix everything, but thanks anyways.
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:44:04 No.342229196
         File1311248644.png-(130 KB, 500x240, tumblr_lk7oq77I301qbqrz6o1_500.png)
    130 KB
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:44:30 No.342229244
         File1311248670.jpg-(456 KB, 850x912, sample_52285ac4d26d029363cc29b(...).jpg)
    456 KB
    well this help??
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/21/11(Thu)07:44:51 No.342229286
         File1311248691.jpg-(34 KB, 422x347, starecat_computer.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:44:52 No.342229291
         File1311248692.jpg-(33 KB, 367x371, neko_log_0003.jpg)
    33 KB
    Hi. I see you're holding me.
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:45:15 No.342229320
         File1311248715.jpg-(415 KB, 1000x1000, d2049f1a18a03b184e20b7faa54457(...).jpg)
    415 KB
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:45:20 No.342229329
    >Going through a collection of photo's an ex girlfriend sent me
    TIEM TO FAP, and i blame you.
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:46:06 No.342229407
         File1311248766.png-(195 KB, 426x500, jintan_and_menma___ano_hana_by(...).png)
    195 KB
    I'm Rayne, nice to make your acquaintance :3
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)07:46:06 No.342229409
         File1311248766.jpg-(121 KB, 650x365, lucyep13_13.jpg)
    121 KB
    cats are nice
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:46:36 No.342229453
         File1311248796.jpg-(113 KB, 500x600, log_000471c1.jpg)
    113 KB
    Don't worry, he's just not used to how beautiful you looked :D
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:46:42 No.342229470
         File1311248802.png-(150 KB, 401x461, 9fe4d32041aafc865993c5962299cf(...).png)
    150 KB
    or thank?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)07:47:00 No.342229497
         File1311248820.jpg-(34 KB, 270x320, 1238765714416.jpg)
    34 KB
    I love you OP! Finally I'm not alone about having seen "Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai" :D
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)07:47:18 No.342229526
         File1311248838.jpg-(29 KB, 800x600, elfenlied.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Lelouch !Vu0Hn4spHQ 07/21/11(Thu)07:47:29 No.342229549
         File1311248849.jpg-(44 KB, 700x525, awwww.jpg)
    44 KB
    I guess so, boobies are magic.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:47:35 No.342229558
    I'll let you know after i inevitably have to get the shamwow and carpet cleaner out
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:47:43 No.342229568
         File1311248863.png-(212 KB, 640x640, 1513e0c03648d83164eac68e9c2d04(...).png)
    212 KB
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:48:18 No.342229633
         File1311248898.jpg-(43 KB, 340x465, hugh-jackman7455.jpg)
    43 KB
    How are you today?
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:48:47 No.342229682
         File1311248927.png-(248 KB, 351x500, jintan.png)
    248 KB
    I loved it, it was great! Love you anon <3
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:49:09 No.342229715
         File1311248949.jpg-(622 KB, 2550x1750, meow.jpg)
    622 KB

    more cat for you 2!
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:49:25 No.342229739
         File1311248965.jpg-(116 KB, 850x1258, sample_e4fc950330225163c2ddf0f(...).jpg)
    116 KB
    (dont have many...)

    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:49:39 No.342229769
    I am indeed o:
    >> Moop !moOP/U/P2w 07/21/11(Thu)07:50:28 No.342229858
         File1311249028.jpg-(68 KB, 438x436, 20081005_horo1.jpg)
    68 KB

    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)07:50:42 No.342229893
    i too have seen this anime.
    shit was sad.
    i cried during all 12 episodes.
    feels beta as fuck
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:50:54 No.342229916
    I exaggerated a little i'll admit
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)07:50:54 No.342229917
    what the fucking shit is going on in this thread

