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  • File : 1304526026.jpg-(44 KB, 580x362, 2866990-jon-venables.jpg)
    44 KB Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:20:26 No.326716926  
    So I heard that (current) photos of this guy have been leaked, along with personal details.

    How many pizzas are you going to order?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:21:32 No.326717052
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:23:09 No.326717287
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    He got given a new identity...
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:23:57 No.326717396
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    ...along with his pal.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:25:34 No.326717583
    Google Jon Venables, faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:26:13 No.326717678

    You do it for me bitch.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:29:02 No.326718041
    Posted this to the previous thread but it 404'd before I could finish and that's pissed me off so.....

    Firstly when I was about 9 my mums best friend's cat had kittens, and for whatever reason I took one and strangled it. Not to death but I held it and squeezed it so air couldn't get into it's tiny lungs, and it was in distress. I done that about 3 times.
    Now I'm 20 it's honestly the thing I am most ashamed of in my life, ever, and I have taken a dog to fuck a woman and blackmailed women into sending nudes. However that kitten thing gets me the most, because I love animals and I loved them even more then. I honestly have no idea why I would do something so wrong and evil.

    Now, this isn't to excuse them two kids. If I had been caught out strangling the kitten or killed it I would have deserved severe punishment, and I think my mum would have also been extremely worried and got me a therapist immediately. In the same way I think it right that the two boys were put in jail for years. But seriously, kill two 10 year olds? I'm not saying they didn't know what they were doing was wrong and seriously fucked up but at 10 you truly don't think things properly through, especially when your uncle is sexually abusing you and your dad beats you regularly, as what happened to these two. They would have felt helpless and hopeless, and everyone knows that most bullies are in fact insecure and messed up themselves and the bullying is to vent their rage, well this was too.

    Some kids get into boxing or just get into fights to deal with shit, some rob, some smash windows or start fires. A very small minority to despicable things to others, and that isn't right and they need to suffer the consequences and have therapy. In time if they mature right the horror of what they did will gnaw at them every second they draw breath and they will hardly be able to forget for a single second. They will never escape that.

    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:29:35 No.326718099

    But in the end even at 14 I was still an arsehole. I, with 4 friends, literally destroyed a primary school we broke into. Every computer, display etc. we caused £8,000 worth of damage. Why? Because it was fun. In our minds at the time, well it will get fixed and the little kids get extra time off school when it is fixed. Win/win! We didn't think about the kids education or the hard work and money that went into the displays and computer equipment and what it could do to those kids to have shitty replacement equipment. We simply weren't mature enough to think along those lines.

    The nation has always been enraged by this murder and rightly so, but to let that rage, and shock and anger blind us to the fact that this was perpetrated by two seriously fucked up little shits, to let out hopeless rage lead us to lash out and call for some kids to be executed.... well, how are we any better than them?

    If they commit further crimes during adulthood then deal with them the same as you deal with any case of repeat sexual offenders, put them in jail for longer, very long. As far as I know Venebles has offended seriously time and again, but I don't think Robert Thompson has.... It's all down to personality, whether they can get over it or if they will go back to crime, whether they are just a 'bad egg' and would always have been a criminal, but just because the mother of the victim is upset does not make it right that two children should be murdered, every victims family is upset. If we let them decide, then people guilty of calling their gay son a faggot would probably be put to death too. We must be rational in how these things are dealt with.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:30:12 No.326718156
    It's such a seriously delicate, complex and tricky issue that I genuinely have no idea what the solution could even be apart from keep their identities secret and jail them for any offences committed. Isn't that what we do to criminals who re-offend anyway? Jail them again?

    In the end there is never going to be a solution to please everybody, but we don't have the death penalty and I for one am glad we don't, even if sometimes it may be hard to swallow. I also think even if we did have it, killing two 10 year olds for whatever crime is sick and counter-productive.

    Kids are stupid, all of them, and they all do stupid things, so whatever the crime the punishment should always be less than it would be to an adult.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:31:39 No.326718294
    Where were they leaked?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:33:17 No.326718465
    Brool Cory Sto
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:33:22 No.326718473
    bump for public interest.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:35:14 No.326718691

    Like with ur school thing, there is not thinking
    and there is not caring.

