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  • File : 1311162309.jpg-(255 KB, 696x720, 1297232156670 (1).jpg)
    255 KB Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)07:45:09 No.342011584  
    Hello! How are you tonight? Anything fun going on? Bored? Need someone to lend an ear? Then stop in here!
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)07:46:35 No.342011703
         File1311162395.jpg-(46 KB, 600x597, 275784[1].jpg)
    46 KB
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)07:46:41 No.342011717
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)07:47:01 No.342011752
         File1311162421.jpg-(33 KB, 373x480, hugh-jackman-20061205-185586.jpg)
    33 KB
    *takes a seat*


    Allo Lucy!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:47:07 No.342011760
         File1311162427.jpg-(414 KB, 896x672, Its_Getting_Dark_by_Broly1337.jpg)
    414 KB
    FUCK SLEEP!!!!!!
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)07:47:13 No.342011770
         File1311162433.jpg-(229 KB, 850x1062, neko_log_000d.jpg)
    229 KB
    Nagato appeared.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:47:16 No.342011775
    I still read everything you say in that family guy guy's voice.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)07:48:02 No.342011860
         File1311162482.jpg-(23 KB, 239x350, hugh_jackman (1).jpg)
    23 KB
    Hai thar
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)07:48:18 No.342011890
    Hello! I missed that tonight!

    hah good luck with that!


    Hah I'm not sure what to think of that!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:48:19 No.342011893
         File1311162499.png-(572 KB, 631x616, 1311010606368.png)
    572 KB
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)07:48:36 No.342011923
         File1311162516.jpg-(80 KB, 467x600, 271124[1].jpg)
    80 KB

    Raiding what?
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)07:49:07 No.342011975
    But nothing, even if things are terrible, even if your life is coming to a tragic end you should smile and never worry.
    Being positive always leads to the best possible outcome.

    Wild Nagato!!! *Pounces* Get in my pokeball, please~ =3
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/20/11(Wed)07:49:13 No.342011982
         File1311162553.jpg-(11 KB, 320x240, naota016.jpg)
    11 KB
    i want a redbull
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:49:15 No.342011987
    >posts with fortune
    >doesn't sage
    >could've just ignored the thread and not given attention to people
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)07:49:16 No.342011988
         File1311162556.jpg-(55 KB, 311x400, asfdgh.jpg)
    55 KB
    >Calls us the drama queens
    >Is being dramatically buttmad


    How are you?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:49:57 No.342012064
         File1311162597.png-(79 KB, 1282x221, 1310996261383.png)
    79 KB
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    oh oh oh look at me, look at me, give me attention, bbbbaaaaaaaaaaw drama drama
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)07:50:08 No.342012089
         File1311162608.jpg-(22 KB, 479x361, chibinyuu.jpg)
    22 KB
    nothing now
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)07:50:09 No.342012092
         File1311162609.jpg-(89 KB, 848x480, getreadytodie.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)07:50:21 No.342012115
         File1311162621.jpg-(166 KB, 700x838, alt_log_12c7.jpg)
    166 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:50:41 No.342012152
    Ok, here's your attention, you can leave now.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)07:51:17 No.342012212
         File1311162677.jpg-(115 KB, 450x675, neko_log_0014.jpg)
    115 KB
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)07:51:29 No.342012236
         File1311162689.jpg-(71 KB, 600x543, 271108[1].jpg)
    71 KB
    missed what?

    Tired. as i finish up my night here.

    But you are doing it for 30 minutes?
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)07:52:03 No.342012297
         File1311162723.jpg-(13 KB, 398x334, hugh_jackman_03.jpg)
    13 KB
    And how be you today?

    Righteo, hope you have a good sleep then
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:52:48 No.342012382
    >post calls you drama queens
    >post gets most replies
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:53:06 No.342012418
         File1311162786.png-(564 KB, 543x686, 1310928321570.png)
    564 KB
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)07:53:17 No.342012448
         File1311162797.jpg-(74 KB, 239x239, EL_4-7.jpg)
    74 KB
    no. not anymore.
    sorry hi.
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)07:53:18 No.342012452
    I missed saying hello to you!

