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  • File : 1310554119.png-(387 KB, 698x395, kyon216.png)
    387 KB John Smith !Kyonhtl0aE 07/13/11(Wed)06:48:39 No.340503349  
    newt gingrich help desk, my name is John, how may I help you today?
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)06:50:14 No.340503542
    i need a dicksucking. help me out you little fuk.
    >> !al.38.AQK6 07/13/11(Wed)06:50:17 No.340503549
         File1310554217.jpg-(62 KB, 331x292, 1310481343057.jpg)
    62 KB
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)06:50:26 No.340503567
         File1310554226.gif-(38 KB, 470x463, 9fd301e33f79a8a1890fc53d5c6a0b(...).gif)
    38 KB
    T~T Anything for you Cm Punk!
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)06:50:58 No.340503624
    Yeah I have a problem. There's this website I go to that's kind of like a forum type thing, and the moderators there prefer to delete discussions and leave spam and child porn. Wat do?
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)06:51:16 No.340503665
         File1310554276.jpg-(39 KB, 500x671, CM Punk body is ready.jpg)
    39 KB
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)06:51:55 No.340503732
    Meant to link to
    >> John Smith !Kyonhtl0aE 07/13/11(Wed)06:52:14 No.340503768
         File1310554334.png-(383 KB, 700x395, kyon217.png)
    383 KB

    Please hold while I redirect you to the Alice Hotline.


    Stop going to 7chan.
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)06:52:20 No.340503777
         File1310554340.jpg-(11 KB, 320x240, naota014.jpg)
    11 KB
    i need some ambien. got any?
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)06:53:35 No.340503914
         File1310554415.jpg-(21 KB, 300x350, 300px-Envy_will_kill_you.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> John Smith !Kyonhtl0aE 07/13/11(Wed)06:54:26 No.340504008
         File1310554466.png-(952 KB, 847x475, kyon188.png)
    952 KB

    We can have it shiped directly to your home. We just need to verify that you own a newt gingrich Gold account.
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)06:54:43 No.340504038
         File1310554483.gif-(351 KB, 210x110, tumblr_ln574eZoJu1qax9gv.gif)
    351 KB
    And I really seem to like the image on
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)06:55:38 No.340504128
         File1310554538.jpg-(15 KB, 400x320, 659309146.jpg)
    15 KB
    Because CM Punk was a badass
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)06:56:33 No.340504226
         File1310554593.jpg-(29 KB, 720x480, naota24.jpg)
    29 KB
    now now, my good friend Mr.Franklin says that i dont need an account
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)06:56:57 No.340504274
    >> CM Punk© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)06:57:00 No.340504288
         File1310554620.jpg-(120 KB, 500x671, 048.jpg)
    120 KB
    Was? I still am!
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/13/11(Wed)06:57:42 No.340504353
         File1310554662.jpg-(123 KB, 830x659, 830px-Monkeylord.jpg)
    123 KB
    So I finished the campaign mode of Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance at last today.
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)06:58:13 No.340504414
         File1310554693.jpg-(35 KB, 845x475, 22704207.jpg)
    35 KB
    I meant are! D:
    >> John Smith !Kyonhtl0aE 07/13/11(Wed)06:58:56 No.340504494
         File1310554736.jpg-(12 KB, 400x174, 1000 internets2.jpg)
    12 KB

    Storming the gates of mordor now.


    All purchase require a newt gingrich gold account, a long with the required amount of internets.
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)06:59:11 No.340504525
         File1310554751.jpg-(426 KB, 709x1169, 45fd464503fcc696e3c55a1c6b3d3f(...).jpg)
    426 KB
    your cute... lol noko....
    >> CM Punk© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)06:59:28 No.340504549
         File1310554768.jpg-(3 KB, 119x126, 1310332165492.jpg)
    3 KB
    You owe me for that slip up!
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:00:13 No.340504648
         File1310554813.jpg-(20 KB, 480x360, 1120675827_Envy.jpg)
    20 KB
    I thought it looked cool so I'm keeping it >.>
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:00:55 No.340504718
         File1310554855.jpg-(295 KB, 832x675, 4a0b6b33af738b59291be2e49e799c(...).jpg)
    295 KB
    so... what brings you here?
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:01:13 No.340504753
         File1310554873.jpg-(56 KB, 448x482, envy_fma.jpg)
    56 KB
    Where did CM Punk go D: You aren't him!
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:02:42 No.340504903
         File1310554962.gif-(359 KB, 1024x768, scm1.gif)
    359 KB
    no really, he's right here.