    it's like i'm on newt gingrichchan or something
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:51:00 No.342229930
         File1311249060.jpg-(77 KB, 600x551, db8b23eefd96fab18bab81c7d3e60f(...).jpg)
    77 KB
    Vodka, you're feeling stronger
    Vodka, no more feeling bad
    Vodka, your eyes are shining
    Vodka, you are the real MAN
    Vodka, wipes away your tears
    Vodka, removes your fears
    Vodka, everyone is gorgeous
    Vodka, yeah vodka
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)07:51:28 No.342229967
         File1311249088.jpg-(20 KB, 320x240, bscap004_resize.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Lelouch !Vu0Hn4spHQ 07/21/11(Thu)07:51:32 No.342229975
         File1311249092.jpg-(86 KB, 681x1023, 159.jpg)
    86 KB
    Those are too big
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:51:44 No.342230003
         File1311249104.jpg-(115 KB, 450x675, neko_log_0014.jpg)
    115 KB
    Sorry I just transformed like that, this is my usual forme. =)
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:52:35 No.342230093
         File1311249155.jpg-(269 KB, 600x489, 885253b8d1d05e0b5d7ca145ad9506(...).jpg)
    269 KB

    leme look...
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:52:39 No.342230102
    You know you tend to be a tad adorable, it's making it hard for me to keep up the manly man act.. i need to go watch some ufc or something
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:52:56 No.342230129
         File1311249176.png-(357 KB, 375x500, tumblr_lmpnlaH6qi1qceohno1_500.png)
    357 KB
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:53:05 No.342230150
         File1311249185.jpg-(162 KB, 650x650, neko_log_0009.jpg)
    162 KB
    awesome! Those suit you real well!

    Hey, moop! <3 How was your day?
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/21/11(Thu)07:53:41 No.342230200
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:54:16 No.342230259
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:54:54 No.342230325
         File1311249294.png-(11 KB, 185x82, through841.png)
    11 KB
    :3 I like your hat
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:54:54 No.342230326
         File1311249294.jpg-(220 KB, 850x1204, cat_log_0000.jpg)
    220 KB
    >> Moop !moOP/U/P2w 07/21/11(Thu)07:55:15 No.342230366
         File1311249315.jpg-(375 KB, 2000x1250, - 58240 sample.jpg)
    375 KB

    Really good! How about yours?

    And everynewt gingrich elses for that matter

    I just caught glimpse of this thread before heading off to bed and thought id say hi, if i stay ill get tangled up and never get to sleep again =P
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)07:55:17 No.342230372
         File1311249317.jpg-(233 KB, 764x709, lucy3.jpg)
    233 KB
    You think so n_n
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)07:55:20 No.342230379
         File1311249320.png-(352 KB, 512x356, 1746236452859.png)
    352 KB
    I assume that it actually is one of the better animes I have seen so far, and I have seen quite a few.
    Though, it doesn't beat Sora no Otoshimono. I recommend that you watch that one, if you haven't allready.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:56:18 No.342230478
    *One armed squeeze hug* Fuck the manly man act, i'm off duty
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:56:19 No.342230482
         File1311249379.jpg-(324 KB, 750x1000, ed6b6f83a9d9971d82c7b81bcb38c7(...).jpg)
    324 KB
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:56:57 No.342230552
    I'll check it out! Make a name. Come join us for a bit!
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)07:57:22 No.342230591
         File1311249442.jpg-(59 KB, 217x244, Untitled-1.jpg)
    59 KB
    sandvich is good~
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:57:36 No.342230609
         File1311249456.jpg-(129 KB, 500x500, alt_log_073c.jpg)
    129 KB
    Yeah, perfect!

    That's great! I had a tiring day yesterday that stretched to today.. hope I can get sufficient sleep in the weekends ^ ^;
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)07:57:45 No.342230623
    Names aren't really mandatory you know
    >> Lelouch !Vu0Hn4spHQ 07/21/11(Thu)07:57:52 No.342230641
         File1311249472.jpg-(43 KB, 600x338, cg2-06.jpg)
    43 KB
    Nothing wrong with those at all.
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)07:59:15 No.342230761
         File1311249555.png-(25 KB, 299x289, secret754.png)
    25 KB
    That's true, it's always nice though.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)07:59:24 No.342230773
         File1311249564.jpg-(207 KB, 768x768, 3955be4e811867855bace322a9fe26(...).jpg)
    207 KB
    Eh? Heavy-chan!
    >> Moop !moOP/U/P2w 07/21/11(Thu)07:59:39 No.342230796
         File1311249579.png-(282 KB, 850x478, 1310790895592.png)
    282 KB