    That picture makes me go d'awww

    Yo! I need to get back to watching some more W...

    I could go for one too...
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)07:54:27 No.342012569
         File1311162867.jpg-(43 KB, 340x465, hugh-jackman7455.jpg)
    43 KB
    Congratulations, you're more of an attention whore than the lot of these people combined

    *hug* good to see you

    Good on ya for trying but you aren't right
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)07:54:50 No.342012612
         File1311162890.jpg-(91 KB, 429x600, neko_log_0002.jpg)
    91 KB
    -The ball bounced off my ear-
    You can't catch another trainer's Pokemon.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:55:30 No.342012698
         File1311162930.png-(84 KB, 1282x221, 13109962613833.png)
    84 KB
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens Tripcunt drama queens
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)07:56:12 No.342012771
         File1311162972.jpg-(857 KB, 1000x1000, 271206[1].jpg)
    857 KB
    Thanks, its coming soon.

    *grabs a hankerchief and dabs your tears away*

    Its has been awhile since you last seen me.... *hugs you and lucy*
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)07:56:33 No.342012810
         File1311162993.jpg-(43 KB, 355x450, 8KRTD00Z.jpg)
    43 KB

    There are no girls on the internet
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)07:56:54 No.342012855

    *sings along*
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)07:57:08 No.342012889
    But you can hug me.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)07:58:11 No.342012984
         File1311163091.jpg-(49 KB, 300x418, hugh-jackman-oscars-2009.jpg)
    49 KB
    *sneak hug* well if you insist.
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)07:58:12 No.342012987
    Fair enough, to capture you would be to ruin your mystique. *hugs tight* Having fun today?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:58:18 No.342012994
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)07:58:28 No.342013013
    Hahah its good to have you around!

    d'awww thanks!
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)07:59:21 No.342013110
         File1311163161.jpg-(119 KB, 311x365, EL_32-8.jpg)
    119 KB
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)07:59:27 No.342013122
    All the love up in dis is making me feel nauseous.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)07:59:37 No.342013129
         File1311163177.jpg-(32 KB, 580x387, 1298502438597.jpg)
    32 KB
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores Attention Deficit Drama Whores
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)07:59:57 No.342013165
         File1311163197.jpg-(66 KB, 300x300, 72371_video-279467-dish-of-sal(...).jpg)
    66 KB
    It's good to be around, it's my week off so i'll be around a bit more than usual most likely.. unless i decide to do stuff

    *sneak attack tackle hug*
    >> A Huge Faggot !TkTROLLk5s 07/20/11(Wed)08:00:18 No.342013209
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)08:00:19 No.342013211
         File1311163219.jpg-(46 KB, 600x450, 268052[1].jpg)
    46 KB
    you've been busy?

    *does a lucy luka hybrid pose*
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:01:21 No.342013331
         File1311163281.jpg-(31 KB, 400x333, hugh jackman_06.jpg)
    31 KB
    You are a disappointment to your mother and I
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:01:24 No.342013336
         File1311163284.jpg-(13 KB, 190x318, n.jpg)
    13 KB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    Oh you sad sad people
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:01:37 No.342013354
    Ahh... my mood hasn't been great today. Feeling better now! I had a bit of an errr inappropriate out burst earlier. So I left to clear up my head and straighten myself out.

    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:02:22 No.342013427
    Yeah continuing to bump a thread you hate instead of going to find (or make) one you like is pretty sad, I agree.
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:02:32 No.342013446
    That is unfortunate.. are you also without the proper daily recommended supply of love?
    >> Infinity !infIniTymw 07/20/11(Wed)08:02:49 No.342013479
         File1311163369.jpg-(24 KB, 275x202, 14137m.jpg)
    24 KB
    Howdy there, Hayate. I'm okay, just listening to some tunes and piddling around. Dunno why I'm still awake, but whatever haha.

