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  • File : 1310900047.jpg-(51 KB, 640x511, australian_flag.jpg)
    51 KB AUSSIES, GET ITT! Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)06:54:07 No.341346850  
    Why does Australia have bad connection but at the same time having a good quality of life? It doesn't make sense at all, how could that be achieved?
    Their HDMI and quality of life should be enough to have a good connection.

    I also heard they will be installing fiber optics to every home and the project will be done before 2014, is this true?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)06:55:25 No.341347005
    Isn't Australia trying to ban the internet? Like some Southern Hemisphere Iran...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)06:56:47 No.341347176
    lol no
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)06:57:03 No.341347213
    the only one who wants to ban internet in Iran is Turks/Arabs and the government because they are towelheads

    the Iranians have internet and their connection is at average, about 20-100 Mbit download speed
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)06:59:12 No.341347448
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:00:49 No.341347644
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:00:59 No.341347665
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    haha fucking aus fags we dont have thos scum middle east people in our country hows it feel you mad!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:01:13 No.341347685
    You have free healthcare in Aus like in the UK?

    I've always been tempted to emigrate.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:01:19 No.341347695
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    meanwhile in the usa
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:02:01 No.341347776

    yes we do, it's called medicare
    free public hospitals/subsidised medications etc just like the NHS
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:02:48 No.341347875
    never happening on the fibre optic. or if it does it will be outdated tech by the time it reaches 50% of australia.

    our healthcare system is about on par with america it's just our system is much less clogged although for how long that lasts with the government throwing open the floodgates on illegal immigration is questionable at best

    we have bad connection mainly because we live with on the other side of the planet from 90% of the people who spend all their time on the internet.

    some retarded green wants to ban it the current government wants to censor it and the opposition wants them to just fuck off and stop being stupid
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:03:53 No.341348003
    If you list every country in the world in order by the percentage of non-religious citizens (ascending), you basically have an ascending list of the best countries in the world.

    Australia sits a reasonable way down on this list, but NOWHERE near as low as, say, the USA.

    Also, there are not many people per capita. So less people = less stupidity.

    So that explains everything.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:03:54 No.341348004
    >fiber optic

    bro, this shit will never be otudated, it's the fastest one available and the problem is to expand it to homes
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:04:03 No.341348026
    idgaf about the national broadband bullshit until it's installed tbh, fine with what I have for now since Optus upgraded me from 7GB to 120GB with no extra charge
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:04:18 No.341348058

    Do Aussies need 20x more attention than anyone else (aside Amerifags/Italyfags of course) or is there another reason for there obnoxiousness???
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:04:25 No.341348068
    It's not "free" health care

    We have to pay a Medicare levy (3% of our income I believe, but it may be 1%)
    >> NEW MOVIE COLLECTION 2011!!! Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:04:59 No.341348129
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:07:15 No.341348385
    Ausfag here, and I agree, we're a fucking embarrassing lot when we travel overseas. Not as bad as Americans, or the fucking Chinese, but there is something really embarrassingly obvious about Australian tourists that makes me shudder when I'm around them.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:07:36 No.341348426

    We're just loud i guess...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:07:50 No.341348444
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    >not many people per capita
    >people per capita
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:08:04 No.341348478
    Lived in australia all my life and only ever seen 2 roody-poos, not even joking. have fun getting shot and raped by nigro gangsters, the only thing we have to many of are Asians and they are just shitloads of uni students who are in the city studying so they arent a problem
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:08:52 No.341348584
    FFuck you guys. NZfag here. you guys b@ Kronic. now my government will b@ it anyday now. That shit is better than Weed man and you can get it from the corner store.

