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  • File : 1308209499.jpg-(22 KB, 460x276, 4Chans-Christopher-Poole--007.jpg)
    22 KB Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:31:39 No.334706049  
    Welcome new students, to The University of /b/. My name is Christopher Poole, i am the Dean. Teachers, students, please introduce yourselves
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:32:32 No.334706197
         File1308209552.jpg-(394 KB, 809x1250, 1307497554978.jpg)
    394 KB
    This is our Board of Directors
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:33:13 No.334706324
         File1308209593.gif-(78 KB, 198x242, 1308132154688.gif)
    78 KB
    I specialize the teachings of the candy-assry of OP
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:33:38 No.334706405
         File1308209618.jpg-(4 KB, 173x176, 1297803170303.jpg)
    4 KB
    Head of Medical Studies
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:33:44 No.334706415
         File1308209624.jpg-(88 KB, 520x494, 1295027062423.jpg)
    88 KB
    Religous Advisor
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:34:33 No.334706569
         File1308209673.jpg-(147 KB, 484x453, 1298335993236.jpg)
    147 KB
    Public Speaking Professor
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:34:48 No.334706613
         File1308209688.jpg-(70 KB, 480x611, 1307944886589.jpg)
    70 KB
    Head of Negro Studies
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:34:51 No.334706622
         File1308209691.jpg-(7 KB, 225x224, jedi.jpg)
    7 KB
    This is our univeristy's emblem.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:35:08 No.334706669
    The fuck?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:35:35 No.334706746
         File1308209735.png-(130 KB, 802x1300, Pedo%20bear.png)
    130 KB
    Children's Studies 101
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:35:35 No.334706751
         File1308209735.jpg-(45 KB, 640x360, my_little_pony_friendship_is_m(...).jpg)
    45 KB
    Home Ec Teacher
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:35:46 No.334706779
         File1308209746.jpg-(41 KB, 254x381, 254px-Agent_X_Vol_1_15_Textles(...).jpg)
    41 KB
    Gym teacher
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:35:53 No.334706803
         File1308209753.gif-(1.47 MB, 300x225, boxxytalking.gif)
    1.47 MB
    Professor of Cosmetology
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:35:54 No.334706806
         File1308209754.jpg-(38 KB, 480x360, 1307181742415.jpg)
    38 KB
    Head of security.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:36:09 No.334706842
         File1308209769.jpg-(9 KB, 230x251, 1292353487946.jpg)
    9 KB
    Physical Education
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:36:28 No.334706889
         File1308209788.jpg-(52 KB, 1280x960, James' shadow puppet.jpg)
    52 KB
    Psychology professor and part-time couples counseling.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:36:51 No.334706959
         File1308209811.jpg-(21 KB, 308x498, fight_club_edward_norton.jpg)
    21 KB
    I am Jack's lack of interest.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:36:55 No.334706970
         File1308209815.jpg-(16 KB, 350x468, jesus_image.jpg)
    16 KB
    Trollology 104
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:37:07 No.334706997
         File1308209827.jpg-(40 KB, 480x409, 1284360708843.jpg)
    40 KB
    Greek Life President
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:37:35 No.334707072
         File1308209855.jpg-(33 KB, 341x420, 3163.jpg)
    33 KB
    President of the College
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:37:40 No.334707086
         File1308209860.jpg-(93 KB, 533x725, bushtumbsup.jpg)
    93 KB
    History Department head reporting
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:37:40 No.334707090
         File1308209860.jpg-(74 KB, 450x600, 1308091879792.jpg)
    74 KB
    Head of stock control
    >> Cpt. Flubber McNipples 06/16/11(Thu)03:37:53 No.334707129
         File1308209873.jpg-(23 KB, 378x366, 1307772238559.jpg)
    23 KB
    I am professor derp, of the society for better understanding the function of the herp a derp when under severe stress.

