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  • File : 1309765478.jpg-(84 KB, 1000x924, 1286823667266.jpg)
    84 KB !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:44:38 No.338585693  
    Can we have a m♥♥t thread?

    also my bitcoin address is "17VTDS6gnJjyfRSfm92FWopCcoBenKpXAd" if you want to send me anything
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:46:28 No.338585999
         File1309765588.jpg-(104 KB, 600x545, 0910-Moot-A_x600x545.jpg)
    104 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:47:44 No.338586209
         File1309765664.jpg-(1.14 MB, 2272x1704, 1416 - moot piro.jpg)
    1.14 MB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:48:25 No.338586311
         File1309765705.jpg-(9 KB, 254x191, 174045_254x191.jpg)
    9 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:48:55 No.338586392
         File1309765735.jpg-(49 KB, 448x499, 128148085852.jpg)
    49 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:49:42 No.338586515
         File1309765782.jpg-(115 KB, 640x480, 1177960796938.jpg)
    115 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:50:18 No.338586619
         File1309765818.jpg-(10 KB, 412x480, 1177970780036.jpg)
    10 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)03:50:46 No.338586717
    what a ginormous fagit amirite?

    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:51:03 No.338586765
         File1309765863.jpg-(50 KB, 615x820, 1179899402048.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:52:00 No.338586912
         File1309765920.jpg-(69 KB, 820x615, 1179899648987.jpg)
    69 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)03:52:30 No.338586997
    Fucking candy-ass fuck this roody-poo newt gingrich shit missingno
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:52:39 No.338587024
         File1309765959.jpg-(115 KB, 1024x768, 1179900863403.jpg)
    115 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:53:15 No.338587134
         File1309765995.jpg-(230 KB, 768x1024, 1179901028376.jpg)
    230 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:53:53 No.338587240
         File1309766033.jpg-(259 KB, 444x591, 1179901091348.jpg)
    259 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:54:30 No.338587319
         File1309766070.jpg-(72 KB, 773x580, 1179901175875.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)03:54:50 No.338587373
    Is he intentionally dressed like a hobo?
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:55:06 No.338587420
         File1309766106.jpg-(123 KB, 640x480, 1179901487522.jpg)
    123 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:56:23 No.338587614
         File1309766183.jpg-(1.04 MB, 2272x1704, 1179901505642.jpg)
    1.04 MB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)03:56:28 No.338587632
    does /b/ like missingno? i've heard conflicting sides...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)03:57:10 No.338587738
    Nice 21st century haircut
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:57:27 No.338587782
         File1309766247.jpg-(163 KB, 768x1024, 1179901559012.jpg)
    163 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)03:57:55 No.338587858

    missingno is just another candy-assic attention whore sandroody-poo who can die from aids
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:58:35 No.338587966
         File1309766315.jpg-(245 KB, 768x1024, 1179901635981.jpg)
    245 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)03:59:34 No.338588092
         File1309766374.jpg-(46 KB, 800x600, 1179901749610.jpg)
    46 KB
    Please contribute.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:00:18 No.338588203
    i honestly can't believe that he is a grown ass man and behaves this way.
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:00:21 No.338588211
         File1309766421.jpg-(165 KB, 768x1024, 1179901897901.jpg)
    165 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:01:31 No.338588413
    are you like 14? because a 14 year old would say that.
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:01:42 No.338588439
         File1309766502.jpg-(72 KB, 800x600, 1179902156414.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:02:00 No.338588486
    Keep going, I'm almost there.
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:02:50 No.338588622
         File1309766570.jpg-(182 KB, 1024x768, 1179902229589.jpg)
    182 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:03:02 No.338588661
    Hi Devon
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:03:47 No.338588786
         File1309766627.jpg-(42 KB, 640x480, 1179902320563.jpg)
    42 KB
    brb making tea
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:03:50 No.338588791
    hail missingno
    the troll fuhrer!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:04:05 No.338588836
    i mean what the fuck kind of man dresses like this and goes out in public and acts like that i'll tell you waht kind a FAGGOT
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:07:16 No.338589352
         File1309766836.jpg-(96 KB, 800x533, 1179902406929.jpg)
    96 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:07:17 No.338589353
    itt pictures from 2005
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:07:57 No.338589463
         File1309766877.jpg-(28 KB, 480x640, 1179902547625.jpg)
    28 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:08:47 No.338589594
         File1309766927.jpg-(82 KB, 908x681, 1179902564137.jpg)
    82 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:09:53 No.338589758
         File1309766993.jpg-(1.01 MB, 1704x2272, 1179902682916.jpg)
    1.01 MB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:10:40 No.338589865
         File1309767040.jpg-(116 KB, 640x480, 1179902696152.jpg)
    116 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:11:23 No.338589971
         File1309767083.jpg-(111 KB, 480x640, 1179902735892.jpg)
    111 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:12:03 No.338590055
         File1309767123.jpg-(104 KB, 480x640, 1179902745184.jpg)
    104 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:13:30 No.338590243
         File1309767210.jpg-(59 KB, 640x240, 1179903017747.jpg)
    59 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:13:32 No.338590248
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    >mfw missingnoykins
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:14:01 No.338590308
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:14:02 No.338590312
         File1309767242.jpg-(66 KB, 773x580, 1179903089205.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:15:03 No.338590461
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:15:34 No.338590541
         File1309767334.jpg-(63 KB, 640x480, 1179903242955.jpg)
    63 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:16:12 No.338590630
         File1309767372.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, 1179903516800.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:16:31 No.338590669
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    deal with it
    >> lemonysword 07/04/11(Mon)04:16:40 No.338590694
    you just missed it
    we were all chatting with missingno
    he was mostly antagonizing a camwhore
    what a fucking beautiful man
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:17:01 No.338590755
         File1309767421.jpg-(105 KB, 800x600, 1179903768955.jpg)
    105 KB
    what is this i dont even
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:18:57 No.338591013
         File1309767537.gif-(1.04 MB, 330x436, 1179903800189.gif)
    1.04 MB
    If anyone has pictures I haven't posted please post them.
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:19:28 No.338591099
         File1309767568.jpg-(47 KB, 640x480, 1179904055787.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:20:07 No.338591196
         File1309767607.jpg-(24 KB, 377x525, 1179904501107.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> camwhore 07/04/11(Mon)04:20:39 No.338591267
         File1309767639.jpg-(80 KB, 640x480, Photo 675.jpg)
    80 KB
    oh is this a m00t thread? my bad.
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:21:07 No.338591328
         File1309767667.jpg-(539 KB, 800x600, 1179905028061.jpg)
    539 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:21:25 No.338591372
    >mo­ot invades camwhore thread
    Guess it makes sense that a camwhore would invade a missingno thread.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)04:21:26 No.338591375
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:21:56 No.338591451
         File1309767716.jpg-(100 KB, 986x740, 1185082603782.jpg)
    100 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:22:20 No.338591517
    I lol'd
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:22:23 No.338591519
         File1309767743.jpg-(44 KB, 344x700, mootindrag.jpg)
    44 KB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    m00t a trap ?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:22:23 No.338591522
    Quick, post a picture of yourself!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:22:28 No.338591534
    shit i forgot how creepy snacks looked
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:22:51 No.338591592
         File1309767771.jpg-(120 KB, 800x601, 1185340730555.jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/04/11(Mon)04:23:02 No.338591619
         File1309767782.jpg-(291 KB, 600x802, 424267[1].jpg)
    291 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:23:08 No.338591638
         File1309767788.png-(283 KB, 394x394, 1300066718462.png)
    283 KB

    inb4 this thread has 1000 posts within the next 30 mins
    >> ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)04:23:28 No.338591685
    More like induring.
    >> camwhore 07/04/11(Mon)04:23:38 No.338591724
         File1309767818.jpg-(76 KB, 640x480, Photo 676.jpg)
    76 KB
    >> Sn !SummeRQH82 07/04/11(Mon)04:23:48 No.338591755
    well fancy seeing you here.
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:23:56 No.338591775
         File1309767836.jpg-(128 KB, 640x480, 1193288835513.jpg)
    128 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:24:12 No.338591813

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:24:55 No.338591909
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


    This is a line I WOULD cross.

    over and over and over again
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:25:39 No.338592030
         File1309767939.jpg-(166 KB, 1024x576, irregular-around-the-margins-0(...).jpg)
    166 KB
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)04:25:46 No.338592048
         File1309767946.jpg-(37 KB, 308x590, lolglasses.jpg)
    37 KB
    me wearing friend's glasses
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:25:58 No.338592075
         File1309767958.jpg-(138 KB, 1012x1315, 1248537014139.jpg)
    138 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:26:46 No.338592203
         File1309768006.jpg-(10 KB, 300x239, Moot davis.jpg)
    10 KB
    Amidoinitrite guise?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:26:51 No.338592210
    well i never
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:27:07 No.338592244
    how many emails do you get in your newt gingrich account a week?
    >> Sn !SummeRQH82 07/04/11(Mon)04:27:18 No.338592266
    Do you really lurk this often?
    Surely you have better things to do.

    Also, what's your opinion on those godawful Pony threads?
    >> StillEnjoyingCam !!SCeAGzh7+nu 07/04/11(Mon)04:27:30 No.338592303
    Having your thread taken over by missingno - sucks
    Taking over a missingno love thread - win
    Nice job CW
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:27:36 No.338592321
         File1309768056.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 0 10.jpg)
    3 KB

    mfw you attempt trolling
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:27:40 No.338592330
         File1309768060.gif-(54 KB, 400x400, StopPostingAttention.gif)
    54 KB
    See http://boards.newt
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:27:41 No.338592332
    missingno is one of the best looking dudes. ever. no homo. well. maybe homo.
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:27:41 No.338592333
         File1309768061.jpg-(187 KB, 1920x1080, 1279777014641.jpg)
    187 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:27:54 No.338592372
    camwhore needs to up her game. Stale tactics didn't work in the last thread
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:27:56 No.338592378
    What the... Where do you people even get these fucking pictures?

    >lol at fact that there are a billion pics but clearly only about 3 occasions on which they were taken
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:28:22 No.338592450
    it's the real m00t try using Yotsuba B once ina while summerfag
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)04:28:31 No.338592469
    normally no because i am extremely busy during the week

    fuck yeah holiday weekend

    between 500 and 1000 i guess
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:28:32 No.338592475
    missingno is like a poorman's Zuckerberg
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:28:53 No.338592528
    How was the Tuna you cooked with your friend M00t?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:28:56 No.338592536
         File1309768136.jpg-(73 KB, 600x750, moot.jpg)
    73 KB
    Homosexual . Please , promptly , contract AIDS and die in a ditch somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:03 No.338592556
    fucking roody-poos
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:09 No.338592576
    i once saw a missingno thread that must've had more pictures than the whole internet combined
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:11 No.338592584
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    missingno, you never did tell me why you're not a cone person
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:12 No.338592586
         File1309768152.jpg-(248 KB, 901x680, 1284688422110.jpg)
    248 KB
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:18 No.338592600
    >lol at fact that there are a billion pics but clearly only about 3 occasions on which they were taken

    yeah, almost all of these are from 2005-2007. thank god i stopped going to cons.
    >>   07/04/11(Mon)04:29:25 No.338592619
    learn to recognize fake missingnos, candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:25 No.338592620
    How clean is your room right now missingno?

    My shit is fucking everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:28 No.338592628
    and I suppose you don't read them all? With you being so busy and all. . .
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:28 No.338592629
    legit m00t is legit
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:30 No.338592637

    Someone have the captioned version of this? Also to whoever asked about /b/'s stance on m00t: I think he's a pretty cool guy.
    >> StillEnjoyingCam !!SCeAGzh7+nu 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:37 No.338592656
    Can you just leave the next CW thread for us to enjoy without causing people to go apeshit that you're there?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:43 No.338592676
         File1309768183.png-(304 KB, 480x480, WhyDude.png)
    304 KB
    Why do we have to upload a file before the captcha verification? Please fix this.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:29:53 No.338592704
    no, its missingno. look at the boxes around his text
    >> camwhore 07/04/11(Mon)04:30:04 No.338592735
         File1309768204.jpg-(79 KB, 640x480, Photo 676.jpg)
    79 KB
    this isnt working
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)04:30:15 No.338592759
    i am extremely clean and organized

    i spent an hour steam cleaning the grout in my shower tonight, if that gives you an idea
    >> ಠ_ಠ !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)04:30:21 No.338592774
         File1309768221.jpg-(59 KB, 524x480, 1308918616335.jpg)
    59 KB
    >thank god i stopped going to cons
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:30:23 No.338592780
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail


    Na because if they made a movie about this place they would have to call it "The Antisocial Network"
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:30:37 No.338592815
         File1309768237.png-(35 KB, 181x177, cyat.png)
    35 KB

    missingno, would you ever date a fangirl of yours...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:30:39 No.338592823
         File1309768239.jpg-(33 KB, 544x517, 1297306879680.jpg)
    33 KB

    Actually no not at all.

    Mo­ot is in no way Zuckerberg, Zuckerberg is a money hungry whore of a slut who sells anyone information on facebook at a whim.

    He should be killed on the fire.

    Mo­ot on the other hand, created 4c­han, the festering anus of the internet, and simultaneously the greatest website ever conceived by man.

    Also, Nig­gers.

    That will be all Jeffery.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:30:45 No.338592834

    hey its steve
    wuts up with this i never see you on here like ever anymore and then i see you like 2 days in a row
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:30:51 No.338592846
    underage b&
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:31:04 No.338592873
    mute why are you a fag-got?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:31:07 No.338592882
    Is there a chance that an italian man can shake your hand Christopher?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:31:25 No.338592931
         File1309768285.jpg-(69 KB, 800x600, 1278185395476.jpg)
    69 KB
    Last week I met missingno on the street, so I punched him in the face because he is a candy-ass. He went out crying and I was happy that day.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:31:27 No.338592934
         File1309768287.gif-(1002 KB, 200x150, 1307931665574.gif)
    1002 KB
    is this really happening?
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)04:31:27 No.338592935
    missingno is more interesting. Try posting face.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:31:29 No.338592939
    Shit man, house cleaning does fucking suck.

    How about the outside? Overgrown to fuck, clean, or no fucking plants?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:31:40 No.338592962

    Is the neckbeard Alex?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:31:43 No.338592967
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Why are there no fourth of July stickers on
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:00 No.338593006

    what the fuck made m00t with 20 mexican pesos?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:01 No.338593010
         File1309768321.jpg-(10 KB, 450x350, 0_21_caveman_0.jpg)
    10 KB
    Hey Mootles. What's it feel like to be the god of thousands of neckbeards??
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:02 No.338593012
         File1309768322.gif-(2 KB, 299x276, 1274808541983.gif)
    2 KB
    face face face face!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:08 No.338593031
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    Why? srsly missingno you can't do this to newt gingrich ..
    >> Philip J. Fry !!flaV1UkOQ5x 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:09 No.338593033
         File1309768329.jpg-(211 KB, 648x1000, moot cumming.jpg)
    211 KB
    100+ posts later and no one posted this pic yet.

    fucking newfags.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:14 No.338593043
    Mo­ot... wat do?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:17 No.338593053
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    Moot, what are your views on the opposite sex (cumdumpsters) regarding whether or not you would date one?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:18 No.338593061
    Post more often?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:22 No.338593068
         File1309768342.jpg-(31 KB, 500x361, InterestYouHasIt.jpg)
    31 KB
    You have my full interest, I don't even know what are these fags talking about, please indulge your fever, see http://boards.newt
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:45 No.338593128
    You look like a hipster artist or writer or something.

    I'm back from Cornell taking community college classes for a semester. You should come back to fucking Austin so I'll have something to talk about besides all the recipes I found on /ck/ during class.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:46 No.338593132
         File1309768366.jpg-(25 KB, 335x225, cheese-pizza.jpg)
    25 KB
    Tell us your tripcode so we can troll newfags please. XD
    >>somebody cheeze pizza to 404 this thread 4 da lulz
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:51 No.338593144
    lol how old was he in that pic he looks 14
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:52 No.338593148
    Hmm, do you have any fetishes missingno? Haha.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:32:57 No.338593161
    Tell me Chris, what is your finest achievement in your eyes?

    Captacha: omploy spacecon-
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:33:06 No.338593185

    How many girls have you fucked?
    Haw many guys have you fucked?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:33:08 No.338593191

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:33:17 No.338593216

    Whoa missingno, is this really you? I didn't take you for a ps3 guy.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:33:23 No.338593233

    Or, "/b/"
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:33:26 No.338593246
    Mo­ot, do you ever think you'll wake up one day and just say "fuck it, I'm too old for this shit" and just bail on this site?

    -I would.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:33:27 No.338593249
    put on a moo­t mask. house keys in pooper. else gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:33:48 No.338593298
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン


    It is working for me. I am almost there.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:33:48 No.338593299
    It sure is working for me...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:33:58 No.338593317
         File1309768438.gif-(148 KB, 818x669, 1288270635533.gif)
    148 KB
    >> camwhore 07/04/11(Mon)04:33:58 No.338593318
         File1309768438.jpg-(81 KB, 640x480, Photo 674.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:07 No.338593344


    and then they rage when are called newfags
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:11 No.338593356
    hey missingnoles, bunny ears or loop swoop and pull?

    furrealz i need to know for science
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:13 No.338593365
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    this is it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:16 No.338593371
    he gave up on newt gingrich years ago
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:19 No.338593381
    m00t how do u like ur eggs done? its for research purposes
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:23 No.338593396
    Nice pussy
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:33 No.338593416
    Mootykins you are so cute <3 Can I marry you please?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:39 No.338593428
         File1309768479.png-(255 KB, 474x519, 1308478686360.png)
    255 KB

    PC, Ps3 or Xbox360

    Also your opinion on the fucking steve jobs
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:41 No.338593433
         File1309768481.jpg-(118 KB, 347x403, 1308725100324.jpg)
    118 KB
    omg you are real m00t...
    i like you man (:
    thank you for all!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:48 No.338593452
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    Permanent ban me missingno!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:34:59 No.338593478
    He likes his eggs fertalised.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:35:02 No.338593486
    a wild cat appears!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:35:11 No.338593516

    Yanks ahead of BOS by 1.5 games.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:35:14 No.338593527
         File1309768514.jpg-(43 KB, 500x404, 1303104176693.jpg)
    43 KB
    Fag Detected.
    Mfw its mo­ot.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:35:17 No.338593533
    It's been tried enough.

    I suppose he dosen't want to disclose his opinion for it will upset the fabric of the universe
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)04:35:53 No.338593627
         File1309768553.png-(337 KB, 1263x962, 1 why did the last thread 404.png)
    337 KB
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    Snacks is an admin.

    Inb4: Auto 404? :3
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:36:00 No.338593640
    missingno why are you only in threads with this cam whore?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:36:14 No.338593671
         File1309768574.jpg-(528 KB, 2272x1704, 1296994072276.jpg)
    528 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:36:15 No.338593672
    Moot you have a nice cock.
    >> camwhore 07/04/11(Mon)04:36:29 No.338593713
         File1309768589.jpg-(71 KB, 640x480, Photo 675.jpg)
    71 KB
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)04:36:37 No.338593732
    He has a crush~
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:36:38 No.338593741
    Hey Mute, I hate DK Vagina and Whale Cupcake.. And that hitler whore from /soc/ too..
    That's all.. <3
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:36:58 No.338593791
    moar ass plox
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:37:18 No.338593845
    I want a the antisocial network
    that would make me hard
    >> Anonymous‮Anonymous‪‪‬ 07/04/11(Mon)04:37:18 No.338593848
         File1309768638.jpg-(19 KB, 367x451, 021836.jpg)
    19 KB
    mfw m00t lurks his own threads
    >self loving asshole <3
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:37:21 No.338593860
    nice t-shirt bro
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/04/11(Mon)04:37:28 No.338593880
    This is m00t's girlfriend?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:37:42 No.338593915
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:38:00 No.338593949
    ... Proving once again that he as just as much of a candy-ass as everyone else here.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:38:02 No.338593956
    Your fortune: Average Luck


    I would be jealous but I live closer to him so it's allllll good.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:38:15 No.338593994
    no just a random conslut
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:38:17 No.338594000
    It's true you are getting BALD?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:38:19 No.338594006
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    My god, missingno is an ultra candy-ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:38:24 No.338594016

    missingno tell us the story behind this one.
    >> camwhore 07/04/11(Mon)04:38:33 No.338594033
         File1309768713.jpg-(72 KB, 640x480, Photo 675.jpg)
    72 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:38:45 No.338594060
    I wonder how missingno feels about this thread :\
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:38:56 No.338594092
         File1309768736.jpg-(73 KB, 314x450, Reeses puffs.jpg)
    73 KB

    So moo­t dude, I've needed to ask you this question for a long while but never got the chance, and now that you're here I might as well give it a shot.

    Where do you buy your cereal man? I mean my favorite is reese's puffs, and I used to get like the triple bag boxes from costco, but they stopped selling them and that shit is expensive anywhere else.