    How are you?
    >> A Huge Faggot !TkTROLLk5s 07/20/11(Wed)08:03:19 No.342013526
         File1311163399.png-(328 KB, 332x492, AHugeFaggot Yugioh.png)
    328 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:03:27 No.342013538
         File1311163407.png-(10 KB, 185x162, 1259147152732.png)
    10 KB
    pic related
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)08:03:37 No.342013548
         File1311163417.jpg-(200 KB, 750x562, lucy_childblood.jpg)
    200 KB
    If youve done something..
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:03:41 No.342013555
    Hahah pretty much the same here! Just browsing around and posting. Having a bit of fun with it though!
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:03:45 No.342013562
         File1311163425.jpg-(115 KB, 697x693, powah_log_0010.jpg)
    115 KB
    I'm okay.

    Thanks for your idea, I'll evaluate it by trying it on you, then report back to you with the results.

    Oh, I forgot glasses.
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/20/11(Wed)08:04:22 No.342013626
         File1311163462.jpg-(32 KB, 294x294, yotsuba mods.jpg)
    32 KB

    Thank you for your input! A pic for you!
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)08:04:36 No.342013645
    At risk of drawing that anon who so loves me back out of hiding (I'm sure he's here somewhere), I've never felt loved, and force myself not to feel that way for others to avoid disappointment.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:05:00 No.342013694
         File1311163500.jpg-(96 KB, 300x300, 1309599422588.jpg)
    96 KB
    I have pistachio nut ice cream in the big freezer out in the poorly lit and rusty-creaky shed right next to the pedophile wing of the asylum
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)08:05:48 No.342013769
         File1311163548.jpg-(93 KB, 600x400, 267295[1].jpg)
    93 KB
    Were you tired and someone tried to get on your nerves?
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:05:56 No.342013785
    Oh..... That changes my view entirely, are you worried this person is being harmed?

    That is good, I'm glad to hear it. n.n
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:06:47 No.342013877

    I was tired and I got myself on my nerves!
    >> Infinity !infIniTymw 07/20/11(Wed)08:07:14 No.342013930
         File1311163634.png-(300 KB, 1600x1200, 488 - ichigo_mashimaro matsuok(...).png)
    300 KB
    >Having a bit of fun with it though!

    Oh yes, yes; always. ^_^

    I see you had an outburst of some sort today. Care to elaborate?

    Also, how are you Nagato?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:07:17 No.342013933
    If you have an ear to lend, I'd like to ask for some advice.

    I love a girl, and I am pretty confident she feels the same, but if I were to ask her, it might ruin our friendship if she doesn't..

    wat do
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)08:07:35 No.342013969
         File1311163655.jpg-(118 KB, 650x366, lucyep5_constrained.jpg)
    118 KB
    They better not be
    >> A Huge Faggot !TkTROLLk5s 07/20/11(Wed)08:08:13 No.342014044
    It usually takes a crane.
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)08:08:46 No.342014103
         File1311163726.jpg-(43 KB, 600x450, 263972[1].jpg)
    43 KB
    It wasn't a good combination then. at least you pulled out soon enough.... right?
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:10:13 No.342014284
         File1311163813.jpg-(420 KB, 600x800, 600full-hugh-jackman.jpg)
    420 KB
    I've been in many relationships and the only ones that have broken friendships are the ones that i didn't want to remain friends with after.

    If you really want to remain friends with this girl should the relationship not work out then you will, you just have to keep it in your mind that you want this friendship to remain.


    Nah, don't need a crane, i'm a 25 year old powerlifter
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:10:34 No.342014322
    Mhmm.. I wish I could help somehow. Do you have any information at all on the offending person?

    Ask her anyway; if she wants to end the relationship because of your feelings then she must have some other motive for being close to you.

    In any case even if she does leave you alone afterward she won't be gone forever, no one wants to push away their friends.
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:10:39 No.342014331
    Action is better then inaction. Think about it a little bit and act! Step up and say something or regret not doing so and have what ifs for the rest of your life! If you truly desire to go out with her then say something! Let your feelings be known!

    Hahah yep. The outburst I had was primarily directed at me but I'd rather not get into it.