    I will be your teacher for this semester, you are only permitted one pair of socks.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:37:56 No.334707141
         File1308209876.jpg-(1.07 MB, 2048x3648, 130589861611[2].jpg)
    1.07 MB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:38:10 No.334707186
         File1308209890.jpg-(12 KB, 407x405, frog troll.jpg)
    12 KB
    Assistant Dean
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:38:43 No.334707280
         File1308209923.jpg-(46 KB, 544x350, untitled.jpg)
    46 KB
    Bio mechanical Engineering
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:38:55 No.334707310
         File1308209935.jpg-(56 KB, 400x300, 81138236.jpg)
    56 KB
    head of daycare
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:38:56 No.334707313
         File1308209936.png-(221 KB, 455x301, 1293983391994.png)
    221 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:38:57 No.334707317
         File1308209937.jpg-(53 KB, 464x350, LOL.jpg)
    53 KB
    mfw this thread
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:39:02 No.334707337
         File1308209942.jpg-(19 KB, 400x282, 8568483-a-girl-is-sniffing-coc(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    Chemistry Teacher irrationally reporting in
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:39:21 No.334707387
         File1308209961.jpg-(10 KB, 209x251, 1289893173838.jpg)
    10 KB

    Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:39:24 No.334707394
         File1308209964.jpg-(12 KB, 240x210, 120438934636.jpg)
    12 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:39:30 No.334707410
         File1308209970.jpg-(73 KB, 600x803, IMG_1696.jpg)
    73 KB
    Teachers of How to be Awesome 101
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:40:01 No.334707495
         File1308210001.png-(8 KB, 63x65, 890237.png)
    8 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:40:04 No.334707507
         File1308210004.jpg-(24 KB, 480x360, 0.jpg)
    24 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:40:15 No.334707549
         File1308210015.jpg-(743 KB, 1600x1071, 1281578917607.jpg)
    743 KB
    Head of Computer Sciences
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:41:22 No.334707727
         File1308210082.gif-(1.98 MB, 298x228, 1283130943604.gif)
    1.98 MB
    Dance instructor
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:41:35 No.334707777
         File1308210095.jpg-(36 KB, 255x351, IMG_1975.jpg)
    36 KB
    Head Coach
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:41:37 No.334707782
         File1308210097.jpg-(34 KB, 765x720, scruffy.jpg)
    34 KB
    I'm Scruffy... the janitor
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:41:44 No.334707794
         File1308210104.jpg-(42 KB, 226x338, frenchman.jpg)
    42 KB
    home economics/rapist
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:42:27 No.334707899
         File1308210147.jpg-(198 KB, 456x644, 1285308489256.jpg)
    198 KB
    head of Botany Department reporting in
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:42:56 No.334707987
         File1308210176.jpg-(44 KB, 266x354, 1301024059453.jpg)
    44 KB
    Professor of Sexuality Studies
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:43:04 No.334708006
         File1308210184.gif-(28 KB, 258x283, dkfh.gif)
    28 KB
    Teen counseling reporting in
    >> op 06/16/11(Thu)03:43:05 No.334708008
    Hello, i am 25 year old powerlifter
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:43:14 No.334708029
         File1308210194.jpg-(220 KB, 704x528, John&hisn!gg3r.jpg)
    220 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:43:16 No.334708034
         File1308210196.jpg-(70 KB, 637x600, 129208231998.jpg)
    70 KB
    Professor of Performance Arts
    >> Cpt. Flubber McNipples 06/16/11(Thu)03:43:20 No.334708044
         File1308210200.jpg-(212 KB, 550x550, xAWSJkWVhp2K9eu.jpg)
    212 KB
    I am the head of rape and bondage.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:43:27 No.334708064
         File1308210207.jpg-(40 KB, 558x371, 7532851604610920309..jpg)
    40 KB
    Professor of Pot, sorry I'm late.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:43:50 No.334708115
         File1308210230.png-(71 KB, 204x170, Leslie.png)
    71 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:44:03 No.334708155
         File1308210243.jpg-(33 KB, 490x364, political-pictures-george-bush(...).jpg)
    33 KB
    Political science professor, reporting in.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:44:24 No.334708212
         File1308210264.jpg-(35 KB, 353x439, leonardo-da-vinci-paintings.00(...).jpg)
    35 KB
