Let's face it, if you're a regular on this site, it's because something happened to you. Normal people don't come here frequently: it's the mavericks, the bohemians, the outcasts, the exiles, the twisted, the deformed, and the sociopathic.So my question to all of you is: what was it that made you the way you are? Why are you the abhorrent creature that you are? Was it a girl? What did she do to you? Was it your parents? What did they do? Your friends? Your enemies? What?
>>336741110suck my dick
Was picked on for having a lazy eye...ass hole
This is now a spiderman thread
God mode of procrastination.
/r/ing that comic. The one where the guy is betrayed by everyone end ends up with other anons
i'm bored and i'm dating a married woman so i'm lonely.
Both my parents were drug addicts. Father was abusive. Mother couldn't handle anything. Was homeless at 15. First apartment at 17. Whores for girlfriends - great fucks, but unreliable.
I was molested by a neighbor, my parents were extremely controlling, etc
I'm just weird, I don't know Tge cause. Probably my fucked up family
>>336741110lulz anon is legion rite summerfag?
ehh..fresh out of college, have M-F job, its saturday morning, live by myself, so nothing else is going on ... and i have no morals
its summer ):
>>336741312here you go.
/b/ is my playground and anon is my only true friend. /b/ makes me laugh when I'm happy, and sad when I feel down.
>>336741285>>336741630Spidermans dead bitches.Green Goblin FTW
my older brother raped me and tormented me when i was younger. so basically my whole life i have suffered with low confidence and my sexuality.
Abusive parents --> Drugs --> Realization that society isn't what it always seemed --> newt gingrich
I've been regularly visiting /b/ since 2006, and if anything, it's positively affected my life. I have a close group of friends I would trust with my life, I have the best fiancee in the world, I'm still close with my parents...kinda makes me wonder why I'm still here after all these years.
I come here because this sick twisted pond full of pedophiles is what i like . I'm completely normal and function well in society, I like /b/ because its secretly a treasure chest of everything iv'e ever wanted to see and talk about
I developed schizophrenia as a young girl.Yeah, can't blame it on much else then genetics and chances.
>Had a normal life>Had a normal life>Had a normal life>Proceed to have a normal life>Had a normal life>Discover /b/>Come to /b/ frequentlyOP is a Faggot.
>>336741678>ty gaiz...tycringe
my riends stopped hanging out with me... and people here were chill
I was here when we migrated from SA.Fuck you, we all used to be friends here.
>>336741834fantasy land
>mum died when 16>insane
I´m tired of the moralfags. I´m here just for the lulz
just got bullied cause of my lazy eye so i turned out a bit wierd i don't have a lots of friend a few but not many and this is just fun
My mother babied me as a child and basically gave me the impression that everyone would want to be my friend, and no one would dislike me.My father wasn't the least bit interested in helping to raise me, so I became very attached and dependent on my mother.So basically I wound up becoming a pussy for the first 12 years of my life with no friends, no social skills and no hope. I'm (somewhat) better now than I was then, but I still have no idea how to socialize with strangers, how to talk to girls, etc.
This site is "inspiring" to watch....for sometimes to understand the other state of minds you have to place yourself in it's perspective.
I wincested my sister when we were both way too young to know better, thanks to a pervo babysittyer. Kept it going until one of us (me) was old enouhg to know better. Sister went to a shrink when she got older, I got roped in, parents found out about the whole mess. But I dont think thats why I read newt gingrich.
I came here when I saw a huge poster in the school's hallway which said 'boards.newt gingrich.org/b/'.
I come here to feed the sadistic side of me. People don't usually like my twisted sense of humor.
Umm, I don't have that many friends, if I'm not at my friends house I'm at home, and that's boring so I spend my time browsing this shithole.Also, fucked up my education, twice.Now I'm left with the most shittiest options plus I never had a job.
>be normal, unaverage life>come to 4chin>suddenly, funniest guy at schoolinb4 underage b&
im a superhero. i come here to plumb the depths of human evil so i know just what im up against
I am a maverick. And I will never tell you how I became this way.
>>336741303This is also my reason. Feels good man.
LSD and mushrooms.
I left my country, changed my name, went off the grid... I also have a kilo of cyanide in my closet in case they come for me. I do not have any friends or any other hobby than internet and /b/ always provides fresh shit to sift through and entertain myself. And all is due to drugs. Don't do drugs kids, they are bad!