    So where is the best place to get delicious breakfast snacks moo­t?

    >Pic related, it's some fucking Reese's Puffs
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:38:58 No.338594098
    can we fuck ?
    >> ---------HEY MOOOOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nigerian 07/04/11(Mon)04:39:03 No.338594110
         File1309768743.jpg-(13 KB, 249x203, 1299496242538.jpg)
    13 KB
    adopt THE CAPTCHA FOUND IN beemp3 website
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:39:03 No.338594111
         File1309768743.jpg-(5 KB, 228x219, This.jpg)
    5 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:39:20 No.338594144
    soo hot, i would do anything you wanted.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:39:28 No.338594169
    keep them coming, I always welcome tits
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:39:46 No.338594225
         File1309768786.gif-(1.83 MB, 200x200, 1309684929733.gif)
    1.83 MB
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    Mind blown
    >mfw shitstorm
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)04:39:52 No.338594241
    He's probably fapping to the pictures of himself.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:40:09 No.338594285
    you're starting to look better bro
    >> StillEnjoyingCam !!SCeAGzh7+nu 07/04/11(Mon)04:40:17 No.338594310
    glad this thread is turning to hot girl, much better topic.

    How about one of you licking your nipple?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:40:23 No.338594323
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    I wonder how many times m00t has started a thread about himself like this.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:40:24 No.338594328
    Camwhore, please post a picture of you standing, with your back to the camera. Picture must include back of head, back, ass, and thigh.
    Prompt delivery is crucial.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:40:27 No.338594338

    can we fuck ?
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/04/11(Mon)04:40:38 No.338594363
    m00t is a trap?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:40:46 No.338594388
         File1309768846.jpg-(3 KB, 103x126, 1275452218175s.jpg)
    3 KB
    >mfw m00t is posting without his tripcode
    >> camwhore 07/04/11(Mon)04:40:49 No.338594396
         File1309768849.jpg-(74 KB, 640x480, Photo 674.jpg)
    74 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:40:54 No.338594409
         File1309768854.jpg-(36 KB, 493x373, 1193389059908.jpg)
    36 KB
    Why does your skin look so smissingnoh?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:41:05 No.338594441
    Hell, I still can't quite tell the difference.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:41:06 No.338594442
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    Yesterday my fortune was bad and I burnt my omelette and curdled my cheese sauce.
    >> bip !hFIPq.B9g6 07/04/11(Mon)04:41:12 No.338594461
    camwhore get in here so we can go apeshit while you're in motion live

    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)04:41:28 No.338594512
    >> nigerian 07/04/11(Mon)04:41:35 No.338594531
    holy fuck. ya have 10/10 tits
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:42:06 No.338594611
    toothbrush in vagina?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:42:14 No.338594631
         File1309768934.jpg-(58 KB, 500x719, Spiderman-Reboot.jpg)
    58 KB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    Lurking for missingno thread and for camwhore. How much better can this get?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:42:22 No.338594647
    hi M00typOO
    >> camwhore 07/04/11(Mon)04:42:26 No.338594655
         File1309768946.jpg-(75 KB, 640x480, Photo 675.jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:42:28 No.338594658
    camwhore! I found you!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:42:29 No.338594662
    Maybe a shot of your lips yesss?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:42:36 No.338594681
    God fucking dammit
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:43:09 No.338594766
    Ass facing the cam please

    Ass facing the cam please

    Ass facing the cam please

    Ass facing the cam please

    Ass facing the cam please

    Ass facing the cam please

    Ass facing the cam please

    Ass facing the cam please
    With face down
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:43:13 No.338594776
         File1309768993.jpg-(286 KB, 1632x1224, 1292648596027.jpg)
    286 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:43:27 No.338594809
    what little girl is Moot talking about?
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/04/11(Mon)04:43:46 No.338594866
    M00t has been taking hormones to become a girl and hasn't been seen in a picture since then.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:43:56 No.338594894
    camwhore, can you sqeeze your boobies again?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:44:03 No.338594907
         File1309769043.jpg-(39 KB, 468x312, cute_babys_T3515.jpg)
    39 KB
    Your fortune: Good Luck


    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:44:44 No.338595001
         File1309769084.jpg-(62 KB, 776x672, 1289778424229.jpg)
    62 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:44:47 No.338595011
    And just to think, I killed a cat, and I may say, I did it my way
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:45:47 No.338595174
         File1309769147.jpg-(61 KB, 380x508, 1290204559742.jpg)
    61 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:45:55 No.338595192
         File1309769155.jpg-(73 KB, 628x474, 1296697573992.jpg)
    73 KB
    fag­got mo­ot makes a few posts and camwhores flock in and this place turns to /soc/...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:45:56 No.338595194
         File1309769156.jpg-(36 KB, 640x480, 1309302377916.jpg)
    36 KB
    camwhore, splay toes like this
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:46:03 No.338595215
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    IF ONLY SHE WOULD SPREAD HER NICE VAG =) I wanna see some pink and give us a small peak at her face maybe her side or her chin so we know shes not some butterface.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:46:19 No.338595251
    M00T, splain this plox?
    >> !MTwGe3IRLk 07/04/11(Mon)04:46:39 No.338595297
         File1309769199.gif-(1.52 MB, 176x139, 1309416138681.gif)
    1.52 MB
    why u no working captcha
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:46:50 No.338595323

    that post was so embarrassing it actually made me blush
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:46:52 No.338595330
    camwhore i just wanted to let you know that i busted a nut to one of your pics. and im not a bad looking guy. lol
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:46:59 No.338595343
    cammie, lay on your stomack with you legs up plz
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)04:47:16 No.338595377
         File1309769236.gif-(145 KB, 561x461, moot rapes snacks.gif)
    145 KB
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:47:23 No.338595397
         File1309769243.jpg-(285 KB, 681x1024, 1292648659870.jpg)
    285 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:47:37 No.338595424
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    >> neb !/r/0xCKRVw 07/04/11(Mon)04:47:39 No.338595429
    write olev on tits
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:47:58 No.338595474
    naw ;3
    >> ----------CAPTCHA CAPTCHA NlGGERS--- JDETRUJDFGJDFGJDFGHD 07/04/11(Mon)04:48:01 No.338595488
         File1309769281.gif-(43 KB, 564x401, 1297241332046.gif)
    43 KB
    >> camwhore 07/04/11(Mon)04:48:01 No.338595489
         File1309769281.jpg-(79 KB, 640x480, Photo 675.jpg)
    79 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:48:07 No.338595510
         File1309769287.jpg-(38 KB, 608x448, 1203906278937.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)04:48:06 No.338595512
         File1309769286.jpg-(171 KB, 839x1708, moot little girl.jpg)
    171 KB
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:48:21 No.338595541
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    trying to bust a lady nut here... in my heart :)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:48:31 No.338595561
         File1309769311.png-(33 KB, 499x314, 1307474852731.png)
    33 KB
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:49:05 No.338595650
         File1309769345.jpg-(271 KB, 1024x768, trap detected.jpg)
    271 KB
    >> JDETRUJDFGJDFGJDFGHD 07/04/11(Mon)04:49:10 No.338595661
    U R BEAUTIFUL. do u live in malta? meow :3
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)04:49:13 No.338595667
         File1309769353.jpg-(68 KB, 1200x1173, moot dick.jpg)
    68 KB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:49:20 No.338595687
         File1309769360.jpg-(34 KB, 248x252, WOWIt'sFuckingNothing.jpg)
    34 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:49:36 No.338595720
         File1309769376.jpg-(14 KB, 200x200, 1165708769010.jpg)
    14 KB
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    m♥♥t i love you phaggit, and camwhore, plis go away
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:50:03 No.338595779

    Pic of you spread, slouching and showing like you are just chillin'

    Would make my day.

    Also, I'm Mote or whoever, so do it.
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)04:50:13 No.338595808
         File1309769413.jpg-(143 KB, 1275x1650, moot selfmade.jpg)
    143 KB
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:50:17 No.338595825
    I fucking love u cammie, are u goona be here all summer?
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:51:05 No.338595933
         File1309769465.jpg-(66 KB, 640x480, 1292651989232.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)04:51:25 No.338595970
         File1309769485.jpg-(170 KB, 841x700, moot fake.jpg)
    170 KB
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:51:43 No.338596020
    Camwhore is here:

    No m00t though.
    >> StillEnjoyingCam !!SCeAGzh7+nu 07/04/11(Mon)04:52:00 No.338596060
    take a pic of you licking your nipple
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:52:22 No.338596115
    fingers in vagooo next
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)04:52:45 No.338596188
         File1309769565.jpg-(24 KB, 400x300, moot and boxxy.jpg)
    24 KB
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:52:53 No.338596204
         File1309769573.jpg-(350 KB, 600x800, 1262593839344.jpg)
    350 KB
    M­oot are you faping? Tell her to:
    1) Get on her knees
    2) Bend the fuck over
    3) Put her face on the ground
    4) Snap a pic of her ass facing the cam
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:53:26 No.338596273
         File1309769606.jpg-(235 KB, 1024x683, 1292653932425.jpg)
    235 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:53:33 No.338596288
    that aint camwhore bro
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:53:52 No.338596330
    OP I find you to be very attractive, if given the opportunity I would have you on my bed utterly satisfied and in the morning would cook you an absolutely fucking excellent breakfast (i'm a chef) and send you on your way. Thankyou for the epicness I only ask that you now fuck missingno and post pics. Kgo
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:54:09 No.338596375
         File1309769649.jpg-(42 KB, 375x523, Casey Anthony.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)04:54:14 No.338596390
         File1309769654.jpg-(116 KB, 720x584, moot puddi.jpg)
    116 KB
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    >> JDETRUJDFGJDFGJDFGHD 07/04/11(Mon)04:54:27 No.338596423
    haahahahah u r a chef of shit
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)04:55:34 No.338596602
    can't wait to eat real giga puddi later this month~
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:55:43 No.338596641
         File1309769743.jpg-(175 KB, 432x576, P1130193_sm.jpg)
    175 KB
    Sup, m00t.
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:56:00 No.338596682
         File1309769760.jpg-(47 KB, 500x333, 1290303254443.jpg)
    47 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:56:15 No.338596716
         File1309769775.jpg-(22 KB, 340x318, lol.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)04:56:19 No.338596734
    Getting it straight from Japan or what?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:56:24 No.338596743
    splain this:

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:57:11 No.338596854
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:57:25 No.338596891
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:57:29 No.338596901
         File1309769849.png-(211 KB, 336x254, 1297006427229.png)
    211 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:57:30 No.338596903
         File1309769850.jpg-(96 KB, 600x750, YourAttention.jpg)
    96 KB







    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:57:37 No.338596919
         File1309769857.jpg-(17 KB, 445x336, 14j1ez7.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:57:49 No.338596953
         File1309769869.jpg-(509 KB, 1800x1335, 1296715128867.jpg)
    509 KB
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    Why didn't you finalize the Michael Bolton thing you were doing?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:57:53 No.338596969
    Moot, why haven't you delivered picture of shoe on head yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:57:59 No.338596985
    Hi m00t.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:58:28 No.338597049

    You never answered me

    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)04:58:30 No.338597057
    vacationing in glorious nippon
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)04:58:41 No.338597086
         File1309769921.jpg-(60 KB, 510x382, 1290306435473.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:59:01 No.338597132
    How was the tuna you cooked with your friend m00t??
    >> roody-poo 07/04/11(Mon)04:59:05 No.338597150
    missingno is cute!
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)04:59:20 No.338597188
    Aw shit. Got a lot of exciting things planned? What all are you gonna do?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)04:59:49 No.338597253
    not really, just going to hang out/visit friends in tokyo for a week
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)04:59:52 No.338597264
         File1309769992.jpg-(22 KB, 452x507, Sonic.jpg)
    22 KB
    >> camwhore 07/04/11(Mon)05:00:13 No.338597310
         File1309770013.jpg-(71 KB, 640x480, Photo 674.jpg)
    71 KB
    i tried. deuces
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:00:25 No.338597333
    Hope you're not there when an earthquake tsunami combo hits.
    Just saying.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:00:32 No.338597353

    Puddi review, translated from Japanese to English courtesy of google.

    "Were presented to the brother-in-law in bed.There is volume appearance, but the children say Temashita eat delicious gelatin was solidified as a minor one strong. I agree to the mouth of an adult."

    Sounds great!
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:00:38 No.338597363
    Well that's still cool. Be sure to take pictures of anything interesting and post them here.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:00:55 No.338597412
         File1309770055.jpg-(31 KB, 400x400, WhoAreYou.jpg)
    31 KB
    Ok, stupid uninteresting shits, moo­t still neglects the real questions.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:00:56 No.338597414

    You watching this motherfucking twilight zone marathon on syfy?
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:01:35 No.338597507
    Oh, you have excellent collarbones, by the way.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:01:38 No.338597519
         File1309770098.png-(22 KB, 214x170, 1305821245922.png)
    22 KB
    MFW Moot shows up in this thread
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:01:39 No.338597527
    tits will only get you so far.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:02:01 No.338597575
    u arent leaving r u?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:02:12 No.338597613
         File1309770132.jpg-(91 KB, 600x449, tunafeesh.jpg)
    91 KB
    good! :3
    >> !TRiPFAG.zo 07/04/11(Mon)05:02:33 No.338597658
         File1309770153.png-(445 KB, 1197x783, 1251318362224.png)
    445 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:02:37 No.338597666
    the fuck is that black shit?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:02:41 No.338597683
    >has money for trip in Japan
    >I swear 4Chan only makes enough to keep the servers going

    Anyway, what's the new image/post limit?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:03:03 No.338597729
    protip: i have a real job
    >> ಠ_ಠ !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:03:05 No.338597736
    Was just wondering the same thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:03:08 No.338597743
         File1309770188.jpg-(91 KB, 367x368, TrollYouBetterBeNigger.jpg)
    91 KB
    >i tried
    >1 picture/hour
    >> StillEnjoyingCam !!SCeAGzh7+nu 07/04/11(Mon)05:03:26 No.338597784
    Camwhore left
    Thread no longer interesting
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)05:03:32 No.338597802
         File1309770212.gif-(82 KB, 236x320, moot gif.gif)
    82 KB
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    Want to eat this one. :3
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:03:39 No.338597818
         File1309770219.jpg-(52 KB, 780x468, nyan alt.jpg)
    52 KB
    you would go to japan....
    >> roody-poo 07/04/11(Mon)05:03:43 No.338597828
    is that asparagus? awesome! that would be soooo good with rice
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:04:04 No.338597872
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:04:09 No.338597883
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    holy shit m0ots here!

    hello from ausfailia good sir!
    >> ಠ_ಠ !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:04:10 No.338597887
    >>338597729 doesn't count.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:04:17 No.338597918
    Moot i would really love to shake your hand and take a picture with you. are you gonna be near the San Francisco area anytime soon?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:04:31 No.338597952
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:04:32 No.338597956
    damn that looks pretty good
    you better of got laid if it was for a girl
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:04:34 No.338597963
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:04:45 No.338597987
    Oh really? What do you do.
    >> noko 07/04/11(Mon)05:04:52 No.338598007
         File1309770292.gif-(3 KB, 56x85, rainbowlizard.gif)
    3 KB
    that's fucking poetic
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:04:58 No.338598020
         File1309770298.jpg-(3 KB, 126x126, 1309763679546.jpg)
    3 KB
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    >> gm 07/04/11(Mon)05:05:14 No.338598053

    you seem like the kind of guy who would have lots of friends in japan
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:05:25 No.338598082
    They actually sell puddi puddi, puddi puddi, something in Japanese, giga pudding at some Asian markets here in Washington.
    >> roody-poo 07/04/11(Mon)05:05:43 No.338598137
    >for a girl
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:05:50 No.338598147
         File1309770350.png-(282 KB, 950x838, 1308255930321.png)
    282 KB

    victorious mr poole is victorious
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:05:59 No.338598172
    i was in san francisco last week. will be there again at least three more times this year.
    >> Subject !!4ggN24S5RnZ 07/04/11(Mon)05:06:08 No.338598187
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    missingno you like trip?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:06:08 No.338598189
    You never answered any of my questions, missingno. Before now my opinion of you was pretty neutral, but now I know you're just an asshole. I hate you.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:06:12 No.338598195
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    >Donations to newt gingrich
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:06:22 No.338598217
         File1309770382.jpg-(100 KB, 800x600, image-180.jpg)
    100 KB
    Shoulda made imam bayildi /b/ro
    Your steak was clearly attacked by ants
    You probably got a forkfull o' ants in every bite
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:06:28 No.338598231
    was there doubt?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:06:34 No.338598242


    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:06:55 No.338598269
    Moot causes me pain because he doesn't like ladies and I would marry him.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:07:28 No.338598357
         File1309770448.gif-(36 KB, 128x231, 1289124445701.gif)
    36 KB
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    m33t me in Oakland in August you delicious candy-ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:07:32 No.338598367
    You're some kind of internet consultant for fancy candy-asss, right?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:07:35 No.338598375
         File1309770455.jpg-(50 KB, 328x480, nope.jpg)
    50 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:08:11 No.338598445
    only a 14 year old would give a fuck about m00t or saving his photos on his hard drive. that is gay as shit, dude made a cool website but ya'll are gay as fuck about. bet you'd suck his dick if you could. fuck this thread.

    easiest way to spot a true summer newfag? posting in a m00t appreciation thread. this place is so awful now
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:08:23 No.338598473
    My god, when are you gonna be coming round again?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:08:30 No.338598489
    How about Houston?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:08:30 No.338598491
    I second this guy's curiosity.

    What do you work as missingnokins?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:08:32 No.338598496
         File1309770512.jpg-(5 KB, 159x120, mints.jpg)
    5 KB

    m00t, my good man, can I have some candy?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:08:48 No.338598536
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    lets start a new trend try to get doubles with fortune rolls come on lets see if i roll what the next fortune rolls under me.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:08:56 No.338598553

    Says the fag­got who doesn't know how to spell mo­ot.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:01 No.338598567
    the past couple of missingno/camwhore threads have firmly convinced me that the esteemed missingno is homosexual because that is the best-looking camwhore i have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:05 No.338598577
    Are you gay or not? Really.

    >This is critical because I can't finish masturbating until I know for sure.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:12 No.338598593
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    missingno licks my balls
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:27 No.338598623
         File1309770567.png-(103 KB, 750x750, puddi pony.png)
    103 KB
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:28 No.338598626
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:28 No.338598629
         File1309770568.jpg-(81 KB, 421x587, 1278647884073.jpg)
    81 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:30 No.338598633
         File1309770570.jpg-(37 KB, 375x523, Puddi.jpg)
    37 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:36 No.338598645
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    m00t, ever fucked a camwhore?
    no? come to holland!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:36 No.338598646
         File1309770576.jpg-(2 KB, 101x126, 1304183251755s.jpg)
    2 KB
    what is a missingno
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:37 No.338598651

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:09:49 No.338598682
         File1309770589.png-(345 KB, 600x450, 1304405743778.png)
    345 KB
    heey m00t want smoke some weed with me??
    >> MrSpooky !536eBZvMV6 07/04/11(Mon)05:10:06 No.338598723
    Is DAVE still around?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:10:41 No.338598799
         File1309770641.jpg-(18 KB, 349x292, tneshu.jpg)
    18 KB
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    U LEIK TENCHU M♥♥T??????????????
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:10:41 No.338598800
    camwhore, y have u forsaken me?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:10:49 No.338598817
    Looks legit.