    Art/Sex Education
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:44:29 No.334708234
         File1308210269.png-(48 KB, 309x254, Rorschach.png)
    48 KB
    Psychology Teacher
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:44:35 No.334708256
         File1308210275.jpg-(5 KB, 208x208, e..jpg)
    5 KB
    Children's Studies 101 TA
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:44:39 No.334708264
         File1308210279.jpg-(54 KB, 500x362, chloe_moretz23.jpg)
    54 KB
    usurpation 101
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:44:58 No.334708318
         File1308210298.jpg-(67 KB, 288x347, 32-and-1-My-KD-rocks.jpg)
    67 KB
    VP of student services reporting in.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:45:24 No.334708396
         File1308210324.jpg-(26 KB, 320x295, 1306482477308.jpg)
    26 KB
    President of the club of feminist fuck tards here.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:45:53 No.334708471
         File1308210353.jpg-(15 KB, 200x287, ive been gnauty.jpg)
    15 KB
    Study of Sociology and Physiology
    >> Thurnis Haley !!TbZbcE5f0nW 06/16/11(Thu)03:45:54 No.334708475
         File1308210354.png-(296 KB, 639x341, thurnis3.png)
    296 KB
    Thurnis Haley, Golf club coach.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:45:58 No.334708485
         File1308210358.jpg-(10 KB, 240x331, 1105732390_l.jpg)
    10 KB
    I'm just happy to be here
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:46:10 No.334708516
         File1308210370.jpg-(28 KB, 433x340, 228381_216219851739843_2020885(...).jpg)
    28 KB
    I sell propane and propane accessories.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:46:10 No.334708520
         File1308210370.jpg-(20 KB, 293x475, 1286468530725.jpg)
    20 KB
    Dean of Speech and Drama
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:46:14 No.334708532
         File1308210374.jpg-(9 KB, 250x224, go2bedhal.jpg)
    9 KB
    Director of Radio Broadcasting
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:46:32 No.334708586
         File1308210392.jpg-(38 KB, 500x455, superheroes-batman-superman-wh(...).jpg)
    38 KB
    Technology Department
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:46:35 No.334708593
         File1308210395.jpg-(39 KB, 240x240, samp3.jpg)
    39 KB
    University newspaper
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:46:42 No.334708623
         File1308210402.jpg-(69 KB, 310x432, 1292353526057.jpg)
    69 KB
    Campus Drug dealer
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:47:14 No.334708709
         File1308210434.jpg-(72 KB, 512x506, 1306898200127.jpg)
    72 KB
    Agriculture Professor
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:47:26 No.334708743
         File1308210446.jpg-(675 KB, 1024x768, 1297064115811.jpg)
    675 KB
    Sex ed class
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:47:27 No.334708744
         File1308210447.jpg-(55 KB, 502x492, 911prodiver.jpg)
    55 KB
    Urban Diving Team Instructor
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:47:39 No.334708779
         File1308210459.jpg-(20 KB, 300x253, 1297546996795.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:47:57 No.334708820
         File1308210477.jpg-(67 KB, 550x482, seal team teddy.jpg)
    67 KB
    ROTC Instructors
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:48:08 No.334708847
         File1308210488.jpg-(25 KB, 400x265, Balls-Out-Casual-Friday1.jpg)
    25 KB
    admissions officer
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:48:34 No.334708918
         File1308210514.jpg-(16 KB, 273x183, 208334_197929610248823_1834954(...).jpg)
    16 KB
    Campus Pimp.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:48:36 No.334708929
         File1308210516.jpg-(24 KB, 254x437, 1300981110997.jpg)
    24 KB
    Music teacher reporting in.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:48:54 No.334708972
         File1308210534.jpg-(190 KB, 453x604, WTFfurry.jpg)
    190 KB
    Rush Week admin
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:48:59 No.334708987
         File1308210539.png-(1.35 MB, 1280x720, 1304503846777.png)
    1.35 MB
    American history
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:49:05 No.334709006
         File1308210545.jpg-(62 KB, 566x600, WuXqv.jpg)
    62 KB
    Organic Chemistry Prof/Beer Appreciation Club Vice Pres
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:50:01 No.334709172
         File1308210601.jpg-(192 KB, 748x1068, _scarecrow__by_gersonwatanuki-(...).jpg)
    192 KB
    Professor Jonathan Crane, psychology of fear
    >> !wf5JJ352J. 06/16/11(Thu)03:50:02 No.334709176
    got any frats bro?