    What do you do for a living may i ask? Yesh i think ill put on some music and hop into nioce warm electric blanketed bed (winter in Australia)
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:00:22 No.342230871
    Dont for the love of god fall asleep with that blanket switched on ._.
    >> Takage !AMuke 07/21/11(Thu)08:00:47 No.342230917
         File1311249647.jpg-(120 KB, 1280x720, Kore wa zombie desu ka.jpg)
    120 KB
    Thank you for your invitation, I accept it! : >
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)08:01:01 No.342230940
         File1311249661.jpg-(219 KB, 768x768, 08e47ec10722cd507ba88b66e56549(...).jpg)
    219 KB
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)08:01:12 No.342230963
    I'm studying film arts in University..
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/21/11(Thu)08:01:44 No.342231012
    Electric blanket sleep is best sleep
    As long as you don't mind waking up feeling like it's about 300 degrees up ins
    >> Moop !moOP/U/P2w 07/21/11(Thu)08:01:46 No.342231017
         File1311249706.jpg-(161 KB, 1600x1200, - 29777 animal_ea(...).jpg)
    161 KB

    Did that once... woke up feeling like i stepped out of the shower >_<
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)08:02:14 No.342231068
         File1311249734.jpg-(760 KB, 1024x768, Penguins.jpg)
    760 KB
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)08:02:29 No.342231088
    TF2! :D
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)08:02:36 No.342231104
         File1311249756.jpg-(116 KB, 248x448, EL_47-smile.jpg)
    116 KB
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:03:45 No.342231207
    Those electric blankets are prone to spontaneous combustion when left on for too long, it's almost like leaving an iron on face down

    Glorious, a smile!
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)08:03:51 No.342231221
         File1311249831.jpg-(106 KB, 700x700, ce88cca35707f65978a788080bc1d1(...).jpg)
    106 KB
    for russia!
    for comrades!
    for LOVE!!
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)08:04:38 No.342231289
         File1311249878.jpg-(109 KB, 520x1168, 609f7f65a28e80c3ff20768b3096ae(...).jpg)
    109 KB
    Oro, Takage-san, lemme get a tripcode for you. Add me on MSN

    >> Moop !moOP/U/P2w 07/21/11(Thu)08:05:04 No.342231341
         File1311249904.jpg-(9 KB, 194x259, images (4).jpg)
    9 KB

    Oh how interesting! How many years is the study? What year are you in now?


    I usualy put it on about 30 minutes before i get into bed, so when i do its all snug and warm, then just flick it off. I have a pet pug x jack russ and he ends up working his way under the blankets
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/21/11(Thu)08:05:15 No.342231357
    Yeah, I know. I haven't had one since I was a kid. Just FUCK ITS COLD IMA PUT ANOTHER BLANKET ON now.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)08:06:24 No.342231456
         File1311249984.jpg-(204 KB, 850x1204, alt_log_16cc.jpg)
    204 KB
    I'm in Year 1, first semester. It's a 3-year course.
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)08:06:35 No.342231471
         File1311249995.png-(18 KB, 102x150, jintan_by_brown_osment-d3jndze.png)
    18 KB
    May I add you too?:3
    >> Takage !AMuke 07/21/11(Thu)08:06:39 No.342231477
         File1311249999.jpg-(26 KB, 330x357, 1275415383095.jpg)
    26 KB
    That's very true, I love my electric blanket a lot!
    But when I wake up in the middle of the night and it feels like I'm in an oven, it's not that great :<
    >> Moop !moOP/U/P2w 07/21/11(Thu)08:06:50 No.342231498
         File1311250010.jpg-(492 KB, 1000x1414, 1310793708712.jpg)
    492 KB

    I don't like the sound of spontaneously combusted Moop...

    Thanks for the tip!
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)08:07:09 No.342231530
         File1311250029.jpg-(24 KB, 480x360, 01.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)08:07:40 No.342231583
         File1311250060.jpg-(147 KB, 877x782, 6c439f3563d8ec8e1d779735b4653c(...).jpg)
    147 KB
    >> Takage !AMuke 07/21/11(Thu)08:07:56 No.342231604
    I'm very sorry, but I don't have MSN :<
    But I do have Skype though :3
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:08:27 No.342231652
    The more you know

    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)08:09:36 No.342231762
         File1311250176.jpg-(363 KB, 879x1195, alt_log_0777.jpg)
    363 KB
    That sounds dangerous! ^ ^;

    My pleasure if you do :)

    Come on smile more, you're extra charming when you do!