    I wonder if missingno has any roody-poo friends. That would be a little awkward.
    >> ಠ_ಠ !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:10:50 No.338598821
    Oh, mo­ot, I asked before but I'll try again: did you really rangeban Alice? I have my doubts.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:10:51 No.338598825
    are you offering to take me to the red light district or something? :(
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:00 No.338598848
    Your fortune: Bad Luck


    if you have been there you know the american flag.
    you know the old hobo always screaming his christian beliefs saying GOD BLESS AMERICA GOD BLESS AMERICA
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:02 No.338598853
         File1309770662.jpg-(147 KB, 1000x924, moot molesting cat.jpg)
    147 KB
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:08 No.338598872
    no. sorry bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:10 No.338598882
         File1309770670.jpg-(8 KB, 251x227, Cereal Guy.jpg)
    8 KB
    Maybe we should give a little appreciation to the creator of this website?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:31 No.338598928
         File1309770691.jpg-(156 KB, 600x800, delicioustunaavocado.jpg)
    156 KB
    this is goddamn delicious
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:31 No.338598934

    Mods seem to know something about Alive most don't. What is it?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:35 No.338598947
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    no offering you a place to stay at a camwhore house!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:36 No.338598950
    Can I have a boxes around my text?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:41 No.338598962
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    who's your favorite band?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:43 No.338598964
         File1309770703.jpg-(80 KB, 600x449, delicioussoba.jpg)
    80 KB
    as is this!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:11:58 No.338598996
    DO WANT.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:12:03 No.338599006
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:12:13 No.338599028
         File1309770733.jpg-(114 KB, 550x562, Forveralone_westside.jpg)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:12:19 No.338599045
    Mo­ot... wat do?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:12:19 No.338599047
         File1309770739.jpg-(35 KB, 213x219, 1308014626589.jpg)
    35 KB
    Why does it look like... so real...
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:12:32 No.338599079
         File1309770752.jpg-(105 KB, 409x377, deadpool killed nice deranged (...).jpg)
    105 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:12:36 No.338599086
         File1309770756.jpg-(11 KB, 225x225, vandersexx.jpg)
    11 KB
    inb4 vandersexxx
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:12:41 No.338599094
    It's not like he cares about us. Fuck him. This is probably the first time he has actually been here in a long time.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:12:48 No.338599109
    Now that I see you're in a picture mood. Shoe on head.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:12:53 No.338599128
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    is missingno some sort of vegen?! OH NO THE HORRORS THE LET DOWN NOooooo
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:12:54 No.338599134
    more importantly, maybe we should show a little appreciation to the most important free speech advocate in all of history.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:13:04 No.338599159
    I want to know.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:13:11 No.338599176
         File1309770791.jpg-(26 KB, 322x331, 123543513453.jpg)
    26 KB
    this picture looks shopped to me, i cant tell by the way the pixels and seeing alot of shops in my time
    >> Anonymous !911.dOZkLg 07/04/11(Mon)05:13:18 No.338599196
         File1309770798.jpg-(1.46 MB, 1898x1517, 1306272834783.jpg)
    1.46 MB

    m00t, why the fuck do you let spammers and newt gingrich fags spam this site.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:13:26 No.338599202
    >visits newt gingrich regularly
    >reads email regularly
    >pays bills regularly
    >only staff member besides parttime dev and volunteer the people's champions

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:13:28 No.338599213
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:13:39 No.338599236
    That would be Martin Luther King Junior.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:13:39 No.338599237
    I live in NY, Moot. Gonna eagerly await seeing your face so I can rub my boobs all over it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:13:39 No.338599238
    what is this appreciation you speak of?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:13:42 No.338599247

    i wish m00ty would come to vancouver.. stupid canaderp.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:13:50 No.338599265
    i actually fly through AMS pretty regularly but you are probably an axe murderer ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:13:55 No.338599281
         File1309770835.jpg-(8 KB, 258x196, D'OH.jpg)
    8 KB
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:14:06 No.338599306
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:14:10 No.338599317
    what was your idea behind this, mo­ot?

    wordfilters gonna filter
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:14:20 No.338599341
         File1309770860.jpg-(98 KB, 376x500, 1308021312238.jpg)
    98 KB
    missingno !Ep8pui8Vw2, why is that you do not do public bans as in show that they have been banned instead of simply quietly doing it? Because if you show, then standards would raised and the illusion of authority would be here.
    >> Whiteboy Approves !c7WHITE2zo 07/04/11(Mon)05:14:39 No.338599382

    As in ALTERNATIVE dave?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:14:49 No.338599401
         File1309770889.jpg-(720 KB, 2272x1704, 1297298945230.jpg)
    720 KB

    did you really get your weiner grabbed
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:14:51 No.338599404
         File1309770891.jpg-(69 KB, 640x480, 1.jpg)
    69 KB
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    no axe murderer here, come hang with me :)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:04 No.338599432
    You lie.

    Now tell us why you ban Alice, what do you know about her that we don't?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:09 No.338599446
    Moot, why is everyone asking you questions about newt gingrich when they just need to chillbreaker?
    >> ಠ_ಠ !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:14 No.338599466
    That's her thumb.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:18 No.338599477
    >not sure if troll...
    fuck it, i'll bite. dr. king would be civil rights.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:19 No.338599478
    no, that's a styrofoam cucumber in my pants.

    i wish i were kidding.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:19 No.338599479
         File1309770919.jpg-(102 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2010-12-18 at 14.34.jpg)
    102 KB
    why do i love you so much missingno ?
    >> MrSpooky !536eBZvMV6 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:20 No.338599482

    "Is there another DAVE I would speak of?" is a better question.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:20 No.338599486

    would you ever sell this?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬ MercWithMouth !!AaKEFaSBPV6 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:24 No.338599494
         File1309770924.jpg-(43 KB, 282x500, deadpool_65688 eat blasing doo(...).jpg)
    43 KB
    Yeah? Well, answer your IMs a bit moar.
    Or at least be prepared to duel at high noon.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:37 No.338599522
         File1309770937.jpg-(46 KB, 366x500, 1309345488778.jpg)
    46 KB

    Pick related missingno, It's the hypothetical camwhore offering you stay at her house.

    and by her I mean his.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:39 No.338599526
    so much want. so much.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:41 No.338599532
    I must know, quit ignoring.. wat do?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:44 No.338599542
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    Hey m00t when are the word filters gonna go away?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:46 No.338599548
    damn you missingno, if it werent for you, camwhore might still be here! Its ok, I still love u
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:50 No.338599554
         File1309770950.jpg-(9 KB, 216x212, 1277540350151.jpg)
    9 KB
    >wordfilters affect moo­t too
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:51 No.338599555
    who is this namefag
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:53 No.338599564
    this guy is right
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:57 No.338599569
    Nope, am a girl. Made my night.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:15:58 No.338599571
    He said the same thing in an interview yet still doesn't do it as often as he said he would.

    Oh well.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:16:05 No.338599582
    Do you really need a reason besides the fact that it's complete Faggotry, even by /b/'s standards?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:16:13 No.338599603
    >implying you will see me on the street
    >> Whiteboy Approves !c7WHITE2zo 07/04/11(Mon)05:16:14 No.338599605

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:16:19 No.338599614
    hey missingno, how do I become a mod?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:16:21 No.338599619
    Hey missingno do you have to type the captcha like everyone else or can you post without typing it?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:16:31 No.338599649
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:16:34 No.338599658
    i am far less interesting...
    but i go to sfu, not ubc, and have never heard of anyone meeting you!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:16:39 No.338599668
         File1309770999.jpg-(164 KB, 400x541, 1288867049365.jpg)
    164 KB
    i thought this picture would go well.
    that is all.
    >> ಠ_ಠ !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:16:55 No.338599700
    Put his penis in your mouth.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:16:56 No.338599704
         File1309771016.jpg-(54 KB, 375x249, mootykins.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:17:04 No.338599722

    LOL he talks like us guys!! XDDDDD Our leader!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:17:05 No.338599725
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    streets is too mainstream for mo­ot
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:17:20 No.338599762
         File1309771040.png-(176 KB, 380x288, fetto.png)
    176 KB
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:17:29 No.338599776
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:17:33 No.338599790
    You have a good point but I always saw m00t as the tripfag's champion. I never understood why the mass bans and even rangeban on Alice. Something must be on and I'm curious about what it is.
    >> vB !DjFreyaY/2 07/04/11(Mon)05:17:33 No.338599792
    i wonder if anyone's ever run up to m00t and screamed memes in his face
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:17:35 No.338599794
    m00t is an avocabro? You should post on /ck/ more often.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:17:43 No.338599809
    go die in a fire please
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:01 No.338599852
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:03 No.338599857
         File1309771083.jpg-(12 KB, 250x250, 1261340591140.jpg)
    12 KB
    I feel a giant "pic related" moment!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:07 No.338599865
    m00t=michael cerra from superbad
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:10 No.338599875
    What OS are you using?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:26 No.338599917

    Hey moo­t, you down to play some xbox 360 later?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:36 No.338599952
    pretty sure that's what everynewt gingrich does...
    >> Brody !!OEsESiNv+5t 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:41 No.338599966
    You made that?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:42 No.338599970
         File1309771122.gif-(470 KB, 361x360, Put+your+finger+on+the+heart+D(...).gif)
    470 KB
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    >> ಠ_ಠ !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:46 No.338599985
    Go away /g/
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:18:49 No.338599990
         File1309771129.gif-(229 KB, 200x134, animated deadpole deadpool pol(...).gif)
    229 KB
    dunno. did you ask your mom what the date was 9months before you were born?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:52 No.338600002
    suck a dick.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:18:53 No.338600007
         File1309771133.jpg-(59 KB, 475x369, 50-cent-tb.jpg)
    59 KB
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    if niggas so hot, why they aint got what i got
    my maybach, my watch, my hublot
    my fat knots, my swag is top notch
    my crack spots bring in cash in non stop
    my nigga Rock just came home from comstock
    i got shooters they aint got what i got
    got shit locked, i stunt non stop
    i get it and i blow it how i want , why not
    my bitch cold, i mean hot , sure shot
    come through in the drop, hold the glock why not
    9 millimeter, 9 shots , big rock
    9 carat stones , i'm in my own zone

    outlaw yea yea we lawless
    we ballin out yea regardless
    VVS yea yea we flawless
    you do what you gotta do, we do what we wanna do

    you wanna get shot, go ahead run up on my spot
    my lawyers will have me out by 1 o'clock
    go ahead get dropped tryna get what i got
    my diamonds twinkle over my izod
    my gun pop, tell me why would you try that
    porsche turbo, cayenne , ill buy that
    g5 jet , pilot, i fly that
    burn good shit, get as high as i get
    my minds sick ,im criminal minded
    shorty ass fat, i wanna bump and grind that
    groupie love bitch, your left breast ill sign that
    I'm CEO , Hoe you aint know?
    new york party of the year, my spot
    these bitches look so good, oh my god
    looking at the man in the mirror im so hot
    shorty wanna cut, cool make sure the door lock
    off with the gucci, down go my louis
    out come my uuwee, do me, baby do me
    like pornstar took ya to my spot
    my bed rock back and forth when im on top
    my backshots they are sorta like crack rocks
    i give it all i got, nonstop till sweat drop
    i damage i wreck shop, i come thru correct i ,
    i give her what she need, till its hard to breathe
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:19:04 No.338600025
         File1309771144.jpg-(136 KB, 456x337, 1303356862902.jpg)
    136 KB
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    hey missingno what's your opinion on newt gingrich threads and furfag threads
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:19:11 No.338600046
         File1309771151.gif-(15 KB, 275x300, slowpoke.gif)
    15 KB
    O look its Moot
    Hi :)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:19:14 No.338600050
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    I want to get into some xbox game play.
    >> I Just Took a Shit !W48S2eY4nU 07/04/11(Mon)05:19:35 No.338600099
    Yo muut can i send you my my panties i pissed in?

    and do you know how to catch missingno in pokemon read without The Game freezing?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:19:50 No.338600133
         File1309771190.jpg-(305 KB, 1067x1600, ah00043.jpg)
    305 KB







    do u liek chocolate milk?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:19:53 No.338600147
         File1309771193.png-(2 KB, 213x165, 1308765609774.png)
    2 KB
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Moot I have write you an email why do you dont answer me?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:20:24 No.338600206
         File1309771224.jpg-(39 KB, 600x600, 614855.jpg)
    39 KB
    Can I be a mod? If not what will it take my kind sir?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:20:30 No.338600217
    and here comes fake missingno to fail once again!
    >> Niza 07/04/11(Mon)05:20:30 No.338600221
    Hey missingno how often do you have to shave?
    >> vB !DjFreyaY/2 07/04/11(Mon)05:20:44 No.338600249
    he probably left to go cook some more
    well that was fun while it lasted
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:21:02 No.338600285
    Probably because he hates bad grammar.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:21:14 No.338600321
         File1309771274.jpg-(35 KB, 268x265, 1308995595156.jpg)
    35 KB
    great lord missingno

    why dose one wish to be the little girl?
    and how is peter?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:21:35 No.338600373
    You do realize he doesn't just give mod status to people who ask for it right?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:21:35 No.338600377
    lol he abandoned us
    >> New Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:21:38 No.338600381
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    Newfag . For nadien
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:21:39 No.338600386
    How old were you when you lost your virginity.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:21:40 No.338600387
         File1309771300.gif-(615 KB, 254x142, MercWithMouth Deadpool animate(...).gif)
    615 KB
    I'm more entertaining.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:21:46 No.338600399
    this thread needs music
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:21:49 No.338600407
    mr missingno sir, do you ever post as anonymous?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:21:54 No.338600419
    why won't you grow out your jewfro, missingno?
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)05:22:08 No.338600442
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:22:11 No.338600444
    i am! going for a malcom gladwell look
    >> Theseius !LUKA.DTp0s 07/04/11(Mon)05:22:20 No.338600461
         File1309771340.jpg-(54 KB, 600x600, 406972[1].jpg)
    54 KB
    Just wanted to say thank you for making 4 - chan m00t
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:22:30 No.338600486
         File1309771350.png-(3 KB, 148x229, 8x3p1i.png)
    3 KB

    So where'd Frank go?

    Alt said vacation but it's been like months since he disappeared from the IRC.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:22:32 No.338600490
    Moot, y u no fuck the camwhores that throw themselves at you every single thread you're in?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:22:47 No.338600531
    That would fit you, I'd say.
    >> ಠ_ಠ !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:22:55 No.338600544
    I'm glad you know who that is.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:22:58 No.338600554
    Moot is a fag­got
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:00 No.338600557
    Moot, tits or GTFO.
    >> token NZ fag 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:05 No.338600573

    shot bro, i like your style
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:07 No.338600576
    do you play TF2?
    >> !JgZCqFXaoE 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:10 No.338600588
         File1309771390.jpg-(43 KB, 800x600, moot.jpg)
    43 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:17 No.338600609
    if missingno is still here then what's your favorite pizza and do you have a picture of it?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:17 No.338600611
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:18 No.338600617
    Hey missingno, will you call my name so I can go to bed
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:20 No.338600627
         File1309771400.jpg-(175 KB, 480x640, goodtime.jpg)
    175 KB
    ;_; I wish missingno was into boys.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:23:22 No.338600633
         File1309771402.png-(647 KB, 626x481, deadpool talks about boobs 130(...).png)
    647 KB
    indeed. please post your breasts, first.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:29 No.338600648
         File1309771409.png-(120 KB, 408x247, nooo.png)
    120 KB
    do you watch adventure time?
    >> Yvie 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:30 No.338600655
    hey Moot french can tryforce ???
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:23:37 No.338600674
    di fara and somewhere on my phone
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:24:03 No.338600733
    he is
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:24:06 No.338600743
         File1309771446.jpg-(15 KB, 385x383, No7mn.jpg)
    15 KB

    did you shop this yourself? i'm a babby fanatic
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:24:13 No.338600761
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    Does missingno know how to play guitar?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:24:20 No.338600779
    What phone do you have.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:24:21 No.338600785
    >implying camwhores throw themselves at me
    >implying the internet is real life
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:24:26 No.338600793
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Isn't lurking a thread about yourself a little vain. D:
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:24:41 No.338600836
    Look here:
    Fucking steve jobs, y r u one of dem missingno, y u betray us?

    >> !!401590CvFWj 07/04/11(Mon)05:25:04 No.338600902
    what would it take for you to be my personal e-friend?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:25:18 No.338600937
    hey missingno, i have terminal cancer

    how do i make the hurt go away
    >> NOOT NOOT 07/04/11(Mon)05:25:22 No.338600955
         File1309771522.gif-(20 KB, 94x125, avatar2168_34.gif)
    20 KB

    1- Talk to the futaba chan personnel
    2-Tell them we can't post

    inb4 proxy
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:25:25 No.338600960
         File1309771525.jpg-(53 KB, 466x500, 1307180496687.jpg)
    53 KB
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:25:31 No.338600972
         File1309771531.png-(341 KB, 628x818, 1291149887235.png)
    341 KB
    I fantasize about picking for lice in your golden lolita locks when i masturbate.
    >> ( ≖‿≖) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:25:32 No.338600978
    If you walk around NY for a week wearing a shirt that says "I am missingno" and don't get propositioned I will give you money.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:25:42 No.338601005
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger


    Fake missingno is fake.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:25:48 No.338601017
    Do you get hot bitches in real life or do you still fap to /b/?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:25:50 No.338601019
    Jesus christ this is just fucking cancerous.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:25:54 No.338601037
    >Implying they wouldn't if you hosted more /soc/ events
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:25:55 No.338601040
    please fuck my face
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:03 No.338601068
         File1309771563.jpg-(190 KB, 780x911, 1307500969065.jpg)
    190 KB
    Why did you not allow the people's champions application for /b/ when you allowed it for every other threads in 2010 when you asked for them?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:03 No.338601069
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    hey missingno what do you think about people, who are faking your name??
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:04 No.338601071
    Sup candy-ass, would you mind bringing back some other filters, such as cumdumpster.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:07 No.338601082
    havent seen a 500 post thred in weeks
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:12 No.338601093
         File1309771572.jpg-(74 KB, 250x250, rattan.jpg)
    74 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:12 No.338601094

    He iced old the people's champions for using their names and getting popular.

    He denounces tripcode users, but has DASHED LINES around his posts alongside his tripcode.

    You really think he's not full of himself?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:25 No.338601123
    if missingno existed i'd have a permaban by now

    therefore: missingno is a candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:25 No.338601127
         File1309771585.jpg-(21 KB, 365x326, nnub.jpg)
    21 KB
    She is now a meme.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:30 No.338601137
    Your fortune: Godly Luck


    Another fake m00t is fake.
    >> lemonysword 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:30 No.338601139
    what i'm curious to know is, who was taking pictures while you had your pants down
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:39 No.338601158
         File1309771599.jpg-(127 KB, 448x300, 8940..jpg)
    127 KB
    missingno you butt

    why can't you get /mu/ some fucking the people's champions :(

    i can do it

    for the love of god i just want to discuss music

    not putting stuff in my refrigerator :(
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬ Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:42 No.338601164
    im am missingno
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:47 No.338601184
    THIS. /b/ needs the people's champions more than any other board.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:51 No.338601196
    fag­got* i dun goofed
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:26:59 No.338601210
    >implying they don't
    >implying that women don't want to fuck men with power
    >implying that internet power isn't enough for the sorts of women that will whore themselves out for internet appreciation.
    >implying you aren't missing out on mad poon
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:07 No.338601236
         File1309771627.jpg-(7 KB, 180x180, 0,1020,917594,00.jpg)
    7 KB
    Vegas, bro.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:08 No.338601242
    missingno, do you always shave? or are you incapable of growing facial hair? Are you forever a hairless little boy?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:10 No.338601250
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    Fail troll is fall.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:11 No.338601254
         File1309771631.jpg-(124 KB, 640x480, 1293459033052.jpg)
    124 KB

    /r/ing missingnoboobs
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:14 No.338601257
    yeah, i mean i say i`d throw myself at m00t if i saw him but... i`d probably just giggle and be an awkward douche. T_T
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:14 No.338601260
    I would follow you around all day and stab your enemies when necessary. And I'm not even a camwhore
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:14 No.338601261

    but you are quite famous, pretty good-looking, bright future - come on, admit it, you get more ass than a toilet seat, mo­ot
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:27:15 No.338601264
         File1309771635.jpg-(1.25 MB, 1015x960, dogpool deadpool 1269663-deadp(...).jpg)
    1.25 MB
    chalk it up to samefagg­otry
    >> ( ≖‿≖) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:18 No.338601265
    Those were janitor apps, not mo­derator apps.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:38 No.338601319
    None of my questions have been answerd.

    This thread fails me.

    I shall be on my leave!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:44 No.338601333

    Meh who fucking cares, It's kinda chill being able to ask him random questions and have him answer ABSOLUTELY NONE of the ones you ask.

    Oh well at least we know it isn't some dumb fuck pretending to be mo­ot
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:47 No.338601346
         File1309771667.jpg-(21 KB, 500x375, bitchplease.jpg)
    21 KB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    Yotsuba B style
    name is blue
    bitch please!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:52 No.338601355
    Hey, Moot. Here's a question. Do you smoke weed?
    Follow up question: If you do smoke weed, who in history would you smoke with? Anybody. Don't say Jesus. Everyone says Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:54 No.338601363
    Its spelled Caylee dumbass
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬ Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:27:58 No.338601368
    tell me what im doing wrong plox
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:28:04 No.338601380
    Moot. Do you smoke pot?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:28:09 No.338601389
         File1309771689.jpg-(43 KB, 300x255, 1300825215039.jpg)
    43 KB
    What kind of music does m00ts listens to? and do you smoke weed?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:28:10 No.338601394
         File1309771690.jpg-(181 KB, 700x700, deadpool rabbi jewpool -- 4cha(...).jpg)
    181 KB
    >implying i'm Orthodox
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)05:28:26 No.338601432
    Hai Moot :3
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:28:41 No.338601465
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!


    hi baby, are you a bronie?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:28:41 No.338601467

    fuck off you low-life stoner
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:28:44 No.338601479
         File1309771724.jpg-(23 KB, 507x188, black van.jpg)
    23 KB
    FBI takes care of /b/.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:28:47 No.338601485
    if i did, jesus
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:28:50 No.338601494
         File1309771730.jpg-(12 KB, 330x120, lobster2.jpg)
    12 KB
    hey missingno did you were to college? which career?
    >> !.Cp.rP3e2M 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:03 No.338601527
    lol people begging the mighty lord (m00t) to make them his jesus (mod)
    as if ever happening
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:12 No.338601544
    Moot do you have a cat? if so pic please
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:18 No.338601552
    My question still stands, why did he disallow /b/?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬ Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:18 No.338601553
    classical music
    and by the fucking pound
    >> redxteamxleader 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:24 No.338601566
    missingno do you have to enter a captcha? if so what is your favorite one that has popped up?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:29:25 No.338601573
    to fix the spacing put this #S=47)?qY in the name field
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:27 No.338601576
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    missingno grow your hair and become a god
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:34 No.338601591
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    You suck at Being a troll.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:38 No.338601602
    Head, Shoe, doit.
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:43 No.338601616
    Fake Moot is fake
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:47 No.338601627
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck


    Why don't you go away and stop trying to get attention? No one cares about you. The real missingno is here so fuck off you're not fooling anyone.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:48 No.338601629
    I think you should start smoking weed, bro.

