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  • File : 1302836448.png-(58 KB, 500x700, raid.png)
    58 KB Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:00:48 No.322696017  
    Encyclopedia Dramatica has been converted into a unfunny politically correct shitsite.

    7 years of our history - Gone.
    They deleted fucking everything.

    Charge your lazors.
    DDOS this IP:
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:01:19 No.322696124
    From the OhInternet bulletin board:
    >Just wanted to say how excited I am and how awesome this is. We're working hard for the good of the internet, wrenching it away from the hands of the traitorous and rending it back into chaos and lulz, for the good of the tubes. Thank you for your fealty. - Sherrod

    Sherrod is girlvinyl, the founder of ED. The ED article on OhInternet is written in the past tense. Its gone.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:02:32 No.322696372
    This is bullshit. Just a byproduct of internet censorship. Thanks Australia.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:04:35 No.322696782
    fuck you australia
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:05:16 No.322696924
    why is the internet turning to shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:05:30 No.322696978
    You are all getting trolled by ED.
    >> Legion !pnshdYyHRY 04/14/11(Thu)23:06:04 No.322697121
    Bumping for justice.

    Now is the time /b/ros we must not let this one go.

    Stand up.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:06:57 No.322697306
    IMA FIRIN MA LAZOR!!!!!!!!!!!
    >> Legion !pnshdYyHRY 04/14/11(Thu)23:07:14 No.322697375
    op not lying or trolling ED has been altered overnight literally!!! DO NOT STAND FOR THIS /b/ros DROP YOUR OMEGLE TROLL AND PICK UP A PROXY!!!
    >> Legion !pnshdYyHRY 04/14/11(Thu)23:08:09 No.322697580

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:08:30 No.322697667
    what the fuck is this? seriously?

    all those pages just fucking deleted? not archived or anything?

    fuck this PC ad-revenue-attracting bullshit

    fuck this site. I will never use fucking "OHInternet" faggotry
    >> Legion !pnshdYyHRY 04/14/11(Thu)23:08:45 No.322697726
    /bump for action
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:08:47 No.322697733
         File1302836927.jpg-(44 KB, 475x385, VhHu0.jpg)
    44 KB
    ;_; .... rape.............
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:09:21 No.322697871
    macfag here, someone teach me how to ddos with a mac and I'll help
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:09:47 No.322697988
    I saw the new and "improved" ED.
    I will not be trolled.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:09:55 No.322698025
    bump for hatred
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:10:03 No.322698062
         File1302837003.png-(249 KB, 1280x1024, 1299143272373.png)
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    This is a violation of our rights as living breathing people its no better than outright supression of free speech its BULLSHIT.

    Bumped for immediate action.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:10:41 No.322698188
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:10:44 No.322698204
    yous bein' trolled hard.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:10:56 No.322698253
    It's seriously not trolling, they've been planning this shit since like November.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:11:35 No.322698407
    just got in, going to try and post this on other chans as well lets get the word out /b/ros
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:11:54 No.322698476
    jesus you faggots will rage over anything. it's a website about the history of 4chan for christ's sake. In the words of the ancient sages "Nothing of value was lost"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:11:55 No.322698481
    fuck these faggots, wtf is up with this shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:12:27 No.322698602

    Jesus Christ man, you don't just go posting a thread on /b/ telling everyone to attempt to ddos a website, this shit needs to be coordinated /b/ro. As much as I believe in what you're doing, you should gather a bit more support first and coordinate an attack for a certain time, as well as setting up an IRC.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:12:31 No.322698623

    Its no troll its just a violation of rights outright. Fuck these guys DDOS this shit.