    Suck a big black nig­ger dick and die.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:09:02 No.341348607

    -Typical Australian tourists
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:09:25 No.341348647

    i have lived in AUS my whole life too and it's seriously like this unless you go into the city but even them it's just mainly Asians, not even many abos either
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:12:07 No.341348935
    if you wanna see abbos you gotta go to darwin or something less developed. i went to rockhampton in qld apparently is was a drinking/gambling town and there were a few abbos around (like under the bridge)
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:13:30 No.341349103
    I live south side of brisbane. MANY middle eastern, indian and black cunts here. They are taking over this country there's no doubt. They come here and have 10 fucking kids while sticking their hand out to the government.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:13:59 No.341349168

    dw i don't wanna lol
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:14:28 No.341349225

    u for real?

    abbot wants them to stop being stupid?

    abbot is the fucking dumbass who thinks wireless is the way of future....
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:14:35 No.341349244

    hey we need taxi drivers..
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:15:03 No.341349298
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:16:59 No.341349531
    3,000 'illegal immigrants' - ie refugees per year.

    300,000 immigrants total.

    Get your head out of the fucking sand and stop responding to Abbott's disgusting xenophobia.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:17:05 No.341349542
    It's turning into a asian invasion free for all down here in Melbourne.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:18:15 No.341349671
    the national broadband network is fucking retarded. Cables everywhere instead of satellites like every other smart country. fuck gillard.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:18:27 No.341349691
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    Are people using idgaf?!? I thought I made that up :C
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:18:32 No.341349699

    is it someone we should know? (i.e a celebrity) or just some random?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:18:42 No.341349718
    abbott doesn't want to stop shit, he is a retard.

    the party in general wants to kick the whole idea of internet censorship out and lock it away forever Abbott is just latching onto it because like a good leech he knows what he can use to get votes


    i actually work for immigration fuckface if you knew how many "refugee's" we were taking in per year you would be bitching even more than i do
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:19:07 No.341349767
    why do aussie women fuck like men/jocks?

    "fucking root me mate"

    can't they be gentle?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:19:29 No.341349806

    i've just heard it used before and decided it was an appropriate time.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:19:55 No.341349856
    nïggers (abos or what its called)
    no snow

    hehe fuck yourself, white trash country
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:20:25 No.341349906
    currently available, at the rate tech develops it'll be outdated very soon. wait til the next big cable system comes out, we'll be fucked and we'll just blow all of our money again
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:21:23 No.341350007
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:22:15 No.341350089
    Bro idgaf spread it
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:23:11 No.341350191
    isnt the idea of fibre optics is that data has the potential to travel at the speed of light, going on that the bottleneck occurs when the data hits the receivers which translates the data. Point is it shouldnt be as expensive or time consuming to upgrade as implied
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:23:48 No.341350266
    lol... this shit's been around since the 90s when acronyms were first prevalent. you're no snowflake. is this mikaela?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:25:45 No.341350482
    ... nowhere near the speed of light, and it's too costly to implement with the state of our economy... and this will be funded by the fucking caaahbun tax.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:26:32 No.341350571

    oh fuck that shit, dumbass julia gillurrrd
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:27:20 No.341350673
    ausfag here. i was at the snow 2 days ago and havnt left the country this year.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:28:40 No.341350828
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:29:29 No.341350908
    We have the world's largest zones of personal space. In Australia people literally stand a meter and a half apart to shake hands before they close that gap.
    Unfortunately, Asians are the complete opposite and so there's something of a minor culture-clash that occurs there.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:30:12 No.341350986
    aussies are so dumb.

    fiber optic is the speed of light, thats why everyone wants it
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:34:50 No.341351521
    I wanna know what people think about this internet censorship shtick. Personally it's really getting on my goat.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:35:13 No.341351567
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:35:27 No.341351596
    "state of our economy".
    herp derp. I'm assuming you mean the record-wealth, best-in-OECD, amazingly successful economy? Or something else?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:38:21 No.341351889
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    you retard, you really think data travels at the speed of light in a fibre optic cable?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:38:58 No.341351956
    >ausfag here
    >i live about an hour away from sydney and i still cant get adsl +
    >wtf telstra
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:40:10 No.341352096
    our internet is fucking shit, i get 50kb/s on adsl+2 any amerifags tell me what you get
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:40:49 No.341352163
    70 mbit download
    8 mbit upload

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:42:18 No.341352328

    50kb? I get 400kb, not as good as america but not bad either
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:42:41 No.341352366
    Quantum computing can't travel at the speed of light. Fuck, it's just lasers carrying data and it's good for small distances but they want to lay this shit all across Australia.