    Hey everyone, I gotta run for now, gotta catch the bus, cya later! <3
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:10:02 No.342231791
    *waves* later
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)08:10:13 No.342231810
         File1311250213.jpg-(126 KB, 680x644, 2e516586739025e3b6b2b48292121e(...).jpg)
    126 KB
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/21/11(Thu)08:11:08 No.342231901
    Skype is cool too. Same address :D
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)08:11:27 No.342231935
         File1311250287.jpg-(133 KB, 833x857, 44aff722a0112fe9076dbb3eff1495(...).jpg)
    133 KB
    >last one i can find with heavy...
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)08:11:49 No.342231976
    Also added<3
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/21/11(Thu)08:11:53 No.342231986
         File1311250313.jpg-(117 KB, 600x676, yotsuba powah 3.jpg)
    117 KB

    Have a good day, Nagato!
    >> Moop !moOP/U/P2w 07/21/11(Thu)08:12:03 No.342231996
         File1311250323.jpg-(303 KB, 1200x900, 2286 - horo shadow_puppet spic(...).jpg)
    303 KB

    Bye! -quickhug-
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)08:12:19 No.342232032
         File1311250339.jpg-(42 KB, 640x480, a2775dddf2dffcc9791b83fa82ccfb(...).jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Takage !AMuke 07/21/11(Thu)08:13:09 No.342232109
    Added :3
    We should probably have a conversation some day with Rayne too :D
    >> Moop !moOP/U/P2w 07/21/11(Thu)08:13:21 No.342232132
         File1311250401.jpg-(7 KB, 300x168, images (1).jpg)
    7 KB

    Actually with that said i better slip into bed. Night all. Was nice to stop in! Hope you all have a wonderfull night/day!


    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:14:07 No.342232211
    Night, don't be too surprised if you find that i've snuck in there with you.. just sayin
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)08:14:30 No.342232241
    Night Moop <3 Sweet dreams!
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)08:15:28 No.342232330
    Oh yeah :D
    Alot of people here have msn, you might want to get one. Up to you(:
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/21/11(Thu)08:16:09 No.342232391
         File1311250569.jpg-(50 KB, 339x460, yotsuba hello.jpg)
    50 KB

    *waves back*
    >> Takage !AMuke 07/21/11(Thu)08:17:02 No.342232474
    I just had the weirdest mental image, EVER.

    >Anon asleep
    >Anon walks in bedroom door
    >Silent steps over to the bed
    >Sneaks up under the blanket
    >Tucks in under arms
    >Intimate as intimate can be
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/21/11(Thu)08:18:12 No.342232571
    If that's the wierdest image your mind has ever given you, you must not have poked around the internet very much.
    >> Takage !AMuke 07/21/11(Thu)08:18:29 No.342232598
    I used to have MSN, but sadly my account got blocked for some reason.. /sadface.jpg\

    So I started using Skype instead, a lot more fun :3
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:18:31 No.342232599
    You make me feel lonely... looks like i'll also have to get a girlfriend along with a job when i get back to mackay
    >> Nagato.Portable 07/21/11(Thu)08:18:40 No.342232612

    That's a bit ..

    I'm on my cellphone now
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)08:18:59 No.342232646
         File1311250739.jpg-(54 KB, 564x797, 1309386720581.jpg)
    54 KB
    hey guys i am just sitting here eating my ebi while reading your posts
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:19:57 No.342232743
    Thrilling much?
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)08:20:26 No.342232774
    I have skype too, add andrewrayne.
    >> Takage !AMuke 07/21/11(Thu)08:20:28 No.342232777
    I have poked around on the internet for quite a few years now, yet I haven't really had mental images of anything special before..
    Thing is, I didn't see faces, but green head with "No image available" on it.. THAT'S the weird part! :>
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)08:20:41 No.342232801
         File1311250841.jpg-(126 KB, 446x631, 1308938820837.jpg)
    126 KB
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:21:03 No.342232837
    Righto then, keep doing what you're doing
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/21/11(Thu)08:22:18 No.342232951
    Ah, I see.
    Meh, my mind is a horrifying place so that sort of thing is no bother to me anymore.
    >> Nagato.Portable 07/21/11(Thu)08:22:26 No.342232964
    Hey ika chan, I hope you're enjoying your food degeso.
    >> Takage !AMuke 07/21/11(Thu)08:22:55 No.342233008
    Added :3