    Bumped for justice
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:13:04 No.322698735
    please tell me there is an archive or mirror of the entire site somewhere?
    >> Peter File 04/14/11(Thu)23:13:06 No.322698742
    All the content is on google cache

    just scrape it and re-up somewhere else
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:13:15 No.322698773
    That's the most ridiculous shit I've ever seen if my motherfucking life....OhInternet? What the motheruck?!!!!!!!!!
    >> anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:13:57 No.322698952
    wheres the IRC we need this done right FUCKERS
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:14:14 No.322699014
    I'm firing my lazors.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:14:17 No.322699032
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:14:55 No.322699157
    Can someone please scrape it from the Google cache before it disappears?

    I don't know how.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:14:55 No.322699158

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:15:18 No.322699239
    Yeah... I'm pretty sure this is a massive troll.

    >boxxy video on front page
    >"camwhore," "annoying," "cancer," or "Shitting dick nipples" is never used in the description
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:15:27 No.322699275
    we need an irc asap

    get on it anon
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:17:17 No.322699677
    how to guide on ddos
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:17:23 No.322699706
         File1302837443.jpg-(71 KB, 980x651, 1293221849332.jpg)
    71 KB
    Get your head out of the sand faggots. ED has been dead for a while. They fucked over 4chan, /b/, their donors and internet culture so they could enlarge their ePenor with fame and monies.

    It doesn't matter if ohinternet is a big troll. We raised ED from its birth and it has turned on us. It needs to die.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:17:26 No.322699720

    somebody is fucking with us.

    WTF is with this new internet censorship movement lately? its BS we never hurt anyone its all about Freedom of expression and speech why is that such a fucking hard concept for the world to get and of all people the FUCKING AUSSIES are the ones who fail to understand BASIC LIBERTY.

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:18:17 No.322699916

    ED never turned on anyone they just did their own thing. GTFO troll.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:19:17 No.322700157
    Its so painfully obvious that ED is pulling off an awesome troll on all you fucks and you are falling for it so easily.

    Godammit amerifags why you fail so much
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:19:18 No.322700162
    (478) 374-0096 call its nao sound liek a idiot i will answer and say cabbage
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:19:22 No.322700180

    Stop raging so hard newfags, you're being trolled
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:19:34 No.322700224
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:19:35 No.322700227
    Okay, everyone saying that this is a violation of their rights is stupid. ED is a private company, the articles were theirs to do with as they pleased.

    Yeah, it sucks, but I don't see where they were, like, violating the first amendment or anything.

    I admit I could be wrong, but I foresee a bunch of people saying "you're stupid" and not providing any actual argment, but hey...
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:20:59 No.322700526
    Listen Faggots.:

    ED as we know it may be gone, but google is STILL CACHING some of the pages AS THEY ORIGINALLY WERE in search! Do your part and FIND AS MANY OF THEM AS YOU CAN and FUCKING SAVE THEM.

    You should want to be, the very best, like no anon ever was,

    To cache them is your real quest, to save them is your causeee...

    You will travellll all over Google, searching far and wide...

    To catch pages, to understand, the power that's inside!

    DRAMATICA.... gotta cache them all!



    Ooo, its your best friend,


    DRAMATICA, oh its true,


    You teach me, I'll teach you....


    Gotta CACHE THEM ALL!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:21:02 No.322700533
    Hey, guys, didn't Portal Of Evil get the same kinda treatment a few months back? I smell a conspiracy.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:21:22 No.322700581
    I'm conflicted. I wish there was a lolcow database without a need to document every faggot ass meme that pops up.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:21:52 No.322700712

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:22:32 No.322700850
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:22:41 No.322700891
    im arming my loic now. anyone else?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:22:47 No.322700914
    Fuck you. Who the fuck wrote all their articles and made their site what it is? US. And now they've turned on us, converted all our memes and hard work into PC bullshit. Fuck off back to eBaums, newfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:23:22 No.322701052
    ED has always been run by trolls. The purpose of it's founding was for trolling. Anon did not make ED what it is, ED was around before anon was an organized group. Most ED sysops do not like 4chan, thus they are trolling you all. Go ahead with DDoS, they know it is coming.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:23:30 No.322701069
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:24:41 No.322701327
    Is there a LOIC for Android?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:24:43 No.322701335
         File1302837883.jpg-(48 KB, 915x686, win.jpg)
    48 KB


    this must not come to pass

    cache the pages from google and knock the ohinternet justin beiber censord dumbass waterd down shit off the fucking web and KEEP IT KNOCKED OFF.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:25:29 No.322701489
         File1302837929.jpg-(328 KB, 509x1136, wut.jpg)
    328 KB
    There is no chance that any site that praises such appallingly unfunny material isn't trolling.

    Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:26:00 No.322701606

    Anons, the faggots posting these messages claiming that this is one big troll are actually the OP's of Ohfucknet trying to stem the oncoming tide they knew would happen. Do not listen to their feeble posts of troll faggotry. Let them realize that anon would attack EVEN IF IT WAS A TROLL!


    And most of all,

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:27:37 No.322701947
    the politically correct part is what got me.

    >Polliticallly corectness:

    Literally the worst idea or concept ever thought up anywhere ever. It essential means "ignore reality because you "Can't" say the truth"

    The world is fucking cruel and tough. Not living in the real world isn't just wrong, its a fucking disease that more and more people have these days and this just cater to that.

    Fuck this sickness destroying society ddos them or convince them otherwise to change it the fuck back.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:27:51 No.322702004
    What the FUCK!? I'm gone for one fucking day and this shit happens? Every day the Internet just gets worse and worse...
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:28:58 No.322702258
         File1302838138.png-(63 KB, 319x400, qwin.png)
    63 KB


    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:29:01 No.322702266
    Unfortunately for most of you, Anon has contributed to all of this.

    Anon once was a troll group, not internet superheroes. In recent years, you have all come to think too much of yourselves and have turned into all of this "anti-censorship" shit when there is nothing you will be able to accomplish.

    Just saying.
    >> F 04/14/11(Thu)23:29:12 No.322702308
         File1302838152.jpg-(124 KB, 500x683, 1301699252255.jpg)
    124 KB
    Im fucking mad!, fuck this shit!, whats next? login on 4chan with facebook connect?

    They want Internet culture?, lest give them!, raid the site, fire the lazors, attack the youtube and facebook pages, black fax and pizza guys...

    ...i am mad , but also afraid, afraid for the future of the free internet, where will we go /b/rothers?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:30:08 No.322702500
    deviantART redirects to Portal.

    Point your lazors at you fucking retards.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:31:32 No.322702790

    obvious troll is obvious.

    Stop your bs you know your lying so stfu.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:31:44 No.322702825

    Take heart, /b/rother. Websites come and die, but there will always be internets.

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:32:40 No.322703018
    Rather than DDoS it, why doesn't anon flood it with gore/porn to drive all mainstream advertisers away?

    PS, use tor if you are banned.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:32:41 No.322703019
    "What can I do here?
    Don't be afraid to edit - anyone can edit almost any page, and we encourage you to add meaningful and interesting information. Find something that can be improved, either in content, grammar or formatting, and fix it.
    You can't break OhInternet. Anything can be fixed or improved later. So go ahead, find a page and edit. Just remember to keep all language and images "SFW". "
    >You can't break OhInternet.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:34:09 No.322703325
    No I am not, I'm just telling you the truth. I am a former /b/tard who is just here to see how 4chan will react to Ohinternet. Anon is meaningless nowadays. Get over it and get back to your hugbox.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:34:09 No.322703326
         File1302838449.jpg-(6 KB, 140x140, images (11).jpg)
    6 KB

    I like this

    Mentlgen I beleive we have a plan.
    >> F 04/14/11(Thu)23:35:31 No.322703606


    Also, their youtube page:
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:36:01 No.322703701
    Bump for justice.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:36:01 No.322703703
    Fixed it:
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:36:38 No.322703818
    >>I am a former /b/tard
    >>a former /b/tard
    >>former /b/tard
    >>Implying that a /b/tard is never not a /b/tard
    Obvious troll is incredibly obvious.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:37:37 No.322704023
    Listen Faggots.:

    ED as we know it may be gone, but google is STILL CACHING some of the pages AS THEY ORIGINALLY WERE in search! Do your part and FIND AS MANY OF THEM AS YOU CAN and FUCKING SAVE THEM.