Can't give you a reason I'm just fucked in the head
I'll bite. The main reason why I'm here is that there is no such place where people from different countries, with different points of view, diff. religions, etc can actually think, be creative, be funny as one person. Also, I came here for the cake...
parents split, dad was an alcoholic and arrested for coke twice, mom, aunt, other aunt, and grandpop got cancer, mom was jobless, no money, struggled to eat, no girlfriends, few friends
had a great life as an alpha male in grade school. mom put me in a Catholic grade school halfway through to give me a religious education. Got bullied relentlessly and as a result missed 4 or 5 years of precious sociological development. Got fat. can't talk to girls anymore because I feel inherently attacked by them, and it takes me a while to trust guys before I consider them my friends.
when my gf left me
i hate all other humans and the one female i did like, i lost. i have no fucking reason to live
>>336742138im your replica thenmiddel class?played lots of computer?a few friends like 3?bad at gym?
>>336741762>>336741762I smell newfag.
> I'm here because I am looking for something> I mostly lurk, always looking for the perfect thread> Perfect threads do not exist> One day I will create that perfect thread> It will not be archived
Ehh I was anti-social as anything my first year in highschool. >Found /b/>Found a couple of alpha threads>Found info threads>Decided to act on what I'd learned>Stopped caring what people thought of me>Life significantly improved.I really can't thank you people enough, you were there when I had no one and you still are when I do have people now :). You've really changed me life..
I'm born like that.I'm optimistic, enjoying life, ect.And i like insane things.Just stfu OP, delivar sauce.
>>336742540Yep, yep, yep and yep. Pretty common story, I guess.
>>336742138Steve, is that you? O_oRejected from my small community for not being christian or from the area.Lived my teenage years as a social shut-in.Met D&D group.D&D group lead me to /tg/Explored around and found /v/ and /b/.and yes, I just admitted I go on /tg/ and /v/.
>>336741110You obviously have an impression about people here, which means you come here a lot. So what's YOUR problem OP?
Nihilism.I like it here, why would I leave?
hey op wanna know a secret? I JUST AINT GIVE A FUCK! ...plus i like the pr0n
>>336741110All of the above OP, all of the above.Plus, it entertains me.
BEcause i got trolled
>>336742732Nope, no Steve here.
I wanted to add some variety to my porn collection.
Oldfag here, embedded software developer. Fascinated by what people are really thinking when all the masks come off. Also last frontier.
i came out in 8th grade..... i had a bipolar episode that changed my entire life and to this day, it's the darkest period i've ever been to. i have never experienced anything as intense- not even drugs took me to the depths this shit did- and i am humbled this happened because as a musician- it has changed my life. drugs helped too b/c i started into psychedelics after hs and learned cumloads of win WINNING!
>have shitty life >get trolled>realise I don't have to get trolled >become cannibal troll >here I am
/b/ is funny.and i go on /x/because its creepyim just a normal 14 year old kid...OR SO THEY THOUGHT.-plottwist-i just like the pron.actualy, im just summerfagging.summerfagging for 2 years now.
>>336742677then hi my clone
im just bored with life
>constantly abused by my father>get the shit beat out of me everysingle day for years at school>friends eventually turned on me>gf ruined my life>can't seem to catch a break as this world is filled with sadistic cocksuckers!!this place is my sanctuary
out of work drug dealer (long story), also I hate rules and stuff
Uhm, some threads are genuinely entertaining such as info threads and the like? No life changing event happened to me, I have friends, money, and GF and a good family. So I just pop on when bored, which I've done the last few years. A bunch of my friends do the same.
Nothing too terrible. Strict parents who have over the top high expectations, but hey, they're paying for college and anything I want as long as I deliver results ( good grades). This completely removed emotions from me for some reason and now I'm a cold, planning, and calculating individual. I do volunteer work not because I feel good helping other people, but because it looks good on a resume. I hate my friends, the only thing I enjoy about having a girlfriend is the chase, and then I don't feel anything for her anymore. /b/ is as fucked up as I am, and I enjoy reading other people's personal tales and problems and giving them advice so they could become as great as I am.TL;DR I come here for the lulz.
Let me think...Honest answer: in high school, I didn't keep up with friends well outside of school. They all lived a ways away, I couldn't drive, and I couldn't (in good conscience) ask my parents to drive me to and fro all the time. I made a lot of online friends and spent a lot of time surfing the internet -- one thing lead to another and soon I found myself lurking newt gingrich for months before posting and getting involved.Fast forward probably 4-5 years and I browse considerably less with the advent of University and being within walking distance to everyone/thing I could ever need. I still lurk, though.
>>336742422there ya go
>>336742833rofl, kay, thought that was someone I knew, m'bad.