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:50:05 No.334709181
         File1308210605.jpg-(51 KB, 640x551, womensrights.jpg)
    51 KB
    women rights professor
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:50:30 No.334709257
         File1308210630.jpg-(225 KB, 800x1067, jan.jpg)
    225 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:50:54 No.334709324
         File1308210654.jpg-(272 KB, 1280x800, 1250063258086.jpg)
    272 KB
    japanese student liason officer
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:50:58 No.334709330
         File1308210658.jpg-(47 KB, 360x480, file.jpg)
    47 KB
    professor of lulz
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:51:22 No.334709400
         File1308210682.jpg-(35 KB, 517x373, 1281294720999.jpg)
    35 KB
    He's drinking wine.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:51:31 No.334709423
         File1308210691.jpg-(10 KB, 254x199, 1295061753590.jpg)
    10 KB
    Campus Mascot
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:52:07 No.334709522
         File1308210727.jpg-(68 KB, 444x500, eugenics.jpg)
    68 KB
    Hi, i'll be your professor of Eugenics
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:52:13 No.334709541
         File1308210733.png-(1.21 MB, 975x1230, Taskmaster_(Earth-616).png)
    1.21 MB
    Martial Arts instructor
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:52:17 No.334709549
         File1308210737.jpg-(123 KB, 1024x576, 1024%20-%20Pulletjes.jpg)
    123 KB
    Director of Feline Forensics
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:53:16 No.334709728
         File1308210796.jpg-(119 KB, 400x386, 1307222023598.jpg)
    119 KB
    Cafeteria Worker Reporting in.
    >> Kamara !eYv8ibCk6E 06/16/11(Thu)03:53:29 No.334709755
         File1308210809.jpg-(49 KB, 375x500, 1307590642561.jpg)
    49 KB
    president of film appreciation club
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:53:58 No.334709836
         File1308210838.jpg-(63 KB, 595x842, 1307929447768.jpg)
    63 KB
    And here we have a portrait of the Founders of /b/ University
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:54:12 No.334709867
         File1308210852.png-(76 KB, 900x773, lastimageever.png)
    76 KB
    High Class Substitute Professor
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:54:15 No.334709874
         File1308210855.jpg-(4 KB, 251x205, 1307221052879.jpg)
    4 KB
    IT Guy reporting sir.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:54:27 No.334709907
         File1308210867.jpg-(93 KB, 398x326, 56.jpg)
    93 KB
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:54:30 No.334709923
         File1308210870.jpg-(511 KB, 1920x1200, 1308057479708.jpg)
    511 KB
    ROTC Commandant.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:54:45 No.334709966
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:54:53 No.334709996
         File1308210893.png-(558 KB, 640x479, 1294291294929.png)
    558 KB
    Public Relations Dpt
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:54:56 No.334710002
         File1308210896.jpg-(35 KB, 424x283, 13802.jpg)
    35 KB
    ladies soccer team
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:55:11 No.334710048
         File1308210911.jpg-(22 KB, 278x242, 1297803014378.jpg)
    22 KB
    Theoretical Physics Department
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:55:33 No.334710112
         File1308210933.jpg-(97 KB, 462x579, 1307320785929.jpg)
    97 KB
    Happenin' Cat of Speaking Jive fo' tha Jive Turkey 206 reporting fo' duty my brutha.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:56:18 No.334710225
         File1308210978.jpg-(96 KB, 360x359, 1297733817102.jpg)
    96 KB
    Complaints Department
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:56:42 No.334710291
    can i get some people to help me seed this

    shouldn't take too awful long with some help
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:56:48 No.334710302
         File1308211008.jpg-(26 KB, 243x208, 1307572700427.jpg)
    26 KB
    Janitor, specialized in bathrooms.
    >> Anonymous 06/16/11(Thu)03:56:50 No.334710304
         File1308211010.jpg-(71 KB, 500x625, whore.jpg)
    71 KB
    rule 34 101, 102, and 103 professors/TA's reporting in

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