    You should want to be, the very best, like no anon ever was,

    To cache them is your real quest, to save them is your causeee...

    You will travellll all over Google, searching far and wide...

    To catch pages, to understand, the power that's inside!

    DRAMATICA.... gotta cache them all!



    Ooo, its your best friend,


    DRAMATICA, oh its true,


    You teach me, I'll teach you....


    Gotta CACHE THEM ALL!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:38:25 No.322704178

    Anon doesn't mean as much as it used to. This is true. However you are not a former /b/tard and that much is obvious. Regardless of what anon is or is not these days the censorship here is obvious. They didn't do it because theyr "a private company" they were forced to do it.

    Censorship at its finest.

    BTW if you agree with this happening your essentially surrendering to yet another facet of life being swept away by the liberal "politcally correct big gov control" bs that has caused riots worldwide. You really want to agree with that shit?

    Censorship is and has always been a violation of free speech, ESPECIALLY internet censorship because the net is meant to be totally free, its like the only place that can be totally free. To censor the net is like telling everyone in the world they can't buy pork or something for the sake of "the greater good". That was the mentality in the soviet union look how it worked out for them?

    Learn history faggot. You don't know shit.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:38:51 No.322704272
    Not trolling, I left because of chanology faggotory and went to 711chan. Just as much shit there, so I gave up on anon all together.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:39:33 No.322704407
    >>322703818 lol if hes not trolling hes the dumbest mother fucker I have ever seen. Or just ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:39:55 No.322704481
    we gonna do it?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:39:58 No.322704491
         File1302838798.jpg-(40 KB, 400x303, corporate-power.jpg)
    40 KB
    I really hope this isn't true. If it is, guess what's next...

    >hint hint your on it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:40:35 No.322704607

    and you apparently also gave up on your principles and decided to go with the flow and let the liberal control politcally correct censor dildo go far up your ass.
    >> DeVito !!HdbtvMbMcDV 04/14/11(Thu)23:40:44 No.322704633*/

    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:42:11 No.322704880

    oh yah we doin eeet
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:43:26 No.322705088
    Going to post gore but I can't figure out how to post on this shitty site.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:44:59 No.322705393
         File1302839099.gif-(40 KB, 463x600, rebaum23r4233241245334t34q.gif)
    40 KB
    This is the operations logo
    Coordinations are already in place
    get on with the program, /b/ros
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:45:12 No.322705447
         File1302839112.jpg-(21 KB, 400x300, challenge_accepted__by_bluedra(...).jpg)
    21 KB
    >You can't break OhInternet.

    Challenge accepted
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:45:27 No.322705505

    >> DeVito !!HdbtvMbMcDV 04/14/11(Thu)23:46:49 No.322705782
    If /b/ tells me how to download an entire site, I'll download the entire site.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:49:40 No.322706385
    seriously, im a new guy here, I dont yet know how things work and im sure there are f5 guys right now trying to get what they can. yes, even though we are new we are willing to learn and join, but the only question is: HOW ?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:51:09 No.322706685
    >> UnAnon !!OoklEsy7YZS 04/14/11(Thu)23:51:54 No.322706842
    two operations in one dya? are you an idiot?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:54:00 No.322707285
    >>Thought DDoS
    >>Site still up
    >>WAT do
    >> !!EUDQLzKhwyh 04/14/11(Thu)23:54:09 No.322707320
         File1302839649.jpg-(179 KB, 1680x1050, asdf.jpg)
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    Just did it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:56:30 No.322707822
    Don't you assholes know how to use Google cache? I just went and saved the entry on dwarf fortress cuz that shit makes me laugh.