    Now I'm off to eat some breakfast :D Even though it's almost 3 PM..
    Anyways, it has been a pleasure talking to you guys <3 Cya around :D

    also captcha: and tyforit
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:23:33 No.342233075
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)08:23:36 No.342233081
    Later! <3
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/21/11(Thu)08:24:10 No.342233135
         File1311251050.jpg-(21 KB, 100x100, yotsuba want.jpg)
    21 KB

    Cuuute! I want one!
    >> Nagato.Portable 07/21/11(Thu)08:25:10 No.342233241
    >> Suigintou !!XRaRJtCX/Y5 07/21/11(Thu)08:25:53 No.342233309
         File1311251153.png-(261 KB, 768x432, 0c6fc61b1c526e2f641bb0890f9b1c(...).png)
    261 KB
    Good morning.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:26:40 No.342233389
    >> Nagato.Portable 07/21/11(Thu)08:27:25 No.342233467
    Good morning, Suiginto!
    >> Suigintou !!XRaRJtCX/Y5 07/21/11(Thu)08:28:18 No.342233547
         File1311251298.png-(141 KB, 446x332, 4afece6f39dd0f82a9ffcabaeb839c(...).png)
    141 KB
    How are the two of you?
    >> Jintan !JiNtanKJDk 07/21/11(Thu)08:28:46 No.342233591
    i think i saw my name
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)08:28:51 No.342233600
         File1311251331.png-(135 KB, 500x227, ano101.png)
    135 KB
    Calling it a night guys! <3 Thread was great, see everyone tomorrow! -hugs everyone-
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:29:35 No.342233667
    I'm boss as fuck, nothing new. Yourself?

    Later mate
    >> Rayne !zzRaynePks 07/21/11(Thu)08:30:14 No.342233743
    Well shit, sorry! I didn't know someone was already using jintan.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)08:30:59 No.342233811
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:31:24 No.342233851
    Come at me bro
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)08:32:04 No.342233919
    lol u mad?
    >> Suigintou !!XRaRJtCX/Y5 07/21/11(Thu)08:32:24 No.342233960
         File1311251544.png-(340 KB, 768x432, 4d7a232e2d33363213f95141bc0e38(...).png)
    340 KB
    Little mad, are we? Nice dubs, too.
    Nothing really. Expect to see a lot less of me though...
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:33:14 No.342234038
    Yeah i'm gonna be around a lot less now that i'm headed to getting a job and a girlfriend, in that order I imagine
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/21/11(Thu)08:33:42 No.342234095
         File1311251622.png-(131 KB, 416x412, yotsuba forbidden.png)
    131 KB
    >> Jintan !JiNtanKJDk 07/21/11(Thu)08:34:06 No.342234131
         File1311251646.png-(81 KB, 532x427, 1307042362594.png)
    81 KB
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)08:34:28 No.342234161
         File1311251668.gif-(830 KB, 300x169, 1303522436107.gif)
    830 KB
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:35:37 No.342234281
    I should really finish watchng elfen lied
    >> Suigintou !!XRaRJtCX/Y5 07/21/11(Thu)08:36:10 No.342234329
         File1311251770.jpg-(52 KB, 640x480, 2f714fa1173800ba23622d3566b075(...).jpg)
    52 KB
    My advice kick you into gear, I see?
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/21/11(Thu)08:37:27 No.342234456
    I marathon read the entire manga online in one sitting last week sometime. It's even more horribly depressing and violent, and there's also a couple of sex scenes.
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)08:38:37 No.342234558
         File1311251917.jpg-(118 KB, 337x286, EL_33-10.jpg)
    118 KB
    I'm upto 60
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:39:43 No.342234651
    Well i've been meaning to get a job for a while now but i knew that i had to go away for a week for this concert and i can't very well tell my employer "Hey thanks for the job, by the way i need a week off so i can go and mosh".