    "he dont need one. give him the drugs.
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:02:48 No.340504917
         File1310554968.jpg-(322 KB, 607x717, Wrath_and_Envy_by_syberfox.jpg)
    322 KB
    You :3~ I'm a sucker for Foreigners <3~ *Hugs and cuddles*
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:02:58 No.340504932
         File1310554978.jpg-(47 KB, 418x557, CM-Punk.jpg)
    47 KB
    *pulls off his mask* Sorry about that.
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:03:59 No.340505033
         File1310555039.jpg-(13 KB, 355x266, Envy..jpg)
    13 KB
    Woah...Cm Punk likes Pokemon... O:
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:04:06 No.340505042
         File1310555046.jpg-(151 KB, 572x800, 80d179a97be51a0770a556f23c49ad(...).jpg)
    151 KB
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:05:30 No.340505187
         File1310555130.jpg-(36 KB, 233x258, cm_punk.jpg)
    36 KB
    Of course I do! I am a hardcore gamer after all.
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:05:42 No.340505200
         File1310555142.jpg-(178 KB, 751x1064, Envy_by_alienmaskedcreature.jpg)
    178 KB
    I claim Komrade as mine 8D *Cuddles and does Yuri stuff*
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:06:28 No.340505277
         File1310555188.jpg-(25 KB, 512x384, naota004.jpg)
    25 KB
    this place is to quiet for my liking.
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:06:30 No.340505287
         File1310555190.png-(242 KB, 792x981, 1536b8c1566a4aa457b5a3b3ed1643(...).png)
    242 KB
    So many things I don't know about that man....<3~
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:07:44 No.340505410
         File1310555264.jpg-(70 KB, 403x594, 1st+Annual+Epiphone+Revolver+G(...).jpg)
    70 KB
    I'm Straight Edge as well. Which automatically makes me better than you.
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:08:48 No.340505513
         File1310555328.jpg-(26 KB, 640x480, 1129467577_CtempEnvy08.jpg)
    26 KB
    That you are :]
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:09:18 No.340505557
         File1310555358.jpg-(87 KB, 360x480, decce6ff6ddd49c3a040c4f8413083(...).jpg)
    87 KB
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:09:36 No.340505594
         File1310555376.jpg-(17 KB, 214x232, Cm_punk_tattoo.jpg)
    17 KB
    C'mere check out these tats.
    >> Anonymous 07/13/11(Wed)07:10:24 No.340505673
         File1310555424.jpg-(17 KB, 364x344, 1295921527723.jpg)
    17 KB
    I always thought Envy was a girl until one of the last episodes where she said 'I'm your brother!'

    she constantly has a sore throat
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:10:53 No.340505728
         File1310555453.png-(168 KB, 493x482, d8f64f4380e0bbf616937518ce1207(...).png)
    168 KB
    So cute :3 <3~ *Nibbles on Komrades ears*
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:12:31 No.340505868
         File1310555551.jpg-(327 KB, 700x700, e793e549614ef321049a1ed24edd5e(...).jpg)
    327 KB
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:12:58 No.340505920
         File1310555578.jpg-(32 KB, 500x375, 1353111.jpg)
    32 KB
    Yea...Not many know about Envy except ones that watched Brotherhood, that's where the truth is.
    *Checks them*
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:13:17 No.340505951
         File1310555597.jpg-(21 KB, 512x384, naota033.jpg)
    21 KB
    i like where this is going.
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:14:20 No.340506053
         File1310555660.jpg-(121 KB, 850x1110, sample-222a3461580bd04cb133743(...).jpg)
    121 KB
    (me too, shh)
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:14:28 No.340506066
         File1310555668.jpg-(25 KB, 640x480, 1143596812_mistEnvy16.jpg)
    25 KB
    *Cuddles Komrade in his/her lap* >w> No one will know the real gender of Malice...<w<
    >> SamuraiJack 07/13/11(Wed)07:15:13 No.340506137
    is this a help thread i see....i've been away for a while
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:15:27 No.340506157
         File1310555727.jpg-(39 KB, 620x387, CM_Punk_owning_John_Cena.jpg)
    39 KB
    *shoves them in his face*
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/13/11(Wed)07:15:49 No.340506193
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:16:09 No.340506228
         File1310555769.jpg-(72 KB, 512x730, 2806a7f543491da4acf13d62d8c6bf(...).jpg)
    72 KB
    thats fine with me~
    *rubs your head*