    Erry body google your favorite articles, look at the cache of them and save them. Then we'll only keep the ones worth saving...
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:56:34 No.322707837
    Bumping for greated justice.
    >> mo‮8pE! to‬pui‮# 2wV8‬# A‮imd‬n‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬ ­ 04/14/11(Thu)23:57:26 No.322708028
    Ed is trolling you fucks
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:58:54 No.322708343
         File1302839934.png-(321 KB, 1680x1050, 2011-04-14--1302839874_1680x10(...).png)
    321 KB

    Even Linux using WINE gets in on this shit
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:58:57 No.322708351
    how does I look at cache?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/11(Thu)23:59:17 No.322708409

    Hmm... not sure what to make of this.
    Overlord has spoken? /trembles/
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:01:03 No.322708753
    Moot speaks the truth. Nubs.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:01:10 No.322708782

    identical raid thread, hook up and suit up /b/rothers
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:02:00 No.322708946

    Drunk moot is also immensely drunk:


    Oh, and hai moot.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:02:01 No.322708951
    Anyone remember Alex Romantic Temple? I'm willing to bet he had something to do with this.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:02:03 No.322708961
    this is fucking terrible. i fucking LOVED ed. when 4chan was being gay, i always knew i could go there for the same sense of humor in better form. when the internet was pissing me off, there was always a page on ed that could make it better. everything i hated was lampooned, and everything i loved was lampooned harder.

    it was perfect and beautiful, and i am incredibly sad that it is gone. please save it, someone... please.
    >> UnAnon !!OoklEsy7YZS 04/15/11(Fri)00:02:50 No.322709095
    now stfu
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:04:15 No.322709358
    Can someone tell me how to DDOS better, I just send around 3 billion requests but idk if its working.
    >> DeVito !!HdbtvMbMcDV 04/15/11(Fri)00:04:53 No.322709484
         File1302840293.jpg-(48 KB, 640x480, IM001968_jpg.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:05:54 No.322709632
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:06:05 No.322709665
    has any one tryed looking on the waybackmacine?
    Some of that shit should still be there.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:06:28 No.322709732
    Holy shit, I just checked the website and wtfamireading.jpg.

    wtf. how could this happen?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:07:49 No.322709993
         File1302840469.jpg-(13 KB, 306x227, 1292728833216.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:10:39 No.322710539
    How do I figure out some sites IP?

    Sorry, im new to ddos.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:11:37 No.322710699
    How about we organize this?
    All we need is an IRC or anything that can chat.
    We can destroy them. We have the power.
    >> ­ 04/15/11(Fri)00:11:38 No.322710701
    even if ED is trollin' it's not cool man. You don't pull history away from people for fun. That's a shitty troll. April Fools joke, sure, but if ED is trolling, I expect moar outta them...
    ^THE NEW ED^
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:11:49 No.322710736
    ED, ED.
    I always knew you where there for me.
    But now what do i see?
    A piece of unfunny "random" shit
    I look at you and upon i spit
    But then i hear, the cries of anguish over there
    where is it from, where?
    From /b/, all sad, glad, and mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:12:43 No.322710895
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:12:55 No.322710939

    oh look, fakemoot is fake
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:13:37 No.322711082
         File1302840817.png-(343 KB, 1632x773, OH SHIT.png)
    343 KB
    After trying to look at the DOUBLE NIGGERs for one last time...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:13:39 No.322711085
         File1302840819.jpg-(58 KB, 494x490, Just trolled.jpg)
    58 KB
    It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll. It's just a troll......
    >> Anonymous 04/15/11(Fri)00:14:34 No.322711252

    moot won't use his tripcode in one of these threads, if he were to do so and actively participate in one of these threads he could potentially face criminal charges, no, moot will be an anon for a raid

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