    The girlfriend thing just popped up tonight when i figured "Well hey, if i have a job, i'll also need someone that will siphon money out of me even though she'll constantly deny me when i ask her if she want's anything".

    Though really i could just use someone to cuddle up to in bed, winter sucks.

    I'll start tomorrow

    >> Suigintou !!XRaRJtCX/Y5 07/21/11(Thu)08:41:04 No.342234784
         File1311252064.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, 8d3a2de6e7a49313df81d2a3f7685d(...).jpg)
    50 KB
    Ah, I see. Well, good luck!
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:42:17 No.342234927
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:48:15 No.342235519
    Did it died?
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/21/11(Thu)08:51:12 No.342235802
    Looks that way.
    I got trapped in TVTropes again...
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:52:16 No.342235900
    I think I may as well take this opportunity to go shower then sleep or something like that.
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/21/11(Thu)08:53:18 No.342235994
    >Final Fantasy IX
    >The game's strongest weapon, Excalibur II, can only be acquired by reaching the final dungeon in under 12 hours. However, this is impossible in the European release due to the different frame rate. The European release runs at 50 Hz, while the North American and Japanese releases run at 60 Hz, but the game clock runs at the same speed, essentially letting North American and Japanese players get more done in less time due to the faster frame rate. The record for reaching the Excalibur II is 10.5 hours—which works out to 12.6 hours under the different frame rate.

    Sounds like a plan.
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)08:57:26 No.342236398
         File1311253046.jpg-(23 KB, 100x100, nyuuavt.jpg)
    23 KB
    I dont like winter
    bye then
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/21/11(Thu)08:57:33 No.342236409
         File1311253053.jpg-(172 KB, 800x1011, yotsuba Link.jpg)
    172 KB
    Well I've got to go everyone, I'll see you all later!
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/21/11(Thu)08:59:32 No.342236575
    *Returns, hugs* Later! *Rides off into the sunset with paper wings playing in the background*
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)09:03:40 No.342236975
         File1311253420.jpg-(222 KB, 459x650, Death to the loli.jpg)
    222 KB
    >Has a name
    >Has a tripcode
    >Uses emoticons on /b/
    You're a fucking kid, aren't you? Or just some candy-ass following their retarded Alice-inspired persona?

    You are all the cancer killing /b/. Same with those damn steve jobs.
    >> Anonymous nº !19899NKzdE 07/21/11(Thu)09:04:43 No.342237089
         File1311253483.jpg-(42 KB, 245x425, walking on moonshine.jpg)
    42 KB
    And the get threads are the chemo, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)09:05:44 No.342237189
    No, the chemo is those "anon local date hookup" bot spammed threads, of which there is -always- at least two running.
    >> Anonymous nº !19899NKzdE 07/21/11(Thu)09:07:55 No.342237406
         File1311253675.jpg-(22 KB, 500x500, ososossososososos.jpg)
    22 KB
    Oh right! How could I have forgotten about them?
    >> UltiMultiple the not so INNO !CENTkJBXSo!!N89zNOZiOra 07/21/11(Thu)09:10:08 No.342237635
         File1311253808.png-(306 KB, 2116x1788, Army.png)
    306 KB
    Have quad quad
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)09:20:04 No.342238585
         File1311254404.jpg-(62 KB, 480x480, 1301660980664.jpg)
    62 KB
    Pic 100% related to this thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)09:22:41 No.342238803
    thanks for the bump
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)09:30:17 No.342239433
         File1311255017.jpg-(92 KB, 850x653, sample_49b44a0bab85eb9736fdeb0(...).jpg)
    92 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)09:31:54 No.342239590
         File1311255114.jpg-(523 KB, 1001x699, d98e338d8b570932df59c4381d9376(...).jpg)
    523 KB
    bump for love~
    >> A wild Ho-oh appears. Ho-oh 07/21/11(Thu)09:34:58 No.342239831
         File1311255298.png-(348 KB, 512x512, Ho-oh[1].png)
    348 KB
    >> Ho-oh 07/21/11(Thu)09:41:51 No.342240481
         File1311255711.jpg-(7 KB, 146x150, ho_oh_moemon_by_natsu_hermit-d(...).jpg)
    7 KB
    The flames of rebirth will not allow this thread to die!
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)09:47:45 No.342241018
         File1311256065.jpg-(22 KB, 400x300, Nyuu.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> ­­­­­­­­­­ 07/21/11(Thu)09:50:17 No.342241281
    So guys, I cheated on my girlfriend today and I feel nothing. We have been together for 18 months and I recently moved away to the big city. I have no feelings of remorse or disgust.