>life's great>reality is boring>newt gingrich brings teh lolz
>don't have a lot of friends growing up in school>get made fun of a good bit and just be known as that one weirdo who's jokes no one laughed at>never get any special valentines from a "secret admirer">get called a "slob" by some bitch i had a crush on in the 4th grade but actually be well groomed and clean.>always catch the shit end of the deal when it comes to girls (they start dating other mother fuckers, they start ignoring me, they try to play me>stop being as beta but still need a place to go where I can be amongst similar people. a place where I won't feel so alone>one of the only places that can make me laugh while I'm down even with all the newcandy-assry and such>this is how you wind up on /b/ as me
I judge people too much, hence i don't have any friends. Never had a girlfriend. I have standards. I have a different sense of humor that most people don't understand, only /b/ does. I've been told that I'm not so bad looking and people have wondered why I haven't had a girlfriend so far. It's because I'm socially retarded/awkward and I hate most people.
>dog died>isolated self in room>fell in love with internetHappened October 2010; yes, I'm a newfag
I liked fapping to traps, I found image boards, sooner or later found newt gingrich, checked out b, found dead bodys, funny pictures and more traps. Then found info threads, and was hooked
here because I am normal, and /b/ is my outlet of fucked up shit that keeps me from letting it out in public
>>336741110>>336741110>>336741110Moar of herAlsoPolite society is simply too bland for my taste. I want to explore the untamed wilds of the mind, the dusty corners of ones psyche. It is unnatural and unwise to constrain the mind to politically correct ideas and attitudes.
>>336741110>>336741412There must be more, post it or sauce..I will forever be in your debt...
I consider myself fairly "normal" (whatever that word really means), but I am a frequent visitor to this website for a very important reason (aside from the lulz and pr0n):/b/ is representative of the hive mind of the human race. All of our strongest, subconscious drives are represented day in and day out on this website (sex and violence being the the most obvious). Our anonymity is what drives this subconscious to the forefront, and regularly visiting /b/ is a great way to keep tabs on the collective pulse of my culture.If you can sift through all the gore and repetitive drivel, /b/ is also the source of brilliant creativity. It may not happen every day, but when OP really delivers, it's fucking awesome.People are just as funny and inventive as they are depraved and violent ... and /b/ is all of these things rolled into one.
My mom has never validated any of my ideas that differ from her own way of thinking.This causes me to believe that all of my thoughts are invalid.If all thoughts are invalid, so are the actions theyproduce.I feel I have never done anything "the right way"I feel I've never earned anything no matter how hard I workI'm entitled to nothingHere, I can freely dispense my ideas without personal criticism
This thread depresses me.
Been here since 06, always liked this place cause I can vent everything that normal society hates/is against. Plus, I have no friends.
Beats the shit out of Facebook over 9000 times.
>>336743645/b/ rapes Facebook
>>336743503i agree with the OC but not the hive mind thing.most of /b/ is underage.
Not particularly anti social, but no friendsBetrayed by the one I lovedJust came around looking and found similar stories>and it felt like home
pretty normal now, but have fucked up past issues>former heroin addict>blame self for death of 2 junkie friends>other childhood bs
>>336743554i know that feel bro
I'm pretty normal, I never got bullied in school or any shit like that. Parents gave me a great life. Got good grades in school, doing well in uni. Never had a 'proper' girlfriend but that's ok cos i'm not down for commitment and enjoy fucking around.Only thing that bugs me is that I have only ever had sex with girls when I'm drunk and they are drunk, after house partys, clubbing etc. Therefore I have always used a rubber (never had sex bareback). I wouldn't mind a fuck buddy who was clean and on the pill who I could have safe sex with whilst being sober.. but meh.. you can't have it allTo answer Ops question, I know more about computers than the average male my age so, that's how I found /b/
>troublesome childhood, a lot of fighting>end up being a teenager>problems with school >isolate myself from the world around me>start smoking weed>move on to heavier drugs>do mushrooms, have a near death experiance>do to much amphetamine, take overdose, nearly die>constant anxiety attacks and fear of dying for over a year>finally got free>body is still in bad shape, my heart is nearly destroyed because of frequent and to heavy drug use>found /b/ >it makes me feel good from time to time
>pretty normal life>obsessed over a girl in high school>moved on>gamer>musician>awesome girlfriend>poor, but I don't care>browse solely for amazing images>do not match any of your stipulations whatsoever>think people considering "Anonymous" a legitimate "group" of any kind is a JOKEnot trying to be an ass... I'm just letting you know....... you're wrong.the reason it might SEEM that you are right... is because this generation LIKES to feel SORRY for itself. "woe is me, i'm so heartbroken, i'm a sociopath, blah blah blah..." i'm so blatantly honest it hurts sometimes... *tear*...pic related, one of the pretty pictures I was talking about...
>unlike my fucking entire family, i'm a shy, retracted, asocial person.>have a motherfucking big mass of hate inside my mind.>dropped by gf years ago>21 years old virgin>depressedfag>mfw>
>>336743911fuck man...