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  • File : 1308828967.jpg-(41 KB, 634x415, living quarters of ryan cleary -- leader(...).jpg)
    41 KB The OP !!Hg3IN3w6ckO 06/23/11(Thu)07:36:07 No.336256081  
    YO! My battle station, /b/

    you jelly??­

    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)07:38:21 No.336256290
         File1308829101.jpg-(143 KB, 350x1150, 1269317335022.jpg)
    143 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)07:39:48 No.336256419
         File1308829188.jpg-(24 KB, 397x304, 1269430620519.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)07:40:51 No.336256545
         File1308829251.jpg-(114 KB, 480x413, 1269461796835.jpg)
    114 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)07:42:31 No.336256724
         File1308829351.jpg-(22 KB, 384x329, 1287720531723.jpg)
    22 KB
    >screen behind couch-sofa-thing
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)07:42:50 No.336256758
    What a shit hole...
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)07:44:21 No.336256939
    are you growin' some weed nigga?
    >> Anonymous 06/23/11(Thu)07:47:57 No.336257350
    1) That's not your battle station.
    2) He needs to put the desk against the wall with the window, or if that doesn't work, mount the TV in the corner between the window/desk on a nice swivel mount.

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