    It'll make you more chill.

    Also, what's your favorite tv show? Mine is Twin Peaks.
    >> ( ≖‿≖) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:50 No.338601634
         File1309771790.jpg-(10 KB, 251x241, 1270438207078.jpg)
    10 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:29:51 No.338601638
    do you at least get wasted sometimes?
    I mean you are in college
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:03 No.338601664
    Whoa, are you guys me?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:11 No.338601680
    That's the m00t I remember~
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:13 No.338601689
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:19 No.338601699
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Thanks for un404ing the thread bro
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:20 No.338601702
         File1309771820.jpg-(74 KB, 512x382, 1309096929046.jpg)
    74 KB
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:21 No.338601705
    We want moar filters!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:22 No.338601707
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    Moot, do you like latina women?
    Would you fuck one?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:22 No.338601709
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Moot, do you play video games? If so, what do you enjoy playing?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:46 No.338601775
    missed the " " thing
    and ill get perma baned for that right
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:48 No.338601784
         File1309771848.jpg-(30 KB, 616x347, hf.jpg)
    30 KB
    >> Gumi !!hkGHvV+n2ze 07/04/11(Mon)05:30:53 No.338601802
    Hey Moot, what's the most awkward situation you've been in with someone on the street?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:31:03 No.338601825
         File1309771863.jpg-(154 KB, 500x484, deadpool dressed as a maid dre(...).jpg)
    154 KB
    yeah, but, do you want to know what I woke up wearing last time?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:03 No.338601826
    real missingno is real
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:13 No.338601849
         File1309771873.png-(981 KB, 1680x1050, moot says.png)
    981 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:14 No.338601850
         File1309771874.jpg-(14 KB, 300x300, me_gusta_by_megustaplzkaan.jpg)
    14 KB
    Moot? How can we know you are not just trying to protect your privacy when you say you dont smoke cannabis?
    Pics please
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:15 No.338601852
    not really and i'm not in college
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:19 No.338601863
    THIS makes me love you !
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:22 No.338601873
    I'M A NI - GA
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:23 No.338601876

    Fake missingno is fake
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:40 No.338601910
    M00t, do you like like got wings? Because if you do, I make the best wings, everyone agrees.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:44 No.338601919
         File1309771904.jpg-(294 KB, 930x879, 1307824935449.jpg)
    294 KB
    heey m00t please tell us about your relationship with boxxy
    also the game
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:45 No.338601921
    everyone says my cat is really fat, and I fear that this causes him to eat more, out of depression
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:53 No.338601940
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    what do you think about people who are faking your name???
    sorry for ma bad english!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:31:58 No.338601961
         File1309771918.jpg-(56 KB, 300x432, 0815suri.jpg)
    56 KB
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    missingno thanks for putting fortune back.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:32:04 No.338601975
    Moot will you answer my question?
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)05:32:10 No.338601991
         File1309771930.jpg-(24 KB, 534x443, 1307292442269.jpg)
    24 KB
    Do you play vidya games? If so which ones.

    What phone do you use
    >> lemonysword 07/04/11(Mon)05:32:21 No.338602014
         File1309771941.jpg-(71 KB, 300x283, 1292111459459.jpg)
    71 KB
    Also, why is the original thread with the camwhore from earlier tonight still up, and why is there sexy music accompanying it?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:32:22 No.338602017
    u mad bro?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:32:41 No.338602063
    Moot what the new post and image limit?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:32:44 No.338602075
         File1309771964.jpg-(279 KB, 1024x689, 4342108332_361ed816e9_b..jpg)
    279 KB
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    hey missingnole

    what kind of computer do you use?

    i've always wondered about that..

    can you please answer my question ;_;
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:32:46 No.338602079
         File1309771966.png-(168 KB, 640x480, bahxy with lightsaber star war(...).png)
    168 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:32:51 No.338602090
    Thanks for newt gingrich
    >> redxteamxleader 07/04/11(Mon)05:32:58 No.338602104
    missingno do you have to enter a captcha? if so what is your favorite one that has popped up?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:33:21 No.338602163

    HAHAHA - fakemo­ot IS fooling a few
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:33:23 No.338602176
         File1309772003.jpg-(41 KB, 375x523, Nyan Cat.jpg)
    41 KB
    i made oc for this thread
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:33:26 No.338602179
    Moot, I knew you were going to say that. That's what you were supposed to pick. Most bodacious.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:33:26 No.338602181
    Hey m♥♥t, how often do you still go on newt gingrich
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:33:29 No.338602190
         File1309772009.jpg-(73 KB, 592x822, 1300926137976.jpg)
    73 KB
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    I think that m00t should lay down the ban hammer on these fakem00ts in here.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:33:32 No.338602196
    Moot do you touch yourself at night or do you look upon it as a sin
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:33:38 No.338602216
         File1309772018.jpg-(13 KB, 251x214, toma sota balcu.jpg)
    13 KB
    A girl died in 1933 by a homicidal murderer. He buried her in the ground when she was still alive. The murdered chanted, "Toma sota balcu" as he buried her. Now that you have read the chant, you will meet this little girl. In the middle of the night she will be on your ceiling. She will suffocate you like she was suffocated. If you post this, she will not bother you. Your kindness will be rewarded. the people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's 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    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:33:56 No.338602265
    what do you think of the new Transformers movie?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:34:01 No.338602278
         File1309772041.png-(75 KB, 254x257, myoc MercWithMouth exploitable(...).png)
    75 KB
    Very nice.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:34:03 No.338602286
    and i messed up that one too
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:34:19 No.338602326
    How oddly creepy.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:34:30 No.338602354
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:34:40 No.338602375

    lulz were had
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:35:18 No.338602490
    missingno this thread is making newt gingrich go slow. i blame you.
    >> lemonysword 07/04/11(Mon)05:35:29 No.338602508
         File1309772129.jpg-(8 KB, 219x136, Pierce-Brosnan-The-World-Is-No(...).jpg)
    8 KB
    yfw fake missingno is real missingno pretening to be fake missingno who is impersonating real missingno
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:35:33 No.338602528
    hey missingno
    what are the top three suggestions you get for new boards?
    Please Reply
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:35:47 No.338602562
    mo-ot, the real one, does this make you mad?
    if so ill stop
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:35:49 No.338602566
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    I bet it's moo­t posting as fake mo­ot.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:35:49 No.338602579
    in hope that mo ot reads this
    >do your original friends from when you started /b/ still lurk?
    >do you still keep in contact with the,
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U!!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)05:35:54 No.338602582
         File1309772154.jpg-(44 KB, 294x473, flatwoods-monster.jpg)
    44 KB
    You shouldn't have done that.
    >> ♥♥♥♥ 07/04/11(Mon)05:35:55 No.338602585
         File1309772155.jpg-(226 KB, 1024x768, 1307605645399.jpg)
    226 KB

    ▲ ▲
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:35:58 No.338602589
    Dude, those trollees are stoners. We stoners are the easiest to troll. Fact.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Ww2 !!t1utvFL2oJi 07/04/11(Mon)05:35:58 No.338602595
    y'all fucking gay
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:36:17 No.338602641
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:36:23 No.338602662
         File1309772183.jpg-(26 KB, 237x458, deadpool eyes my innocence is (...).jpg)
    26 KB
    Last time I did...
    I became blind.
    >> ( ≖‿≖) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:36:29 No.338602673
    To expand on this, are there any plans for new boards in the works?
    >> lemonysword 07/04/11(Mon)05:36:32 No.338602690

    its 404
    but its not
    so.. there is no thread heaven or hell
    but there are THREAD GHOSTS

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:36:53 No.338602741
         File1309772213.jpg-(107 KB, 1304x673, jarg comic by lewis.jpg)
    107 KB
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    What is your favourite meme mr poole?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:36:53 No.338602745
    inb4 someone gets trolled by green missingno
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:37:10 No.338602795
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:37:18 No.338602816
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Moot, I have a question for you. why do you keep this festering wound of a website open? It gets a lot of hits, but the ads are extremely minimal. I imagine that there's the potential for legal trouble to the the constant cp.

    Why do it? Or why not update it and give it a web 2.0 look so advertisers will want to advertise here?

    I mean them media as a whole is constantly piggy backing newt gingrich and its jokes while newt gingrich gets none of the revenue.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:37:34 No.338602850
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:37:48 No.338602880
         File1309772268.jpg-(88 KB, 984x1242, are you moot?.jpg)
    88 KB
    M<3<3t! Do you have a girlfriend? :3
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:38:09 No.338602924
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:38:11 No.338602931
    hey mооt what books are you reading right or what books do you recommend reading?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:38:13 No.338602940
    i think candlejack is a really co
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:38:32 No.338602979
    Because of very obvious reasons and death threats
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:38:43 No.338603002
    because 12 million or so people use it every month, and as long as it pays for itself, i'm happy to maintain it

    plus where would i find all of the funny cat pictures if newt gingrich weren't around??????????????????????????
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:38:41 No.338603005
         File1309772321.jpg-(25 KB, 211x211, deadpool lolcats meowpool.jpg)
    25 KB

    and this is a real game
    >> Agentorange !Kn8b.RIGLY 07/04/11(Mon)05:38:42 No.338603015
    m00t, you were @ROFLcon 2008 at my college.

    You seemed so tense and pressured. :/
    Also, are you putting together another?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:38:47 No.338603026
         File1309772327.jpg-(108 KB, 455x427, lolwut.jpg)
    108 KB
    >mfw they're only filtered when capsed
    ima samefag this like a motherfucker
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:38:53 No.338603047
         File1309772333.png-(35 KB, 827x425, you are vanned bros.png)
    35 KB
    > I imagine that there's the potential for legal trouble to the the constant cp.

    People get reported to authorities for that stuff.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:39:05 No.338603079
    This site isn't responsible for the CP, no site is responsible for shit that gets uploaded too it because they do not know it is here. Only happens on here because it is more accepted.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:39:24 No.338603135
    anynewt gingrich who posts something illegal to newt gingrich is an idiot
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:39:26 No.338603144
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    mOOT times ago I saw a video on youtube or so.. it was a topic about websites ...I think that it was on the red carpet or so
    I saw you in a suit .. and reporter asked you questions
    how many cameras did you saw?
    how was it?
    sorry for my bad english......
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:39:28 No.338603156
         File1309772368.jpg-(12 KB, 327x373, mfw.jpg)
    12 KB
    mfw this thread
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:39:34 No.338603175
         File1309772374.jpg-(14 KB, 447x301, 1285809547174.jpg)
    14 KB

    missingno's here
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:39:46 No.338603211
    i had nothing to do with the organizing of roflcon 2008

    nor was i tense and pressured?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:39:48 No.338603219
    I thought you went to NYU?
    or did you already finish
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:39:57 No.338603236
         File1309772397.jpg-(36 KB, 479x359, noo.jpg)
    36 KB
    >missingno no longer in here
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:40:00 No.338603244
    Your fortune: Good Luck


    What, a bunch of basement dwellers are going to kill him? Because he renovated a website so he could you know, make some money?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:40:06 No.338603260
         File1309772406.png-(309 KB, 446x500, 1309418096207.png)
    309 KB
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    Moot have u played transformice? i like that game but people make fun of my because they say im too old for it, if someone li
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:40:07 No.338603265
    you must be drunk, go to sleep u
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:40:14 No.338603276
    never went to nyu
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:40:15 No.338603279
    Dude, it's because he doesn't care. It's because he believes that the world NEEDS a cesspool like this. Everyone needs to vent steam and share with like-minded people. He's a man with a vision. I support him. Then again, I'm just some stoner-guy.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:40:25 No.338603301
         File1309772425.jpg-(69 KB, 284x264, deadpool head explosion explod(...).jpg)
    69 KB
    Bravo, sir...!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:40:25 No.338603302
    Just so you know Moot, I would totally like to meet you in person one day and just chill. :P For some reason I feel like we would get along.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:40:36 No.338603335
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    hey missingno why are those newt gingrich guys mad at you?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:40:55 No.338603385

    don't be a fucking asshole

    he keeps the site up because he believes the concept of anonymous communication is important, as he has stated many times

    that's why i'm pro-mo­ot, because he sees the big picture - can't imagine he's making much money at all off this site; from what, some porn adverts?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:41:11 No.338603412
    i'm not sure i'll ever know, anon
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:41:16 No.338603426
         File1309772476.jpg-(41 KB, 365x604, 1260737162406.jpg)
    41 KB
    m00tlekins...I love you <3

    Pic related- 's me
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:41:19 No.338603433
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    how do you feel about boxxxy?:)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:41:38 No.338603471
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    ever fucked a roodypoo?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:41:49 No.338603496
         File1309772509.jpg-(750 KB, 899x1300, 1272764237552 meanwhile on the(...).jpg)
    750 KB
    for the lulz, yo
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:41:54 No.338603507
    realmissingno. actual question.

    what boards do you lurk on newt gingrich, on the rare occasions that you do?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:42:23 No.338603588
    MOOT. Are we ever going to get some new banners?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:42:24 No.338603591
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    because they're talkin smack about you. Delete the thread just to piss them off

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:42:40 No.338603629
    How much money do you make from your actual job?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:42:41 No.338603631
    Are you aware that you look just like Waldo from Where's Waldo?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:42:43 No.338603640
    >missingno will never reply to my post
    >forever stallone
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:42:47 No.338603645
    >plus where would i find all of the funny cat pictures
    >cat pictures
    >c p

    I KNEW IT!
    >> Agentorange !Kn8b.RIGLY 07/04/11(Mon)05:42:55 No.338603664

    You spoke with pressured speech, Idk, I guess it was just my own interpretation.
    I didn't mean that you had to do with the organizing of it. I meant are you planning on going to another one? (if they even still have it, I'm not sure)
    If you were invited, would you go?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:42:56 No.338603667

    answer this mооt!
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:42:57 No.338603669
         File1309772577.jpg-(115 KB, 284x500, you shut up when the queen is (...).jpg)
    115 KB
    i want to be the little girl
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:43:06 No.338603688
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    missingno why do you ignore me? =(
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:43:15 No.338603706
    What's the largest offer you've received to buy this site?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:43:15 No.338603708
    m00t im happy that u keep this site up for the sole purpose of helping humanity to have fun, not like a greedy bastard like 99,9% of the world population.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:43:22 No.338603730
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    m00t, what are you doing this friday night?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:43:24 No.338603738
    m00t did you even go to college then?
    what was your major if you did
    if you didnt, congratulations on not wasting 4 years of your life
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:43:32 No.338603754
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck


    Not many websites can boast having 12 million unique visitors a month. I don't know your financial situation, but that sounds like a good amount of money that could be made by harnassing that user base.

    Have you ever thought about it? I mean youtube has the ads now. It's not too bad, but in return you do get free videos. So its worth it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:43:38 No.338603764
    any particular plans for today?
    >> FUCK YOU M00TFAG I JUST UNBANNED MYSELF Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:43:59 No.338603810
    >> I LOVE YOU JESUS CUHRIST 07/04/11(Mon)05:44:04 No.338603820
         File1309772644.jpg-(300 KB, 827x1200, kagomultiplication.jpg)
    300 KB
    Since you live in NY, ever heard of Japanther?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:44:05 No.338603822
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    mοοts a faggοt mmkay?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:44:09 No.338603836
         File1309772649.jpg-(22 KB, 500x375, cat is here for you ahs heer f(...).jpg)
    22 KB
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:44:15 No.338603848
    $45,000 back in 2005ish i think. not a single offer since!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:44:35 No.338603896
         File1309772675.jpg-(193 KB, 599x800, 1307926225518.jpg)
    193 KB
    Are you ever going to change the the background/css so that all the colors are one thing.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:44:41 No.338603908

    Fake Moot gtfo
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:44:42 No.338603913
    What's a missingno?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:44:45 No.338603918
    we run display ads that do a little more than break even which i'm fine with
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:04 No.338603962
         File1309772704.jpg-(6 KB, 141x140, 1307926384511.jpg)
    6 KB
    the the people's champions over at /mu/ fucking fail.
    >> Blue 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:09 No.338603970
    >> Hey 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:12 No.338603982
         File1309772712.jpg-(27 KB, 381x439, 1306907369999.jpg)
    27 KB
    mfw i see a missingno thread for the first time this summer.

    M0Ot, do you run into /btards on the streets? Is it awkward? if i ever run into you all i want is to say "Bro!" and knuckle bump. is that horribly far fetched?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:21 No.338603998
         File1309772721.jpg-(408 KB, 700x933, Moot-republica-kc.jpg)
    408 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:24 No.338604005
    can you make me a mod? if not what if i get dubs? (not a script fag)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:24 No.338604008
         File1309772724.png-(45 KB, 640x480, Away Mandompo.png)
    45 KB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    Moot, what do you think of my OC?

    Also, how do you feel about newt gingrich+ extension for Chrome?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:27 No.338604013
    Why don't people get b& anymore? Is it for advertising or you don't want to cramp traffic or something?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:28 No.338604015
    i went to vcu for about a year and left, then transferred to a school in new york, then left again to start a new company

    so no, i didn't waste four years
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:45:37 No.338604040
         File1309772737.jpg-(131 KB, 534x348, deadpool money swim robe Deadp(...).jpg)
    131 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:43 No.338604055
    dat filename
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:46 No.338604060
         File1309772746.jpg-(8 KB, 251x251, 1292019521577.jpg)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:46 No.338604062
    Think of a number that you would be willing to sell it for.