    Hmmm Mostly? I think? At any rate I feel better now!
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/20/11(Wed)08:11:31 No.342014432
         File1311163891.png-(73 KB, 376x412, smile2m[1].png)
    73 KB

    Have you known her a long time?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:11:42 No.342014462
    To be or not to be?
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)08:12:04 No.342014496
         File1311163924.jpg-(14 KB, 400x218, Lucy_cage.jpg)
    14 KB
    I am unware if that person has done anything.. hes trying to mess with me..
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:12:35 No.342014556
         File1311163955.jpg-(93 KB, 422x620, powah_log_0011.jpg)
    93 KB
    I'll be constructing glasses for everyone. Post your /r/'s by uploading the picture you want wearing glasses.

    You can choose colour and whether it's transparent, but I'll strictly follow the original art's style as far as possible.

    Try to /r/ front-view images.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:13:06 No.342014607
    Yes I'm still here you pussy. I can't pass up an opportunity to call you out on your passive aggressive whiny bullshit.
    Maybe there's a reason noone's ever "loved" you.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:13:11 No.342014616
    Yeah.. i've known her since I was 11.
    Thanks for your advice, I will take it into consideration. :)
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)08:13:15 No.342014623
         File1311163995.jpg-(91 KB, 600x398, 262227[1].jpg)
    91 KB
    ...wellio at least you are better now!

    ... but mt sun is about to rise soon.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:15:13 No.342014827
         File1311164113.jpg-(21 KB, 311x400, Hugh Jackman4.jpg)
    21 KB
    Close the curtains (or blinds, whichever you have) and take a hit of some kind of caffeinated drink

    Or, you know, go to sleep. Dream of me touching you all over.
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:15:15 No.342014835
    Indeed it is! I'm going to stick with this thread for a bit though.

    Hmmm I'll hide from the sun for a bit though...
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:15:16 No.342014837
         File1311164116.jpg-(88 KB, 558x600, 1303873846852.jpg)
    88 KB
    Hello Hayate and Yotsuba! It's jobworkquitguy. I just saw this thread on my last scroll through of the front page and thought I'd drop by quick.

    Job working is alright. I've decided I'll keep this job for a bit, maybe until the summer is over, because at least at that point I'll have a reasonable reason for leaving, thus being classes are starting up again, and difficult to do both at the same time, unless I can go full blown cashier.

    Sadly, tomorrow, and for nine days following, I will be working the closing shift for the food area. Not really looking forward to it, but oh well. Least I'll have my paycheck on Friday.

    That was all I wanted to say. Just to update you guys who were kind enough to help me. I am going to be going to sleep now though. Perhaps I will speak to you tomorrow, or some other time. Hope you guys sincerely have a good day/morning!
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:16:50 No.342015031
         File1311164210.jpg-(105 KB, 600x600, woobox.jpg)
    105 KB
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:17:14 No.342015085
    Good luck man!
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)08:17:47 No.342015158
         File1311164267.jpg-(44 KB, 488x600, 263153[1].jpg)
    44 KB
    Trust me you wont in the dreams where i go...

    You do what you need to.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:18:45 No.342015273
         File1311164325.jpg-(18 KB, 316x237, 271906-hugh-jackman.jpg)
    18 KB
    I do like an adventure
    And i am slightly masochistic.. we all have our quirks
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:19:02 No.342015314
    Then ignore him and try to get in touch with your friend. If his only goal is to hurt you then he probably doesn't have as much leverage as he wants you to believe.

    I see. It must be tough. I have shut myself off from others emotionally at times but it never helps. I find the best way to deal with it is to keep trying until it works.
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)08:20:25 No.342015477
    No, it doesn't help, but I've no other option.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:20:59 No.342015545
         File1311164459.jpg-(139 KB, 960x720, powah_log_0012.jpg)
    139 KB
    I think if she stopped being friends with you just because you asked her out, then she isn't that cool of a friend after all. That's just what I think.

    First and foremost, all romantic relationships _should_ start with a solid friendship. Love at first sight is rare and most of the time anything but.
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)08:21:31 No.342015613
         File1311164491.jpg-(69 KB, 600x424, 266032[1].jpg)
    69 KB
    I have a second life in the dream world.
    >> Rose Chan !HinaEYa/cw 07/20/11(Wed)08:21:37 No.342015628
         File1311164497.jpg-(39 KB, 1181x711, 281.jpg)
    39 KB
    I got rejected from college!!!