    We have a high cost of living and Gillard and Rudd blew all of the Howard government's savings with stupid stimulus schemes. Everything's a sale here and people hunt for bargains compulsively. Relative poverty is huge here.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:42:53 No.341352396
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    i now hate you
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:44:21 No.341352565
    >they want to lay this shit all across Australia.

    Be fucking grateful, I am American and I pity you Aussies, ungrateful nïggers.

    How can you not love fiber optics? Give me the name of something better and don't mention ADSL, shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:44:41 No.341352602
    by the way which country do you live in?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:45:24 No.341352672

    that stupid stimulus scheme helped us from our markets crashing
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:46:14 No.341352784

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:46:42 No.341352832
    It works well in high population density cities, but not across the huge distances between cities. If we had a hybrid system of satellite and cable I wouldn't mind, but they wan't cables in towns of 100 people like Louth.

    Cables are pointless from Newcastle to Sydney and so on, for suburbs and cities it's okay, but even then it's expensive, time consuming and it'll be out of date within the decade.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:49:23 No.341353160

    are you serious?

    i live on the central coast, jilliby to be exact, we can only get broadband, not even adsl, if we got cable it would be like :O
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:50:07 No.341353244
    it works everywhere, better than ADSL and fiber optic isn't cable.

    let the 100 people have quality internet access, everyone deserves something and it helps the "town" grow into a city eventually.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:50:30 No.341353278
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:50:46 No.341353319
    By making public schools build unnecessary buildings...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:50:56 No.341353344
    >not many people per capita
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:51:44 No.341353450
    some towns don't want to be cities and people live there because they're quiet. satellite is the way to go.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:54:44 No.341353774

    actually, they built alot of well used buildings, but the news only focused on the 'failures' for oh i dunno ratings...

    also they gave out insentives to families and people to buy shit, so it would also go back INTO the economy...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:55:30 No.341353870
    >our healthcare system is about on par with america it's just our system is much less clogged although for how long that lasts with the government throwing open the floodgates on illegal immigration is questionable at best

    maybe you should look up some immigration stats because the figures are hardly indicative of "floodgates"

    but then again you probably read the telegraph (if you even read the news at all lol)
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:55:38 No.341353884
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    Our interwebs may be slow but we has the best fucking beer in the world
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:56:25 No.341353989
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    ▲ ▲
    requesting abo n aus meme's cunts
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:57:44 No.341354162
    its fucked

    fiber to the home was replaced with fiber to the node, meaning they are going to have fiber backbones, which go to a point, then its back to copper

    also, some areas are getting satelite instead. mad.
    read the fine print it says a combination of technologies in all policies
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:58:04 No.341354205

    the only people that drink Foster's are britfags lol we don't even drink that shit
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:58:14 No.341354221
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    anon delivers,

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:58:39 No.341354281
    what the hell is satellite internet? is it better than fiber optics?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:59:18 No.341354360
    Main thing upsetting me ITT is these fucking kids thinking 'idgaf - dilligaf' hasn't been around for a LONG time. You ignorant cunt's, you didn't make it up, and it is NOT new. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)07:59:49 No.341354432
    what is idgaf and dilligaf?

    enlighten non-aussies bro
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:00:08 No.341354468
    you come across as a teenager that idolises his dad's political opinions
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:00:16 No.341354479
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:00:34 No.341354511
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    TexasFag here from Austin. ATT gives me 12 Mb/sec dow and 2 up.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:00:44 No.341354531
    Amber nectah
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:00:50 No.341354546