    Now triple it. Would you sell it for that?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:47 No.338604066
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:48 No.338604069
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    mewtwo what pokemon do you think you are.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:45:54 No.338604083
    So Moot, what would be the absolute lowest you'd take for newt gingrich?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:46:03 No.338604103
    Moot, I must know. Waffles or pancakes?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:46:06 No.338604109

    answer this please!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:46:18 No.338604137
         File1309772778.jpg-(14 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    14 KB

    hi missingno gonna lite firecrackers tomorrow.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:46:41 No.338604181
         File1309772801.jpg-(115 KB, 640x565, deadpool napalm pancakes secre(...).jpg)
    115 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:46:49 No.338604192
    But do you like hot wings?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:46:52 No.338604197
    probably about once a week

    people get banned all the time, we just rarely leave messages.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:46:56 No.338604207
         File1309772816.jpg-(90 KB, 639x693, 4chan.jpg)
    90 KB
    M00t, what is the company you're creating?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:46:58 No.338604210
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    fuck off missingnofag
    >> ( ≖‿≖) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:01 No.338604216
    Got anything cool planned for the 4th?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:02 No.338604222

    Only that much for 4Chan yet a lot more investors for

    How's that going by the way?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:03 No.338604227

    tonight will be the 4th of july, are you gonna add something obnoxious to /b/ for it?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:08 No.338604235
    Do you think bandwidth is overpriced?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:10 No.338604241
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    Moot if i ever see you in newyork, im going to walk up to you. and say hi. (i live in new york)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:16 No.338604253
    m­oot, y so many people hate u? r u like gary oak of interwebz?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:19 No.338604262
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    Other than newt gingrich, I imagine you have some kind of regular job. What do you do?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:20 No.338604270
         File1309772840.jpg-(61 KB, 693x389, grades.jpg)
    61 KB
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    missingno, what have you always wanted to do with your life? i mean, growing up, you'd never think "oh hey, i want to make an imageboard with funny cat pictures". there must have been a dream you had or something right? and is being the founder of this place, which will be a staple in the lives of most of us, ever fulfilling enough for you?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:20 No.338604272
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    Moot, what kind of music do you listen to? Have you ever seen Regina Spektor live in New York?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:23 No.338604278
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    what is your favorite season, m00t?
    i'm extremely curious for some reason.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:28 No.338604291
         File1309772848.jpg-(9 KB, 300x326, loooooooooongcat.jpg)
    9 KB
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    longthread is looooooooooo
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:34 No.338604306
         File1309772854.jpg-(33 KB, 404x375, indeed.jpg)
    33 KB
    posting in a m00t thread with my oc.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:35 No.338604310
    i dont think that this site is worth that, i mean with more advertising and all that...

    question: if you get a serious offer, a big one, would you sell the site?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:38 No.338604321
    lol you too?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:54 No.338604358
    mo­ot why don't you make it so you can't put "##" in the subject field, to stop fake mo­o­ts?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:47:59 No.338604369
         File1309772879.jpg-(807 KB, 1336x1532, 01239847.jpg)
    807 KB
    Enjoy your vacation missingno!
    My tripodcat salutes you.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:48:08 No.338604394
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:48:16 No.338604410
         File1309772896.jpg-(102 KB, 708x809, 1309766088243.jpg)
    102 KB
    missingno, is it true you're gay? and if so, can I suck your dick?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:48:19 No.338604421
         File1309772899.jpg-(201 KB, 500x700, scholar mortar board graduate (...).jpg)
    201 KB
    >> !.X9p7owdWI 07/04/11(Mon)05:48:20 No.338604423
    Hey Fagotte
    Mein Name ist John und ich hasse jeden von euch. Alle von euch sind Fett, wird verzögert, die nicht in dummen Esel leben jeden Tag nach der zweiten die Bilder an. Sie sind die Armen der Welt. Ehrlich gesagt haben Sie jemals zwischen beliebigen Pussy? Mit anderen Worten, es macht Spaß, Spaß zu ihrer Unsicherheit, dass die Menschen zum Nachdenken bringen, sondern eine ganz neue Ebene, nehmen wir alle. In anderen Worten, wichsen, Bilder auf Facebook, sogar schlimmer.
    Sie werden nicht ein Fremder sein. Gerade traf mich dein Bestes. Ich bin fast perfekt. Ich war Kapitän der Fußballmannschaft, und mein Basketball-Team beginnt. Welche Sportarten "jack off, um nackt gezeichnet Japaner" anders als das Spiel? Darüber hinaus habe ich direkten und hämmern heiße Freundin (nur blies mich war Scheiße so viel Geld). Alle Homosexuellen sollten nur dich umbringen. Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit.
    Verwandte Bild: mich und meine Hündin ist
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:48:24 No.338604429
    Your fortune: Bad Luck


    You STILL don't know how to avoid wordfilters?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:48:26 No.338604432
    gotta give mo­ot props for going light (not at all) with the b&hammer, i'd be banning assholes left and right - probably he's used to being antagonized by a few hard cases in these threads
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:48:41 No.338604467
    cool we can bro fist and go on our merry way

    not really, it's cheap as shit these days

    good! thanks for asking
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:48:46 No.338604484
         File1309772926.jpg-(43 KB, 720x540, 227240_1743965005822_143965412(...).jpg)
    43 KB
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    m00t. what are you opionions on the casey anthoney trial?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:48:52 No.338604499
    What do they do? Do they awkwardly walk up to you and mumble "hi missingno" and like stare at you for a second of awkwardness thinking you might have a small conversation then walk away? Also make a green text board.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:48:52 No.338604500
    Alright missingno,
    best and worst board?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:49:03 No.338604525
    He answered this upthread somewhere, cba to find it. He said he wasn't.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:49:22 No.338604565
    Why do you like Chloe?

    All this queen shit has to end mo­ot. It's worse than steve jobs, which says a lot
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:49:39 No.338604597
         File1309772979.png-(9 KB, 536x185, mootykins.png)
    9 KB
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    Posting ina Moot thread.
    fuck i haven't seen your ass since you were talking about puddi.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:49:44 No.338604608
    will you duel me on team fortress 2. no you will not. you would lose.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:49:55 No.338604640
         File1309772995.jpg-(58 KB, 485x662, 1308732598719.jpg)
    58 KB
    heey m00t what you doing up so late if you say you are so organized
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:00 No.338604651
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    Will i get mod status?
    >Looks at fortune.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:02 No.338604652
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    who's your favorite rock band?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:02 No.338604654
    Moot can post a newt gingrich ?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:04 No.338604658
    >> Bernd 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:13 No.338604690
         File1309773013.png-(119 KB, 475x474, 1250650161002.png)
    119 KB
    Es ist Deutschland hier!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:16 No.338604692
         File1309773016.jpg-(169 KB, 375x500, 1260632063_b33ca0337c[1].jpg)
    169 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:21 No.338604699
    So m♥♥t, gay or just bi?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:23 No.338604705
         File1309773023.jpg-(104 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2011-12-30 at 17.34.jpg)
    104 KB
    pussy 4 Moot <3
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:39 No.338604745
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:48 No.338604762
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    agreed also please ban me missingno
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:50 No.338604766
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    I read "Mussy 4 Poot"
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:55 No.338604784
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:50:57 No.338604787
    Did anyone catch what this image is?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:01 No.338604798
         File1309773061.jpg-(59 KB, 481x636, 1308037857299 - Copy.jpg)
    59 KB
    Moot - what are your thoughts on the death of e.d?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:04 No.338604805
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    neither what?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:17 No.338604836
    not that one guy but I believe in respect, if I ever see you Moot would you be annoyed if I or anyone said hi, or asked for a brofist/highfive? what are your limits.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:21 No.338604843
    I tried it once. It's too childish. Mods gave me a 1000 warnings for all kind of shitty reason. Funny thing is I was trying to behave but apparently saying fag or anything like that is bad.

    Where do you plan on going with canvas in the future?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:23 No.338604849
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    so m00t i think i love you & it would really be amazing if you could answer this, ya know? ok. c;
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:29 No.338604862

    fucking chloefags need to go, forever
    >> stoner-guy 104 !fsDWdCQiRo 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:34 No.338604878
    Dude, he's doing it for the good of humanity. So long as it's not costing him money, he's cool with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:40 No.338604891
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    can we get some tool enabling the majority to block threads, like pon­ies furr­ies box­xy etc.

    something like user voted filters, sage doesn't do shit

    good luck with canvas by the way
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:45 No.338604901
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    How bout now?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:50 No.338604912
    How much do make on newt gingrich compared to
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:50 No.338604913
    lol what is a mussy ?
    >> ihavenoface !pIeX1XtAbk 07/04/11(Mon)05:51:54 No.338604922
         File1309773114.png-(238 KB, 634x681, 1307615651640.png)
    238 KB
    Do you like pon­ies?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:02 No.338604939
    Thank you for your input. I will eat waffles religiously now.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:03 No.338604943
         File1309773123.jpg-(138 KB, 1280x1024, 1309144633038.jpg)
    138 KB
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    m00t. will you ever get laid?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:08 No.338604966
         File1309773128.jpg-(25 KB, 482x362, pierre.jpg)
    25 KB

    Moot can I meet your dad?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:19 No.338604988
    How often are you on !?

    how many stickers do you give out a day? do you get stickers!?

    >> Dameen !!UAt3y6omWAJ 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:24 No.338605000
         File1309773144.png-(6 KB, 210x229, 1299990709277.png)
    6 KB
    yey missingno replied to me i feel special :3
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:30 No.338605018
    War has changed.

    It's not about nations, or ideologies.
    It's not even about profit, resources, or ethnicity.

    It's an endless series of proxy battles,
    fought by mercenaries and machines.

    War, and its vast consumption of human life,
    has become a rational, well-oiled business transaction.

    War has changed.

    how do you feel about this?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:31 No.338605020
         File1309773151.png-(293 KB, 740x740, Apple_Fritter_id.png)
    293 KB
    who is your favorite newt gingrich, mo­ot?

    also, may we get a pic of your battle station?

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:34 No.338605023
         File1309773154.jpg-(104 KB, 640x480, 1265710117457.jpg)
    104 KB
    Is modcat ever coming back?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:52:47 No.338605052
         File1309773167.jpg-(129 KB, 671x500, deadpool pony pinkie pie tumbl(...).jpg)
    129 KB

    so random!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:49 No.338605058
    holy shit missingno has parents
    mind = blown
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:50 No.338605061
    GO DIE.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:58 No.338605077
         File1309773178.jpg-(23 KB, 400x369, TiredBaby.jpg)
    23 KB
    >mfw i need to go to bed but can't because i'll miss some good mo­ot info
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:52:59 No.338605079
    whoops, meant in reply to >>338604699

    i like fall a lot
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:53:16 No.338605102
    Moot do you know a guy named Bobby Haller?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:53:18 No.338605105
    m00t apart from USA, what is the next country that most access newt gingrich? And the third place?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:53:21 No.338605115
    Hello Moot! I must say, I have never caught you in a thread! So, I will take this chance to say: I love newt gingrich and I love you!
    I started coming here almost a year ago, you might call me a newfag or even cancer. I don't really care. I don't usually post though, I normally just lurk. Anyway, come here more often! I realize you are busy but it really means a lot when you come.
    Do you believe in tits or gtfo.... Or can a femanon rest in peace without showing tits.
    >> lemonysword 07/04/11(Mon)05:53:27 No.338605121
    Moot, will you read me a bedtime story
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:53:42 No.338605156
    So, mewtles, what browser do you use?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:53:51 No.338605179
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    You must be new here.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:53:53 No.338605184
    shouldn't this thread be fixed.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:01 No.338605204
    Install a script, candy-ass.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:08 No.338605215
         File1309773248.png-(7 KB, 191x234, 1307771298175.png)
    7 KB
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    m00t, answer plox. :3
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:08 No.338605216
    moot,please go to Inokashira Park, Shimokitazawa, and/or Tonkatsu Imoya for me; I really miss those places.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:16 No.338605231
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    me too. [:
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:18 No.338605236
    chromegod as fuck
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:23 No.338605250
    UK followed by canada
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:24 No.338605256
    mo­ot is a br­o­nie he will never block pon­ie threads.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:26 No.338605261
    I lol'd.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:27 No.338605266
    Moot, do you have any good trolling screenshots/gifs?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:28 No.338605270
    Since you're on this thread m00t i'd like to ask you. Why don't you do different stuff like a QnA chat with you and since facebook wants our cellphone numbers to register how are we going to use you social network? What is the best way to contact you because email puts our mails in spam?
    >> vB !DjFreyaY/2 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:30 No.338605276
    well this was pointless.
    im going to play Forza Motorsport and listen to Children of Bodom. Night m00t
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:32 No.338605286
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    Nigger GTFO.
    >> DuTcHF4G !wQbBsm4vdE 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:36 No.338605293
         File1309773276.jpg-(22 KB, 432x413, 1266630558285.jpg)
    22 KB
    Dude, I thought you had given up on /b/ a long time ago?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:40 No.338605302
    Why did you raise the chloe image cap?
    It's the cancer that... I'm just kidding, but it really freaking sucks.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:39 No.338605306
    missingno is real?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:42 No.338605316
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:54:58 No.338605347
    What was that picture and post you just banned from this thread?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:55:00 No.338605353
    im off, today will be a fucking long day... have a nice night/day mr. poole. peace
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:55:04 No.338605363
    How do you recruit the people's champions for /b/?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:55:04 No.338605364
         File1309773304.png-(541 KB, 545x543, deadpool who trolls the trolls(...).png)
    541 KB
    So where do you draw the line as far as the imitation-ing goes...?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:55:12 No.338605386
         File1309773312.png-(128 KB, 516x405, Cirno.png)
    128 KB
    why did you let Meido quit? Why didn't you help him? How could you let him just get raped so bad that he just gave up all hope?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:55:29 No.338605418
         File1309773329.jpg-(69 KB, 572x471, 1289209373214.jpg)
    69 KB
    Why are you such a cutie?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:55:30 No.338605424
    missingno! What browser?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:55:35 No.338605438
         File1309773335.jpg-(5 KB, 151x160, 1308760149533.jpg)
    5 KB
    You don't give a shit about bringing back some filters, ok. Can you at least put a mod on /int/, it's become worse than /b/. While I do enjoy easy trolling that's ridiculous every second thread being AMERICA SUCKS, IF YOURE <> YOURE WHITE and my personal favorite
    followed by a shitstorm of >implying
    Pic related, it's /int/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:55:51 No.338605467
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:55:56 No.338605486
    m00tles, please make it easier for people to find the text boards.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:56:00 No.338605494
    are you happy with the way newt gingrich turned out? is this what you wanted?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:56:01 No.338605497
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    >mfw it isnt missingno
    if you're missingno ban me you candy-ass.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:56:11 No.338605521
    he had issues that he's since worked out.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:56:12 No.338605522
         File1309773372.jpg-(182 KB, 400x472, Sage_email.jpg)
    182 KB
    real m00t confirmed by superior Yotsuba B
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:56:44 No.338605604
    Google Chrome and then install the 4ch­anplus extension­
    >now if only we can get that ADHD-addled lunatic, Merc, to update it soon...
    >> DuTcHF4G !wQbBsm4vdE 07/04/11(Mon)05:56:49 No.338605619
    Oh yeah, missingno, /x/ need some janitors and the people's champions.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:56:50 No.338605620
         File1309773410.jpg-(27 KB, 375x412, 6e652e9763096b41dfc59292b1fc5c(...).jpg)
    27 KB
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:56:56 No.338605634
    These two;

    Yes or no.
    >yes = shitstorm
    >go with yes
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:57:24 No.338605706
    I notice you always seem to skirt questions about p0nies. Nice... nice...

    I myself can't see what's so bad about them. The worst part is the people who bitch and moan about it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:57:26 No.338605710
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:57:29 No.338605718
    Same thing for me. What OS though?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:57:31 No.338605727
         File1309773451.gif-(1.9 MB, 240x240, 03.gif)
    1.9 MB
    Thanks for raising the cap missingno
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:57:33 No.338605729
         File1309773453.jpg-(28 KB, 396x413, 8ball.jpg)
    28 KB
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    Will missingno ever make me mod?
    So done with asking.
    Might as well suck his dick (which i would totally be cool with, im a /b/ro btw)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:57:36 No.338605740
    >These two
    >I only linked one
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:57:51 No.338605779

    fakemissingnos are a much darker red regardless, is everyone colorblind?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:05 No.338605809
         File1309773485.jpg-(158 KB, 504x356, sunny.jpg)
    158 KB
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    Best tv show evar, or best tv show of all time?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:08 No.338605815
         File1309773488.png-(102 KB, 617x887, 2499%20-%20Awesome_Face%20meme(...).png)
    102 KB
    Mewt, it seems like the biggest, most flamingest elephant of a question in the room which you have not yet answered; your answer could revolutionize /b/ forever:

    Who is you favorite pwny?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:11 No.338605821
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:14 No.338605828
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again


    Did I see snacks post recently, or am I on drugs? He had the proper coding, and everything, but i thought...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:14 No.338605830
         File1309773494.gif-(9 KB, 180x180, 209.gif)
    9 KB
    missingno watch this shit;
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:15 No.338605833
    Does Snacks still work for you as a coder? and was that really him the other nite?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:16 No.338605835
         File1309773496.jpg-(22 KB, 581x282, truth.jpg)
    22 KB
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    it wont let you because he's the second missingno, he wants you to forget that there was another
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:23 No.338605854
    i know. i've never understood why so many people fall for this -- the colors are really quite different
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:27 No.338605861
    you seriously still got trolled by fake missingno?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:27 No.338605863
    what board do you lurk the most in?
    >implying you have time to lurk
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:28 No.338605867
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:37 No.338605887
    You are fucking cancer

    I would die a happy man if I were able to get rid of you fucking pedos in denial
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:58:59 No.338605939
    That's why the pon­ies are here and not on /co/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:00 No.338605941
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    Moot, after creating newt gingrich and, how successful would you rate yourself? Was this what you wanted? Do you live comfortably?

    You didn't finish college but you seem to have done well for yourself. How'd you do it?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:01 No.338605944
    I know right? Why the fuck does it seem like everyone else is retarded and needs Yotsuba B?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)05:59:02 No.338605949
         File1309773542.jpg-(4 KB, 100x100, Deadpool ROCKS B mini otaku me(...).jpg)
    4 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:06 No.338605952
    Your fortune: Godly Luck


    British up in this bitch

    good luck get
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:14 No.338605979
    Why can't you get rid of the small horses?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:17 No.338605986
    ban his ass.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:39 No.338606021
    no, he hasn't been involved with newt gingrich in any capacity since late 2005.

    re: second part, i have no idea, but he still visits/posts regularly.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:42 No.338606029
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Moot, are you ACTUALLY gay? Or is that /b/ trolling, no disrespect.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:43 No.338606036
    hey mооtles do you like milfs?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:45 No.338606041
    Moot what are your limits on appreciation from btards, is it cool if we see you and ask for a bro fist/highfive? Also how often do you lurk?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:48 No.338606049
    missingno, are you spending more time on can.vas than you are on newt gingrich?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:49 No.338606052
    describe the holocaust in 5
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)05:59:56 No.338606069
         File1309773596.png-(89 KB, 870x602, Mon-Jul--4-214447-NZST-2011.png)
    89 KB

    Fake m00t is easy to see...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:00:00 No.338606072
         File1309773600.jpg-(97 KB, 655x600, hen.jpg)
    97 KB

    you lie noot

    you have no friends

    also you look unhealthy here have some chicken
    >> stoner-guy 104 !fsDWdCQiRo 07/04/11(Mon)06:00:06 No.338606092
    Faggots, Moot's said that he will NEVER give anyone mod status if they ask for it. Plus, he'll never pick you otherwise. He gives mod status to people he knows, I'm pretty sure. Plus, there was that application process a few months back...
    Also, to everyone in this thread, stop shitting up /b/ and go back to posting FUNNY pictures in U Raff U Ruse threads. The last few have been utter shit. Get better.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:00:06 No.338606093
    posting in m00t thread
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:00:18 No.338606120
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    Can i have his number/ email?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:00:31 No.338606149
    Are you banning the fakem00ts as they post? I seem to recall reading that posing as a mod or an administrator would get you permabanned.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:00:33 No.338606155

    >> DuTcHF4G !wQbBsm4vdE 07/04/11(Mon)06:00:36 No.338606161
         File1309773636.jpg-(38 KB, 265x302, 1296785176697.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:00:54 No.338606198
    barny miller. did somebody already say that?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:01:05 No.338606227
    ED is still alive.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:01:07 No.338606232
    Dude I don't want to overplay the fanboy obsession, but the most celebrity exposure I've ever had was being in the same room with Gene Hoglan, so it would really, really make my day if you answered me.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:01:12 No.338606244
         File1309773672.jpg-(94 KB, 1034x1053, cirno_hat_candy.jpg)
    94 KB
    So does Meido have his job back?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:01:14 No.338606249
    everyone likes milfs!

    i split my time


    uh, no?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:01:21 No.338606266
         File1309773681.gif-(681 KB, 800x800, 1289037286754.gif)
    681 KB
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    YOU are so kawaii i want to dies and kill MYSELF!!!!!!111111
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:01:27 No.338606280
         File1309773687.jpg-(19 KB, 574x144, WHY.jpg)
    19 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:01:42 No.338606317
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:01:59 No.338606354
    how is sylvester? who takes care of him while you do all this traveling?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:02:01 No.338606356
         File1309773721.jpg-(32 KB, 585x592, foot..jpg)
    32 KB has the potential to be a pretty powerful multimedia platform. how do you plan to make the transition from it's current platform to a more robust and powerful model. i mean, it is dope, but it's not as if it's really useful for anything other than shits and giggles at this point, but it could easily have a pretty powerful utility function when it comes to the manipulation and dissemination of digital images. i guess the custom groups feature is the first step in that direction
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:02:08 No.338606371
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    Mootles! What does it take to be not a "new­fag"?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:02:13 No.338606382
    then can I have your number/email?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:02:20 No.338606399
    po­nyfags - leave it alone - nobody likes po­nies and nobody likes YOU! deal with it
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:02:30 No.338606415
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:02:43 No.338606436
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:02:44 No.338606438
    Kill him with fire
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:02:54 No.338606454
         File1309773774.jpg-(89 KB, 400x398, moot FBF.jpg)
    89 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:04 No.338606482
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:09 No.338606496
         File1309773789.jpg-(9 KB, 251x239, 1303849888465.jpg)
    9 KB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    Send me an e-mail, missingnoles?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:09 No.338606498
    I once had a dream about you missingno where we fell in love and swam through fields of daisies

    It was odd, but strangely arousing.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:14 No.338606507
    have you ever had any pizzas sent to you?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:17 No.338606514
    What are your plans for the future?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:20 No.338606523
         File1309773800.jpg-(167 KB, 525x700, 4.jpg)
    167 KB
    fuck you /b/. im goin back to /tv/ to discuss my favorite underage disney starlet waifus!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:26 No.338606537
    Moot likes steve jobs he told me.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:32 No.338606547
    m00t thanks for keeping this site, entretain us alot.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:34 No.338606548
    missingno, how much money is required to run newt gingrich for a year?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:41 No.338606567
    missingno is real?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:42 No.338606572
    missingnoy, are you gonna be making any majors changes to 4-chan or adding another board?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:03:45 No.338606575
    are you going to do anything to the site to celebrate Independence day? Flashing background maybe?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:08 No.338606620
         File1309773848.gif-(1.99 MB, 229x304, 1302293948646.gif)
    1.99 MB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    dude we need tools to fight pon­y cancer
    in return tits
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:11 No.338606624
    idk if u watch TV
    but wat's ur favorite show?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:14 No.338606627
    WHY do you support all the "/b/ needs a queen" fags mo­ot?
    That's all I want to know.
    >> stoner-guy 104 !fsDWdCQiRo 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:19 No.338606634
    Moot, do you read the comments, or are you just scanning for ?'s ?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:26 No.338606650
    Do you like Family Guy?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:26 No.338606652
    mооt, what books are you reading at the moment?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:29 No.338606659
         File1309773869.jpg-(4 KB, 122x120, guilecomb.jpg)
    4 KB
    Dear missingno;

    /v/ needs the Guile theme.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)06:04:33 No.338606665
         File1309773873.jpg-(53 KB, 760x1070, CHECK post deadpool thor wallp(...).jpg)
    53 KB
    Because we can work miracles, silly! ♥­

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:38 No.338606675
         File1309773878.png-(4 KB, 191x230, 1291257683269.png)
    4 KB
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    Can i secks you?
    pretty please?
    with a cherry in my anus?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:38 No.338606676
    Hey there missingnoles. I was wondering if you remember the idea of implementing a way for anon's to moderate one another. Any update on that idea? Maybe there could be a revised report system where if enough people report the same post for disregarding one of the board rules, they could be banned for a certain amount of time, then enough bans could equal an actual mod b&.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:38 No.338606678
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:40 No.338606681
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    where were you when 9 11 happend. and what are your views about it?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:41 No.338606685
    heres an honest question, not asking to be one and i know your not taking applications right now but what do you look for in a janitor?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:45 No.338606694
    I bet its Fluttershy.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:50 No.338606705
         File1309773890.jpg-(34 KB, 604x453, 1306637946464.jpg)
    34 KB
    >mfw missingno is a summerfag
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:52 No.338606707
    fake m­oot is fake
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:04:57 No.338606717
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    my fortune determines whether missingno loves me and makes me mod.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:05:02 No.338606730
         File1309773902.jpg-(133 KB, 756x564, 1281994599063.jpg)
    133 KB
    you said earlier you have a real job
    i'm curious, what is it exactly that you do?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:05:19 No.338606765
         File1309773919.jpg-(61 KB, 584x575, Capture.jpg)
    61 KB
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    this plawks
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:05:27 No.338606783
    Give those candy-ass steve jobs their on board..get them the fuck out of /b/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:05:30 No.338606793
         File1309773930.png-(11 KB, 410x284, 1292564124200.png)
    11 KB
    MOOT what blood type do you have?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:05:33 No.338606795
         File1309773933.png-(212 KB, 365x436, Roxie.png)
    212 KB
    Moot, do you like pon­ies?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:05:34 No.338606800
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    get rid of the word filters pl0x ;_;
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:05:35 No.338606802
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck


    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:05:37 No.338606805
         File1309773937.jpg-(14 KB, 300x300, 1295236390567.jpg)
    14 KB
    missingno, why were you on one of the photos with a ‮ roody-poo
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:05:41 No.338606817
    Favorite porn star?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:05:52 No.338606845

    He sells his sperm to chinese donors.