    required assistance?
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:16:33 No.340506264
         File1310555793.png-(137 KB, 600x600, 2032997.png)
    137 KB
    Yes it is! If you have any problems, feel free to tell us, and we'll help to the best our abilities!
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/13/11(Wed)07:17:51 No.340506399
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:18:26 No.340506456
         File1310555906.jpg-(16 KB, 350x344, 1060996411_takuresult.jpg)
    16 KB
    helpful? perhaps
    insane? hell yes.
    its a trap
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:18:31 No.340506466
         File1310555911.jpg-(202 KB, 753x1060, ENVY_by_Uzumaki_Akane_sama.jpg)
    202 KB
    *Embraces them?*
    *Loves on Komrade for being awesome* <3~ Who needs american women anyways.
    >> SamuraiJack 07/13/11(Wed)07:19:13 No.340506533
    No, i used to be a frequent poster here. My computer hard drive failed so i lost my tripcodes.

    Does Alice (wait who is being Alice sure there was like three last time i counted) still post around/run threads?
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:19:26 No.340506564
         File1310555966.jpg-(152 KB, 750x568, 2b17964fdedd5c522e87903bc271c4(...).jpg)
    152 KB
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:20:09 No.340506650
         File1310556009.jpg-(456 KB, 707x1000, 5fab4f5bf122ba4c221a0741f32ac6(...).jpg)
    456 KB
    yes but during the day
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:20:27 No.340506690
         File1310556027.jpg-(28 KB, 294x386, cm punk.jpg)
    28 KB
    Take them!
    I'm sorry, I don't quite remember you.
    And yes, it's still Alice 2.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:20:49 No.340506724
         File1310556049.jpg-(159 KB, 600x600, alt_log_32fc.jpg)
    159 KB
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:21:41 No.340506815
         File1310556101.jpg-(102 KB, 700x1000, 6cdc0670794096d92d86132c8cb88a(...).jpg)
    102 KB
    how are you tonig.. today?
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:22:25 No.340506884
         File1310556145.jpg-(11 KB, 300x289, hogan27.jpg)
    11 KB
    Hello, Nagato!
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:22:34 No.340506905
         File1310556154.gif-(16 KB, 300x300, hentai--canti--flcl--gun--naot(...).gif)
    16 KB
    hello hello
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:22:54 No.340506927
         File1310556174.jpg-(363 KB, 879x1195, alt_log_0777.jpg)
    363 KB
    I'm doing fine. What about you Komrade?
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:23:57 No.340507038
         File1310556237.jpg-(107 KB, 700x700, 9aac8287b004a77018982a11e3a09b(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    im doing wonderful at the moment...
    I learn something new everyday so far~
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:24:18 No.340507080
         File1310556258.jpg-(19 KB, 401x271, emma-watson-totally-looks-like(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    Welp, after I finish up this Megadeth song, I'm out for the... next several hours.
    >> !al.38.AQK6 07/13/11(Wed)07:24:24 No.340507085
         File1310556264.png-(1.18 MB, 1280x720, 000012.png)
    1.18 MB
    >> SamuraiJack 07/13/11(Wed)07:26:04 No.340507255
    so...ok, idk what time that is for me, it think there's a 5 hour difference

    ive been around, lurking if not posting since a couple of days after the nightly threads
    i never posted much but i used a few different name/trips

    the only names here i recognise are john smith and kaiba actually
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:26:09 No.340507263
         File1310556369.jpg-(10 KB, 296x246, Omg_chibi_Envy.jpg)
    10 KB
    *Takes them?*
    Russia, hands down cause I like cold places. The Cold forges the best.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:26:56 No.340507351
         File1310556416.jpg-(57 KB, 500x433, portal_log_0074.jpg)
    57 KB
    Hey Kaiba.