    So what I'm gonna do is end things between my and my longterm girlfriend. I can't be living in the city and having responsibilities a few hours away. I need to end things with her and start a fresh life up here.
    >> Suigintou !!XRaRJtCX/Y5 07/21/11(Thu)09:52:18 No.342241511
         File1311256338.jpg-(89 KB, 1280x720, 8d6717eb673eb7254c4689f1b03239(...).jpg)
    89 KB
    It sounds good to start again anyway... If you don't feel any remorse, it probably means that you don't have feelings for her either.
    >> Ho-oh 07/21/11(Thu)09:52:29 No.342241531
         File1311256349.jpg-(15 KB, 240x220, 153793[1].jpg)
    15 KB
    If it is what you must, human, then I wish you luck.
    >> ­­­­­­­­­­ 07/21/11(Thu)09:54:02 No.342241701

    I guess the only thing I feel is bad for her because she is so much more emotionally dependant on me than I am on her. It is gonna be hard but it will be for the best.
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)09:54:07 No.342241707
         File1311256447.png-(185 KB, 200x201, lucy.png)
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    Sorry.. I.. was watching a thing.. and missed you..
    *checks for any other trips to help*
    thanks.. im bad at helping
    >> Ho-oh 07/21/11(Thu)09:55:43 No.342241894
         File1311256543.png-(20 KB, 116x129, hohoe[1].png)
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    Then work into it, and gradually pull away before ending it.
    After all, the flames won't die over night.

    I honestly see now how I am good.
    >> Eva Unit 01 !AdamHRek1I 07/21/11(Thu)09:59:10 No.342242264
         File1311256750.jpg-(18 KB, 334x392, 03.jpg)
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    sigh Eva's bored and theres no furry threads to hang out in D:
    >> Ho-oh 07/21/11(Thu)10:01:25 No.342242488
         File1311256885.jpg-(149 KB, 977x818, ho_oh_gijinka_by_the_noodles-d(...).jpg)
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    This may not be the best of places to hang out...
    Even my very own flames, the flames of life, seem to be unable to bring it back.
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)10:02:20 No.342242586
         File1311256940.jpg-(55 KB, 203x174, EL_3-18.jpg)
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    better than me..
    sorry, its a little quiet..
    >> Ho-oh 07/21/11(Thu)10:05:01 No.342242876
         File1311257101.jpg-(200 KB, 469x559, PKMN_250___Ho_oh_by_marimbamon(...).jpg)
    200 KB
    See not, not, see how.

    I haven't seen you to tell if that is true.
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/21/11(Thu)10:09:32 No.342243341
         File1311257372.jpg-(82 KB, 268x358, EL_3-7.jpg)
    82 KB
    Because i dont try cause its crap
    *hug* sorry

    ill go sit in bed now..
    >> Ho-oh 07/21/11(Thu)10:12:42 No.342243701
         File1311257562.jpg-(24 KB, 300x358, PKMN250__Ho_oh_by_Pokedex[1].jpg)
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    You probably help more than you give yourself credit for.

    Anywho, I must be going.
    >> Anonymous 07/21/11(Thu)10:19:38 No.342244547

    tripfags EVERYWHERE!!
    >> !rtrIPfaGs6 07/21/11(Thu)10:26:43 No.342245409
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/21/11(Thu)10:27:53 No.342245560
         File1311258473.jpg-(248 KB, 740x1057, 99d43f9c76d91beb9d1c7e6e9ed94c(...).jpg)
    248 KB
    you still here lucy?

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