    Fucking summerfags lurk moar
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:06:02 No.338606865
    reading everything
    i dont watch any television
    in the plex
    ouch son
    fortune: bad luck
    new york.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:06:09 No.338606884
         File1309773969.jpg-(143 KB, 525x480, middle851.jpg)
    143 KB
    Does this guy look like missingno to anynewt gingrich else?

    No, not the brown one.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)06:06:10 No.338606885
         File1309773970.jpg-(448 KB, 670x1024, deadpool on fire buried in cof(...).jpg)
    448 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:06:35 No.338606930
         File1309773995.jpg-(9 KB, 300x232, 1308258911202.jpg)
    9 KB
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    I just love you Christopher. So much.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:06:53 No.338606973
    hey man just wanna say thanks for everything you've done on this website for us, much love man
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:06:58 No.338606983
    requesting wordfilter internet to NIGGER.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:03 No.338606995
    Hey missingno: Whats one fact you know about Japan
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:10 No.338607007
    >says he's reading every comment
    >doesn't comment on po­nies
    You candy-ass.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:18 No.338607025
    giga puddi
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:22 No.338607032
    moo­t is a f­aggot.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)06:07:24 No.338607036
         File1309774044.jpg-(2 KB, 90x127, portals longcat combo part 2 1(...).jpg)
    2 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:28 No.338607049
    hey mute im new here, who are you?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:37 No.338607070
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    inb4 over 9000 replies
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:45 No.338607089
    If you are reading everything, why do you not answer the obviously most asked question in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:46 No.338607091
         File1309774066.jpg-(6 KB, 204x258, 1306315145239.jpg)
    6 KB
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    Now can i secks you?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:48 No.338607092
    Not every post deserves to get commented on.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:51 No.338607098
    So why do you avoid the Alice questions?

    Some of us are curious on what the bitch is hiding and you seem to know.
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:52 No.338607103
    Just because he reads it doesn't mean he has to respond.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:07:59 No.338607121
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    Hey missingno who do think would win in a fight. Goku or Superman?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:01 No.338607123
    fortune: very bad luck
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:02 No.338607127
    /b/lack out coming again ever?
    >I enjoyed it
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:05 No.338607133
    just press hold alt then press 0173 on the numpad in the middle of the words
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:06 No.338607139
    So real missingno, what browser and OS?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:10 No.338607152
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:10 No.338607153
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン or 4chin?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:11 No.338607156
    Noko check point
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:16 No.338607168
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:18 No.338607174
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:33 No.338607205
    if alice is banned, i'm not aware of it. definitely near the bottom of "things i care about"
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:33 No.338607207
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:33 No.338607208

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:34 No.338607211

    Fuck you candy-ass roody-poo the newt gingrich filters are fucking awesome
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:38 No.338607225
    m00t how do u prepare your toast? what do you eat with it?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)06:08:45 No.338607241
         File1309774125.jpg-(5 KB, 81x127, portals longcat combo part 1 1(...).jpg)
    5 KB
    I'm a 25yo power lifter
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:46 No.338607244
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:47 No.338607246
    >i dont watch any television
    good call
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:49 No.338607253
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    m000000000000000000000000000000000t, just wondering.

    How do you get a the people's championship anyways? Reporting people, luck, dubs? Trips?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:08:54 No.338607258
    i don't know what 4chin is but it sounds wonderful
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:01 No.338607270
         File1309774141.jpg-(2 KB, 93x126, 1289017557021.jpg)
    2 KB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    I will take yes for an answer.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:02 No.338607273
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:02 No.338607275
    MOOT! Do you play any vidya?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:12 No.338607291
    m00t, fix /soc/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:14 No.338607293
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    Goku or Superman?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:19 No.338607302
         File1309774159.png-(10 KB, 429x234, snacksss.png)
    10 KB
    M o o t, was this really snacks posting??

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:20 No.338607305
    he didnt reply to me either but dont badger him about it man
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:23 No.338607315
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:23 No.338607316
    It's when you get really fat.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:27 No.338607321
    what are those "things you care about"?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:41 No.338607351
    missingnoeh, how much money does newt gingrich earn u like monthly?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:44 No.338607354
    4chin is a devic- DO YOU LIKE FUCKING PO­NIES YES OR NO?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:45 No.338607361
    please ban the whole of /soc/
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:47 No.338607363
    that DOES sound wonderful!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:09:57 No.338607381
    >everyone likes milfs!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:01 No.338607390
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    m00t says he's reading everything,
    misses >>338604270
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:04 No.338607394
    Alice and his ilk have been banned several times over and are constantly ban evading
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:06 No.338607404
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    Noooooo! Why would you let all the cancer know that!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:11 No.338607412
         File1309774211.jpg-(9 KB, 157x220, 7dc363ecc12b4d7bbe0dbb8018d9af(...).jpg)
    9 KB
    lol why missingno have mexican currency on his hand ?
    honest question for once
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:13 No.338607419
    favorite song/band?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:13 No.338607425
         File1309774213.jpg-(33 KB, 600x514, 1302637676895.jpg)
    33 KB
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    so, what's the core idea behind canvas ?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:15 No.338607426
    You are sorta in the middle, as far as popularity goes. You are an underground hero but you don't get CNN coverage or anything. That said, who's the most famous person you have ever interacted with? Ever been starstruck?

    Me: I pm'd Kirk Fox on facebook once. Changed me life.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:15 No.338607428
         File1309774215.jpg-(23 KB, 500x333, 6534_110725205939_579515939_26(...).jpg)
    23 KB
    what life goals or aspirations do you have? also why won't you answer any questions about
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:16 No.338607431
    giga pudding
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:27 No.338607451
    Your fortune: Godly Luck


    Hey ᵐᵒᵒᵗ, have you read Atlas Shrugged? If so, did you enjoy and agree with the philosophical views presented?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:31 No.338607464
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    Whats you fav pokemon!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:38 No.338607481
         File1309774238.png-(92 KB, 785x593, ban.png)
    92 KB
    Wait so you're not aware of the ban streaks? Do you let your the people's champions do what ever they want?

    They seem to have a really strong hate for him. I can't help but wonder why.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:38 No.338607482
    hey missingno do you ever go on omegle
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:41 No.338607489
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    canvas is shit
    deal with it
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:47 No.338607502
    how many cats do you have?
    or how many catpictures do you have?

    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:52 No.338607520
    It's from when he stole the donations and ran off to missingnoxico
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:53 No.338607525
    hey mute seriously im new here and you seem to be causing a lot of commotion, why are you so special on here?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:57 No.338607532
         File1309774257.jpg-(197 KB, 600x674, 1307137773512.jpg)
    197 KB

    i love you mооt

    also cats
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:10:58 No.338607537
    Thank you for this m00t. All of this.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:11:00 No.338607542
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:11:12 No.338607560
         File1309774272.jpg-(554 KB, 1920x1080, 130025205432.jpg)
    554 KB
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    bawksy thread
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:11:24 No.338607579
    missingno, how many times has my IP been banned?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:11:26 No.338607583
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    newt gingrich in not 4cha­n
    >> stoner-guy 104 !fsDWdCQiRo 07/04/11(Mon)06:11:28 No.338607587
    Hey, Moot. I know you're probably tired of the drug questions, but have you ever tried smoking?
    Also, you've answered two of my questions. Can you make it three?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:11:42 No.338607621
         File1309774302.jpg-(166 KB, 600x483, humour373.jpg)
    166 KB
    Would you rather be attacked by 100 duck-sized horses or 1 horse-sized duck?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:11:42 No.338607622
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:11:47 No.338607633
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    m00t, what kind of music do you listen to?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:11:48 No.338607634
    why is your name so red?

    are you embarrassed?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:11:48 No.338607638
         File1309774308.jpg-(1.32 MB, 4368x2912, 1309726093753.jpg)
    1.32 MB
    mo­ot: 9/11 - conspiracy or went down just how the government says it went down?

    also, pussy
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:13 No.338607691
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:17 No.338607703
         File1309774337.jpg-(36 KB, 600x392, how do i shot web.jpg)
    36 KB
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:17 No.338607705
    Do you have to type the captcha to post or not?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:30 No.338607731
    Random trolls are also getting banned.

    It's just one massive ban fest, disregarding who they actually ban most of the times. When they put so much effort into it you have to wonder what the fuck is going on.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:31 No.338607733
         File1309774351.jpg-(34 KB, 425x315, 425.speed.racer6.120707.jpg)
    34 KB
    Last I checked, Alice was a shit posted from /jp/.

    Hell, she/he came in the IRC a few times to continue her stuff things, i don't even know what the fuck her/his deal is.
    >> FUCK YOU M00TFAG DECLARE A QUEEN OF /B/ Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:33 No.338607737
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:35 No.338607745
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:37 No.338607749
    Moot would you like to come to Norway to take a coffee
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:40 No.338607753
         File1309774360.jpg-(29 KB, 420x352, 1308682266991.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:41 No.338607756
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:12:56 No.338607783
    why the recent word filters? any reason for the rock? what about sifl and olly? is it all random and just for teh lulz or is there actually meaning behind that stuff?

    thanks for hanging out and answering questions, missingno. oh yeah, why missingno? whats that mean?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:10 No.338607812
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    how come while using firefox, often times pages will only load when i'm moving my cursor? it's rather inconvenient
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:14 No.338607820
    shit posteR*

    my bad.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:18 No.338607826
         File1309774398.jpg-(161 KB, 912x1140, 1309693221134.jpg)
    161 KB
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    lol this, if I get a positive fortune then you must answer, and if I get a negative fortune missingno must masturbate to this pic.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:20 No.338607832
    He prefers.


    Btw missingno, you need to add spoilers to /b/.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:20 No.338607833
         File1309774400.jpg-(77 KB, 860x758, vaun.jpg)
    77 KB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    >my hero.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:27 No.338607843
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    if godly luck, consider this my application to become a mod.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:30 No.338607848

    get rid of the fucking your fortune shit
    nobody that has been here for more than a month likes that shit.

    also, you're a raging candy-ass bro hope you know
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:32 No.338607852
    missingno how come you dont have your own b folder?
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:35 No.338607861
    There are a bunch of Alices.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:35 No.338607862
    2nd emma roberts
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:35 No.338607864
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    your doing it wrong!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:35 No.338607865
         File1309774415.jpg-(4 KB, 249x202, 1308770312025.jpg)
    4 KB
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:37 No.338607870


    You make me so fucking mad. You are worse than po­nies
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:46 No.338607888
    1000 post!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:47 No.338607889
    When will you go out drinking with anons again?
    >> Anon 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:52 No.338607894
    missingno, Post your battlestation ?!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:55 No.338607902
    missingno ban me so I can stop wasting my life on /b/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:55 No.338607903
    dammit, dynamic IP, i can count 20 in my memory.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:13:59 No.338607918
    Just a supposed femanon wanting to help anons. She's alright but the drama surrounding her is magnificent.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:00 No.338607919
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    Who is this missingno guy y'all talking about?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:03 No.338607928
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:04 No.338607929

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:10 No.338607945
    Moot, I choked down a fistful of dog penis and woman hating for one second to ask you a legitimate question. The least you can do is answer it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:17 No.338607953
         File1309774457.jpg-(40 KB, 480x449, boxxy.jpg)
    40 KB
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:21 No.338607964
    >well known cancerous tripfag
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:25 No.338607976
    m00t lemme apply for the people's championship on IRC pl0x
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:34 No.338607996
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    roody-poo the people's champions /b/
    >> Torsten !OSTGARD9Js 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:39 No.338608009
    MOOT, ANSWER MY FUCKING EMAIL. Err, I mean, could you please sign that release for your SXSW footage so I don't have to rely on a YouTube rip of that talk. Please? Do it for Card Captor Will.

    Also, in you CNN interview entitled "Anonymity Is a missingno Point," I'm pretty sure your fly was open.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:46 No.338608021
    Why are you going to glorious nippon? you told /a/ that you hate anime.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:14:48 No.338608024
         File1309774488.jpg-(20 KB, 220x326, 220px-Freddie_Mercury_performi(...).jpg)
    20 KB

    the queen of /b/ is obviously Freddie Mercury.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:00 No.338608057
    Your fortune: Good Luck


    I would also like to know this, or more importantly the missingno part
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:03 No.338608064
    thanks for the site, man. love this place.

    you watch hockey?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:03 No.338608065
    >> UzLE 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:05 No.338608071
    Dear missingno,
    Whats your opinion on .~*GAY PEOPLE*~.?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:06 No.338608072
    >banned more rapidly and ferociously than those clearly bot spammed dating site and survey cash links
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:06 No.338608073
    I, for one, support the captcha. People forget what a headache the spam was. Thanks missingnoles.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:11 No.338608086
    Hey, missingno, what's your reaction to all the My Little Pony shenanigans lately? I'm not asking if you watch/like the show, just your reaction to how it has affected the site.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:17 No.338608098
         File1309774517.jpg-(38 KB, 565x600, thatfuckingcat.jpg)
    38 KB
    oh hai missingno!
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:21 No.338608103
    nope/no it wasn't -- i studied the video and my pants pretty closely because i wasn't sure myself when i saw it
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:22 No.338608105
         File1309774522.jpg-(10 KB, 250x250, 1304577363066.jpg)
    10 KB
    >missingno replying to summerfags on /b/ in 5 in the morning.

    I seriously hope you stop doing this.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:23 No.338608108
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    mo:getprophet:ot can we have buttsecs?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:24 No.338608110
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck


    what is /B/?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:27 No.338608119
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    He means 4chun, because of fortune

    Also, m­oot, do you support Anonymous?(you know, those super 1337 h4x0rs)
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:31 No.338608133

    god knows you need it. ya dont look healthy brah, eat a fucking sandwich.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:32 No.338608136
         File1309774532.jpg-(51 KB, 300x300, 1308330171215.jpg)
    51 KB
    >mfw missingno loves bawksy
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:50 No.338608179
    missingno ban be so I can stop wasting my life on /b/
    >> SHOULD GAYS HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS PEOPLE Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:52 No.338608188
    >> dan 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:56 No.338608195
    missingno, will you kiss me goodnight
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:15:58 No.338608200
    "...choked down a fistful of dog penis..."
    context wat
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:16:04 No.338608212
         File1309774564.jpg-(10 KB, 213x251, 1302952164771.jpg)
    10 KB
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    Mo­­ot we need a sticky at /sci/, can you please sticky this link?
    ww­w.sci­gui­de.­tk with a pic of Sagan maybe?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:16:09 No.338608223
    What'd you think of the BK meetup at Barcade a few months ago? I was not sure what to expect, myself, and was supprised at how many nice people showed up (mostly gamers and weeaboos). Any plan to do it again?

    Also, the cute mod girl, so very nice! We talked for a bit. But then my ex called me and, yeah, fail...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:16:15 No.338608235
    then why the fuck did missingno bother to make /adv/?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:16:23 No.338608257
    i never said i hated anime, and you can enjoy visiting japan without being an ANIME OTAKU ^_^
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:16:34 No.338608292
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    lemme know /b/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:16:40 No.338608306
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    kill this thread missingno, i need to shampoo
    >> SHOULD GAYS HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS PEOPLE Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:16:49 No.338608326
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:16:52 No.338608328
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    mo:getprophet:ot can we have buttsecs?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:16:59 No.338608340
         File1309774619.gif-(1.73 MB, 320x240, 1302156303319.gif)
    1.73 MB
    >> !!WIN5BhzMd4x 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:04 No.338608352
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    no you can't, they're everywhere. even in the ruins.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:06 No.338608357
         File1309774626.png-(83 KB, 237x248, 1306248492082.png)
    83 KB
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    whats missingno mean? why the word filters?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:10 No.338608369
    I will not be ignored.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:10 No.338608370
         File1309774630.jpg-(61 KB, 585x892, Untitled.jpg)
    61 KB
    you're a powerful man. you've got the resources at your disposal to have a profound impact on the future of America and the entire human race
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:12 No.338608373
    it was pretty fun

    also, cute mod girl?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:13 No.338608376
         File1309774633.gif-(15 KB, 400x400, EFG - Copy.gif)
    15 KB
    Hey m00t,
    Who is your favorite band/rapper/musical talent?
    Inquisitively yours,
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:18 No.338608389
    i have waited so long to use that joke
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:20 No.338608399
    If you're going to Japan, try to eat houtou

    That is my advice. Best thing since sliced bread. Thank me later.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:21 No.338608406
    Moot, I love my boyfriend but we now go to two different colleges and hardly see each other. What do you do when you miss someone a lot?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:26 No.338608415
    m00t, did you ever play final fantasy 9? who was your favorite character?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:26 No.338608419
    So are you flying through AMS when going to Japan, if so I'm gonna camp at the airport for the next month.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:27 No.338608425
    1. Is you?
    2. Do you have any bobbleheads of yourself?
    >> SHOULD GAYS HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS PEOPLE? Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:36 No.338608439
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:41 No.338608454
    That's kawaii.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:17:55 No.338608478
    I'm drunk as fuck. Moot ban me for a week. Also you have sexy nipples.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:18:03 No.338608497
    try to find some ganguro girls and take pictures
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:18:13 No.338608523
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:18:21 No.338608535
    i never said that? i said i fly through AMS every now and then -- unrelated to japan. that would be like the worst route to japan ever. 24+ hours of flying no thanks!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:18:23 No.338608540
    What was the largest penis you've had in your mouth? just curious
    >> !!WIN5BhzMd4x 07/04/11(Mon)06:18:24 No.338608541
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    don't ban him ban the guy above and below him.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:18:29 No.338608554
    missingno do you like asian girls more than white girls?

    choose 1.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:18:43 No.338608585
    Fuck you missingno you stupid candy-ass.
    >> CAN YOU FIND OUT IF JAPANESE MEN REALLY ARE SMALLER Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:18:43 No.338608589
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:18:44 No.338608593
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    Gotta ask you again, why does not have any fourth of july stickers?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:18:50 No.338608605
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:00 No.338608625
         File1309774740.jpg-(60 KB, 484x502, 1308771051346.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:02 No.338608630
    Fuck you roody-poo. You're killin' my buzz.
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:12 No.338608652
    You got something being kawaii? That's not sugoi.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:15 No.338608655
    missingno when are you opening moderator applications?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:16 No.338608656
    i emailed dmauro about it!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:15 No.338608658
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    Hi missingno! I'm watching your video on Anonymity right now and I must say you look rather dashing in it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:23 No.338608671
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    >yfw godly luck
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:25 No.338608676
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    ....................................................SAKURA CON, IKIMASU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:33 No.338608690
    Your fortune: Good Luck


    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:37 No.338608701
    why can't I be a mod?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:42 No.338608708
         File1309774782.jpg-(18 KB, 400x311, turtle.jpg)
    18 KB
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    I love you, mewt, long time.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:19:47 No.338608717
    What browser and OS m00t?!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:01 No.338608749
         File1309774801.jpg-(67 KB, 440x994, Over9000.jpg)
    67 KB
    pic related, how many high profile people do you think he's met?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:02 No.338608751
    heey m00t whats your favourite movie?
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:08 No.338608760
    *against missingno being kawaii
    Need to lay off the syrup for a while.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:16 No.338608773
    m00t, do you plan on hiring more the people's champions soon so that this time of night /b/ isn't 50% or higher of spam threads that live til bump limit?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:20 No.338608782
    missingno, when you coming back down to virginia?
    >> ARE THERE NIGGERS IN HEAVEN Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:23 No.338608788
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:25 No.338608795
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    Moot we need you!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:26 No.338608798
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    missingno I've been here since 2006, please say you love me and I can die happy.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:36 No.338608817
    >> Harbinger 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:40 No.338608822
         File1309774840.png-(416 KB, 800x664, pinkie.png)
    416 KB
    Why has no-one asked the most important question yet?
    >Which is your favorite pon­y?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:41 No.338608828
         File1309774841.jpg-(14 KB, 252x236, 1291783728125.jpg)
    14 KB
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    I just dabbed alcohol on that flat part in between my vagina and anus, it really burned, i think i split it earlier when i took a hugh shit.