    Hello, and again welcome to the Aperture-Science Computer-Aided Enrichment Centre...

    Sorry I just finished Portal. How I hope I was as cool as GLaDoS..
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:27:55 No.340507439
         File1310556475.jpg-(368 KB, 850x468, sample_a79c1fbea7dba8d84201c2f(...).jpg)
    368 KB
    yea she should be on maybe 5 hours...
    (i dont know her myself so im not sure)

    gives us a reason to hug and stay warm~....
    and also snow is amazingly beautiful
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:28:19 No.340507477
    That's wonderful.

    >> !al.38.AQK6 07/13/11(Wed)07:28:54 No.340507526
    See ya.
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:29:01 No.340507537
         File1310556541.jpg-(26 KB, 720x480, flcl_takun0227.jpg)
    26 KB
    i think you're as cool or cooler.
    mostly cuz you havent killed me hundreds of times
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:29:06 No.340507545
         File1310556546.gif-(161 KB, 248x288, COWBOGGIE.gif)
    161 KB
    Oh.. I'm sorry for not remembering you.

    Dammit, I'm here for one more song.
    Out of everything, A tout Le Mond has to play?
    How're you?
    Lucky, I've never seen snow in miserable existence.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:31:11 No.340507723
         File1310556671.jpg-(107 KB, 742x823, neko_log_0000.jpg)
    107 KB
    I'm good.

    Eeeh? GLaDoS killed you hundreds of times? No way.. I'm sure she's actually a nice.. person.
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:31:18 No.340507734
         File1310556678.jpg-(36 KB, 600x451, 483535-flcl_ep_1_naota_eri_sup(...).jpg)
    36 KB
    im not a huge fan, although it might be because ive lived in FLA all my life and i hate the cold
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:31:43 No.340507779
         File1310556703.jpg-(20 KB, 470x470, envy2.jpg)
    20 KB
    Mhmmm ^-^ *Huggles and rocks side to side* Snow is very beautiful, pure, and amazing to watch. Reason why winter is my favorite season outta the year...everything dies in water and what doesn't is hardened and survives...Plus each winter is different from the last.

    Plus, I like sitting outside with a warm cup of cocoa instead of posting on being online, sitting on my steps and watching it fall in the drive way and on the trees.
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:32:06 No.340507811
         File1310556726.jpg-(107 KB, 700x700, 3d8f80320ca290e1d04c770bc460c1(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    well im not a big fan of being cold... but i just love snow... just love love love it
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:32:28 No.340507858
         File1310556748.jpg-(200 KB, 1920x1080, log_11c1d774.jpg)
    200 KB
    Let me construct a heater for everyone.
    >> Kaiba© !YhGKaibad2 07/13/11(Wed)07:32:34 No.340507870
         File1310556754.jpg-(38 KB, 410x308, 118_noah_kaiba_pirate_face - C(...).jpg)
    38 KB
    Now I'm out for the next several hours.
    >> !al.38.AQK6 07/13/11(Wed)07:33:28 No.340507953
         File1310556808.png-(664 KB, 1280x720, 000026.png)
    664 KB
    Later Kaiba.
    She used to be.
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:34:24 No.340508050
         File1310556864.jpg-(111 KB, 450x450, envy.jpg)
    111 KB
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:34:35 No.340508070
         File1310556875.jpg-(944 KB, 800x1000, 571771a776c543d5176c709ed36294(...).jpg)
    944 KB
    i cant wait for winter again~♥
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:34:42 No.340508080
         File1310556882.jpg-(123 KB, 600x564, FLCL_Naota_by_herminator.jpg)
    123 KB
    i prefer the beach, and you cant surf if the ocean is frozen.
    im sure she is..sometimes
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:36:17 No.340508228
         File1310556977.jpg-(11 KB, 400x300, 1117460041_EnvyWrath.jpg)
    11 KB
    Same, I'm sluggish in heat. But in winter I'm a tank.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:36:24 No.340508245
         File1310556984.jpg-(231 KB, 450x450, alt_log_0c11.jpg)
    231 KB
    Frozen ocean eh.. I want to see that some time.
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:37:42 No.340508376
         File1310557062.png-(77 KB, 800x720, 69825c2c5fbf980a31ece3aa3100d9(...).png)
    77 KB
    i know! me too~
    i get all
    "were the fuck is the AC?!??"
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:38:19 No.340508428
         File1310557099.jpg-(5 KB, 189x240, Naota741258963.jpg)
    5 KB
    have you ever been in 32 degree water? it sucks.
    >> Tsukasa !QjAfDECADE 07/13/11(Wed)07:39:10 No.340508503
    Got distracted watching other Nanoha clips on the Youtubes again...
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:39:41 No.340508559
         File1310557181.jpg-(64 KB, 390x293, envy1fw.jpg)
    64 KB
    Yea...I gotta have the AC on all the time or I just can't even wake up... x.x
    *Did the Polar Bear Plunge* 30 Degree's
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/13/11(Wed)07:40:36 No.340508643
         File1310557236.png-(87 KB, 320x320, 1310216905695[1].png)
    87 KB

