Hello there, newly arrived Anons. I'm sure most of you don't know what the fuck is going on on this website, and probably have some questions. Well, I'm your friendly neighborhood oldfag, ready to answer your questions.
Gtfo summerfag
Newfags need to be saged and fend for themself.Sage'd.
You're no oldfag, I've been here since puddi
>>336269980I was here before the first Habbo raids.
Okay, how long have you been on /b/?
ITT: Newfags arguing with newfags.
>>336270312What's "b"?
I've been here since osamarama
Who put the screw in the tuna?
>>336270548The fuck is /B/?
>>336269467how does he do it?
>>336270548/b/ never had a queen.
>>336270643/b/ fucking midfag posing as a summerfag
it's a trap, oldfag will hackz you if you post in this thread
>>336270312I started going to /b/ early 2006, moved on to better boards and chans in 2008. Have returned to here on and off ever since.>>336270548No one.But funny story about Boxxy. It all started with newt gingrich having quite a large downtime, and a lot of Anons went to 7chan where they had the Boxxy video embedded on their /b/. Anon brought Boxxy back to newt gingrich when it got up again, and so started the war.
>>336270704sage goes very well with poultry
>>336270776some blonde chick with really good eyes, I saw a pic a while back in another thread
Also, the true way to write out this boards name is /b.[a, then /b, then, /c, then /d, etc. But the most used, and widely recognized way to write it is /b/.
sage goes in all fields
>>336270955Do you believe /b/ should have a queen?
>>336270696Still an unanswered question.That image macro have been around since I got here. it's old but gold.
>>336271185you're silly
I demand proof from OP that he is indeed an oldfag.
Fuck you OP. I was here since 2chan
How do you truly blankpost? And don't give me alt+255 or alt+0173 shit. If I'm not given a correct answer you will be deemed a summerfag.
>>336271477Charles is that you, if it is my ass is still sore, otherwise disregard.
>>336271477I would take a screencap of the earliest picture I saved from /b/ with download date and everything, but it's on my old desktop PC currently placed in my moms basement, and I don't feel like riding a bike for 40 minutes just to get that screencap.
>>336271425Thanks, OP. I'm glad I'm not the only one.Is /b/ any more cancerous than it was when you first started here?
>>336271782no, David Davidson here.
HOW DO I SAGE WEB?Wat doz OPisaFAGG0T.exe mean? ǝsnɟuoɔ ɯɐ ı
>>336271671That requires a script that I do not know of.
>>336271425What do you mean by going on other chans? English chans?
>>336269467Why are you a fucking tripfag AND a namefag?Even if it's for OP clarity, you only need one or the other. And if you're going to use a non-secure tripcode, there's even less point.
>>336271826Not only that, but it's lamer, gayer and more mainstream than ever.
>>336269467newt gingrich is dead./b/ is dead.your mom is dead.oldfags are dead.gr4maz iz ded.m00t h4z gir1fri3nd.NOW STFU N GTFO im trying to masturbate.
Need to know how to view a private facebook wall. Typical deal, checking if she's fucking around with this guy. Seem to remember how to instructions being posted before. Any help is appreciated.
>>336271948Yeah, like 7chan and 420chan.>>336272042>implying I care about my trip
do this ▲ ▲ ▲
>>336272192Sorry bud, I don't stalk to that point. Try google.
>>336271948sure is summer in here.
Would you fuck this?
Dude you need to get a newt gingrich gold account
what is love?
>>336272202>420chanSounds like this anon enjoys a little extra circular activity?
>>336272349Too young.>>336272365Ahaha, is that picture still going around?
>>336272515>Too young.Oldfag my ass.
>>336272449Baby don't hurt me.>>336272462All day, erry day.
>>336271874Oh sorry about that, would you like some tea?
>>336272449baby don't hurt me
>>336272562I don't go for young beaches and shores, I go for quality only.
Oldfags don't use tripcodes.
how do i manage to get laid with my best friend?
>>336272589David here, sure, thanks anon.
>>336270548either a dumbass or trollingmissingno is the true queen of /b/
>>336272693You have no idea about that.>>336272743Rohypnol or chloroform.
>>336272568Mr. Jiz have you met David >>336271874
>>336272883 and without any drugs?
Mr J, why can't the man with the pipe read Batman's letter?
if I came here Oct 2010, have lurked a LOT, know all the basics and many things that even some people older than me don't know, am I still a newfag? I know I am not an oldfag. What do you consider me?
>>336273069Find out what kind of guy she likes, read "The Game" and change yourself to fit her needs and play her off like a player.
>>336273119lurk moar. still a newfag.
What is rule 12?
>>336273119If you know how to behave on the chans, then you're a good poster and budding oldfag.Pat yourself on your shoulder and continue the good work.
>>336272831With crumpets of course.
summer fag here, could yo help me wiht the game? (i know i lost it)
>>336273265Anything you say can and will be used against you.
>>336273361Of course.
>>336273223 i know to lurk moar. everyone should always.
>>336269467Lol, what is rule 22 and 23?
>>336273597dont fuck with cats and dont fuck with dogs.
>>336273408Mr J, what is the name of this meme?
super new fag here, how do i change color of my text? or flip text upside down?
>>336273408Your so crazy.
>>336273546There may still be hope for newt gingrich yet.
>>336273597Copypasta is made to ruin every kind of originality.Copypasta is made to ruin every kind of originality.
who is W.T. Snacks?
the one thing i want to know is how to beat that cloud puzzle game.it's been bugging me for a long time now.