    I now see what Ai meant...
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:22:08 No.342015690
         File1311164528.jpg-(57 KB, 1280x720, [SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku!(...).jpg)
    57 KB
    Yep. I was a bit uhhh lost earlier.

    Good luck! If it all works out things will be great!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:22:11 No.342015695
    > all romantic relationships _should_ start with a solid friendship.
    If you want to be friendzoned 99.9995% of the time.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:22:37 No.342015728
         File1311164557.jpg-(193 KB, 1920x1080, 1310605257901.jpg)
    193 KB
    Mudkipz has a birthday today. Make sure you remind him of this when you see him.
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)08:23:06 No.342015773
         File1311164586.jpg-(195 KB, 674x704, lucy_soldiers_dead.jpg)
    195 KB
    'try' -__-
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:23:08 No.342015776
         File1311164588.jpg-(91 KB, 267x400, 1309600117312.jpg)
    91 KB
    I have 6 lives, and they all have names.

    Dusk, Dawn, Micheal, Joel, Chimera, Rosalie.


    We are all strange people.
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:23:29 No.342015808
    You have an other option; just show everyone you are a willing and capable of love without commitment. Once people realize you're serious they will take you seriously and at least then you won't have to worry about being hurt.

    That is what I eventually did. I admit not everyone can benefit from the same methods but it gives you a place of perspective to start with at the very least.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:23:51 No.342015847
         File1311164631.jpg-(109 KB, 500x600, err_log_ffe1.jpg)
    109 KB
    >MFW confused between love and just fucking around
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/20/11(Wed)08:23:58 No.342015859
         File1311164638.png-(26 KB, 250x500, Yotsuba[1].png)
    26 KB

    I'm glad to hear that! The extra money and the good referral will be helpfull down the road even if it doesnt seem like it will right now. Thanks for dropping in and saying Hi!

    The food area isnt that bad, just make sure you give yourself extra time at the end of the night to clean up.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:24:12 No.342015890
    I kinda agree with this guy.

    Everytime I've actually been in love it was at first sight. I either loved them instantly or never loved them at all.
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:24:14 No.342015897
         File1311164654.jpg-(122 KB, 1280x720, [SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku (...).jpg)
    122 KB
    Eep?! What happened!? Also, I've never seen you around at this hour!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:25:18 No.342016005
    how are you doing people in this thread.I'm kinda out of it. 120 milligrams of oxy starting to get going through my blood. Too bad it's not enough to actually throw me into a short coma.

    But other than the random crippling depression that is both caused by and leads to my drug use i'm pretty god damn good. Could use a cigarette and i hella don't wanna clean tomorrow but it's life.
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:25:27 No.342016027
    I'm sorry if I'm not helping at all.. I just have this great urge to help when my friends are struggling or depressed.
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)08:26:02 No.342016082
    I do not understand your point.

    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:26:20 No.342016122
         File1311164780.jpg-(26 KB, 300x325, big-Hugh_Jackman_not_giving_up(...).jpg)
    26 KB
    You're sending mixed signals and it's throwing me off a little
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)08:27:01 No.342016188
         File1311164821.jpg-(132 KB, 435x708, lucyep1_fullcage.jpg)
    132 KB
    I'll be fine
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:27:07 No.342016198
    >yfw any male that says they think otherwise is really just lying to get more action
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)08:28:03 No.342016301
         File1311164883.jpg-(88 KB, 442x600, 260937[1].jpg)
    88 KB
    I don't even know the names of my other life.


    my body is going to give out, happy talking to you!
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:28:46 No.342016363

    Not always i've actually had that work out many times before. Bot like great friends. More like get to know'em for a month or so before dating them. There's this one girl i'm quite interested in actually who used to be a coworker of mine. Known her for a couple of years but never actually hung out with her. Really want to, she's awesome but i'm a broke pansy. More broke at this point i'm getting over the pansy part.