    Hey John, I typed up a reply to that discussion of yours from the last thread. Sorry it ended up longer then I thought it would be.

    (note-I kind of typed this up as it came to mind so I'm sorry if it doesnt make a lot of sense)

    Well for what it's worth I will say this: I'm still new to these threads and what contributed to me joining in on them was what I noticed while I was lurking: While the majority of /b/ seems to only be in it for the lulz and in the process having fun at other peoples expense the end result of most threads rarely ever being anything but.

    For the most part the people here however seem to connect on a more personal level. In doing so they are able to enjoy themselves in a way that is much less so reliant on shallow humor and topics. I believe that it is because of this that others are more willing to confide in those within this thread for advice and help.

    That personal connection fosters a higher degree of trust and because of that conceives dissuasions of a degree that are rarely found anywhere on /b/ while at the same time still being fun .

    Case in point: Even if it's not what it used to be, I was drawn to this thread for these merits and for that I am very grateful.
    >> !al.38.AQK6 07/13/11(Wed)07:41:09 No.340508699
         File1310557269.jpg-(51 KB, 425x419, 1309548211269.jpg)
    51 KB
    >Charles Donatello the 18th
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:41:49 No.340508758
         File1310557309.jpg-(10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg)
    10 KB
    you are a braver man than i good, ma'am?
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:41:53 No.340508771
         File1310557313.jpg-(196 KB, 850x1162, sample_d941e3218a45d2972f863ca(...).jpg)
    196 KB
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:43:04 No.340508867
         File1310557384.jpg-(320 KB, 622x831, log_0ccc2470.jpg)
    320 KB
    Hey Koiwai-san.
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:44:20 No.340508966
         File1310557460.jpg-(58 KB, 576x767, FMA_Envy_by_Kalleder.jpg)
    58 KB
    I think Komrade has a crush xD
    And yea, if you had my msn then maybe you'd know my real gender xP

    But it was brutal but a once in a lifetime experience that I couldn't pass up, plus the whiskey to heat us up after was awesome. ^-^
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:44:22 No.340508973
         File1310557462.jpg-(655 KB, 800x800, alt_log_00010002.jpg)
    655 KB
    I haven't.
    >> John Smith !Kyonhtl0aE 07/13/11(Wed)07:47:08 No.340509219
         File1310557628.png-(282 KB, 600x475, kyon+kyonko7.png)
    282 KB

    I understand what you are trying to say, I just liked it better when the merits where put to better use.
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:49:17 No.340509428
         File1310557757.jpg-(329 KB, 670x750, 34d4a1a4347e14a9570d85fc8b72f8(...).jpg)
    329 KB
    i thought you did
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:50:39 No.340509530
         File1310557839.jpg-(18 KB, 352x240, naota008.jpg)
    18 KB
    whisky? I LOVE DOG-er-WHISKY!
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:50:54 No.340509555
         File1310557854.jpg-(91 KB, 429x600, neko_log_0002.jpg)
    91 KB
    >> John Smith !Kyonhtl0aE 07/13/11(Wed)07:52:12 No.340509654
         File1310557932.jpg-(58 KB, 460x640, kyon102..jpg)
    58 KB

