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  • File : 1308175629.jpg-(21 KB, 488x354, logo_national_geographic.jpg)
    21 KB Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)18:07:09 No.334621658  
    National geographic, seriously?

    I'm watching a documentar about: "what if Aliens landed on earth and we are the offspring of that?"

    Is this what educational television is going to? I'm ashamed man
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)18:08:28 No.334621831
    This is now an Ancient Aliens thread.
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)18:13:28 No.334622571
    disgusting, respectfull channels like nat geo are degrading themselves to this crap
    Is the human race really that stupid? Where's the value of good education? It looks like people are only interested in stupid things like these. Why don't you broadcast a show about history, nature, other cultures... anything but this crap. The bad thing is that some people will actually believe this
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)18:13:45 No.334622620
    That's nothing.

    I watched 'supernanny' expecting too see some flying child minder like Mary Poppins or something. All I was an an obese women tell stupid american how to raise their kids
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)18:17:23 No.334623126

    that proves my point
    >> Anonymous 06/15/11(Wed)18:23:08 No.334623888
    the majority of the shows on nat g do have factual relevance, i suspect it is just this one show that they have in so they can pull in more viewers.

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