    Plenty in common, she can buy me booze (i am 19 fuck you), and she's a sexy blonde :)
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:29:07 No.342016402
    Will do!

    Errr wow... Thats something alright! Be careful with that stuff! It can lead to a nasty and unintended end or worse!

    So whats up in your life?
    >> Rose Chan !HinaEYa/cw 07/20/11(Wed)08:29:17 No.342016420
         File1311164957.jpg-(44 KB, 950x707, 283.jpg)
    44 KB
    I applied for college and got rejected and they won't even tell me why. I'm up early because of that.

    Can't disagree with that
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:29:36 No.342016460
    I know this.. n.n

    Well to put it shortly; if you can't find love in one person then share your love with many people.

    that was the option I have taken.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:29:56 No.342016499
    Story of my life
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:30:04 No.342016511
         File1311165004.jpg-(96 KB, 1280x720, [SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku!(...).jpg)
    96 KB
    Good night and rest well! I wish I could have been around earlier!
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:30:14 No.342016530
         File1311165014.jpg-(60 KB, 500x752, hugh_jackman_06.jpg)
    60 KB
    Mine have some pretty fucking interesting stories.
    Probably best saved for another time.
    Good night then!

    Indeed, so how are you?
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)08:30:51 No.342016598
         File1311165051.jpg-(74 KB, 225x231, EL_4-10.jpg)
    74 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:31:02 No.342016619
         File1311165062.jpg-(4 KB, 126x126, 1298577911334.jpg)
    4 KB
    >got rejected from college
    I'm finding out on the 26th.
    >mfw I already have enough money to live comfortably for the rest of my life
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)08:31:02 No.342016621
    That's not going to happen. I don't want that, I'd rather stay forever alone than open myself up to being hated that much.
    >> Rose Chan !HinaEYa/cw 07/20/11(Wed)08:31:20 No.342016656
         File1311165080.jpg-(34 KB, 911x613, 300.jpg)
    34 KB
    Luka! -hugs-
    Ragh my timing is horrible
    >> Dante !DANTE.aMbc 07/20/11(Wed)08:31:46 No.342016705
         File1311165106.jpg-(340 KB, 733x1037, - 130595 - dante devil_may_cry(...).jpg)
    340 KB
    Whaddya doing!?

    Hi Lucy

    Ello everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:32:14 No.342016756

    I'm just really kinda fucked up at the moment. I'm on more than i would normally take. I've also not got the nods i just feel slow. Really do wanna ciggie though.
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:32:15 No.342016758
         File1311165135.jpg-(101 KB, 1280x720, [SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku!(...).jpg)
    101 KB
    Ughh.... that sucks! Any other options on the table for you?
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)08:32:28 No.342016780
         File1311165148.jpg-(107 KB, 513x260, EL_3-11.jpg)
    107 KB
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/20/11(Wed)08:33:51 No.342016924
         File1311165231.jpg-(27 KB, 179x228, yotsuba8rain[1].jpg)
    27 KB

    Given the fact that you've known her since you were kids and you believe she has the same feelings for you I would say go with Hayate's advice. It's more-so common for two frends to get together if they've known each other since childhood then if they'd started their frendship as adults.
    >> Rose Chan !HinaEYa/cw 07/20/11(Wed)08:34:07 No.342016948
         File1311165247.jpg-(43 KB, 958x648, 322.jpg)
    43 KB
    Besides being rejected, I suppose I'm okay, time to look for something else. and yourself?

    Best of luck with that

    Hello Harry potter fan!

    No idea yet, I'll have to go searching again
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:34:33 No.342017000
         File1311165273.jpg-(212 KB, 850x496, powah_log_0006.jpg)
    212 KB
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)08:34:41 No.342017015
         File1311165281.jpg-(562 KB, 1500x1009, 256749[1].jpg)
    562 KB

    Lucy i love you! <5 <3

    But i am going to sleep now, see ya again!

    Hayate i will be back another time, don't worry about it you were dealing with something earlier.

    Rose! don't worry about it, *hugs* i will be back another day. Feel loved in my absence!