    Not caring is unfixable, not thinking comes with age
    I don't care, but I get my power from different things
    They killed a kid. If they don't care, this is a problem
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:35:46 No.326718745
    /r/ leaked pics
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:40:52 No.326719376

    what's this?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:45:58 No.326719961
    seriously no one has the pics? the news quoted that they have now been seen by "millions"

    i demand them!
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:46:53 No.326720068
    Scousefag here


    James Bulger 2 years of age walking around shopping mall in england with his mum, he runs away two 10 year olds find him in the mall (Robert thompson & Jon Veneables)

    They take him out of the mall past a police station and onto a nearby railway track, they then beat the shit out of this 2 year old, cut off his penis throw quite bit stones at him and stick batteries up his anal cavity then beat him to death and leave him there


    Fuckers want pizza
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:48:16 No.326720245
         File1304527696.jpg-(172 KB, 800x938, 1295922408954.jpg)
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    Bumpity bump
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:52:35 No.326720762
    It doesn't say that they put batteries in his anus.. They believed so but didn't happen
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:55:10 No.326721021
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)12:57:14 No.326721262
    They didn't cut his dick off. They poured paint on it and in his eyes. And the also left him on a railway track when he was later cut in half by a passing train.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:00:56 No.326721629
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:01:30 No.326721699

    what the fuck is this?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:07:43 No.326722306
    Where's the fookin pictures?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:10:27 No.326722594
    boys will be boys.

    leave him alone. fucking butthurt scousers should put as much effort into getting jobs and not being benefit scrounging faggots. it would help their pitiful and poor city become less like a third world country.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:10:35 No.326722612
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:10:39 No.326722621
    fukken bamp
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:12:17 No.326722768
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:14:45 No.326723071
    who dat
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:18:58 No.326723607
    A national hero.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:19:49 No.326723706
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:20:58 No.326723828
    >Taken directly off Facebook.
    Oh, so you know him personally do you? Piss off you faggot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:21:03 No.326723839
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:21:36 No.326723896
    Pizzas? I hope that child murdering fucking spaz cunt dies horribly in a fire when someone arsons his house
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:23:03 No.326724039
         File1304529783.jpg-(33 KB, 450x296, stephen-lawrence-pic-pa-943423(...).jpg)
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    Too soon?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:23:14 No.326724064
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    i am james bulgers ghost
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:23:54 No.326724138
    facebook link pl0x
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:25:55 No.326724384
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:27:26 No.326724559

    >YFW Liverpool doesn't have the highest crime rate in the UK or the highest unemployment rate
    >> the link to the pics (site has been taken down by gov) just sayin' 05/04/11(Wed)13:28:37 No.326724708

    Matthew 18:6
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:29:21 No.326724798
    who is he and what did he do?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:30:02 No.326724875
    killed a little kid when he was young
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:31:09 No.326725006
    So, what do we do with this then? Any ideas for justice?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:31:23 No.326725037
    also liverpool now is the only city in the country with no schools achieveing less than satisfactory in ofsted.

    be jelly sterotyping southeners, enjoy your trip to the bazaar or wherever you southeners shop.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:31:34 No.326725062
    He and his brother in arms valliantly saved the world from another horrible scouse chav growing up. Their reward? Prison.

    We had an empire once.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:33:04 No.326725236
    After a period of apparently reduced supervision, Venables began excessively drinking, taking drugs, downloading child pornography, as well as visiting Merseyside (a breach of a fundamental condition of his licence). In 2008 a new probation officer noted that he spent "a great deal of leisure time" playing video games and on the Internet. In September that year, Venables was arrested on suspicion of affray after a fight outside a nightclub; he claimed he was acting in self-defence and the charges were later dropped after he agreed to go on an alcohol-awareness course. Three months later he was found to be in possession of cocaine; he was subjected to a curfew.[3]

    On two separate occasions, Venables revealed to a friend his true identity.[99] It was on 22 February 2010 that Venables phoned his probation officer to report his fear that his identity had been compromised. Upon arriving at his flat, the officer found Venables attempting to remove or destroy the hard drive of his computer. This led to the confiscation of the computer and discovery of the child pornography.[3]

    Well he's fucked up.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:35:30 No.326725567

    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:35:52 No.326725615
    so....he's a /b/tard?
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:39:21 No.326726039
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    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:39:48 No.326726087
    Get out moralfag.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:41:57 No.326726329

    >>the officer found Venables attempting to remove or destroy the hard drive of his computer.

    That takes like a minute to take out. What an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:42:08 No.326726348
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:42:09 No.326726352
    whats dat lil kiddo? u so sick like this murderfags too huh?
    I'm sure you hate the police too
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:44:52 No.326726687
    Regardless of what you think about him, I can definitely say that he has a strong desire for 50 pizzas, prostitutes, and lots of cardboard boxes.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:45:51 No.326726815
         File1304531151.jpg-(12 KB, 450x303, pope1.jpg)
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    YFW you realise Venables has probably posted in this thread with some troll rage.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:46:52 No.326726960
    Is it me or do those pictures look like two totally different people???
    >> Shaddix !!KTAVcrjQz0F 05/04/11(Wed)13:49:28 No.326727304
    We should all ask him what a two year old's mutilated cock looks like.
    Sick fuck.
    If I ever find him, I would rape him. I would rape him in the japseye with my full eight inches.
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:50:27 No.326727446
    i think so too, in fact, i thought guy from right was Venables in pizza photo
    >> Anonymous 05/04/11(Wed)13:50:27 No.326727447

    He's such a cute shota. God damn.

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