SOCIAL NETWORK GO Post originals if you have them!!Will bump with what I have
>>328031144What's that from?
>>328031552Bear grills, drinking the blood of a yak.
out of originals! come on people! lets see what you got - OP
who fucking made this shit gtfo my /b/
>>328031581only one whos contribooted is this dude.. come on /b/!! im running out - OP
>>328031680>>328031901sweet :D
is anyone even reading this or should i stop?
just made this lol
>>328031529>Didn't read "template">Funniest of em all
Im reading and I haven't stopped laughing. picunrelated.jpg
>>328032985>>328032912samefag, also OP
>>328033141also OP
took me forever to make this OC
>>328033198gayfag>>328032912was me>>328032985i dont even like this picture.. but im running out - OPGTFO
>>328033295pic related.. fag - OP
OP = >candy-ass
>>328033693damn straight
none of these are funny
>>328032985>>328033384pic sucked, just wanted MOARcaptcha: discuss icalibu
Ill dump some that I made :3
sweet.. this is the last one i have - OP
>>328032912I like this, but fuck, am I lazy. Doubt I'll make any.
>>328033997Lol!.. hey do you have the blank template with the chick - OP
Im gonna make some more, keep the thread alive if you want to see them - OP
my personal fav
>>328034237heres the temp.
im a candy-ass
This site needs a "Like" button.Where is the search function?
>>328033325only one that made me laugh
>>328035066oh you.One of the reason I'm not going to bed still reading this shit
>this thread
>>328034941>>328031448^^^ nice OC... rest is crap.
JUST MADE - OPhope you like
>>328035448Thanks... sort of - OP
I'm gonna make some more.. keep the thread alive - OP
>>328033071OMG YUSS!
Just made - OP
This is fucking hilarious. God bless you all.
>>328030928Lurking.I like these.
My flatmate's brother was in this film, he's a rower with a jew fro
Oh well.
>>328038923Gonna make one.
Just made this one - OP.. Enjoy
>>328038923wow, i didnt know he was so damn short.
guess what?!
>>328039100My dubs means awesome OC.
>>328035606you have the original .gif of this?
>>328039313thats similar to what i was thinking.... except no writing and broken up weed spread out across the crease of the paper
>>328039635Omfg.. Gooogle Chrome can suck a fuck.
OC again
>>328040133see: >>328034941
OC - OPbrb with more