    I Don't Give A Fuck - comes from Do I Look Like I Give A Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:01:59 No.341354674
    you come accross as a candy-ass

    howard literally had a fuckload on money in the bank. as a country, we could have fixed so much shit. But no, instead we got the insulation scheme. He knows what he is talking about, unlike you
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:03:40 No.341354865
    hey I read somewhere that you guys are going to switch to a system like ours, where download limits exist. This is because you all pay for speed not limits, so your infrastructure is getting fucked. Care to comment?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:03:53 No.341354878

    Howard was also fucking us all over.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:04:47 No.341355003

    I tell you and you no thank me? Bastard!
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:05:25 No.341355090

    Also because of Netflixs and other streaming services the American servers are being flooded
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:05:27 No.341355095
    Are you retarded OP?


    Thats shit mate i get about 500-800kb/s on ADSL1 8mbit in the middle of fucking nowhere.

    My pings up fucked 100ms+
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:07:43 No.341355366
    >howard literally had a fuckload on money in the bank. as a country, we could have fixed so much shit. But no, instead we got the insulation scheme. He knows what he is talking about, unlike you

    lol if that's your understanding of australian politics you and your dad really are a pair of morons
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:08:41 No.341355464
    no you biggot, we got fucked over.

    We needed work choices, and here's why. When the GFC occured, if we had work choices, everyone would have kept their jobs, but be paid less. This would mean the cost of running a business goes down, meaning prices also reduce (possibly not in the same proportion, but ) thus preserving our standards of living, ect.
    The unions didn't like this because they would have become irellevant, with all bargaining being individual. They therefore made campaigns telling everyone it was the end of the world, and got the ALP, who are funded by the unions, voted in.

    Go back to high school drop kick
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:09:26 No.341355551
    You misunderstand, I am not the other guy.... but go ahead and think that if you believe it makes you right
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:10:42 No.341355703

    that sounded like a song lyric
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:11:18 No.341355769
    >Implying having money in the bank through not spending is always a good thing.
    >Implying the GFC had nothing to do with said surplus going away (or implying that Rudd was responsible for said GFC)
    > Implying that the entire surplus vanished into the HIS
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:14:30 No.341356119
    i dont know why you replied then but it doesn't make your comprehension of politics any less laughable
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:17:01 No.341356388
    lmao a happy mistake
    >implying I said don't spend it. I ment spend it on smarter things, like infrastructure. Just so you understand, that means roads and trains.
    >implying that Rudd was responsible for said GFC. I never said that, you misunderstood me. I'm saying, he should have spent it on proper things.
    > Implying that the entire surplus vanished into the HIS. No again, I ment he spent it on stupid shit. How aboutthat halls for schools scheme. Some got halls smaller than their current one. My favourate was the school with 1 student in the country got a hall. There was also aircon for schools that had aircon and heaters....
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:25:26 No.341357271
    The National Broadband Network is partially in bringing our national speeds inline with the rest of world.

    But more importantly, it is for the removal of packet switching networks from the telephone lines and moving them to a new network which won't be superceded until the IEEE comes up with a new standard for dealing with high speed packets at exchanges themselves.

    If I recall correctly, the bandwidth of the copper network is only 150-200 Hz before it attenuates really badly and with a population thats increasing in urban areas, we will see flow control problems in these networks as the exchanges won't be able to take the required amount of traffic coming into the receiver, as opposed to too much traffic going out via the transmitter.

    If we all used wireless, that's okay, but it's insecure, its crap in certain places or in certain conditions.

    Satellite is good too, but it is affected by lightening activity, solar activity, bandwidth limitations coming through from widespread adaptation.

    Also, wireless devices and satellite technologies aren't as future proof as cables carrying light are.