    Mine too. See ya round.
    [powers down]
    >> Dante !DANTE.aMbc 07/20/11(Wed)08:35:14 No.342017085
         File1311165314.jpg-(271 KB, 550x550, - 991754 - church dante devil_(...).jpg)
    271 KB
    What's wrong...?

    Hahahaha, you should be on MSN!

    Nice trips.


    Er Hibye...
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)08:35:18 No.342017093
         File1311165318.jpg-(25 KB, 550x301, 15.jpg)
    25 KB
    Have a nice sleep
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:35:30 No.342017108
    I have come up against that hate and it does hurt.. so I have resolved to return all hate with kindness; are you unable to do that?
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:35:31 No.342017111
    >> !BlankyAENA 07/20/11(Wed)08:35:47 No.342017142
         File1311165347.jpg-(26 KB, 196x216, 12343.jpg)
    26 KB
    Fuck it, I'm here.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:35:49 No.342017145
         File1311165349.jpg-(17 KB, 250x362, Hugh_Jackman (5).jpg)
    17 KB
    Don't smoke myself, got enough wrong with me without my lungs slowly imploding.

    Dude, throw on some music, if you like anything slow and smissingnoh i would recommend that

    I'm alright, it's 10:30 in the PM so i'm currently off of my "I'm a fucking madcunt" high for the day.
    But screw me, what were you looking to study?
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:35:50 No.342017147
    Good luck! I've been looking for awhile too...

    Good bye and rest well!
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)08:36:07 No.342017181
         File1311165367.jpg-(53 KB, 640x480, nyuu1303082413115.jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)08:36:25 No.342017216
    Yes, I am. I'm too bitter and twisted a soul now for that.
    >> Dante !DANTE.aMbc 07/20/11(Wed)08:37:03 No.342017282
         File1311165423.jpg-(1.77 MB, 2250x3245, - 56645 - carnelian dante devi(...).jpg)
    1.77 MB
    Those tears say otherwise.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:37:05 No.342017283
         File1311165425.jpg-(113 KB, 500x600, log_000471c1.jpg)
    113 KB
    Thanks, I guess.
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/20/11(Wed)08:37:33 No.342017334
         File1311165453.jpg-(85 KB, 600x450, 251081[1].jpg)
    85 KB

    [ t-thank.. you. ]
    >> A Huge Faggot !TkTROLLk5s 07/20/11(Wed)08:38:09 No.342017393
    me too
    >> Lucy !KAEDE//NAI 07/20/11(Wed)08:38:32 No.342017435
         File1311165512.jpg-(52 KB, 175x282, EL_2-15.jpg)
    52 KB
    no im fine
    Im going to sleep now. Bye.
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:38:33 No.342017438
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:38:45 No.342017456
         File1311165525.jpg-(178 KB, 1018x767, log_015627da.jpg)
    178 KB
    Hi Blanky
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)08:38:57 No.342017473
    >> !BlankyAENA 07/20/11(Wed)08:39:05 No.342017483
         File1311165545.jpg-(35 KB, 261x274, 7e8afb1a2uyce.jpg)
    35 KB
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:39:05 No.342017484
         File1311165545.jpg-(134 KB, 1280x720, [SS-Eclipse] Hayate no Gotoku!(...).jpg)
    134 KB
    Good night!
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:39:29 No.342017524
         File1311165569.jpg-(44 KB, 658x517, hugh_jackman.jpg)
    44 KB
    *One armed hug* have a good sleep there Lucy
    >> !BlankyAENA 07/20/11(Wed)08:39:56 No.342017568
         File1311165596.jpg-(23 KB, 144x295, 7e8afb1a2uyke.jpg)
    23 KB
    Hey, Alice isn't here right?
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:40:01 No.342017579
    *huff* I am sorry to hear that.. I wish there were something I could do.
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:40:16 No.342017603
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:41:01 No.342017679
         File1311165661.jpg-(228 KB, 983x1400, cat_log_000c.jpg)
    228 KB
    Good bye Lucy, sweet dreams, if you have them.
    >> !BlankyAENA 07/20/11(Wed)08:41:11 No.342017696
         File1311165671.gif-(4 KB, 299x276, 1310996278877.gif)
    4 KB
    That's awesome, I keep getting banned when she is.
    >> Rose Chan !HinaEYa/cw 07/20/11(Wed)08:41:29 No.342017725
         File1311165689.png-(666 KB, 900x1000, 332.png)
    666 KB
    It was a Psychology course for 19-24 year old. It had no requirements so I don't understand why I've been rejected? they won't tell me either.
    Not sure what else to look for right now..Maybe ITQ, also 10:30pm? suppose that makes sense from where you are, 1:39pm here.