>>336273687I don't remember, but the video it sprouted from is hilarious.
>>336273817hey I have a repeat for that!
>>336273794And this thread is what exactly?./thread
mr oldfag im your fake
>>336273817A previous somewhat insane mod with pedo tendencies.Bring back Snacks!
>>336272462>extra circular>circularfacepalm.png
fag.got roody-poo nig.ger candy-ass what other words are fucked up?
>>336270955Ok , so what other Boards are there ??
>>3362709552006-2008 "I'm an oldfag"mfw
Why do gingers have no soul?
Sage doesn't do shit. missingno said so in a previous thread. i did have the screencap but deleted everything after I had a black unmarked suv follow me into my apt complex, watch where I park, then leave =/
>I'm your friendly neighborhood oldfag>friendly neighborhood oldfag>friendly oldfagWHATTHEFUCKAMIREADING.jpeg
>>336274100You mean what words are wordfiltered? I have no idea, I don't spend enough time here to get to know the wordfilters. But I do believe it's moot, 4chan, faggot, nigger and some more.
>>336274312>implying he actually is an oldfag
i been here since 2009 and never ever been called a newfag because i lurk before i post about something and I don't say any stupid shit.inb4 someone calls me a newfag just for kicks
>>336269467Oldfags never use names or trips. OP is an idiot and a Faggot. 0/10
>>336269467If you are really an oldfag, then explain to me the meaning of the phrases "Gurugamesh", "She Epin" and "Crabface"
>>336274429Fucking newfag pretending to be oldfag and lurking.Y'know someone had to do it.
>>336274199See the list of letters on the top and end of each page here? That's all the other boards.
>>336274452>OP is an idiot and a Faggot>and a Faggot>capitalized first letter for FaggotGerman detected.
triforce. now.
hey op, whp is a candy-ass?
Are any chans or boards you would consider still worthy of visiting?
>>336274269>I had a black unmarked suv follow me into my apt complex, watch where I park, then leave =/I hope you wiped your harddrive.
>>336274498Girugamesh is a Japanese heavy metal band, and the phrase was made known because of a ridiculous promo video for a con, as far as I remember.Memes after 2008 aren't my specialty, since I prefer boards that don't sprout memes.
>>336269467>>336269467 What is your true meaning sir?
>>336270955>Have returned to here on and off ever sincemfw OP is actually a returning summerfag
>>336274529lol yup, i know someone had to.btw literally everyone on this board is a newfag, all the oldfags have fucked off somewhere else.
im a oldfagwww.filesonic com/file/1250227604/Sonja.aviwww.filesonic com/file/1250227564/Hazel.aviwww.filesonic com/file/1250227544/Hayley.aviwww.filesonic com/file/1250227594/Lucille.aviwww.filesonic com/file/1240563134/Tanja.aviwww.filesonic com/file/1250227504/Beatrice.aviwww.filesonic com/file/1250227524/Bryn.avi
>>336274659A homosexual.>>336274688No. Not really. Not if you want a social life, that is.
Anons calling other anons newfags = summerfagsAnons calling other anons summerfags = newfags
Ill just leave this here:start of newt gingrich - 2006 ~ extreme oldfags (still refered to as oldfags)2006 - 2008 ~ oldfags2008 - 2010 ~ newfags2010 - present ~newfagsif you joined in the summer of any year, youll always remain a summerfag if youve been on for less than 3 years. SO FUCK OFFopisacandy-ass.fuckthis".jpeg"shit
>>336274915start of newt gingrich - 2006Not sure if troll or just a candy-ass
>>336274650I'M WAITING.
why?why is that trash whore still around?also this queen stuff was started to annoy said trash. not my problem the summerboys took it seriously though...
I'm bored from answering questions.I'm outta here.
>>336274736Well then clearly you are an oldfag, but you lack the experience of an oldfag. Real Oldfags are supposed to know everything about this board, and you show a lack of knowledge. I therefore extrapolate that you don't come here very often, and so, from one oldfag to another, I say : "lurk more"
>>336274915>>336274915>>336274915>>336274915Newfag detected.
>>336274701nope i didnt. i tiik it apart and put it into pieces. Then I got an older wd black 60gb from a previous pc and loaded Ubuntu on it.i'm through with the illegal shit.
>>336275069Ok, if you're out then someone answer me this:>>336274254
>>336274915>2010 - present ~newfagsinb4 meant to say cancerous newfags*my appologies
>>336274915I came in Oct.Feels good.
hey newt gingrich, new summerfag here just wondering how to try force
>>336275410You have to have Tor.
>>336274850Why no books today? I miss the books :(
▲▲ ▲Knowing how to do this doesnt make you an oldfag.
>>336275486explain for a new fag? plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Can you post an image without saving it to your pc, if so, how?
>>336275629Line 1: alt + 255 ~ alt + 255 ~ alt 30Line 2: alt 30 ~ alt 255 ~ alt 30No Tor btw. Was fucking with you.
>>336275861and the numbers must be done on the keypad
>>336274561Or just someone evading word filter without blanktextig.
>>336275861newfagging for a great justice
>>336276054Yes. With windows too unless you can do it on other OS's.
>>336276170where do you put the code, just in the 'comment' box?
>>336272349yes I would.
>>336276170Nice fake.
can you help me out and make a new topic to get people to ddos forums.kipin.net? they are evil scum and i'd like anon's help taking that site down but don't know the secret handshake and how to ask. thanks!
[embed]http://images.newt gingrich.org/b/src/1308839306874.jpg[/embed]fuck this shit.