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  • File : 1308998455.jpg-(8 KB, 220x251, 1308469411783.jpg)
    8 KB Mickey the Dick 06/25/11(Sat)06:40:55 No.336697273  
    Taken from original thread
    /b/, this is some serious shit.
    For any youtube users on here you may be familiar with the name, Onision. Onision is a militant vegan who makes comedy videos. That's not the issue.

    Onision is in a serious relationship with Canadian pop singer, Shiloh.

    Recently Shiloh has been having neurological issues and has been having severe memory loss. Onision recently posted this video (

    In the video he films her incident, puts on sad music, and then uploads it with adverts to make money off the situation. /b/, this guy is really fucked up. Rather than take her to the hospital, he pulls out a camera and films the whole damn thing. It's fucked up. I've never been one to get pissed off about smaller issues but this is a fine dame we're talking about. We need to rescue the princess from the castle.

    captcha: stictic roody-poo
    >> Mickey the Dick 06/25/11(Sat)06:42:50 No.336697463
    >> Mickey the Dick 06/25/11(Sat)06:43:59 No.336697569
    Niggers, get in here
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:44:23 No.336697605
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    Let's do this!
    We have a couple Anons working on videos.
    We need to alert the LAPD of the video.
    We need to alert CTV of the video.
    We have a Canadian in Abbotsford contacting local media. Shiloh grew up there.

    >> Mickey the Dick 06/25/11(Sat)06:45:37 No.336697734
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    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:46:04 No.336697779
    Operation Castle Rescue is a go.

    MuchMusic Canada

    MTV Canada

    She also has a contract with UMG
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:46:31 No.336697820
    Going to email the following:

    MuchMusic Canada

    MTV Canada
    Email: Online News Team:
    CTV News:
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:46:59 No.336697863
    >> Mickey the Dick 06/25/11(Sat)06:49:16 No.336698074
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    >Operation Castle Rescue.

    Are you fucking serious?

    That's the best we could come up with?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:50:15 No.336698160
    Do you have better?
    I'm making a copypasta right now.

    Anon, what should the Operation be called?
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:50:19 No.336698165
    My browser is overflowing with tabs! Working for 3 hours now.

    Can't seem to find the location.
    >> Anonymous 06/25/11(Sat)06:51:36 No.336698270
    what the fuck did I just watch
    >> Mickey the Dick 06/25/11(Sat)06:52:47 No.336698378
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    >DennisMusicOfficial (2 minutes ago)
    Beware for candy-ass force is trying to get you arrested xD

    >mfw I just saw this

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