    What are you looking to do?

    Look who's back

    Goodnight Lucy!
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:42:13 No.342017797
         File1311165733.jpg-(109 KB, 577x600, log_131115d2.jpg)
    109 KB
    She's not present.
    >> !BlankyAENA 07/20/11(Wed)08:42:22 No.342017806
         File1311165742.png-(203 KB, 500x500, 1310988357680.png)
    203 KB
    I'll always be back when I can't find a furry thread.
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:42:36 No.342017832
    A similar route to Aussie's. If my plans go well, I'll be going to the Art Institute of Seattle and working my way through a Culinary Arts course
    >> Rose Chan !HinaEYa/cw 07/20/11(Wed)08:42:45 No.342017855
         File1311165765.jpg-(72 KB, 500x500, 10.jpg)
    72 KB
    I'll probably be on later tonight
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:43:12 No.342017900
    More music from my playlist..
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:43:18 No.342017909
         File1311165798.jpg-(151 KB, 848x694, 1310084189592.jpg)
    151 KB
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:43:39 No.342017953
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)08:43:52 No.342017985
    Meh, I no longer expect help from these threads, I'm just here to fill in time and learn by osmosis.
    Well that and try and learn how to socialise with other humans.
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:44:12 No.342018022
    Would you mind if I performed a healing for you?
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)08:44:45 No.342018066
    A what?
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:44:51 No.342018078
    See >>342018022
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:45:14 No.342018124
         File1311165914.png-(322 KB, 570x720, powah_log_0007.png)
    322 KB
    Hi Anon.
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:45:55 No.342018211
    Ah, that's right I wasn't as open with it when we last spoke.

    I'm a psychic and I can do distance healing (among other things). Would you like me to cleanse your aura, it usually improves a person's mood.
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:46:28 No.342018275
         File1311165988.jpg-(31 KB, 300x400, hugh_jackman1_300_400.jpg)
    31 KB
    Psychology, very nice. That was one of my preferred "Where i might direct myself" options during year 12. But after playing therapist for more people then i can count on two hands i wanted to be as far away from human minds as possible.
    Guess all you can do now is hold until they get back to you.
    My guess is they decided to give your spot to someone who had either more money, or was more willing to do things naked with certain higher ups... or just more education that guaranteed them a spot, either way.
    >> Anonymous 07/20/11(Wed)08:46:48 No.342018313
    GO GO GO GO GO !!
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/20/11(Wed)08:47:42 No.342018417
         File1311166062.jpg-(75 KB, 637x1015, err_log_0000.jpg)
    75 KB
    See you guys around, dinner.
    >> !BlankyAENA 07/20/11(Wed)08:47:53 No.342018435
         File1311166073.jpg-(7 KB, 184x184, 4.jpg)
    7 KB
    Well you guys aren't very lively.
    >> Hayate !im/aYasAkI 07/20/11(Wed)08:48:10 No.342018464
    See ya! Enjoy!
    >> Aussie !GDAYM83JJw 07/20/11(Wed)08:48:10 No.342018466
    >> !BlankyAENA 07/20/11(Wed)08:48:29 No.342018498
         File1311166109.png-(9 KB, 73x73, 6.png)
    9 KB
    Have a good meal.
    >> AnonALion !y68oC3vPJM 07/20/11(Wed)08:48:48 No.342018538
    Enjoy your day, Nagato. n.n
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/20/11(Wed)08:49:14 No.342018581
    I'm somewhat skeptical, but if you think you can, knock yourself out.

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