    Wat do?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:42 No.338608829
    Who you subscribed to on youtube missingno?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:42 No.338608833
    So missingno, why do you answer all of these question and then refer to yourself as a person who doesn't really like to share information.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:50 No.338608848
    Moot, serious question: will you notify us when and if you decide to shut all of this down?
    I mean, when you think about it, it's all some of us have, as sad as that is to ponder.
    Even though we constantly bicker day-in, day-out, we are all one big, dysfunctional family, and it puts a little fear within me to think we'd all be separated one day.
    I love you all. :(
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:50 No.338608849
    cus you dont have dubs like me
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:51 No.338608851
    Do you watch any sports?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:51 No.338608852
    Moot I heard you came into #fatstupidgarbage on rizon and watched some movies. Is that true?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:53 No.338608859
    I know you didn't say that, I just thought it would be the fastest route. I'm retarded, don't judge me.
    >> Adolf !HitLERPvCA 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:55 No.338608863
    I heard that you were asexual?
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:58 No.338608870
    Because you want to be one.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:20:59 No.338608874
    how long do you plan to continue posting ITT m00t?
    >> !!WIN5BhzMd4x 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:07 No.338608883
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    missigno is about as kawaii as a dead po­ny nig­ger.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:11 No.338608890
    because most everything i've said here is harmless and not very personal
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:16 No.338608895
    Lulz, David does fucking everything for that site while Moot sits around petting his pussy and being indifferent to everything
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:29 No.338608916
    That guy is just a roody-poo. He just doesn't want me to be drunk. Fucking gook fucker.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:31 No.338608922
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    Are you happy with the way is going right now?
    >> Torsten !OSTGARD9Js 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:35 No.338608928
         File1309774895.jpg-(60 KB, 380x507, 1303250273697.jpg)
    60 KB
    Why won't you release that footage? If you don't want to, there's nothing I can do, but I'd at least like to know a reason.

    Also, I want to know if you ever played Wanko to Kurasou.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:43 No.338608941
    oh btw missingno, you said you were gonna "add a couple of new boards to replace /whine9k/ and /new/". Is it ever gonna happen?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:46 No.338608948
    Hi mo­ot, why was /new/ board taken down? Also why is posting /new/ material bannable?

    >also thanks for newt gingrich bro, eurofag here
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:47 No.338608949
    what do you think of newt gingrich threads?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:50 No.338608955
    m00t, add me on runescape?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:57 No.338608969
         File1309774917.jpg-(196 KB, 512x640, 4585389928_4fd848772e_z..jpg)
    196 KB
    missingno do you consider yourself an entrepreneur? what other projects are you working on? do you like art? pick 1
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:21:58 No.338608972
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    wanna hang out some time? we could play ssbm on my gamecube
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:02 No.338608983
    >cus you dont have dubs like me

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:08 No.338608993
    Would you sell 4Chan for the right amount of money? Be honest.

    Oh and what do you think about tumblr?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:13 No.338608997
    He's a conflicted cam whore.
    On one hand, he wants privacy, on the other hand, he loves having his pe­nis stroked.
    Don't we all...
    >> Anon 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:15 No.338609001
    missingno what are your plans for the future?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:16 No.338609004
         File1309774936.jpg-(33 KB, 439x536, 1291530880612.jpg)
    33 KB
    hey missingno, how do i inform bitches of my girth? any protips?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:16 No.338609005
    Protip: AMS is near Amsterdam.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:31 No.338609032
         File1309774951.jpg-(64 KB, 268x265, hear574.jpg)
    64 KB
    Moot, what do you think about THIS FUCKING CAT?
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:32 No.338609033
         File1309774952.gif-(62 KB, 117x148, anime girl dancing.gif)
    62 KB
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    Hugethread is huge.

    I call it a party!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:32 No.338609035
    why is loli banned in /i/?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:40 No.338609048
    missingno are nigras people too?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:42 No.338609055
         File1309774962.jpg-(87 KB, 454x700, darthsad.jpg)
    87 KB
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    what does missingno mean?

    i tried asking like four times.

    >mfw missingno wont answer me
    >> ddiamondd !gRLNchj9ng 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:46 No.338609058
         File1309774966.jpg-(34 KB, 905x153, ohlord.jpg)
    34 KB
    Quads and trips.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:54 No.338609074
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    hey missingno word filter the word "the" to fag. it would be hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:22:55 No.338609075
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    When will you move to the UK, as it is a far superior country to the USA.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:00 No.338609092
    Like the only pretty girl there lol I'm pretty sure she's the girl in the arstech photo, but I may be mistaken and I am only assuming she's a mod. Seemed to pretty involved w the site, just from talking about the "customs" (that they exist), memes as units of culture, etc. Ringing a bell? Def was not a fangirl, anyway...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:01 No.338609094
    Why are the people who do the advice threads getting banhammered?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:02 No.338609097
    I'm not that retarded.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:03 No.338609100
    how many girlfriends did you have?
    over 9000?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:12 No.338609120
         File1309774992.jpg-(43 KB, 459x300, mongles.jpg)
    43 KB

    Turns out that isn't really good political/news talk.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:13 No.338609124
    Moot do you look at cheese pizza?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:14 No.338609125
    Got a question M00T
    How many times do you talk to the FBI? I know you are not 100% responsible for the stuff that is posted but they much have talk to you every so often because of it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:20 No.338609139
    missingno , i know you lurk /soc/ more than /b/.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:21 No.338609140
    Is there a board on 4ch that you have never been to?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:20 No.338609142
    Do you plan on doing anything about all the chloefags and newt gingrichfags? It's one of the only things I ever see on /b/. Maybe if they had their own board it wouldn't be a problem anymore...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:26 No.338609153
    Starecat, I love starecat. Shit, I want that cat.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:28 No.338609164
    >mfw have reported 3 posts as illegal content (CP links) since seeing this thread, all posts are still there

    good work, roody-poo
    >> UzLE 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:36 No.338609171
    RATE MY NAME missingno!!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:39 No.338609174
         File1309775019.png-(5 KB, 473x140, 1306711203808.png)
    5 KB
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:41 No.338609178
    no idea who you are talking about
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:42 No.338609180
         File1309775022.gif-(443 KB, 237x237, 1289456434715.gif)
    443 KB
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    Hey m00t, will you start an indie galactic metal band with me?
    also, i still wuv u
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:44 No.338609181
    Why is missingno in a motel with a kitten?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:52 No.338609192
    Do you smoke pot?
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:23:53 No.338609193
    I think one of the the people's champions has a personal hate for them.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:00 No.338609209
    Not Moot, but typically you get wildly drunk and rub your cock on her ass.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)06:24:00 No.338609210
         File1309775040.png-(1.97 MB, 1600x900, ultra montage of exploitable l(...).png)
    1.97 MB
    I think cats = win
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:12 No.338609245
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    everynewt gingrich credits everything that still goes on to you, do you still do things around here? example that fortune thing or word filters
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:39 No.338609295
    hey missingno why not just change your name to display in the best font of ~COMIC SANS MS~ that would solve all problems
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:39 No.338609296
    Here's a question I know 100% you are not going to answer.
    But I will ask it anyway:

    Why do you(read: the people's champions) ban advice threads but ENCOURAGE crap like "Chloe is queen" by removing their image cap?
    I don't understand.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:45 No.338609303
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    >> ddiamondd !gRLNchj9ng 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:46 No.338609305

    Hello missingno.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:47 No.338609308
         File1309775087.jpg-(47 KB, 687x512, japan_castle[1].jpg)
    47 KB
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    hey mo­ot, gonna hit up any of the old castles or shrines when you drop by Japan?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:48 No.338609312
         File1309775088.jpg-(56 KB, 478x389, 1309247779826.jpg)
    56 KB
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    Hello missingno look at your fortune
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:49 No.338609315
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:51 No.338609316
    Fucken drunk guy again. Ban me faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaag. All I want is a 2 week ban. Fuckkkkkkkk
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:51 No.338609318
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Moot, /sci/, sticky, when?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:52 No.338609321
    Favorite pizza topping (can't say dicks)
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:53 No.338609323

    > implying missingno is a bronie.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:24:57 No.338609327
    the OP is a candy-ass
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:01 No.338609333
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:07 No.338609344
    AMS is a group in UBC which is a university in vancouver
    just to help with the confusion..
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:09 No.338609352
    missingno, Can you divide by zero for me?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:14 No.338609365
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    Hey missingno, if you could wish to be anything you wanted to be, what would you choose and why?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:23 No.338609385
         File1309775123.png-(635 KB, 700x466, download (1).png)
    635 KB

    missingno is a pokemon glitch if i remember, a character that you got by doing some voodo-shit
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:25 No.338609389
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:27 No.338609394
    Real missingno, haha. its been a year since i saw you post.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:32 No.338609405
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:34 No.338609411
         File1309775134.jpg-(21 KB, 411x334, 1307253557443.jpg)
    21 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:34 No.338609414

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:37 No.338609423
    >implying he isn't
    >> Anon 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:48 No.338609444
         File1309775148.jpg-(85 KB, 640x480, photo.jpg)
    85 KB
    My Girlfriends tits for you missingno :) you like ?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:49 No.338609446
         File1309775149.jpg-(38 KB, 600x441, 1309772466026.jpg)
    38 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:51 No.338609448
    newt gingrich
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:55 No.338609453
         File1309775155.gif-(49 KB, 185x179, 1309372210029.gif)
    49 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:59 No.338609463
         File1309775159.jpg-(34 KB, 539x720, 2lk411s.jpg)
    34 KB
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:25:59 No.338609464

    AMS is an airport, bro
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:11 No.338609488
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:12 No.338609489
         File1309775172.png-(1.17 MB, 1071x840, 1300611733562.png)
    1.17 MB
    >implying mo­ot is not a bro­ny
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:20 No.338609510
    i keep refreshing when all i wanna do is sleep !!!!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:21 No.338609512
    AMS-U is American State University right?
    >> WHAT DOES MISSINGNO MEAN? Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:27 No.338609523
    please you haven't answered any of my questions
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:34 No.338609545
    are you seriously ok with /b/ becoming GaiaOnline 2.0 with all the rampant underage candy-assry allowed to continue?

    can you change the heading to /gaia/ to reflect upon this?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:39 No.338609559
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    how many times have i been banned?
    >> ireland? Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:42 No.338609561
    m00t, have you ever been to Ireland, if so what part? if not do you intend to?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:45 No.338609569
         File1309775205.png-(20 KB, 366x179, moot philosophy.png)
    20 KB
    You are a wise sage missingno.
    pic related
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:50 No.338609585
         File1309775210.jpg-(74 KB, 500x510, 2U57QZV6LS7VPFPA3PXGURTOAJESOM(...).jpg)
    74 KB
    ohw fortune don't want to tell you now
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)06:26:51 No.338609587

    Try Harder.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:00 No.338609599
    no, i might visit dublin in october though
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:09 No.338609612
    missingno , wuts ur opinion on casey anthony/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:11 No.338609617
         File1309775231.jpg-(190 KB, 600x1000, 1309772119702.jpg)
    190 KB
    Do it Christopher Poole.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:11 No.338609618
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    newt gingrich is not 4cha­n
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:14 No.338609623
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:15 No.338609625
    hey man, how you doin?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:24 No.338609640
    Actually it's called Schiphol.
    >> WHAT DOES MISSINGNO MEAN? Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:24 No.338609642
    what does missingno mean
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:26 No.338609646
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    good luck get

    dubs get
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:30 No.338609659
    missingno have you ever been to norway?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:33 No.338609663
    I saw him the other day in a /new/-esque thread here on /b/.
    It was quite intredasting.

    I guess he wanted to keep an eye on the skin heads, idk.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:43 No.338609686
    I just found this little gem:
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:50 No.338609703
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    Moot, are you going to visit the Netherlands some time? And maybe have a TED-talk over there too?

    Or are you interested in a TEDtalk in Holland?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:27:55 No.338609714
    protip: you can refer to airpots by IATA codes
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:03 No.338609731
    wait are invites going out for canvas?

    I can honestly say I love cats missingno and I would totally appreciate a invite.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:07 No.338609742
    answer this or meet your demise mo­ot

    no but really, what gives? I'm not a supporter of Alice, but you can't tell me that was worse than pon­ies or the shitty queen posts?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:09 No.338609743
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    Are you happy with right now?

    Hurry up with the new sticker, if there's anything that's only available today, I want it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:16 No.338609757
         File1309775296.jpg-(23 KB, 492x550, twin-towers.jpg)
    23 KB
    9/11? come on mo­ot, just answer this - do you think there are some "irregularities" in the government version? Too personal? Would it put you in an awkward position to take a position? Or is it just something easier left unanswered? I'd understand if you didn't want to answer it, but if you have a position, I'd really like to know what it is, since I respect your intelligence.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:20 No.338609769
    maybe some day, i've only passed through on layovers
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:22 No.338609775
    oh well then i`m just as confused as the other roody-poos
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:24 No.338609779
    trip sevens are much better, fag.
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:26 No.338609787
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    That aren't G4 pоnies.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:27 No.338609792
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:28 No.338609796
    Dear Moot,
    My last name is also Poole.
    Tell me your original place of origin.
    Thank you
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:32 No.338609803
    do u like exercising?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:35 No.338609810
    What if Zelda was a girl?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:37 No.338609814
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:40 No.338609821
         File1309775320.jpg-(66 KB, 512x383, 1309419242817.jpg)
    66 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:42 No.338609827
    missingno can you make a board dedicated to missingno?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:28:44 No.338609834
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    m00t, how racist are you?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:03 No.338609872
         File1309775343.png-(25 KB, 504x175, 1300611794761.png)
    25 KB
    >> Anon 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:06 No.338609879
    missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno missingno do you not like?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:23 No.338609907
    What is your favourtie pokémon mo­ot?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:23 No.338609908
    >refering to Airports by International AIDS to AIDS codes
    I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
    >> DO YOU LIKE ANIME Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:24 No.338609912
         File1309775364.jpg-(42 KB, 630x718, 1309250938166.jpg)
    42 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:25 No.338609916
    To my understanding all Janitor applications are read without knowing who the person who applied actually is, but my question is this: During the occurrence of Janitor applications, do bans on your IP Address go against you during the voting process?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:35 No.338609933
    Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

    Hey missingno are you by any chance getting rid of a queen sized bed?
    i n33d wun
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:43 No.338609954
         File1309775383.jpg-(114 KB, 803x803, Untitled.jpg)
    114 KB
    do you view life optimistically? do you see the world positively? do the actions we make effect the way the future unfolds?
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:49 No.338609964
    >implying that is a legitimate picture.
    >> ireland Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:50 No.338609969
    Dublin's a nice place, i lived there for a year, you should visit belfast and co.clare there amazing.
    Would you drink pint of guiness?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:51 No.338609973
    the people's champions
    newt gingrich
    steve jobs
    newt gingrich

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:54 No.338609981
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:56 No.338609986

    missingno , for the love of cthulhu ban this mother fucker
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:57 No.338609988
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    this fortune will be missingnos fortune on his plane trip to Nippon.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:29:59 No.338609991
    the people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsvthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe people's championsthe 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champions
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)06:30:01 No.338609995
         File1309775401.png-(413 KB, 449x598, what if zelda was a grill link(...).png)
    413 KB
    What if Zelda were a grill?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:30:04 No.338609999
    Then why are her threads and her little group of tripfags a higher ban priority than spam and CP?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:30:05 No.338610001
    Moot is right, It's Schiphol Airport (EHAM/AMS)
    It's also a VOR-DME on the frequency 113,95. This is one of the main navigational aids for Schiphol Airport and the Netherlands.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:30:15 No.338610014
    mo­ot, why you deleted /new/ board? and why there are bans for posting /new/ material

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:30:17 No.338610023
         File1309775417.png-(341 KB, 1174x1840, 1300611934708.png)
    341 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:30:29 No.338610055
    i always wanted to janitor /po/
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:30:29 No.338610056
    if you fly so much, missingno, do you ever fly first class?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:30:31 No.338610063
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    Moot! Original troll face or cool face?
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 07/04/11(Mon)06:30:35 No.338610073
    Cmon mo­ot, make a damn sticky at /sci/, its just not fair for every board to have a sticky except sci :<
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:30:42 No.338610083
    the m­oot word filter should be fa­ggot.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:30:42 No.338610085
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:31:04 No.338610123
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    M o o t, how do you stay in shape? Do you work out? or just watch your calorie in take.?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:31:11 No.338610137
         File1309775471.jpg-(220 KB, 1728x1008, Cthulu.jpg)
    220 KB
    For the love of whom?
    Why little ol' me?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:31:12 No.338610141
    What's you opinion on newt gingrich threads?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:31:15 No.338610146
    You seem to be traveling a lot Moot. Business or pleasure?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:31:23 No.338610159
         File1309775483.png-(119 KB, 1248x612, 1295428525697.png)
    119 KB
    m00t, why did you reject zunechan on the opening day of /soc/
    pic related
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:31:25 No.338610167
    Because it's another mod doing it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:31:33 No.338610185
    Where in NY can i buy a decent dildo?
    [[with a suction cup]]
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:31:43 No.338610205
    the people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championscandy-assroody-pooeverynewt gingrichVAGINAmissingnonewt gingrichjabronisPENISanynewt gingrichsteve jobsthe people's championsmissingnoroody-poo
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:31:49 No.338610216
    roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo roody-poo
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:31:59 No.338610231
    da fuck is this
    da fuck is that
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:32:13 No.338610256
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    EHAM? wtf

    >walle tedcan
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:32:13 No.338610257
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:32:29 No.338610287
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    sweet is this one of those threads where we talk shit to missingno?

    also bad luck
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)06:32:37 No.338610301
    >implying you can prove this isnt photoshopped.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:32:46 No.338610320
         File1309775566.png-(148 KB, 730x261, Screen shot 2011-07-04 at 5.31(...).png)
    148 KB
    fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:32:55 No.338610341
    Isnt it sad mo­ot, what /b/ has turned into? I mean shit it was never great but has changed since i came here in 04-05
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:32:56 No.338610343

    I gotta ask you a serious question!

    What is love?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:03 No.338610357
    Your fortune: Bad Luck

    Moot, are you going to visit Italy some time? Pizzafags are waiting for you.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:07 No.338610365
    Moot, some people are asking realistic, logical, poignant questions, and you're wasting their efforts by focusing on cat memes and flexing your "mwha-fuah, I'm going to fly to Africa and then Mute City next month".
    But....fuck it. I'll play along.
    What brand do you feed your cat, and have you ever flown to northern Canada, or met a drunken indian?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:09 No.338610370
         File1309775589.jpg-(9 KB, 159x221, moot.jpg)
    9 KB
    When applying for a job, would you put the creation of this website on your resume?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:12 No.338610377
    Will you ever make a seperate board for p0nies? I't gets annoying seeing about 20 different p0ny threads all up at the same time. They're not even good.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:13 No.338610381
    protip: travel industry people all do it, so do many people that travel a lot. Airports often have wanky names, the names of cities or are just confusing or long to say. IATA codes exist for a reason, for frequent travellers, it's way easier to enter LAX into a website than type out Los Angeles and then specify which LA airport you want.

