Let's go on an adventure!
>>339494601hahahaha that's great :D
laughed hard at this
PROTIP: Click "futaba" at the bottom of this page to link there
Your fortune: Good Luckfuck i cant japanese
>>339495162Japanese final destination
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome strangerShould rephrase the statement
____ / \ /\ キリッ. / (ー) (ー)\ <みんな興味持ってるってことだしね。 / ⌒(__人__)⌒ \ | |r┬-| | \ `ー’´ / ノ \ /´ ヽ | l \ ヽ -一””””~~``’ー?、 -一”””’ー-、. ヽ ____(⌒)(⌒)⌒) ) (⌒_(⌒)⌒)⌒)) ____ /_ノ ヽ、_\ ミ ミ ミ o゚((●)) ((●))゚o ミ ミ ミ <だっておwww/⌒)⌒)⌒. ::::::⌒(__人__)⌒:::\ /⌒)⌒)⌒) | / / / |r┬-| | (⌒)/ / / // | :::::::::::(⌒) | | | / ゝ :::::::::::/ | ノ | | | \ / ) /ヽ / `ー’´ ヽ / / | | l||l 从人 l||l l||l 从人 l||l バンバン ヽ -一””””~~``’ー?、 -一”””’ー-、 ヽ ____(⌒)(⌒)⌒) ) (⌒_(⌒)⌒)⌒))
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
my brain is full of fuck after looking at this site
found a thread with pics of real women
Your fortune: Outlook goodsome kind of power rangers show maybe
foond something
>>339495626Are you 100% sure they're women?
i was i could read chicken scratch. this looks good
Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mailthe fuck
Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome strangerwhat's 2chans version of /random/?
Hahahaha!Get it?!
>>339495626Wait wat, japanese women have breasts?
Your fortune: Bad Luckwat
A nigg3rnese.
this thread is hilarioushttp://dat.2chan.net/16/res/447050.htm
Your fortune: Godly LuckWoh there pickle!!Looks like bacon. Fuck that place is more fucked than /b/Brain... hurts...
Your fortune: Bad Luck
>>339495887Anime characters in L4D>allofmymoney.jpg
>>339496164Dat Suwako.
I think that's one of ours.
this is all i could find :(◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻◻
from top to bottom it says:TokyoFukushimaKesennuma
Your fortune: Good Luck>>339496388fuck, this is in response to:>>339495988
The next friend I find with a birthday is getting this put on their Facebook wall.
Damn, and I thought we were crazy. The japanese are wierdos.
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン >>339495626>found a thread with real women>real women>real women on 2chan?
>>339495766and her sister
i lol'd
>>339496131that is definitely not bacon... oh my god.
can someone post a link to their equivalent of /s/ ??
Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!
キタ━━━ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ━ヽ(゚∀゚)ノ━━━!!!!am i doing it right
>>339496660as far as I can tell, this one says: 'malevolent hawk's pose' I don't really think thats a hawk 2ch...
what the fuck?
bear with me
Do people from 2chan bring back souvenirs from newt gingrich?
>>339495766Haigure! Haigure! Haigure!
Actually a cool picture.
>>339497135no, bear with me
Your fortune: Average Luck>>339495988The top part says something about tokyo.So that's tokyo and the rest is.. My guess would be somewhere else in Japan, or maybe China or Korea.
>>339496660if you guys are interested this is some kind of 2chan meme
This is now a haigure thread
>>3394972902chan memes are retarded. Even more retarded than our stupid memes.
Your fortune: Better not tell you now
Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン >>339496731>>339496131Old pic is incredibly old. GTFO
I think this may be photoshopped. Not sure though, I think we need an expert to tell.
>>339497288yeah i posted above what it says
>>339497290whoops meant to link to thishttp://www.google.com/search?um=1&hl=en&safe=off&biw=1276&bih=683&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=%E8%8D%92%E3%81%B6%E3%82%8B%E9%B7%B9%E3%81%AE%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC%E3%82%BA&oq=%E3%81%82%E3%82%89%E3%81%B6%E3%82%8B&aq=0r&aqi=g-r9g1&aql=undefined&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=539385l543357l0l16l15l3l0l0l3l240l1972l0.9.2l12
I love that there's a whole thread for ramen. And another for cats.
Your fortune: Godly Luck
>>339495988>>339496388>>339496588>>339497088>>339497188>>339497288all in ONE THREAD
>mfw they have a board solely for bicylces.srsly, this place is fucked up
>>339497764Fucking summerfags, how do they work?
damn I hate asian people. When I look at them I really do see an inferior race with there squinty souless eyes, assless girls, annoying voices and weird ashy knees and elbows. The way they all have the exact same hair. Horrible taste in art and fuck dont get me started on there music.
2chan /gif/ is better then newt gingrich
>>339497764a classic case of, i bought you a souvenir, but left it at home. which is exactly what happened last time i went to japan
It's not all bad.
forgot the page from 2chano_O
Quite exploitable.
10-4 good buddy
FUCK THIS TIGER, it's looking into my SOUL.
>>339498426and thats how a meme was born
Does it always have to come back to eating shit? Fuck.
Oh shit. I think I just won at this finding something cool!!http://pochi.x.fc2.com/k_kisekae.htmlThis shits instense
>>339498604>>339498426saved for future OC
>>339496158thought i reconized this motherfucker
Too much time on their hands.
>>339499629It took me a moment to understand what I was looking at. Then I realized. Then I started trying to figure out how to make my own.
>>339498426>>339498604I made my own
hentai board
Do I win? Because I think I win.DAMN JAPAN YOU CRAZY
>>339499690please give us the link to that thread
>>339500078Was just about to post that gif. Wtf is wrong wioth people, who the fuck gets off on girls licking doorknobs?
>>339500324TOO SLOW!
I just blew your mind.
>>339500106http://may.2chan.net/40/res/1992153.htmNot a whole lot there.
like this?
>>339500577>>339499968>>339499690>>339498604>>339498426Are these on 2chan or are people making them?
for some or other reason, this gif gets me rockhard.
>>339500707thank you
>>339500786then watch fuckin k-on and fap like a king
Something about this creeps me out on a very fundamental level, and I don't know why.
I bring you...THE POWER RANGERS!
>>339500577> post on 2chan>write in english>???>profit
>>339501231it´s impossibru, candy-ass
>>339500763Of course it's on 2chan./b/ moves too fast for threads like that to happen.
What the...
>>339501342It works if you can get your hands on a Japanese IP.
Your fortune: Better not tell you nowhm.
>>339501532Yellow Magic Orchestra's really gone downhill.
Wat the shit
>>339498049Oh, man, thanks for that image. Love this style and the artist is fucking amazing.
>>339501691Yeah, I want to find more of it.