    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:53:07 No.340509725
         File1310557987.jpg-(84 KB, 600x623, Envy_by_DemonicEssence.jpg)
    84 KB
    Nope, Komrade lubers meh.
    And I meant Whiskey as the drink silly xD
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:53:37 No.340509759
         File1310558017.jpg-(70 KB, 500x600, err_log_0d7a.jpg)
    70 KB
    >> SamuraiJack 07/13/11(Wed)07:54:25 No.340509819
    I don't exactly know the context of this but

    are you saying that the threads should be more about helping people that the other stuff going on?
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:55:04 No.340509868
         File1310558104.jpg-(458 KB, 850x1133, log_0cf741d72.jpg)
    458 KB
    I don't get it, what else could whiskey be?
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:55:33 No.340509906
         File1310558133.jpg-(624 KB, 977x1378, 9cf4ea595a8bec46f540edc76aaa0f(...).jpg)
    624 KB
    >> loveless !naDABA//sY 07/13/11(Wed)07:55:41 No.340509917
         File1310558141.jpg-(29 KB, 400x600, 568232.jpg)
    29 KB
    hey, your talking to a drinking pro here. jack, crown, makers mark. ive had them all
    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/13/11(Wed)07:56:17 No.340509963
         File1310558177.jpg-(21 KB, 100x100, 13157629[1].jpg)
    21 KB



    >..... I gotta learn to type faster.
    >> John Smith !Kyonhtl0aE 07/13/11(Wed)07:56:17 No.340509964
         File1310558177.jpg-(56 KB, 640x360, kyon14.jpg)
    56 KB

    I don't know what I'm saying anymore.
    >> SamuraiJack 07/13/11(Wed)07:57:26 No.340510050
    such is life
    >> SamuraiJack 07/13/11(Wed)07:58:31 No.340510139
    this is terrible without pictures, i need a new folder...
    >> John Smith !Kyonhtl0aE 07/13/11(Wed)07:58:34 No.340510144
         File1310558314.jpg-(70 KB, 1280x720, kyon228.jpg)
    70 KB

    I'm just tired.
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:58:39 No.340510151
         File1310558319.jpg-(146 KB, 840x769, neko_log_0001.jpg)
    146 KB
    You like cats? :D
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)07:58:41 No.340510154
         File1310558321.jpg-(107 KB, 600x423, f0fcaa1c72299d8d4d7a970eaf229e(...).jpg)
    107 KB
    Guess that's a yes >.>
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)07:59:39 No.340510231
         File1310558379.jpg-(306 KB, 700x540, alt_log_18a7.jpg)
    306 KB
    Maybe it's bedtime?
    >> !al.38.AQK6 07/13/11(Wed)07:59:47 No.340510240
    >> Komrade☭ !.7LovePM6A 07/13/11(Wed)07:59:56 No.340510250
         File1310558396.jpg-(344 KB, 1000x1500, 98af4d60c5cb39609938c501e81d42(...).jpg)
    344 KB
    rule numba 3
    I can love, just fall in it~♥
    >> Malice !xYCTLhXdb6 07/13/11(Wed)08:01:09 No.340510358
         File1310558469.jpg-(38 KB, 1024x576, fma-envy-27794615845..jpg)
    38 KB
    >> John Smith !Kyonhtl0aE 07/13/11(Wed)08:01:42 No.340510410
         File1310558502.jpg-(23 KB, 275x315, kyon21.jpg)
    23 KB

    Maybe it is.


    >> Yotsuba !ONk14TfQNk 07/13/11(Wed)08:02:03 No.340510450
         File1310558523.png-(349 KB, 1680x1050, remiq.net_1422[1].png)
    349 KB
    >> Nagato !YUKINm8Ask 07/13/11(Wed)08:02:15 No.340510467
         File1310558535.jpg-(37 KB, 480x270, alt_log_0af4899a.jpg)
    37 KB
    I'm going to take a shower, brb :)

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