    I'm kind of surprised he wouldn't say Schiphol too since it's better known as that but then he probably couldn't remember how to spell it.
    >> UzLE 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:30 No.338610409
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:30 No.338610411
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:33 No.338610420
    missingno what are some of your favorite memes? what are some of your most hated memes?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:37 No.338610423
    Have you ever been so far even as decided to use go want to look more like?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬    07/04/11(Mon)06:33:44 No.338610430
         File1309775624.jpg-(35 KB, 325x473, deadpool reaction face sweet t(...).jpg)
    35 KB
    DEM QUADS! :D­
    Also... it's because some of the the people's champions have... uh... 'anger issues'?­
    But, I can tell you -- despite me being M­ootPool -- that Alice is neither hated nor a priority.
    >> Azu !Nyan/Fwx4c 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:45 No.338610434
         File1309775625.png-(200 KB, 370x370, 1307186288516.png)
    200 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:50 No.338610445
    missingno talks about newt gingrich at ROFLcon II
    how is it to be on youtube?
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:51 No.338610447
    >she wants to fuck
    See missingno? She would let you put your penis in and around her mouth.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:52 No.338610451
    if missingno is flying so much, why hasn't he met Tyler Durden yet?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:33:53 No.338610454
    Are you gay? Honest question.

    i know it gets thrown around but i actually want YOU to answer.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:01 No.338610467
    Hey missingno, just letting you personally know that Australians DO NOT ride to work/school in kangaroo pouches. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't have known that. Right?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:19 No.338610500
         File1309775659.png-(45 KB, 367x168, 1300944924368.png)
    45 KB
    >implying nigg­ers
    This is getting boring.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:30 No.338610519
    I reported you for rule violation.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:30 No.338610520
         File1309775670.png-(47 KB, 377x545, Fluttershy - 3s Get.png)
    47 KB
    Well it isn't, dunno what to tell you.

    This one is, though.
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:31 No.338610525
         File1309775671.gif-(356 KB, 320x239, 1395.gif)
    356 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:30 No.338610536
    >1224 posts and 357 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

    Wat? How?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:39 No.338610542
    M­OOT is there a cure for cancer?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:41 No.338610545
         File1309775681.jpg-(79 KB, 450x360, Jan 14.jpg)
    79 KB
    M00tlekins, is it true you did porn?

    also, pic is me. I <3 you m00tles
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:47 No.338610556
    He already answered this question in this thread.

    Are you retarded?
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:52 No.338610561
    what? did you hack someone's facebook? :(
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:34:59 No.338610578
    Yes, EHAM is the ICAO abbreviation for AMS (which is an IATA abbreviation).
    >> (USER WAS AWESOME FOR THIOS POST) Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:35:09 No.338610598
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    n00t, do you wan't me to explode the missaya?
    I'll fucking do it man I swear on my weed
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:35:21 No.338610621
    >corrects grammar
    >instantly more attractive

    stop that
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:35:27 No.338610636
    ur a liar lindsay
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:35:34 No.338610649
         File1309775734.png-(372 KB, 900x506, brohoofdashandAJ.png)
    372 KB
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    it's time to spread MLP love in this thread
    and it's also time for missingno to confessing to be a fanboy
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:35:36 No.338610651
    hey missingno
    how about you configure the postcount to skip all doubles, just for the fuck of it?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬   07/04/11(Mon)06:35:48 No.338610676
         File1309775748.png-(513 KB, 750x623, breaking the fourth wall best (...).png)
    513 KB
    Yes. It's called ORIGINAL CONTENT.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:35:51 No.338610679
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    Hacking someones facebook? What else is new?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:35:59 No.338610697
    are you going to visit the j-list guy in japan? can you see me through your computer? did you ever get mugged? is an FBi agent right there with you AAt?
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:05 No.338610703
    Lies, that isnt a thumbnail.

    Too high res to be so small.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:10 No.338610725
         File1309775770.png-(383 KB, 610x333, WHY LINDSAY WHY.png)
    383 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:12 No.338610729

    longthread is long but he answered that - he's not a peter-puffer, he's a carpet-muncher
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:16 No.338610739
         File1309775776.png-(416 KB, 640x480, 4chan Technical Support.png)
    416 KB
    Mootles, I require an answer to this question!
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:27 No.338610753
         File1309775787.jpg-(144 KB, 400x401, june1.jpg)
    144 KB

    hahaha newt gingrich should get the MSword green squiggles. thanks for answering my questions. do you ever go to the city pictured in the image I posted with them? SEA is the nearest airport's abbreviation
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:27 No.338610755
         File1309775787.png-(224 KB, 2550x3300, awwyeah.png)
    224 KB
    Your fortune: Average Luck


    missingno uses emoticons. people always get flamed and called candy-asss and newfriends and underage& for doing it

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:36 No.338610771

    Did you find new glasses yesterday? I saw you posting on /fa/
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:36 No.338610773
    >This one is, though.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:39 No.338610778
    Why do you travel so much?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:42 No.338610786
         File1309775802.jpg-(32 KB, 544x517, 00020.jpg)
    32 KB
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    Me + m00t = sex
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:44 No.338610790
    lrn2 newt gingrich+ or newt gingrichX
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:49 No.338610805
    is it true that you do post anonymously missingno?
    also how many wimmenz do you fuck a day?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:50 No.338610809
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    If i get good luck on my fortune BAN ME for a week
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:55 No.338610818
    I just said that's shopped, dumbfuck.
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:36:58 No.338610826
    not yet. stopping by warby this week.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:03 No.338610835

    Haha no,! It is me! Cant' believe you replied to me! haha
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:03 No.338610836

    if you post in a thread, does it magically become infinite post and image limit?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:05 No.338610844
         File1309775825.jpg-(73 KB, 342x304, 8476636.jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:20 No.338610873
    would you ever walk into a UFO of your own accord?
    >> 卐 Germanfag ♥ !Nazism.l9U !!edc3Nzj8GMS 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:20 No.338610875
         File1309775840.jpg-(88 KB, 320x239, pony general.jpg)
    88 KB
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    >implying that's not the real image
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:21 No.338610876
         File1309775841.jpg-(143 KB, 461x540, 19508b572fb379914133d6c9d063af(...).jpg)
    143 KB
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Why aren't you spending more time on
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:32 No.338610901
    Moot, would you consider yourself a passive anarchist?
    >> Azu !Nyan/Fwx4c 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:39 No.338610918
         File1309775859.jpg-(58 KB, 497x619, 1308984642031.jpg)
    58 KB
    mo0t what is your height
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:45 No.338610928
    >implying that's you
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:53 No.338610945
    missingno. imagine a future newt gingrich that is a virtual reality city. /b/ is downtown and every board has its own district and people tag the walls with images and text and walk around in different avatars talking to each other. do you like this idea? i guess instead of vr which the masses will not have for many decades, perhaps just a computer program. maybe just do this on second life? i've never used second life so it's probably not up to it. anyways this isn't worth your busy time but maybe you could put some other people on to the idea.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:37:54 No.338610953
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    Are there any the people's champions on /vp/?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:10 No.338610981
         File1309775890.jpg-(31 KB, 366x500, dance_sweet_guinea_500.jpg)
    31 KB
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    missingno can you create a board dedicated to cute rodents??
    it is can be called /guinea/

    Also, do you like guinea pigus?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:11 No.338610982
    He just said that was photoshopped.

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:14 No.338610986
         File1309775894.png-(168 KB, 1440x900, moot email.png)
    168 KB
    Is this picture real?

    also what do you wish to achieve from
    >> sage goes in all forms sage goes in all forms 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:19 No.338610990
         File1309775899.jpg-(45 KB, 800x536, 11234.jpg)
    45 KB
    >> BRIAN BRIAN !/.l.IDDQD. 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:23 No.338611000
         File1309775903.jpg-(19 KB, 252x244, OH THOSE WORDS.jpg)
    19 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:26 No.338611007
    missingno do you have a favourite image format?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:26 No.338611009
    1300+ replies in this thread, no problem.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:28 No.338611014
         File1309775908.png-(86 KB, 441x431, there is a mod.png)
    86 KB
    Here you go.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:31 No.338611018
    >in 2011
    i seriously hope you guys don't do this.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:32 No.338611019
         File1309775912.jpg-(134 KB, 1108x1022, fb.jpg)
    134 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:45 No.338611053
    Please ban Alice forever. I can understand that there are too many steve jobs to get rid of them, but he's just one fag perpetuating ignorance and encouraging underage roleplaying. He's evaded hundreds of bans already, which should be grounds for permaban.

    At the very least, just get him to go to /adv/ where that shit belongs.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:46 No.338611058
    You rock moo­t! That is all.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:50 No.338611063
    How much money is in your bank account at this time?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:55 No.338611075
    You do know /fa/ is horrible, right?

    Some guy went to /fa/ for tips on whether he was dressing fashionably, he didn't get any worth-while answers.

    He came to /b/, in 20 minutes he was posting his cock. That was yesterday. Next time, ask /b/ for advice.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:38:59 No.338611083
    Heey missingno, tits or GTFO
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:04 No.338611095

    hi, will you be my friend?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:04 No.338611096
         File1309775944.jpg-(74 KB, 540x720, hamster.jpg)
    74 KB
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:08 No.338611104
    Faggots being Faggots.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:09 No.338611106
         File1309775949.png-(501 KB, 500x500, 1302443559459.png)
    501 KB
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    come on, m00t, say you like it
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬    07/04/11(Mon)06:39:11 No.338611112
         File1309775951.jpg-(53 KB, 760x1050, CHECK post deadpool thor wallp(...).jpg)
    53 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:11 No.338611114
    ones errwher up in dis bitch
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:14 No.338611122
         File1309775954.jpg-(657 KB, 999x800, bfaae2ce391a32e075292a96dbba5b(...).jpg)
    657 KB
    Complete the following sentence:
    Lolis are ____ but traps are ____.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:34 No.338611158
    Good game again.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:36 No.338611163
    Seeing as you only seem to be answering personal rather than newt gingrich related questions, what kind of music do you like/are you currently listening to?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:39 No.338611167
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    this. I can't stand Alice.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:41 No.338611172

    it is me! I'm just happy you replied! haha
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:42 No.338611174
    approx what % of newt gingrich traffic does /b/ get?
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:43 No.338611177
         File1309775983.jpg-(50 KB, 500x333, 1273010152639.jpg)
    50 KB
    mo­ot, if you and Michael Cera switched places for a day, would anyone notice?

    >implying Alice doesn't already have 100+ permabans
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:52 No.338611193
    Moot, do newt gingrich some good, make a newt gingrich board
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:52 No.338611194
         File1309775992.jpg-(6 KB, 164x123, 164px-BlackVulcan.jpg)
    6 KB
    > He's evaded hundreds of bans already, which should be grounds for permaban.

    Yeah, you... have no idea how banning works at all, do you?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:53 No.338611195
    She put a comma before an exclamation mark. It's clearly a female.
    >> ‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‫‬‭‮‪‫‬‭‮‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:53 No.338611196
    Mo­ot, can you sticky this link at /sci/?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:39:59 No.338611207
    I don't expect this to work but, could John threads be b&. just saying copypasta sucks dick
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:40:02 No.338611213
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    >implying mo­ot is not a newfag
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:40:02 No.338611214
         File1309776002.jpg-(32 KB, 390x310, Thomas the Tank Engine grittin(...).jpg)
    32 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:40:10 No.338611234
    >Can't into dynamic ip
    Srsly, I hoe you guys don't do this.
    I really hoe.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:40:19 No.338611261
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 07/04/11(Mon)06:40:30 No.338611286
    no. why on earth would i ever send an email like that?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:40:36 No.338611300
    He said over 50% in an interview before, not sure if still correct though.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:40:47 No.338611312
    Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

    why did you start doing word filters again?

    i <3 you missingno
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:41:04 No.338611348
    will you ever run for political office?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:41:14 No.338611363
    Oh look, it's that germanfag Bronyfag spammer from /vp/.

    Stop being such a fucking candy-ass, steve jobs are not pokemon related and you spamming pokemon threads is complete shit.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:41:16 No.338611367
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    actually just ban me newt gingrich fucking sucks and so do you

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:41:17 No.338611371
    Have you guys actually tried being in those threads? They are 100% /b/ material. Very entertaining and Alice herself is quite alright. Her trips are mostly cancerous but Alice is cash material.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:41:36 No.338611414
    Moot: Do you like fish sticks?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:41:43 No.338611431
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    if godly luck missingno has to post his navel.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:00 No.338611471
    /r/ing a chart of all boards
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:01 No.338611474
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    Moot. What was your opinion about the Jessi Slaughter incident?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:03 No.338611478
    does it involve your pants?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:10 No.338611498
    m00t, what is your opinion on furries?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:15 No.338611501
         File1309776135.jpg-(51 KB, 480x720, sp (7).jpg)
    51 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:22 No.338611520
    favorite philosopher, missingnoypants ????
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬     07/04/11(Mon)06:42:40 No.338611546
         File1309776160.jpg-(86 KB, 803x499, deadpool you have failed me br(...).jpg)
    86 KB
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:44 No.338611554
    Do you remember /fur/?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:44 No.338611555
         File1309776164.png-(65 KB, 353x606, 1298596972603.png)
    65 KB
    I love you. Thank you for making newt gingrich possible.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:46 No.338611558
         File1309776166.jpg-(97 KB, 480x720, 1307407022119.jpg)
    97 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:50 No.338611565
    Moot, I truly wish to know your opinion on those confounded steve jobs.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:53 No.338611571
    as if missingno would ever need a job
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:42:53 No.338611572
    missingno, you remind me of scout on tf2...
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:10 No.338611597
    I am going to bed, missingno.
    I've asked you several highly important questions, but you insisted on claiming you were flying all around the world on your parents money. fuck you, fuck them, and ban me, because I don't want to spend my night here tomorrow, and I lack the independent control to prevent myself from coming here.
    >> Azu !Nyan/Fwx4c 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:12 No.338611603
         File1309776192.png-(226 KB, 482x441, 1309525875715.png)
    226 KB
    bye mo0t it's 6:43PM here ... I'm Asian :)

    lol i know no one gives a fuck
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:18 No.338611618
    Could you make all the death threats, legal threats and other hilarious mails you get public? That would be great.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:19 No.338611619
    yes. i would like its revival.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:20 No.338611622
    Political correctness.
    He's planning to sell this site to know your meme.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:23 No.338611627
    Your fortune: Good Luck


    Coke or Pepsi? Be honest.
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:26 No.338611634
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:26 No.338611637
         File1309776206.jpg-(26 KB, 320x240, 130345204903.jpg)
    26 KB
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:29 No.338611641
         File1309776209.jpg-(73 KB, 720x540, sbalap (14).jpg)
    73 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:36 No.338611653
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    Make a history board on newt gingrich, mo­­ot you fag­got.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:42 No.338611667
    yo missingno what do you think about google+
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:45 No.338611678
    > b& evades constantly
    > should be permab&

    can you see a problem there?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:59 No.338611703
         File1309776239.png-(169 KB, 480x319, 1302940338604.png)
    169 KB
    Posting in a m00t thread
    >> Certified Hoovy. !Y4upoOtiSI 07/04/11(Mon)06:43:59 No.338611705
         File1309776239.jpg-(27 KB, 600x300, 1285362474317-600x300.jpg)
    27 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:02 No.338611712
    ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
    ..........''...\.......... _.·´

    Are you a BRO?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:05 No.338611716
    Your fortune: Excellent Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:11 No.338611724
         File1309776251.jpg-(55 KB, 540x720, aball (24).jpg)
    55 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:13 No.338611729
    Nobody fucking remembers /fur/ anymore. I still say that April Fur's Day should be replicated with /soc/, except this time, permabans are handed out.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:16 No.338611735
    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    if godly luck missingno has to ban everyone in this thread, except me.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:22 No.338611748
    inb4 m♥♥t calls bs on this shit
    >> Sunshine !Vh915JutyE 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:29 No.338611758
    Moot, if a girl walked up to you and requested to fuck you

    would you accept the challenge?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:37 No.338611779
         File1309776277.jpg-(20 KB, 295x307, 130360998614.jpg)
    20 KB
    Your fortune: Outlook good

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:41 No.338611786
         File1309776281.jpg-(60 KB, 720x540, aball3 (9).jpg)
    60 KB
    How do you B& evade?
    >> dabeshu !ABCDEDEZEY 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:45 No.338611794
    can you keep the image limit this way, it's really nice
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:50 No.338611803
         File1309776290.jpg-(33 KB, 556x556, whitebox.jpg)
    33 KB
    what trends in culture/ society are most exciting to you? which, if any, trouble or alarm you?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:44:59 No.338611816
    What do you think of Tim Buckley's comics?
    They're pretty awesome, aren't they?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:45:00 No.338611823
    Your fortune: Good Luck

    >implying missingno likes women
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:45:13 No.338611841
         File1309776313.jpg-(75 KB, 720x540, aball (5).jpg)
    75 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:45:14 No.338611844
    Hey missingno

    Have you ever been to Australia?
    If so, did you like it/what did you do?
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬    07/04/11(Mon)06:45:14 No.338611845
         File1309776314.jpg-(205 KB, 1280x418, Deadpool vs The Smurfs by Scar(...).jpg)
    205 KB
    better to ban the caulk threads first.
    Alice can wait.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:45:29 No.338611867
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    How is that a challenge?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:45:30 No.338611872
         File1309776330.jpg-(97 KB, 524x384, 1308962828399.jpg)
    97 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:45:31 No.338611876
         File1309776331.jpg-(16 KB, 509x284, siestas[1].jpg)
    16 KB

    >want to troll for using emocons
    >is mo­ot
    >anti-troll level endless 9
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:45:36 No.338611887
    Your fortune: Godly Luck

    missingno why did one of the newt gingrich threads get 270 images yesterday?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:45:43 No.338611897
         File1309776343.jpg-(12 KB, 327x165, 3887895230_af48aa8998_o.jpg)
    12 KB
    Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

    Moot is gone
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:45:46 No.338611907
         File1309776346.jpg-(83 KB, 720x540, aball (7).jpg)
    83 KB
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:45:56 No.338611925
         File1309776356.png-(378 KB, 750x750, 1911266.png)
    378 KB
    <---- do you think Freya is pretty? :3
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:46:02 No.338611930
         File1309776362.png-(17 KB, 398x341, 130346581481.png)
    17 KB
    Your fortune: Average Luck

    come on, m00t just admit that you have watched several episodes and liked it
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:46:08 No.338611941
    is this place a democracy or a dictatorship?
    You can be Hitler!

    seriously, ban Alive forever.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:46:18 No.338611964
    Your fortune: キタ━━━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━━━ !!!!

    Did moo­t leave?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:46:20 No.338611969
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    m00t... its because you dont like whale wars.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:46:33 No.338611993

    ruined by fatty in the middle

    post tits or gtfo
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:46:45 No.338612018
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    Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:46:54 No.338612033
    most valueable thing you're learned from newt gingrich?
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:46:56 No.338612039
    Yeah, get the fuck out of 4ch­an, Alive.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:47:02 No.338612055
    please don't get hipster glasses missingno
    and stay away from skinny jeans
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:47:19 No.338612086
    he said ITT he doesn't watch any TV

    that being said Shy newt gingrich is best newt gingrich
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:47:20 No.338612092
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    "L-love will be victorious"
    "L-love will prevail"
    "Love i-is eternal"
    "Anonymous... w-would you like a hug?"
    "L-let's cuddle"
    "A-Anonymous isn't a hate machine, A-Anonymous is a love machine!"
    "My love for you is l-like the whisper of the moon, like foam on the sea, m-my love is like the sun over damp fields*
    *hugs you tight*
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:47:33 No.338612111
    Zombie Revolution!
    >> Neckbeard3000 !!ziXPZt42Ex2 07/04/11(Mon)06:47:40 No.338612121
    why is there no /code/ board for everything related to programming, algorithms & software design?
    /g/ is not really the place for it.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:02 No.338612155
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    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:09 No.338612168
    what did alice do?
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:16 No.338612186

    go to txt boards bro
    >> (・ ヮ・) !Uiharu/UXM 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:25 No.338612193
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:33 No.338612215
    There's /prog/, the text board.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:37 No.338612234
    Your fortune: Better not tell you now

    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:43 No.338612242
    Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

    for fuck's sake, GOOGLE IT
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:45 No.338612247
    /prog/ exists for a reason, you know. Oh wait, nobody ever uses the text boards.
    >> Murr :3 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:51 No.338612257
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    Did anyone say furry thread? :3
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:54 No.338612262
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    >> Mr.Portal !HvgPORTALg 07/04/11(Mon)06:48:59 No.338612274
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    I have a question for you Moot. Orange Crush enclosed as a thank you.

    Do you ever plan to visit vancouver, canada? If so... I want a bro fist.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:49:00 No.338612278
    hi missingno.
    >> Anonymous 07/04/11(Mon)06:49:00 No.338612280

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