    As an electronics engineer, it is a very exciting project and it will bring in jobs for more EE's in Australia, of which there are very few of.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:28:00 No.341357559
    still, wont there be a bottle neck at houses when it goes fiber to copper?
    Also, fiber optics technology is incomplete last time I looked, is that still the case?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:37:22 No.341358672
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:44:03 No.341359451
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    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:49:36 No.341360071
    1. edge of the fucking world, sometimes good but bad for net connect and net comparison with other countries is non existent

    2. copper system with telstra monopoly VERY BAD

    3. capped dl mean people are more afraid of going over than their speed

    4. Fiber optic is coming in slowly which is good but its the sending and recievin nodes that need to be upgraded.

    Fiber optic cable has unlimited potential in terms of info sent, the problem lies with the RATE at which we can send and receive. Its simply not fast enough

    Amerifags go home
    we got immigrants but they bring decent food
    we have white trash but nobody thinks they're the 'average citizen'
    we pay higher taxes than you and you can pay for your own healthcare
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:49:47 No.341360097

    Lived in Darwin my whole and fuck beans there are abos scattered everywhere but there are big communities of them in about 3 or 4 places.

    Katherine and Alice Springs are worse though.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:49:51 No.341360114
    "still, wont there be a bottle neck at houses when it goes fiber to copper?"
    That's the best thing, there won't be any copper as that will be reserved for the landline :)
    I will assume you were referring to the signals as they go to through the interface of fibre > digital circuits.
    Traditionally, there hasn't been a bottleneck existing in the digital parts of modems as the bottlenecks existed in the analogue transmission of a signal. But with fibre optics, we will see a bottleneck on the digital circuits at the exchange level due to the transmission of bits, but this won't surface, in my estimation, for a long time, as we have the technology to deal with bogged down exchanges and that is to get faster circuits.

    I will put this out there, Digital circuits aren't affected by attenuation in the way analogue signals are, thats why we have CPU's doing 3.1 Ghz with 2-3 cores running at 3.3 - 5 volts.

    "fiber optics technology is incomplete last time I looked, is that still the case?"

    Up until 4 years ago, the practical memristor was developed and that is considered a basic component in electronics. I would say the same for FO tech is still in the works for research, but as I said, very future proof.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:50:47 No.341360215
    Super-fast DL speed


    Data caps



    INCREASE SPEED INCREASE SPEED... so we can go over our cap faster...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:51:29 No.341360286
    >That's the best thing, there won't be any copper as that will be reserved for the landline :)
    wtf the ALP site said fiber to the node then copper didn't it?
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:51:44 No.341360306
    Australian is currently planning on installing fiber optics to every home but by 2035 - TWENTY THIRTY FIVE. fuckin waste of money
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:51:55 No.341360331
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    anon delivers,

    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:52:35 No.341360387
    The start is what he wrote, not me...
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:53:50 No.341360517
    It's fucking BS. Australians don't want the fast fibre optic internet. In fact they all want satellite and copper line internet they'll even vote for the Libs who says thats what they'll do
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)08:55:21 No.341360703
    Actually their policies are identical now
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)09:13:35 No.341362673
    >Actually their policies are identical now
    Rofl, that's bullshit mate. Are you one of those retards from the Liberal Youth. And no I don't follow any political party. I've been around long enough too know what BS is, especially political ones. Give me a link to where the Libs policy is the same. You can't rely on the private sector to establish an infrastructure like the NBN was created to make. Profits come first, and there is not profit in connecting the rural sector with the technology that the cities need. Hence why country people are always getting screwed over by companies. There's just no market for it.
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)09:18:55 No.341363263
    Actually, the opposite. Gillard has a few policies, Abbott's policies appear to be "I'll stop whatever she's doing / do whatever she isn't".
    >> Anonymous 07/17/11(Sun)09:30:09 No.341364405
    As I understand, isn't the problem that theres only a single cable connecting Australia's internet to the rest of the world? The Main Oceanic Landline or something like that?

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